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Omega 77 (2018) 115–126

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The effect of customer value and power structure on retail supply

chain product choice and pricing decisionsR
Zheng Luo, Xu Chen∗, Ming Kai
School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Customer value in goods not only affect his purchase decision but also bring about a big challenge for
Received 24 September 2016 retail supply chain management. A two-stage retail supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and one
Accepted 12 June 2017
retailer is investigated in this paper. The manufacturer produces two substitute products which belong
Available online 21 June 2017
to two different generations while the retailer determines his product choice decisions and pricing poli-
Keywords: cies with considering heterogeneous customer demand based on different customer value. The key issues
Product choice faced by the retailer are which products to purchase, single or both? And how to make pricing policies
Pricing in different power structures? From three different game theoretical perspectives, we found that the re-
Customer value tailer’s purchase decision criterions are based on two thresholds, and in each power structure the optimal
Power structure pricing policies of manufacturer and retailer are obtained. In addition, the impact of power structure has
Game theory been explored and it shows that different power structures have no effect on the retailer’s product choice
Revenue sharing contract
decision criterions and behaviors, however, they have a great influence on supply chain members’ pric-
ing policies and performances. The revenue sharing contract achieves a Pareto improvement and makes
a bigger pie, and the power structure determines the pie split between the supply chain members. Addi-
tionally, revenue sharing contract will not affect the retailer’s purchase decision criterions and behaviors,
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sumer behaviour is becoming more and more rational. The price
factor cannot be considered as the only pricing decision-making
In respond to an increasingly fierce market competition and reference any more. Therefore, the customer value has become
meet diverse customer demand, the production and sale substi- one of the importance factors that influence customer’s product
tutable products have become a common behaviour of manufactur- choice [41]. From the perspective of manufacturers and retailers,
ers and retailers [13]. For example, Nike Inc. designs and produces there exist phenomena that some stores, such as online stores or
shoes with different kinds of styles, colours, qualities, and func- the stores in poor regions, may only sell specific types of products,
tions all the year around. And just about one year ago Apple and on the contrary, others may sell all kinds of products. Further,
Inc. released iPhone SE, however, the iPhone 7, a new generation the same-type product in different stores which serve for different
mobile phone, has been in a sale at the present time. What’s more, customers may labelled with different prices [49]. Therefore, big
the other older versions such as iPhone 6/6s are still on sales. challenges of product choice and pricing decisions have arisen to
From the perspective of customers, product diversification both manufacturers and retailers [2,16,37,48].
has led customers to hold different customer values or customer In addition, the market position between manufacturers and re-
reservation prices in different products due to their styles, colours, tailers are not equal in different industries. For instance, in some
qualities and so on [20]. For a newer or higher-quality product, the electronics supply chains, Microsoft and Intel act as a leader with
customer may hold higher reservation price than others [32], and more powerful than downstream members. Some retailers, such as,
customers determine their buying decisions by comparing their Wal-Mart and Carrefour, however, may be in a relative strong com-
reservation price with the actual price of the product [25]. Con- petitive position and act as a leader than their upstream suppli-
ers [14]. In many cases, supply chain members may be in balanced
market position, in which they are engaged in vertical Nash com-
This manuscript was processed by Associate Editor Chu
petition ([12,52]). To our best knowledge, there are very limited

Corresponding author. studies that combine the product choice and the pricing model
E-mail addresses: chenx@uestc.edu.cn, xchenxchen@263.net (X. Chen). based on the customer value with considering power structures.

0305-0483/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
116 Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126

Hence, our research aims to fulfil this gap through addressing the 2. Literature review
following key questions:
The literature reviewed here primarily relates to three streams
(1) How does the retailer decide which products to purchase of research: (i) customer value or reservation price; (ii) product
based on customer value with power structures? choice strategies, and (iii) effect of power structure on decisions
(2) How to develop pricing policies for the manufacturer and re- and profits.
tailer based on customer value when the retailer sells a sin- Many literatures are on customer value or reservation price.
gle product or both products with power structures? Some researchers were focusing on estimating and measuring by
(3) What is the influence of the customer acceptance and the using different methods, such as Sweeney and Soutar [43], Jedidi
power structure on product choice, pricing decisions and and Zhang [24], Wang et al. [46], and Kaplan et al. [25], etc. In
profits? the research of Sweeney and Soutar [43], they use a 19-item mea-
sure, called PERVAL, which is an empirical research method and is
In order to solve the above problems, a two-stage retail supply used to ssess customers’ perceptions of the value of a consumer
chain consisting of one manufacturer and one retailer is investi- durable good at a brand level. This measure is usually used in a
gated. This is an essential supply chain structure, based on which retail purchase situation to determine what consumption values
many papers study interesting operational management and mar- drive purchase attitude and behavior. Jedidi and Zhang [24] pro-
keting problems. The manufacturer produces two substitute prod- posed a conjoint-based approach to estimate consumer-level reser-
ucts which belong to different generations. The retailer sells di- vation prices. Form the perspective of consumer, they modeled
rectly to end-customers who have heterogeneous customer value consumer’s decision of not only which product to buy,but also
in these two generations of products, which is characterized by whether to buy at all in a category. Also, Kaplan et al. [25] pro-
different product acceptances. We investigate the retailer’s prod- posed a two-stage method to elicit consumers’ price acceptabil-
uct choice decisions and obtain the optimal pricing policies based ity range. Others conducted case studies from different perspec-
on heterogeneous customer value in each purchase strategy and tives and industries, such as Thompson and Troester [45] from case
power structure. Therefore, using this basic and appropriate two of the natural health microculture, Webster and Rennie [47] in
stage supply chain model is fairly enough to solve this problem, leisure travel, Koller et al. [28] considering green consumption,
and also it is easy to understand by readers. And indeed, we have and Perrea et al. [36] in food product industry, etc. Further, from
done many important analysis and obtain some meaningful in- the perspective of operational management, Shioda et al. [41] as-
sights, which can provide useful decision supports to the end re- sumed that product choices of consumer depend on the reser-
tailer. This study contributes to the theory and practice by inves- vation prices. They formulated maximum utility model an as a
tigating how customer acceptance and power structure influence mixed-integer programming problem, and investigated a product
retail supply chain management: line pricing problem. Abbey et al. [1] took customer reservation
price into consideration. By using a model of consumers’ prefer-
(1) Through the analysis of customer surplus (customer reserva- ences, they studied the optimal pricing of the new and remanu-
tion price minus the actual retail price) for heterogeneous factured products based on extensive experimentation. Hu et al.
customer, we expand the demand function used in a dual- [21] considered that consumers are sufficiently heterogeneous in
channel supply chain to product choice, which brings about product valuations in a crowdfunding mechanism, they examined
a little enrichment in theory. the optimal pricing and product decisions and found that the firm
(2) We obtain pairs of thresholds for the retailer to make prod- should offer a line of products with different levels of product
uct choice decisions. The thresholds, measured by the pro- quality and prices. The above literature on customer value or reser-
duction cost of the two substitute products, include a low vation price are not taking supply chain management into consid-
threshold and a high threshold in each power structure. eration. However, in some cases, the customer value may not only
Therefore, a purchase decision criterions can be established affect the retailer who serves consumer directly but also retailer’s
based on the thresholds, by which the retailer can estimate upstream firms, i.e., distributors and manufacturers.
the product acceptance based on some historical data, ex- The second relevant stream of literatures are the researches on
pertise, or the industrial reports on the similar products product choice. Moorthy [34] examined two identical firms com-
and then make product choice decisions. In addition, the re- peting on product quality and price. He assumed that the customer
tailer’s purchase decision criterions will not be influenced prefers the high quality product to the low quality. The quality-
with revenue sharing contract. price equilibrium strategies of both a simultaneous-product-choice
(3) The Power structure has a great influence on retailer supply model and sequential-product-choice model were obtained. Liefeld
chain pricing decisions and profits, however, it interesting to et al. [31] investigated the Dutch customers’ product choice. They
know that it has no effect on the product choice decisions. found that Dutch customers bought one product not others mainly
Namely, no matter which market position the retailer is in, based on their heterogeneity in tastes and preferences and rely
the purchase decision criterions stay unchanged. little on extrinsic information cues, and also they took little con-
sideration of country-of-origin as a choice cue. Rath and Zhao
This paper is organized as follows. A survey of related litera- [39] studied two producers’ location and pricing policies with con-
ture is presented in Section 2. The model formulation and assump- sideration customer product choice. They found that the equilib-
tions are provided Section 3, in which we formulate the demand rium prices and locations rely on relative magnitudes of the cus-
functions based on heterogeneous customer value and obtain profit tomer reservation price and the transportation cost. Friese et al.
functions of manufacturer and retailer. In Section 4, we investigate [17] tested the assumption that customers may have explicit and
the product choice decisions and obtain the equilibriums based on implicit preferences toward a product at the same time. By us-
customer value in each power structure. In Section 5, we focus on ing Implicit Association Test (IAT), the authors measured consumer
the impact of customer acceptance and power structure on opti- preferences regarding generic food products and well-known food
mal pricing policies and profits. In Section 6 provides an extended brands and found that the customer are more likely to choose the
model with revenue sharing model to coordinate the retail supply implicitly preferred brand when product choice has to be made
chain and investigate related conclusions. Finally, the research find- in a short time. Mack and Sharples [33] investigated the impor-
ings and highlight possible future work are concluded in Section 7. tant factors which affect people in mobile phone product choice
Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126 117

