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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, September 20, 2019 Volume 149, Number 3 bowdoinorient.com

Arctic and Art museums receive over $230,000

to expand online access to archived collections
Library Services (IMLS) last $249,000 to support the project. and newly-renovated storage the objects will be stored. Arctic Museum, Bowdoin
by Kate Lusignan week. The IMLS award de- In hopes of making the facility in Brunswick. Both museums worked this Library and Art Museum to
Orient Staff
scription says the museums collections more available, According to Susan Kaplan, summer to prepare for the share objects from each col-
The Bowdoin College will use the funds to “improve the Arctic Museum and the director of the Peary-MacMil- move. lection with classes.
Museum of Art and the both physical and digital ac- Art Museum plan to upload lan Arctic Museum and Arctic Anne Goodyear, co-direc- “All of a sudden, we will
Peary-MacMillan Arctic cess to the collections of its complete catalogues to a pub- Studies Center, the College tor of the Bowdoin College have a common space that
Museum were awarded a two museums.” lic database and will move has already renovated a build- Museum of Art, believes the enables us [to] easily make
$239,344 federal grant from The College matched the portions of each collection to ing in “one of the industrial building—only 10 minutes
The Institute of Museum and federal fund with an additional a shared, climate-controlled parks in Brunswick” where from campus—will allow the Please see MUSEUM, page 3

Borders and walls:

Masha Gessen talks
Jewish experience sen wove a personal story about
by Nina McKay being a Jewish refugee into a
Orient Staff
discussion of contemporary ex-
On Thursday night, Masha amples of borders and walls in
Gessen, a renowned Russian the United States and Israel.
Jewish journalist, delivered this It was Gessen’s personal ex-
year’s Harry Spindel Memorial perience with migration and
Lecture to a full and engaged reporting on current events
audience in Kresge Auditorium. involving ethnic minorities
The lecture, titled “Jews and that interested members of the
Borders,” delved into the idea committee tasked with inviting
of migration and dispersion as a speaker, including Associate
central tenets of Jewish identity, Professor of Russian Alyssa
while also drawing attention to Gillespie.
common experiences amongst “[Migration] is both a spe-
different ethnic minorities. Ges- cifically Jewish experience and
sen, as a Jew who has experi- topic with a lot of specificity and
enced displacement, articulated a Jewish history and Jewish expe-
feeling of responsibility to stand rience, but it also really does link
up for other ethnic, cultural and in with these issues of migration ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
religious minorities being con- that are of concern worldwide LET’S CELEBRATE!: (TOP) Jada
strained by borders today. right now,” said Gillespie. Scotland ’23 and Kenya Mathieu
“There is a common experi- Gessen who is currently the ’23 laugh together as they wait
ence of being Jewish,” Gessen John J. McCloy ’16 Professor for tacos from the Taco the Town
said. “It’s not the religion, it’s of American Institutions and truck during the Latinx Heritage
not any of our languages, it’s not International Diplomacy at Am-
Month and Beyond kick-off event
at 30 College Street. (BOTTOM)
the way we look, it’s not unique herst College and a staff writer at
Director of Religious and Spiritual
to Jews. The experience of any The New Yorker, was born in the Life Eduardo Pazos is all smiles
diasporic people, of displaced Soviet Union. As a child in the during the event. The Latin
people, is that leaving is always USSR, Gessen conceived of Ju- American Student Organization
an option. You’re never exactly daism as something negative—it (LASO), the Latin American
where you belong if you’re in a was the reason Gessen was bul- studies department, the Student
diaspora.” lied at school. Center for Multicultural Life
Gessen discussed the expe- “I thought that’s what being and the Charles Weston Pickard
rience of being in a diaspora in Jewish meant,” said Gessen. “We Lecture Fund worked together to
tandem with the idea of Jewish didn’t have a language, we didn’t fund this year’s programming.
nationalism, a concept that has have a culture in particular …
changed throughout history.
Gessen opened the lecture with
a quote from Simon Dubnow, a
Russian Jewish author, in which
but [we were] easily identified
and [had] this sense of being
However, due to the activism
Latinx Heritage Month celebrations commence
he defines Jewish nationalism as of the American Movement for Student Organization (LASO), designed to appeal to a broad goal that Ramirez expressed for
an intrinsically peaceful move- Soviet Jewry, Gessen’s family by Lucie Nolden expressed enthusiasm about the range of students. this month’s events: shedding
Orient Staff
ment that does not necessitate and other Soviet Jews had the success of the kickoff event. In addition to the kickoff light on Central American im-
Jews leaving the nation-states opportunity to do the one thing Last Friday, Taco the Town “[It’s] basically our way of event, several speakers will be migrants and their experiences.
within which they already reside. that no other group, including arrived at 30 College Street to welcoming students, staff and all coming to Bowdoin, including Additionally, Lorena Wolffer,
“Jewish nationalism in es- other persecuted ethnic mi- kick off Latinx Heritage Month members of the Bowdoin com- Patti Vasquez, renowned author an artist and cultural activist
sence has nothing in common norities in the Soviet Union, and Beyond. Students, faculty, munity into the Latinx Heritage and comedian who had hosted from Mexico City, will give a
with any tendency toward received permission to do: leave.staff and even President Clayton Month celebration,” Ramirez a talk show in Chicago for the talk about the stories of those
violence,” Gessen read. “It is Gessen left the Soviet Union for Rose joined the festivities. Al- said. “We had a pretty strong past five years. who have been traditionally
concerned with only one thing: the United States at 14, in 1981,though campus programming showing. People like free food.” Another speaker will be excluded from narratives of
protecting its national individ- and remained in the country for the month has been signifi- Organized through a partner- Kelsey Freeman ’16 who is re- Mexican heritage, focusing
uality … [it] is an outstanding until returning after the fall ofcantly reduced since last year, ship between the Student Center turning to campus to share her specifically on women. She will
example of a collective individ- the Berlin Wall in 1991. Gessen this event marked the first of for Multicultural Life, the Latin work with immigrants. After also make an appearance in an
uality which protects its own remained in Russia until around five programs scheduled for this American Studies Department, interviewing Central American advanced seminar taught by
from attacks against the outside six years ago, when it became tooyear’s Latinx Heritage Month LASO and the Charles Weston immigrants over a nine-month Visiting Assistant Professor of
but never … [attacks] … on its dangerous for outspoken critics and Beyond. Pickard Lecture Fund, the period, she is writing a book Latin America Studies, Irina
own.” Angel Ramirez ’20, the pres- events incorporate a wide vari- about her research and migrants’
From this starting point, Ges- Please see GESSEN, page 3 ident of the Latin American ety of thematic elements and are stories. Freeman’s talk reflects a Please see LATINX, page 4

Jake Maus ’22 creates a new mattress Maine Street staple showcases renovations, The Arctic Museum honors a legendary Women’s professional football team gains Visiting professor investigates the Board
business for students. Page 4. new decor and night programs. Page 5. North Pole trailblazer. Page 7. traction in its fifth season. Page 9. of Trustees’ practices. Page 10.
2 Friday, September 20, 2019

9/12 to 9/19 STUDENT SPEAK:
Is there a food you eat weirdly?
Thursday, September 12 • Brunswick police pulled over a student’s
• A student was taken to Mid Coast Hospital for vehicle in the Farley parking lot for a vehi-
evaluation of worsening concussion symptoms. cle defect and suspicion of drunk driving.
Neither the driver nor the passenger was Franny Weed ’21
Friday, September 13
• An officer conducted a wellness check on an
• Excessive shower steam caused a smoke
alarm at Brunswick Apartments.
“Goldfish. I bite half the tail, then the
intoxicated student at Osher Hall.
• A student took responsibility for urinating in
other half of the tail, then the bod.”
a Chamberlain Hall hallway while intoxicated. Monday, September 16
• Obscene graffiti was spray painted at the • An unregistered event was dispersed on
Farley tennis courts. the tenth floor of Coles Tower.
• A staff member reported an inappropriate • There were reports that a student was
remark uttered by an occupant of a truck assaulted and fondled by a person visiting
parked at the Watson Arena. campus.
• An officer escorted an ill student from • Excessive kitchen steam activated a fire
Searles Science Building to the health center. alarm at Moulton Hall. Stephen Boe ’22
• Brunswick Rescue transported an ill • A student in Coleman Hall was cited for
employee from Thorne Hall to Mid Coast
possession of a handle of vodka.
• Fire drills were conducted at campus “I eat corn specifically four bites at a
• A gathering with alco-
hol and a drinking
residence halls.
game was dispersed
in Hyde Hall. Tuesday, September 17
• Students and a • Students reported the
staff member odor of marijuana on the
reported that fourth floor of Chamber-
a man was on lain Hall.
campus making • An unauthorized man
inquires about entered College offices Eleanor Paasche ’20
two students. located a 16 Station Avenue.
Security investigat- The man was directed to leave “I eat oranges by their individual little
ed and determined the premises.
the man’s identity. The • Fire drills were conducted at cells. I take the membrane off of a
situation was resolved. campus residence halls.
section and then crumble the little bits
Saturday, September 14 Wednesday, September 18 into my hand. ”
• An officer checked on the • Burnt food triggered a smoke
well-being of an intoxicat- alarm at Mayflower Apartments.
ed student at Thorne Hall. • A student reported three loud
• An intoxicated minor SYDNEY REAPER bangs coming from a vehicle on
student at West Hall was Harpswell Road. The noise was Daniel Strodel ’20
transported to Mid Coast attributed to a vehicle backfiring.
Hospital. “Edamame beans? I eat them whole.”
• A student using the crosswalk on Maine
Street in front of Howell House was nearly Thursday, September 19
struck by a speeding vehicle. A security • A fire alarm at Park Row Apartment 2 was
officer on patrol witnessed the incident. caused by a sprinkler system malfunction.

