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Group 5 – KWN

Aisya Nadya Damarcha - 17/408283/PA/17636

Rama Mahatva - 17/411464/PA/17858
Fania Ardelia Devira – 17/408287/PA/17640
Fakhri Seto Dewantoro – 17/415898/PA/18167
Rachmadio – 17/411463/17857
Michael Verellino – 17/408355/PA/17662
Muhammad Khalifa Umana – 18/425526/PA/18418
Michael A. Wibisono – 17/415902/PA/18171
Fadhila Aufa – 16/392765/PA/17069
Salman Alfarizi Harsono – 17/411469/PA/17863
Muhammad Adi Prasetyo - 17/415903/PA/18172

1. Do you agree with the idea of “freedom of religion” and “freedom of conscience”? How
would you defend it ?

Freedom of religion and conscience is a must for the development of a country. But it should not
be an absolute freedom but instead a rule-based freedom because sometimes freedom can be
mistreated as a right to do anything without considering the circumstances. So we can say that
we agree with freedom in religion and conscience but not as an absolute freedom.

2. What kind of policies on religion that have been promoted by the Indonesian
Government? How and in what sense the Indonesian “Old Order Gov” differed from the
Indonesian “New Order Gov” when it comes to the issues of religion?

In Law 1 of the 1965 PNPS it was mentioned that the majority were embraced by the majority of
Indonesian society and in Law No. 23 of 2006 was stated about Population Administration every
Indonesian citizen must include their religion in the religion column on the KTP. Now religion in
Indonesia has been divided into 6 and seen from the policy side not much has changed, but so
far discrimination has often been experienced by religious adherents outside the majority
religion in Indonesia, especially in the recognition and fulfillment of their civil rights. In our
opinion the earlier times were more instilled how the almighty divinity was in accordance with
our ideology Pancasila. That is all proven by the many disputes between religions that occur at
this time, whereas if we look at the past we see that all people can respect more religious
differences, which is marked by the lack of religious disputes at that time. In our opinion, the
feeling of bhineka tunggal ika it needs to be improved where there are different societies that
exist but must remain one in the religious side, while the current policy is no significant change
compared to past policies.
In our opinion this can be improved from the government itself, where every structural,
especially the religious sector, counseling can be held about religion in each region. There are
currently many cases where intolerant groups are urging regional heads not to give permission
for the construction of houses of worship to minorities. As the holder of governmental authority
at the regional level, regional heads should be able to carry out their functions of service in a non-
discriminatory manner.

We hope that in the future Indonesia will be created where Indonesia can be more prosperous
beyond the level at the level of the old order, Indonesia can better appreciate the openness of
the public and democratic system as it is today.

3. Would it be the case that the highest government interventions with regards to the
religions, the better the practices of religious freedom? Or Not?

Religion is a freedom where everyone has the right to believe what he believes. Speaking of
trust, we think this should not be subject to interference by any party. The conclusion depends
on the side of the government itself, when the government does not side with one religious
group, it is certain that religious freedom will most likely be realized in Indonesia.

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