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How wet should dentin be? Comparison of methods to remove excess water
during moist bonding

Article  in  The journal of adhesive dentistry · October 2001

Source: PubMed


45 317

4 authors:

Gisele Damiana da Silveira Pereira Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo

Universidade Gama Filho University of Campinas


Mario Fernando de Goes Carlos Tadeu dos Santos Dias

University of Campinas University of São Paulo


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How Wet Should Dentin Be?
Comparison of Methods to Remove
Excess Water During Moist Bonding
Gisele Damiana da Silveira Pereiraa/Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillob/
Mario Fernando De Goesc/Carlos Tadeu dos Santos Diasd

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of two adhesive systems when ap-
plied on dentin surfaces with different degree's of wetnesS.

Materials and Methods: Two-hundredten dentin specimens were used. After conditioning with 35% phos-
phoric acid gel and washing, seven,.rnethods'ofClryirig«en,tHi were used: 30 s air spray (groups 1 and 2), 5
" -" !",·/r)"i', t oJt I,";,

S air spray (groups 3 and if), dry cotton pellets' (groups '7 and 8), wet cotton pellets (groups 9 and 10), mi-

crobrush (groups 11 and 12), absorbent paper (groups 13'and 14). The last group was not dried; the
dentin surfaces were left overwet (grQUPS5 and'6): P.rim~ & Bond 2.1 adhesive was applied on the odd-
numbered groups and,Scotchbond Multi ..purpQseon tH,eev~n-numbered groups. Z100 composite cylin-
ders were bonded to tM ',;Idhesive ~l!ld tli~,spedmei:lsw~resubjected toa shear bond test.
;,: "~~,io". \oJ: ;-!~.>;,:i;" rl
-. • -. __:~" _ "
Results: The Least-sqQa're~'Means testwasuseB't9 compare the following results, where different letters
indicate;significantly diff,€rent mElar 'va'lo~;'Group 9 ~(~~)~;':}23:2- MP~ (a); G3 = 21.3 MPa (ab), G2 = 19.5
MPa (be), G10 = 18.6 MRa (-be),G14 = 16(:{NPa (Cd),:G8'''; ~6.1.'MPa (cd), G4 = 14.6 MPa (de), G13 = 14.0
MPa (de), G11 = 13.9 'MPa ~de);
(;.<7' = '13;5 ~p~ (de)i GI1~l,~~±2:f MPa (~), G1 = 8.2 MPa (f), G.5 = 2.7 MPa
(g), G6 = 2.4 MPa (g). ' .' ", ,"-

Conclusion: The adhesidri values were affeciE;Gi,both by the degree of dentin wetness and by the adhesive
systems. .i

