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Cordillera Career Development College

College of Teacher Education

Humanities (Art Appreciation)

Elements of Arts- All art contains one or more elements of art.

Line – A mark made upon a surface, line is a moving dot, the mark’s length is longer that its width.
Types of Line – Horizontal, Vertical, Wavy and Diagonal
Shape- it is an enclosed line, areas of enclosed space that are two- dimensional. Flat and can only have height
and width.
Two different categories
A. Geometrical Shape – Mathematical shapes like circle and square.
B. Organic Shape – Come from nature like clouds and leaves
Color- is what we see because of reflected light. Light contains different wavelengths of energy that our eyes
and brain "see" as different colors. When light hits an object, we see the colored light that reflects off the
Primary Colors- Blue, Yellow and Red
Secondary Colors- Red + Blue = Purple
Red + Yellow = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Green
Tertiary Colors- red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.
Form- refers to objects that are 3 dimensional, or have length, width and height.
Value- is the lightness or darkness of color
Lighter value are called Tints.
Darker value are called Shade
Texture- refers to the way something feels to the touch, or looks as it may feel it were touched.
Texture can be 3-d Physical and 2-d illusion
2-d texture can also be called Visual texture
Space- is an element of art that is the area above, around and within the objects
Six ways in creating an illusion of space in drawing or a painting.
- Overlapping
- Size
- Placement on the Surface
- Detail
- Color and Value
- Linear Perspective

Theater Arts - a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or
imagined event before a live audience in a specific place.
The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech,
song, music, and dance. The specific place of the performance is also named by the word "theatre" as derived
from the Ancient Greek théatron, which means "a place for viewing“.
Theatre refers to: • the acting, • the building • Plays themselves • Administrators • Scenery • Costumes
• Make-Up • Lights
Theatre is a Collaborative Art •
Producer- hiring, promoting,
Director- Supervises rehearsals; controls and develops his/her “vision” of the play.
Actors- Perform the roles/characters.
Designer- creates the visual aspects of production: scenery, costumes, props, make- up, lighting, sound.
Builders- tech crew; build and paint the set; make the costumes
Crews-Execute changes in scenery, light and sound cues, placement and return of properties
Stage Manager- Runs the “live” production
House Manager- Admits and seats audience
The Playwright: His work is generally done away from the theatre building itself.
Figurative art is a type of representational art
Aesthetic describe an elevated awareness of beauty in the viewer.
Proportion refers to size relationships between parts of a whole.
Iconography the study or description of images and symbols
Spectrum the sunlight that passes through a prism breaks into bands of different colors.
According to Aristotle (384–322 BCE), the first theoretician of theatre, are to be found in the festivals that
honored Dionysus.

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