Eight things found under the Park Row Apartments

by Lily Randall, Ian Ward and Andrew Bastone
Orient Staff 4. Candles confiscated during the Great Candle Crusade of 2019.
Pour one out for these fallen soldiers, as this was a sight for sore eyes.
In case you didn’t have enough things to worry about with the back- Among the pile of candles we spotted an incense burner as well, to which
to-school bustle, rumors have surfaced that asbestos was found under we’d like to say: we see you, bro.
the new Park Row Apartments. To reassure the campus community,
we went to the scene of the crime ourselves to see if the legend was 5. Jojo Siwa. This one was weird. We called her mom.
true. While we didn’t find any asbestos, we did find a few other things:
6. Jimmy Hoffa’s dead body. Consider the case closed on this murder
1. Randy Nichol’s Top Secret Security Bunker. We’re not saying mystery, I guess. Word on the street is that he will be returning to the Park
that if a nuclear apocolpyse hits Bowdoin this is where we’d want Row basement this weekend as the new frontman for 2020, “Weekend at
to be, but this is where we’d want to be. We were sworn to secrecy Bernie’s” style.
regarding its contents, so we’re sorry to report that you’ll simply have
to see this one for yourself. Hint: the password is “daddy.” 7. Dean Tim Foster’s living body. Early retirement my ass: Foster
still lurks in the pits of Park Row. Rumor has it he’s the one who stole
2. Hillary Clinton’s emails. Also, Bill’s nudes. I’m not sure how these the portrait of Ernst Helmreich last week. Dean Lohmann is getting
ended up in Brunswick, Maine, but here we are. We ended up just re- nervous, accoring to an anonymous source (it was Dean Odejimi!).
burying them. Seemed like what the Clintons wanted all along.
8. Livable wages for housekeepers. We all knew Bowdoin’s refusal
3. Clayton Rose’s sense of humor. We’d heard about this before, to provide its workers with fair wages seemed off, so we were just
but we just thought it was a Bowdoin conspiracy theory. We stand delighted to find that the wages had simply been misdirected on their
corrected, folks. It exists! The president has been contacted and will way to housekeeping’s budget. The funds are now being returned to
receive it within the coming days. their rightful recipients.
Friday, September 20, 2019 NEWS 3


of Russian President Vladimir

Putin, such as Gessen, to remain
College Houses partake in dialogue on class
in the country. of the Joseph McKeen Center Riaño ’22 said that she felt the talk about.” Stern added that one hour can
“I didn’t want to leave; I have by Diego Lasarte for the Common Good. Students talks were productive and gave With help from Stern and Di- only do so much.
Orient Staff
a strong sense of home,” Gessen were asked to think critically her a new lens through which to rector of Religious and Spiritual “It’s the beginning of a conver-
said. “My home is [in Russia], For eight weekends this fall, about class structures in the U.S. see the College. Life Eduardo Pazos, the discus- sation. It’s a place to self-reflect,
… but I can’t go back.” College House residents will and at Bowdoin, and they were “I think it gave me an idea of sions have followed a similar to talk with other people and to
Gillespie sees this attach- gather in their respective chap- also encouraged to share their things, feelings or experiences in model to last year’s “Real Talks hear from other people in a way
ment to Russia within the con- ter rooms and embark on an own experiences. my life that I really never even on Race.” However, Stern point- that is doable in an hour.”
text of political oppression as a hour-long discussion about the Brill-Weill found himself in- thought of as an indicator of my ed out that there is a distinction Stern extended an invitation
core theme of Gessen’s books. implications of class at Bowdoin. spired by Intergroup Dialogue class,” she said. between the two topics. for those who wanted to contin-
Gillespie views Gessen’s writ- Students will share stories, ask and how it demonstrated the Katja Grumman ’20, who is “There is an invisibility that ue this conversation to enroll in
ten work as both an honest questions and reckon with the many misunderstandings about moderating a number of the dis- comes with class, unlike with the Intergroup Dialogue on class
investigation into the horrors issues of class on campus. class at Bowdoin, but he felt it cussions, expressed excitement race,” Stern said. this coming spring.
that take place under authori- Last spring, during the Col- needed a wider reach. about the rest of the fall, and the Grumman agreed with Stern Pazos agreed that the work to
tarianism and as a celebration lege’s first Intergroup Dialogue “I left realizing the [Intergroup amount of progress that they that class is hard to recognize at bridge class differences doesn’t
of the resilience of Russian on class, Sam Brill-Weill ’20 Dialogue] inherently reaches the were able to make in one hour. Bowdoin, as the uniformity of end here.
people and Russian culture. came up with the idea for a series people who want to be a part “The way we thought about dorms and dining plans causes “We want to make sure the
“I don’t want the story about to discuss class on campus. The of the conversation already, so I [the discussion] is that we are students to differentiate them- expectations are set up correct-
Russia to always be a nega- seven-week long program titled reached out to Kate [Stern] af- trying to plant a seed,” she said. selves in unorthodox ways. ly. This doesn’t fix anything,
tive story, because that’s what “Real Talks on Class” was orga- terwards to find a way where the “We know it’s not possible to “Smaller markers become more this doesn’t change the balances
we always hear in our media nized by the Office of Inclusion same conversations could happen make leaps and bounds in one prominent, like labels people wear in any way, it is just the start of
now,” Gillespie said. “There’s and Diversity and facilitated by other places on campus.” 60-minute discussion, but we are or how people are decorating their a conversation that hopefully
this incredible culture there of Kate Stern, associate dean of stu- The first discussion in the trying to give people the tools dorms … buying furniture … go- houses and different classes on
people, of courageous intellec- dents for inclusion and diversity, series took place last weekend to have further discussions and ing into town to eat once or twice a campus are starting to engage
tuals and artists and activists and Sarah Seames, the director at Quinby House. Resident PC make class a less scary topic to week,” Grumman said. in,” he said.
who are fearless in the face of
authoritarianism and are will-
ing to fight the good fight, and
Gessen’s books profile those
Gessen’s most recent book,
I think that when the phrase
‘never again’ was first uttered,
it meant that … the thing that
had happened in the Holocaust,
Bowdoin donates ‘discovery classroom’ to
“The Future is History: How Total-
itarianism Reclaimed Russia,” won
the National Book Award in 2017.
was imaginable, was possible.
If it was possible once, it was
possible again. That is why you
elementary school opening in Brunswick
Toward the end of the talk, needed to say never again.” room, and Rose was supportive. Because Bowdoin is a lege resided there and paid rent.
Gessen discussed the role of Gessen discussed other mat- by Emily Cohen “The request from the Fur- non-profit organization and The difference in tax revenue,
Jewish people in advocating for ters of Jewish responsibility, too, Orient Staff bish school resonated with us. is exempt from paying tax on said Orlando, was made up in the
the rights of minorities who are including describing a fraught This summer, Bowdoin an- We do recognize our civic re- most of its property, the College gift in kind last fiscal year, which
currently being marginalized, personal relationship with the nounced that it would donate sponsibility and the importance chooses to give an annual “gift in totaled $311,800.
focusing specifically on the state of Israel due to its treat- $450,000 to build a “discovery of being an engaged neighbor kind” to Brunswick. With the additional $150,000,
debate over whether to use the ment of Palestinians. Gessen classroom” at Kate Furbish El- and member of the communi- In total, Bowdoin’s property the College’s payment to the
term “concentration camps” to ultimately voiced a desire to ementary School, which is set ty,” said Senior Vice President is valued at $174 million, ap- town last fiscal year was over
describe centers in which the abolish national borders entire- to open in 2020. A plan for the for Finance and Administration proximately $4 million of which $534,000.
United States government is ly, explaining that, as Gessen ex- classroom was reviewed and ap- and Treasurer of the College is still taxable. The College paid The additional funds are
holding asylum seekers from perienced in the Soviet Union, proved in last week’s meeting of Matt Orlando. “The strength over $72,000 in taxes last year. restricted to paying for capital
Central America and the “Nev- borders always seek to either the Brunswick Planning Board. of the public school system in In the fall of 2017, several expenditures that the town bud-
er Again Is Now” movement keep a group of people in or The 1,000-square-foot class- Brunswick is vitally important residents of Brunswick penned get could not cover, including
led by young Jewish Americans keep a group of people out. room—featuring sinks, tables … to making Brunswick an at- op-eds and letters to the editor sidewalk and road repair and
to call attention to those exact After the talk, Associate Pro- and storage space for hands-on tractive place for people to live to local newspapers calling on purchasing police cars.
detention centers. fessor of History Page Herrlinger learning in science, art and oth- and raise a family.” the College to increase its pay- Orlando denied that the in-
“Jewish groups, including addressed Gessen’s application of er subject areas—was initially The last time the College ments to the town. In FY 2017- creased annual contribution was
the [United States] Holocaust Jewish experiences with borders proposed in plans for the school made a one-time donation to a 2018, Bowdoin paid $206,497 in in response to the op-eds and
[Memorial] Museum, spoke to other contemporary political but was cut from the budget, town project was in 2010, when property taxes and $172,200 as a letters to the editor.
out against using the term ‘con- contexts. which ultimately amounted to the College donated $400,000 gift in kind. “We ignore that noise,” he said.
centration camp’ because they “It was both a very Jewish talk just under $20.3 million. Sarah to construct a storm drain on In FY 2018-2019, Bowdoin’s According to Orlando, nei-
see it as belonging to a moment as it should’ve been,” Herrlinger Singer, a member of the Bruns- Maine Street, said Orlando. payment in property tax de- ther the donation for the discov-
in history that is unique in its said. “But it was also a very uni- wick School Board and the new The College also announced creased from the previous year ery classroom nor the increased
cruelty and unique in its car- versal talk … there’s a particular school’s building committee, in May that it would increase its because the College applied to annual contribution were re-
nage, and that using the term Jewish history around the notion approached Bowdoin President voluntary annual contribution exempt Brunswick Apartments lated to the College’s plans for
again lessens the understand- of borders, obviously, but it is so Clayton Rose to ask if the Col- to Brunswick by $150,000, to be from the tax rolls, which was pre- construction, which must be
ing of that cruelty,” Gessen applicable in so many different lege would consider making a given every year for five years, viously not tax-exempt because a approved by the Town Planning
said. “I think it’s the opposite; contexts today.” donation to construct the class- starting in FY 2018-2019. tenant unconnected to the Col- Board.

MUSEUM of Allison Crosscup, director

of corporate and foundation
later meeting involving the
College and both museums.
relations, drafted a grant re- The grant will also cover
objects available from each quest to the IMLS that would moving costs such as trans-
of the collections in a single store art and artifacts locally. porting objects currently
secured space at one time,” “Unifying the collection housed out-of-state back to
Goodyear said. under one roof with ideal Brunswick. In addition, the
“We really understand this climate control conditions, is funds will help pay for sup-
larger project as being an es- going to save the institution plies needed to preserve art,
sential piece of the foundation money and it’s going to save such as acid-free boxes and
that makes original objects us a lot of time,” Kaplan said. painting racks.
available to members of this The College had already The IMLS awarded 112
community and the public at committed to moving the mu- grants ranging from $7,300 to
large for the sake of developing seums’ collection before the $250,000. Of those, 19 federal
new knowledge,” she added. grant was announced. grants went to colleges and
Since the Museum of Art “Had we not been success- universities, but only one oth-
last underwent major renova- ful with this grant, we would er NESCAC institution—Am- MINDY LEDER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
tions and expansion in 2007, have made the $240,000 herst College—received fund- OVERFLOW: The Bowdoin College
its collection has expanded match go as far as it could,” ing. Bowdoin, however was Museum of Art and the Peary-
from 14,000 works to near- Goodyear said. “But it would not the only Maine institution MacMillan Arctic Museum were faced
ly 25,000. The growth has have definitely have slowed to receive the grant. Coastal with the challenge of storing massive
prompted the Museum to store down our ability to move our Maine Botanical Gardens in collections in cramped storage spaces
works in Massachusetts as well objects there [and] it would Boothbay and the William A. until a federal grant. The grant, from
as its on-campus facilities. have slowed down our ability Farnsworth Library and Art the Institute of Museum and Library
Located just hundreds of feet to enhance archival records.” Museum in Rockland also re- Services (IMLS), amounts to roughly
away from the Museum of Art, The museums will use a ceived funding.
$240,000 and will allow the College
to open a new storage space in
the Arctic Museum also ex- portion of the grant money to “We anticipate over the Brunswick.
pressed storage concerns to the supplement staff salaries. The next academic year to be
College which resulted in arti- Arctic Museum plans to hire completing this move and of Art, Frank Goodyear, said.
facts being stored at five separate a full-time curatorial collec- beginning the cataloging, the The grant funding begins
on- and off-campus locations. tions management assistant digitization and the creation October 1 and the museums’
In light of these concerns, for two years. Other staffing of metadata,” Co-Director of moving process will begin
both museums, with the help needs will be discussed at a the Bowdoin College Museum shortly thereafter.
4 NEWS Friday, September 20, 2019


UPGRADE ME: Polar Rentals is a new business on campus that rents mattress toppers to covert the standard twin XL bed into a full bed without replacing the frame. The company’s partner, Roomie Rentals, is popular at other colleges.

