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The White Lesion,

H y p e r k e r a t o s i s , an d
S. Ahmed Ali, MD, Joshua D. Smith, BA, Norman D. Hogikyan, MD*

 Dysplasia  Larynx  Vocal fold  Leukoplakia  Erythroplakia  White lesion

 Laryngeal mucosal precursor lesions often manifest as mucosal surface changes of leu-
koplakia, erythroplakia, or erythroleukoplakia, and may be symptomatic or asymptomatic.
 These gross mucosal changes may represent benign, premalignant, or malignant entities.
 Dysplastic lesions present a challenge because of the involved anatomic structures, risk
of recurrence, or malignant progression.
 Multiple management options exist, with treatment decisions made jointly by physician
and patient and focused on both appropriate lesion treatment and preservation of laryn-
geal structure and function.
 Research is ongoing to advance understanding of lesion biology and to optimize preven-
tion and treatment.


A white lesion on a vocal fold is commonly encountered in the laryngology clinic and
presents diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Simply stated, clinicians are tasked
with understanding the nature of the lesions as well as functional consequences asso-
ciated with the disease or its treatment. These concepts may seem straightforward,
but care is complicated by the fact that white lesions can represent asymptomatic,
symptomatic, benign, premalignant, or malignant processes. The spectrum of laryn-
geal mucosal precursor lesions (LMPLs) spans the breadth of pathologic changes
from hyperplasia or hyperkeratosis to severe dysplasia. This article focuses on vocal
fold hyperkeratosis and dysplasia and explores the biology and clinical considerations
associated with these and related conditions.

Disclosure: The authors have no financial interests to disclose.

Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Michigan Medicine, 1904 Taubman
Center, 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5312, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: nhogikya@med.umich.edu

Otolaryngol Clin N Am 52 (2019) 703–712

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.otc.2019.03.014 oto.theclinics.com
0030-6665/19/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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704 Ali et al


It is important to separate gross or macroscopic characterization of vocal fold lesions

from histopathologic characterization because there is not a reliably predictable rela-
tionship. Macroscopic descriptors are used by clinicians to relay the gross appear-
ance and can include leukoplakia (Greek, white patch), erythroplakia (Greek, red
patch), and erythroleukoplakia.1 Macroscopic alterations in vocal fold appearance
are shown in Fig. 1. The incidence of dysplasia within leukoplakic lesions approxi-
mates 50%.2 The rate of conversion to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is contingent
on the extent and/or degree of dysplasia.3 Clinical factors, such as absent mucosal
wave, are also potentially predictive of shorter time to recurrence, although alteration
of mucosal wave propagation is not reliably predictive of the presence of cancer.4,5 A
review on 1184 patients with vocal fold leukoplakia determined that within 6 months of
initial diagnosis, 11% were diagnosed with laryngeal cancer.6 Studies in the oral cavity
literature describe an erythroplakia malignant transformation rate of 44.8%.7


Dysplasia is the histopathologic manifestation of mutation in normal epithelial cells

and can include mitoses in higher layers of epithelium, nuclear structural abnormal-
ities, and architectural changes.8 Dysplasia grading remains an area of controversy
and frequent update because of lack of intraobserver and interobserver reliability
and reproducibility.9,10 The 3 eminent classification systems are outlined in Table 1
and include the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, squamous intraepi-
thelial neoplasia (SIN) classification, and the Ljubljana classification (LC) of squamous
intraepithelial lesions (SILs).
The WHO classification was developed in 2005 as a 4-point system, including squa-
mous cell hyperplasia, mild dysplasia, moderate dysplasia, severe dysplasia, and car-
cinoma in situ.11 Studies on observer variability of the WHO classification show
unconvincing agreement rates (35.8% to 69%) and kappa values (0.15–0.70).9,12–17
The SIN classification is also used; its primary distinguishing feature from the 4-point
dysplasia system is that SIN 3 combines severe dysplasia and carcinoma in situ.9 The
LC was developed in 1977 to address classification of the epithelial hyperplastic laryn-
geal lesion.18 Given ambiguity over the ideal system to use, pathologists attempted to

Fig. 1. Examples of laryngeal mucosal changes documented via videostroboscopy in clinic.

