Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 18

#property copyright ""

#property link ""

#property version ""

#property strict

#property indicator_chart_window

//--- input parameters

extern string ___________ = "____________________________";

extern string Set1 = "**** Show AskBidLine Setting****";

input bool InpShowAsk=true; //Show Ask line

input color InpAskColor=clrRed; //Ask Line Color

input color InpBidColor=clrGray; //Bid Line Color

extern string ____________ = "____________________________";

extern string Set2 = "**** SpreadMonitor setting ****";

extern bool UseSpreadMonitor = true;

extern color LabelColor = DeepPink;

extern int YPos = 15 ;

extern int XPos = 330 ;

extern int Corner = 1;

extern string _____________ = "____________________________";

extern string Set3 = "**** Profit Loss Info setting ****";

extern bool UseProfitLossInfo = true;

extern color Color_Text = Silver;

extern color Color_Order_Sell = Red;

extern color Color_Order_Buy = Lime;

extern color Color_Loss = Red;

extern color Color_Profit = Lime;

extern string Text_Font = "Verdana Bold";

extern int Size_Font = 8;

extern double posX = 730;

extern double posY = 50;

extern string ______________ = "____________________________";

extern string Set4 = "**** Thick setting ****";

extern bool ShowTick = true;

extern int XDst = 10;

extern int YDst = 0;

extern bool DisplayInfo=true; // display 15m, 1h, 4h and daily trend, spread and bar time

extern bool ShowSteepness=true; // display steepness for 10EMA

extern bool UseBackground = false;

extern color BackgroundColor = LightGray;

extern string _______________ = "____________________________";

extern string Set5 = "**** CSM setting ****";

extern bool ShowCSM = true;

bool AccountIsIBFXmini = false;

bool LoopOnInit = false;

extern color Paircolor = DimGray;

extern color Lowcolor = 3937500;

extern color Mediumcolor = 16777215;

extern color Highcolor = 65280;

extern color Linecolor = White;

#define OBJ_NAME "SpreadIndikatorObj"

#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsLines.mqh>
int x = NULL;

CChartObjectHLine bid,ask;


int tickpos=0; // pointer for the tickbar

int trend5mall, trend15mall, trend30mall, trend1hall, trend4hall; // trends for the EMA 35/50

color trendcolorall[3] = { Lime, Red, DarkOrange }; // colors for trend arrows

string trendarrowall[3] = { "5", "6", "q"};

int trendXcorrectionall[3] = { 0, 1, 1};

int GMTlocaloffset=0; // holds the GMT offset in hours

int GMTbrokeroffset=0;

datetime localtime; // local computer time

datetime gmttime; // GMT Time

datetime brokertime; // broker time

#define TICKS "////////"

#define CLOCKS "·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁ·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁ" // clock icons

#define UP 0 // Trend UP

#define DOWN 1 // Trend DOWN

#define RANGING 2 // Trend RANGING

#define TIME_URL "http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl" // from here we get the UTC


// CSM

string gsa_100[] = {"USD","EUR" , "GBP", "JPY", "CHF", "CAD", "NZD", "AUD"};

//string gsa_104[] = {"EURUSD", "GBPUSD", "AUDUSD", "USDJPY", "USDCHF", "USDCAD", "EURAUD",

string gsa_104[] = {



















string gsa_108[] = {"GBPJPY", "AUDJPY", "EURJPY", "USDJPY", "NZDJPY", "CHFJPY", "GBPUSD",


double gd_112;

double gd_120;

double gd_128;

double gd_136;

double gd_144;

double gd_152;

double gd_160;

//| Custom indicator initialization function |


int OnInit()

//--- indicator buffers mapping












int deinit()





//| Custom indicator iteration function |


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,

const int prev_calculated,

const datetime &time[],

const double &open[],

const double &high[],

const double &low[],

const double &close[],

const long &tick_volume[],

const long &volume[],

const int &spread[])


// -- spread


if (UseSpreadMonitor == true)