with the methods, such as active information search, structured

preference elicitation, ranking and interviews. They found that us-
ability, features, aesthetics and cost are the most important. Peng
et al. [35] examined the role of animosity in customers’ product
choices. They found that animosity has a significant effect on prod-
uct choice and the trade-offs between price and animosity can be
used to adjust the customer product choice behave. Swahn et al.
[42] observed 1623 consumers’ choice of apples and found that
sensory description labels have an important impact on consumer
product choice. Huber et al. [22] aimed to study the impact of Fig. 1. Distribution of customer value.
different ways of presenting the life insurance price on customer
demand. Their finds showed that unlike other products, there are
no impacts of ways of presenting prices on purchase intention. In- in the operational management decision. Further, being different
stead, customer experience and price perception have a great ef- from the above literatures, our research focuses on the retailer’s
fect. However, the above studies on product choice did not con- product purchase choice based on heterogeneous customer value
sider the impact of customer value on customer buying behavior in two substitute products. The impact of customer acceptance and
and firm purchasing decision. power structure have been examined. This paper aim to fill the gap
Additionally, many studies have examined the different power in literatures and guide business decisions in practice.
structures between supply chain members and they showed that This paper contributes to the literature in several perspectives.
power structure affects decision-making and profit [18,26,27]. In- First, our study considers customers with fully heterogeneous val-
gene and Parry [23] examined one manufacturer supplying mul- uations on two generations of products, namely new product and
tiple exclusive retailers, and focused on the channel coordina- old product. The customers are segmented based on the customer
tion. Choi [10] studied the pricing decision based on supply acceptance of old product and the customer surplus in new prod-
chain with two manufacturers and a common retailer based on uct and old product respectively. Second, we clearly identify the
a linear demand and a nonlinear demand. He discussed three bounds in which the retailer should do purchase new product, old
non-cooperative games, namely Manufacturer-Stackelberg, Retailer- product or both of them, we provide the corresponding pricing
Stackelberg, and Nash game between the manufacturers and re- strategies of the manufacturer and the retailer. To the best of our
tailer. Choi [11] extended this research by examining two manufac- knowledge, there are very limited studies that combine product
turers supply the product to two differentiated common retailers, preference and customer valuation in the pricing model.
and the horizontal competition has been into consideration. This
paper revealed that horizontal product differentiation will help the 3. The model
retailers but hurt the manufacturers. Raju and Zhang [38] studied a
channel model with the Retailer-Stackelberg and discussed the co- 3.1. Model description and assumption
ordination mechanism for the manufacturer. They found that such
channel structure can be coordinated by quantity discounts. Yang We consider that a retailer purchases from a manufacturer
et al. [50] analyzed a two-echelon supply chain with one manufac- who produces two generations of products, which have similar at-
turer and two competitive retailers. The different competitive be- tributes, for example iPhone 6 and iPhone 7.These two generations
haviors of the two retailers were discussed in their study. From the of products are not only produced with different production pro-
perspectives of supplier-Stackelberg, retailer-Stackelberg, and the cesses and hardware configurations, but also have differentiated
Nash game, Cai et al. [3] discussed the effect of the price discount after-sale services. We define that these two generations of prod-
contracts and found that the price discount contracts are bene- ucts as new product and old product, and the new one are supe-
fiting for the supply chain members. Fan et al. [15] analyzed dy- rior to the old one. We consider the problem that the retailer sets
namic pricing and production planning problems in a game of one the retail prices for new product and old product, while the manu-
leader and multiple followers with unknown demand parameters. facturer determine the wholesale prices of them. The unit produc-
They found that the leader will always outperforms the followers, tion cost is ci , unit wholesale price is wi , and unit retail price is pi
and each member can improve its revenue by demand learning. where i = 1, 2, and 1 stands for new product and 2 stands for old
Shi et al. [40] examined how power structure and demand mod- product. Note that unit retail price is high than that of unit whole-
els affect supply chain members’ performance. They found that the sale price and unit production cost, i.e. pi > wi > ci . To avoid null
effect of power structure not only depends on the model of ex- results, we assume that c1 > c2 due to the new product is better
pected demand, but also depends on the demand shock. Chen et al. than old product. Otherwise, c1 ≤ c2 will lead to negative demand
[9] explored the effect power structure on assembly supply chains for old production and meaningless lower bound and upper bound
composed by one assembler and two suppliers. They found when (See more detailed explanations in Section 4.1).
the assembler is the leader, the whole supply chain profit is the For customers, they are heterogeneous in the valuation of new
highest and so is the assembler’s profit. Chen and Wang [7] in- product and old product. We assume that the customer reserva-
vestigated the smart phone supply chain that consists of a hand- tion price (v) is uniformly distributed over [0, 1] within the market
set manufacturer and a telecom service operator. Different power size (number of customers) from 0 to 1 with density of 1, which
structures were considered and the corresponding impacts were catch the individual difference in the product valuation [5]. Consid-
discussed. They showed that the smart phone supply chain would ering a product that is priced at p, the customer with a net surplus
choose a bundled channel in the telecom service operator Stackel- v − p ≥ 0 will buy it [6]. From Fig. 1, all the customers with valu-
berg as well as in the manufacturer Stackelberg power structures ations in the interval [p, 1] will buy the product. Therefore, the
under certain conditions; while would select a free channel in a demand of the product is Q = p dv = 1 − p for 0 ≤ p ≤ 1.
vertical Nash power structure. Chen et al. [8] studied the pricing We further assume that the customer perceives new product as
policies for an O2O mixed channel with different power structures. a perfect product while the parameter θ ∈ (0, 1) represents the
They found power structure has great influence on pricing poli- customer acceptance of old product due to new product’s being
cies and economic performances. However, the above studies did superior to old products [32]. Thus, we use v and θ to capture in-
not consider the customer’s valuation on the product as a factor dividual difference in valuing product with different generations:
118 Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126

a customer perceives new product and old product to be worth v

and θ v, respectively.