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The White Lesion, Hyperkeratosis, and Dysplasia 705

Table 1
Classification systems used for laryngeal mucosal precursor lesions

2005 WHO 1971 Ljubljana 2016 Ljubljana 2017 WHO

Classification SIN Classification SIL Classification SIL Classification
Squamous cell — Squamous hyperplasia Low-grade dysplasia Low-grade
hyperplasia dysplasia
Mild dysplasia SIN I Basal/parabasal
Moderate dysplasia SIN II Atypical hyperplasia High-grade dysplasia High-grade
Severe dysplasia SIN III dysplasia
Carcinoma in situ Carcinoma in situ Carcinoma in situ Carcinoma in situ

Abbreviations: SIL, squamous intraepithelial lesion; SIN, squamous intraepithelial neoplasia; WHO,
World Health Organization.

ascertain superiority of one of the 3 main systems; a study by Sarioglu and col-
leagues19 showed no significant difference in inter-observer agreement for the
WHO, LC, or SIN systems (0.42, 0.41, and 0.37 respectively). At the center of poor
interobserver consistency was the category of moderate dysplasia.16
This lack of consistency drove reformation, because numerous studies advocated
for a 2-tier grading system.16,20 The LC was modified from significant differences in
progression to malignancy rates between low-grade and high-grade groups, strength-
ening the prognostic value of the classification system.21 This update prompted
changes in the 2017 WHO guidelines, in which the scheme is low grade and high
grade.11,22 The update was accomplished via consolidation of moderate dysplasia,
severe dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ into a high-grade dysplasia group.22


The principal environmental causal factors implicated in driving development of LMPL,

and subsequent laryngeal SCC, are tobacco use, alcohol abuse, and gastroesopha-
geal reflux disease. Smoking has a greater causative effect than alcohol for laryngeal
SCC, and carcinogenesis is related to direct irritation by the smoke.23,24
The risk conferred via gastroesophageal reflux is potentially unique to the larynx.
Although the relationship has long been suspected, the associated risk has remained
unclear because of poorly controlled studies.25 Although recommending treatment of
previously undiagnosed laryngopharyngeal reflux is beneficial from a nononcologic
perspective, its possible chemoprevention role has not yet been fully elucidated.



Histopathologic assessment of dysplasia severity in LMPLs remains the standard for

predicting risk of malignant transformation and need for timely treatment. However,
traditional dysplasia grading systems are hindered by marked inter-rater and intrarater
variability and suboptimal correlation between dysplasia severity and risk of malig-
nancy.20 Coupled with the importance of early detection of incident larynx SCC, this
has prompted a search for predictive biomarkers of malignant progression in LMPLs;
the results are summarized in Table 2.
Histologic progression from LMPL to invasive SCC is paralleled by accumulation of
increasingly deleterious mutations in genes of the cell cycle (eg, CCND1, CDKN2A),
apoptosis (eg, TP53), and growth signaling (eg, epidermal growth factor receptor

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706 Ali et al

Table 2
Summary of genetic alterations shown to increase risk of laryngeal mucosal precursor lesion
malignant transformation

Reference Chromosome Gene Function Alteration
Manterola et al,26 FGFR3 Cell growth and proliferation Point mutation,
2018 activating
PIK3CA Cell growth and proliferation Point mutation,
TP53 Apoptosis and cell-cycle Point mutation,
regulation inactivating
Bergshoeff et al,27 Chromosome 1 — Aneuploidy
2014 Chromosome 7 — Aneuploidy
Liu et al,28 2012 TERC Telomere maintenance Gene amplification
Bartlett et al,29 2012 MMP-1, MMP-2, Extracellular matrix Gene overexpression
MMP-9 degradation and
cell migration

