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Evaluation of Questionnaire on Fashion Magazine.

The aim of my questionnaire was to accumulate enough information from people about their knowledge on
fashion magazines. I have accumulated good results from the questionnaire.

The Sample.
I gave my questionnaire to people between the age of 10 to 25 .Having printed out 50 copies of my
questionnaire giving 25 to men and 25 to women in school and at home so as to get different options from
people who are not in the same area and get more valid answers in my questionnaire. Having done that I
waited for people to answer although I think that the results I will acquire will be different from my
expectations because most people who I gave the questionnaire were not teenagers. I think that I will meet my
aims of finding out the thoughts of people on magazines will be experienced, valid and fit for my purpose.

Questions Used.
I think I had asked enough questions as I had felt content with the amount of questions I had asked but after
getting my results back I feel that I should have asked more questions. I could have asked more questions about
online shopping, what people think about window shopping and if a magazine helps one choose the kind of
clothes on wants. The easiest question that was answered was ‘what is your age ‘and the results to that
question proved that people don’t think that identity Is important. The hardest question was ‘is it important for
a magazine to have a headline and why’ because people had so many random explanations to their own
opinions thus made it more difficult to apprehend the exact results that I had gotten from them and to finally
know how I would do an analysis of the question. One question was most helpful to my aim and it was ‘would
any offer or free poster make you buy a magazine ‘even though I found out many people bought magazines
because of free posters or offers there is a small percentage of people who would not buy a magazine because
of posters or offers thus making me be able to know what I would do to my magazine so that it attracts people.

There are several factors that have may reduced the validity of my result sand that was the age group the
questionnaire was aimed at ,this is because some people between the age less than 13 may be out of
experience about magazines and some of the questions I asked about fashion magazines ,there is a group of
people preferred not to say how old they are and that leaves me at a disadvantaged point to know for what
category of people(audience) I am making my magazine for. I believe some people have lied about their age so
as to be seen as adults ,another group of people simply do not care about the questionnaire and just ticked any
box and wrote nothing in the paper. I found some questionnaires crumbled and left clattered on the ground,
others were used to make kites. I personally may have made some error while calculating the results .

Advantages of questionnaire as a method of research

i. Quick easy and convenient to complete

ii. Less time consuming compared to other methods of research
iii. Produces graphical data
iv. High level of flexibility
v. Very quick to answer

Disadvantages of questionnaire as a method of research


i. Unreliable because people may lie

ii. People do not give enough information
iii. Some are answered with silly answers
iv. Some people think it’s a waste of time

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