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Journal of Hydrology (2008) 357, 188– 206

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Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters

under parameter uncertainty: A case study involving
TOPMODEL and basins across the globe
Satish Bastola , Hiroshi Ishidaira a, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi b

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Takeda 4-3-11, Kofu City,
Yamanashi, Japan
The International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management, Minamihara 1-6, Tsukuba 305-8516, Japan

Received 9 June 2007; received in revised form 19 April 2008; accepted 5 May 2008

KEYWORDS Summary In this paper, we present a method to account for modeling uncertainties
Conceptual while regionalising model parameters. Linking model parameters to physical catchment
rainfall-runoff models; attributes is a popular approach that enables the application of a conceptual model to
Multi-objective an ungauged site. The functional relationship can be derived either from the calibrated
calibration; model parameters (direct calibration method) or by calibrating the functional function
Model parameters; (regional calibration method). Both of these approaches are explored through a case study
Parameter uncertainty; involving TOPMODEL and a number of small- to medium-sized humid basins located in var-
Regionalisation ious geographic and climatic regions around the globe. The predictive performance of the
functional relationship derived using the direct calibration method (e.g., multiple regres-
sion, artificial neural network and partial least square regression) varied among the differ-
ent schemes. However, the average of the model parameters estimated from
regionalisation schemes based on direct calibration is found to be a better surrogate. Even
with the use of a parsimonious hydrological model and with posing model calibration as a
multi-objective problem, the model parameter uncertainty and its effect on model pre-
diction were observed to be high and varied among the basins. Therefore, to avoid the
effect of model parameter uncertainty on regionalization results, a regional calibration

Abbreviations: ANN; artificial neural network; AWISF; average width of the interval of the daily simulated flow; CAs;
catchment attributes; CV; coefficient of variation; GM; global mean (average value of model parameters of all basins); HMLE;
heteroscedastic maximum likelihood estimator; MLR; multiple linear regression; MM; model mean value calculated as the
average of the model parameters estimated by ANN, MLR, MPR and PLSR; MORC; multi-objective regional calibration; MPR;
multiple polynomial regression; MPs; model parameters; NSE; Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency; PLSR; partial least square regression;
RM; regional mean value of calibrated model parameters; RPD; regionalized posterior probability distribution.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 55 220 8588; fax: +81 55 253 4915.
E-mail addresses: satish@yamanashi.ac.jp (S. Bastola), ishi@yamanashi.ac.jp (H. Ishidaira), kuni.t@pwri.go.jp (K. Takeuchi).

0022-1694/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 189

method that skips direct calibration of the hydrological model was implemented. This
method was improved in order to take into account multiple objective criteria while cal-
ibrating regional parameters. The predictive performance of the improved regional cali-
bration method was found to be superior to the direct calibration method, indicating
that the identifiability of model parameters has an apparent effect on deriving predictive
models for regionalisation. However, the regional calibration method was unable to
uniquely identify the regional relationship, and the modeling uncertainties quantified
using Pareto optimal regional relationships were considerable.
Regionalisation schemes that are based on direct calibration do not explicitly account
for the modeling uncertainties.
Therefore, to account for these uncertainties in model parameters and regionalisation
schemes, methods based on regionalisation of vectors of model parameters (i.e. regional-
izing the vectors of equally likely values of model parameters) and posterior probability
distribution of model parameters (i.e. estimating the posterior probability distribution
of model parameters at ungauged sites by linking the entries of model parameters’ covari-
ance matrix and the posterior mean of model parameter to the catchment attributes) are
introduced. The uncertainties in model prediction as quantified from both methods closely
followed the prediction uncertainties quantified from calibrated posterior probability dis-
tributions of model parameters. Moreover, though the prediction uncertainties associated
with the regional calibration method as quantified from the Pareto optimal regional rela-
tionship were comparatively higher than those obtained from the direct calibration
schemes, they were in close agreement with the prediction uncertainties quantified from
the calibrated posterior probability distribution. The ensemble of simulated flows realized
from the model parameters sampled from regionalized posterior probability distributions
for five ungauged basins are also presented as validation of the proposed methodology.
ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction Bates, 2001; Wagener et al., 2004; Lamb and Kay, 2004;
Heuvelmans et al., 2006).
Hydrological data have always played a fundamental role in Though identification of the functional relationship be-
the planning and formulation of sound policies for the sus- tween MPs and CAs helps to broaden the application of
tainable management of water resources; this role has be- CRR models to modeling ungauged basins, such approaches
come even more crucial in today’s environment, where are elusive due to the existence of multiple optima and
competition among water users is increasing and hydrologi- the high interaction between subsets of fitted MPs (Kuczera
cal networks are found to be either declining or inadequate. and Mroczkowski, 1998). To circumvent the problem of poor
Conceptual rainfall-runoff models (CRR) are popular tools identifiability of MPs, which are more likely to occur in over-
for extending hydrological data both in space and time. parameterized CRR models, some improved variants of con-
Though some parameters of CRR models have a physical ba- ventional statistical approaches have been discussed (e.g.,
sis, they must usually be calibrated with observed data in Weighted Regression, Wagener et al., 2004; Sequential
order to obtain a good fit between observed and simulated Regionalisation, Lamb et al., 2000; Regional Calibration,
outputs. The need to calibrate the model using observed Fernandez et al., 2000). Weighted Regression explicitly
data has posed fundamental challenges to hydrologists in incorporates the identifiability of MPs while doing regional-
the modeling of flow at basins with no existing observations ization, while the Sequential Regionalisation tends to im-
(Wagener et al., 2004). prove the identifiability of parameters by combining
A number of methods have previously been applied to model calibration with regionalisation; moreover, it handles
modeling ungauged basins, including methods based on spa- the issue of MP interdependencies by making estimates of
tial proximity (e.g., Vandewiele and Elias, 1995; Merz and MPs conditional on the regionalized values of more influen-
Blöschl, 2004), physical reasoning (e.g., Koren et al., tial MPs. A discussion of the uncertainties and problems of
2000), and statistical approaches (linking model parameters Sequential Regionalisation and the Weighted Regression
to basin attributes). Researchers have concluded that geo- methods for regionalisation can be found in Wagener and
graphical proximity does not guarantee hydrological similar- Wheater (2006). Contrary to the above-mentioned improved
ity, and that methods based on physical reasoning are variants, the Regional Calibration approach calibrates the
difficult to realize due to the difference in the scale at MPs at all sites simultaneously in an attempt to achieve
which the measurements are made and at which the model the best regional relationship, thereby avoiding the need
is applied. Notwithstanding, one widely used approach to for direct calibration of local models prior to development
model ungauged basins relies on linking model parameters of the functional relationship. This consequently omits the
(MPs) to catchments attributes (CAs), and is generally re- effect of parameter identifiability in the regionalisation re-
ferred as a regional models method (e.g., Seibert, 1999; sult. Further improvement of regionalization was performed
Lamb et al., 2000; Fernandez et al., 2000; Campbell and by Campbell and Bates (2001), who attempted to regionalise
190 S. Bastola et al.

