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1 (a) addition is one of the four basic operations in the primary school mathematics curriculum.

Explain how a mathematics teacher can illustrate the following concept using suitable teaching
learning resources.

26 plus 17 equal 42


Answer: dekak2, base ten block (mesti lukis)

(8 marks)

(b) how would you explain that

(i) multiplication is commonly known as repeated addition

(ii) division also means equal sharing

Give an example of a word problem for each part (i) and (ii).

Illustrate your answers with the help of suitable diagrams.

(12 marks)

*word problem- story, daily life problem, situasi

*pembahagian – sharing equally (membahagi sama banyak), grouping (pengumpulan sama


Answer;- buat ayat matematik pastu create cerita à 2 x 3 = ?? (2 kali itu tiga)

-selesaikan dengan menunjukkan rajah

2 (a) subtracting mixed numbers is often difficult for children, partly because children lack
understanding of regrouping.
Suggest a hands on activity for children to subtract fractions involving mixed numbers using
fractions bars.

Your suggestion should include materials, a suitable problem for children to model fractions
bars and the procedures involved.

(10 marks)

(b) using a suitable model together with a situation, describe how you will explain the meaning

(i) 4 x ½

(ii) ½ ÷ 4

(10 marks)

3. (a) describe how would you teach your pupils to convert 1/5 to decimals in tenths.

Your description should include teaching aids used and procedures with illustrations.

(10 marks)

(b) given a problem 2.2 x 1.4, suggest an activity with illustration on how you would teach your
pupils to find the product of decimals above using area model.

You should include materials used, a suitable situation and procedures.

Soalan Struktur
1. (a) (i) number sense is difficult to define, but it has its own characteristics.

State three characterstics of number sense.

(ii) A teacher should know the counting principles in order to recognize the levels of children’s
counting skills.

List any two principles.


- one-to-one correspondence.

- pengiraan mesti mengikut urutan yang tetap.

- Urutan susunan objek yg dikira tidak penting.

- Nombor terakhir yg disebut merupakan bilangan objek.

1. (b) the expanded form ... (x abis salin)

2. (a) (i) explain one advantage of using abacus in learning

(ii) give 3 suggestions on how teachers can use calculators in mathematics lessons.
Mengenal nombor – (hurai)

Mengenal nilai tempat –

(b) (i) mental computation – given the problem 295 x 4, suggest one way you can get the answer
by using mental computation. (pengiraan mesti betul)

Answer:- buat rounding (pembundaran)

(ii) computational estimation - name one strategy for computational estimations and give one
example of the strategy. (anggaran shj.)

- front-end estimation

3. (a) the novice teacher used concrete material that is fraction tiles to show the addition of
two mixed numbers 2 ½ + 1 ½ =

(i) Name the model used by the teacher.


- Area model

- Bar chart

(ii) Some of his pupils gave the response of the above question as 3 4/8.

In your opinion, give two reasons why such response was given.

- Confuse with the diagram

(iii) Explain briefly how you should you improve the method used as shown in Diagram
3 above.

- Kaitkan dengan daily life situation – 2 setengah epal + 1 setengah epal

(b) a teacher was teaching the division of proper fraction with a proper fractions 1/3 ÷ ½ =

(i) illustrate with diagrams how did the teacher explain the above question using area model.

(ii) how should the teacher explain the question procedurally.

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