// -- csm


if (ShowCSM) displayMeter();


// -- thick

if (ShowTick == true)

int limit;

int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

//---- last counted bar will be recounted

if(counted_bars<0) return (-1);

if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;


if (limit > 10000) limit = 10000;

for (int i=0; i<limit; i++) { // process all bars in the chart

if (DisplayInfo) ShowInfo();


// -- Profit Loss


if (UseProfitLossInfo == true)

int j;

int idx;

string text;

double PL;

double total;

if(x != NULL) {

for(idx = 0; idx<x; idx++) {





text = "";


total = 0;

//DisplayText("h", "Profit/Loss Info ", Size_Font, Color_Text, 0, posX, posY , Text_Font);

for (int ih = OrdersTotal()-1 ; ih >= 0; ih--)

if(OrderSelect(ih, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) == true)

if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) {

//DisplayText("O"+j, OrderSymbol() + " (" + OrderTicket() + ")" + " ", Font,

Color_Order_Buy, 0, 5, 25 + j * 18, "Arial Bold");

DisplayText("O"+j, OrderSymbol() + " ", Size_Font, Color_Order_Buy, 0, posX, posY+20 + j *

18, Text_Font);
PL = (OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())/MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);

total = total + PL;

if(PL<0) DisplayText("PL"+j, "= "+DoubleToStr(PL, 0)+ " point ", Size_Font, Color_Loss, 0,
posX+129, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else if(PL>0) DisplayText("PL"+j, "= +"+DoubleToStr(PL, 0)+ " point ", Size_Font,
Color_Profit, 0, posX+129, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else DisplayText("PL"+j, "= "+DoubleToStr(PL, 0)+ " point ", Size_Font, Color_Text, 0,
posX+129, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) {

//DisplayText("O"+j, OrderSymbol() + " (" + OrderTicket() + ")" + " ", Font,

Color_Order_Sell, 0, posX, 25 + j * 18, Text_Font);

DisplayText("O"+j, OrderSymbol() + " ", Size_Font, Color_Order_Sell, 0, posX, posY+20 + j *

18, Text_Font);

PL = (OrderOpenPrice()-OrderClosePrice())/MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);

total = total + PL;

if(PL<0) DisplayText("PL"+j, "= "+DoubleToStr(PL, 0)+ " point " , Size_Font, Color_Loss, 0,
posX+129, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else if(PL>0) DisplayText("PL"+j,"= +"+DoubleToStr(PL, 0)+ " point " , Size_Font,

Color_Profit, 0, posX+129, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else DisplayText("PL"+j,"= "+DoubleToStr(PL, 0) + " point ", Size_Font, Color_Text, 0,

posX+129, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);


// menghitung total LABA / RUGI

double LR = AccountEquity() - AccountBalance();

string sLR = DoubleToStr(LR,2);

DisplayText("Total1","Total Profit/Loss = ", Size_Font, Color_Text, 0, posX, posY+20 + j * 18,

if(total<0) DisplayText("Total2", DoubleToStr(total, 0) + " point ", Size_Font, Color_Loss, 0,

posX+143, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else if (total>0) DisplayText("Total2","+" + DoubleToStr(total, 0) + " point ", Size_Font,

Color_Profit, 0, posX+143, posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);

else DisplayText("Total2", DoubleToStr(total, 0) + " point ", Size_Font, Color_Text, 0, posX+143,

posY+20 + j * 18, Text_Font);



MqlTick tick;





//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call



void ShowSpread()

static double spread;

spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);


void DrawSpreadOnChart(double spread)

string s = "Spread: "+DoubleToStr(spread, 0)+" points";

if(ObjectFind(OBJ_NAME) < 0)

ObjectCreate(OBJ_NAME, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);




ObjectSetText(OBJ_NAME, s, 10, "FixedSys", LabelColor);

ObjectSetText(OBJ_NAME, s);



void DisplayText(string objname, string text, int fontsize, color clr, double C, double X, double Y,
string font)


