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Chapa time

The key to happiness


life's ups and downs: los altibajos de la vida

meaningful life: una vida con sentido

rewarding experiences: experiencias gratificantes

success: éxito

frustration: frustración

worries: preocupaciones

a negative/positive outlook: una perspectiva negativa/positiva

Verbs and expressions

to struggle with life: forcejear con la vida

to cope with stress: hacer frente al estrés

to live in a state of lack / in an abundant state: vivir en un estado de escasez

o de abundancia

to focus on what we (don't) have: centrarnos en lo que (no) tenemos

to be caught up in the past: quedarse anclado en el pasado

to worry about the future: preocuparse por el futuro

to be present: vivir en el presente

to be grateful: sentirse agradecido

Chapa time
The key to happiness


The more and more people are wondering if they are truly happy. What

do you think?


Question 1. Why are people so unhappy? What do you think are the

causes for all this negativity around us?

Question 2. What's happiness for you? What are the keys to happiness?

Tell me at least 5. Discuss the role of these things in the search for

happiness: work, sleep, diet, exercise, friends and family, environment.

Question 3. Is being happy the same as being successful? Why? How's the

relationship between these two things?

Question 4. It is said that millennials are unable to feel happy. Do you

agree? What is the reason for this? How do you think these aspects are

affecting them: parenting, technology, impatience?

Bonus question. Many people argue that a morning routine is key to

achieving happiness. What do you think? Do you have one?

Chapa time
Automated workers


cheap labor: mano de obra barata

human workforce: trabajadores humanos

automated workers: trabajadores automatizados

low-skilled and low-paid sector: sector no cualificado y de bajos ingresos

new work demands: nueva demanda en el mercado laboral

polarized labor market: mercado laboral polarizado

new sets of skills: nuevas habilidades

Verbs and expressions

to empower people: dar más poder a las personas

to enable a shorter working week: posibilitar una semana laboral más corta

to wipe out millions of jobs: barrer millones de trabajos

to build on existing inequalities: aumentar las desigualdades existentes

to dehumanize the workplace: deshumanizar el lugar de trabajo

to affect blue collars and white collars: afectar a los trabajadores obreros y a

los trabajadores cualificados

to future-proof your job: garantizar el futuro de tu empleo

to update our education: actualizar nuestra educación

Chapa time
Automated workers


Is technology a threat to our jobs?


Question 1. How can companies and employees benefit from technology

at work? Is automation good then?

Question 2. Do you know any examples where the human workforce is

being replaced by robots? Explain how they work. (Some ideas: hospitals,

warehouses, law firms, the stock market...)

Question 3. Are you afraid of technology wiping out millions of jobs? Why?

Question 4. It is said that technology is actually making it worse by setting

a more polarized labor market: low-skilled and low-income workers

against the managers. Is this true? How?

Bonus question. Should companies seeking to automate jobs have a

moral responsibility to help the staff they are replacing to learn new skills?

How can we future-proof our jobs?

Chapa time
Virtual and augmented


VR (Virtual Reality): realidad virtual

AR (Augmented Reality): realidad aumentada

real-world applications: aplicaciones en el mundo real

a VR headset: unas gafas de realidad virtual

a see-through visor: unas gafas de realidad aumentada

simulated environment: entorno simulado

immersive experience: experiencia de sumersión

Verbs and expressions

to visualize products: visualizar productos

to experience the service before purchasing it: experimentar el servicio antes

de contratarlo

to practice in a risk-free environment: practicar en un entorno sin riesgo

to explore products in a life like way: explorar productos como si fuera la

vida real

to explore construction plans: explorar planes de construcción

to eliminate the need for expensive, full scale prototypes: eliminar la

necesidad de hacer caros prototipos a escala real

Chapa time
Virtual and augmented


Looks like the future is here! Let's debate some of the applications of VR

and AR :).


Question 1. Do you know the difference between VR and AR? Try to

explain it and name some examples.

Question 2. Have you ever tried any of these technologies? How did it


Question 3. Do you know any applications of VR and AR? Which ones?

Question 4. Try to imagine some ways to apply these technologies to the

following fields: gaming, learning, construction, medical and military

training, retail and manufacturing*.

Bonus question. What about smart cities? What can be the role of

augmented reality here? Check here to debate.

*Check this and this out for some ideas and discuss how useful they can be.