Sophomore creates business to enlarge beds

that makes mattress exten- “We rent out full XL mat- account the history of Roomie “It’s really nice, really com-
by Halina Bennet sions, to make student life— tress toppers to students, and programs at other schools, fortable,” he said.
Staff Writer
and sleep—better at Bowdoin. they can convert their original Maus believes that Polar Rent- As explained on Room-
From top-ranked dining “The one [way] Bowdoin size mattress that Bowdoin als will flourish. ie’s website, it is cheaper and
services to state-of-the-art has been lacking is that they provides into a full size bed. “During Bates’ first year more sustainable to rent a
dorm rooms, Bowdoin is provide a mediocre twin-sized And pretty much the mattress I think they [rented] eight mattress than to purchase a
known for leading in stu- mattress for everyone,” Maus topper just goes right on top to 12. And [the] second year new one in addition to a bed
dent comfort. However, after said. “And I think, since they of the original mattress,” said they were at 30 to 50. I think frame. In the foreseeable fu-
sleeping on a twin XL bed in a are so big on quality of stu- Maus. they had 100 this year,” Maus ture, Maus thinks Polar Rent-
first-year brick, Jake Maus ’22 dent life, it has the potential “We’ve sold between eight said. “Typically, if it follows als will continue to grow at
became inspired by restless to be successful.” and 12,” Maus said. “Our tar- the same sort of trend, we’ll Bowdoin—allowing students
nights. Maus’ solution? Give In June, Maus worked to get this year was just around be doing well in the next few to benefit from a good night’s
students access to larger mat- bring this concept to Bowdoin. there—eight to 12.” years. But it’s just a matter of sleep without a high price.
tresses without swapping out He reached out to Roomie Rent- Roomie Rentals has worked getting the word out.” Mattresses and frames cost
bed frames. als’ founder Brett Harrison on with students across the na- Maus reports positive re- $250 per semester, or $349 for ISABEL ALEXANDER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Maus’ company, Polar LinkedIn to bring the infrastruc- tion to create companies at views of the service as well as a full year, and are available THE BOSS: Jake Maus ’22 was
Rentals, teamed up with ture to campus. By July, Polar schools including Bates, Wes- personal satisfaction with his to rent online at www. motivated to create Polar Rentals
Roomie Rentals, a company Rentals was open for business. leyan and Yale. Taking into own full XL. polarrentals.com. after a year of fitful sleep.

Bowdoin celebrates 232nd anniversary of the Constitution’s signing

of questions about the Con- might not encounter in their
by Robert Shepard stitution and its amendments. daily lives, explained Barabara
Staff Writer
Pocket Constitutions are also Levergood, the library’s data
The Bowdoin College Li- available for students to pick services librarian.
brary and Department of up. “It’s a way of getting stu-
Government and Legal Studies On September 27, the De- dents to think about what may
teamed up this month to cel- partment of Government and be lacking in the Constitu-
ebrate the 232nd anniversary Legal Studies will host a fac- tion,” Levergood explained.
of the signing of the United ulty panel entitled “Does the “Is the Constitution perfect?
States Constitution. A series Constitution Need Fixing?” to Even when it was written it
of events around campus will discuss the history of consti- wasn’t perfect, because right
mark the day and focus on the tutional amendments and the off the bat we have the Bill of
nation’s founding document. possibility of future additions. Rights.”
The programming is cen- This is the second year that Andrew Rudalevige, chair
tered on Constitution and the library and government of the government depart-
Citizenship Day, which is ob- department have teamed ment and Thomas Brackett
served every September 17, up for Constitution-themed Reed professor of govern-
the date the Constitution was programming. Last year, the ment, will speak on the panel.
signed in 1787. According to library’s display prompted “Certainly the framers of
the Library of Congress, the students to consider what the the Constitution didn’t think
holiday commemorates Amer- Constitution meant to them, they had struck off a perfect
ica’s founding document and and the panel featured profes- document. They expected
“recognize[s] all who, by com- sors responding to students’ there to be change and debate CAROLINE FLAHARTY, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
ing of age or by naturalization, queries about the meaning and or deliberation over time,” said READ ME: Pocket Constitutions are available for students to pick up from Hawthorne-Longfellow Library.
have become citizens.” interpretation of the document Rudalevige. “It [is] also a good
The librarians at Haw- today. chance to reflect on whether chance to change that process Levergood want students to register to vote,” she said.
thorne-Longfellow (H-L) The programming in H-L we think that the current U.S. by voting for one thing, which take one thing away from the The “Does the Constitution
Library set up an interactive is meant to engage library-go- government, at all levels, is many, many students do not programming: Need Fixing?” panel will be held
display in the entrance for the ers by providing them with an doing the job that we would do.” “I would like all [students] on Friday, September 27 from 3
month of September to solicit opportunity to think about like [it] to do. And if it’s not, Aside from pocket Consti- to vote,” Rudalevige said. p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Shannon
students’ responses to a series something they otherwise then we as citizens do have the tutions, both Rudalevige and Levergood concurred: “Go Room in Hubbard Hall.

LATINX was organized by Benjamin

Harris, director of the student
“We wanted to get [a lot of]
participants to further engage
with Alarcón’s work. In his talk,
center for multicultural life, di- feedback from LASO members,” Alarcón will speak about music,
Popescu, who was an integral versity and inclusion in student Ramirez said. “We had a couple print and other mediums as ve-
part in getting Wolffer to come affairs, with special guidance of members from the LASO hicles for sharing Latinx stories.
speak on campus. from the Latin American Stud- emailing list give us some direc- “I really hope there’s a lot
“A lot of her work focuses on ies Department. tion in terms of what it is they of community interest,” said
women and how they’re some- In addition, visiting Lecturer want to see.” Ramirez. “I’m pretty excited to
times not as much the focus in in Spanish and Romance Lan- The programming organizers have the opportunity to talk to
the conversation of Latinos and guages and Literature Barbara have also been working to set up him in an informal setting and
Latinas, so that’s pretty exciting,” Sawhill helped bring speaker an informal conversation with talk a little bit about the work
Ramirez said. Daniel Alarcón. The LASO Alarcón before his lecture, an that he does.”
According to Ramirez, a lot board also provided guidance opportunity which would allow Editor’s Note: Angel Ramirez ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
of the upcoming programming in selecting the speakers to cam- students and other interested is a photographer for the Orient. ALL SMILES: Lily Poppen ’22 takes in the scene at 30 College.
Friday, September 20, 2019 5



NEW TRICKS: The Little Dog Coffee Shop on Maine Street underwent renovations this summer to create a new atmosphere with a familiar feel. New programming includes open mics and other community events to encourage community engagement.

Little Dog, big changes: Brunswick staple gets a makeover

“[The Palmatiers wanted] a will come together in time in general for there to be more was just really good exposure “I think that oftentimes we
by Emily Staten fresh morning feel with the col- [since] we’ve only been reno- inclusive queer things for peo- and practice for me to start get caught up in this Bowdo-
Orient Staff or scheme, and I think they’re vated since the beginning of ple, so I’m glad that I can be a sharing some of my original in bubble,” Smith said. “But
Many Bowdoin students hoping to bring in some kind the summer.” part of that,” Czarnecki said. music and some of my original I think having a relationship
flock to The Little Dog Coffee of a warm yellow tone at some In addition to the new look, In addition to “Lit Nights” songs,” Smith said. “It was also with Little Dog or having a re-
Shop, a Brunswick fixture lo- point,” said Meaghan Gonsior, the new owners are also ex- on Thursdays, live music pro- really cool because … we kind lationship with a place outside
cated on Maine Street, but as a manager at the shop. “Over- tending hours on Thursdays gramming on Friday nights of view people in downtown of Bowdoin keeps you ground-
students return to campus for all I think the vision for the and Fridays to allow for open ed and reminds students that
a new year, they will return renovation, as well as for long- mic nights and live music. Bowdoin is a wonderful chap-
to a new version of The Little term, is to create a place … that “From the beginning, when “The vision for the renovation, ter in our full lives and not nec-
Dog, complete with changes in everyone feels welcome—an we talked about events, we as well as for the long term, essarily our entire life.”
decor, an expanded menu and inclusive space where you can wanted to bring in community Gonsior hoped that The
extended hours on Thursdays have a business meeting or … as much as possible by hav-
is to create a place ... that Little Dog could serve as a
and Fridays for “Lit Nights” parents can have a playdate.” ing groups like [The Bowdoin everyone feels welcome—an location for this kind of con-
and live music.
Caroline and Mason Pal-
The renovations bring a new
feel to the space and are still a
Quill] or community colleges
host open mics,” Gonsior said.
inclusive space.” nection, both for Bowdoin stu-
dents and the larger Brunswick
matier have owned the shop work in progress, added Jess “We felt like it would empower –Meaghan Gonsior, The Little Dog manager community.
since January 2019 and worked Czarnecki, a barista and baker people in the community by “I think the original owner
with local construction com- at The Little Dog. giving them space and a mi- features a mix of talented musi- Brunswick as fixtures of the has created a place that is a
pany Senecal Construction on “It’s definitely very fresh crophone.” cians from the Brunswick com- downtown scene, but people hub of the community,” Gon-
renovations in late May and looking,” Czarnecki said. “I Additionally, Czarnecki munity and from Bowdoin, would … come in and see what sior said. “We would just like
early June. Although the new think a lot of people had the helped organize and host a too. One of these musicians is was going on. It was pretty gen- to build off that and grow to
owners want to maintain the concern that there wouldn’t Pride-themed open mic night Ariana Smith ’21, who played a uine and really cool.” where we are helping Bruns-
community of the old Little be a lot of homey-ness once it August 29 and plans to host set of her original music at The Smith also emphasized wick thrive and helping to
Dog, they are also making the happened … but I feel like a another on October 31. Little Dog over the summer. the value of connecting with create connections within the
shop their own, starting with lot of places you just have to “I think there’s definitely a “It was really cool because off-campus spaces as a Bowdo- community and between com-
its interior design. grow into … I feel like things push and an urge in Brunswick it was a paid gig, but also it in student. munities.”