ne of the principal aims of restorative dentistry effectively to dental tissues in order to minimize mi-
O is to obtain dental materials capable of bonding croleakage and subsequent secondary caries,17
In 1955, Buonocore2 proposed that acid etch-
ants could be used to alter the enamel surface and
make it more receptive to adhesion. Acid etching
a Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Gama Filho University, School of
Dentistry, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Postgraduate student, UNI- enamel creates a microporous layer ranging from 5
CAMp, Piracicaba School of Dentistry, Gampinas State University, to 50 IJm deep. When a lOW-Viscosity resin is ap-
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
plied, it flows into the microporosities and polymer-
b Professor of Restorative Dentistry at UNICAMp, Piracicaba School
izes, forming a micromechanical bond with the
of Dentistry, Campinas State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
enamel. Adhesion of restorative materials to ena-
e Professor of Dental Materials at UNICAMP, Piracicaba School of
Dentistry, Campinas State University, sao Paulo, Brazil. mel has been very successful, and its reliability is
d Professor, Mathematics Department, Luiz de Queiroz Agronomy verified by the absence of marginal leakage and by
School, Sao Paulo State University, USP, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, high adhesive bond strengths that make several
conservative and esthetic restorative procedures
Reprint requests: Gise/e Damiana da Silveira Pereira, Moraes Bar-
ros, 1336\101, Bairro Alto, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, CEP-13416- On the other hand, dentinal adhesion has proved
740. Tel: +55-19422-7902, Fax: +55-19430-5218, e-mail: to be more difficult and less predictable.10 Much of
the difficulty in bonding to dentin results from its
structure, which is morphologically heterogeneous chanical retention is reduced.5.9.20-22 Nevertheless,
and physiologically dynamic.10 Its composition by the integrity of the fibril network is partially recov-
weight is 20% water, 30% organic matrix, and 50% ered by rewetting the substrate.5.9
inorganic hydroxyapatite,10.17 arranged in intertubu- However, the dentinal surface should not be
lar and peritubular matrices, which form the tubule overwet, as excess water can dilute the primer and
walls from which pulp fluids emerge and keep render it less effective. Excess water can promote
dentin constantly moist.10 Dentinal adhesion is fur- phase separations in the primer and the formation
ther complicated by the formation of the smear of resin globules, which prevent adequate adhesive
layer which appears on the dentinal surface when wetting, infiltration, and polymerization.15.20.22 As a
the dentin is cut or ground.10 result, the quality of the adhesive interface is re-
Adhesive systems have undergone a great evolu- duced.15.22
tion,10.11 with major improvements in dentinal The importance of the composition of adhesive
bonding occurring when hydrophilic monomers and systems and the drying method used in the bonding
organic solvents were added to primers and adhe- procedures are evident, as they favor the formation
sives, enabling their use on a moist dentin sub- of a homogeneous and uniform hybrid layer, en-
strate.6,7 When these adhesive systems are applied abling an effective bond between dentin and
on conditioned dentin,7.16 a hybrid layer composed restorative materials,12 The aim of this study was to
of collagen fibrils and residual hydroxyapatite crys- evaluate the influence of seven drying methods on
tallites encased in resin13 is formed. The hybrid the shear bond strength of two adhesive systems to
layer recovers much of the resistance and rigidity19 acid-conditioned dentin.
of the original mineralized dentin, and it is the main
bonding mechanism of most current dentin adhe-
sive systems.16,19
The bond strength of a dentin adhesive may rely
on its ability to completely replace the dissolved hy- One hundred-five caries-free third molars were se-
droxyapatite with polymerized resin.15.17 If this does lected. The teeth were cleaned and stored in 0.9%
not happen, an exposed layer of collagen fibrils not saline solution at 4°C and used within one month
impregnated by resin14.15.17and containing of extraction.
nanometer-sized porosities19 within the hybrid layer An initial cut was made perpendicular to the
may be formed. These may serve as critically-sized long axis of the molars, 1 mm below the cemento-
defects that promote fracture propagation and de- enamel junction, using diamond disks with double
crease the resistance and durability of the adhe- sharp-edged facettes in a low-speed handpiece
sion.14.15 under air-water spray to remove the roots. A second
The maintenance of a moist dentin surface after cut was made in the mesiodistal direction, dividing
acid conditioning is of major importance for optimal each crown into two halves, thereby creating 210
development of a uniform hybrid layer,6-8.14,15,18.22 coronal fragments that were embedded in poly-
as the organic solvents contained in the primers act styrene resin. When the resin was fully polymerized,
as water chasers, displacing water and carrying the the resulting cylindrical blocks were removed from
resin monomers into the demineralized dentin,17 fa- the molds. Subsequently, the buccal, palatinal, or
voring hybridization.6 On the other hand, if the lingual enamel surfaces were ground off using 200-
etched dentinal surface is desiccated, the interac- and 320-grit wet silicon carbide (SiC) abrasive
tion of the above elements does not occur.7 The paper until a flat superficial dentin area was ex-
primer is deposited on the dentinal surface without posed. Final polishing was carried out using 600-
diffusing into the underlying collagen network.7 and 1000-grit wet SiC abrasive paper.
The removal of hydroxyapatite crystals by dentin After being coded, the samples were randomly
conditioning exposes the collagen fibrils of the ma- assigned to 14 experimental groups of 15 speci-
trix. The separation of the fibrils into a meshwork mens each. Due the large number of specimens,
only occurs when water is present.20-22 Dehydration adhesive procedures were done in blocks, with
of the conditioned dentin surface with air jets can each block containing one sample of each experi-
collapse the collagen fibril meshwork,5,9 causing mental group (total = 15 blocks). Adhesive tape with
the interfibrillar spaces to disappear and thereby in- a 3-mm-diameter hole was used to demarcate the
hibiting penetration of the primer. Thus, the me- adhesion area, and was placed on the dentin prior
Table 1 One-way ANOVA for shear bond strength means

Source OF SO MO F PR>F

Model 27 6100.94146 225.96070 13.04 0.0001

Error 160 2771.81846 17.32387
Total 187 8872.75992

CV 28.4%

DF: degrees of freedom; SQ: sum of squares; MQ: mean square; F: F value; CV: coefficient of variation.

