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Identificar las características y ventajas de las máquinas simples.

la guía debe aparecer pegada en el cuaderno y su solución debe aparecer por escrito en un

1. ¿Qué quieres decir con máquina simple? menciona tres ejemplos

Have only one or two parts, they dont have motors and they make work easier for people
by changing the direction or the size of a forcé applied to it.



Wheel and axle

2. ¿Cuáles son los tres elementos que conforman una máquina simple? de un ejemplo.

The machines employ in its operation, three fundamental elements:

Point of support: is the point on which the machine supports or moves, also called
fulcrum, point of axis or surface on which the two next elements rest.

Motor force or power (Fp): is the force applied to operate the machine.

Strength of resistance (Fr): is the force that must be overcome to move or deform a body.

3. Explica los dos tipos de máquinas que existen.

simple machines : it is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.
Simple machines can also be defined as the simplest mechanisms that use a mechanical
advantage to increase a force. These machines are generally used by Artisanal Production.

Composite machines: A composite machine is a mechanical device that operates on a set of

machines connected in series, the shape of the force resulting from the application force.
Compound machines have operators that work in coordination. These operators can be
energetic or mechanical. Example the bike

4. ¿Qué es una palanca?

It is a simple machine formed by a rigid bar that rests on a point around which it can turn. In
other words, the lever is a rigid bar resting on a point on which a force is applied at one end, to
obtain a greater force in the other. The levers serve to lift or move objects, break very hard
objects, drive boats, etc. Some examples of levers are pliers, scissors, tongs, wheelbarrows,

5. Explique los tres tipos de géneros de palanca, dibuje e identifique los elementos en cada
uno de ellos.

LEVELS OF FIRST GRADE: In the first degree lever, the support point is located between the
Power and the Resistance. Examples of balance, pliers, scissors, pliers.

LEVERS OF SECOND DEGREE: They are characterized because the Resistance is between the
Point of support and the force. Examples: wheelbarrow, nutcracker, bottle opener.

THIRD DEGREE LEVERS: The force is between the point of support and the resistance. Examples
of tweezers, hammer and fishing rod.

6. Explique que se trata de una polea fija, recrearla con un dibujo.

In the fixed pulleys the shaft is fixed, therefore, the pulley does not move, with its use no
mechanical advantage is obtained, since in one of the ends it is subject to the load and in the
other the force is applied to move it , this is of the same magnitude.
The fixed pulley is only used to change the direction or direction of the force.

7. Explique que es un plano inclinado, haga un dibujo de él.

An inclined plane is a flat surface that has been raised to create an angle. If you've ever used
a ramp to move something heavy, you know that dragging a heavy item up a ramp is much
easier than lifting it straight off the ground.

8. Crea una historia que enlaza las máquinas simples mencionadas. hacer dibujos

Hace mucho tiempo en Egipto los Faraones construyeron una gran ciudad con templos y
pirámides enormes, para lograrlo tuvieron a su mando un ejercicito y esclavos que estaban a
sus servicios para realizar las tareas que les encomendaban; estos utilizaron diversos
utensilios para poder sobrevivir y tener mayor eficiencia en sus tareas, ellos crearon
máquinas simples como palancas que les ayudaban a mover más fácilmente las cosas,
flechas , lanzas, arcos entre otras para poder defenderse y conseguir su alimento como
ejemplo las poleas para los pozos donde sacaban el agua.

La cuidad pudo avanzar poco a poco gracias al ingenio de su civilización que desarrollo y
aprovecho las máquinas para poder ser la cuidad del misterio.

A long time ago in Egypt the Pharaohs built a great city with huge temples and pyramids. To
achieve this, they had an army and slaves at their service to carry out the tasks entrusted to
them; They used different tools to survive and have greater efficiency in their tasks, they
created simple machines as levers that helped them move things more easily, arrows, spears,
bows among others to be able to defend themselves and get their food as an example the
pulleys for the wells where they drew the water.

The city was able to advance little by little thanks to the ingenuity of its civilization that
developed and took advantage of the machines to be able to be the city of mystery.

9. explica los tres elementos que lo componen y el género de apalancamiento para los
siguientes gráficos:56
10. indique la dirección en la que gira la polea "c" en los siguientes gráficos según la polea

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