Forking Around: Campus coffee comparison Why, then, did I and so to taste.
by Will Donaldson many others perceive a differ- Price: The coffee in the
Features Contributor ence in taste when we knew Cafe has a fixed price
I’ve always held that the where the coffee came from? which you pay by hand-
coffee from Bowdoin’s Cafe Two answers: aesthetics and ing over cash or swiping
is superior to the brew in the price. a card. The exchange you
dining halls. Even though both Aesthetics: In the Cafe, you make, money for coffee,
locations carry the same types press the steaming coffee out is extremely clear. When
of coffee made by the same of a carafe into a clean paper you go to the dining hall, by
company, the Seacoast Coffee cup. The setting is calm and contrast, you pay by swiping
Company, I thought I could you don’t need to watch your in. You are effectively buying a
taste a difference. elbows as you put on a lid whole meal and a place to sit.
To test this, I arranged a blind or stir in milk and sugar. In The fact that you are paying for cause we have to pay for it.
taste test in Moulton Hall. Into the dining hall, by contrast, the coffee at all is obscured. In All of this leads me to a
one mug I poured the Cafe’s you flip a switch and watch fact, getting coffee in Thorne few suggestions for Bowdoin your excellent unflavored LA
Italian roast and into the other, the coffee spill down a dirty or Moulton feels free—you Dining Services and Bowdoin coffee. It would also RA
Moulton’s version of the same glass tube into an undersized can have as much as you want students. To Dining Services: make room for differ-
thing. The results were shock- greyish mug. The area is more once you’re inside. According the time has come to get rid ent beverage options
ing. Student after student found cramped, and you may need to to a report from The Telegraph, of Jamaican Me Crazy! and and cut down on dan-
the two impossible to tell apart. wait your turn. The experience wine tastes better if we believe the other flavored options. Re- gerous spills and burns.
Thinking it was a fluke, I asked of getting coffee from the Cafe it is more expensive. Perhaps moving these disgusting and To students: if you are a regu- one? Your author has recently
one of my subjects to give me is vastly superior, and this ex- Bowdoin students, including unpopular varieties would pro- lar dining hall user, consider observed dozens of them avail-
the test, and predictably, I could perience might trickle into how myself, systematically overrate vide students with better access bringing a travel mug to fill up able for free near the Thorne
not tell the difference either. I and others perceive the coffee the Cafe’s coffee precisely be- to and greater enjoyment of while you’re there. Don’t have dish bussing area.
6 FEATURES Friday, September 20 2019

Talk of the Quad

you can’t experience love and them earlier than I did, even kind of vulnerability which can Mentors and leaders at
STEPPING INTO connection without risk and fail- though I knew they didn’t love change a place, too. Bowdoin speak often of
PLAIN SIGHT ure. It was simple and inspiring me back. I would have been loud I’ve watched so many people embracing “everything the
My freshman fall, I was still to my first-year self in the throes and expressive and inarticulate at Bowdoin shrink and limit and College has to offer,” but speak
reeling from two breakups I’d of heartbreak, and I promised to about my feelings. I would have stifle themselves so as to avoid little of the collective fear of
gone through my last year of embrace my pain and shame in had fights that needed to be not just failure, but the micro- visibility which holds many of
high school. One was with a exchange for intimacy and a bet- had. I would have tried out for scope. Myself included. More us back from doing exactly
friend, and one was with a boy- ter understanding of who I was. improv in spite of my belief that recently, though, I have realized that. I wish they were more
friend. At 17 years old, the loss of It was lofty; it’s proved im- my humor is solely incidental. I that while scrutiny is out of my explicit about the fact that to
those relationships wreaked total mensely easier said than done. would not have held back sobs control, I can, at least, let myself make the most of our time
havoc on my sense of self. It was But it was also thrillingly tan- in Moulton Light Room as of- fail. Not only can I choose to do here is to be in constant bat-
my first encounter with grief and gible. Within days of watching ten as I did. Yes, I would have so, but it will also deepen my tle with this fear—and about
rage, and it lasted longer than I’d Brown’s talk, I called up my old cried openly at 11:30 a.m. on a friendships and understanding what the battle will look like.
like to admit. high school friend-turned-foe, Wednesday while sitting square- of myself, like it did four years The lack of an agenda,
Among the many things to and divulged to her my apol- ly at the back, center table, facing ago. That this is as tangible now a vision, a checklist,
come out of that encounter, and ogies and confessions, and my outward. as it was then; it can even still be has been agonizing.
the love I received from friends accusations. It went horribly, and At the beginning of sopho- thrilling. But now, in my
and family as I trudged through we still don’t talk—but I’m glad more year, while moving into Someone pointed out to me last semester, I’m
it, was some clarity as I entered we’re no longer friends because our room together, my room- that vertigo is the fear of falling, making my own.
Bowdoin about who I was and of what was said, rather than mate, Callye, tacked a list of her not the fall itself. I know that the My offer of
what I cared about. I felt lucky what wasn’t. year-long goals to the wall by few moments in the past four the College
to start college like that, but it I did break the promise to her bed and said, “Please don’t years in which I forewent vertigo would start
was short lived. As we all do in myself and would keep breaking make fun of me.” One of her and entered unchartered waters here: among
our first (and second, and third it. I’ve found this especially easy tasks was to start an all-female were my best—when I was most nature and the
and fourth) years here, I lost that to do at Bowdoin, where our comedy troupe. Nine months grateful for my friends, when I art that we “count
clarity quickly, and over and over failures are hyper-visible and later, she and the rest of Purity saw myself most clearly, when an intimate friend”
again. never anonymous, where we are Pact hosted their first show in I finally knew what I wanted. I must be disappoint-
This reckoning was an un- intensely critical of one another, front of a packed Kresge Audi- also know that being suspended, ment, sadness, embar-
pleasant one that first semester. mostly because of how much we torium, and have done so every pre-fall, in indecision, was gen- rassment and heartbreak.
Then some time that November, can see. Had I been a braver per- semester since. I watched Callye erally excruciating. I regret the And to “lose your-
I came across Brené Brown’s son, I would have let myself be confront deep mortification and extent to which vertigo ruled my self in generous
TED Talk, “The Power of Vul- more visible at Bowdoin—with- fear about her comedy as she life here. Mostly, though, I regret enthusiasms” is
nerability.” A now-famous social in my relationships and beyond placed herself time and time not having more compassion to step into plain
worker with her own Netflix them. I would have majored in again under the Bowdoin mi- and respect for those who made sight, for everyone
special, Brown has done a lot of art, despite feeling like I wasn’t croscope—but she kept writing choices with no certainty that to see. SARA CAPL
research on vulnerability, and creative or talented enough. I and kept performing. Of course, the microscope would be kind Lucia Ryan is a mem-
it distills down to this one idea: would have told people I loved it changed her life. But that’s the to them. ber of the Class of 2019.

relaxation. It took me 19 I understand the criticism that’s stressing me out. I go

USING AMERICA’S years to realize I need to many people hold against into shutdown mode and ob-
PASTIME TO FIND be intentional about hav- baseball: it’s slow and boring, sess about whatever problem
INNER PEACE ing time to rest rather than most of the time the players on is on my mind until it has been
I am a profoundly uncom- treating rest as a means of the field just stand there and dealt with. Scheduling time
fortable person. I don’t make filling time. many of the fans are preten- out of my day to sit down, drop
people feel uncomfortable, So, as a part of my multi- tious nerds who are way too what I’m doing for at least an
and I often feel emotionally step program to becoming uptight about statistics. These hour and watch baseball is my
comfortable, but I struggle to a less anxious and more feelings are valid! Nobody on way of putting an emphasis on
be physically comfortable—es- peaceful human (thorough- Earth should give a shit about relaxation. I turn notifications
pecially when seated. I squirm, ly assisted by therapy and on-base plus slugging (OPS), off on my phone, close what-
tap my foot, adjust and re-ad- prescribed medication), but for me, the comfort I find ever browser my readings are
just my seat. Some people can I have made an effort to through watching baseball is in and fade into a deep focus
plop themselves down any- immerse myself in the rit- unrivaled. on the game. For a brief period
where and stay that way for uals and activities that have This season is a particularly of time—162 (or more!) days
hours. I hold a burning envy brought me comfort in the excellent time to be a Yankees out of the year—I find myself
for the horizontally inclined. past. Thus, I have re-discov- fan. The Yankees aren’t just an at peace.
It comes with some irony ered a common therapeutic incredible team, but a team The end goal of embracing
that my mantra for this se- exercise that has been uti- that has overcome incredible what brings me momentary
mester is to embrace comfort. lized by depressed people adversity. The 2019 Yankees escapism is to foster comfort
Sure, it’s healthy to push your throughout the Americas and have sent more players to the within myself. After immers-
own boundaries—getting out parts of East Asia—watching Injured List (IL) than any team ing myself in a game, whether
of one’s comfort zone, active- baseball. in Major League Baseball his- the Yankees win or lose, I am
ly seeking “type II fun”—but From 2008 to 2011, I tory—a record 29 players. In more grounded and tranquil.
after 19 years of existence, watched enough baseball to the same year, they are in a I’ve been able to greatly appre-
there’s nothing I want more last a lifetime. I am a New neck-and-neck competition ciate these feelings recently,
than to be at rest and at peace. York Yankees fan, through with the Minnesota Twins which reflects onto my mood
I want comfort. thick and thin. During the to set the record for most and outlook on life. It’s vital
Busyness is a defining fea- 2009 season—the one where home runs hit in a single sea- for me to recognize the power
ture of mine. I enjoy relaxation, they ended up winning the son. They lead the American that weekly therapy has on my
but I have internalized the no- World Series—I watched every SARA CAPLAN League East and look more gratitude toward feelings of
tion that relaxation needs to be single game. My bedtime was than capable of winning the comfort. But if anyone’s ask-
bookended by activity. I have 9:30 p.m., so my parents would again at the beginning of this though the afore- World Series. ing, a helpful method of seek-
realized that relaxation with drag me away from the televi- summer. Without delving into mentioned relationship was The ritual of watching base- ing inner comfort is watching
the intention of finishing tasks sion around the sixth or sev- too much detail, I was a bit salvaged, the pain of a break ball is one of finding comfort Gleyber Torres murder a 95
afterward isn’t actually relax- enth inning, and I’d finish the of an emotional wreck at this up with someone I love so through escapism. An issue mph fastball and watching it
ing. I think back to my mantra: game by listening on my clock point in my life. I quit my job intensely lingered. Watching I’ve faced my whole life is sail high into the Bronx night.
embrace comfort. Embracing radio. I’d cry when they lost. and got dumped within the baseball became an outlet of my inability to shift my focus Sebastian de Lasa is a mem-
comfort means embracing I started watching baseball span of roughly two weeks. Al- self-care. when I’m fixated on something ber of the Class of 2022.

