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OPINION Sleep disturbance at altitude
Jeremy S. Windsor a and George W. Rodway b

Purpose of review
The aim is to describe the impact of altitude upon sleep, the physiology that underpins these changes and
the therapeutic solutions that are currently in place.
Recent findings
On ascending to altitude, lowland residents commonly experience some degree of sleep disturbance.
Occasionally, this can prove very uncomfortable and impact upon daytime activities. Historically, the
underlying cause of sleep disturbance was thought to be due to the effect of periodic breathing. However,
recent research has shown that the link between periodic breathing, lighter stages of sleep and arousals is
far from convincing. Instead, it appears that hypoxia has a far wider effect upon sleep at altitude than was
previously thought. A number of new approaches to the treatment of sleep disturbance at altitude have
recently been identified. Whereas some treat the underlying hypoxia through pharmacological or
technological means, others seek to address the symptoms of sleep disturbance more directly.
Many of the current approaches to treating sleep disturbance at altitude have been shown to be well
tolerated and successful, although few comparisons have been made. Future research is likely to focus
upon matching the safest and most successful approach to the individual and their environment.
acetazolamide, altitude, oxygen, periodic breathing, sleep

INTRODUCTION 34.4–68.1%) from four successful summiteers [3].

Sleep disturbance is a common feature that affects Although these effects are somewhat less at lower
many of those who ascend to altitude. The eminent altitudes, the steady decline in barometric pressure
high altitude physician and physiologist Professor and PO2 nevertheless has a significant physiological
John West once wrote: ‘On ascending to altitude, impact upon those who ascend to even moderate
unacclimatized lowlanders typically complain that heights. In this review, we will explore what occurs
they take longer to get to sleep, wake frequently, to sleep at altitude, the physiology that underpins
often have unpleasant dreams and do not feel these changes and the therapeutic solutions that are
refreshed in the morning. The resultant difficulties currently in place.
are not confined to the night because, as a result of
poor sleep, people often feel somnolent and fatigued
during the following day, their productivity is
reduced and they are more liable to make errors’ [1].
The effect of altitude upon sleep stems largely Lowland residents who ascend to altitude frequently
from falling barometric pressure and the subsequent complain of poor sleep. In a study of 130 trekkers
decline in the partial pressure of inspired oxygen
(PO2) (Fig. 1). This is seen most dramatically on a
University College London, Institute of Human Health Performance,
the summit of Mount Everest. At 8850 m, the PO2
Highgate Hill, London, UK and bUniversity of Utah, College of Nursing
is approximately 53 mmHg – a value that is just and School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
one-third of that found at sea level [2]. This has Correspondence to Dr Jeremy S. Windsor, University College London,
a profound effect upon oxygenation. At a point Institute of Human Health Performance, Charterhouse Building, Archway
known as ‘The Balcony’, situated at 8400 m on Campus, Highgate Hill, London, UK. Tel: +44 7960 879340; e-mail:
Mount Everest, researchers from the Caudwell jswindsor@doctors.org.uk
Xtreme Everest Research Group obtained a mean Curr Opin Pulm Med 2012, 18:554–560
arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) of 54% (range: DOI:10.1097/MCP.0b013e328359129f

www.co-pulmonarymedicine.com Volume 18  Number 6  November 2012

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Sleep disturbance at altitude Windsor and Rodway