3.2. Demand and profit functions

A customer with a valuation of v may purchase new product

Fig. 2. The model framework.
if it has a nonnegative surplus v − p1 ≥ 0 and may buy old prod-
uct if it has a nonnegative surplus θ v − p2 ≥ 0. The customer will
choose new product rather than old one if θ v − p2 < v − p1 . We 4. Equilibrium
denote the indifferent values in whether it purchases or not the
product as v1 = p1 and v2 = θ2 , respectively. The indifferent value This section studies the retailer’s product choice and discusses
p −p under which conditions the retailer sells one generation product or
of purchasing is v21 = 11 −θ 2 . Then two scenarios should be consid-
ered: both generations of products in different channel power structures.
p p −p We first study the case that the retailer sells both generations of
Scenario 1: if v1 > v2 or p1 > θ2 , we can derive 11 −θ 2 > p1 (or
equivalently, v21 > v1 ). Therefore, when 1 > v21 > v1 > v2 (or products and investigate the retailer’s product choice decisions in
equivalently, p2 + 1 − θ > p1 > θ2 ), namely p2 < θ < 1 − p1 + p2 ,
p p Section 4.1, and then discuss the case of retailer selling one gener-
this implies that the customer whose reservation price v is in ation product in Section 4.2.
the range [v21 , 1] will purchase new product while purchasing To examine the supply chain members’ competitive dynam-
old product if v is in the range [v2 , v21 ]. The customer whose ics in different market positions, we build a vertical competition
reservation price v is in the range [0, v2 ] will buy neither. Since model between the manufacturer and retailer as either a Stackel-
the retailer can select to sell either both new and old product, berg game or a Nash game. We use k to represent a model, where
or new product only, or old product only, if p2 + 1 − θ > p1 > θ2 ,
p k ∈ {MS, VN, RS}.
it is equivalent to the case that the retailer will choose both of Manufacturer Stackelberg (MS) model
them. Therefore, the demands for new product and for old prod- In MS model, the manufacturer is the Stackelberg leader while
1 p −p
uct are D1 ( p1 , p2 ) = v dv = 1 − v21 = 1 − 11 −θ 2 and D2 ( p1 , p2 ) = the retailer is the follower in deciding prices, the decision sequence
 v21 21
p1 −p2 p2 of the manufacturer and retailer is as follows. In the first-stage
v2 dv = v21 − v2 = 1−θ − θ respectively.
When v21 ≥ 1 > v1 > v2 , it is equivalent to θ ≥ 1 − p1 + p2 . game, the manufacturer announces the wholesale price to the re-
This implies that no customer will purchase new product and the tailer, anticipating the retailer’s price. In the second-stage game,
customer whose reservation price v is in the range [v2 , 1] will only given the manufacturer’s wholesale price, the retailer decides the
purchase old product. Therefore, the demands of new product and retail price.
old product are D1 ( p1 , p2 ) = 0 and D2 ( p1 , p2 ) = v dv = 1 − v2 = Vertical Nash (VN) model
1 − θ2 . Under the vertical Nash model, the manufacturer and retailer
p p −p make their pricing decisions simultaneously. The decision sequence
Scenario 2: if v1 ≤ v2 or p1 ≤ θ2 , suggesting 11 −θ 2 ≤ p1 , which
is: the manufacturer decides wholesale price to maximum his
is equivalent to v21 ≤ v1 , then we have v21 ≤ v1 ≤ v2 < 1 or
profit, anticipating the retailer’s margin profit while the retailer
θ ≤ pp21 . This implies that no customer will purchase old prod-
decides retail prices to maximum his profit, anticipating the man-
uct and the customer will only purchase new product if v is in
ufacturer’s wholesale price.
the range [v1 , 1]. Therefore, demands of new product and old
1 Here we denote the marginal profits of new product and old
product are D1 ( p1 , p2 ) = v dv = 1 − v1 = 1 − p1 and D2 ( p1 , p2 ) =
1 product as m1 and m2 respectively [10], hence we have p1 = m1 +
0 respectively. w1 and p2 = m2 + w2 that will be used in deriving the optimal
Therefore, the demand function of new product D1 (p1 , p2 ) and policies in proof.
old product D2 (p1 , p2 ) can be modelled as:
⎧ p2
Retailer Stackelberg (RS) model

⎪ 1 − p1 0<θ ≤ In RS model, the retailer is the Stackelberg leader while the
⎨ p1
manufacturer is the follower in deciding prices, the decision se-
D1 ( p1 , p2 ) = p1 − p2 p2 (1)
⎪1− < θ < 1 − p1 + p2 quence of the manufacturer and the retailer: in the first-stage

⎩ 1−θ p1
game, the retailer announces the retail price to the manufacturer,
0 1 − p1 + p2 ≤ θ < 1 anticipating the manufacturer’s wholesale price; in the second-
⎧ p2 stage game, the manufacturer decides the wholesale price, antic-

⎪ 0 0<θ ≤ ipating the retailer’s margin profit.

⎨ p1
p1 − p2 p2 p2
D2 ( p1 , p2 ) = − < θ < 1 − p1 + p2 (2) 4.1. Retailer sells both generations of products

⎪ 1−θ θ p1

⎩ 1 − p2 1 − p1 + p2 ≤ θ < 1 When p2 < θ < 1 − p1 + p2 , the demand of both generations
θ 1

This piecewise demand function gives us an intuitive insight of products is positive. With (1)–(4), we can prove that there
that the product demand depends on the retailer’s pricing deci- exists unique optimal solutions to the optimal wholesale prices
sions and the customer acceptance of old product θ . In addition, of manufacturer (wk1 , wk2 ) and to optimal retail prices of retailer
both the manufacturer and retailer are rational and self-interested, ( pk1 , pk2 ) when both products are available, which be summarized
that is, their objective is to maximize their own profit respectively. in Lemma 1.
The model is described in Fig. 2. Lemma 1. For any game model k, there exists a unique optimal solu-
We use m and r to represent the manufacturer and the retailer, tion to the optimal retail prices of retailer ( pk1 , pk2 ) and to the optimal
respectively, then the profit function of manufacturer is:
wholesale prices of manufacturer (w1k , w2k ) for the case of retailer sell-
πm (w1 , w2 ) = (w1 − c1 )D1 ( p1 , p2 ) + (w2 − c2 )D2 ( p1 , p2 ) (3) ing both generations of products, which are summarized in Table 1.
The profit function of retailer is: In different power structure, we denote the lower bound and
πr ( p1 , p2 ) = ( p1 − w1 )D1 ( p1 , p2 ) + ( p2 − w2 )D2 ( p1 , p2 ) (4) upper bound with a superscript k. From Table 1 and the condition
Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126 119

Table 1
The optimal retail price, wholesale price, corresponding sales volume, and profit under different power structures
when selling both generation of products.

Game models pk1 pk2 wk1 wk2 Dk1 Dk2 πmk πrk
3 + c1 3θ + c2 1 + c1 θ + c2 1 − θ − c1 + c2 θ c1 − c2 A A
4 4 2 2 4 (1 − θ ) 4 ( 1 − θ )θ 8 16
2 + c1 2θ + c2 1 + 2c1 θ + 2c2 1 − θ − c1 + c2 θ c1 − c2 A A
3 3 3 3 3 (1 − θ ) 3 ( 1 − θ )θ 9 9
3 + c1 3θ + c2 1 + 3c1 θ + 3c2 1 − θ − c1 + c2 θ c1 − c2 A A
4 4 4 4 4 (1 − θ ) 4 ( 1 − θ )θ 16 8

where A = θ (1−c1 )(1−c1 −θ(1+−c2θ))+θ (θ −c2 )(θ c1 −c2 ) and k ∈ {MS, VN, RS}. The assumption c1 > c2 is needed here. Otherwise
Dk2 < 0. That is, if c1 ≤ c2 , the demand for old product is meaningless.

< θ < 1 − p1 + p2 in demand function, the lower bound θ and

p2 k 4.2. Retailer sells one generation product
upper bound θ̄ k
in different power structure can be obtained, and
When the customer acceptance of old product is either suffi-
which summarized in Proposition 1.
ciently low or sufficiently high, the retailer will sell either new
product only or old product only, respectively. To obtain the equi-
Proposition 1. librium, we start with resolving the last-stage game and mov-
ing back to the first-stage game for all three game models. With
1) For any game model k, the retailer’s product choice decision (1)–(4), we can prove that there exists unique optimal solutions to
MS VN RS the optimal wholesale price of manufacturer wki and to optimal re-
criterions are: the lower bound θ =θ = θ = c2 and the
upper bound θ̄ MS = θ̄V N = θ̄ RS = c2 − c1 + 1, where
< c2 − tail price of retailer pki when one generation product is available.
Therefore, the optimal pricing strategy to the retailer and manu-
c1 + 1 for any 0 < c2 < c1 < 11 .
facturer can be summarized in Lemma 2. The subscript s1 means
2) For any game model k, when 0 < θ ≤
c1 , the retailer will
retailer only sells new product and s2 means retailer only sells old
< θ < c2 − c1 + 1, the re-
choose new product only; and if c1 product.
tailer will choose both generations of products; and if c2 − c1 +
1 ≤ θ < 1, the retailer will choose old product only. Lemma 2. For any game model k, there exists a unique optimal so-
lution to the optimal retail price of retailer pki and to the optimal
wholesale price of manufacturer wik for the case of retailer selling one
This proposition provides the retailer’s product choice decision
generation product, which are summarized in Table 2.
criterions and behaviors. On one hand, Part 1) gives the robust-
ness of retailer’s product choice decision criterions. The thresholds
5. Discussions
among MS, VN, and RS power structure are consistent with each
other. The lower bound in MS, VN and RS models are the same,
c In this part, we discuss the effect of the customer acceptance of
i.e., c2 , and the upper bound are also the same, i.e., c2 − c1 + 1.
1 old product as well as power structure on the decisions and profits
From this, we can confirm that power structure between supply
of the supply chain.
chain members has no effect on retailer’s product choice decision
criterions, and the retailer’s product choice criterions is steady in
5.1. Impact of the customer acceptance of old products θ
any competition situations. This is a very interesting conclusion be-
cause from the proof we know that these two bounds highly de-
Proposition 1 shows that when θ ∈ ( c2 , c2 − c1 + 1 ), the retailer
pend on the optimal retail prices, and in each game model the op- 1

timal retail prices are not the same. However, the product choice sells both products. From Table 1, we can obtain the following
decision criterions are consistent. Actually the retailer use pric- proposition.
ing policy with customer value to segment customer into different Proposition 2. For any game model k, when θ ∈ ( c2 , c2 − c1 + 1 ),
types. In addition, the thresholds depend on the cost of new prod-
then w1k > w2k and pk1 > pk2 ; if θ∈ ( cc21 , θ0 ], then Dk1 ≥ Dk2 ,
uct and old product. If the retailer could acquire manufacturer’s
cost information (c1 , c2 ) and estimate customer acceptance of old and if

