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Topic : Script/Theses

Undergraduate Thesis:
Why We Stand on the Pro Side
for Undergraduate Thesis as a Requirement to Graduate

Composed by :

Dita Miranda Faisal (01031181621055)

MiftahRamadhanty (01031381621243)




Table of Content

Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1

1.1. Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objectives of Paper ............................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2 Discussion .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Overview about Undergraduate Thesis ............................................................... 3
2.2. Benefits of Writing Undergraduate Thesis ......................................................... 3
2.3. Why Undergraduate Thesis is Necessary............................................................ 5
Chapter 3 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 9
References ......................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 1

1.1. Background

Scientific paper is a written report containing the explanation of scientific

research done by a researcher which is presented in a logical and systematic way
in order to inform it to the readers. There are several types of scientific paper,
which are journal article, short paper, working paper, and graduate paper.
Graduate paper is divided into three: undergraduate thesis or script for bachelor
degree, thesis for magister degree, and dissertation for doctorate degree.

In several countries, writing undergraduate thesis or thesis is not a

requirement that every student is obliged to do in order to graduate. In the United
States and England, students on the bachelor and magister level can choose
between three options: thesis, professional project, or comprehensive test. In
Indonesia, writing undergraduate thesis is not anymore a determining requirement
for bachelor students to graduate since year 2000. Based on Peraturan Pemerintah
RI No. 60 Tahun 1999 paragraph 16(1), stating that the final test for a bachelor
program can be in form of thesis test or non-thesis test. But in practice, only
several universities like Indonesia University have implemented this regulation.
The majority of universities in Indonesia still obligate their bachelor students to
write undergraduate thesis as a final requirement to get the bachelor degree.

In 2015, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Universities of

Indonesia announces the plan of crossing out the undergraduate thesis as a
graduation requirement for bachelor students. Since the announcement of this
plan, it creates pro and contra from the academicians. In this paper, we will
discuss about the requirement of thesis from the pro side, which means we will
explain our reason and argumentation as to why we support the requirement of
thesis as a final project for bachelor students.

1.2. Objectives of Paper

The objectives of writing this paper are:

a. To briefly explain about undergraduate thesis;

b. To explain about benefit of writing and undergraduate thesis
c. To explain about why the undergraduate thesis is necessary for

Chapter 2

2.1. Overview about Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate thesis is a scientific paper prepared by bachelor students in

order to finish their bachelor program, as proves of their academic capability by
doing research about a topic related to their study field (Wirartha, 2006:45). In the
Unindra’s writing undergraduate thesis/final assignment guidance book, it is
stated that undergraduate thesis is a scientific paper composed by a student based
on research result using primary or secondary data that uses formal systematics
and follow the rule of scientific logic and appropriate methodology. Usually,
writing undergraduate thesis is the final requirement to get a bachelor degree.

2.2. Benefits of Writing Undergraduate Thesis

Before we talk about the benefits of writing undergraduate thesis, first we

must know about the benefits of writing in general. There are some benefits you
can get by doing the activity of writing.

1) You will communicate with clarity.

Unlike talking, when you write you look for more sophisticated
words and expressions to describe what you have in mind. This helps you
build a structure that will allow you to express yourself better and
communicate complex ideas in a much more effective way.

2) You will learn more.

Writing in your own words the information that you receive helps
you assimilating and consolidating knowledge that otherwise you would
forget soon.

3) Improve Your Verbal and Written Skills

When you are writing something down, you become more careful
in choosing the right words. This means your writing will be more

eloquent, concise, and elegant than your actual speech.But, if you keep at
it long enough, plenty of those beautifully put together words, phrases, and
sentences will begin to find their way in into your verbal communication
skills. You will start to use an expanded vocabulary, which will leave a
better impression of you on the person you are communicating with. Both
your personal and professional lives stand to benefit from this.

4) It’s a Great Mental Exercise

Keeping in shape doesn’t just apply to exercising your body
regularly. You can do the same for you mind as well. Writing activates a
number of different cognitive processes, and unleashes your creativity.All
of this will keep your brain sharp and active, and it can even act as a
preventative measure against some mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer's
or dementia.

5) Writing allows you to create bigger ideas

The habit of producing content over time affords you the
opportunity to create larger ideas that can be reshaped and repurposed for
other settings.

6) Writing makes you a better thinker

In an effort to create content that is succinct, reveals new ways to
look at common things, or apply simple solutions to seemingly complex

By writing scientific paper like thesis, we will get the benefits of writing
as explained above and we will also get academic benefits. Writing undergraduate
thesis gives bachelor students chance to conceptualize the knowledge they have
learned in classes and using those knowledge to make creation or find solution to
problems related to their study field. The process of writing undergraduate thesis
will make bachelor students learn more, strengthen their vocabulary, also train
them in creating and exploring ideas in a systematics way.

2.3. Why Undergraduate Thesis is Necessary

According to Zahra (2018) in her research stating about the function of

college students as emphasized by the Republic of Indonesia’s ministry of
education and culture, as following:

1) College students are the analyzers who are responsible to develop an

individual reasoning skill.
College students as sharp and intellectual people must be able to
carry out their lives proportionally and must always be reasonable, critical,
and have respect toward knowledge. Academicians must possess a sense
of crisis and always developing themselves to be a sensitive and critical
person toward the problems happening on their surroundings. This
characteristic will grow gradually if the students follow the disposition of
knowledge, which is always pursuing for scientific justification.

2) College students as the agents of change.