[EGFR], phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha

[PIK3CA]) pathways (The Cancer Genome Atlas, 25631445). A recent case-control
study found that mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinases FGFR3 and PIK3CA
were present in LMPLs that progressed to invasive SCC but absent in nonprogressing
lesions.26 In contrast, mutations in the JAK3 and MET kinases and the ubiquitinating
enzyme FBXW7 were exclusively found in nonprogressing LMPLs. The investigators
concluded that these specific mutational profiles may be clinically useful biomarkers
of malignant progression.
A few other genomic aberrations in LMPLs have been posited as potentially useful
biomarkers for prognostication and treatment selection. Chromosomal instability,
defined by aneuploidy of chromosomes 1 and 7, and amplification of the human telo-
merase RNA component (hTERC) gene are both robust predictors of LMPL malignant
progression, even for lesions with mild dysplasia.27,28 Similarly, overexpression of ma-
trix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, MMP-2) responsible for extracellular matrix degrada-
tion and invasion seem to predict histologic progression of LMPLs.29
The view that specific genetic alterations may explain differential risk of malignant
progression in LMPLs may only be a part of a larger, complex biological picture.
Both genetic and immunologic biomarkers are likely to significantly improve the
modest and inconsistent power of current histologic grading systems in predicting
malignant progression of LMPLs. To realize this potential, large-scale genomic and
immunologic studies of matched LMPLs and metachronous SCCs may be necessary.


Alterations in voice typically prompt in-office examination and identification of poten-

tial LMPLs of the vocal folds. The principles of diagnosis of vocal fold mucosal lesions
involve a thorough history, vocal capabilities and voice-related quality of life assess-
ments, head and neck examination, and laryngeal endoscopy.30 Options for laryngeal
examination include indirect mirror examination, flexible laryngoscopy, rigid endos-
copy, and videostroboscopy.
Adjuncts to traditional laryngoscopy modalities may provide further insights into the
nature of visualized lesions. A novel new technique combines flexible endoscopy with
narrow-band imaging (NBI). NBI shows promise for differentiating benign from

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The White Lesion, Hyperkeratosis, and Dysplasia 707

malignant lesions, with excellent specificity and sensitivity in detecting preneoplastic

laryngeal lesions.31,32 High-speed video of the larynx provides a more realistic visual-
ization of vibratory movements of the vocal folds than stroboscopy, and holds promise
for enhancing understanding of a lesion before tissue biopsy.33,34 Endoscopic ultraso-
nography provides valuable adjunctive data regarding size and infiltration of laryngeal
Once a potential LMPL is identified, further evaluation and tissue diagnosis are tradi-
tionally the next steps. The importance of tissue diagnosis is underscored by poor
concordance between alterations in vibratory patterns detected on stroboscopy
and presence of dysplasia.36 With some lesions, initial tissue diagnosis may be com-
bined with treatment through excisional biopsy. Microscopic direct laryngoscopy re-
mains the gold standard for diagnosis. In-office biopsy is also possible for selected
patients and lesions. Available methodologies for office-based procedures have
evolved over time and are discussed later.


Treatment armamentarium and philosophy evolve with time and vary by surgeon and
institution, and some investigators have proposed structured guidelines for optimal
management.10,37,38 Discussion of management must acknowledge that laryngolo-
gists often simultaneously diagnose and treat white lesions in the larynx through exci-
sional biopsy, and treatment may be designed to address multiple possible histologic
subtypes; this is particularly true for lesions that are predicted to be on the lower end of
the dysplasia spectrum. Diagnostic incisional biopsy as the sole goal of an initial pro-
cedure is also frequently performed and informs ensuing treatment. Furthermore,
given the propensity for recurrent hyperkeratotic or dysplastic laryngeal lesions, man-
agement of subsequent lesions typically takes into consideration prior pathology re-
ports while also recognizing that lesion evolution can occur. A variety of treatment
modalities available to contemporary laryngologists is discussed here.

Conservative and Medical Management

Expectant observation with conservative medical management may be considered for
select patients. For patients who are immunosuppressed from an innate or iatrogenic
perspective, particularly those on potent inhaled steroids, the possibility of candidiasis
should be considered for lesions that are not clearly neoplastic.39
Asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic lesions, particularly in vocal professionals,
for which significant dysphonia is anticipated postexcision may in some cases be
observed following discussion of options and if the patient will reliably return for
follow-up. In all cases in which conservative management is used, close follow-up
is crucial and the threshold for definitive treatment must remain low.