Chapa time
Advertising in films


product placement/embedded marketing: emplazamiento publicitario

references to brands/products: referencias a marcas/productos

in exchange for compensation: a cambio de compensación (económica)

promotional intent: propósito promocional

show's brand bombardment: bombardeo de marcas en programas (de TV)

infomercial-like scenes: escenas que parecen publirreportajes

digital insertion: inserción digital

Verbs and expressions

[viewers] to skip the ads: [espectadores] saltarse los anuncios

to maintain a feeling of realism: mantener una sensación de realismo

to place products subtly: colocar productos sutilmente

to shoehorn [sth] into the drama: meter [algo] con calzador en la película

to make it all too obvious: hacerlo demasiado obvio

to increase brand recognition: aumentar el reconocimiento de la marca

to run the risk of a viewer backlash: correr el riesgo de una respuesta

negativa por parte del espectador

to protect the creative integrity and authenticity of a show: proteger la

integridad creativa y autenticidad de un programa

Chapa time
Advertising in films


Embedded marketing is everywhere. Is there any way to escape from it?


Question 1. Do you skip the ads at all costs when watching TV? Why?

What do you do in order to avoid them?

Question 2. Commercial breaks don't have the same effect any more,

that's why product placement was invented. Is this effective? How?

Question 3. Where's the line between placing a product subtly and

making it all too obvious? Think of some examples of both. Can that have

a negative effect? Have you ever started hating a brand because of too

much advertising?

Question 4. What about digital insertion*? What are its advantages over

"traditional" product placement?

Bonus question. Now brands can also buy storylines (so that a whole

scene revolves around the brand or a particular product). What do you

think about that? Should we set limits? How?

*To digitally add logos to a scene that weren't originally there.

Chapa time
TED Talks


TED Talks: charlas TED [mira aquí lo que son]

nonprofit foundation: fundación sin ánimo de lucro

short videos: vídeos cortos

a wide range of topics [from... to...]: una amplia variedad de temas [desde...


inspired thinkers: pensadores inspirados

curious souls: almas curiosas

first-time speakers: oradores primerizos

Verbs and expressions

to post talks online: subir charlas a internet

to spread ideas: difundir ideas

to give a speech: dar un discurso

[TEDx] to be run by local volunteers: [TEDx] ser organizado por voluntarios


to build your storytelling skills: desarrollar tus habilidades narrativas

to get on stage: subirse al escenario

to talk in front of big audiences: hablar delante de un gran público

to speak from a passionate angle: hablar desde una perspectiva apasionada

Chapa time
TED Talks


We love TED Talks! Don't you?


Question 1. Are you a curious soul? What makes you think so? Do you

know about TED Talks? What do you think?

Question 2. Do you find these videos inspirational? Why? Is there any one

in particular you really like?

Question 3. If you could become a TED talker, what would your speech be

about? How would you prepare it? Tell me some tips to give the perfect

speech. What kind of problems could you have?

Question 4. If you could, would you attend a TED conference? How can

you benefit from attending a TED conference? And what about TEDx

events? Are they useful? Would you like one in your city?

Bonus question. Are TED Talks a good way to learn English? Why? Can you

think of any other applications?

Chapa time
Afraid of Google?


facial recognition and voice commands: reconocimiento facial y órdenes de voz

browser history: historial de búsquedas

locations visited: lugares visitados

contacts and conversations: contactos y conversaciones

upcoming plans and appointments: planes y citas inminentes

interests and religious/political beliefs: intereses y creencias religiosas/políticas

customized advertisements: anuncios personalizados

Verbs and expressions

to craft a robust profile of you: crear un perfil sólido sobre ti

to know what you look/sound like: conocer tu apariencia/cómo suenas

to keep data on where you live/work/go: guardar información sobre dónde


to track what you're considering buying: rastrear lo que piensas comprar

to use a VPN: usar una VPN

to adjust your privacy settings: ajustar tu configuración de privacidad

to use private browsing: usar la navegación privada

to use a different browser: usar otro buscador (que no sea Google)

to turn off location monitoring: desactivar la ubicación

Chapa time
Afraid of Google?


Google knows literally everything about us. Should we worry?


Question 1. How much do you use Google and its apps? Which ones are

your favorite and why? (Chrome, Gmail, Maps, Calendar, Hangouts...)

Question 2. What kind of things do you think Google knows about you?

Where does Google get all this information from and what does it use it


Question 3. Should we worry about this? Are we "in danger"? How?

Question 4. Is there any way to keep Google from knowing where you live

or what you do? How?

Bonus question. Have you ever felt like Google was reading your mind?

How scary is that? Tell me all about it!

