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[mnflu Astrotogy Sewea]

Vol. One

Finer Techniq ues


Astrological Predictions

Guide and Editor


Joint Editors
Shfv Raj Sharma Deepak Bisaria
M.S. Mehta Manoj Pathak

1, Introduction 5
2, Satum-Kelu Conjunctions India and The World 18
K.N. Rao
3. Entry of Venus in Gemini - a trying lime for the
government in India — —-—- 46
M.S. Mehta (IPS. Retd.)
4. Saturn Sorrow and Splendour-A Pauranic View— — 63
Dr. (Mrs.) Lalillta Kuppuswamy
5 Mars In Puranas — 74
Dr (Mrs) Lalitha Kuppuswamy
6, Upgrahas and Mental Maladies 79
E.S Issac
7 Don't be afraid of Mrityubhaga - I 96
Meenakshi Rant
8. The American 'Pnncer Dies (JFK Junior) 112
K N Rao
9. Mrityubhag-ll 119
K.N Rao
10. Mrityubhag - III 123
K.N. Rao
11. Mrityubhag - IV 128
K.N. Rao
12. Ketu in the 5lh House ——-—-— 13g
Shiv Raj Sharma
13. Ketu In the 9th House— 150
Shiv Raj Shanna
14. Saturn Mars Combinations and The Kshalnya Personality -164
Rajesh Chandra Dadwal
15. Astro sketch of Dr. Rajendra Prasad 185
Deepak Bisanya
Books by Vani Publications 244


Nature and value of an astrological research

like the 's&rarui shopping bi'Sf sHtcr*' which arc Hoi 111 ilemand
now in 1999 according to a nevvipaper of Enfllaiid, astrology'-lover-fi
ruay also be experiencing a ven,1 pcrcepilhlc clauige Dial has t>rcornr
their flcmand Thry want, being ma 11 si if. even rynlral nntl tlomi (u
earth, an aslrnlcigK-al fur (hoik) logy (ha I "works".
Teaching large classes of stmlcnls In the Bharatiya Vltlya Hiawan
for monr tlian twelve year's now 11987-99), It has been thr rspcrtrnrr of
Ihc teachers (fiat Uic demand lor successful predictive techniques
must be met. No astrologer Can satisfy these students who are In a
hurry, to become experts and famous ovcmlghL
Wr. as aslrologer-tcaebers. cannot ignore this challenge Ihuugh
mercenaries in Uils flckl will keep disturbing us as has happened six
limes between 1989 and 1997 when drastic action has had tn he In ken
against some Irnuhle-making persons,
Sometime In 1995-96. series ol articles on 'astmloglcal research'
were written by o writer with no clear rut ideas of what an astrological
rescanii ikitould be. He compiled a list of some; puhllshcd articles fnrm
the past Issues of a magazine to describe them as research without
even understanding that they were only some untested observations.
In a US visit, this Indian did not gel his talk on astrology in In*, tape
recorded lest his Ignorance be--exposed and his claims to possessing
ability io guide research. This writer's itrnllation Is that he never ever
proved that he had learnt any fine pn-dicltvc technique himself to give
to Hindu astrology a modem look which can and must Ire done. There
arc other pyromanlac asfiologcrb wliose only CQtUrtbutJon dll date has
been (heir false but trumpet blowing claims
A tour of the USA to do astrological readings can be very
rewarding hi many ways lor them to know how primitive (hey are with
their predictive tools, with their murabo-Jumbo which Is fancifully
described as esoteric astrology.

The verdict of the next century

The Gregorian 20th century Is now drawing to a close. The
astrology that will survive In Ihe next decades will have the discipline <if
physical sciences with statistical validity. Hie astrologej-s of the next
century will denounce most of the astrology writers ol this century who
ncgleclctl (he workable (rchniqucs which could be tested, as though, it

/nfrnducf^on Flnfri TecJiniques o( Aslralogical PTedidicis Vol One
was the lahoralory tfst tlxc physical scientists arc used to. Some of tlic
many conduslons they will come to will be:

N on-creative astrologer
Thai articulate astrologers of India have rarely been cncatlve They
were poiiUlfs mouthing piallhutcs picked up fmm hundreiis of cook
books, the sickening tegm-gilatlon readers of astralogical books ftrc
fojirillar with. They wfll be despised and forgotten for their ID-advlned
forays Uiio what llicy called and regarded as a-"iraloglca! classics,

Bhrigu or nndl astrology

The IradlllonaJ ones, particularly those who claim lo know the
secrets of D/iiipu astrology or norli prlt triples might have eunlribuied a
tremcadous .sclcntlflc methodology' in establishing the validity ol
repllcablc principles. If they really knew nadt astTology, though they
liave missed no chance to make such claims even with some published
works. Some books on nndl astrology have confused more astrologers
whose eagerness to leam these secrets have given them no definite
Ideas. It Is well-known that U Is nadf astrology which will provide rich
matrrtal for true and scientific aslrcilugy. Then, 11 becomes necessary lo
keep scanihlng these secrets. Ignoring the available litcialnir which Is
misleading: all claim and no scientific repllcablllly. a strike in Hie dark
which may hit the target.