measures of fatigue and alertness amongst 12

KEY POINTS participants differed significantly after a night
 Sleep disturbance is a common feature in those who at the Cosmiques Hut (3613 m) (P < 0.01 and
ascend to altitude. P < 0.001) [7]. Similar findings have been identified
in healthy volunteers who undergo sleep depri-
 Field and hypobaric chamber studies demonstrate a vation studies at sea level. Here, functional neuro-
shift from deep to light non-REM sleep and a decrease
imaging has consistently found abnormal activity
in REM sleep.
in the prefrontal cortex, thalamus, parietal and
 Periodic breathing is a common feature during sleep at temporal lobes that has been linked to the wide-
altitude. Although it is thought to cause arousals, it is spread cognitive decline that is often seen in those
not entirely responsible for sleep disturbance at altitude. who are sleep deprived [8].
 Several approaches have been used successfully to
treat sleep disturbance at altitude. At present, oral
acetazolamide, 250 mg twice daily, is amongst the OBJECTIVE CHANGES IN SLEEP AT
most popular. ALTITUDE
Over the last four decades, changes in sleep
architecture have been extensively studied in a
range of hypoxic chamber and high-altitude field
ascending the popular Marangu route on experiments. In the majority of polysomnographic
Kilimanjaro, between 26 and 54% complained of studies, there is a movement away from the
poor sleep during the 5-day climb to the summit [4]. deep stages of non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
Following a night at Horombo Hut (3720 m), 25% (III and IV) to lighter stages (I and II) [9]. In a recent
‘did not sleep as well as usual’, 21% ‘woke many study of 19 trekkers ascending to altitudes of more
times’ and 5% ‘could not sleep at all’. Recently, than 5000 m, the percentage of time spent in non-
standardized scales have been used to identify REM sleep fell from 24 to 18% (P < 0.001) [10].
the specific subjective changes that occur at altitude While the duration of stage II non-REM sleep
[5]. Using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index did not change, stage I non-REM sleep increased
and Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS-8), 38 volunteers from 3 to 11% (P < 0.001). Findings like these
climbing Lobuche East (6119 m) and Lenin Peak agree with the results of the landmark Operation
(7134 m) felt that they took longer to fall asleep, Everest II (OEII) hypobaric chamber study in
that they woke more frequently at night and which the percentage of time spent in stage I
they woke earlier the next day (all P < 0.05). Overall, non-REM increased from 10% at sea level to
the AIS global score rose from 2.09 to 5.59 (P < 0.05). 16.7% at 4572 m and 21.4% at 6100 m [11]. Mean-
This, the authors argue, is striking as a value of 6 while, REM sleep is reduced at altitude, with some
or more is often used as a guide in the diagnosis of studies reporting a reduction by as much as 50%
insomnia [6]. Poor sleep can impact upon daytime [12,13].
activities too. Using a comprehensive battery of In keeping with the shift towards lighter sleep
tests and questionnaires, researchers found that at altitude, studies have consistently demonstrated
an increase in the number of arousals that occur [9].
Using the definition adopted by the former
American Sleep Disorders Association (now renamed
mmHg the American Academy of Sleep Medicine),
researchers stationed at the Regina Margerita Hut
(4559 m) identified an increase in arousals amongst
600 &
the 14 healthy participants studied [14 ]. On the
fourth night at altitude, the mean arousal index
was 6.0 per hour compared with just 1.7 per hour
300 &
at 490 m above sea level (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2) [14 ].
This increase is even more noticeable at higher
altitudes. During the simulated ascent to the summit
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 of Mount Everest, OEII researchers found a fall
Altitude (m) in mean oxygen saturation of 44% and an eight-
fold increase in the arousal index [11]. This had a
FIGURE 1. The barometric pressure (light grey) and partial dramatic effect on the time spent asleep, with sleep
pressure of oxygen (dark grey) calculated between 0 m and efficiency falling from 89% at sea level to 52% at
10000 m in 1000 m increments. an equivalent altitude of 7620 m.