Chapa time
No need for drivers


self-parking cars: coches que se aparcan solos

self-driving cars: coches autónomos

autopilot feature: piloto automático

obstacle detection: detección de obstáculos

lane centering: (el coche) capacidad de ir centrado en el carril

emergency situations: situaciones de emergencia

no need to stop at junctions: no necesidad de parar en los cruces

Verbs and expressions

to be completely automated: ser completamente autónomo

to be networked together: estar conectados en una red

to communicate information about [position/speed/traffic]: dar información

sobre [posición/velocidad/tráfico]

to find the best route: encontrar la mejor ruta

to reduce traffic/accidents/emissions: reducir tráfico/accidentes/emisiones

[the driver] to take over: [el conductor] tomar las riendas

to generate personal data: general información personal

to build a profile about you [that companies can use]: crear un perfil sobre ti

[que las empresas pueden aprovechar]

Chapa time
No need for drivers


Self-driving cars are just about to become a daily reality. Are we ready



Question 1. What are the latest features you've seen in a car? Do you find

things like speed control, parking assistance or the automatic pilot useful?

Question 2. What if we take it to the next level and drivers become no

longer necessary? Imagine a completely automated car... what potential

does it have? How do you think it works?

Question 3. Can these cars be safe? Do you see any risks?

Question 4. What about privacy? What kind or personal information can

be stored by these cars and how can it be used by companies?

MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course): ​Cursos en línea masivo y abierto 

a self-paced learning: ​un aprendizaje a un ritmo propio 

an online bachelor’s degree: ​un grado online 

pros and cons: ​ventajas y desventajas 

tuition fee:​​ coste de matrícula 

at risk of collapse because of the digital era: ​en riesgo de caída por la era digital 

massive college closure: ​cierre masivo de universidades 

to disrupt higher education: ​cambiar radicalmente la educación superior 

to demand a more dynamic form of education:​​ exigir una educación más dinámica 

to follow distance-learning courses: ​seguir cursos de aprendizaje en remoto 

to guarantee the same quality: ​ garantizar la misma calidad 

to shut down a traditional university:​​ cerrar una universidad tradicional 

to enroll in a online college course:​​ apuntarse a un curso online de una universidad 

to be doomed to disappear:​​ estar condenado a desaparecer 

to be more affordable and more accessible than...: ​ser más económico y más 


to take an online course:​​ hacer un curso online 



Okay, the end of universities. Will you believe that?  

Question  1.  ​Do  you  think  traditional  universities  will  exist  in  2030? Or will the 

online universities disrupt this kind of education? 

Question  2.  ​Convince  me  why  traditional  or  online  universities  are  better. 

(Teachers; play the devil advocate and defend the other position) 

Question  3.  ​Do  you  think  companies  will  consider  people  who have taken 

MOOC courses to be hired? Or is it not important?  

Question  4.  ​Would  you  invest  in  a  follow  distance-learning  master’s 

degree? or do you think it’s not settled yet to be taken into account?  


Chapa time
Career choices


career counselor: orientador profesional

career regrets: "espinitas" en tu vida profesional, cosas que lamentas

a career path: trayectoria laboral

apprenticeship: formación

internship: prácticas

soft skills: habilidades sociales

aptitudes: aptitudes

Verbs and expressions

to be undecided: estar indeciso

to assess yourself: evaluarte a ti mismo

to set your goals: marcar tus objetivos

to fulfill the educational requirements: cumplir con los requisitos académicos

to follow your childhood dream: seguir el sueño de tu infancia

to take a risk: correr el riesgo

to rush your choice of career: precipitarte eligiendo una carrera

to have second thoughts: reconsiderar algo

to change your mind: cambiar de opinión

Chapa time
Career choices


Choosing a career is never easy, right? Let's see how clear our users are
about this.


Question 1. Do you regret anything about your career choices? How

would you do things differently?

Question 2. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Question 3. How can you pick a career when you are undecided? 5 tips.

Question 4. Do you agree with the following quotes?

· "If you don’t know what you want to do with the rest of your life, you’re not a failure."

· "You don’t have to pursue what you studied, there are a million other things you are

able to do."

Bonus question. More quotes:

· "There can be great beauty and great utility in what at first evokes feelings of fear

and disgust, so dare to explore."

· "Give yourself more time. So many college graduates immediately start wanting to

make all their dreams come true at once — this can go wrong in many ways."

Chapa time
Save 10% of your salary


interest/saving rate: tipo de interés (lo que recibes por no mover tus ahorros)

saving account: cuenta de ahorros

assets and liabilities: activos y pasivos

mad money: dinero para emergencias

money box: hucha

financial freedom: libertad financiera

investment funds: fondos de inversión

emergency fund: fondos para emergencias

Verbs and expressions

to cut down on debts: reducir las deudas

to build wealth: crear riqueza

to record your expenses: grabar tus gastos

to have a monthly workable budget: tener un presupuesto mensual con el

que trabajar

to put away 10% of your income as savings: apartar el 10% de tus ingresos

to open a retirement account: abrir un plan de pensión

to be a low/high income earner: contar con unos ingresos bajos/altos

to be committed to saving: comprometerse a ahorrar

Chapa time
Save 10% of your salary


If you had to save money to make your dreams come true... how would

you do it?


