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Turbulence Prof. E.G.


Chapter 1

Lecture 5

Introduction - 5

Appendix - B Cartesian Tensors

Appendix - B

In fluid mechanics one comes across various types of quantities. Scalar like pressure,
temperature, density are quantities which have only the magnitude. Vectors like
velocity, force, acceleration havemagnitude and direction. Quantities like stress, strain,
and strain rate have, in addition to the magnitude and direction, a plane associated with
them. The quantities, other than scalars, are represented by components along a
chosen co-ordinate system. The co-ordinate systems are of different types viz:
Cartesian, cylindrical polar, spherical polar, general curvilinear etc. Here, only the
Cartesian co-ordinate system is considered. The scalars are invariant with change of
co-ordinate system. However, the components of other quantities change when co-
ordinate system changes. A quantity whose components change, when the co-ordinate
system changes, according to a transformation law is called a tensor. To give a gradual
explanation of the topic the vectors are considered first.

In tensor analysis, subscript notation is used. The axes X,Y,Z are written as
X1,X2,X3.The unit vectors along the axes arei1,i2,i3 instead of i,j,k. A vector A has
component A1,A2,A3 and in vector notation, is written as :
A=A1i1+A2i2+A3i3 (B.1)

Consider another coordinate system X*1,X*2,X*3 as shown in Fig B.1. The components
of A in this system are A*1,A*2,A*3.

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

The components of A in the two coordinate systems are related as

A *1  e11 A1  e21 A 2  e31 A3

A *2  e12 A1  e22 A 2  e32 A3

A *3  e13 A1  e23 A 2  e33 A


Fig B.1 Axes systems

e11=cosine of angle between OX1and OX1*
e21=cosine of angle between OX2and OX1*
e31=cosine of angle between OX3and OX1*
e23=cosine of angle between OX2 and OX3*
e33=cosine of angle between OX3and OX3*
------ and so on -----
Note A1=e11A1*+e12A2*+e13A3*
At this stage the summation convention is introduced. It makes the equations compact
and simplifies the mathematical operations. The summation convention is stated as
follows: Repetition of an index in a term denotes summation with respect to that index.
Range of an index is the set of values that it takes. In Cartesian coordinate systems,
with 3 axes, the range of index is 1,2&3. Using the summation convention the following
relations can be written:
Aii  A11  A 22  A 33
Ai Bi  A1B1  A 2 B2  A 3 B3
ui u1 u 2 u3
  
xi x1 x 2 x3

ui ui  u 2  u 2  u 2
1 2 3
U U Ui Ui
U j i  U1 i  U2  U3
x j x1 x 2 x3

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

(1) An index that is summed over is called dummy index. One that is not summed over
is called free index. For example in U j i the index ‘j’ is the dummy index and index ‘i’
x j

is the free index. Any symbol can be used for a dummy index i.e.

Ui Ui Ui

Uj  Uk  Um
x j xk xm

Ui U
(2) Using further short form, the term is also written as Ui,j and U j i as UiUi,j.
x j x j

Using the summation convention Eq. (B.2), which is the transformation rule between

components of A in OX1X2X3 and OX1* X2* X3* systems, is written as :

Ai*  epiAp (B.3)

A vector is called a tensor of order one. In a Cartesian system OX1X2X3 it has 3

components and is written as Ai. The suffix ‘i’ takes values 1,2&3. Its components in the

system OX1* X2* X3* are A1*, A2*, A3* . These components are given by Eq (B.3).

When ‘i’ takes the value 1 and the summation convention is used, gives:

A1*  e11A1  e21A2  e31A3

Generalizing, a tensor of orders ‘n’ is a quantity with 3 ncomponents and obeys the
following transformation rule:

A *ijk...lm  epieqjerk ....esletm Apqr...st (B.4)

Dept. of Aerospace Engg., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 3

Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

Where, Apqr..st are the 3ncomponents of ‘A’ in OX1X2X3 system. A *ijk...lm are the 3n

components of ‘A’ in OX1* X* X3* system. The indices i,j,k,…,l,m, p,q,r…,s, t each
have three values viz. 1,2&3.

Each of epi,eqj....etm represent the nine direction cosines of OX1* X2* X3* system with

respect to OX1 X2X3 system.

Tensor of order Two:

This tensor is encountered commonly and is discussed further. The examples are
stress, strain, strain rate etc. Let ij be the nine components of a stress tensor in

OX1X2X3 system. The components are 11, 21, 31, 12, 22, 32, 13, 23, 33 . The

same stress tensor in coordinate system OX1* X2* X3* from Eq. (B.3) is given as:

ij*  epi eqj pq (B.5)

If i=1, & j=2 then σ12

= ep1eq2σp1 or

*12  e11eq21q  e21eq22q  e31eq23q

 e11e1211  e11e2212  e11e3213  e21e1221
 e21e2222  e21e3223  e31e1231  e31e2232
 e31e3233

Thus, it is seen that the nine components (*ij ) in the new system are given in term of

the nine components in the old system ( pq ) and the direction cosines epi . As an

example consider a two-dimensional case as shown in Fig B.2. It shows an element of

sides dx, dy subjected to normal stresses 11 and 22 and shear stress 12 . For

simplicity let dx=dy. Then, ds= dx2  dy2  2dx

From Eq. (B.4) ij * is given by :

ij *  epi eqj pq (B.6)

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

The stresses nn and ns on a plane containing the diagonal can be obtained by

resolving the stresses 11 , 22 and 12 as :

Fig.B.2 A two-dimensional stress system

nnds  11 dy cos 450  22 dx cos 45 0  12 dy cos 45 0  12 dy cos 45 0
 (11  22 )  2dx12
Hence nn  1/ 2( 11  22 )  12 (B.7)
ns ds  11dy sin 450  22dx sin 450  12dx sin 450  12dy sin 45 0
 dx (22  11 )
ns  (22   11) (B.8)

From tensor analysis point of view, the problem is one of change of co-ordinate system
as shown in Fig.B.3.