to the application of the subsequent treatments. All cylinder. All the specimens were created under sta-
the specimens were conditioned with 35% phos- ble temperature conditions (23°C) and 55% humid-
phoric acid gel (3M Dental Products Division, St ity. After bonding, the specimens were immersed in
Paul, MN, USA) for 15 s and rinsed with distilled distilled water and stored for 7 days at 3rC ± 1°C
water for 20 s. Once this was done, one of the dry- prior to the shear bond strength test.
ing methods was applied according to the following The tests were performed on a universal testing
experimental groups. Groups 1 and 2: The dentin machine (Emic-DL 500, Ind Bras, Sao Paulo, Brazil),
was dried with an oil- and dust-free air blast for 30 at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mmjmin.3 The shear
s parallel to the surface at a distance of 1 cm.8 load was applied by means of a chisel with a 0.5-
Groups 3 and 4: The dentin was dried with oil- and mm-wide blade, positioned near the base of the
dust-free air for 5 s parallel to the surface at a dis- composite cylinder, as close as possible to the ad-
tance of 10 cm.8 Groups 5 and 6: The dentin sur- hesive interface. The load (in MPa) necessary to
face remained overwet and no drying method was fracture each specimen was recorded.
applied. Groups 7 and 8: The dentin was dried with The means of shear bond strengths were calcu-
a dry hydrophilic cotton pellet gently applied to the lated for each group (group = dentin wetness and
surface for 10 s. Groups 9 and 10: The dentin was adhesive system). The shear bond strengths for var-
dried with a moist hydrophilic cotton pellet gently ious dentin wetnesses for each bonding system
applied to the surface for 10 s. Groups 11 and 12: were compared using one-way ANOVA (Table 1 and
The dentin was dried using a microbrush (Dentsplyj 2) and the Least-Squares Means multiple compari-
Caulk, Milford, DE, USA) gently applied to the sur- son test (Table 3) at a = 0.05.
face for 10 s. Groups 13 and 14: The dentin sur- A contrast analysis test was done to compare the
face was dried by using small pieces of absorbent bond strengths results of the two adhesive systems
filter paper gently applied to the surface for 10 s. (Table 4) at a = 0.05.
Immediately after drying, the adhesive Prime &
Bond 2.1 (DentsplyjCaulk) was applied in the odd
groups and the adhesive Scotchbond Multi Purpose
(3M Dental) was applied in the even groups, accord-
ing to the respective manufacturer's instructions. Statistical analysis of the data by one-way ANOVA
A split teflon matrix having a 3-mm-diameter cen- showed a statistically significant F value at p =
tral perforation was positioned over the adhesive 0.0001. ANOVA decomposition showed a statis-
area of the samples, and the composite resin Z100 tically significant difference for the group bond
(3M Dental, shade A-2) was applied in incremental strengths values, but no effect of blocks (p = 0.217,
layers 2 mm thick. Each layer was photopolymer- Table 2). The Least-Squares Means test at a = 0.05
ized for 20 s. The teflon matrix was then carefully was used to compare the statistical difference
separated and a final polymerization was carried among the experimental groups (Table 3 and Fig 1).
Table 2 One-way ANOVA analysis decomposition to evaluate the block
and group effects

Source OF Type III SS MQ F Value PR>F

Block 14 313.48226 22.39159 1.29 0.2172

Group 13 5573.82919 428.75609 24.75 0.0001*

* Mean values were significantly different (p < 0.0001).

DF:degreesof freedom; MQ: mean square.

Table 3 Least-Squares Means test for shear bond stregths (MPa) of the

Group Mean Shear Bond (MPa) LS Means

G9 23.2 a* Prime & Bond 2.1, moist cotton pellet

G3 21.3 ab Prime & Bond 2.1, air dried 5 s
G2 19.5 bc SBMP, air dried 30 s
G10 18.6 bc SBMP, moist cotton pellet
G14 16.3 cd SBMP, absorbent paper
G8 16.1 cd SBMP, dry cotton pellet
G4 14.6 de SBMP, air dried 5 s
G13 14.0 de Prime & Bond 2.1, absorbent paper
G11 13.9 de Prime & Bond 2.1, microbrush
G7 13.5 de Prime & Bond 2.1, dry cotton pellet
G12 12.1 e SBMP, microbrush
G1 8.2 f Prime & Bond 2.1, air dried 30 s
G5 2.7 g Prime & Bond 2.1, overwet
G6 2.4 g SBMU, overwet
a= 0.05
*Different letters indicate significantly different mean values (p < 0.05).