the MPs via a regional function that linked the posterior of vectors of model parameters and posterior probability
means to watershed characteristics; they found a substan- distribution of model parameters are introduced to account
tial predictive ability compared to the conventional for uncertainty in the regionalisation of model parameters.
schemes. Similarly, McIntyre et al. (2005) proposed region- These techniques are also referred as ‘‘direct calibration’’
alisation schemes based on ensemble modeling and model because they rely on model calibration and are likely to
averaging, and urged that their model was superior to con- be affected by uncertainty in model parameters. Further-
ventional schemes. more, multi-objective regional calibration, which is a meth-
Studies of model parameter uncertainty at well-gauged od based on a strategy of indirect calibration, is introduced
basins have received considerable attention in the past and compared with direct calibration-based methods.
(e.g., Beven and Binley, 1992; Toorman et al., 1992; Kucz- The primary aim of this study is to account for modeling
era and Mroczkowski, 1998). Though Bayesian statistical uncertainties in the regionalization results. Specific objec-
inferences provide an ideal means of assessing parameter tives are: (I) to compare the predictive performance of var-
uncertainty, these approaches are hindered by difficulties ious regionalisation schemes; (II) to improve the indirect
in summarizing and exploring the posterior distribution. calibration strategy by posing it as multi-objective calibra-
The recent advances in Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) tion problem; (III) to develop methods to account for
methods have largely overcome these difficulties by provid- parameter uncertainty in the regionalisation of model
ing an alternate means of sampling from a posterior distri- parameters.
bution (see Kuczera and Parent, 1998). Furthermore,
Marshall et al. (2004) compared four MCMC sampling algo-
rithms in the context of rainfall-runoff modeling and found Methodology
that adaptive metropolis algorithm is superior in many re-
spects and can offer a relatively simple basis for assessing The parameters of the selected hydrological model were
parameter uncertainty. Moreover, Vrugt et al. (2003a) dem- calibrated by MOSCEM-UA using 3 years of daily hydro-mete-
onstrated that an MCMC sampler entitled the Shuffled Com- orological data. Among the 26 basins selected, 21 basins
plex Evolution Metropolis algorithm (SCEM-UA) is efficient were used for the calibration of regional models and five ba-
and well-suited to infer the posterior distribution of hydro- sins were selected for validation. Both Pareto optimal
logic model parameters. A close look into the work by parameters were set and the posterior distributions of the
Uhlenbrook et al. (1999) and Seibert (1997) reveals that parameters (assuming the initial Gaussian assumptions
the model parameter uncertainty depends on basin charac- made for the hydrologic model parameters) were deter-
teristics, input data and the structure of the hydrological mined for all basins by calibrating the model parameters
model used. From these studies, it is clear that the param- against observed streamflow. Despite the existence of
eters of hydrological models exhibit uncertainty, so the uncertainties in MPs, individual values of MPs, calculated
assessment of calibration uncertainty in MPs should also as compromised values with respect to all selected objec-
be considered as an integral part of regionalisation tive criteria, (calculated based on the Euclidian distance
schemes. from the ideal vector) were initially used to evaluate the
Besides model parameter uncertainty, additional uncer- predictive performance of various regionalisation schemes.
tainties induced by regionalisation schemes are known to Regionalisation schemes typically employ regression analy-
have significant effects on model prediction, and have sis between model parameters of specified rainfall-runoff
drawn some attention in recent years (e.g., Wagener et models and catchment attributes. Therefore, the model
al., 2004; Lamb and Kay, 2004; Heuvelmans et al., 2006). parameter of the specified rainfall-runoff model must be
The uncertainty in regional model parameters can be inde- estimated a priori through model calibration from hydro-
pendently calculated using standard analytical expressions meteorological data extending over several years. Cali-
developed with the assumption that regression residuals brated model parameters are uncertain and depend on the
are normally distributed with constant variance. Hereafter objective criteria used for model calibration. In this work,
we shall refer to this as the standard uncertainty approach. a unique set of model parameters, based on the Euclidian
However, this approach yields a reasonable estimate only if distances from the ideal vectors and hereafter referred to
the parameters of the regional model follow a normal distri- as ‘‘calibrated MPs’’, was estimated. Similarly, a larger
bution (Kottegoda and Rosso, 1997). In addition to the stan- suite of catchment attributes were selected depending on
dard uncertainty approach, which assumes that regression data availability and physical reasoning. To reduce the ef-
residuals are normally distributed, a non-parametric boot- fect of multicollinearity in regionalisation, we combined
strap methodology based on sampling by replacement, has various attributes and selected only those combined inde-
also appeared in the literature (e.g., Heuvelmans et al., pendent variables for which the variation inflation factors
2006). (VIF) were less than 10. Subsequently, stepwise regression
This paper explores the regionalisation of the parameters was performed to select input variables for each model
of TOPMODEL using a number of techniques (e.g., multiple parameter. For regionalisation of the model parameters, a
linear regression, artificial neural network) and compares method based on direct and indirect calibration was se-
their predictive performances. The bootstrap method was lected. For direct calibration, a number of regional model
used to assess uncertainties in these techniques. Regionali- structures were selected (e.g., multiple linear regression,
sation schemes that are based on direct calibration do not artificial neural network). Ordinary least squares were used
account explicitly for the modeling uncertainties, therefore to estimate the coefficient of a regression equation,
this study presents methods to account for modeling uncer- whereas the back propagation algorithm was used to deter-
tainties for such schemes. Methods based on regionalisation mine the weight parameters of an artificial neural network
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 191

(ANN). For the ANN-based schemes, the popular feed-for- these studies did not explicitly account for the effect of
ward neural network consisting of three layers, an input uncertainties in MPs while regionalizing them. However,
layer, one hidden layer and an output layer, was used. For Merz and Blöschl (2004) addressed the issue of the uncer-
regression analysis, normality was checked for all variables tainties in MPs through a comparison of MPs for two sub-
using the Shapiro-Wilk test and, if necessary, a suitable periods, and Wagener et al. (2004) explicitly incorporated
transformation was performed. Subsequently, the cali- discussion of the identifiability of MPs while attempting
brated regional models were used to estimate MPs for target regionalisation. To evaluate the effect of each in the result
basins. of regionalisation, we devised three numerical experiments,
Development of a functional relationship between model the outlines of which are as follows:
parameters and catchment attributes is a straight forward
process, but such approaches are often hindered by uncer- Method 1 (M1): In this experiment, a non-parametric boot-
tainties in both calibrated model parameters and estimated strap method was used to quantify the pre-
regional parameters. The effect of uncertainty in model dictive uncertainty associated with
parameters can be avoided by utilizing a regional calibration selection of the basin. From the total num-
strategy. A regional calibration method calibrates the regio- ber of basins n, a subsample of m basins
nal parameters and subsequently estimates the model was sampled with replacement and repeat-
parameters. In this work, a multi-objective calibration edly used for regionalisation of MPs. In this
framework was developed for regional calibration. In this method, the same regionalisation scheme
method, the approximate functional relationship between was parameterised for each subset basin.
MPs (h) and CAs (U) is assumed a priori (e.g., h = H(b—U)). This experiment assumes that a single set
Next, the parameters of the functional relationship (b) are of best MPs exists, and thereby neglects
calibrated such that the average of the model performance the effect of model parameter uncertainty
in all basins considered for calibration of regional function is on model prediction.
maximized. The Pareto-based multi-objective approach was Method 2 (M2): In this numerical experiment, the vectors
adopted for the calibration of regional parameters and is of equally likely model parameters are
termed as multi-objective regional calibration (MORC) in used for regionalisation instead of the indi-
this paper. In the context of multi-objective calibration, vidual values of MPs in order to quantify
the optimization problem for the calibration of regional the effect of model parameter uncertainty
models can be stated as follows: on the regionalisation result.
(" # " # Method 3 (M3): Propagating the uncertainty in MPs using
1X n
1X n
vectors of MPs will not explicitly address
Maximize FðhÞ ¼ f1;i ðhÞ ; . . . fp;i ðhÞ . . . :
n i¼1 n i¼1 the uncertainty inherent in regionalisation
" #) schemes. In this experiment, the regionali-
1X n
sation of vectors of MPs was integrated
 fq;i ðhÞ ; ð1Þ
n i¼1 with nonparametric bootstrap sampling.
First, a number of MPs were sampled from
where h(h1, h2, . . ., hl) 2 0 A 0 is the vector of model parame- the posterior probability distribution of
ter, l is the number of parameters of the hydrological model, MPs found within a predefined confidence
n is the number of calibration sites, q is the number of objec- region. For each set of MPs, a non-para-
tive functions, A is the feasible parameter space and fp,i(h) is metric bootstrap method was performed,
the model performance of the ith basin measured with re- hereafter referred to as ‘‘regionalisation
spect to the pth objective criterion. To calibrate the regio- of vectors of MPs’’ here after. Sampling
nal relationship between MPs and CAs a Pareto based of basins with replacement, to some
multi-objective optimization algorithm that is capable of extent, quantifies the uncertainty in
higher dimension Pareto optimization, was used. Therefore, regionalisation schemes, and regionalisa-
the solution to Eq. (1) will comprise of a set of Pareto opti- tion of vectors of MPs quantifies the effect
mal solutions, but the selection of particular regional rela- of model parameter uncertainty on the
tionships from the set of Pareto optimal regional regionalisation result. The experiment pro-
relationship depends on the modeling objective. tocol was as follows (see Fig. 1):
A Multi-objective regional calibration method allows the
simultaneous identification of the functional relationships 1. Calibrate the MPs of the selected hydrological model and
between model parameter and catchment attributes and identify the posterior distribution of MPs for all basins
accounts for modeling uncertainties associated with them, selected for regionalisation.
whereas methods based on direct calibration, such as multi- 2. Sample a number of MPs from the posterior probability
ple linear regression or artificial neural networks, do not ac- distribution of parameters for each basin, assuming
count explicitly for the modeling uncertainties. Therefore the posterior probability distribution of parameters
for such methods, uncertainties arising from regionalisation follows a multivariate normal distribution that satisfies
schemes and calibrated values of parameters must be Eq. (2):
explicitly addressed. Lamb and Kay (2004) considered the X1 pðm  1Þðm þ 1Þ
standard uncertainty around the regional parameter esti- ðh  lÞT ðh  lÞ <  Fða; p; m  pÞ;
mðm  pÞ
mate, and Heuvelmans et al. (2006) used a non-parametric
bootstrap method to quantify the effect of uncertainty, but ð2Þ
192 S. Bastola et al.