ObjectCreate(objname, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(objname, text, fontsize, font, clr);

ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);

ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, X);

ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Y);


void CleanUp() {


void ShowInfo() {

double spread;

datetime bartimeleft;

int Y=0;

int Ya=0;

int Yb=0;

int Yc=0;

int Yd=0;

int Yall=0;

color trendcol=DimGray;

color trendcola=DimGray;

color trendcolb=DimGray;

color trendcolc=DimGray;

color trendcold=DimGray;

color trendcolall=DimGray;

string time;

UpdateTimes(); // sync clocks

Write("Div01", 10, 12, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-", 10, DimGray, "Arial");

for (int i=0;i<6;i++)

if (UseBackground == true)

Write("Info01", 0, 0, "ggggggggggggg", 16, BackgroundColor, "Webdings");

//Write("Info20", 9, 5, "SaminForexLab" , 11, Silver, "Arial");

//Write("Info21", 8, 4, "SaminForexLab" , 11, Navy, "Arial");

Write("Info1"+i, 0, 25+21*i, "ggggggggggggg", 16, BackgroundColor, "Webdings");

//Write("Div02", 10, 115,"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

----", 10, DimGray, "Arial");

Write("Ticker", 180,3, StringSubstr(TICKS, 0, tickpos), 9, Gold, "Webdings");

tickpos++; if (tickpos>StringLen(TICKS)-1) tickpos=1;

// show time and GMT informations

Write("Time01", 30,20, StringSubstr(CLOCKS, TimeHour(localtime), 1), 30, DimGray, "Wingdings");

Write("Time02", 118,20,StringSubstr(CLOCKS, TimeHour(gmttime), 1), 30, DimGray, "Wingdings");

Write("Time03", 206,20,StringSubstr(CLOCKS, TimeHour(brokertime),1), 30, DimGray,


Write("Time11", 33,56, TimeToStr(localtime, TIME_MINUTES), 8, DimGray, "Arial");

Write("Time12",120,56, TimeToStr(gmttime, TIME_MINUTES), 8, DimGray, "Arial");

Write("Time13",209,56, TimeToStr(brokertime, TIME_MINUTES), 8, DimGray, "Arial");

if (localtime>gmttime) time="+"; else time="-";

Write("Time21",12, 70, "Local (GMT"+time+GMTlocaloffset+")", 8, SlateGray, "Arial");

Write("Time22",123,70, "GMT", 8, SlateGray, "Arial");

if (brokertime>gmttime) time="+"; else time="-";

Write("Time23",186,70, "Broker (GMT"+time+GMTbrokeroffset+")", 8, SlateGray, "Arial");

Write("Time24", 10, 76,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---", 10, DimGray, "Arial");


// jam

int li_8 = Time[0] + 60 * Period() - TimeCurrent();

double ld_0 = li_8 / 60.0;

int li_12 = li_8 % 60;

li_8 = (li_8 - li_8 % 60) / 60;

Write("Time25", 20,100, gs_112 + " Bar end: " + li_8 + " m " + li_12 + " s ", 10, PowderBlue, "Arial

int li_20 = TimeHour(Time[0]);

if (li_20 > 11) li_20 -= 12;


void UpdateTimes() {

localtime = TimeLocal();

if (GMTlocaloffset>0) gmttime= localtime-(GMTlocaloffset*3600);

else gmttime = localtime+(GMTlocaloffset*3600);

brokertime = TimeCurrent();

void Write(string name, int x, int y, string text, int size, color col, string font="Lucida Console") {

if (ObjectFind(name)==-1) ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(name, text, size, font, col);

ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);

ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_BACK, false);

ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x + XDst);

ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y + YDst);


// expert CSM |


double currency_strength(string as_0) {

int Li_16;

string Ls_28;

double Ld_36;

double Ld_44;

double Ld_ret_8 = 0;

int L_count_20 = 0;

for (int L_index_24 = 0; L_index_24 < ArraySize(gsa_104); L_index_24++) {

Li_16 = 0;

