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World Pathfinder Day 2019

Sabbath School Program

Song Service
Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:1

Soldiers Created with Purpose

Again, the Kingdom of heaven is likened unto soldiers in an army. Background music – I’m in the
Lord’s army….

Announcement on loud speaker: Come one! Come all! Soldiers needed for the master’s army!
Recruits accepted now! Come one! Come all! Soldiers needed for the master’s army! Recruits
accepted now!

Recruits arrive on site in “army fatigues” (Class B uniform or suitable alternative) and line up in
front of drill officer.

Drill Officer: Welcome to recruitment for the master’s army. All are invited but it remains to be
seen who will stand the test. (Hands out Back pack and supplies). These are your basic
supplies. The first couple of weeks will be for you to get used to belonging to the Lord’s army.
Put on your backpack and let’s start off with basic spiritual exercises. We will chin raise Hymn
616 and bench press Jeremiah 29: 11 – 13

Opening Song – Hymn 616

Scripture Reading – Jeremiah 29: 11 – 13

Drill Officer: Now it’s time for all terrain training. We will show our agility by swimming, hiking
and cross training. This is where we look at real life activities as we seek to execute our mission.

Recruits: Sir! Yes Sir!

World Pathfinder Day 2019

MISSION STORY – Real testimonials of how club members have engaged in missionary activities
or Video presentation of mission story.

A group of recruits enter talking to each other

Recruit 1: This training is such a hard task. Sometimes it feels like too much.

Recruit 2: Remember 1 Peter 1: 2 tells us that we were chosen according to the purpose of God
the Father and were made a holy people by his Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be purified by his
blood. We can have this grace and peace in full measure.

Recruit 3: True. Our purpose is to do what is right, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in
the sight of others. (2 Corinthians 8:21). So, we must keep focused and get our minds and body
in shape.

Recruit 1: Now that you have said that I remember Ephesians 1: 11. All things are done
according to God’s plan and decision; and God chose us to be his own people in union with
Christ because of his own purpose, based on what he had decided from the very beginning. We
just need to keep working at it.

Recruit 2: All things will work for our good. Let’s go do some running drills. Last one on the field
has to do five extra laps.


Drill Officer: You are becoming more seasoned recruits. You can bench press several books of
the Bible and can survive several days in the wilderness but let’s take our training up a notch.
We need to go through Basic Warrior Survival training. It’s time to go over the battle strategy.

Recruits: Sir! Yes Sir!

Drill Officer: The enemy is ready to lie, steal and defeat. He is a roaring lion seeking whom he
may devour!
Recruits: Sir! Yes Sir!
Drill Officer: Let us open our strategy guidebooks as we activate the PowerPoints, Real-time
Faith, Cornerstone Connection and Adult battle plans.

World Pathfinder Day 2019


Drill Officer and recruits marching up and down chanting I don’t know song
Drill Officer: I don’t know what you’ve been told
Recruits: I don’t know what you’ve been told
Drill Officer: You were created for a purpose

Recruits: You were created for a purpose

Drill Officer: Sound off
Recruits: One, Two

Drill Officer: Sound off

Recruits: Three, Four
Drill Officer: Sound off!
Recruits: One, Two, Three, Four. One, Two-Three Four!
Repeat all

Marching pauses
Drill Officer: Who are you?
Recruits: Soldiers Sir!
Drill Officer: Whose Soldiers, are you?
Recruits: God’s Soldiers Sir!
Drill Officer: What’s your purpose?
Recruits: To worship and glorify Him Sir! For He is worthy Sir!
Drill Officer: And how will you do that?
Recruits: By being obedient and making other disciples Sir!
Drill Officer: I can’t hear you!
Recruits: By being obedient and making other disciples Sir!
Drill Officer: Are you sure?
Recruits: Sir! Yes Sir! Because He has no hands but ours Sir!
Drill Officer: To be a part of uniform ministries is so much more than dressing in our fancy
uniforms. We are children of God who have been fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose.
That purpose is to fear and glorify God as we not only live for Him but seek to make disciples.
For this reason, we are all a part of God’s army. We are not called to bear regular arms but we

World Pathfinder Day 2019

arm ourselves with God’s Word and strategize as we allow ourselves to be used by Him to tear
down the devil’s stronghold. If you haven’t yet enlisted, it’s time to enlist now! If you have

already enlisted, buckle up and tighten your gear as we continue to declare war against the
enemy. Let us seek to fulfill our purpose! Soldiers on parade! Dismissed!

Recruits: Follow dismissal procedures and march off singing I don’t know song.

Closing Prayer

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