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Sleep and respiratory neurobiology

respiratory stimulant, this dampens the urge to

breathe and suppresses ventilation. At altitude, this
normally reduces the rate and depth of breathing
(hypopnea) but can, in some instances, cause a
complete cessation in ventilation (apnea). An apnea
of 44 s was once recorded at Mount Everest
Base Camp (5300 m) in an otherwise healthy moun-
22:00 23:00 24:00 22:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00
taineer who subsequently went on to reach the
awake summit [17]! As the apnea lengthens, the PCO2
S1 climbs and the PO2 starts to fall, leading eventually
S2 to the resumption of ventilation (Fig. 4) [9].
The frequency and duration of periodic
breathing varies from individual to individual.
On the summit of Pike’s Peak (4300 m), the duration
22:00 23:00 24:00 22:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00
of periodic breathing amongst six healthy
awake volunteers ranged between 0 and 93% of the total
S1 time spent asleep [18]. This variation is thought to be
S2 due to the differences in the sensitivity of peripheral
S3 chemoreceptors to changes in oxygen and carbon
S4 dioxide tension at altitude. Those with a pronounced
REM hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) have been found
22:00 23:00 24:00 22:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 to have more prolonged periods of periodic breathing
[19,20]. Moreover, it is likely that in increasingly
FIGURE 2. Hypnograms obtained at 490 m and 4559 m. hypoxic environments in which peripheral chemo-
The hypnogram obtained in a subject during a night at receptors become more important ‘drivers’ of respir-
490 m (top panel) shows a normal distribution of sleep ation, coordination between peripheral and central
stages. In contrast, the hypnogram recorded during the first chemoreceptor activity is imperfect, and hence
night at 4559 m (middle panel) reveals predominantly exacerbates periodic breathing [9].
superficial sleep stages with frequent awakenings, very Despite variation between individuals, periodic
rare deep sleep stages 3 and 4, and no REM sleep. The breathing tends to increase with each successive
hypnogram from the third night at 4559 m (bottom panel) gain in height. Amongst 19 healthy mountaineers
reveals a partial restoration of normal sleep architecture ascending Muztagh Ata (7546 m), the percentage of
[14 ]. REM, rapid eye movement.

time spent in periodic breathing increased from 0%

at sea level to 21% at base camp (4497 m) to 71% at
camp 1 (5533 m) and 85% at camp 2 (6265 m) [16].
THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES Findings like these have tended to encourage the
RESPONSIBLE FOR SLEEP DISTURBANCE belief that periodic breathing is responsible for the
AT ALTITUDE shift towards lighter sleep stages and the increasing
frequency of arousals. However, recent studies have
I stretched myself upon a composite couch of been unable to demonstrate this association.
snow and granite, and immediately fell asleep. Amongst 14 trekkers at 5000 m, the frequency of
My friend, however, soon aroused me ‘You quite periodic breathing episodes measured by the apnea–
frighten me’ he said, ‘I listened for some minutes hypopnea index (AHI) was 68 per hour, however,
and have not heard you breathe once’ [15] (p. 71). the mean number of arousals was just 30 per hour
(P < 0.05) [10]. Similarly, at the Reginna Margerita
Historically, the subjective and objective hut (4559 m), the greatest AHI was measured on
changes that occur during sleep have largely been the first night at 88.1 per hour and then fell over
attributed to the presence of periodic breathing the course of the next three nights to 42.4 per hour,
(Fig. 3) [16]. During sleep at altitude, the normal but nevertheless the number of arousals remained
cyclical breathing pattern is lost [16]. Hypoxic largely unchanged [21]. In 16 mountaineers
exposure triggers peripheral and central chemore- who spent three nights at the same altitude, AHI
ceptors that prompt an increase in ventilation. increased from 60.9 per hour on the first to 86.5 per
Although this results in an increase in the partial hour on the third night (P < 0.05), yet the number of
pressure of alveolar oxygen, this subsequently arousals fell and a shift towards deeper non-REM
causes a decline in the partial pressure of carbon and REM sleep occurred [22]. Although even the
dioxide (PaCO2). As carbon dioxide is a powerful most sceptical observers will accept that periodic

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Sleep disturbance at altitude Windsor and Rodway