Figure 1 Outline of the methodology adopted for regionalisation of model parameter (MP) vectors, where h and b are the
parameters of the hydrological model and regional model, respectively, U is the catchment attribute, e is the error term, Q is the
simulated flow corresponding to the regionalized MPs (^
hÞ, I is the model input, n is the number on basins, l is the number of model
parameters, m is the size of the subsample of basins used for nonparametric bootstrap sampling, p1 is the number of bootstrap
samples, and p is the number of calibrated model parameters equally likely for regionalisation purposes.
P 2 3
where is a covariance matrix, l is the posterior mean, VARðmÞi COVðm; T 0 Þi COVðm; T d Þi
X 6 7
h is the model parameter and Fða; p; m  pÞ is the 1-a ¼ 4 COVðm; T 0 Þi VARðT 0 Þi COVðT 0 ; T d Þi 5; ð3Þ
percentile of the F distribution with p and m  p degrees i
COVðm; T d Þi COVðT 0 ; T d Þi VARðT d Þi
of freedom.
3. Repeatedly sample m basins randomly with replacement P
where i is the covariance matrix for the ith basin, and the
from n number of basins and determine the functional
entries of the covariance matrix (e.g., COV(m, T0)i, is the
relationship between the MPs and CAs. The statistical
covariance between model parameter m and T0 for the ith
approach for estimating the MPs from the set of CAs
basin) are referred as a11, a21, a22, a31, a32 and a33 hereaf-
can be commonly expressed as h = H(b—U) + e, where h
ter. The linear correlation between these coefficients and
is the model parameter, H(Æ) is a functional relation for
CAs reveals (Fig. 2) that some of the coefficients of the
estimating h from the set of CAs (U), b is the set of regio-
parameter covariance matrix are significantly correlated
nal model parameters, and e is the error term.
(15% significance level) with CAs, and are indicative of the
4. Repeat step 3 for each parameter set sampled in step 2.
chance of developing a statistical relationship between
This consequently estimates vector of MPs for the target
the catchment attributes and the entries of the parameter
covariance matrix. The uncertainty in model parameters
Regional modeling based on univariate regression can m, T0, and Td are all found closely related with the wetness
estimate one dependent variable (MP) at a time, assuming index and/or the coefficient of variation of rainfall. In wet-
that the MPs are independent from one another. Sequential ter basin, the model parameter uncertainties were found
regionalisation or multivariate regression (MVR) relaxes this comparatively less which is reasonable. For other parame-
assumption, but sequential regionalisation is difficult to ap- ters the correlation could not be explained through physical
ply without introducing bias into the regionalized parame- reasoning. The ANN-based regional model structure was
ters (see Wagener et al., 2004), and MVR requires the used to map the relationship between catchment attributes
same independent variable (CA) be selected for each depen- and entries of covariance matrix.
dent variable. Based on the assumption that basins with sim- To evaluate the predictive performance of regionalisa-
ilar characteristics and data aspects will have similar tion of the posterior distribution of MPs, we first estimated
posterior distributions of MPs, development of the func- the posterior distribution of MPs and the posterior mean in
tional relationship between entries of the posterior proba- the target basin using the functional relationship that re-
bility distribution (i.e. posterior mean and parameter lates the entries of the covariance matrix and the posterior
covariance matrix) and CAs is determined. The probability mean with CAs. Subsequently, a number of MPs that satis-
distribution of model parameters can be entirely character- fied Eq. (2) at a 90% confidence level were sampled, which
ized by its mean and a set of pair-wise covariances and vari- consequently resulted in an ensemble of simulated flow.
ances, if it can be sufficiently approximated by a From these, the values of AWISF were obtained and com-
multivariate normal distribution. The variance covariance pared with those obtained from MPs sampled from the cal-
matrix for the parameters of TOPMODEL used in this study ibrated posterior distributions. Using the transfer function
can be written in matrix form (Eq. 3). that relates the dependent variables (e.g., the entries of
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 193

only those basins for which the calibrated model perfor-

mance is high improves the chances of regionalisation
(e.g., Schaake et al., 1997); only those basins for which
the performance of TOPMODEL was greater than 0.5 were
selected in this study. The actual evaporation Ea (m) and
vertical flux to the saturated zone qv (m h1) were calcu-
lated according to the original formulation of TOPMODEL.
In addition, the maximum root zone storage parameter for
each hydrologically similar unit (HSU) was calculated from
the root zone depth and soil properties by using Eq. (4) in-
stead of by calibration.
Sr max ¼ ðhfck  hwpk Þ  ZRZ k ; ð4Þ

where hfck is the moisture content at field capacity (cm3

water/ cm3 soil) of the kth HSU, hwpk is the moisture con-
tent at the wilting point of the kth HSU (cm3 water/ cm3
soil), and ZRZk is the root depth of the kth HSU (m). The soil
water characteristics hfck, hwpk and ZRZk in Eq. (4) were
estimated using soil water characteristic equations pro-
posed by Saxton and Rawls (2006), as well as land use data
and soil data. Such parameterization required calibrating
only the decay parameter (m) (m), saturated transmissivity
(T0) (m2/h), and delay factor (Td) (h/m). Estimates of pre-
Figure 2 Linear correlation between catchment attributes, cipitation and potential evaporation, along with land cover
dependent variables, i.e. model parameters (e.g., m, T0, Td) and soil texture, were input to the model.
and entries of the covariance matrix (e.g., a11, a21, a22, a31, The sources of input data used in this study were as fol-
a32, a33). Significant correlation is marked with white (nega- lows: land use data from the International Geosphere–
tively correlated) and black marks (positively correlated). Bioshpere Programme (IGBP); soil data from the Food and
Agricultural Organization; elevations from the Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission (SRTM) data which covers the entire
parameter covariance matrix and posterior mean) with ba- globe with a 300 (90 m) digital elevation model; and the
sin attributes, the posterior distribution of model parame- mean monthly PET data from the United Nations Environ-
ters could be estimated at ungauged sites from ment Programme, representative of 1951–1980.
measurable CAs. Once the posterior probability distribution
of MPs was estimated for the target basin, then the same Study areas and catchment attributes
distribution could be used for sampling the MPs lying in a
predefined confidence region. Moreover, sampling the MPs A total of 26 basins from different geographic and climatic
from the regionalized posterior probability distribution of zones were selected for a case study (Table 1). The hydro-
MPs takes into account the interdependency among MPs meteorological data for five basins located in Wales and
while estimating the MPs for the target basin. the northeast region of the UK were downloaded from
http://www.ceh.ac.uk/data/nrfa/index.html. These basins
Case study receive plentiful annual rainfall (1150–2050 mm), and are
also characterized by a high wetness index. The hydro-
The hydrological model and data considerations meteorological data for five basins located in Eastern Aus-
tralia from the Australian Land and Water Resources Audit
A range of conceptual hydrological models can be used in Project (Peel et al., 2000), and were downloaded from
regionalisation studies. Though it is difficult to justify the http://tdwg.catchment.org/datasets.html. These basins
use of a single model structure for regionalisation purposes, have sub-humid to humid climates. Similarly, data from nine
there is no evidence of a relationship between catchment basins located in France were obtained from the MOPEX
type and a preferred model structure (e.g., Lee et al., database (Chahinian et al., 2005) during the MOPEX 2004
2005). Therefore, assuming that a simple model structure workshop held in Paris in July 2004. Among these nine ba-
is sufficient for regionalisation, especially at a daily time sins, three basins (J3024010, J4124420 and J4712010) are
scale, we selected TOPMODEL, a variable-contributing area, located in Brittany (western France) and have oceanic-hu-
physically-conceived, semi-distributed hydrological model mid climatic conditions. Basin Y5615030 is located near
(Beven et al., 1995). Detailed descriptions of TOPMODEL the Mediterranean Sea in southern France, where the win-
and its mathematical formulation can be found in Beven ters are mild and the summers are hot, and remaining are
et al. (1995), and a review of TOPMODEL applications can located in central France. All nine basins selected from
be found in Beven (1997). TOPMODEL can be applied more France have moderate runoff coefficients. Among the other
accurately to catchments where the assumptions of the basins, four were selected from Nepal and three from Ja-
model are met, that is, primarily wet catchments that have pan. The four basins from Nepal are located in the middle
shallow, homogeneous soils. We assume that selection of mountain physiographic region of Nepal and are character-
194 S. Bastola et al.

