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Health 110

SMART Goal Activity Worksheet

Use this worksheet to identify the specific SMART criteria you will use to create your wellness goal. Please answer
thoroughly and thoughtfully, addressing each part of the question.

I. Write your basic goal. Consider the 7 dimensions of wellness covered in Module 1. What is something, related
to your own personal wellness (one dimension), that you would like to accomplish by the end of the semester?

One of my 7 dimensions of health I need to work on is my emotional health. I’m not at all extrovert nor, am I a person
to personally get involved with people. I have a hard time making friends because of my nature so, in turn, I have time
to reflect and that causes me to collapse inwards into myself more often than not. I would like to work on how to
relieve stress from my life as much as possible. Making friends is not a necessitate but, if it will help, I’m willing to do

II. Set SMART criteria for your goal

a. Is it specific? What, why, and how

What exactly will you do? Use actions verbs

will start working out for 15 minutes in the morning. The exercise includes a full-body workout meaning aerobics and
anaerobic exercises. I will try as much as possible to get at least 6 hours of sleep which, is the amount of sleep that is
needed for my body to function, although I know 8 hours is the recommended amount. I will also try to get my
homework done ahead of time to avoid cramming for assignments or test.

WHY it is important to do at this time? What motivating factors influenced your choice of this goal?

This is important to me because of how miserable I was in high school. I was a good student but, eventual my work
habits and my willingness to work through things instead of asking for help caused me to burn out. I wasn’t sleeping
and I was constantly working off an empty fuel tank. It was the worse two years of my life I went from a Straight a
student to a mediocre one just like that because I couldn’t manage my life properly. It left a bad mark on my
educational history but, I’m trying to learn from my mistake as we speak. I’m sleeping more often and doing my
homework ahead of time. The working out part; however, is something I’m trying to integrate into my schedule. The
most influential or motivating factor in college. Before I leave college, I am looking to be a more well-rounded person
avoiding stress as much as possible. This would allow me to work and perform at a higher level once I become part of
the workforce.

HOW will you do it? By….

1. Setting an alarm to wake up 15minutes earlier to warm up in the morning. Including using an app that gives
me workouts that track and reminds me to do so. I will have to be accountable though.

2. Complete my homework or assignments as they are given. This opens up more time to study, do
extracurricular activities, and other miscellaneous activities. If I do steps one and two properly this should
allow me to sleep more. And once that opportunity is given, I will go to sleep before midnight.

3. If I do steps one and two properly this should give me the opportunity to sleep more. And once that
opportunity is given, I will go to sleep before twelve o’clock.
b. Is it measurable? How will you quantify the goal you have chosen? How will you track your progress?

Yes, it is measurable. The app I’m using to get work out recommendations measures the number of calories you burn
day and logs the amount of time you’ve put into the program. Sleeping and doing my homework is slightly harder to
measure, although, it is possible. A accomplishing my homework on time as in doing it the day of is measurable by
canvas giving me a deadline that I then adjust to so, I can do it earlier then attended. This should allow me to measure
form the due date and when I turn it in. Sleeping isn.t as easy to measure accept from a personal account of how much
sleep I’m getting a night. I would have to purposely log how much sleep I’m getting.

c. Is it attainable? What specific steps must you take in order to accomplish this goal?

Yes, it is measurable. The app I’m using to get work out recommendations measures the number of calories you burn
day and logs the amount of time you’ve put into the program. Sleeping and doing my homework is slightly harder to
measure, although, it is possible. A accomplishing my homework on time as in doing it the day of is measurable by
canvas giving me a deadline that I then adjust to so, I can do it earlier then attended. This should allow me to measure
form the due date and when I turn it in. Sleeping isn.t as easy to measure accept from a personal account of how much
sleep I’m getting a night. I would have to purposely log how much sleep I’m getting.

d. Is it realistic? What adjustments will you need to make? What barriers to you anticipate and how will you
overcome those?

My goal is fairly realistic. The most amount of adjustments I would have to make is if my assignments can’t be done in
one day. On the other hand, I do have several barriers like having to go to physical therapy and managing my
homework. And this would affect my 15-minute workout but, I will work through the pain as it will strengthen my
ligaments in my ankle. The amount of sleep is possible; however, its timing is influenced heavily by following the
other parts of my goal.

e. Is it time-based? What is the deadline for completion of the goal? What is your timeline for completion?

The goal is to do this until the end of the semester so, this becomes a habit. My initial point of success Is to have this in
motion by the end of September. This would spearhead my Smart-goal for the rest of this year.
III. Write your goal statement?
Use the SMART criteria you just completed, and the rules for writing a goal statement, to write a complete goal combines
all the elements you covered in Parts I and II. Refer to Reading 6 for a sample goal statement.

I will relieve stress in my educational career by getting efficient sleep, 15 min workouts in the morning, and
completing assignments ahead of time. I will know I am making progress because I will feel more energized
and the data will show it through apps and a personal notebook. I will begin this goal on September 9, 2019,
to complete the goal by December 31, 2019.

IV. Set your first step and first reward.

What is the first step (smaller goal) you need to accomplish in order to get started working towards your goal? When will
you meet this first small goal? What will you do to reward yourself for succeeding in this first step?

My first goal is waking up a little earlier than I usually do. I tend to sleep very hard when I’m tired. Once, I
meet this goal it would influence me to work out. I plan to accomplish this the first day I come back from this
weekend. I will reward my self with a big hardy break-feast.

V. Wellness Reflection
The six dimensions of wellness are not separate entities, therefore, taking steps to enhance one dimension of wellness
should also affect other dimensions. Consider the goal that you have created above – how will making this healthy change
affect each of the other 6 dimensions of wellness? Please be specific in your answer.
Physical- by working out every day it will increase my endurance and make me linear. It will also help
relieve stress and help strengthen my ligaments in my ankles making my life a little less painful.

Intellectual- By finishing all my work on time it will allow me to then internalize the material instead of just
studying for a test. Meaning I would retain the information from my classes.

Social and cultural - My social life will stay mostly the same; however, if I do find the time to join a club or
group it would become more appealing.

Spiritual- I will be more spiritually Intune with myself. Getting proper sleep will allow me to relax and
unwind instead of going to sleep with anxieties that will come from the forthcoming day. This is also with
having everything done so, I can go to sleep with no worries.

Environmental-by waking up earlier and working out. I’m going to have created a safe place to were my
environment supports my goal. Meaning a neater room and an area where can work out without injuring
myself. As well as having my bed made up which, supports in me sleeping and having a better night’s rest.

Financial- none of this has any cost to me.

Career and academic- by getting sleep and completing my assignments ahead of time. It will increase my
confidence and ability to succeed in the classroom. This success will become instrumental in because it will
instill basic values that I can apply at my job.

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