Table 4 Contrast analysis test for adhesive systems shear bond


OF Contrast MQ F Value PR>F

SBMP vs P&B 2.1 1 6.97487 6.97487 0.40 0.5266*

* Mean values were not statistically different (p > 0.05).

tistical difference between mean values of Prime & sented in the box by a horizontal line, and the 25th
Bond 2.1 and Scotchbond Multi Purpose. and 75th are called quartiles. The '+' sign repre-
The box-plot diagram (Fig 1) is a schematic repre- sents means, and asterisks represent outliers.1,25
sentation of the distribution of bond strength val- For Prime & Bond 2.1, the highest bond strengths
ues. The vertical lines in the box mark the 25th, were obtained when dentin was dried with moist
50th, and 75th percentiles of the data. The 50th cotton pellet (23.2 MPa). Interestingly, similar bond
percentile is called the median, which is repre- strengths were obtained when dentin was dried
Fig 1 Box-plot diagram for mean shear bond strengths (MPa) of the groups. G = groups, P&B = Prime & Bond 2.1, SBMP =
Scotchbond Multi Purpose. 30 s = 30-s air blast, 05 s = 5-s air blast, MC = moist cotton, mB = microbrush, AP = absorbent paper,
DC = dry cotton, OW = overwet. Vertical lines in the box = 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles. Horizontal line in box = median. Hori-
lontallines outside of the box = quartiles. + = means, * = outliers.