Submit a Talk of the Quad to orient@bowdoin.edu. Published every other week.
Friday, September 20, 2019 7


The next big sing: a cappella’s whirlwind recruitment week
cil Co-President Brendan Pul-
by Brianna Cunliffe sifer ’20, around a dozen stu-
Orient Staff
dents are contested—meaning
With pews so full that stu- they’ve gotten into more than
dents spilled over onto the one group and must choose
floor, the current members of which membership offer to
Bowdoin’s a cappella groups accept.
performed their best, hoping What happens next is called
to attract their futures. the draft. Contested students
Supporters, friends and a receive a phone call with the
cappella hopefuls packed into news and are given 10 minutes
the Bowdoin Chapel last Fri- to decide between groups.
day night for the annual re- Pulsifer explains that it is a
cruitment concert, where each way of making sure students
of Bowdoin’s six groups per- can make the choice for them-
formed two songs. selves.
This concert and Dorm “It sounds more intense than
Sings—the annual conver- it is,” Pulsifer said. “We make
gence of all six groups on the sure it’s very fair, so there’s no
halls and common rooms of extra wooing.”
the first-year bricks—make up A cappella groups are small
Bowdoin a cappella’s annual enough that a single year can
search for new members. radically change a group’s com-
Monday and Tuesday are position—Miscellania and the REUBEN SCHAFIR, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
jam-packed with auditions Meddiebempsters each lost UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL: The Meddibempsters, one of Bowdoin’s six a cappella groups, performed in a first-year dorm last week. Each a cappella group
coordinated by the A Cappella four singers at the end of last undergoes a yearly recruitment process which includes performances in the first-year bricks and the annual recruitment concert.
Council. Many students try out year. With groups of around
for all groups they’re eligible a dozen singers, that turnover in to recruit new members and cially friendly recruiters. eclectic. Likewise, diversity var- look beyond vocal ability. Zeval-
for; others set their sights on comprises a quarter of their the harder we want to work to Despite the difficulty of con- ies—each group has an array of los hones in on what he thinks is
one favorite. membership. For the Longfel- sound good.” tinuity when individual per- ages, races, class years and gen- most essential: character.
But all auditionees face the lows, that number was almost Balance is essential. Each sonalities are so pronounced, der identities. This year, accord- “We want this idea of team-
same harrowing experience of half—with five graduates and voice matters. Recruitment is a there are some through lines ing to Pulsifer, audition sheets work and integrity and trust,”
singing for a panel of older stu- two juniors studying abroad, challenge, more of an art than that hold year after year. For are overwhelmingly female. he said. “Although it’s difficult to
dents without any instruments last year’s total of 15 singers a science. This is because of the Harscoet, Miscellania is all “I think a cappella can be and gauge in such a short period of
to hide behind. To offset the was reduced to eight current emphasis on student leadership about sisterhood. has been a very white New En- time, that’s definitely something
intimidation factor, leaders try members. that sets a cappella apart from “We all have each other’s gland-y thing,” said Harscoet. that we’re looking for. And we
to make students as welcome as The urgency this brought other performance opportuni- backs in a way that is beyond She added, however, that try to exude that same level of
possible. to their recruiting efforts isn’t ties at Bowdoin. just being a musical group,” Miscellania auditions are an warmth.”
“It’s inherently really scary,” necessarily a negative, says Ben Groups arrange their own Harscoet said. “Even if people opportunity to pursue greater Pulsifer echoed this sentiment,
said Ayana Harscoet ’21, a Zevallos ’21, musical director music, run their own rehearsals come and go, that still holds us diversity, both in race and in stressing the importance of mak-
member of Miscellania. for the Longfellows. and shape their own cultural together.” background. ing rehearsal time cohesive and
At the end of two days of au- “It’s a motivational tool to space and dynamic—a flexi- Groups differ in vibe, both “It’s not just raw musical tal- enjoyable when bringing in new
ditions and callbacks, there is get us where we need to be,” bility that allows individuals to musically and interpersonal- ent,” she added. members.
still more to come. Every year, he said. “The more we lose, stand out, whether as soloists, ly, and ranging from casual to Though the goal is to achieve “It’s not just your voice,” he
according to A Cappella Coun- the more effort we’re putting arrangers, beatboxers or espe- classical, color-coordinated to the best sound possible, leaders says. “It’s you.”

Arctic Museum honors African-American explorer

can-American Society (Af-Am) LeMoine built the exhibit
by Elizabeth Flanagan and the John Brown Russwurm from the pre-existing materi-
Staff Writer
African-American Center. A al in its permanent collection
In 1909, Robert Peary, Class college-wide celebration of the about Henson. The prized piece
of 1877, led his famous expedi- anniversary will begin on No- of this collection is footage
tion to the North Pole. But many vember 8 and will include three from Henson’s interview with a
do not realize that it was, in days of lectures, symposia, art United Press journalist in 1951,
fact, an African-American man, exhibitions, conversation, live when he was 85 years old.
Peary’s companion Matthew Al- music and parties. The museum is very proud
exander Henson, and not Peary “We wanted to mark the of this footage, since there are
himself, who first stood on the 50th anniversary of the Af- very few recordings of Hen-
pole. Peary’s name would be ro-American Center. And so son.
quickly remembered and Hen- [the College] asked us if we “We had an intern who
son’s subsequently forgotten un- wanted to be part of [the cel- searched high and low in 2007
til Henson’s death in 1955, when ebration], and of course we to 2008 to find any examples
historians finally acknowledged did,” said LeMoine. “[Hen- of Henson on film, and it took MINDY LEDER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
him for his contributions to this son] is our shining example her a long time, but she did AN UNTOLD HISTORY: Matthew Alexander Henson, the African-American explorer who traversed the Arctic along-
remarkable feat. of the many wonderful Af- eventually track that piece side Robert Peary, is being recognized by the Arctic Museum in conjunction with Af-Am’s 50th anniversary this year.
Until December 31, the rican-American people in down,” said Kaplan.
Peary-MacMillan Arctic Muse- American history that have Crucial to understanding named him “Kind Matthew.” In Chicago Geographical Society hopes the exhibit will contrib-
um will be honoring Henson’s been neglected.” the relationship between Peary fact, Henson married an Inuit awarded him the same medals ute to a broader discussion
life in the exhibition, “Matthew “I think that our goal in and Henson, and specifically woman whom he met through and honors it had given to oth- about the way the story of the
Alexander Henson: First Af- putting up this exhibit is to Henson’s many contributions his travels, and together they er members of the expedition Arctic is told.
rican-American at the North bring more attention to his to their expeditions, is a quote had a son. years earlier. Henson was also “We’re very much dedicated
Pole,” which is on display in the accomplishments because from Peary included in the ex- LeMoine researched Hen- honored by President Dwight to broadening the narrative,”
Hubbard Hall lobby adjacent to I think in many circles he hibit: “I can’t get along without son’s life while doing field work Eisenhower at the White House said LeMoine. “In academia
the museum. is still an overlooked, very, Henson.” in Greenland. in 1955. In 2000, the National generally there’s a great move-
“We want to remind people very accomplished man,” said Henson was responsible for “There [are] not people still Geographic Society posthu- ment towards broadening these
that … Peary had this amazing Susan Kaplan, director of building all of the sleds used by alive who remember him, but mously awarded Henson the pictures and moving away from
right-hand man who was an the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Peary’s exploration party. One they have heard stories about Hubbard Medal, which was just this hero worship, [and]
African-American at a time Museum and Arctic Studies of them, named the Hubbard him because he has family originally created for Peary. this exhibit is sort of part of that
when African-Americans were Center. “It certainly doesn’t Sled, is on display as part of the there,” said LeMoine. “They had The presence of this exhibit whole agenda.”
really denied a lot of opportu- address the history of the Af- exhibit. Henson was also the a great deal of respect for him, in correlation with the celebra- “I think it’s worth all of our
nities,” said Genevieve LeM- Am here at Bowdoin, but it is only member of the party who and they had a really loving re- tion of Af-Am’s 50th anniver- time to pay more attention and
oine, the museum’s curator. another example of African became fluent in Inuktun, the lationship [with him].” sary reflects upon and is an at- give him the due that he didn’t
The exhibition coincides Americans in history who past Inughuit language spoken in Before his death, Henson tempt to change the narratives really get while he was alive,”
with the 50th anniversary of scholarship has not always northwestern Greenland, and was awarded honorary de- around Arctic exploration and said LeMoine.
the founding of Bowdoin’s Afri- acknowledged and treated he became beloved by the Inu- grees by Howard University even the arts at Bowdoin. Cole van Miltenburg con-
cana studies program, the Afri- fairly.” ghuit community, which nick- and Morgan College, and the LeMoine said that she tributed to this report.
8 Friday, September 20, 2019

