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Gold is a soft metal with a number of interesting physical properties. Gold is
both malleable and ductile. Gold is a heavy metal (density 19.3 g cm-3) and
one gram of gold can be hammered out into a thin sheet of gold a meter in
area, and just 230 atoms or so thick. Gold leaf is translucent and the
transmitted light is greenish blue (gold metal reflects yellow and red, leaving
the greenish blue color.

Bismuth is a brittle, crystalline, white metal with a slight pink tinge. It has a
variety of uses, including cosmetics, alloys, fire extinguishers and
ammunition. It is probably best known as the main ingredient in stomach
ache remedies such as Pepto-Bismol.
Diamond is the only gem made of a single element: It is typically about 99.95
percent carbon. The other 0.05 percent can include one or more trace
elements, which are atoms that aren't part of the diamond's essential
chemistry. Some trace elements can influence its color or crystal shape.

S I L I C A T E (SiO₄)

Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust. As a mineral
name, quartz refers to a specific chemical compound (silicon dioxide, or
silica, SiO2), having a specific crystalline form (hexagonal). It is found is all
forms of rock: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.
Olivine is the name of a group of rock-forming minerals that are typically
found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, dunite,
diabase, and peridotite. They are usually green in color and have
compositions that typically range between Mg2SiO4 and Fe2SiO4.

Talc is usually green, white, gray, brown, or colorless. It is a translucent
mineral with a pearly luster. It is the softest known mineral and is assigned a
hardness of 1 on the Mohs Hardness scale.
O X I D E (O₂)

Hematite is colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or
red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. Varieties include kidney ore, martite
(pseudomorphs after magnetite),iron rose and specularite
(specular hematite).

Small grains of magnetite occur in almost all igneous and metamorphic
rocks. Magnetite is black or brownish-black with a metallic luster, has a Mohs
hardness of 5–6 and leaves a black streak. The chemical IUPAC name is
iron(II,III) oxide and the common chemical name is ferrous-ferric oxide.
Chromite is a mineral that is an iron chromium oxide. It has a chemical
formula of FeCr2O4. It is an oxide mineral belonging to the spinel group.
Chromite is iron-black in color with a metallic luster, a dark brown streak
and a hardness on the Mohs scale of 5.5.

S U L F A T E (SO₄)

Gypsum is a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dehydrate,
with the chemical formula CaSO. 4· 2H2O. It is widely mined and is used as
a fertilizer and as the main constituent in many forms of plaster,
blackboard/sidewalk chalk, and drywall.
Barite is a sulfate mineral with a chemical formula of BaSO4, sometimes
called heavy spar. Its chemical name is barium sulfate. It is the primary
source of the element barium. It is soft 3.5 on the Mohs scale and surprisingly
heavy. The desert rose popular with mineral collectors is made up of tabular
barite crystals.

Anhydrite is an evaporate mineral that occurs in extensive layered deposits
in sedimentary basins where large volumes of sea water have been
evaporated. ... Anhydrite is an anhydrous calcium sulfate with a composition
of CaSO4. It is closely related to gypsum, which has a chemical composition
of CaSO4.2H2O.
S U L F I D E (S₂)

Pyrite are usually easy to identify. The mineral always has a brass-yellow
color, a metallic luster and a high specific gravity. It is harder than other
yellow metallic minerals, and its streak is black, usually with a tinge of green.

Galena, also called lead glance, is the natural mineral form of lead(II)
sulfide (PbS). It is the most important ore of lead and an important source
of silver. Galena is one of the most abundant and widely distributed sulfide
minerals. It crystallizes in the cubic crystal system often showing octahedral
Bornite is a copper iron sulfide mineral. Bornite has a brown to copper-red
color that tarnishes to an iridescent purple on exposure to air. Its purple to
bronze iridescence gives it the nickname Peacock Ore or Peacock Copper.

C A R B O N A T E (CO₃)

Calcite is a rock-forming mineral with a chemical formula of CaCO3. It is
extremely common and found throughout the world in sedimentary,
metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Some geologists consider it to be a
"ubiquitous mineral" - one that is found everywhere. Calcite is the principal
constituent of limestone and marble.
Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium
magnesium carbonate, ideally CaMg(CO₃)₂. The term is also used for a
sedimentary carbonate rock composed mostly of the mineral dolomite. An
alternative name sometimes used for the dolomitic rock type is dolostone.

Malachite is a copper carbonate mineral. It can form acicular and prismatic
crystals but is more commonly botryoidal, massive, or as stalactites. It is a
vibrant green color often banded with light and dark greens and has a light
green streak.
H A L I D E (Halogens)

Chlorine (Cl), chemical element, the second lightest member of the halogen
elements, or Group 17 (Group VIIa) of the periodic table. Chlorine is a toxic,
corrosive, greenish yellow gas that is irritating to the eyes and to the
respiratory system.

Fluorine is a chemical element with the symbol F and atomic number 9. It is
the lightest halogen and exists as a highly toxic pale yellow diatomic gas at
standard conditions. As the most electronegative element, it is extremely
reactive, as it reacts with almost all other elements, except for helium and
Halite is the mineral name for the substance that everyone knows as "salt."
Its chemical name is sodium chloride, and a rock composed primarily
of halite is known as "rock salt." Salton Sea Halite: Halite from the Salton
Sea, California. Specimen is approximately 4 inches (10 centimeters)

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