with a 5-s air blast (21.3 MPa). For Scotchbond the exposed collagen and the hydroxyapatite.14,15,17
Multi-Purpose, the highest mean bond strength was However, several factors can jeopardize monomer
obtained when dentin was dried with a 30-s air diffusion.14 The amount of surface moisture is ex-
blast (19.5 MPa). For both adhesive systems, the tremely important for hybridization of dentin. Higher
lowest means were obtained when the dentin sur- bond strength can be achieved under moist condi-
faces remained overwet (G5: 2.7 MPa; and G6: 2.4 tions than dry.5-7,21,23The results obtained in the
MPa). present study support the findings of other studies,
in which the drying methods that kept the dentin
surface moist and the adhesive systems that rewet
the dehydrated substrate were the ones that ob-
tained the highest shear bond strength values.3,4,6
In spite of the fact that resin adhesion to dentin is This is substantiated by the bond strength va-
more difficult and less predictable due to its mor- lues obtained in Group 9 (23.2 MPa), in which acid-
phology and heterogeneous composition,10 signifi- etched dentin was dried with moist cotton pellets
cant progress has been achieved after increasing prior to the application of Prime & Bond 2.1. This
understanding of the properties the substrate. In drying method left the dentin visibly moist. We
order to obtain a strong and long-lasting adhesion speculate that the water occupying the interfibrillar
of resin to dentin, it is important that a dense, ho- spaces of intertubular dentin was responsible for
mogeneous, and uniform hybrid layer be formed, re- maintaining the collagen network in an expanded
gardless of its thickness.3,15 To accomplish this, it state, thereby preserving the porosity necessary for
is necessary for the demineralized dentin to be resin infiltration into intertubular and tubular
completely infiltrated by the adhesive, encasing all dentin. The acetone present in the primer interact-
ed with this water.3-5,7,22 This interaction presum- When Prime & Bond 2.1 was applied, the bond
ably promoted water evaporation and made the strengths obtained with moist substrates (G9 =
primer and the adhesive spread, penetrate, and 23.2 MPa and G3 = 21.3 MPa) were higher (p <
adapt into the open interfibrillar spaces.16 0.05) than with dry substrates (G1 = 8.2 MPa). The
Despite the fact that the results for this group application of Prime & Bond 2.1 to relatively dry
were the highest values obtained, they did not dif- dentin, as in the groups where the absorbent paper
fer significantly from the values of group 3 (21.3 (G13 = 13.9 MPa) or dry cotton pellet was used (G7
MPa). In group 3, the dentin was airdried for 5 s at = 13.5 MPa), produced significantly (p < 0.05) lower
a distance of 10 em from the surface prior to the bond strengths (Table 3). This was probably be-
application of Prime & Bond 2.1. The average bond cause the composition of this system does not in-
strength for this group was lower, probably due to clude water, and the drying techniques decreased
slight overdrying, which can cause a collapse of the the surface water concentration of the dentin to a
collagen fibril network,4,5,7 although the degree of point which allowed the primer's organic solvent to
wetness in the two groups seemed to be similar to stiffen the collagen network faster than the water
the naked eye. could plasticize ip,9
A satisfactory value for adhesive strength was When the microbrush was used as a drying me-
also obtained in group 2 (19.5 MPa), where the thod, a moister surface was observed compared to
conditioned dentin surface was dried by an air blast the previously described conditions. Even though
for 30 s from a distance of 1 em. However, the this situation should have favored the Prime &
Scotch bond Multi Purpose system was applied in Bond 2.1 system,? it resulted in low values of adhe-
this group; it contains sufficient water to rewet the sion for both systems (G11 = 13.9, G12 = 12.1
dentin, recovering the integrity of the collagen net- MPa). This might have occurred because there was
work and its spaces.24 Once dried, collapsed colla- excess water on the substrate. Acetone, the volatile
gen needs water to lower the modulus of elasticity polar solvent found in Prime & Bond 2.1, has the
enough to let it re-expand and enable the diffusion ability to displace water, although in this case, it
of monomers into the collagen fibril network, form- was not capable of evaporating all the excess
ing the hybrid layer.5,9,20,21,23,24 The same result water. Consequently, much water remained on the
was not observed when the Prime & Bond 2.1 was surface, which may have caused phase changes
applied to similarly treated dentin (Group 1). Appar- and reduced polymerization,21,23 thus reducing the
ently, the acetone present in this system was not bond strength values, as exemplified by group 11
capable of expanding the collapsed matrix. Presum- (13.9 MPa). This group did not differ statistically
ably, the monomers could not diffuse into the dried from the average obtained when this adhesive was
sUbstrate,4,9,20,21,24 resulting in the lower values for applied to the drier substrate of groups 13 (14.0
adhesion4.9,20,21,24 found in group 1 (8.2 MPa). MPa, absorbent paper) and 7 (13.5 MPa, dry cot-
These were statistically significantly lower than ton) even though it was visibly wetter. This situation
those of the other groups (Table 3, Fig 1). worsened when the water-containing Scotchbond
Scotch bond Multi Purpose produced satisfactory Multi Purpose system was applied to wet dentin
results regardless of how dentin was dried7.24 (air that was left "dried" by a microbrush in group 12
dried for 30 s, absorbent paper, or dry cotton pel- (12.1 MPa). The resulting bond strength was proba-
lets, G2 = 19.4 MPa, G14 = 16.3 MPa, and G8 = bly due to the large amount of residual water that
16.1 MPa, respectively). We believe that the water was not evaporated prior to polymerization.21,23,24
content of the primer allowed the collagen fibril net- The worst results in this study were obtained
work to re-expand to the same degree. These val- when no drying method was used and the dentin
ues were not significantly different from those was left with excess water on its surface (G5 = 2.7,
obtained in group 10 (18.6 MPa), where the same G6 = 2.4, Table 3). According to Tay and others,21-23
adhesive system was applied to a substrate left vis- the presence of excessive water dilutes the primer
ibly moist3 after being dried with moist cotton pel- of some adhesive systems, and its components
lets. Apparently, the hydrophilic monomers in the separate into different phases. This leads to the for-
Scotch bond Multi Purpose system can tolerate wide mation of water blisters and micelles of resin which
variations in surface moisture.3,6,24 Thus, reliable are located on the adhesive interface, preventing
adhesion can be obtained when this system is em- the penetration of the resinous agent into the
ployed either in moist or dry conditions.6.9.24 dentin and making hybridization of the demineral-
ized matrix difficult. The presence of water-filled
blisters may promote the degradation of the bond
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Nobuo Nakabayashi and David H. Pashley

The hybridization of dentin-a process that cre-

ates a molecular-level mixture of adhesive poly-
mers and dental hard tissues-gives clinicians a
versatile new material, useful in a wide array of
advanced dental treatments. As the first in-depth
exploration of the subject, this book covers the
development, present understanding, and future
research areas of this multifunctional dental mate-
rial. A thorough review of the current literature
rounds out the text.
Valuable for students, researchers, and clini-
cians seeking a greater understanding of resin
hybridization of tooth structure.

Evolution of Dentin-Resin Bonding

Properties of Dentin
Acid Conditioning and Hybridization of
4 Characterization of the Hybrid Layer
5 The Quality of the Hybridized Dentin
6 Clinical Applications of Hybrid Layer

129 pp; 80 iI/us (some in color);

ISBN 0-87417-575-9 C3047; US $401£26

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