HIGHLIGHT A loss, but a step forward for Bowdoin football
More Than a
The field hockey team
cruised to a dominant Bowdoin football’s sea-
victory at the University son-opening loss to Hamilton was
of Southern Maine on a game of almosts. The offense al-
Tuesday. The entire most clicked. The defense almost
Bowdoin defense put up kept the game within reach. The
a career day, not allowing Polar Bears almost came out on
a single shot over all four top.
quarters. Emma Stevens But almost is still almost, and
’20 tallied her fifth goal the Polar Bears still fell, 37-24, in
in five games, bringing their first game under the direc-
her to an early tie for the tion of head coach BJ Hammer
lead atop the NESCAC and his staff.
Hammer’s presence was nev-
scoring charts. The Polar
ertheless evident. After trailing
Bears will host Wesleyan
by 11 points at the half, Bowdoin
on Saturday, looking to
took the lead with eight minutes
build on their 4-1 overall
to play in the fourth quarter on a
two-yard touchdown run by Nate
Richam-Odoi ’20. As a point of
comparison, the Polar Bears led in
DOWN, BUT NOT the fourth quarter only once last
OUT: The men’s golf season, in the team’s sole victory
team recovered from a over Bates.
disappointing Saturday That wasn’t the only improve-
performance to storm ment. In 2018, Bowdoin lost to ONE IF BY AIR: Quarterback Austin McCrum ’21 sets up for a pass on Saturday’s game against Hamilton. McCrum finished with 229 yards on 29 completions.
back and eke out a Hamilton 62-27 and surrendered catches for 70 yards. Aside from doin’s defense continued its usual an improbable underhand flip to yards per game in the air while
two-stroke team victory 505 yards of offense. This time a dropped ball or two, he set the program of perplexity, allowing Greg Olson ’21 to complete the posting a number of efforts that
over Husson University. around, Bowdoin narrowed the tenor for Bowdoin’s offense. As for the Continentals to match each two-point conversion and put didn’t break into the triple digits.
After falling to a 13-point gap and allowed only 403 yards. the dropped balls—as Hammer of Bowdoin’s scores with one of Bowdoin up by three, 24-21. So 229? That’s improvement.
deficit against the Eagles Offensively, they put points on the said: fixable. its own, and Hamilton led 21-10 It was, in the end, too sweet to The second was Chen, who av-
after the first round of board in every quarter. The num- Linebacker Joe Gowetski ’20 heading into the half. last. The defense returned to its eraged 40 yards across five punts,
play, the Polar Bears ber of times that happened last showed that, if anything, he’s get- But in the beginning of the feast of misrule, and Hamilton including a 54-yarder in the sec-
returned to the course year? Zero. ting better with age. He led the second half, the defense showed running back David Kogan ’20 ond quarter. He drilled his only
with renewed vigor on Tactical errors can be fixed in a defense with nine tackles, two for flashes of brilliance, forcing three broke through the Bowdoin line field goal attempt from 29 yards
Sunday and clawed week, but lackadaisical effort can- losses. Remember those negative consecutive three-and-outs to on the next two drives to extend and was otherwise accurate and
themselves back to not. Of Bowdoin’s major mistakes, plays that Hammer prioritizes? start the period. The final effort Hamilton’s lead to 34-24. After collected, even when the ball ap-
victory. Matt McCarthy most were of the fixable variety, Bingo. nearly culminated in a safety, not McCrum got picked off with five peared to be snapped for someone
’21 won the individual title said Hammer. The improvements to Bow- once but twice, thanks to a mon- minutes to play—one of his few twice his height.
by one stroke, shooting “I was pleased with the way doin’s offense were clear from the ster punt by Chen that plopped mistakes of the day—the folding Things that change always
a 76. we played, hard, with effort—we first drive of the game. Starting Hamilton on its own one yard line. chairs began returning to their present themselves more readily
fought. We’re gonna clean a lot up, out from their own 35 yard line, The apex of Bowdoin’s effort carrying cases. than things that stay the same, and
but those are first game things,” the Polar Bears strung together a came with eight minutes left in It was sloppy, as first games time will reveal whether the new
SLIPPING said Hammer. “It’s just cleaning up 13-play, 49-yard drive to set up a the fourth quarter, with the of- often are, and it was dispiriting, or the old will prevail—beginning
THROUGH THEIR our run fits on [defense]. You can’t field goal by Michael Chen ’20. It fense taking over at its own 25 a feeling that Bowdoin football on Saturday, when the team takes
FINGERS: drop balls on offense, you can’t was as good as anything they pro- yard line. After making use of knows too well. But it was not on last year’s champion, Trinity
The men’s soccer have bad snaps on special teams, duced last season. four first downs to move the ball more of the same. (who dropped their season opener
team earned their first but those are little things that can After surrendering two consec- to the Hamilton 35 and facing a Aside from Richam-Odoi and to Tufts).
NESCAC points in easily be picked up.” utive touchdowns to some shoddy fourth and six, quarterback Aus- Millet, two figures shone forth as In the end, a new coaching staff
Lewiston with a 1-1 draw Bowdoin’s strategy had few sur- coverage in the secondary, the tin McCrum ’21 connected with beacons of hope. The first was Mc- means many things: new systems,
against Bates. In a tightly prises. The first seven consecutive offense sputtered to life in the sec- wide receiver Aidan Israelski ’22, Crum, who looked more like the new practice routines, new play
contested game, the touches of the game belonged to ond quarter with another 13-play, who broke enough tackles to get starting quarterback that Bowdoin calls. But it also means a new
Polar Bears went up 1-0 Richam-Odoi, who finished the 57-yard effort that ended with to Hamilton’s one yard line. Ri- needs. He completed 24 passes on chance to impress.
with an early goal from game with 21 carries worth 61 Brendan Ward ’22 punching the cham-Odoi did what he does best: 43 attempts, good for 229 yards “I think [the new staff ] just
Julian Juantorena ’23. yards. ball into the endzone to draw the score. And McCrum somehow and one touchdown, and he add- being around makes us play a lot
Bowdoin maintained Bo Millet ’21 looked like his Polar Bears within four, 14-10. managed, while getting crushed ed one tοuchdown himself on the harder,” said Richam.
the advantage until usual dominant self, hauling in six For much of the first half, Bow- by a Hamilton linebacker, to fling ground. Last year, he averaged 156 Is harder enough? Almost.
the last minute of play,
when a Bates equalizer
denied them all three
points. The Polar Bears
will be seeking their first
NESCAC victory at
Bridging the gap between athletes and administrators
home against Wesleyan BSAAC does is three-pronged, larly with leaders of those teams) or “Club teams work extremely The best coaches are themselves
by Anthony Yanez centering on service, school spirit out in the Brunswick community, hard and have needs and ideas to teachers, and the best faculty mem-
this Saturday. Orient Staff
and student advocacy. BSAAC so it’s likely that those who aren’t contribute, so our perspective [on] bers act like coaches do, supporting
Although Bowdoin athletics runs clinics associated with the on teams haven’t interacted with us sports on campus just wouldn’t their students and trying to figure
TRAMPS LIKE US...: is most visible on game day, the Special Olympics Maine, organiz- that much,” said Allison Rutz ’20, a be as comprehensive or inclusive out what works best for them in the
department stretches well beyond es events like this Sunday’s Robbie member of the varsity softball team without their participation,” said classroom,” Sobak said. “Ultimately,
The women’s and men’s
the courts and fields. With a stu- Run and energizes students for the and one of the four leaders of BSA- Rutz. we have all the same goals. We just
cross country teams
dent-athlete advisory committee Dempsey Foundation Dempsey AC this year, wrote in an email to the Faculty members also have a have different tools. I’d like to get
open their respective
and a faculty representative to Challenge among other charitable Orient. stake in athletics at the College, coaches and faculty talking to each
seasons at the Bowdoin
the NCAA, the department is and community events. BSAAC is one of many Student with Bowdoin appointing a faculty other and seeing where we can co-
Invitational this Saturday.
incorporating voices outside the Student advocacy means ac- Athlete Advisory Committees representative to the NCAA each operate and help each other with the
Expectations are high
administration. knowledging the unique experienc- (SAAC) that can be found across year. Filling that role this year is ultimate goal of helping student-ath-
for both teams after
One way that the voices of stu- es—and occasional challenges—of the nation. There is an NCAA Associate Professor of Classics and letes achieve success.”
impressive performances dent-athletes are represented in being a student-athlete. Due to class Division III-wide SAAC, as well as Chair of the Classics Department Sobak also works closely with
at NCAA Regionals last athletics is through the Bowdoin schedule changes that pushed back a NESCAC SAAC; both are man- Robert Sobak. BSAAC, and he eats lunch with
November; the women’s Student Athlete Advisory Com- practice times, BSAAC collaborated dated by the NCAA. Two student Sobak’s role requires him to Director of Athletics Tim Ryan
team finished ninth mittee (BSAAC), comprised of with Bowdoin Dining Services and athletes from Bowdoin represent travel to NCAA Division III-wide once every couple of weeks to stay
while the men’s team students from every varsity and the athletics department to extend the College at the annual NES- meetings with faculty represen- up to date on the department dis-
took seventh in the New club sports team. Four from this dining hall hours to 8 p.m. to give CAC SAAC meeting. tatives from other schools. On cussions.
England pool. All eyes group are elected leaders each athletes time to get dinner. BSAAC’s includes representa- campus, however, his role is less Beyond athletic competition
will be on both teams spring. Though women’s basket- Even with such a broad output tives from club sports teams, which defined. He hopes to serve as a lies a dense web of committees
as they seek to start out ball Head Coach Adrienne Shibles of programs, BSAAC remains un- is not required by the NCAA, but point of reference, specifically for and administration that define
strong on their home is the official advisor, the group is der the radar. both Shibles and Rutz agreed that his faculty colleagues. the student athlete experience
course. largely student-run. “The work we do is generally these teams are important parts of “Coaches and faculty are basical- and, indirectly, the campus com-
COMPILED BY DYLAN SLOAN Shibles says that the work either within sports teams (particu- the campus athletic community. ly doing the same thing: educating. munity at large.
Friday, September 20, 2019 SPORTS 9

Women’s football attracts growing following in Portland

She is also a mother of three training sessions will begin them football players.” hosted in Golden, Colorado When team members in-
by Dylan Sloan and works as a school nutri- before official practices start “You just go right to the and Atlanta, Georgia. troduce themselves as football
Orient Staff
tion assistant. up after the new year. bare bones every year,” added Unsurprisingly, the May- players, they often receive
Portland is known for its Not all players came to the One challenge the Mayhem Head Coach Bryant Oja. “You hem has faced serious chal- puzzled looks in return.
hip food scene, proximity to team with prior experience, faces is that very few players start from scratch, and you lenges as it seeks to establish “The question is always, ‘Is
nature and historical port, and because few players have have any football experience start building [them] up … themselves. Jeffords said that it flag football? Is it lingerie
but one of the city’s greatest had football experience be- before they try out for the .It’s just tremendous to see an it has been near impossible to football? Is it this that or the
hidden gems is a nation- fore joining the Mayhem, the team. However, Jeffords sim- athlete [who has never played get any media coverage, even other thing?’” said Oja. “This
al-championship caliber pro- team’s roster is far from uni- ply views that as part of the football before] get out on the from hyperlocal sources. is full-contact football, and
fessional sports team with an form. process. practice field over the course “[The struggle is] literal- these athletes treat it like ...
empowering story and a fan of those three months and ly just getting our name out their profession.”
base that’s growing larger ev-
ery year.
“This is full-contact football, then [start] playing games.”
Playing for the Mayhem is
there. I need more press …. It’s
so hard to even get our scores
Part of this professionalism
means laying groundwork for
The Maine Mayhem is a and these athletes treat it like ... a serious commitment. In the published in the paper,” said young women interested in the
professional women’s football
team that plays in the Wom-
their profession.” past, the Mayhem has prac-
ticed once a week for three
Jeffords. “[Local papers] cover
everything else. They cover
sport. Recent initiatives led by
the Mayhem and the growing
en’s Football Alliance (WFA), –Maine Mayhem Head Coach Bryant Oja hours, but this year the team high school and college sports popularity of women’s football
a national league with three will add a second three-hour and everything but us.” as a whole has led to a rise in
divisions and 59 teams. The “[We have players who are] “We target those female practice on Wednesdays. “It’s awesome that it’s kind women picking up the sport at
WFA plays full-contact foot- literally every age, every shape athletes that want to compete The team’s spring schedule of getting off the ground and a younger age.
ball and uses a similar set of and size and [from all] walks at a very competitive [level],” consists of four away games, people are starting to know “[The] next generation is
rules as the NCAA. Coming of life. It is so diverse; it is to- said Jeffords. “For the most requiring travel around the who we are, but there is still a having more opportunities
up on their fifth season in the tally wild,” said Jeffords. “Last part, people—[including] northeast, and four home great population that doesn’t to play,” said Jeffords. “We
league and stocked with a ros- year, we had an 18-year-old myself—have had no prior games hosted at Memorial know we exist,” continued have a developmental pro-
ter full of veteran players, the high school player and we had experience before stepping Stadium in Portland. Postsea- Jeffords. “And if women don’t gram where we mentor youth
Mayhem is poised for a break- a 56-year-old who has been on that field during tryouts son play involves similar trav- know we even exist, how can female football players in the
out year. playing football for a long time …. We teach them everything el, and in past years cham- they have the opportunity to area .… It inspires us more
Following the collapse of … and everything in between.” they need to know. [We] make pionship weekend has been play?” than it inspires them.”
two former women’s football The Mayhem is a profes-
organizations in Portland, the sional sports team, but it does
Maine Freeze and the Maine not make enough revenue
Rebels, a group of players de- through ticket sales and spon-
cided to get together in 2016 sorships to cover all of its ex-
and form their own franchise. penses, which include booking
They chose to run the May- indoor practice spaces in the
hem on a board-run rather winter and arranging travel for
than sole proprietary model, away games.
allowing players more control “Our players ... have dues
over the team’s off-field affairs that they pay [to be a part
and allowing the Mayhem to of the team,]” said Jeffords.
register as a 501c(3) nonprofit. “[However,] they’re able to
The team started strong in fundraise the entire amount so
its inaugural season, winning they don’t have to pay out of
its first game and eventually pocket, and most of them do
taking home an Affiliate Bowl that. We do a couple of come-
Championship. The Affiliate dy club fundraisers, silent auc-
Bowl is held for small-market tions and fairs [each year]. It’s
teams or teams in their first a lot of fun, and a lot of players
season in the WFA. raise all their fees that way.”
Alicia Jeffords is one of The Mayhem started its
the founding members of the fall recruiting campaign af-
Mayhem. A WFA All-Amer- ter hosting their first of four
ican last year, Jeffords plays rounds of tryouts this fall.
defensive end and fullback for Once the new recruits are
the team and has played foot- added to the returning roster COURTESY OF MCKENNEY PHOTOGRAPHY
ball competitively for 14 years. of about 30 players, preseason IN THE HUDDLE: Head Coach Bryant Oja leads the Maine Mayhem in a team cheer before a game last spring. The team expects to return close to 30 players this year.