Table 1 General characteristics of the selected basins

S. no. Rivers system Catchment ID Area MLEG MARG MA Dominant
(km2) (m) (mm) runoffG land use
1 West rapti N_330A 1980 1757 1705 1336 Forest/Cropland
2 Kankai N_795A 1148 1229 2366 1833 Forest
3 Tinau N_390A 554 909 2213 1950 Forest/Cropland
4 Jhimruk N_395.5A,F 683 1654 1716 1031 Forest/Cropland
5 Fuji J_TorinkyoB 1020 943 1050 823 Forest/Cropland
6 Arakawa J_ArakawaB 953 837 1115 616 Forest
7 Ukaibashi J_UkaibashiB,F 487 1102 1165 855 Forest
8 Conwy U_66011C 344 345 2055 1704 Grassland
9 Teifi U_62001C 8936 211 1382 1011 Grassland
10 South Tyne U_23006C 3319 438 1331 1003 Grassland
11 Ure U_27034C 5102 366 1342 979 Grassland
12 Aire U_27035C,F 2823 233 1153 713 Grassland
13 Bielsdown creek A_204017D 82 774 1884 1202 Forest
14 Swan A_302200D 448 342 763 281 Forest
15 Tuross A_218001D 93 1060 946 368 Forest
16 Burnett ck A_145018D 83 556 1411 218 Forest
17 little Murray A_204016D,F 104 910 1703 1041 Forest
18 Le Guillec à Trézilidé La F_J3024010E 43 85 1014 491 Cropland
19 La Rivière de Pont-l’Ab bé à Plonéour-Lanvem F_J4124420E 32.1 79 1236 522 Cropland
20 L’Èllé au Faouët F_J4712010E 142 201 1192 611 Cropland
21 L’Yonne à Corancy F_H2001020E 98 601 1299 930 Forest/Pasture
22 Le Loup à Villeneuve-Loubet F_Y5615030E 279 835 1159 505 Forest/Grassland
23 Le Lignon du Forez à Boën F_K0753210E 371 869 1012 485 Forest/Pasture
24 L’Aix á Saint-Germain-Laval F_K0813020E 193 751 988 493 Forest/Pasture
25 Le Temayá Savas F_V3517010E 25.5 906 867 429 Forest/Pasture
26 L’Anzon á Débats-Riviéie-d’Orpra F_K0744010E,F 181 758 980 443 Forest/Pasture
The first letter in catchment ID represents the initials of country the catchment is located.
Catchments located in Middle mountain physiographic region of Nepal and data were obtained from Department of Hydrology
Meteorology (DHM), Nepal.
Catchments located in Japan, and data were obtained from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MILIT), Japan.
Catchments located in eastern Australia, and data were obtained from http://tdwg.catchment.org/datasets,html.
Catchments located in UK and data were obtained from http://www.ceh.ac.uk/data/nrfa/index.html.
Catchments located in France, and data were obtained from Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX), France.
Catchments used for the validation of regionalisation schemes.
MLE (mean elevation of the basin), MAR (mean annual runoff).

ized by a monsoon climate. These basins receive nearly 80% parameters are closely related to topography and soil prop-
of their annual rainfall during summer (June–September), erties. Franchini et al. (1996) found that the increase in
with an annual average rainfall varying from 1590 mm to average topographic index (calculated as the catchment
2340 mm. The three basins selected from Japan are located average value of the ln(a/tan b) index, where a is the ups-
in the central region of Honshu Island, and the wetness in- lope contributing area per unit contour length and b is the
dex for these basins is nearly two. All 26 basins selected local slope angle (see Beven et al., 1995)) leads to an in-
in this case study have wetness indices greater than 1, with crease in T0. Furthermore, the model parameter m controls
the exception of two basins in Australia (where it is only the effective depths of the catchment soil profile. Higher
marginally lower than one). High values in wetness index runoff coefficients indicate a higher probability of a humid
imply that the basins are humid. The subset of hydro-mete- catchment. In such basins, the groundwater table is more
orological data used in study has also been used in other likely close to the catchment surface. But since runoff coef-
parameterization and regionalisation studies (e.g., Xie ficients are not available for ungauged basins, the climatic
Zhenghui and Yuan Fei, 2005; Shrestha et al., 2007; Reichl and physiographic factors (e.g., drainage density, basin
et al., 2006). slope, wetness index, etc.) that have been used by earlier
Selection of relevant catchment attributes is imperative researchers (e.g., Sankarasubramanian and Vogel, 2002) to
for the success of regionalisation. Servat and Dezetter explain the basin to basin variability in response were se-
(1993) found that it was easier to relate watershed MPs to lected for the purpose of regionalisation. The landscape
landscape attributes for a parsimonious watershed model attributes selected in this study were as follows: (1) area
than for over-parameterized models. In TOPMODEL, the (km2); (2) drainage density index (km/km2), calculated as
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 195

the ratio of main channel length to the basin area derived suited for multi-objective calibration because they can
from DEM; (3) basin slope (%); (4) shape factor (km/km2), search for multiple solutions in parallel. The non-dominat-
calculated as the square of the length of the longest flow- ing sorting genetic algorithm (NSGAII) developed by Dev et
path divided by the watershed area; (5) mean elevation al. (2002), and multi-objective shuffled complex evolution-
(m); (6) average topographic index (ATI); (7) average satu- ary metropolis (MOSCEM-UA) developed by Vrugt et al.
rated transmissivity (Ks) (cm/h), estimated using soil water (2003b), are two popular EAs which have been applied suc-
characteristic equations proposed by Saxton and Rawls cessfully for the calibration of hydrological models in the
(2006); (8) average maximum root zone depth (Average Sr past (e.g., Vrugt et al., 2003b; Khu and Madsen, 2005; Tang
max) (m) estimated using soil and land cover maps. As the et al., 2005). Both of these EAs are based on the Pareto
basins selected in the study are situated in different climate domination approach. NSGAII adopts the traditional evolu-
zones, a number of climate attributes were also considered tionary operators in searching, and maintains external ar-
and are as follows: (1) annual average rainfall (AAR) (mm); chives to store the best solution found from the random
(2) variance of monthly precipitation measured in mm initial generation to final generations. The NSGAII evolves
(VMR); (3) wetness index (WI), calculated as the ratio of an- by replacing worse populations with improved ones, and
nual average rainfall and average annual potential evapo- the fitness of a solution is assigned based on mutual domi-
transpiration (PET). nance relations, as proposed by Goldberg (1989). However,
The attributes selected in this study for the purpose of the MOSCEM-UA combines the Markov Chain Monte Carlo
regionalisation were based on topography, surface features sampler with the SCEM-UA. The stochastic nature of the
and long term average values. Therefore, the effect of metropolis-annealing scheme in the SCEM-UA algorithm
uncertainty in CAs was neglected in this study. The impact avoids trapping in a single region of attraction, thereby
of input uncertainty and the presence of errors in the making simultaneous identification of the best parameter
streamflow data were also neglected. It cannot be assumed set as well as its underlying posterior distribution possible.
that instrumentation and observational practices will be Moreover, Tang et al. (2005) inferred that MOSCEM-UA gen-
consistent across the countries that this study covers. This erates the posterior distribution along with the optimal va-
may cause the same problem as structural errors because lue of MPs. In light of these attributes, MOSCEM-UA was used
data biases are catchment-specific and will be compensated in this study to calibrate the parameters of the hydrological
for, in a catchment-specific manner, by parameter calibra- model.
tion. The explicit representation of such uncertainties is be- The objective criteria used in this study were as follows:
yond the scope of this study. The sources of data used for (1) the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of simulated stream-
deriving the landscape attributes in all selected basins were flow; (2) NSE for the transformed flow, to consider the het-
as follows: land use data from the IGBP; soil data from the eroscedastic variance in flow, here the flow is transformed
FAO; and elevations from the Shuttle SRTM data, which cov- explicitly before evaluating the objective function by using,
ers the entire globe with a 300 (90 m) digital elevation mod- z = [(y + 1)k  1]/k (Box and Cox, 1964), where k is the
el. The IGBP classifies global land cover into 17 types at transformation parameter and is selected to be 0.3 (Misirli
1 km resolution and can be downloaded from http:// et al., 2003), z is the transformed streamflow, and y is
edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/glcc/glcc.html. Other sources the observed streamflow; (3) NSE for low flow; (4) NSE for
of global data sets that can be used for regional modeling peak flow (Madsen, 2000). Hereafter, objective criterion 2
include: digital soil maps of the world and derived soil prop- is referred to as HMLE. The above mentioned objective cri-
erties, a new global land cover classification for the year teria were calculated using observed and simulated daily
2000 (GLC2000) produced by the European Commission Joint streamflow values at the basin outlets. The peak flow and
Research Centre (http://www-gvm.jrc.it/glc2000), the Glo- low flow are defined as the periods where the observed dis-
bal 30 Arc Second Elevation data set at the USGS (GTO- charge is above or below the mean flow level, respectively.
PO30), Global Land One-KM Base Elevation 30-sec. DEM, The results of MOSCEM-UA in objective space (projected
and USGS HYDRO 1K Elevation Derivative Database. in two dimensions) for selected basins are shown in Fig. 3.
As different objective criteria focus on different aspects
of the hydrograph, the MPs identified by the different
Model calibration and parameter uncertainty objective criteria are different, and subsequently the
regionalized flow was also different (e.g., Seibert, 1999;
Though the parameters of TOPMODEL are physically inter- Wagener and Wheater, 2006). Identification of a single
pretable, they are effective values at the catchment scale. ‘best’ parameter set for regionalisation, then, depends on
Therefore, they must be estimated through calibration selection of the performance criteria and the intended use
against observed system outputs. Earlier works on calibra- of the hydrologic model.
tion of hydrological models suggest that no single objective Sensitivity of the model parameters is essential prior to
function is adequate to reproduce different aspects of any regionalisation attempt, as it provides insight into the
hydrographs, which led to the formulation of calibration identifiability of model parameters, which is crucial in
as a multi-objective problem (Gupta et al., 1998; Madsen, determining the statistical relationship between MPs and
2000). In this work, parameters of TOPMODEL were cali- CAs. The mean and standard deviation for a fitted parame-
brated using a multi-objective approach, as this allowed ter can be used to determine its coefficient of variation
for the retrieval of more information from the observed (CV). The CV, calculated as the ratio of the standard devia-
data and provided insight into parameter uncertainty and tion to the mean, is a dimensionless measure of parameter
limitations of the model structure (Gupta et al., 1998).Evo- uncertainty. Lower values of CV result in more precise opti-
lutionary algorithms (EAs) have been recognized to be well- mization outcomes, and hence lower uncertainty. As a
196 S. Bastola et al.