Volume rib


V’E, L/min
rate, 1/min
SpO2, %
50 3 min

FIGURE 3. A nocturnal polygraph recording at 6850 m. The channels show respiratory inductive plethysmographic sum, rib
cage and abdominal tidal volume, minute ventilation (V’E), heart rate and arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2). At altitude, periodic
breathing causes changes in the respiratory rate and subsequent swings in arterial SpO2. In this example, the SpO2 fluctuated
between 64 and 71%. Reprinted with permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright ß 2012 American Thoracic
Society [16].

breathing can disturb sleep, the inconsistencies specific solutions are sometimes required, a number
between periodic breathing and arousals demon- of general steps should be taken first. These include
strated in recent studies suggest that this expla- common sea level practices such as avoidance
nation is far from complete. Instead, the effect of of daytime sleeping, going to bed only when tired,
hypoxia upon sleep is likely to be far more pervasive limiting physical and psychological stress before
than has been previously thought. going to bed and abstinence from caffeine, alcohol
and tobacco [23].
In addition to practical solutions, efforts can
TREATING SLEEP DISTURBANCE AT also be made to address the direct effects of hypoxia.
ALTITUDE According to evidence-based clinical guidelines
On ascending to altitude, sleep can be disturbed by issued by the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS),
a number of different factors (Table 1). Although acclimatization is best achieved by a slow ascent.
A gain in sleeping altitude of no more than 500 m
each night is recommended, with a rest day taken
Altitude every 3 or 4 days [24]. Although this is widely
believed to reduce the incidence of conditions such
as acute mountain sickness (AMS), its effects upon
sleep have not been formally studied. Nevertheless,
Hypoxia the improvements seen in sleep architecture over
several nights at moderate altitude suggest that
the WMS’s advice might be of considerable benefit
[16,25,26]. For instance, during a four-night stay
Hypoventilation Hyperventilation at 4559 m, the mean SaO2 increased from 74 to
81% (P < 0.05), whereas the incidence of periodic
breathing fell by more than one half (P < 0.05) [23].
Such results have prompted research into the
Hypocapnia effect of exposing individuals to a program of
hypoxic exposure prior to ascent [27,28]. This
FIGURE 4. Periodic breathing at high altitude. Adapted novel approach has the potential to stimulate the
from [9]. acclimatization process before even setting foot on a

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Sleep and respiratory neurobiology

Table 1. Common factors that may disturb sleep at altitude

Environmental Personal

Extremes of ambient temperature Acute illnesses (e.g. AMS, high-altitude cough, gastrointestinal infection)
High winds Side effects of drugs (e.g. diuretics, steroids)
Limited or inadequate sleeping equipment Exacerbation of chronic illness (e.g. GORD, musculoskeletal disorders, prostatism)
Loud noise Jetlag
Precipitation Stress reaction
Uneven surface Withdrawal of drugs (e.g. caffeine, antidepressants)
Unsafe location

AMS, acute mountain sickness; GORD, gastroesophageal reflux disease.

