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@ ALru*rcrpruLur

scoLAR BucuRE$rl
ouMptADAcnglnvmATn 2o{s - ETApApEsEcroR- cLAsAA vn-Av 2

l. A. la points) Readthe text and fill in the gap with the appropriateword A, B, G or D.
No'onecan be certainwho reallydiscovered silk,but accordingto (f ) _, it was a Chineseprincess.One
day,this princesswatched(2) amazement as caterpillars
on her father'smulberrytree createdbeautiful
sifkthread.Beforelohg,she realisedthat this threadcouldbe usedto (3) _ cloth.Then,in about 1725BC,
the Chineseemperor'swife beganto sponsorthe cultivationof silkwormsand the manufactureof the cloth.The
processwas kept secret,and the Chineseguardedthe secret(4) _ for over3000years.Theyexportedthe
clothto manycountriesand (5) _ the envyof theirtradingrivals.
Butthenthe secretgot (6) . AnotherChineseprincessmanid an Indianprincewho (Z) her to tell
himwherethe silk whichher clothesweremadefrom was produced,and how.He then got someiilk wormsand
the Indiansilk industrywas born.At aroundthe same (8) two monkssmuggledseedsof the mulberry
tree and silkwormeggs out of Chinaby hidingthem in their - (9) , sticks.They took the secretto Japan,
wherethe Japanesesilk industrybloomed- andJapanis stillthe mainproducerand manufacturer of silktoday.
Why is silk so (f 0) ? lt keepspeoplewarm in winterwhilekeepingthem ({1} _ in summer.lt is
hard-wearing and soft againstthe skin.Althoughmodernartificialmaterialsare now available,silk (f 2)
the mostluxuriousof all.

1. A. fable B. legend C. story D. tale

2. A. for B. on C.' at D. in
3. A. gront B. make C. develop D. do
4. A. deeply B. enormously C. carefully D. tightly
5. A. attracted B. caused C. prevented D. created
6. A. away B. through C. out D. over
7. A. made B. had C. persuaded D. suggesled
8. A. time B. period C. age D. moment
9. A. walking B. wandering C. climbing D. hiking
10.A. liked B. popular C. favourite D. extended
11.A. chilled B. fresh C. cool D. cold
12. A. remains B. stays C. holds D. rests

l.B. (26 points) Readthe text and look carefully at each line. Someof the lines are correct, and some have
9!!9J4I of any kind (spelling,grammar,vocabulary).lf a line is correct, put a tick (v). lf there is an error,
cross out the wrong word and write the correct word.
01. I loveschoolsportsday.lt's a daywhenwe don't havesome
02. lessonsand we take part in all kindsof sport.At my school,
03.eachclassputstogetherdifferentteamsandwe competeagainst
04.eachother.My favouritesportis highjumpand I have
05. representedmy classsincethreeyearsnow.When I took up
06.the highjump I wasn'tsureI coulddo it at first.Theother
07.kidseemedverytalland I didn'tthinkI wouldeverbe ableto
08.jumpas highas theycould.ljoineda clubafterschooland
09. I soongrewa bit. Whensportsdayfinnalycame,I was ready.
10.I stillwasn'tas talleras the othercompetitors, but I was ableto jumpwell.
11.To my surprise,I tookthe firstplaced'ndI felt in lovewith this sport.
12.Of course,now all my friendsexpectmeto win the nextyear,because
13.there's morepressureon me to do good.

ll. (25 points) Read the following articte. Ghoose the most suitable heading from the list (A-F) for each part
(1- 5) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

