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Panelist Questions

Personal Experiences
1. Describe your natural hair journey./What inspired you to go natural?
2. How would you define natural beauty?
3. What is your biggest frustration with natural hair?
4. What's your go-to hairstyle and products?

Hair in the Workforce

1. Is there a style that’s universally appropriate for the workplace? If so, what is it and why?
2. Why has natural hair in Corporate America been regarded as unprofessional?
3. How do people view your natural hair in the business world?
4. How would you deal with naysayers and others at work who are unaccepting of natural

Natural Hair Movement

1. What is one of the most prominent faults in the natural hair community/movement?
2. Do you see colorism in the natural hair community and how?
3. What direction do you see the natural hair movement going in the future?
4. How would you relate the natural hair movement to history?

1. What are some staple items every woman with natural hair should have?
2. What advice do you have for women pursuing natural hair?
3. How should damage (color, heat, etc) be dealt with?
4. How can we empower the next generation of women?

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