The modern female

The society that now exists with the success of contraceptives and
women's liberation lias created the predatury female ever ready in
throw herself Inlo any type of sexual encounter. The notions that slick
to female sexual chastity and the strall-laccd uses of Hie Thnmsomsdn
look rldkulons now. with lite other so-tailed niceties of female
horoscopes. VAimett who do not have to have babies, even II married,
can behave with the bluster and dominance of the male. Wbmcn can
satisfy ihctr baser instincts with as much boldness as men could do In
ail eras, openly or hypocriHerdly Hien talking of puritanical moi-allty us
most astrological writers did till Hie Late nineties Is fossilised astrology
of mediaeval ages. Hindu astrologers cannot even think of modemLsmg
Ibcmselvcs to be lu consonance wilh these rcallllcs.. scl/e the
moment, enjoy sex. drinks and whatever falls within the ambit of ones
definition of enjoyment unconcerned with consequences is the modem
ail of living. Can an astrologer look into these areas In a horoscope? Is
he equipped at all to do If? He cannot do 11 because female horoscopy
has always been centred around her sexual chastity only. Tills modem
female Is unfit to be a good housewife in a tradlltonal seme In earlier
ages, woman's 'chastity' was adultery within the secure domesticity of
her marrtagc Now. it is 'lib', I be freedom of Hie wamb The Sbakespexean
Romeo is a bay friend, a "guy" liked or baled now.
AI05 spread and ft appeared to be a mhii-cpidcmic. The reHctlon

Fieet Techniques ol AsCrOloBlcai PreitriSiDns VdI One Inlradiiction
(o It was the <'.omputsoT\' use of rontrsoejUlvrs not sexual nistralul
because those who advertise I heir products, which are tnodcru
adjuncts of sophistfeated llcsh trade, cannot suffer commerelai losses
If men and women go back to a life of sexual chastity.

No one studies iVyaya, Mtmomsa. Sankhya and other such
traLlltlona] suhjecis even In India unless a Sonskrh student opts for 11
Where (n any book of astrology, we call classics, arc even hints
a to 11 a hie to understand managcmenl courses journalism or Ihc
complex eleclronlcs. inforrnaUon sy sir ins. clictnlstry, physics and
cosmeiologv etc? is there any rcaearcli in this area? These [jatterns arc
so many and so hnflllng.

Complex career patterns

A woman who Is a pUnc has done a course in landscape palming
imd Is lesbian, destroys all known nslrnloglcaJ techniques of predictions
when she chnltcnges an astrologer to Iracc her career paltcm,
educaUon and 'marriage" wlfhoul she herself giving a (ilni al>siil U,

Eroiilon of traditional areas

All (his Is beenuse the erosion of traclinonnl values has created a
society which should nut be caller) anarchical only because 11 does not
accept old concepts of education, marriage, chlld-upbrlnglug or the
tallying of horoscopes as sacrosanct Everything must change as the
river of Time Is never stagnant- The terra "hcrliage" Is lumlucsccnl
so me times. dlsmoJ sometimes.

Confused understanding of 'closalcs'

The verdict of Ihc hold astrologer of the Wtrxt Gregorian century
121st) will be that the writers of text hooks of this ccntniy never even
understood t he uses of die leehnlqur s given In what tliey regar ded as
'classics'. Mnny ol llrewritcrs of those'classtcs'-wrrr brilliant asliologcrs.
But they wrote down what were their observations dictated by (he
c lrrumstajices. of llieir tiroes and thdr own Idkisyrnnaslcs whlcll
shaped their thinking. The escapist generation of astrologers of
Buece-cdlng ecnturies, particularly of this century, mistook Uicm lor
Iniaillblc conclusions.
From thai one serious mistake, the noa Inevitable leap was into
greater dartuiess by the writers of books and etlllors of astroluglcjd
Journals known for their excessive dogmatlam. The result was that
even In the sevcnllcs of this runtury a very famous Hindu astrologer
wrote that If Saturn was ImnsUting In tlic 7tJ\ house from anyone's
lagna. It was a vejy Inauspicious time for raarrlagir
Tliesc writers have eonlribulctl nothing to a new and radical re-
thinking abnnl i hose obscrTOtions, Tlielr own astrology was tnnghl In
"Ihc viewless winds* of (heir own chaotic understanding of Jyoiishn No