Ls_28 = gsa_104[L_index_24];

if (as_0 == StringSubstr(Ls_28, 0, 3) || as_0 == StringSubstr(Ls_28, 3, 3)) {

Ld_36 = (MarketInfo(Ls_28, MODE_HIGH) - MarketInfo(Ls_28, MODE_LOW)) *

MarketInfo(Ls_28, MODE_POINT);

if (Ld_36 != 0.0) {

Ld_44 = 100.0 * ((MarketInfo(Ls_28, MODE_BID) - MarketInfo(Ls_28, MODE_LOW)) / Ld_36 *

MarketInfo(Ls_28, MODE_POINT));
if (Ld_44 > 3.0) Li_16 = 1;

if (Ld_44 > 10.0) Li_16 = 2;

if (Ld_44 > 25.0) Li_16 = 3;

if (Ld_44 > 40.0) Li_16 = 4;

if (Ld_44 > 50.0) Li_16 = 5;

if (Ld_44 > 60.0) Li_16 = 6;

if (Ld_44 > 75.0) Li_16 = 7;

if (Ld_44 > 90.0) Li_16 = 8;

if (Ld_44 > 97.0) Li_16 = 9;


if (as_0 == StringSubstr(Ls_28, 3, 3)) Li_16 = 9 - Li_16;

Ld_ret_8 += Li_16;

Ld_ret_8 /= L_count_20;

return (Ld_ret_8);

void displayMeter() {

color L_color_0;

string L_name_12;

string Ls_20 = "Meter";

double Ld_4 = 0;

int L_x_28 = 220;

int L_index_32 ;

for (int L_index_32 = 0; L_index_32 < ArraySize(gsa_100); L_index_32++) {


L_name_12 = Ls_20 + DoubleToStr(Ld_4, 0);

ObjectCreate(L_name_12, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(L_name_12, gsa_100[L_index_32], 9, "Arial Bold", Paircolor);

ObjectSet(L_name_12, OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);

ObjectSet(L_name_12, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, L_x_28);

ObjectSet(L_name_12, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 30);

L_x_28 -= 30;

L_x_28 = 221;

for (L_index_32 = 0; L_index_32 < ArraySize(gsa_100); L_index_32++) {


L_name_12 = Ls_20 + DoubleToStr(Ld_4, 0);

L_color_0 = symcolor(currency_strength(gsa_100[L_index_32]));

ObjectCreate(L_name_12, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(L_name_12, DoubleToStr(currency_strength(gsa_100[L_index_32]), 2), 9, "Arial

Bold", L_color_0);

ObjectSet(L_name_12, OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);

ObjectSet(L_name_12, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, L_x_28);

ObjectSet(L_name_12, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 17);

L_x_28 -= 30;

ObjectCreate("Sym Line1", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("Sym Line1", "__________________________________", 10, "Arial Bold",


ObjectSet("Sym Line1", OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);

ObjectSet("Sym Line1", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);

ObjectSet("Sym Line1", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 45);

ObjectCreate("Sym Line2", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("Sym Line2", "__________________________________", 10, "Arial Bold",


ObjectSet("Sym Line2", OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);

ObjectSet("Sym Line2", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);

ObjectSet("Sym Line2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 16);

ObjectSet("HiLo Info", OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);

ObjectSet("HiLo Info", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 13);

ObjectSet("HiLo Info", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 5);

int symcolor(double ad_0) {

int li_ret_8;

//if (ad_0 <= 2.0) li_ret_8 = 3937500;

//if (ad_0 > 2.0) li_ret_8 = 16777215;

//if (ad_0 >= 7.0) li_ret_8 = 65280;

if (ad_0 <= 2.0) li_ret_8 = Lowcolor;

if (ad_0 > 2.0) li_ret_8 = Mediumcolor;

if (ad_0 >= 7.0) li_ret_8 = Highcolor;

return (li_ret_8);


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