STICKIN’ AROUND: Elle Brine ’20 dribbles the ball in the field hockey team’s game against Middlebury on Saturday. The team bounced back from their 2-1 loss on Tuesday, handily defeating University of Southern Maine 3-0.
10 Friday, September 20, 2019

Unite at the museum steps
In solidarity with the largest global youth strike in history, Bowdoin Climate Ac-
tion (BCA) organized a climate rally on the museum steps earlier today. While this
Bowdoin’s moral tanglements are
bigger than the Epstein case
once would have been a rare sight on our campus, instances of student activism are
becoming increasingly frequent and visible.
The events of the past year have sparked a hunger for political action on campus,
fueled largely by members of the Class of 2022. From the climate crisis to U.S. Su-
preme Court politics to labor practices on our campus, students have become more
involved in issues that directly affect our local and global communities. What if we demanded that he do so? Finally, let’s take a look at James
In October 2018, several hundred Bowdoin students walked out of class to pro- by Andrew Hamilton A quick glance at BoA’s history finds a Staley himself, who spent over 30
test the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The protest garnered Op-Ed Contributor pattern of fraud, negligence and prof- years at J.P. Morgan Chase, and is now
state-wide news coverage. For many students, the Kavanaugh protest was the first This newspaper recently reported iting from mountaintop removal coal CEO of Barclays, two of the largest
time they had seen an action of such magnitude on campus. on the connection between Bowdoin mining, one of the most destructive and most powerful financial organiza-
“The Brett Kavanaugh walkout was, in my four years, the largest protest Bowdoin trustee James Staley ’87 P’11 and bil- practices in one of the most destructive tions in the world, each trailing a list
has done,” Maxx Byron ’19 told the Orient in January. lionaire sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. industries in the world. This is where of crimes, fraud and acts of destruc-
Students’ passion even led them to take action in our nation’s capital. Eight stu- The reporting makes no conclusions the money comes from. tive greed too long to list here. During
dents (six of whom were members of the Class of 2022) were arrested, some outside about Staley’s possible implication in The chairman of Bowdoin’s Board Staley’s tenure as Chief Executive at
the office of Maine Senator Susan Collins and others outside the Supreme Court, criminal activity, but leaves the reader of Trustees, Robert F. White ’77 P’15, Chase, the bank settled lawsuits or
while protesting Kavanaugh’s nomination. with the clear impression that further spent the 1980s as one of the architects paid fines for market manipulation,
That several hundred students, faculty and staff gathered outside Baxter House investigation is warranted. Such atten- of Bain Capital, a private equity firm non-compliance with banking regu-
last May for the Bowdoin Labor Alliance’s (BLA) “Rally for a Living Wage” was more tion to these crimes of power is alto- notorious for its pioneering use of cor- lations, bribery, fraud, sanctions vio-
evidence of a growing spirit of activism. In a little over a year of activity, BLA and gether appropriate. Yet, the salacious- porate dividends to accumulate mas- lations and, naturally, obstruction of
their supporters’ continual pressure on the College has yielded some concessions, ness of Epstein’s crimes may distract sive profits for itself while processing justice for hindering the investigation
though a living wage is still far from a reality. us from the many well-documented the cash-starved companies under its into some of those crimes. Making
Like unfair labor practices or accused sexual predators on our nation’s highest instances of more quotidian wrongdo- control through the more Byzantine sure that the bank maintained a warm
court, the increasingly urgent question of climate policy has spurred students to ac- ing to which we so easily become ac- corners of the bankruptcy code. This business relationship with a man im-
tion. Bowdoin students, many working with the Sunrise Movement through BCA, customed. Holding ourselves—as in- practice sent hundreds or thousands prisoned for sex trafficking barely
have participated in actions throughout New England. Some members have traveled dividuals and as a community—to the of workers at a time into unemploy- makes the list.
as far as Washington, D.C.. The energy surrounding this movement has been felt highest ethical standards means reck- ment and hollowed out businesses I have mentioned these four people
across the College and for many has become yet another sign of a marked increase in oning with the systemic corruption, once ingrained in their communities, because of the prominence of their
political action on campus. banal evil and unethical practices on while pocketing millions for White positions, but the choice was largely
The Kavanaugh nomination process lasted for only a few weeks, whereas the op- which the comforts and privilege of and others, so they could move on to arbitrary. The Board of Trustees, the
portunity for climate activism will only grow in the years to come. For a school so this extraordinary college prides itself. the next acquisition. This is where the big-name donors, the other pow-
concerned with its environmental image (though still not divested!), it’s only right Here are a few examples of what I am money comes from. erbrokers at this college—many of
that real action should follow. talking about. The vice-chair of the board of them have similar stories. It is easy to
LEED-certified buildings such as the Roux Center for the Environment look President Clayton Rose serves on trustees, Paula Wardynski ‘79, is a demand that someone cut ties with a
good, but hundreds of students rallying on the quad looks better. The Roux Center the board of Bank of America, which senior vice president of Rupert Mur- sex trafficker, but other cases are not
makes Bowdoin News, but climate protests make national news. Whatever Bowdoin profits off the private prison industry doch’s Newscorp, where she manages quite so easy. Using state of the art
students are fighting for, we hope that they will continue to show up. in general and, until recently, the mi- the company’s global assets. It seems lab equipment made possible by the
Walkouts and marches provide easily accessible, low-stakes opportunities for stu- grant detention centers being built at redundant to even begin to describe fruits of currency manipulation, or
dents to engage in the issues that directly affect them. The buy-in is low; the payoff is breakneck speed to keep up with the the destructive practices Wardynski is playing on a sports field underwritten
high. An hour of your morning lends momentum to a vast global movement. booming business of family separation. indirectly complicit in—the dissemi- by a peddler of sub-prime mortgages
To BLA, BCA and all the other organizers on campus: well done. You’ve built a lot Under public pressure, he gave a rou- nation of conspiracy theories, assaults or joining an alumni network full of
of momentum over the past year—don’t lose it. tine disavowal of the practice; he made on journalistic standards, systematic profiteers all feel just fine. But should
Let the museum steps become a center for political action. no mention of repudiating the profits degradation of women and so on. But they?
that have accrued to him under it. Wardynski is specifically implicat- Let’s not let the dramatic revela-
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial ed in behind the scenes work for the tions about Epstein, and the swirl of
board, which is composed of Emily Cohen, Brianna Cunliffe, Roither Gonzales, Murdoch family directly, where rumors that follows them, distract us
Rohini Kurup, Alyce McFadden, Nina McKay, Danielle Quezada, Reuben Schafir she helped in the management from what is hiding in plain sight:
and Jaret Skonieczny. of secret boating and real estate dirty money flows through this col-
holdings which may not meet lege’s hefty coffers, and getting rid of
the legal definition of money it, if we decide we want to, will be no
laundering, but which everyone easy task. This is the hardest kind of
involved worked to keep secret moral reckoning, but in a world of
until the revelation of key doc- profound and unexpected connec-
ESTABLISHED 1871 uments in the Paradise Papers tions, as beneficiaries of institutional
leak. This is where the money power, it is absolutely necessary.
bowdoinorient.com orient@bowdoin.edu 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011 comes from. Andrew Hamilton is a visiting as-
sistant professor in the German de-
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information partment.
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators,
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community.

Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden

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The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the
34% YES
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
66% NO Based on answers from 109 responses.
Friday, September 20, 2019 OPINION 11

Police shootings:
who is at fault?
they can reach the gun, one of the
by Jared Cole officers tells Bailey, “Stay with me
Op-Ed Contributor brother.”
On August 3, 2019, a situation I’ve identified as black for most
that has become a mainstay of of my life, though now I would ac-
American culture took place in knowledge that I’m mixed race as I
Colorado Springs. A police officer am more Indian than I am black—
shot a young black male. Nearly something I’ve always known about
two weeks after the fatal shooting, myself. In the past, however, I iden-
the family of the victim forced Col- tified more with my blackness as I
orado police to release body cam- grew up in a white suburban town
era footage of what happened. The in Massachusetts, and everyone
victim’s name is De’Von Bailey. He who ever saw me viewed me as
was 19 years old. “just black” due to my dark skin and
The footage shows an officer curly afro. While my mother is just
calmly asking two young black Indian, my father is mostly black
males if they can talk for a second. and native Trinidadian. When my
The officer then states that there’s mother and I first saw the footage
been “a report of two people with of the shooting, we both asked Bai-
similar descriptions possibly hav- ley the same question through the
ing a gun.” He then says, “Don’t TV: “Why are you running away?
reach for your waist. We’re going If you don’t have anything to hide,
to just check and make sure that then why are you running away?”
you don’t have a weapon, alright?” My father, however, who has had
Immediately afterwards, Bailey’s negative experiences with cops in
friend looks over to Bailey then the past along the lines of racial
back at the officer, as if he knows profiling, had a different reaction to
something we don’t. Another offi- the footage.
cer can be seen approaching Bailey He simply shook his head in
from behind to check his waist, disdain at the sight of an officer
and before he can even check, Bai- gunning down a young black male pocket as he was running. In this question. Did the officer have to Garner and Michael Brown were prepare officers for these kinds of
ley takes off running. that was running away from him. situation, the officer was probably kill Bailey for being armed? If foolish for resisting arrest. Did situations where their own lives are
As the original officer chases af- We then proceeded to argue about thinking that Bailey not only had a the officer did in fact have a stun they deserve to die for it? No. Were in jeopardy.
ter Bailey with a gun pointed at his whether the officer was right in gun, but that he’s trying to get it out gun on him, then he just as easily the officers also foolish for being I don’t blame my father for
back, you can hear him tell Bailey his decision and whether Bailey so that he could fire back. The one could’ve incapacitated Bailey with- unable to arrest them without kill- thinking the way that he does.
to put his hands up multiple times. deserved to die for disobeying the problem I do have with the officer out ending his life. However, after ing them? Yes. This problem in my He and I have different experi-
Instead, Bailey can be seen digging officer’s orders. After arguing with is that he did not wait for Bailey to doing more research, I discovered eyes is two-sided. ences and different perceptions.
into his pocket as he’s running him for close to an hour and pon- pull the gun out of his pocket. In that according to police protocol, For one, young black men need But I think in order to solve this
away. At no point does he attempt dering it afterwards in solitude, actuality, the officer had no clear stun guns are only supposed to be to be taught not to resist arrest. If epidemic, black people need to
to put his hands up. The officer I came to a few conclusions. For evidence that Bailey was armed used if the perpetrator is unarmed there’s a racist cop out there that learn to let go of the stigma that
then fires multiple rounds into one, Bailey probably would not before he fired. But of course, but is resisting arrest. wants to kill black men, then in all cops are trying to kill them. In
Bailey’s back until he falls. After- have run away if he did not have a when you put all the pieces togeth- Still, my father argues that of- his mind he’s going to be hoping an ideal world, the ideal cop would
wards, the officers cuff him while gun. Second, in hindsight, the offi- er, it is clear that Bailey likely had ficers should do more to restrain that they either resist arrest or be someone that understands the
he’s bleeding out on the ground cer was right to shoot Bailey. Bailey a gun on him. Still, a cop that was themselves from using deadly run away. In the case of De’Von self-sacrifice that comes with the
and call for a third officer to bring did in fact have a gun on him, and not afraid to lose his life would’ve force, and I find it unreasonable Bailey, I really don’t think those profession. Yet of course, we are all
over a medical kit. Ultimately, the the officer clearly shouted at Bai- waited those few precious seconds, to disagree with that. At the end cops were racist. However, they human, and fearing for one’s life is
officers do in fact find a gun in ley to put his hands up as he was for Bailey to pull out the gun be- of the day, Bailey was a fool for were certainly afraid to lose their a natural human tendency.
Bailey’s shorts. While the officers running away, which Bailey did fore pulling the trigger. running. Did he deserve to die own lives, and perhaps more in- Jared Cole is a member of the
are cutting Bailey’s shorts off so not do, instead reaching into his This then leads to my final for that? No, I don’t think so. Eric tense training needs to be done to Class of 2020.

Hating immigrants: America’s self-destructive tradition

in Nigeria. My Aunty Funke, a ing news segment about a mass four congresswomen of color
by Osa Fasehun Nigerian native, had recently shooting was a trauma trigger to “go back and help fix the
Op-Ed Contributor
returned to Nigeria from the for me. My “Trump Anxiety totally broken and crime-in-
I was a sophomore at Bow- United States. She was headed Disorder” worsened as I feared fested places from which they
doin when Donald Trump was to Lagos with an entourage that cousins in Texas or Ohio came,” even though they are
gaining momentum in the when some drivers suddenly were also casualties in the all Americans and all but one
presidential election in spite began to barricade the sides of shooting, before being reas- are natural-born citizens. His
of his xenophobic rhetoric. the street with their vehicles. sured of their safety. Our com- comments reveal two tropes
Anxiously dreading a near-fas- Other drivers, more familiar mander in chief has spent most of xenophobia: blaming the
cist regime in the event of a with what was going on, quick- of his presidency spreading victims and thinking of them
Trump presidency, I talked ly drove away in time. My aunt lies about Mexicans and other as subhuman. The immigrants
with my mother about getting and her entourage did not re- non-white immigrants ruining that arrive here are generally
reacquainted with Nigeria, my alize that the barricading was the country and in turn, em- not responsible for the turmoil
mother’s native country. The part of a routine marauding by powering hatemongers like the they are escaping from. Aside
talk did not go well and after armed bandits. El Paso shooter to act on those from corruption, Nigeria
debating the idea for an hour, The armed bandits ap- sentiments. struggles with national insecu-
my mother finally admitted, proached my aunt’s van—ev- Turning away immigrants is rity—from armed robbery to
“We have no place to go! The eryone in the car managed to not in America’s best interest. kidnapping for ransom—none
Nigeria I knew in childhood escape except her—and fired Immigrants and children of of which was my late aunt’s
doesn’t exist anymore. I would into the car, striking her. She immigrants have become high fault. Immigration can be a
be a foreigner in my own coun- eventually succumbed to school valedictorians, Bowdo- catch-22 that causes you to feel
try.” What I initially took for blood loss. My aunt had sur- in graduates and among the like a perpetual alien, forever a
exasperation in her tone was vived breast cancer twice, was highest-performing workers foreigner in both the land you
actually broken-heartedness. managing her diabetes well in the country. I owe my ex- emigrated from and the one
She had fond childhood mem- and had an indomitable will istence to immigration and so you sought refuge in.
ories of Nigeria as a beautiful to live for her children and does America. A xenophobic With her name all over Ni-
and safe black country, so it grandchildren. Whether it was America is not rational; it’s an gerian news outlets, I wished
pained her to know that I did the police precluding her from oxymoron. my Aunty Funke could have
not feel at home in Ameri- getting immediate medical From the Japanese-Amer- become a martyr whose death
ca—my country—and that she care due to demands for a bribe ican internment camps to the would transform Nigeria, but
could not provide me with an or the medical responders not congested detention centers I won’t hold my breath. In the
alternative. stopping her bleeding in time, for Latinx migrant children, meantime, I desperately need
Much of my thinking these I could not help but feel that it the venom towards non-white America to feel like home for
days roams to that moment, es- was Nigeria that killed her. immigrants seems to go deep- her children and grandchil-
pecially this summer when my But summer continued and er than the venom for Irish or dren, and for mine.
family received the call that my so did the mass shootings in Italian immigrants not so long Osa Fasehun is a member of KODIE GARZA
aunt had been shot on the road the United States. Each break- ago. In July, the President told the Class of 2018.
12 Friday, September 20, 2019

Global Climate Strike
Bowdoin Climate Action will lead students in a rally to demand
action and policy to address the climate crisis. Afterward, those
who are able will travel to Portland to join a larger rally.
Museum of Art steps. 10 a.m.

Doggies and Donuts
The Student Activities Office will hold an end-of-the-week
celebration with dogs and Frosty’s donuts.
David Saul Smith Union. 7 p.m.

“Smart Woman Securities: Finance and
Investing” Presentation with Jiaqi Duan
Bowdoin Smart Woman Securities founder and current ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT

Harvard Business School student Jiaqi Duan ’17 will give a BURNING VAN: Firefighters from the Brunswick Fire Department extinguish a blaze during a fire demonstration that illustrated fire hazards in
dorm rooms on Wednesday, September 16.
lecture on finance and investment.
Pickering Room, Hubbard Hall. 4:30 p.m.

“Game Night”
The Bowdoin Film Society will screen “Game Night,” directed by
John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein and starring Rachel
McAdams and Jason Bateman. The movie follows a group of EVENT EVENT
friends whose game night goes awry when one gets kidnapped. Meditation Party in the Library
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall. 7 p.m. Bernie Hershberger, Director of Counseling and Wellness The Hawthorne-Longfellow Library will hold an event with
Programs, will lead an afternoon meditation session. dogs, food, activities and prizes.
Room 302, Buck Center for Health and Fitness. 4:30 p.m. Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 7 p.m.

SATURDAY 21 10,000 Years of Natural Resources
Stewardship by the Penobscot Nation
Common Good Day 2019 TUESDAY 24 John Banks, director of natural resources for the Penobscot
Nation, will speak about the Penobscot Nation’s history and
role in caring for the Nation’s territorial land and waters.
Bowdoin students will engage in dozens of community service EVENT
projects across southern Maine, including outdoor cleanup, Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m.
painting, office support and work with seniors and children.
National Voter Registration Day
Students will have the opportunity to register to vote and EVENT
The Joseph McKeen Center for the Common Good will
request absentee ballots all day. Power Yoga
provide free lunch for all volunteers.
David Saul Smith Union and Thorne Hall. 9 a.m. Jessica Coffin will lead an invigorating yoga class.
Farley Field House. 11:30 a.m.
Room 301, Buck Center for Health and Fitness. 4:30 p.m.
Paint Night in the Pub Alpha Delta Phi Visiting Writers Series:
The Bowdoin Craft Center will host an evening painting An Evening with Authors John Banville
session. The Center will provide painting supplies.
Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill. 7 p.m.
and Richard Ford
President Clayton Rose will introduce esteemed authors
John Banville, the first Irish author to receive the Prince of
Asturias Award for Literature, and Richard Ford, a Pulitzer
Prize-winning author.
“No Option but North: The Migrant
SUNDAY 22 Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7:30 p.m.

World and the Perilous Path to the
Border” with Kelsey Freeman ’16
EVENT “The Farewell” As part of this year’s Latinx Heritage Month celebration,
Greenstock Frontier will be screening “The Farewell,” starring Awkwafina, Fulbright fellow Kelsey Freeman ’16 will discuss her
The Bowdoin Music Collective will hold a campus-wide Tzi Ma and Gil Perez-Abraham. The movie received positive forthcoming book, “No Option but North,” which features
event featuring free pizza, student bands, a cappella groups, reviews, including a 99 percent “fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes. interviews with Central American migrants about the
eco-friendly clubs and activities. Tickets are available online. tremendous obstacles they encountered to travel north.
Dudley Coe Quad. 2 p.m. Frontier. 3 p.m. Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m.

27 28 29 30 1 CONVERSATION 2 3 EVENT

“Getting the “Learning

Art Idea” as an Act of

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