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Q1: Which value are you going to teach to young child (5-8 years old)?

1. Being helpful to each other

2. Being honest
3. Being well-organized

Whenever it comes to the issue of dealing with a young child, it is challenging to figure out
what is the best way to overcome the situation. It is vital that values are taught to a child
when they are still young so that they can inhibit these characteristics even when they’re
older. I agree that being helpful to others and being well-organized is indeed an important
value; however, as far as I am concerned, I think the most important value is being honest.

The first of my reasoning would be that the child will be able to create long lasting
relationships. A key to creating a strong bond is trust. For all friendships, and relationships,
the moment someone starts to lie, the relationship can’t improve and will only start to
worsen. This is because when you start to lie there is no end to it. There is a quote in Korea
which states that once you start lying, you have to lie to hide the fact that you’re lying and
then you have to lie again and again which is an endless journey. Alike to this quote, once
you lie to your friend, it could especially create a conflict when someone figures out the
truth. In fact, in worse situations, this could create rumours and people may start to identify
the child as a liar. This is detrimental as people will start to not trust the child whenever
they say something by doubting them all the time. The reason behind this is due to the fact
that once trust is lost, it is the most challenging thing to reobtain. In serious cases, the
creation of this type of image of the child may result in the child either truly becoming a liar
which could potentially result in larger problems occurring in the future.

Secondly, the child can possibly become a more optimistic person as the atmosphere of the
family becomes happier. Being honest will allow the bond between the child and their
parents to strengthen. This is because the parents will trust the child and this will provide
psychological support to the child. When a person knows that someone trusts them, they
will feel more stable and will be able to form stronger bonds with that person. In the
process, this will simultaneously create a positive atmosphere within the family. It is equally
important that a child is raised in a family with a positive atmosphere. This is because
children usually spend most of their time with their parents. Due to this, parents are the
most influential people to a child. By being grown up in a happy atmosphere, a child will be
able to gain a positive attitude which will characterize their personality to be more
optimistic which is beneficial for their future. Therefore, the process of a child being
psychologically close to their parents is very important.

To add on, once a child grows up, it will decrease the likeliness of the child cheating in the
future. By creating the value of being honest, the child will naturally follow the rules such as
“Academic honesty” comparatively more than their peers. This is because they were taught
that to value honesty and thus will simultaneously think it is wrong to do actions such as
cheating on a test. This is beneficial as it will decrease the likeliness of them being in
trouble. Additionally, on a bigger scale, the child will be able to decrease the likeliness of
falling into serious problems in the future. As parents are people who know how to solve
situations more wisely, by the child not lying and informing their parents the truth, the
parents will be able to guide the child towards a better pathway. To give a specific example,
a child who grew up with the value of being honest is likely to tell their parents where they
really are at that moment, even if they decided to go out with their friends. By doing this, it
can reduce potential, more serious, risks later on. This is because, even if they fall into a fall
into trouble, their parents will be able to instantly provide support such as by calling the
police and telling them the correct location within a shorter period of time. Contrarily, if a
child decided to lie to their parents, it would take a longer time to explain the situation to
their parents and tell them the real location they are currently at. In the meantime, this
could lead to the situation to worsen and result in the child ending up in a more serious

In fact, even if the child does something inappropriate, the child will be able to solve
problematic situations relatively more easily. If you made a mistake, it is fine as everyone
makes mistakes. However, the moment you start lying and this is revealed, the larger the
problem becomes and teachers may start to always doubt your work. Not only,

On the other hand, being well-organized could help a child to have less stress as they will
have everything done on time. However, this is an aspect that they children can inhibit as
they grow up. Similarly, being helpful can also be a characteristic developed as time passes.
Also, being helpful may depend on the child’s personality and there aren’t detrimental
drawbacks to not being helpful; however, lying can become a habit. This becomes a major
problem in the future if the child mistaken it is okay to lie, and continuously performs this
action. Hence, it is crucial that a child is taught to value honesty.

Above all, though all the three values are truly important, I would decide to teach honesty.
Despite a person’s age, race, gender, or personality, as honesty is something anyone be
taught to value, every child should learn to value this trait. This is because honesty brings
numerous benefits in both the short-term and long-term, and in numerous aspects within
people’s lives.

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