Microsurgical Excision
Use of surgical treatment of dysplasia is heavily practitioner dependent. However, sur-
gical excision is the historical standard by which other treatment methods are judged.
Both laser and cold-steel excision techniques are used, with CO2 laser being the tradi-
tional workhorse laser in the larynx. The benefits of using CO2 laser include superior
hemostatic capabilities, better anatomic preservation, and enhanced precision of ac-
tion.40 Although there have been concerns regarding thermal burns potentially
affecting surgical margin analysis and deeper surgical wounds with CO2 excision, dif-
ferences in wound healing have not been shown in case-controlled studies.41 The po-
tassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser is being increasingly used in the operating room;

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708 Ali et al

early studies have shown equivalent results to CO2 excision and potential superiority
to the pulsed dye laser (PDL).42,43 Additional details regarding the 532-nm laser are
presented later.
Recurrence rates for low-grade to moderate-grade dysplasia treated via either cold-
steel endoscopic excision or CO2 laser excision range from 8% to 29%.44–47 Extent of
malignant progression following management of low-grade to moderate-grade
dysplasia with surgical excision ranges from 0% to 35%.44,46,48 The specific surgical
procedure to perform depends on degree of dysplasia, extent of dysplasia, and prac-
titioner preference. When performing surgical excision, studies have shown that histo-
logic examination confirmed frozen section in 95% of interventions for laryngeal
tumors (including dysplasia).49

In-office Surgical Techniques

The introduction of working channel laryngoscopes paired with flexible waveguide–
enabled lasers instruments has expanded the scope of in-office surgical techniques
for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Proponents of this paradigm tout its reliability,
safety, time-effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness, as well as reduced time to treat-
ment.50–53 There is controversy regarding utility of in-office biopsies of premalignant
or malignant lesions because studies have shown a sensitivity of 60% for those
Photoangiolytic lasers permit potential complete excision or ablation of LMPLs
while preserving the underlying lamina propria, thus affording potential cure while
maintaining vocal fold pliability and glottic closure.54 The KTP laser is in widespread
use, and use of this, PDL, or the CO2 laser for ablative treatment of LMPLs is re-
ported.42 This technique affords potentially high rates of durable disease regression
and cure with stability or improvement in voice.55,56 However, ablative surgery for
LMPLs necessitates surgical expertise, trained personnel, and maintenance of costly
technology. Shortcomings include inability to examine pathologic specimens in pro-
cedures in which ablation only is performed, as well as potential for incomplete or
inadequate treatment compared with operative surgical techniques.10,42,45 It remains
to be seen whether the newer lasers will widely supplant more proven laser systems.
Further comparison studies are needed to determine optimum surgical tools and

Radiotherapy (RT) remains a highly effective treatment option for early (ie, stage I and
II) glottic cancers.57 However, its use in treatment of LMPLs is limited, although some
investigators advocate definitive RT for LMPLs in patients with multiply recurrent or
extensive disease, those who continue to use tobacco, or those with high-risk comor-
bidities precluding anesthesia.38

Other Treatments
Photodynamic therapy is used for oral or laryngeal dysplasia. It has shown promising
results as a treatment alternative for laryngeal dysplasia and early carcinoma with few
permanent effects, although randomized clinical trial data are lacking and temporary
photosensitivity is a significant shortcoming.58,59
Chemoprevention for dysplastic lesions is exciting because of its potential for treat-
ing dysplastic lesions and any existing field cancerization effect. Although numerous
studies have shown promising preliminary results with folate supplementation, admin-
istration of bioactive agents such as interferon-alfa, alpha-tocopherol, and/or

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The White Lesion, Hyperkeratosis, and Dysplasia 709

administration of retinoids, these agents do carry systemic effects.60 Further research

will continue to determine the role of biochemopreventive protocols in managing


LMPLs may present because of an alteration in laryngeal function, most typically

dysphonia, or be discovered as an asymptomatic but visible mucosal lesion. Overlying
mucosal changes can manifest as leukoplakia, erythroplakia, or erythroleukoplakia;
the spectrum of histopathologic changes present within any of these can involve sim-
ple hyperkeratosis to invasive carcinoma. Management options are practitioner and
patient dependent, and informed by degree and extent of pathologic changes, symp-
toms, patient comorbidities, and their functional goals. Treatment tools include tradi-
tional measures such as surgical excision either via cold instruments or CO2 laser.
Newer options include photoablation via angiolytic lasers such as pulsed KTP or
PDL. Novel therapies are being studied, including potential biochemopreventive sub-
stances. Given a propensity for recurrence or malignant progression despite the cur-
rent treatment armamentarium, there remains room for improvement and innovation in
the prevention, diagnosis, and management of the laryngeal white lesion.


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