Figure 3 Results of the calibration of TOPMODEL in objective space projected in two dimensions (NSE is the Nash-Sutcliffe
efficiency and HMLE is the heteroscedastic maximum likely hood estimator).

Figure 4 Variation of model parameter uncertainty measured in terms of the coefficient of variation (CV) of calibrated model
parameters and prediction uncertainties measured in terms of the averaged width of interval of simulated flow (AWISF in %) realized
from the number of model parameters sampled from posterior distribution within the 90% confidence region from among all selected

guide, a CV value of 0.25 or less indicates ‘sensitive’ param- ensemble of simulated flow in % calculated from vectors
eters (Mein and Brown, 1978). However, the first-order of MPs sampled from the calibrated posterior probability
approximations of parameter CVs give an adequate assess- distribution and lying within 90% confidence region is shown
ment of parameter uncertainty, provided that the parame- in Fig. 4.
ter posterior distribution is approximated by a multi-normal
distribution (Kuczera, 1988). The CV of MPs determined
from the calibrated posterior distribution for all basins Regionalisation schemes
(see Fig. 4) revealed that the degree of uncertainty in MPs
varies from basin to basin depending on the basins’ charac- A number of regional model structures have been discussed
teristics and data aspect. The model parameters m and T0 and implemented in the past (e.g., Wagener et al., 2004).
were found to be more sensitive than Td. Moreover, the Multiple linear regressions (MLR) and multiple polynomial
parameters were comparatively more sensitive in the Eng- regressions (MPR) are commonly adopted for regionalisation
lish and French basins. The coefficient of variation for mod- and were used in this study due to their simplicity. In addi-
el parameters m was observed to be less in basins that are tion, the partial least square regression (PLSR) (Randall,
characterized with larger values of wetness index and smal- 1997), which is a method for constructing prognostic models
ler variance in rainfall. Similarly, the uncertainties in the with many highly collinear factors, was also implemented.
model parameter T0 were higher in steeper basins charac- Similar to the principal components regression (PCR), PLSR
terized with a lower wetness index value. Besides T0 and produces factor scores as linear combinations of the original
m, the CV of model parameter Td was also correlated with predictor variables, so that there is no correlation between
annual average rainfall and the standard deviation of the the factors score variables used in the predictive regression
monthly rainfall. The average width of the interval of the model. Unlike PCR, PLSR produces the weight matrix
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 197

reflecting the covariance structure between the predictor larger basins located at higher elevations were character-
and tries to extract those latent factors that account for ized with higher values of parameter T0 (this defines the
most of the variance, while modeling the response well. transmissivity of the catchment soil profile when saturated
This reduces the problem of data over-fitting and improves to the surface), and basins with high values of AAR and
the predictive capability. The Artificial Neural Network low values in the variance of monthly rainfall were charac-
(ANN), which does not make an a priori assumption on the terized with higher values of Td (the time constant for the
functional form, was also implemented. The ANN is a more vertical flux). Only a few selected attributes were signifi-
flexible model structure that can easily account for nonlin- cantly correlated with the calibrated MPs.
earities. However, Heuvelmans et al. (2006) inferred that Once the individual values of MPs were identified for all
although ANN and MLR have only limited capability to 21 basins considered for the calibration of regional models,
extrapolate outside the range on which they are trained or the weight parameters of MLR, MPR, PLSR and ANN were
calibrated, the resulting error for MLR is comparatively determined using calibrated MPs and CAs (see Appendix A
small. for the calibrated functional relationship). Due to uncer-
Contrary to the regionalisation scheme that relies on tainty in the calibrated model parameters, it is difficult to
the direct calibration of the hydrological model, a regional interpret the observed relationships between model param-
calibration approach was also explored in order to avoid eters and catchment attributes for all parameters through
the effect of model parameter uncertainty in regionalisa- physical reasoning. Higher runoff coefficients indicate a
tion. Regional calibration attempts to calibrate the model higher probability of a humid catchment. For the basins se-
at all sites simultaneously while concurrently attempting lected in this study, the model parameter m increased with
to achieve the best possible regional relationship between a decrease in wetness index. It is possible that the depth-to-
MPs and CAs. To calibrate the regional relationship be- water table is comparatively greater in basins characterized
tween MPs and CAs, NSGAII, a Pareto based multi-objec- with a lower wetness index. Furthermore, the functional
tive optimization capable of higher dimension Pareto relationship derived shows that the saturated hydraulic con-
optimization algorithms, was used. The average value of ductivity (Ks), calculated using the soil water characteristic
four objective criterions as mentioned in Section ‘‘Model equations proposed by Saxton and Rawls (2006), is function-
calibration and parameter uncertainty’’ were used for cal- ally related to the parameter T0 (saturated transmissivity).
ibration. As the number of regional parameters was likely Moreover, the parameter Ks is found to be inversely related
to be larger than the number of MPs to be calibrated for to Td. Though Td has no direct physical meaning it can be
TOPMODEL, NSGAII was preferred over MOSCEM-UA for cal- interpreted as inverse to T0. Similarly, the parameter T0 in-
ibration of regional parameters, as NSGAII and their vari- creased with an increase in average topographic index. This
ants were found to be efficient for complex problems is in agreement with the linkage between the model param-
with larger numbers of parameters (Dev et al., 2002; Tang eter T0 and average topographic index presented in Franchi-
et al., 2005). ni et al. (1996).
Besides the regionalisation schemes discussed above, the The predictive performance of the regionalized MPs esti-
predictive performance of utilizing the global mean value of mated from various regional model structures is shown in
MPs (GM), calculated as the average value of the calibrated Fig. 5a. Both the spatial loss in model performances (loss
MPs of all basins, and the regional mean value of MPs (RM), in model performance obtained from the use of regionalized
calculated as the average value of MPs of basins located in MPs instead of calibrated MPs) (see Fig. 5b) and the stan-
each region, were also explored. The regional mean value dard error in the estimated model parameters (SEE) (see
of MPs was calculated as the average value of MPs for basins Table 2) were calculated for various regional model struc-
located in each country, assuming that the basins in each tures. As the regional model structures vary in the way they
country had relatively similar climatic and physical attri- model the regional relationship, the regionalized MPs, the
butes compared to the basins located in other countries. spatial loss in model performance, and the SEE for MPs
showed significant variations among regional model struc-
tures. Over calibration, the PLSR and MLR barely captured
Results the underlying relationship between MPs and CAs, resulting
in higher values of the SEE in the estimated MPs, and higher
Predictive performance of regionalisation schemes spatial losses in model performance compared to MPR and
ANN. Marginal improvement in the predictive performance
In most of the basins, the calibrated MPs resulted in good was observed when the average of the values of the region-
model performance and simulated flow explained much of alized parameters (MM) estimated from various structures
the variability in observed flow. The model performance was used. The spatial loss in model performance for MPs
evaluated in terms of NSE varied from 0.52 to 0.85 in all se- estimated using RM was observed to be inferior to GM, how-
lected basins and is presumed to be acceptable for region- ever the statistical approaches were found to be relatively
alisation studies. Moreover, the relationships between the superior over RM and GM in the present case study. In addi-
model performance and basin attributes were varied. The tion to the regionalisation schemes based on direct calibra-
correlation between MPs and various CAs prior to the devel- tion, the predictive performance of MORC was also
opment of the regional relationship is shown in Fig. 2. Basins evaluated. For MORC, the polynomial form of the regression
with higher values of wetness index and AAR were charac- was used. The use of multi-objective approach for calibra-
terized with lower values of the model parameter m (the tion of regional relationship resulted in a number of Pareto
physical interpretation of the decay parameter m is that it optimal regional relationships. Though the selection of par-
controls the effective depth of the catchment soil profile), ticular regional relationships depends on the modeling
198 S. Bastola et al.

