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Mijares, Francess Julia Calawen August 19, 2019

1 DVM-B GE 7 Science, Technology and Society

The Importance of Science and Technology in our Daily Lives

As we all know, we are now living in the modern world where science and technology are extremely
important in our daily life because they made our life simpler, faster and more secure. While science is the study
of physical and the natural world, technology is the application arising from science. Hence, we will need both of
them in our life. Almost everything that we see around us is the gift of science and technology.

In the ancient times or hundreds of years ago before genius individuals discovered science and
technology, everything that the people do are achieved in a difficult way and in a long process. Like cooking food
in stones, clays, hearth and more. But now, various contributions of science and technology have helped us save
time and money. Science has given us the knowledge why baked or steam- cooked food is better than the fried
or oily food, technology has gifted us with microwave and steam-cookers that help us bake and steam cook our
food. Various objects and devices like computers, modes of transport, washing machines or just anything else
help us save our time and money.

And back in the old days, learning requires difficult measures examples of this are the use of leaves, tree
barks, and stones in order to write something and also communicate and as the years went by, it came with the
use of papers as a visual aid for learning which made it more easier but it was time consuming and it was a
waste of paper. But now, Science & technology have made a significant contribution in the education field as
well. Science has given us immense knowledge and therefore, we have got important matter to study.
Technology has made education itself easier. It has provided us options like smart classes, multimedia devices,
e-libraries, e-books, etc. And also, the best creation of science and technology which is the Internet. With the
help of internet, we do not only get immense knowledge on science and other subjects, but we also get to stay
connected with our friends and family, continuously. As science and technology took over the things we do in
our daily lives, it also improved our ways in communication. Applications, and software in our mobile phones and
laptops made it much easier for us to connect and communicate with other people since it is very much
accessible and because of its mobility. Science and technology also provided us devices for comfortable
sleeping, quick cooking and fast commute, it have made our sleeping, cooking and commute process easier and
faster, respectively!

And most importantly, It helps us live a better life – While science has made significant contributions in
health by providing treatment for various chronic diseases, technology has benefited us in receiving those
treatments through various ways and devices like X-ray, scan machines, operation devices, pacemaker and
much more! We are also blessed with numerous exercising equipment, various health apps, online doctor and
other things that help us maintain good health and life.

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