θ ∈ ( θ0 , c 2 − c 1 + 1 ) , then Dk1 < Dk2 , where θ0 =
product θ based on historical data, expertise, or industrial reports 1−2c1 +c2 + 2
(1−2c1 +c2 ) +4c2
on similar products, he can build up a visual product choice stan- 2 .
dard and assess retailer’s product choice decision behaviors that This proposition indicates that in MS, VN and RS power struc-
whether it should choose both products, new product only, or old tures, when the retailer sells both new and old product, the op-
product only. If the customer acceptance of old product is suffi- timal wholesale prices and optimal retail prices for new product
ciently high (or low), no customer will purchase old product (or are higher than that of for old product. Since the customer per-
new product). Therefore, selling old product (or new product) is ceives new product as higher value, the retailer thus can charge a
the optimal choice for the retailer to maximum its profit. When higher retail price, which leaves a room for new product to charge
the customer acceptance of old product is moderate, the retailer’s a higher wholesale price as well. On the other hand, due to the low
optimal product choice is to sell both of them. customer acceptance of old product, to attract more lower-value
customers, the retailer should set a lower retail price which leads
to a lower wholesale price. For the demand, it is easy to under-
stand that low acceptance of old product will trigger much more
The assumption c1 > c2 is needed here. Otherwise, if c1 ≤ c2 the lower bound
≥ 1 and the upper bound c2 − c1 + 1 ≥ 1, and the lower bound will be larger
demand of new product, so it is better for the retailer to order new
than the upper bound, cc21 ≥ c2 − c1 + 1, hat is unreasonable. Therefore, c1 ≤ c2 product more under low customer acceptance of old product, and
would make no sense to our model. vice versa.
120 Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126

Table 2
The optimal retail price, wholesale price, corresponding sales volume, and profit under different
power structures when selling one generation product.
0<θ ≤ c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1
3 + c1 2 + c1 3 + c1 3θ + c2 2θ + c2 3θ + c2
pks1 pks2
4 3 4 4 3 4
1 + c1 1 + 2c1 1 + 3c1 θ + c2 θ + 2c2 θ + 3c2
wks1 wks2
2 3 4 2 3 4
1 − c1 1 − c1 1 − c1 θ − c2 θ − c2 θ − c2
Dks1 Dks2
4 3 4 4θ 3θ 4θ
(1 − c1 )2 (1 − c1 )2 (1 − c1 )2 (θ − c2 )2 (θ − c2 )2 (θ − c2 )2
8 9 16 2
8θ 9θ 16θ
(1 − c1 )2 (1 − c1 )2 (1 − c1 )2 (θ − c2 )2 (θ − c2 )2 (θ − c2 )2
πrsk 1 πrsk 2
16 9 8 16θ 9θ 8θ
where c2 < θ < 1 and k ∈ {MS, VN, RS}.

∂ w2MS more dominant or dominated by the manufacturer. And intense

Proposition 3. When θ∈( c2
c1 , c2 − c1 + 1 ), we have ∂θ
competition in balanced power structure results in lower retail
∂ wV2 N ∂ w2RS ∂ pMS ∂ p2
RS ∂ pV2 N ∂πm
MS ∂πVmN ∂πmRS

∂θ > ∂θ > 0, ∂θ = ∂θ > > 0, ∂θ > ∂θ > ∂θ >

∂θ prices, which is benefit for customers and in turn triggers much
∂πRS ∂πV N ∂πMS product demand of both new and old products. It is interesting to
0 and ∂θr > ∂θr > ∂θr > 0.
see that from part (3), no matter which power structure between
This proposition does a sensitivity analysis of the customer ac- the supply chain members, and no matter how many products the
ceptance of old product on the optimal wholesale prices, retail retailer purchases or sells, the proportion of new product or old
prices and maximum profits. No surprising that as the customer product in different market power stays unchanged respectively.
acceptance of old product increases, the optimal wholesale prices Part (4) shows that when the manufacturer or retailer is a Stackel-
and retail prices of old product, the maximum profits of manufac- berg leader (MS or RS model), he will gain more profits compared
turer, retailer and entire supply chain will improve as well. How- with that when he is Stackelberg follower (RS or MS model). The
ever, they are changing in different degrees. For the manufacturer, profit of the entire supply chain is as same to either the manufac-
the changes of optimal wholesale prices and maximum profits in turer is Stackelberg leader or the retailer is the Stackelberg leader
MS market power is larger than that in VN and RS market power. in the supply chain, and however, balanced power between the
Namely, the manufacturer is more sensitive with the customer ac- manufacturer and retailer is profitable for the entire supply chain.
ceptance of old product when he is a Stackelberg leader. For the re-
tailer, the optimal retail prices of old product change less when the
5.2.2. Retailer sells one generation product
supply chain members involved in more intense competition than
Define that when the retailer sells new product only if 0 < θ ≤
when he is dominate or dominated by the manufacturer. However,
c1 , the profit of the entire supply chain is πs1 = πms1 + πrs1 ; when
for retailer’s maximum profits, the more powerful the retailer is,
the retailer sells old product only if c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1, the profit
the more sensitive it is with the customer acceptance of old prod-
of the entire supply chain is πs2 = πms2 + πrs2 . With Table 2, the
following proposition indicates the impact of power structure for
the case when the retailer sells one generation product only.
5.2. Impact of power structure
Proposition 5.
5.2.1. Retailer sells both generations of products
(1) When the retailer sells new product only (if 0 < θ ≤
Define that when the retailer sells both generations of products, c1 ),
the profit of the entire supply chain is πs = πm + πr . Furthermore, MS RS V N MS V N RS V N MS
we have ps1 = ps1 > ps1 , ws1 > ws1 > ws1 , Ds1 > Ds1 =
we denote the proportion of new product purchased or sold and DRS
, πms
MS > πV N > π RS , π RS > πV N > π MS and πV N >
1 ms1 ms1 rs1 rs1 rs1 s1
of old product purchased or sold as α1 = D +1D and α2 = D +2D ,
1 2 1 2
πs1 = πsRS1 .

respectively. With Table 1, the following proposition indicates the (2) When the retailer sells old product only (if c2 − c1 +
impact of power structure for the case when the retailer sells both 1 ≤ θ < 1), we have pMS s2
= pRS
> pVs2N , wsMS
> wVs2N > wsRS
products. Ds2 > Ds2 = Ds2 , πms2 > πms2 > πms2 , πrs2 > πVrsN2 > πrs
and πVs2N > πsMS = πsRS .
c2 2 2
Proposition 4. When the retailer sells both products (if c1
c2 − c1 + 1) , the following properties hold: This proposition illustrates the impact of power structure when
the retailer sells one generation product only. We know that if
(1) w1MS > wV1 N > w1RS and w2MS > wV2 N > w2RS .
the customer acceptance of old product is lower (0 < θ ≤ c2 ) or
(2) pMS = pRS > pV1 N and pMS = pRS > pV2 N . 1
1 1 2 2
RS < DV N and DMS = DRS < DV N ; αMS = αV N = αRS higher (c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1), results in Proposition 5 are in line
(3) DMS
= D 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
with some studies in the literature (for example, [7,8,10]). Part (1)
and αMS
= αV2 N = αRS
or (2) indicates that when the retailer sells new product only or
(4) πm
MS > πV N > π RS , π RS > πV N > π MS and πV N > π MS = π RS .
m m r r r s s s
old product only, the imbalanced power between the retailer and
This proposition illustrates the impact of power structure when manufacturer (MS and RS power structure) has no influence on re-
the retailer sells both new and old product. Part (1,2) and (3) are tailer’s optimal prices, therefore, the retailer may have more flexi-
similar with some conclusions in Proposition 4: the more power bility compared with manufacturer in different power structures.
the manufacturer has, the higher wholesale prices of new and old However, the balanced power (VN power structure) will lead to
products he sets. The retail prices and product demand of the new lower retail prices, which can be explained by the fact that in VN
and old products are the same respectively when the retailer is power structure more intense competition between supply chain
Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126 121

members will drive the prices down, and that will benefit cus- retailer himself keeps, so 1 − φ is the fraction the manufacturer
tomers. As to the lower retail prices in VN power structure, it earns where 0 < φ < 1. Therefore, for the case when the retailer
drives much more product demand than that of other imbalanced sells both generations of products, the profit function of retailer
power structures. Powerful manufacturer will set high wholesale is:
 p − pr2

prices, which give him high margin profits, therefore, the manu-
πr ( pr1 , pr2 ) = (φ pr1 − wr1 ) 1 − r1
facturer who is more dominant will gain more profits than when 1−θ
he is dominated by the retailer. Similarly, when the retailer is a
p − p pr2

