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Physical Fitness: Benefits to One’s Body and Life

Physical fitness indeed play very essential role in our life. And along with that, there are numbers of
benefits that it could offer as well. It might include better health, more flexibility, improved appearance,
greater strength, increased energy and also more positive mood and attitude. If you are also to consider
regular exercise it could also lead to both long term and immediate benefits. Regular physical activity
could also reduce the mortality and morbidity from numbers of chronic diseases.

In order to reap the maximum benefits offered by physical fitness, there is also a need that the program
must include all of the five main components of physical fitness. These are considered as the health
related fitness components such as flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and muscular
endurance. In fact, there are other components of physical fitness however they are considered to be
skill-related and are known to be less important.

Physical fitness is known as a measure of the body’s ability to efficiently and effectively function at work
and during leisure activities. It is also about being healthy, capable of resisting hypo kinetic diseases and
also meeting emergency situations. It could also be generally achieved by physical activity or exercise,
enough rest along with good quality sleep, correct nutrition, relaxation and stress management.

And the benefits that physical fitness could provide are known to be endless. Some of them could
include the following:

Reduce Risk of Disease

Those that are into engaging with physical activities or regular exercises have a decreased risk in terms of
developing heart disease, colon cancer, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, breast cancer and lung cancer.

Development of the Physical Fitness Components

These components could include muscle endurance and strength flexibility, speed, agility, cardiovascular
endurance, bone density, improvement of muscle tone and more.

Provide Better Health

Physical exercise once done regularly could increase both the strength and the size of the heart. It could
pump more blood along with less effort and could be more efficient as well. This might lower impulse
and could also lower the blood pressure that could increase life span of an individual. The circulatory
system will also be improved due to the increased blood volume that provides more oxygen into the
muscles. The effects might translate into the reduced risk for the heart disease, stroke and heart attack.
There are also important cardiovascular health benefits that could be attained along with long term
participation into cardiovascular exercise.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Physical fitness has this ability to help control the cholesterol. They are to raise the levels of good
cholesterol and would drop the levels of the bad cholesterol.
Build Stronger Ligaments, Joints and Bones

Physical activity would result to strengthening the muscles and bones. It could reduce the risk
substantially or the arthritis and some other bone diseases. Those weight bearing exercises are to
increase bone density and could also prevent loss of bones once we get older. This could reduce the
severity and onset of osteoporosis. And also, resistance training might as well a great job. The strain that
it could put into the body might help you in building stronger and bigger bones.

Maintenance of Optimal Body Weight

Physical activity will reduce fat then increase muscle mass and so will control the weight. Physical fitness
could control the body weight and could prevent obesity and some other problems related with weight.
Through combining the proper physical workouts along with proper as well as balanced diet you could
expect weight loss, fit and firmer body and reduction of body fat as well. Those aerobic exercises could
also burn calories once you are doing the exercise and also strength training could burn calories within
24 hours after the training period.

Improve Sleeping Habits

Physical fitness will provide sound sleep and would improve sleeping habits. Those people that are
exercising regularly and are considered to be physically fit could fall asleep a lot easier and could also
sleep a lot longer compared to those who are not into doing exercise and are known to be physically
unfit. Due to cooling off after an exercise, the body temperature would drop leading to a deeper sleep.

Boost Energy Level

Exercises are to improve the blood flow into the body and would promote better sleep wherein it will
both boost one’s energy. Exercise program that is regularly done particularly during mornings might give
you the energy as well as drive you for the rest of the day. The said effect could be related to the
increased metabolism being associated with fit body.

Improved Appearance

Physical fitness could build muscle mass and could burns excess fat as well. It could tone body muscles
helping you to look healthier and fit as well. Healthy active individuals have great skin tone and could
look a lot fresher due to less fatigue.

Stress Relief and Relaxation

There are numbers of stress factors that we might experience in our daily life. Regular physical activity or
fitness workouts might release the hormones that have the “feel good” factor. And that would help in
reducing the levels of stress and would give you more strength in order to fight the challenges in life.
Fights Depression

There is an immediate effect of physical activity as well as exercise into the mood of an individual. There
is an increase in blood flow to the brain. The endorphins are as well released and the mood lifts also. The
said endorphins would make you feel a lot better and so you could fight both depression and stress.

Those are among the most common benefits that physical fitness could provide. There are still numbers
of other benefits such as making you feel a lot happier, postponing fatigue, boosting confidence, utilizing
time, improving overall health and also longer and healthier life. If you are equipped with the fact that
physical fitness is indeed important you will also realize considering it and therefore experiencing the
above mentioned benefits. Indeed, physical fitness is important in everyone’s life through playing a very
important role as well.

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