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Correspondence Mining for the Identification

of Relationships in Product Reviews

Mayra Ruano1 and Javier Trejos2

Backcountry, Inc., mayra.ruano@gmail.com
CIMPA, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. javier.trejos@ucr.ac.cr

Abstract. We study product reviews by customers which are published at the e-

commerce website Backcountry.com We leverage from an existing natural processing
language framework called “General Architecture for Text Engineering” (GATE)
and apply Correspondence Analysis on custom contingency tables. These contin-
gency tables are deduced from the comments published by customers, and GATE
is applied as a filtering tool to select appropriate words by means of specific gram-
matical rules or regular expressions based on parts of speech.
Our work focuses on two main study cases. The first case consists on identify-
ing relationships between adjectives from customer reviews and their correspond-
ing products. The second case looks for relationships between products and users’
perceptions regarding product size. We obtain a visual representation of what cus-
tomers’ perceptions are, and provide a better understanding of the relationship
between information derived from reviews and specific products.

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2 Mayra Ruano and Javier Trejos

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