+ (φ pr2 − wr2 )
r1 r2
− (6)
leader, he will also gain more profits than that when he is a fol- 1−θ θ
lower. In other words, either the manufacturer or the retailer will The profit function of retailer is:
gain more profits when one of them is more powerful in the sup-  p − pr2

ply chain. The entire supply chain as well as the customer, how- πm (wr1 , wr2 ) = [wr1 − c1 + (1 − φ ) pr1 ] 1 − r1
ever, will benefit from higher profits and lower prices when there  p −p pr2

+ [wr2 −c2 + (1 − φ ) pr2 ]
r1 r2
is no channel member is dominant. − (7)
1−θ θ
6. Extended model with revenue sharing contract Regarding the supply chain coordination with the revenue shar-
ing contract, the following proposition can be obtained.
6.1. Integrated retail supply chain
Proposition 6. The retail supply chain can be coordinated with rev-
enue sharing contract with the condition satisfies wr1 = φ c1 , wr2 =
In this section, we discuss the optimal retail prices of integrated
φ c2 . With this contract, the retailer’s profit is A4 φ and the manufac-
retail supply chain which is used as a benchmark. Here we just an-
alyze the complex case when the retailer sells both generations of turer’s profit is A4 (1 − φ ), where φ satisfies 14 < φ < 12 in MS power
products, that is c2 < θ < c2 − c1 + 1. Therefore, the profit func-
c structure, φ = 12 in VN power structure, and 12 < φ < 34 in RS power
structure, respectively.
tion of integrated retail supply chain, denoted as π I (p1 , p2 ), is
 p −p p − p p This proposition indicates that the revenue sharing contract can
π I ( p1 , p2 ) = ( p1 − c1 ) 1− 1 2
+ ( p2 − c2 )
1 2

coordinate the retail supply chain and achieve the Pareto improve-
1−θ 1−θ θ ment under the given conditions for different power structures.
(5) With the revenue sharing contract we have designed, the manu-
It is easy to obtain the optimal retail prices of integrated retail facturer should set the wholesale prices which is less than unit
supply chain, as well as corresponding sales volume and maximum production cost namely, wr1 = φ c1 and wr2 = φ c2 . From this per-
profit. We summarize the above in Lemma 3. spective, the manufacturer cannot gain any profit from the product
1+c1 θ +c2 1−θ −c1 +c2 θ c −c sales directly, however, the retailer obtains profit from the prod-
Lemma 3. pI1 = 2 , pI2 = I
2 , D1 = 2(1−θ )
, DI2 = 2(11−θ )2θ and uct sales, and it share a fraction of revenue to the manufacturer
θ (1−c1 )(1−c1 −θ +c2 )+(θ −c2 )(θ c1 −c2 )
πI ( pI1 , pI2 ) = A
4, where A = (1−θ )θ
. to compensate the manufacturer’s sacrifice. After making “a big-
ger pie” through collaboration by revenue sharing contract (Please
Lemma 3 indicates that the integrated retail supply chain sys- note that in MS model A8 + 16 A
< A4 , in VN model A9 + A9 < A4 , and in
tem will gain a maximal profit π I ( pI1 , pI2 ) = A4 with optimal retail A A A
RS model 16 + 8 < 4 ), the pie can be split between manufacturer
1+c θ +c
prices pI1 = 2 1 and pI2 = 2 2 . Compared with decentralized re- and retailer, A4 φ for the retailer while A4 (1 − φ ) for the manufac-
tail supply chain under different power structure, integrated sys- turer. However, the allocation is not arbitrary, since the particular
tem has a lower retail price, high sales volume and maximum profit allocation ratio φ chosen probably depends on the firms’ rel-
profit than that of decentralized one. Both the manufacturer and ative bargaining power. In MS power structure, the manufacturer
retailer in decentralized supply chain aim to capture the most has more bargaining power than the retailer, so the manufacturer
profit which will cause double marginalization. Therefore, a price will ask for more than half of the revenue (because 14 < φ < 12 ,
contract with a specified quantity cannot coordinate the supply then 12 < 1 − φ < 34 ). Similarly, in the RS model, the retailer has
chain effectively. If and only if the manufacturer sets its wholesale more power to own more than half of his revenue ( 12 < φ < 34 ).
price equal to the production cost, the retailer can get a profit of And in the VN power structure, the retailer and the manufacturer
4 , but the manufacturer will get nothing. Therefore, without other have balanced power, theoretically they will divide all the profits
contract to guarantee positive profit, manufacturer will never de- equally (φ = 12 ). Therefore, we can conclude that the supply chain
crease wholesale price to production cost. coordination by revenue sharing contract helps make the pie big-
ger than that without coordination, and the power structure de-
6.2. Revenue sharing contract
termines how to split the pie between supply chain members, the
supply chain member who has more power will share more pie.
The previous study is based on a price contract with a spec-
The Fig. 3 gives us an obvious description of mechanism design of
ified quantity, which is actually a price contract with a specified
coordination parameter φ in different power structure.
quantity. However, in this section we extend our work based on
From the above propositions we know that this revenue can
other coordination contract, for example, revenue sharing contract.
coordinate the retail supply chain, so the retailer can sell the
This contract is an important and typical contract, which was early 1+c θ +c
used in the video cassette rental industry and gain great suc- products as the optimal price pr1 = pI1 = 2 1 and pr2 = pI2 = 2 2 .
cess [4] and now is widely studied and applied in many areas However, will this coordinating contract influence the product
[19,29,30,44,51]. Here we work on the extended model with rev- choice decision? The following proposition gives us an answer.
enue sharing contract to study the complex case when the retailer Proposition 7. With the revenue sharing contract, the retailer’s prod-
uct choice decision criterions are: the lower bound θ = c2 and the
sells both generations of products only, because the case when the c
retailer sells one generation product is relative simple. We assume
upper bound θ̄ r = c2 − c1 + 1, where
c1 < c2 − c1 + 1 for any 0 < c2
that the manufacturer sets wholesale price wr1 and wr2 (in this
< c1 < 1.
section, all the variables with a new subscript r mean the revenue
sharing contract), the retailer gives the manufacturer a percent- This proposition gives us an insight of the retailer’s product
age of his revenue. Let φ be the fraction of retailer’s revenue that choice decision with revenue sharing contract. We find that there
122 Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126