mountain [28]. By sleeping for seven nights in a preexisting sleep disorders [31 ]. At 2590 m,
hypoxic chamber prior to ascent, visitors to 4300 m 45 patients with obstructive sleep apnea enjoyed
had a higher SaO2 (80 versus 76%; P < 0.05) and a higher SaO2 (88 versus 85%) and lower AHI (61.4
a trend towards fewer awakenings (12 versus 17; versus 86.2 per hour) following the administration of
P ¼ 0.06) compared with those without previous acetazolamide (250 mg twice daily) compared with
hypoxic exposure [27]. Nevertheless, provided placebo. Not only did this improve markers of sleep,
individuals ascend slowly and comply with the but it also dampened the increase in systemic blood
aforementioned WMS guidelines, many argue that pressure that is commonly seen in newcomers
interventions like this are unnecessary. However, to altitude.
there will remain a small proportion, who for
a number of different reasons, may benefit from
some form of intervention during their time at high BENZODIAZEPINE RECEPTOR AGONISTS
altitude (Table 2). The short-term use of benzodiazepines is commonly
employed in combination with behavioural
interventions to treat insomnia in the primary care
CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITORS setting [23]. The ability of these drugs to suppress
For many years, acetazolamide has been used in the HVR has encouraged a number of investigators
the prevention and treatment of AMS [24]. to examine their effects upon sleep disturbance
Although its effects are wide reaching, its benefits at altitude. As expected, small doses of temazepam
at altitude are largely thought to be due to the (10 mg at bedtime) have been shown to reduce
formation of a metabolic acidosis that leads to an periodic breathing at a number of altitude locations
increase in ventilation and a subsequent improve- [32,33] (Fig. 5) [32]. Although the use of benzo-
ment in oxygenation. More recently, acetazolamide diazepines results in fewer arousals, a switch towards
has been shown to improve sleep at altitude [29]. deeper sleep stages and a subjective improvement
At 3454 m, the mean SaO2 of 30 healthy volunteers in the quality of sleep, the suppression of HVR
was significantly higher in those taking acetazola- has been shown, in some cases, to reduce mean
mide (250 mg twice daily), compared with individ- SaO2 measurements. During two nights spent above
uals receiving placebo (86.2 versus 81.0%; P < 0.05) 5000 m, the mean SaO2 amongst healthy trekkers
[30]. Using acetazolamide was also associated with was 2% lower in those taking temazepam compared
fewer arousals and a shift from non-REM I and II to III with placebo (P ¼ 0.01) [33]. Such a finding suggests
and IV sleep. Acetazolamide has also been used that benzodiazepines modify the body’s response
successfully in those heading to altitude with to hypoxia, but unlike acetazolamide they do not

Table 2. The pharmacological treatment of sleep disturbance at altitude

Drug category Drug and dose Common side effects

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor Acetazolamide (125–250 mg bd) Gastrointestinal disturbance; paraesthesia

Benzodiazepine receptor agonist Temazepam (10 mg nocte) Daytime tiredness; somnambulism
GABA receptor agonist Zolpidem (10 mg nocte); zaleplon (10 mg nocte) Daytime tiredness; somnambulism

bd, twice daily; GABA, Gamma aminobutyric acid.

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Sleep disturbance at altitude Windsor and Rodway



80 bpm
50 bpm



80 bpm
50 bpm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

FIGURE 5. Nocturnal SaO2 (upper) and heart rate (lower) in one male trekker following placebo (top panel) and temazepam
10 mg (bottom panel). Eight hours of each study is shown, with each line representing a successive hour of the night [32].
bpm, beats per minute; HR, heart rate.

correct the underlying cause of sleep disturbance frequency of arousals, nor did they influence mean
at altitude. SaO2 measurements.


AGONISTS Improving PO2 has been shown to be an effective
The effects of the nonbenzodiazepine gamma way of improving sleep at altitude [34]. According
aminobutyric acid agonists zolpidem and zaleplon to the scientists taking part in the first ascent of
have both been studied in newcomers to altitude [7]. Mount Everest in 1953, ‘oxygen brought about an
Over three nights spent at 3613 m, researchers immediate feeling of warmth, sound sleep and
found that both drugs caused a shift towards greatly improved recovery from fatigue’ [35]. Using
deeper sleep, an increase in sleep efficiency and a oxygen supplied through nasal prongs, trekkers
subsequent reduction in the severity of AMS at Mount Everest Base Camp (5300 m) had a higher
compared with placebo [7]. The mechanism under- SaO2 (81.4 versus 57.5%) and a lower AHI (20.0
pinning these benefits is unclear. In contrast to versus 51.0) than those breathing ambient air alone
benzodiazepines and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, [36]. At lower altitudes, it is possible to pipe supple-
neither drug influenced periodic breathing or the mental oxygen directly into sleeping quarters.

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