Figure 5 Predictive performance of TOPMODEL with optimal and regionalized parameters: (a) predictive performances of
parameters estimated from various regional model structures for all basins; (b) average spatial loss in model performance for various
regional model structures; (c) predictive model performance of the estimated model parameters for all basins with and without
pairing the result of regionalisation with prior ranges of model parameters; (d) comparison of the spatial loss in model performance
for various schemes paired with and without prior range of regionalized parameters(ANN is artificial neural network, MLR is multiple
linear regression, MPR is multiple polynomial regression, PLSR is partial least square regression, MM is model mean and MORC is
multi-objective regional calibration).

Table 2 Standard error estimates of the model parameters estimated from both conventional regionalisation (UPR) and
conventional regionalisation paired with prior ranges of model parameters (PPR)
Regional model Calibration of regional model Validation of regional model
m T0 Td m T0 Td
Standard error for the parameters estimated from regional models
ANN 0.004 0.003 0.330 0.090 1.080 1.081 0.069 0.078 2.950 2.897 3.955 4.017
MLR 0.031 0.042 1.210 1.658 2.047 2.234 0.044 0.047 1.632 1.361 4.174 5.629
MPR 0.025 0.033 0.619 0.890 2.045 2.180 0.028 0.027 3.020 3.762 3.989 4.222
PLSR 0.030 0.040 0.961 1.247 2.030 2.182 0.046 0.054 2.456 2.440 4.020 5.124
MORC 0.024 0.024 1.235 1.235 4.175 4.175 0.026 0.026 1.401 1.401 5.677 5.677
MM 0.022 0.027 0.759 0.826 1.598 1.650 0.019 0.017 1.204 1.205 1.895 2.214
GM – 0.064 – 2.148 – 5.070 – 0.041 – 1.136 – 3.545
RM – 0.044 – 1.678 – 3.770 – 0.047 – 1.380 – 6.327

objective, we selected the compromised regional relation- ship derived from direct calibration approach. The superior
ship to estimate the parameter of TOPMODEL. The predic- predictive performance over MPR, despite using the same
tive performance of MORC (the compromised regional regional model structure (i.e. polynomial form of regres-
relationship derived from the MORC method is given in sion), indicates that the functional relationship between
Appendix A) apparently shows the decrease in spatial loss MPs and CAs derived using the direct calibration method
in model performance over both calibrations and validation was clouded by the poor identifiability of the calibrated
when compared with the same for the functional relation- model parameters.
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 199

On a few occasions, the regionalisation schemes dis-

cussed above estimated unrealistic values of MPs for some
basins. Moreover, the estimated MPs varied markedly among
schemes. In order to constrain the estimated MPs, the pos-
terior distributions of parameters were used. With an
assumption that basins with similar CAs have similar ranges
in MPs, it is plausible to develop the regional function that
relates the ranges of MPs to CAs. First, the regional relation-
ship between ranges of MPs and CAs was calibrated using
ANN, and then the identified regional relationship was used
to estimate the probable ranges of MPs for target basins
from easily measurable CAs. The performance of ANN in
replicating the calibrated range of MPs was found to be good
(Pearson’s R2 > 0.82) during calibration and fairly good dur-
ing validation (Pearson’s R2 > 0.6). The estimated range of
MPs was then paired with regionalisation schemes based
on both the direct and regional calibration methods. The
performance of regionalisation schemes constrained by
the prior ranges of MPs is shown in Fig. 5c. Both the spatial
loss in model performance (Fig. 5d) and the standard error
in the estimated MPs (Table 2) are comparatively lower in
the regionalisation scheme paired with the prior range of

Regionalisation of vector of model parameters

The posterior probability distribution of MPs approximated

for all basins showed significant variations in the CV of
MPs among basins (Fig. 3). Moreover, as the basins consid-
ered in this study are located in different geographic and
climatic regions, the uncertainty in regionalisation that Figure 6 Averaged width of interval of simulated flow in %
originates from the subjectivity involved in the selection (AWISF): (a) effect of structural uncertainty of regional models
of basins cannot be overlooked. Hence, the regionalisation on the result of regionalisation (M1); (b) effect of uncertainty in
of MP vectors is presumed to be a sensible idea to incorpo- the calibrated model parameters on the result of regionalisa-
rate the effect of the uncertainties in MPs and the spatial tion (M2); (c) integrated effect of M1 and M2 on the result of
selection of basin or uncertainties in regionalisation regionalisation (M3); (d) average value of prediction uncer-
schemes while doing regionalisation. For this, a number of tainty quantified using methods M1, M2 and M3 (ANN is artificial
MPs which are equally likely for the purpose of regionalisa- neural network, MLR is multiple linear regression, MPR is
tion (only those MPs for which NSE only decreases within 10% multiple polynomial regression, PLSR is partial least square
of the calibrated maximum NSE for each basin) were sam- regression).
pled. For each set of equally likely MP values, 114 boot-
strapped samples were taken: 114 combinations of 19
catchments were selected. This consequently estimated schemes. The predictive uncertainties vary among regional
11,400 possible transfer functions that relate MPs to CAs, model structures. Compared to multiple regression-based
i.e. 11,400 realizations of simulated flow at ungauged sites. schemes, ANN resulted in considerable uncertainty. These
Subsequently, the ensemble of simulated flows was used as high uncertainties could be due to the large number of free
a measure to calculate the predictive uncertainty. parameters involved in ANN compared to multiple linear
The predictive uncertainty quantified independently, regressions. In the case study presented here, only two ba-
using only non-parametric bootstrap sampling, is shown in sins were selected from Japan, and three from Nepal. Dur-
Fig. 6a. It can be partly attributed to a lack of representa- ing the implementation of non-parametric bootstrap
tion of the data set and partly to structural uncertainty. sampling, we sampled 19 basins and reparameterised the
There is always some degree of subjectivity involved in functional relationship for the selected sample size each
the selection of a basin; therefore the uncertainty due to time. Therefore in the worse cases, some bootstrap samples
a lack of representation of a data set is always present. This missed Japanese basins (the regional model corresponding
can be possibly minimized by increasing the sample size. to this bootstrap sample is referred as R-Japan), and some
However, this is not always feasible in such studies. Further- bootstrap samples could only include a single Nepalese basin
more, structural uncertainties induced by regionalisation during parameterization of the functional relationship. The
schemes are known to have significant effects on model pre- error in the model parameters estimated from the regional
diction and depend on the structure of the regional model. models reparameterised from the bootstrap sample that
Therefore, the uncertainty quantified using this method is misses the Japanese basin is likely to be higher compared
interpreted as uncertainty inherent in the regionalisation to errors in the MPs estimated from R1, R2, . . ., Rn (regional
200 S. Bastola et al.