power. On the other hand, the sensitivity of supply chain mem-

bers’ and the entire supply chain’s profits to the customer accep-
tance of old products in different power structures is consistent
with the relationship of profits in different power structures. That
is to say, more power will get firm greater profits, however, it may
also bring massive loss as the change of consumer behavior.
Observation 3. A revenue sharing contract can coordinate the re-
tail supply chain and achieve the Pareto improvement under the
given conditions. The profit allocation is decided by the bargaining
power between them. That is, the revenue sharing contract helps
the entire supply chain make a bigger pie, and the power struc-
ture helps to split the pie, namely, the one with more power will
be allocated more profit. Further, we find that under revenue shar-
ing contract the lower bound and higher bound are consistent with
that under wholesale price contract. That is, no matter wholesale
price contract or revenue sharing contract between the manufac-
turer and retailer, the retailer’s purchase decision criterions will
Fig. 3. Profit allocation ratio in different power structure. not be influenced.
This study provides a general analytical framework for pricing
and product choice behavior based on customer value theory in
exist a lower bound θ = c2 and an upper bound θ̄ r = c2 − c1 + 1,
r c
a two-stage retail supply chain with one manufacturer and one re-
which provide retailer the product choice decision criterions. Ac- tailer. For the industrial applications of our model, our research can
cording to Proposition 1, we know that the bounds are depen- offer insightful managerial implications. For the retailer, he would
dent on the optimal pricing policies. However, it is interesting to like to get the cost information of products, meanwhile estimate
see that different optimal pricing policies with wholesale price the customer acceptance of old product based on some histori-
contract and revenue sharing contract result to the same product cal data, expertise, or the industrial reports on the similar prod-
choice decision criterions. Therefore, we believe that the revenue ucts, to quantize the product choice decisions. For the manufac-
sharing contract does well in coordinating the retail supply chain turer, though the retailer’s product choice decisions depend on the
and achieving a Pareto improvement, but does not affect retailer’s cost information, the manufacturer can manipulate it. Because our
product choice. This is an important conclusion for a retailer who model do not consider manufacturer’s stock-holding cost, if one
faces end-user directly, the retailer does not need to worry about generation products encounter poor sales, the manufacturer can
product choice problem with different contract. adjust wholesale prices purposely to change retailer’s purchase de-
cision. However, that will be at the cost of profits. As other models
7. Conclusions used in the literatures, our model is built based on some assump-
tions too. For example, our model assumes that a retailer sells two
In this paper, we studies two-stage retail supply chain consist- substitutable products belong to different generations purchased
ing of one manufacturer and one retailer. The manufacturer pro- from one manufacturer. One meaningful extension of this work is
duces two generations of products which are classified into new to consider two or multiple retailers who sell substitutable prod-
and old. However, customers are heterogeneous in the valuation ucts form two or multiple manufacturers, in which the chain to
of these two products due to the different production processes, chain competition can be studied. Another extension is to consider
hardware configurations, and differentiated after-sale services, or stochastic demand based on customer value theory in the future to
result from two different generation products. Based on the cus- explore the effect of demand uncertainty on pricing decision and
tomer’s net surplus, we segment the markets and derive demand product choice.
functions for the new and old products. To reduce inventory risk
while effectively meet customer demand, the retailer should de- Acknowledgments
cide which products (single or both) to purchase and how to pric-
ing. In addition, market power has been considered in our models. The authors are partially supported by National Natural Science
This study provides several interesting observations. Foundation of China (No. 71272128, 71432003, 91646109).
Observation 1. Retailer’s product choice decision criterions and be-
haviors can be quantized by identifying a low threshold and a high Appendix
threshold that are related to the production costs (c1 ,c2 ), and esti-
mating the customer acceptance of old product (θ ) in each power p2
structure. What’s more, the product choice decision criterions and Proof of Lemma 1. From demand function (1) and (2), when p1 <
behaviors will not affected by power structure, and they are steady θ < 1 − p1 + p2 , the profit function of manufacturer is:
in any competition situations.  p − p2

πm ( w 1 , w 2 ) = ( w 1 − c 1 ) 1 − 1
Observation 2. Different power structures have a great influence 1−θ
on the retail supply chain’s decisions and profits. No matter the re- p − p p2

1 2
+ ( w 2 − c2 ) − (A1)
tailer sells one generation product or both generations of products, 1−θ θ
in VN power structure the manufacturer and retailer engage in in-
the profit function of retailer is:
tense competition, the retailer will set relatively low retail prices
 p − p2

than that in MS and RS power structure. The manufacture will set
πr ( p 1 , p 2 ) = ( p 1 − w 1 ) 1 − 1
relatively high wholesale prices when he is a leader. Both manu- 1−θ
facturer and retailer will capture greater profits when he is more p − p p2

1 2
+ ( p2 − w2 ) − (A2)
dominate than other. The entire supply chain will be in the best 1−θ θ
performance when the manufacturer and retailer have balanced
Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126 123

MS model: Therefore, π m (w1 , w2 ) is joint concave in w1 and w2 .

∂ πr ( p1 , p2 ) −1+θ +2 p1 −2 p2 −w1 +w2 ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 ) ∂ πm (w1 ,w2 )
Form (A1), we get ∂ p1 = −1+θ
, ∂ p2 = Let = 0, we obtain
∂w 1
2θ p1 −2 p2 −θ w1 +w2 ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )
2 ∂ 2 πr ( p1 , p2 ) 2 2
− , = − 1−θ <0, = − 1−θ − θ ,
(−1+θ )θ ∂ p21 ∂ p22 1 − θ − w 1 + w 2 − p1 + p2 + c1 − c2
=0 (a-3)
∂ 2 πr ( p1 , p2 ) ∂2π (p ,p )
= ∂ pr ∂1p 2 = 1−2 θ . Then 1−θ
∂ p1 ∂ p2 2 1

∂ πm (w1 ,w2 )
= 0, we obtain

∂ πr ( p 1 , p 2 ) ∂ 2 πr ( p 1 , p 2 )
Let ∂ w2

∂ p2 ∂ p1 ∂ p2

∂ 2 π ( p1, p ) θ c1 − c2 − θ p1 + p2 − θ w 1 + w 2
∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )

(1 − θ )θ
= > 0.

r 1 2
(−1 + θ )θ
=0 (a-4)

∂p ∂p ∂ p2 2

2 1
1 + 2c1 θ +2c2
∂ πr ( p1 , p2 ) From (a-1) to (a-4), we get wV1 N = , wV2 N = , pV1 N =
Therefore, π r (p1 , p2 ) is joint concave in p1 and p2 . Let ∂ p1 = 2+c1 2θ +c2
3 3

3 and pV2 N = 3 .
0, we obtain
RS model:
−1 + θ + 2 p1 − 2 p2 − w1 + w2
=0 (a-1) From (a-3) and (a-4), we get w1 = 1 + c1 − p1 and w2 = θ +
−1 + θ c2 − p2 . Substitute w1 and w2 to (4), we get
∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )
= 0, we obtain  p − p2

∂ p2
πr ( p1 , p2 ) = [ p1 − (1 + c1 − p1 )] 1 − 1
2θ p1 − 2 p2 − θ w1 + w2 1−θ
− =0 (a-2) p − p p2

(−1 + θ )θ + [( p2 − (θ + c2 − p2 ) )]
1 2
− (A4)
1−θ θ
1+w1 θ +w2
Then, we can derive p1 = 2 and p2 = 2 . Substituting p1 ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 ) −3 + 3θ −c1 +c2 +4 p1 −4 p2 ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )
and p2 into (3), we can get: From (A4), ∂ p1 = −1+θ
, ∂ p2 =
θ c1 −c2 −4θ p1 +4 p2 ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )
4 ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )
4 4
(1 + w1 ) + 12 (−θ − w2 ) (−1+θ )θ ,
∂ p21
= − 1−θ < 0,
∂ p22
= − 1−θ − θ ,
πm (w1 , w2 ) = (−c1 + w1 ) 1 − 2
1−θ ∂ 2 πr ( p1 , p2 )
and ∂ p ∂ p
∂ 2 πr ( p1 , p2 )
= ∂p ∂p 4
= 1−θ . Then
1 1 2 2 1

1 + w1 ) + 2 (−θ − w2 )
θ + w2

+ (−c2 + w2 ) − (A3)
∂ πr ( p 1 , p 2 ) ∂ 2 πr ( p 1 , p 2 )

1−θ 2θ

∂ p2 ∂ p1 ∂ p2
∂ πm (w1 ,w2 ) −1+θ +2w1 −2w2 −c1 +c2
∂ 2 π ( p1, p ) ∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )

(1 − θ )θ
= > 0.
From (A3), we get ∂ w1 = 2(−1+θ )
r 1 2

∂ πm (w1 ,w2 ) c2 −c1 θ +2w1 θ −2w2 ∂ 2 πm (w1 ,w2 ) ∂ 2 πm (w1 ,w2 )

∂p ∂p ∂ p2 2

1 2 1
∂ w2 = 2(1−θ )θ
, = − 1−θ <0,
∂ w21 ∂ w22
∂ πr ( p1 , p2 )
= − 1−θ − θ and1 ∂ πm (w1 ,w2 )
2 ∂ πm (w1 ,w2 )
= ∂w ∂w 1
= 1−θ > 0. Then Therefore, π r (p1 , p2 ) is joint concave in p1 and p2 . Let ∂ p1 =
∂ w1 ∂ w2 2 1
∂ πr ( p1 , p2 ) 3θ +c

= 0, we can derive pRS
= 4 1 and pRS = 4 2 . Replacing

∂ πm ( w 1 , w 2 ) ∂ 2 πm ( w 1 , w 2 )
∂ p2 1 2

p1 and p2 with pRS and P2RS into w1 and w2 , then we have wRS =

∂ w2 ∂ w1 ∂ w2
1 1 1

∂ 2 π (w1 , w ) ∂ πm (w1 , w2 )

(1 − θ )θ
= > 0. 1 + 3c1
and wRS =
θ +3c2
. This completes the proof.