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

e11  cosine of angle between X1 & X1* 
e21  cosine of angle between X2 & X1* 

e31  cosine of angle between X3 & X1*  0

e12  cosine of angle between X1 & X2* 
e22  cosine of angle between X2 & X2* 
e32  cosine of angle between X3 & X2*  0

Fig. B.3 Change of co-ordinate system e13  cosine of angle between X1 & X3*  0

e23  cosine of angle between X2 & X3*  0

e33  cosine of angle between X3 & X3*  1

Using Eq.(B.6):
nn  11*  ep1eq1pq

nn  e11eq11q  e21eq12q  e31eq13q

 e11e1111  e11e2112  e11e3113
 e21e1121  e21e2122  e21e3123
 e31e1131  e31e2132  e31e3133
1 1 1 1
 11  12  0  21  22  0  0  0  0
2 2 2 2
  11  22   12 Which is same as in Eq.(B.7)

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

ns  12*  ep1eq2pq

 e11e1211  e21e1221  e31e12 31
 e11e2212  e21e2222  e31e2232  e11e32 13
 e21e3223  e31e3133
1 1 1 1
  11  21  0  12  22  0  0  0  0
2 2 2 2
   22 11  Which is same as in Eq.(B.8)

1. Symmetric tensor: A tensor is symmetric if aij  a ji . The example is :
. 1 Ui U j . . . . . .
Strain rate tensor ij  (  ) , Note 12   21 , 13   31 and  23   32
2 x j xi

2.Skew symmetric tensor: A tensor is skew symmetric if aij  a ji . An example is

1 Ui U j
Rate of rotation tensor, ij  (  ) , Note 12   21
2 x j xi

3.Some special tensors:

(a) Kronec ker delta : i  1 if i  j
 0 if i  j

(b) Alternating tensor:

ijk  1, when all indices are different and occur in cyclic order i.e.

123  231  312  1

=-1 when all indices are different but are not in cyclic order i.e.
132  213  321  1

=0 when any two indices are same.

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

4. Multiplication of tensors: The product of two tensors of order ‘n’ and ‘m’ is a tensor
of order (n+m) and its components are obtained by multiplying each component of
the first tensor by each component of the second tensor i.e. A ijBklm  Cijklm

Example: A iB j  Cij then

5.Contraction: When one index in the two tensors being multiplied is common, then the
product is a tensor of two orders lower. For example ij Akl  Bijkl

Now, if i=k then ij A il  Bijil  C jl

6.Derivative: The derivative of a tensor Aijk…lm of order ‘n’ with respect to xp is a tensor
of order (n+1)
A ijk..lm
 Bijk..lmp

(a) i   ,(b) xi    3, (c)    6
x j xi
ij ii ijk ijk

7.Vector relationships can be written by using tensor notation in the following manner:
(a) A.B  A1B1  A 2B2  A3B3 can be written as ij A iB j . Note

ij A iB j  1j A1B j  2 j A 2B j  3 j A 3B j

 11A1B1  12 A1B2  13 A1B3  21A 2B1  22 A 2B2
 23 A 2B3  31A 3B1  33 A 3B3
 A1B1  A 2B2  A 3B3

(b) AxB Can be expressed as ijk A iB j  Ck

(c) Vorticity   xV can be expressed as :

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

(d) Determinant of a matrix of order 3 can be expressed as :

A11 A 21 A 31
A12 A 22 A 32 =
A13 A 23 A 33

8. Decomposition of a second order tensor

Following Appendix B of Ref.1.30, a tensor of second order can be decomposed as

(i) Consider a second order tensor (bij). The trace of bij is bll i.e.
bll  b11  b22  b33 (B.9)

(ii)The isotropic part of a second order tensor, denoted by b ijI , is defined as:

bIij  bllij (B.10)
(iii) A deviatoric tensor of a second order tensor (bij) is defined as:
bij  bij  bllij (B.11)

(iv) Let sij 

bij  bji  (B.12)

and rij  
bij  bji  (B.13)

Then bij can be rewritten as:

1 1
bij  bllij  bij  bllij  sij  rij (B.14)
3 3

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Turbulence Prof. E.G. Tulapurkara

9. Invariants of a second order tensor

Consider again a second order tensor bij as in remark 8. The scalars obtained from a
tensor have the same value in a any coordinate system. The first three scalars of b ij are
denoted by I, II and III. They are:
I  bii  b11  b22  b33 (B.15)

II  bijb ji  b11
 b22
 b33

 2 b12
 b13
 b223  (B.16)

III  bijb jkbki  b11

 b322  b333  3b12
b11  b22   3b132 (b11  b33 )  3b223 b22  b33   6b12b13b23

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