models reparameterised from the subset of basins that does sulted in an apparently higher uncertainty in model predic-
not misses entirely the basins of any particular region) if the tion compared to. The reason for this high value is likely due
target basin is located in underrepresented areas. Therefore to the larger number of regional parameters associated with
the chance that the simulated flow estimated from R-Japan it compared to linear regression based scheme. Average val-
is outside the ranges of simulated flow estimated from ues of AWISF for all schemes are shown in Fig. 6d and aver-
R1, R2, . . ., Rn is high or the simulated flow corresponding age values of AWISF across each region are tabulated in
to R1, R2, . . ., Rn and R-Japan will be wider. The high predic- Table 3.
tion uncertainties in basins located in this underrepresented Comparison of the ensemble of simulated hydrograph
or poorly represented region also suggest that ANN and MLR and model performance with those obtained from the MPs
have only limited capability to extrapolate outside the sampled from the calibrated posterior distribution was
range over which they are trained or calibrated (see also adopted as a means to evaluate the performance of the pro-
Heuvelmans et al., 2006). The result from M1 also reveals posed methodology. The use of the average value of region-
that the magnitude of prediction uncertainties for ANN is alized MPs obtained from various schemes led to improve
apparently higher than for PLSR, MPR and MLR. Though regionalisation (see Fig. 5d, Table 2), so the average of
the prediction uncertainties quantified from M2 (see Fig. the values of MPs estimated from ANN, MLR, MPR and PLSR
6b) were higher than those quantified by M1, the variation (Eq. 5) (referred as MM) were used for evaluation of the M3
in the magnitude of prediction uncertainties as quantified experiment.
from M2 among various regional model structures was less
MMj;k ¼ ð^
hkj;1 þ ^
hkj;2 þ    þ ^
hkj;p Þ=n; ð5Þ
compared to the variation arising due to uncertainty in
regionalisation schemes. In the basins located in Nepal where MMj,k is the kth set of j model parameters, ^ hkj;p is the
and Japan, the prediction uncertainty evaluated using M2 kth regionalized value of the jth MP obtained from pth regio-
was higher than for basins located in the UK and France (Ta- nal model structure, and n is the number of regional model
ble 3), which is likely due to the higher uncertainty in the structures. The values of AWISF corresponding to MPs sam-
calibrated MPs (high value in CV). The predictive uncer- pled from the calibrated posterior probability distribution
tainty quantified using M3, which integrated the regionalisa- of MPs (referred as Obs) and lying in a predefined confidence
tion of vectors of MPs with bootstrap sampling (see Fig. 6c), region were found to be significantly similar (at 5% signifi-
is significantly (at 5% significance level) correlated with M1 cance level) to those obtained from MM (Fig. 7a) with an
and M2 for all regional model structures. However, ANN re- AWISF of 36% for basins considered for calibration and 27%

Table 3 Regional average values of predictive uncertainties for regionalisation schemes based on direct and regional calibration
Region Direct calibration method Multi objective regional

Ml M2 M3 Ml M2 M3 Ml M2 M3 Ml M2 M3
Nepal 51 80 82 31 47 71 27 48 77 55 52 85 70
Japan 36 83 82 34 32 66 15 26 53 42 30 66 74
UK 14 30 35 18 7 31 13 17 30 19 8 30 31
Australia 68 103 108 18 43 63 20 37 71 47 23 47 70
France 11 34 32 7 17 31 6 16 31 13 16 29 17
Average 36 66 68 22 29 53 16 29 52 35 26 52 52

Figure 7 (a) Prediction uncertainties quantified by using regionalisation of vectors of model parameters (MM) of and the same
quantified from the model parameters sampled from the calibrated posterior distribution parameters (Obs); (b) comparison of range
of model performance obtained from model parameters estimated from MM and Obs.
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 201

for basins presumed ungauged for MM, and 28% and 25% for one another. The average values of AWISF obtained from
Obs correspondingly. In addition, the ranges of model per- the calibrated posterior distribution of MPs (termed Obs in
formance obtained from MM (region between continuous Fig. 8) were approximately 28% for basins considered for
lines Max_MM and Min_MM in Fig. 7b) are also in close agree- calibration and 25% in ungauged basins, while the average
ment with the ranges of NSE obtained from MPs generated values of AWISF among basins obtained from the regionalisa-
from the calibrated posterior distribution of MPs (Fig. 7b). tion of posterior distribution (termed RPD) were 34% and
33% in basins considered for calibration and validation,
Regionalisation of the posterior probability respectively. Besides AWISF, the ensembles of model per-
distribution of model parameters formance corresponding to the MPs sampled from regional-
ized posterior distributions of MPs (region between
This section demonstrates the regionalisation of posterior Max_RPD and Min_RPD in Fig. 8b) are in close agreement
probability distribution of MPs through the same case study with the ensemble of model performance corresponding to
and compares the uncertainty in prediction with that ob- MPs sampled from the calibrated posterior probability dis-
tained from earlier methods (see Section ‘‘Regionalisation tribution of MPs.
of vector of model parameters’’). Both the proximity of
the estimated entries of covariance matrix to the calibrated Predictive uncertainties of the multi-objective
values, and the predictive uncertainties in regionalized regional calibration method
flow, were found to be significantly similar (at 5% signifi-
cance level) in basins considered for calibration and sensibly Where hydrological model parameters exhibit poor identifi-
similar in basins presumed ungauged. The uncertainties in ability, the MORC method is an appealing modeling concept,
prediction measured in terms of the ensemble of simulated as it skips the direct calibration of MPs. The result of MORC
flow obtained from regionalized posterior distribution and in objective space projected in two dimensions is shown in
calibrated posterior distribution were markedly similar to Fig. 9a. Each dot in the figure represents the Pareto optimal

Figure 8 (a) Prediction uncertainties quantified by using regionalisation of the posterior distribution of MPs (RPD) and those
quantified from the MPs sampled from the calibrated posterior probability distribution of parameters (Obs); (b) comparison of the
range of model performance obtained from MPs sampled from RPD and Obs.

Figure 9 Multi-objective regional calibration (MORC): (a) performance of MORC in objective space projected in two dimensions
where each dot represents the Pareto optimal regional relationship (NSE is the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency and HMLE is the
heteroscedastic maximum likely hood estimator); (b) average width of the interval of simulated flow corresponding to model
parameters estimated from entire Pareto optimal regional relationships (MORC), and MPs sampled from calibrated posterior
probability distribution of model parameters (Obs).
202 S. Bastola et al.