Cfasaa Vll-a sector 2015 v2



A. They'vegot whattheYwanted
B. Simplynottrue
C. lt's notforever
D. Somesacilfices
E.. Alwaysrecognised
F. Themoney'sgood
'lt wont changeme!''
,Famewon't changeilTHow manytimes have new celebritiessaid thesewords?Youngfootballers,singers
who havejust won top W competitions,actorsappearingin extremelysuccessfulfilms,and evenyoung people
who havemarriedintoroyalty.Do we believethem?Notfor a moment.
2 .-
l tisa tm @tobechangedbyfame.|tisn o t |ik e a c o a t t h a t y o u c a n t a k e o f f wh e n y o u g e t h om e
from work. lt is also somethingthat these peoplehave usuallybeen actMelyhopingfor, for a long time. They
wantedit, they'vegot it andthey'regoingto enjoyit.
eeing in-iflJ[I6iif|-i5gxciting. Peoplestopcelebritieseverywherethey go, evenin supermarkets, and ask for
th-erestof us the oniytimewe signour namesin shopsis to pay them,
the bill.Unlike we can't
"n -Oeit For
"itogr"ph. are. We probablywouldn't even be able to
get the taUl. in the best restaurantsimplybecaule o! 1v_ho we
ifford the breadthere,anyway!Of course, the lMesof pebplelike this must change.
me priffi[rttiesTave to payforthis changein lifestyleis significant.No moreprivacy,no morew.alkingdown
to thb slrgpswith nornake-.,ub_ormessy hairanCno rlo-requiel-lolideygon the beach-But,_thisis.all pgrt ofJhe
job of Oeiig tamousinO wnijtfrerlt's in a goodway or a bad way, one thing is certain... fame does changea
However,as we know,fame does not last foreverunlessyou are like MarilynMonroe.So, I supposethe stars
haveto enjoyit while it lastsand then experiencean even moredfficult changewhenthe recognitionand money
stop.Theysiy that in our liveswe all haveffieen minutesof fame.I thinkl'd liketo be famousfor a liftlelonger
thanthat- despitethe Problems!

lll. (25points)Write a narrativeeqsayendinglike this:

Altof a sudden,she bursf intotaughterand said:"Youdidn't actuallythink we were going to leaveyou here, in
the middleof nowhere?"

Giveyour story an appropriatetitle and write between120-130words (12-13lines).(Don'tcount the words


Clasa a Vl l-a-sectorJ0l 5-v2


t. A, (24 points)

19,2D,3BJ4C,5A,6C,7C,gA,gA"108, 11C,12A

l. B. (26 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13
any sports v v for v kids v finally tall fell v well

ll. (25 points)

18 2A 3E sc
'F'is not used

lll. (25 points) Write a narrative essay ending like this....... Giveyour story an appropriate
title and write between 120-f30 words (12-13 lines).- vezi GRILAPENTRUCORECTAREA


Points A. Taskachievement B. Languageaccuracy C. Register& D. Organization, cohesion, E. Overalleffect

Vocabularv layout
. coverage of all points . no/veryfewgrammar . appropriate a veryclearorganization a veryconvincing
required errors register a manylinking devices a verymuchoriginal
5 . totalrelevance to tasU . no/veryfewspelling o veryvaried a fullycorrectparagraphing output
totallycorrectliterary errors vocabulary a fullycorrectlayout
content o widerangeof grammar
4 . coverage of all points a fewgrammar errors . appropriate a veryclearorganization o generallyconvincing
required a fewspellingerrors register a enough linkingdevices o a lot of original
e partialrelevanceto task/ a goodrangeof o variedvocabulary a mostlycorrectparagraphin
g output
mainlycorrectliterary grammarstructure a mostlycorrectlayout
3 . coverageof mostpoints a somegrammarerrors o mostlyappropriate o clearorganization o somewhat
required a somespellingerrors register . somelinkingdevices convincing
. somerelevance to tasU a goodrangeof o somewhat varied o mostlycorrectparagraphing . someoriginaloutput
someincorrectliterary grammarstructure vocabulary o mostlycorrectlayout
2 . coverageof a few points a manygrammarerrors o mostlY appropriateo unclearorganization o hot convincing
required a manyspellingerrors - register o few linkingdevices r littleoriginaloutput
r littlerelevance to tasUa a limitedrangeof ! o basicvocabulary o mostlyincorrectparagraphing
lot of incorrectliterary grammarstructure o mostlyincorrectlayout
1 . coverageof few points grammarerrors r sometimes . unclearorganization o not convincing
required sometimes hinder inappropriate . vBU few linkingdevices . ngoriginalouutput
o VeUlittlerelevance to communication register o mostlyinappropriatelinking
tasUmainlyincorrect spellingerrors o basicvocabulary devices
literarycontent sometimes hinder . totallyincorrectparagraphing
communication o totallyincorrectlayout
0 . coverageof few points a grammar errorsoften o mostly a total lack of organization r rn€ss?genot clearly
required hindercommunication inappropriate a total lack of linkingdevices communicated
. no relevance to tasU a spelling errorsoften register
totallyincorrectliterary hindercommunicationo basicvocabulary
content a verylimited rangeof
- 5 puncte(numereintregi)pentru de mai sus. Punctajulmaximacordatpoatefi 25 de puncte.
* spelling mistakes : 0.05 p.
** word order & grammar mistakes : 0.10 p.

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