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What is a report? plan an investigation or research, and how to write a report.

Definition of Report: Step 3: Find in the information

Reports is a evidence of accountability for the activities carried out. find the information you need for your report. Through reading material,
observing people or activities, or talking with people.
What is the report function? Step 4: decide on the structure
Report function: its structure can include:
1. As a responsibility Title page,
2. As a tool to convey information and supervision Executive summary,
3. As a material for assessment and decision making Table of Contents,
What are report structures? Body,
Report Structure: Conclusion,
1. Title page, Reference list,
is the start page of a report that contains the title. Appendix,
2. Executive summary, Parts of the report usually have titles and subtitles, which are usually
Contains an overview of subject matter, analytical methods, findings and numbered.
recommendations. Step 5: Draft the first part of your report
3. Table of Contents, Once you have the structure, write down the title and start filling it in
is a page mapping for each section. with the information you have collected so far.
4. Introduction, Step 6: Analyse your findings and draw conclusions
is a frame of reference an outline of the report structure containing Title The conclusion is where you analyze your findings and interpret what
and sub-headings. you have found.
5. Body, Step 7: Make recommendations
is the core explanation in detail of the report made. Recommendations are what you think is the solution to the problem and
6. Conclusion, what you think should happen next.
Is a conclusion of the activities and reports that have been made. Step 8: Draft the executive summary and table of contents
7. Reference list, Some reports require an executive summary or list of content. This tells
a list of reference materials that were consulted during the research the reader what the report contains, and summarizes the
report. recommendations.
8. Appendix, Step 9: Compile a reference list
Is a page that contains a documentation of the activities carried out. This is a list of all sources for which you are reporting and using APA
How do you write a report? Step 10: Revise your draft report
Steps to write a report: First check both the writing of the sentence and the spelling, If there are
Step 1: decide on the 'Terms of reference' errors revision immediately.
decide on the terms of reference for the report, read the instructions and
other information about the report, and think about the purpose of the
Step 2: decide on the procedure
Outline 5. Avoidance and reduction methods
Background Conclusion
The term waste is defined as residual material that is not Lots of garbage that we produce every day, most of which are
needed after the end of a process so as to cause a foul odor that just thrown away. even the amount of garbage produced reaches
is very pungent and has no use value and tends tod damage. hundreds of tons, but the rubbish has not been managed well.
waste can be said as emissions associated with pollution. If Sometimes we never care about the impact that it can have on
garbage enters the environment, the quality of the environment the environment. the management is mostly only left to the
will decrease. The event of the entry of waste into the surrounding community.
environment is known as the event of environmental pollution. Recommendation
In human life, large amounts of garbage come from industrial The garbage that is produced every day is so diverse, therefore a
activities, such as mining, manufacturing, and consumption. good waste placement must be in accordance with the type of
Almost all industrial products will become garbage at a time, waste produced so that it looks beautiful when viewed and
with the amount of waste that is approximately similar to the closes the possibility of the animals alighting.
amount of consumption. The rate of waste reduction is smaller Source
than the rate of production. This is what causes garbage to pile https://www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz/current-students/study-tips-
up in every corner of the city. and-techniques/assignments/how-to-write-a-report/
Definition rubbish https://www.seputarpengetahuan.co.id/2016/09/pengertian-
Waste is waste material that is not needed after the end of a laporan-fungsi-laporan-dan-manfaat-laporan.html
process but can still be used if managed with the right https://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/report-writing.html
procedures. https://unilearning.uow.edu.au/report/4b.html
Types of waste: https://www.academia.edu/confirm/sent
a. Organic waste is waste generated from biological materials
that can be degraded by microbes (leaves, vegetables, fruit
b. Inorganic waste is waste produced from non-biological
material. (plastic, paper, glass)
Impact of waste:
1. Pollution of local environmental land
2. damage to infrastructure
3. Interrupt activities
Waste treatment and disposal methods:
1. Landfill
2. Recycling Method
3. Biological processing
4. Energy recovery

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