regional relationship. Though the variations in the predic- probability distribution of MPs can be approximated as mul-
tive model performances (average performance of all ba- tivariate normal, or due to exclusion of the uncertainties
sins) were apparently minimal, the parameters estimated associated with the regionalisation of entries of the covari-
from each regional relationship are non-unique. To quantify ance matrix. The prediction uncertainties quantified by
the prediction uncertainties associated with MORC, we esti- both schemes resulted in comparatively less uncertainties
mated the model parameters utilizing the entire Pareto in model prediction in French and English basins. This is rea-
optimal regional relationship, which consequently led to sonable, as the uncertainties in the calibrated model
the realization of a number of simulated hydrographs for parameters in French and English basins were comparatively
the target basin. The ensemble of simulated hydrographs less. The regional average value of uncertainties in model
was then used to enumerate the prediction uncertainties. prediction quantified using regionalisation of the posterior
Figs. 7–9 show that the predictive uncertainties for MORC probability distribution, regionalisation of vectors of MPs,
were in close agreement with those obtained from region- and the calibrated posterior probability distribution are
alisation of vectors of MPs, regionalized posterior probabil- listed in Table 4.
ity distribution, and MPs sampled from the calibrated Though the MORC approach provided better functional
posterior probability. Though the variations in the predic- relationships between MPs and CAs in terms of spatial loss
tive model performances were minimal, the magnitude of in model performance, it failed to identify unique regional
uncertainties in model prediction was apparently higher. relationships, thereby introducing considerable uncertain-
For MORC, the average values of AWISF determined from ties in model prediction. The magnitude of the predictive
the ensemble of simulated flow was 41% and 31% for basins uncertainty was marginally higher for MORC compared to
considered for calibration and validation, respectively. The ANN, MLR, MPR and PLSR. The reason for this is likely due
regional average predictive uncertainties for MORC are to adoption of the average of model performance as an
listed in Table 3. objective criterion for calibration of the regional relation-
ship. Pairing the direct calibration with regional calibration
Discussions in order to impose additional constraints on the parameter
space might help in reducing the prediction uncertainties
The methods adopted for addressing the issues of uncer- in regional calibration.
tainty in regionalisation, namely, regionalisation of vectors The ensemble of simulated hydrographs for five basins
of MPs and regionalisation of the posterior probability distri- (presumed ungauged) obtained from MPs sampled from
bution of MPs, are conceptually simple. Regionalisation of the regionalized posterior probability of MPs is shown in
the posterior probability distribution takes into account Fig. 10. The simulated flow explained much of the vari-
the interdependencies among MPs which are ignored in ability in the observed runoff. Even though the simulated
methods based on regionalisation of vectors of MPs. How- ensemble of flow encapsulated the simulated flow corre-
ever, the regionalisation of vectors of MPs provides an sponding to compromised MPs obtained from local calibra-
opportunity to select a single best set of MPs that result in tion of the model, it could not completely explain the
less error in the estimated MPs and less spatial loss in the observed time series. This is likely due to the prediction
model performance, in contrast to the best value of cali- bias arising from model structural error and uncertainty
brated MPs corresponding to selected objective criteria or in the input. The observed annual average flows for most
a compromised set of MPs, as used in this study. Though of the basins were within the ensemble ranges except
the effects of uncertainties in MPs on model prediction for Torinkyo (Japan), K0813020 (France) and Y5615030
propagated using both methods were similar to each other (France), where it fell marginally outside the ranges of
and to those obtained from MPs sampled from the cali- simulated annual average flow. This is again more likely
brated posterior probability distribution, the ranges of pre- due to the insufficiency of the model structure, because
dictive model performance and predictive uncertainty were even the ensembles of simulated flow corresponding to
wider and higher for the method based on regionalisation of MPs sampled from the calibrated posterior probability of
the posterior probability distribution of MPs. This discrep- MPs failed to encapsulate the annual average flow in these
ancy could be due to the assumption that the posterior three basins.

Table 4 Uncertainty in model prediction obtained from proposed methods and those obtained from model parameters sampled
from calibrated posterior distribution
Region RPD M3(MM) calibrated PSD
AWISF (%) % Deviation in NSE AVWSF (%) % Deviation in NSE AW1SF (%) % Deviation in NSE
Nepal 49 12 66 24 37 20
Japan 61 61 40 40 40 43
UK 22 25 22 14 17 12
Australia 49 63 54 31 45 51
Fiance 22 26 24 16 21 18
Average 41 37 41 25 32 29
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty 203

Figure 10 Ensemble of simulated hydrographs obtained from the MPs sampled from the regionalized posterior distribution of MPs
for five basins considered for validation of the regionalisation schemes.

Conclusions uncertainty and simultaneously account the modeling

uncertainties, an improved form of regional calibration
Though regionalisation schemes provide an intuitively sim- method was introduced. The predictive uncertainties of this
ple approach to model ungauged basins from measurable method, evaluated using regional parameters lying in the
catchment attributes, parameter uncertainty hinders such Pareto optimal front, were considerable. For this reason,
an attempt. Therefore to avoid the affect of parameter quantification and propagation of various sources of uncer-
204 S. Bastola et al.

tainties is imperative for making reliable model prediction if tions and comments. The quality of this paper has been
regionalisation is attempted using direct calibration. This greatly improved by the thought full comments from Griet
study demonstrated a methodology for inclusion of uncer- Heuvelmans, two anonymous reviewers and the journal edi-
tainty in calibrated model parameters during regionalisation tor assigned for this manuscript.
for parameters of hydrological models at a daily time scale,
using a case study that included small and relatively humid Appendix A
basins located in various geographic and climatic zones. The
integration of regionalisation of vectors of MPs with boot- The functional relationships between model parameters and
strap sampling is a sensible approach to address the model catchment attributes derived using multiple linear regres-
parameter uncertainties in regionalisation, but this ap- sions (Eq. 6), multiple polynomial regressions (Eq. 7) and
proach ignores the interdependency that exists among mod- multi-objective regional calibration methods (Eq. 8) are
el parameters. Therefore, for hydrological models for which shown below. The multiple R2 values for the transfer func-
the interdependency among MPs is high, regionalisation of tion in Eq. (6) are 0.60, 0.92 and 0.76 for m, T0, and Td,
the posterior probability distribution of MPs seems reason- respectively. Similarly, the multiple R2 values for the trans-
able, as it takes into account the model parameter interde- fer function in Eq. (7) are 0.74, 0.91 and 0.86 for m, T0, and
pendency, provided the underlying assumptions are Td, respectively. For the transfer function calibrated using
reasonable. The uncertainties in model prediction quanti- the multi-objective regional calibration method, (Eq. 8)
fied from the calibrated posterior probability distribution, the R2 statistics are 0.71, 0.94 and 0.92 for m, T0, and Td,
regionalisation of the vectors of model parameters and respectively.
regionalisation of the posterior probability distribution were
28%, 36% and 34%, respectively for basins considered for cal- m ¼ 0:0974a þ 0:011b  0:014464c þ 0:003d;
ibration, and 25%, 27% and 33% for basins considered for the
T 0 ¼ 2:428e  0:0096f þ 0:668g þ 0:047h; ð6Þ
purpose for evaluation of regionalisation schemes, indicat-
ing that the predictive uncertainties quantified from both T d ¼ 1:0317i  0:01246j þ 7:04k;
methods are in close agreement with those quantified from
the calibrated posterior probability distribution. Regionali- m ¼ ð0:0715a þ 0:021a2 Þ þ ð0:072b þ 0:0096b2 Þ
sation of posterior probability distribution of model param-
eters resulted in marginally higher uncertainty compared to þ ð0:084c þ 0:0088c2 Þ þ ð0:043d  0:0014d 2 Þ;
regionalisation of vectors of MPs, and compared to those T 0 ¼ ð3:32e  0:707e2 Þ þ ð0:072f  0:0009f 2 Þ ð7Þ
evaluated from MPs sampled from its calibrated joint prob- 2
ability distribution. þ ð1:587g þ 0:672g2 Þ þ ð0:072h  0:0005h Þ;
In cases where the model parameters are uncertain, re- T d ¼ ð44:21i  327:06i2 Þ þ ð0:276j  0:0054j2 Þ
gional calibration seems appealing as it tends to reduce
the feasible subspace of MPs by simultaneously calibrating þ ð2:47k þ 3:724k2 Þ;
the model at all sites, but the existence of multiple sets
of regional relationships for similar model performance m ¼ ð0:0826a þ 0:016a2 Þ þ ð0:099b þ 0:0015b2 Þ
can be observed, which results in considerable uncertainties
in model prediction. þ ð0:0714c þ 0:0078c2 Þ þ ð0:045c  0:0015d 2 Þ;
The ensemble of simulated flow estimated in basins pre- T 0 ¼ ð3:4e  0:75e2 Þ þ ð0:03f  0:0006f 2 Þ ð8Þ
sumed ungauged encompassed the annual average observed
flow for most of the basins and explained much of the var- þ ð1:7g þ 0:74g2 Þ þ ð0:072h  0:0003h2 Þ;
iability of the observed flow. Moreover, as the uncertainty T d ¼ ð43:95i  328:9i2 Þ þ ð0:23j  0:0042j2 Þ
in the calibrated model parameters and regionalisation
schemes cannot account for all the uncertainties in the sim- þ ð1:6k þ 3:82k2 Þ;
ulation, the ensemble of simulated flow failed to encompass
the entire observed time series. Inclusion of more basins, where a = average Sr max (m) · 100/(Ks (cm/h) · ATI
selection of more exclusive basin attributes and application (90 m DEM)); b = shape factor (km/km2) · Ks; c = wetness
of the proposed methodology to a number of parsimonious index; d = average annual rainfall (mm)/100; e = Ks;
models would be more robust for validation of the proposed f = average annual rainfall/variance of monthly rainfall
(mm); g ¼ ðbasin areaÞkm2  ATI=1000; h = average an-
nual rainfall · Shape factor/100; i = drainage density (km/
km2)/ATI; j = average basin slope/Ks; k = variance of
Acknowledgements monthly rainfall in mm/100.

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