Question 1. What do you think about putting 10-15% of your salary away in

order to add it to your retirement account? What else can you do?

Question 2. How come many people end up not having any savings at

their 50s? How can you keep this from happening?

Question 3. When it comes to save money, is it better to stick to safe bank

products such as fixed-term deposits or do you prefer taking riskier actions

like joining an investment fund? Why?

Question 4. Should we include more financial education in schools? Why?

How can we convince people they need to save money every month?

Bonus question. If you reached financial freedom, would you keep on

working? Why (not)?

Chapa time
Themed travel


themed travel/tour/cruise: viaje/tour/crucero temático

customized private tours: tours personalizados privados

special interest conventions: convenciones sobre intereses especiales

historical event: evento histórico

author's works and life: vida y obras de un autor

architectural style: estilo arquitectónico

a journey to World War II battlefields: un viaje a los campos de batalla de la

Segunda Guerra Mundial

a do-it-yourself themed travel: un viaje temático hecho por ti mismo

Verbs and expressions

to match your interests: coincidir con tus intereses

to build a trip around a particular theme: crear un viaje sobre un tema


to learn all about wine tasting and wine and food pairing: aprenderlo todo

sobre cata de vinos y maridaje

to bring like-minded people together: juntar gente con los mismos intereses

to attend a [pet] expo: asistir a una expo [de mascotas]

to decide on a region and a theme: decidir una región y un tema

Chapa time
Themed travel


Is there anything funnier than a themed trip? Have you ever tried? Let's



Question 1. What do you know about themed travel? Try to define it and

mention some examples.

Question 2. What kind of people might be interested in this? Is it better for

solo travelers, families, groups of friends...? Why?

Question 3. Do you like this kind of travel? Have you tried? How was it?

Question 4. Do you have any in mind? Let's build one quickly! Tell me a

place, a theme and everything you need to know to make your tour.

Chapa time
Marketing ethics


privacy: privacidad

transparency: transparencia

right to self-determination: derecho a decidir por sí mismos

saturated markets: mercados saturados

free market: mercado libre

consumer protection: protección del consumidor

negative advertising: publicidad negativa

deceptive advertising: publicidad engañosa

vulnerable audience: público vulnerable

Verbs and expressions

to cause harm to competitors: hacer daño a los competidores

to manipulate social values: manipular los valores sociales

to promote consumerism and waste: promover el consumismo y el despilfarro

to be bombarded with mail: ser bombardeado a correos

to make informed choices: tomar decisiones informadas

to use exaggerated and manipulative claims: usar reclamos exagerados y


to trick customers into buying: engañar a los clientes para que compren

Chapa time
Marketing ethics


Wow! We all know advertising can be deceptive and manipulative and

therefore, unethical. Does this affect us?


Question 1. What kind of unethical practices do you see in advertising?

What can be the consequences of an unethical marketing campaign for

different social groups like children? Is advertising able to shape our


Question 2. Should there be more control on this? How?

Question 3. Do you take these issues into consideration when buying a

product or choosing a service?

Question 4. How can we implement an ethical marketing plan? Where

are (or should be) the limits?

Chapa time


calendar: calendario

availability: disponibilidad

time slot: hueco en la agenda

meeting agenda: programa de la reunión

attendee list: lista de asistentes

stakeholders: accionistas

notes/minutes: notas/minutas/actas

conference call: conferencia telefónica

Verbs and expressions

to book a meeting room: reservar una sala de reuniones

to arrange a meeting: organizar una reunión

to schedule a meeting: programar una reunión

to reschedule: re-programar, cambiar la fecha/hora

to attend: asistir

to run a meeting: presidir una reunión

to come up with icebreakers: pensar en formas de romper el hielo

to increase employee engagement: aumentar el nivel de compromiso de los


to go off-track: salirse del programa

Chapa time


Looooong meetings that keep us working extra hours, stealing our free

time. Is that really necessary? Couldn't we just make them shorter and

more productive?


Question 1. What's the purpose of a meeting? How many types do you

know? Who is normally taking part? Is a chairman always needed? Have

you ever run a meeting?

Question 2. How important is having regular meetings in a company? How

often should we meet with the team?

Question 3. Are meetings a waste of time? What are the keys to an

effective meeting? How can you avoid going off-track?

Question 4. Do meetings need any preparations in advance? Which

things need to be arranged? Let's role-play! You are in charge of

preparing a meeting :).


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