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Lesson plan



a. Differentiate the learning styles of the students.

b. Imitate the words connecting to learners’ diversity.
c. Compose things that will relate on their multiple intelligences.


 Prayer
 Recall
- The teachers will ask students to recall their previous lesson.
 Activity (Guessing Game)
- The teachers will group the class into 2 groups. They will choose 3
representatives to imitate the words written on the paper strips that has
connection to learners diversity. They only have 2 minutes each group to do
the activity and each strips will contain 5 points.
 Reference
- https://www.slideshare.net/laralundang/diversity-of-learners


Learning and thinking styles

-refers to the preferred way an individual processes information.

I. Sensory preferences

Everyone tends to gravitate towards one or two types of sensory inputs and maintain
dominance in one of the following types:

1. Visual learners

May think pictures and learn best from visual aids like diagrams, illustrated
textbooks, videos, flipcharts, and hand outs

a. Visual iconic-prefer visually imagery like film, graphic display or pictures.

b. Visual symbolic-prefer abstract symbolism like written words or mathematical
2. Auditory learners
Learn best from through verbal lectures discussion, talking things through and
listening what others have to say.
a. Listeners-remembers things said to them and make the information their own.
b. Talkers-prefer to talk and discuss.
3. Tactile/ kinesthetic learners
Prefer learning by doing; benefit much from hands-on approach, actively
exploring the physical world around them.

II. Global analytic continuum

1. Analytic learners-tend toward the linear, step by step processes of learning and see
finite elements of patterns rather that the whole.

2. Global learners-lean towards non-linear and tend to see the whole pattern rather than
particle elements.

Multiple intelligence (Howard Gardner)

1. Visual /spatial (picture smart)

2. verbal/linguistic (word smart)

3. mathematical/logical (number /logic smart)

4. bodily/kinesthetic (body smart)

5. Musical / rhythmic (music smart)

6. Intrapersonal (self smart)

7. Interpersonal (people smart)

8. Naturalist (nature smart)


a. The teachers will let the student Compose 5 things, plants or animals that will
relate on their multiple intelligences. Afterwards they will pick a representative to
answer the following question:
1. What are their basis on comparing their multiple intelligences to different
things, plants and animals?
2. How would they connect/ relate their selves to the things, plants and animals
they have chosen?


a. The teacher will let the student read or advance study on the next topic.

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