It means that college students must be the front line in carrying out
changes because college students are the educated and intellectual group.
History has proven that changes happen in the hands of young generation,
starting from the Prophet era, colonialism, until reformation, the
youngsters are the spearheads of the changes in the condition of a nation. It
shows the powerfulness of young generation especially the academicians
in bringing about changes.
The college students in modern era which is full of sophisticated
technology make it easier in doing activities, must be motivated to develop
their knowledge and skill. They must learn to change themselves first into
a better person, before trying to change their surroundings. One way to do
it is by doing the challenge of writing thesis that will make them grow
some positive attitudes inside themselves.

3) College students must be responsible and have scientific integrity

College students must be able to look for various truths based on
scientific character which is originated from the knowledge they have

gained, and then applying it to society. By writing thesis, the students will
develop their scientific integrity by properly quoting the sources from
other people’s works, and students will be responsible with what they have
stated in their stating.

We can see that the college students are expected to achieve a mature and
well-developed throne of scholarly, which means that the students who want to
get the bachelor degree must have a solid grip of their field of study and possess
broad insight so they can behave and act scientifically in everything related to
their field of study, which they will apply in the society. One way to achieve that
purpose is by challenging the students to write thesis so they will learn not only
the theories but also the real life problems in the society, and they will try to solve
those problems.

By writing undergraduate thesis, students will grow several positive

attitudes which are:

1) Writing thesis make students develop inquisitive nature, since students

will be asking and wondering about many things related to their research
2) Student will develop critical demeanor, which comes from the process of
gaining as much information, then comparing and measuring the validity
and accuracy of those information, etc.
3) Students will develop objective demeanor, because in doing research,
students must observe and think objectively without attaching to their
personal feelings.
4) Students will learn to respects other people’s works. When writing the
thesis, students must properly quote the statements or opinions that come
from other people’s mind. And by experiencing the though process of
writing and doing research, students will understand the great effort that
other people have put in making their works.
5) Strengthen students’ mental. Students who write thesis will develop
stronger mentality, because they have to hear and accept opinions,
argumentations, critiques coming from other people, and that kindly

responding to those feedbacks even though those feedbacks are not in line
with their own opinions.

We also know that what we learn in classes mostly are basic theories and
concept, and we only get a glimpse of how those theories are applied in the real
world. And what we learn in classes is only a grain of sand in vast sea of
knowledge, that’s why we need to never stop learning. In order to gain more
knowledge, we need to read because reading is one of the "windows of
knowledge", but not everyone likes to read. By writing thesis, people are required
to read from a lot of sources, thus make them gain a lot of new knowledge they
will start to get used to reading which will be useful for the rest of their lives.

The thesis does not only benefit the students themselves, but also gives
benefit to a country. Scientific publication is one of the ways to represent a
country’s education level. Our country Indonesia used to be left behind from other
countries like Malaysia, Turk, and China in term of scientific publication, both
domestic and international publication.But in 2018, Indonesia’s international
publication have hit 20,610 publication and ranked number 2 in ASEAN, right
under Malaysia with 22,070 publications. In order to maintain this achievement,
we need to keep training and motivating the younggenerations to write scientific
papers, otherwisewe will have a difficult time in catching up to other countries in
term of scientific publications.

Jadi kenapa skripsi bisa menjadi tolak ukur untuk kelulusan, itu dikarenakan

1. dengan menulis skripsi memberikan dampak positif bagi mahasiswa itu sendiri
daan juga positive side yang dapatkann bisa mereka ashare nnti setelah lulus
kepada msyarkat

2. skripsi merupakan bentuk karya ilmiah yang berupa research, dalam membuat
karya ilmiah tersebut membuat mahasiswa learn more about the subject their
research, baik pada teori maupun di penerapan, itu membuat mahasiwa mampu

mempertanggungjawab kan ilmu mereka, tidak hanya teori tetapi mereka mengerti
bagaiman menyelesaikan permsalahan practical dengan cara akademis

Undergraduate thesis is one of type of scientific paper, to writtimg the scientific

paper, student should learn more about the subject they research, both in
theoretical and practical Because of that students can accountable for the
knowledge they have learned. Itt makes they should try to solve the problem
appear in practical use the theoretical they have learned.

Karena mahasiswa juga seornang akademis,dan sudah seharusnya mahasiswa jga

bisa berpikir secara akademisi

Yang dimana akademisi merujuj pada orang yang berpendidikan tinggi atau

Jadi sebagai akademisi kita harus melakukan dengan cara akademisi juga

Chapter 3

In 2015, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Universities of

Indonesia announces the plan of crossing out the undergraduate thesis as a
graduation requirement for bachelor students. Since the announcement of this
plan, it creates pro and contra from the academicians.In this paper, we explain the
reason and argumentation as to why we support the requirement of thesis as a
final project for bachelor students.

Writing in general already gives us some advantages like improving our

verbal and written skills, allowing us to create bigger ideas, making us a better
thinking, etc. By writing scientific paper like thesis, we will not get the benefits of
writing, but we will also get academic benefits. The process of writing
undergraduate thesis will make college students learn more, strengthen their
vocabulary, also train them in creating and exploring ideas in a systematics way.
By writing undergraduate thesis, students will grow several positive attitudes
which are: inquisitive nature, critical demeanor, objective demeanor, respecting
other people’s works, and strong mental. We also need to keep training and
motivating the young generations to write scientific papers, otherwise we will
have a difficult time in catching up to other countries in term of scientific

The reasons that we have explained in this paper support our opinion as to
why undergraduate thesis must not be crossed out. Aside from standing on the pro
side, we are also open to hear the opinions and argumentations from the contra
side, so we can learn what are the things that need to be improved in the
undergraduate thesis system in order to create better condition for the students in
writing their thesis.






Zahra, Rita. (2018).

MenyelesaikanSkripsi, 1-82.


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