m 1 2
4 2 4

∂w ∂w ∂ w22

2 1 Proof of Proposition 1.
Therefore, π m (w1 , w2 ) is joint concave in w1 and
∂ πm (w1 ,w2 ) ∂ πm (w1 ,w2 ) 1) From Table 1, for the MS model, when selling both gen-
w2 . Let ∂w =0 and ∂w = 0, we obtain 3+c
1 2 erations of products, the optimal prices are pMS
= 41
−1+θ +2w1 −2w2 −c1 +c2 c2 −c1 θ +2w1 θ −2w2 3θ +c2
= 0 and = 0. Then, we can and pMS = The optimal solutions pMS and pMS
2(−1+θ ) 2(1−θ )θ 2 4 . 1 2
c +1 θ +c pMS
derive wMS 1
= 12 and wMS
= 2 2 . Replacing w1 and w2 with satisfy 2
< θ < 1 − pMS + pMS , namely (
3θ +c2
)/( 3+4c1 ) < θ
3+c1 pMS 1 2 4
and wMS 2
into p1 and p2 , then we have pMS
= 4 and 1
3θ +c
and θ < 1 − 4 1 + 4 2 . Through simplifying, the first in-
MS 3θ +c2
p2 = 4 .
equality implies c2 < θ while the second inequality im-
VN model: plies θ < 1 − c1 + c2 . Therefore, in MS game model the lower
We denote the marginal profits of new product and old product bound is θ
= c and the upper bound is θ̄ MS = 1 − c1 + c2 .
as m1 = p1 − w1 and m2 = p2 − w2 , respectively. Then the manu- 1
When the real acceptance of old product θ is sufficiently
facturers’ profit functions become
low, satisfying θ ≤ θ
MS c
= c2 , the demand of old product is
( m + w1 ) − ( m2 + w2 ) zero and only new product is sold; and when θ ≥ 1 − c1 +
πm ( w 1 ) = ( w 1 − c 1 ) 1 − 1
1−θ c2 , the demand of new product is zero and only old prod-
uct is sold. Similarly, we get the lower bound θ
VN c
= c2 and
( m1 + w1 ) − ( m2 + w2 ) ( m2 + w2 1
+ ( w 2 − c2 ) − (A4) upper bound θ̄ V N = 1 − c1 + c2 in VN game model, and the
1−θ θ
lower bound θ = c2 and the upper bound θ̄ RS = 1 − c1 + c2
RS c
∂ πm (w1 ,w2 ) 1−θ −w1 +w2 −p1 + p2 +c1 −c2 in RS game model. From the above derivation, obviously we
Form (A4), we get ∂ w1 = 1−θ
have θ =θ = θ = c2 and θ̄ MS = θ̄ V N = θ̄ RS = 1 − c1 +
∂ πm (w1 ,w2 ) θ c1 −c2 −θ p1 + p2 −θ w1 +w2 ∂ πm (w1 ,w2 )
1 ∂ 2 πm (w1 ,w2 )
∂ w2 = (−1+θ )θ
, =− 1−θ <0, c2 .
∂ w21 ∂ w22
1 1 ∂ 2 πm (w1 ,w2 ) ∂ 2 πm (w1 ,w2 ) 1 2) From demand function and the proof of part 1), it is easy
= − 1−θ − θ and ∂ w1 ∂ w2 = ∂w ∂w = 1−θ > 0. Then
to know that when θ is lower than the lower bound c2 , the
2 1


∂ πm ( w 1 , w 2 ) ∂ 2 πm ( w 1 , w 2 )
demand for old product is zero; and when θ is higher than

the upper bound 1 − c1 + c2 , the demand for new product is

∂ w2 ∂ w1 ∂ w2

∂ 2 π (w1 , w ) ∂ 2 πm (w1 , w2 )

(1 − θ )θ
= > 0. zero; and when θ is between c2 and 1 − c1 + c2 , the demand

m 1 2 1

∂w ∂w ∂ w22
for both products are positive. This completes the proof.
2 1
124 Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126

θ 2 −(1−2c1 +c2 )θ −c2

Proof of Lemma 2. and DRS
= 4(−1+θ )θ
. Define f (θ ) = θ 2 − (1 − 2c1 + c2 )θ −
MS model:
c2 , assuming f (θ ) = 0, because  = (1 − 2 c + c2 )2 + 4c2 > 0,
0<θ ≤
From demand function (1) and (2), when c1 , 1−2c1 +c2 + (1−2c1 +c2 )2 +4c2
dπr ( p1 ) there exit two real roots θ0 = and
πr ( p1 , p2 ) = πr ( p1 ) = ( p1 − w1 )(1 − p1 ). d p1
= 1 − 2 p1 + w1  2
1−2c1 +c2 − (1−2c1 +c2 )2 +4c2
d2 πr ( p1 ) θ0 = . Because θ0 θ0 = −c2 , then θ 0 > 0 and
and = −2 < 0. Therefore, π r (p1 ) is concave in p1 . 2
d p21 θ0 < 0, reject θ0 .
dπr ( p1 ) 1+w1
Let = 0, we get p1 = 2 . Substituting p1 into
Next, we aim to prove θ0 ∈ ( c2 , c2 − c1 + 1 ). Firstly,
d p1 c
c2 −c1 +
πm (w1 , w2 ) = πm (w1 ) = (w1 − c1 )(1 − p1 ) = (w1 − c1 )(1 − 1+w1
2 ),  1

1+c2 − (1−2c1 +c2 )2 +4c2
dπm (w1 ) 1+c1 −2w1 d2 πm (w1 ) 1−θ0 = , then we have 1+c2 − (1−2c1 +c2 )2 +4c2 >0⇔
we get = , = −1 < 0. Therefore, π m (w1 )  2
d w1 2 ∂ w21 2
dπm (w1 ) 1+c (1−2c1 +c2 ) +4c2 ⇔(1+c2 )2 >(1−2c1 +c2 )2 +4c2 ⇔4(1+c1 )(c1 −c2 )>0 for any
1+c2 >
is concave in w1 . Let d w1
= 0, we get wMS s1
= 2 1 . Replacing 0 < c2 < c1 < 1. That is, θ0 < c2 − c1 + 1. Secondly, θ0 − cc2 =
3+ c  1
w1 with wMS s1
into p1 , then we have pMS s1
= 41. 2c
4c2 + (1−2c1 +c2 )2 −(−1 + 2c1 −c2 + c 2 ) 2c2
When c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1, πr ( p1 , p2 )=πr ( p2 )=( p2 −w2 )(1− θ2 ).
p 2
1 . If −1 + 2c1 − c2 + c1 ≤ 0, we get

dπr ( p2 ) d πr ( p2 )
4c2 +(1−2c1 +c2 )2 −(−1 + 2c1 −c2 + c 2 )>0 for any 0 < c2 < c1 < 1; and
= − θ2 < 0. Therefore, π r (p2 ) is con-
2p w
= 1 − θ 2 + θ2 , 1 
d p2 d p22 2c
dπ ( p ) θ +w if −1 + 2c1 − c2 + c 2 > 0, we get 4c2 +(1−2c1 +c2 )2 >−1+2c1 −c2 + 2cc2 ⇔
cave in p2 . Let dr p 2 = 0, we get p2 = 2 2 . Substituting p2 into 1
2c 4(1−c1 )c2 (c1 −c2 )
4c2 +(1−2c1 +c2 )2 >(−1+2c1 −c2 + c 2 )2 ⇔ >0 for any 0 < c2 < c1
θ +w2
πm (w1 , w2 ) = πm (w2 ) = (w2 − c2 )(1 − p2 2
θ ) = (w2 − c2 )(1 − 2θ
), 1 c
< 1. Therefore, θ0 >
dπm (w2 ) θ +c2 −2w2 d2 πm (w2 ) c1 .
we get = , = −1 < 0. Therefore, π m (w2 )
d w2 2 ∂ w22 Therefore, when θ ∈ ( c2 , θ0 ], f (θ ) = θ 2 − (1 − 2c1 + c2 )θ − c2 ≤
dπm (w2 ) θ +c 1
is concave in w2 . Let d w2
= 0, we get wMS s2
= 2 2. Replacing 0, and then DMS ≥ DMS , DV1 N ≥ DV2 N and DRS ≥ DRS , and if θ ∈
1 2 1 2
3 θ + c (θ0 , c2 − c1 + 1), f (θ ) = θ 2 − (1 − 2c1 + c2 )θ − c2 > 0, and then
w2 with wMS
into p2 , then we have pMS
= 4 2.
, DV1 N < DV2 N and DRS 1
< DRS2
. This completes the proof.
VN model:

From demand function (1) and (2), when 0 < θ ≤ c2 , remem-
∂ wMS ∂ wV2 N
ber that the marginal profits of new product is m1 = p1 − w1 , then 1 1
∂θ = 2 , ∂θ = 3
Proof of Proposition 3. From Table 1,
πm (w1 , w2 ) = πm (w1 ) = (w1 − c1 )(1 − m1 − w1 ), we get dπdmw(w1 ) = ∂ wRS 1 ∂ w MS ∂ wVN ∂ w RS ∂ pVN
∂θ = 4 . That is, ∂θ > ∂θ > ∂θ > 0. ∂θ = 3
2 2 2 2 2
1 and
d2 πm (w1 )
1 − p1 − w1 + c1 , = −1 < 0. Therefore, π m (w1 ) is concave ∂ pMS ∂ p RS ∂ pMS ∂ pRS ∂ p VN
∂π MS
∂ w21 and ∂θ2 = ∂θ2 = 34 . That is, ∂θ2 = ∂θ2 > ∂θ2 > 0. ∂θ =

dπm (w1 ) dπ ( p ) (θ c1 −c2 )(θ c1 +c2 −2θ c2 ) ∂πmVN (θ c1 −c2 )(θ c1 +c2 −2θ c2 )
in w1 . Combine = 0 and dr p 1 = 1 − 2 p1 + w1 = 0 (from > 0,
d w1 1 8 (1−θ )2 θ 2 ∂θ = 9 (1−θ )2 θ 2
>0 and
1 + 2c1
0 < θ ≤ c ), we get wVs1N =
c2 2+c
MS model when and pVs1N = 3 1 . ∂πmRS (θ c1 −c2 )(θ c1 +c2 −2θ c2 ) ∂πmMS ∂πmVN ∂πmRS
∂θ = > 0. That is, ∂θ > ∂θ > ∂θ > 0.
1 3
When c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1, remember that the marginal prof- 16 (1−θ )2 θ 2
∂πr MS (θ c1 −c2 )(θ c1 +c2 −2θ c2 ) ∂πrV N (θ c1 −c2 )(θ c1 +c2 −2θ c2 )
its of old product is m2 = p2 − w2 , then πm (w1 , w2 ) = πm (w2 ) = ∂θ = > 0, ∂θ = >0
16 (1−θ )2 θ 2 9 (1−θ )2 θ 2
m2 +w2 dπm (w2 ) θ −p2 −w2 +c2 d2 πm (w2 )
(w2 − c2 )(1 − θ ), we get = θ , = ∂πrRS (θ c1 −c2 )(θ c1 +c2 −2θ c2 ) ∂πrRS ∂πrV N ∂πrMS
d w2 ∂ w22 and ∂θ = > 0. That is, ∂θ > ∂θ > ∂θ >
dπm (w2 ) 8 (1−θ )2 θ 2
− θ1 < 0. Therefore, π m (w2 ) is concave in w2 . Combine d w2
=0 0. This completes the proof. 
dπr ( p2 ) 2 p2 w2
and = 1 − θ + θ = 0 (from MS model when c2 − c1 +
d p2 Proof of Proposition 4.
θ +2c 2θ +c
1 ≤ θ < 1), we get wVs2N = 3 2 and pVs2N = 3 2 . 1) From Table 1, wMS − wV1 N =
1−c1 MS RS 1−c1
1 6 > 0, w1 − w1 = 4 >
RS model: 1 −c θ −c
0 and wV1 N − wRS 1
= 12 1 > 0; wMS 2
− wV2 N = 6 2 > 0, wMS 2

From demand function (1) and (2), when 0 < θ ≤
from RS θ −c2 V N RS θ −c2 MS
c1 w2 = 4 > 0 and w2 − w2 = 12 > 0. That is, w1 >
dπm (w1 )
= 1 − p1 − w1 + c1 = 0 (from VN model when 0 < θ ≤
d w1 c1 ), wV1 N > wRS 1
and wMS 2
> wV2 N > wRS 2
we get w1 = 1 − p1 + c1 . Substitute w1 into πr ( p1 , p2 ) = πr ( p1 ) = 2) From Table 1, pMS − p RS =0 and pMS − pV N = 1−c1 > 0; pMS −
1 1 1 1 12 2
( p1 − w1 )(1 − p1 ) = ( p1 − 1 + p1 − c1 )(1 − p1 ), we get dπdr p( p1 ) = pRS =0 and pMS
θ −c
− pV2 N = 12 2 > 0. That is, pMS = pRS > pV1 N
1 2 2 1 1
3 − 4 p1 + c1 and
d2 πr ( p1 )
= −4 < 0. Therefore, π r (p1 ) is concave in and pMS2
= pRS2
> pV2 N .
d p21 1−θ −c +c
dπr ( p1 ) 3+c1
3) From Table 1, DMS 1
− DRS1
= 0 and DMS 1
− DV1 N = − 12(1−1θ ) 2 <
p1 . Let = 0, we get pRS = 4 . Replacing p1 with pRS into 1−θ −c +c
d p1 s1
1 + 3c1
0; DMS2
= 0 and DMS 2
− DV2 N = − 12(1−1θ ) 2 < 0; α1MS −
w1 , then we have wRS = .
s1 4
dπm (w2 ) θ −p2 −w2 +c2
α1V N = 0 and α1MS − α1RS = 0; α2MS − α2V N = 0 and α2MS − α2RS =
When c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1, from d w2
= θ = 0 (from 0. That is, DMS = DRS < DV1 N , DMS = DRS < DV2 N , α1MS = α1V N =
1 1 2 2
VN model when c2 − c1 + 1 ≤ θ < 1), we get w2 = θ − p2 + c2 . α1RS and α2MS = α2V N = α2RS .
Substitute w2 into πr ( p1 , p2 ) = πr ( p2 ) = ( p2 − w2 )(1 − θ2 ) =
4) From Table 1, πm MS − π V N = A > 0, π MS − π RS = A > 0 and
m 72 m m 16
dπr ( p2 ) 3θ −4 p2 +c2
( p2 − θ + p2 − c2 )(1 − p2
θ ), we get d p2
= θ and πmV N − πmRS = 144 7A
> 0; πrMS − πrV N = − 144 7A
< 0, πrMS − πrRS =
d2 πr ( p2 )
− 16 < 0 and πrV N − πrRS = − 72 A
> 0; πsMS − πsV N = − 144 5A
= − θ4 < 0. Therefore, π r (p2 ) is concave in p2 . Let
d p22 and πs − πs = 0. That is, πm > πm > πm , πr > πrV N >
dπr ( p2 ) 3θ +c2
d p2
= 0, we get pRS
= 4 . Replacing p2 with pRS
into πrMS and πsV N > πsMS = πsRS . This completes the proof. 
θ +3c2
w2 , then we have wRS
= 4 . This completes the proof.  Proof of Proposition 5.
1−c 1−c
1) From Table 2, pMS s1
− pRS
= 0, pMS
−pVs1N = 121 , wMS
−wVs1N = 6 1 >
3−3θ +c1 −c2 1−c1 1−c1 MS RS
Proof of Proposition 2. From Table 1, pMS 1
− pMS2
= 4 > 0, 0, ws1 −ws1 = 4 >0, ws1 −ws1 = 12 >0, D
− Ds1 = 0, Ds1 −DVs1N =

MS MS 1−θ +c1 −c2 V N V N 2−2θ +c1 −c2 V N −wV N 1−c 2 2

MS −π V N = (1−c1 ) >0, π MS −π RS = (1−c1 ) >0, π V N −π RS =
w1 −w2 = 2 >0 , p 1
− p 2
= 3 > 0 , w 1 2
− 121 <0, πms 1 ms1 72 ms1 ms1 16 ms1 ms1
1−θ +2c1 −2c2 3−3θ +c1 −c2 7(1−c1 )2 2 2
MS −π V N =− 7(1−c1 ) <0, π MS −π RS =− (1−c1 ) <0, π V N −π RS =
= 3 > 0, pRS 1
− pRS
= 4 > 0 and wRS 1
− wRS 2
= 144
>0, πrs 1 rs1 144 rs1 rs1 16 ms1 ms1
1−θ +3c1 −3c2 θ 2 −(1−2c1 +c2 )θ −c2 θ 2 −(1−2c1 +c2 )θ −c2 (1−c )2 5(1−c )2
4 > 0. D1 −D2 =
4(−1+θ )θ
, D1 −D2 =
3(−1+θ )θ
− 721 <0, π MS − π RS = 0 and πsMS −πsV1N =− 1441 <0.
s1 s1 1
Z. Luo et al. / Omega 77 (2018) 115–126 125

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