IntroOiKlion Pine( IccJbotques ot Astroloe^al Pr«!»cJlons Vol 0n«
giv-itcr proof of (his Is needed than to read all tire translations and
enmmenlories available on ©rilipt Pdnashara Hora S/iastm. Bnhal
Jcitaka. SamartJiii Cliinlainaiii Maans-agan and SarQualt Slavish and
trndlonal has been their dogmatic stand on these hooks.
They drought that If tlrey eve* called those observations as
any thing other than conclusions, they would crealc a mcnagcrtc of
tears for themselves and get gobbled by it. Herciufoie, such has been
the consensus among these .istrolugers who were, as though, afraid of
looking hideous hccatist; drey had no research of (heir own to stimulate
fresh thinking without doing much violence to those ancient texts of
astrology. There Is absolutely no lota of any dllTcrcnce of opinion in the
ornmenfartes written by B Suryanaraln Rao. SubramanyH Sastrl,
B.V. Rarruui among them or from the views rrpresscd in older texts,
Bolli B. Suryanaraln Rao and B.V, Ranran wrote on Jaimihl
astrology with serious tcclinlcaJ deficiencies, the former never even
testing his translation to see (hat (he Praia iMfjrta can never be In (he
Silt. 8(h or 12th houses from the lagita and, (he latter, writing a whole
book on Kalachtdcm Dasha which is totally erroneous even In the
method of calculating the dasha. From this poor Icchntcal starting
point, lite book, is a series of slips lutu blunders from the beginning to
(lie end. None of these writers even doubted whether the ancient texts
were complete, not corrupt and without any interpolation
They never even expressed any bold and clear opinion to reconcile
what am cicai contraillctlona. lo (real Lhose ancient bonks as classics
and ilicn to treat Ihclr rnodem translators-cuin-coiutnciitatora like B.
Suiyanaralu Rao. B.V. Raman and ollicrs as modem auLhoritles on
those books and as astrologers of high Intellectual stature Is to
perpetuate a dognta There can never be any logic In die belief that
there must be one and only one conclusion Dowlng from die ancient
Shlokas and Sutras.
It Is only hooks of Sheshadrl Iyer, K.S. Krlshnamurthy bused on
Nadl Astrology of Mccrta and 'Prv<iictii\g thmugii JalmUti's Chora
Dasha" or 'Predicting through Karalazmsha and Manclnak Dasha' that
broke some of these banders Wlvat remains to be done is staggerIngly

The longevity factor

N'o single method of calculating the spaa of life works. Medical
progress has made even corabliiadons for balartsfuo look ridiculous.

LLmications of Trlkaiagsas
Trlkalagnas txx) have their limitations Tliey have reached a level of
uudcrshmdlng which }s far superior to uurs. the puny mortals. But
du-y too give dilferenl cxplanaUous of lite phenomena of the world we
live In.
It is to a elaborate a topic. Enough It ts If we remember the great
Veda Vyas whom rlshls approached before Kallyuga was to begin
Finer lecumques ol Fstologics-! Pn-dictions VdI One (nirndiiiefftVi
\S1iat, in the corrupt era of Knll wauk! be the n«ture of the world,
rcllglau and society was (he r-inc-Sllon iipjxTinosn in their minds.
The great Veda V'yjis, said In an unbeUtwablc way tlial he had no
answer as lie laid not kiinwu ah the (nlftLYJ.s (elciDmts) of (lie world!
The rlshls lound It eh (lien II Iq believe the statement and asked htm who
was there who utulcrstuod il. Me said only his bather Pai-asliaia. who
we believe rightly or wrongly, gave usJyotishn shasiro for our agc-
Tlie rlshis ivrnt to t^anashsra and asked him what would be the
code for KaUyngtj_ Tile Pn/ttshorn Sup tn came to l"w written giving so
many relaxations as arc not available in the rigid Moon Srnrih.
Veda Vyasa admitted that his Divine, knowledge was Itieomplele!
TVlkalagnas are far too below tn the scale. Below the trlkalatmas are (lie
other saints and yogis whose limitations arc 'oo many.
\Vliu Llien can explain tire myslerles of His Univers-e flic answer
is (JK alone-?

The raucoas frog

I low do you then like the boast ol an astrologer who claims to
speak like an authority on all the mysteries and lusrnitable quirks ot
human destiny ?
Koopa MandDokn tile Sanskrfl refers td the frng lit the well which
lajicles thai U lias ail the knowledge of the wor ld. Wfarsl of all (Jiosc who
approach the astrologer go with the expectation thai he. would he ahlr
In explain autl predict everything. And in course of lime yon find dial
die big croaking frog called die astrcilogcr creates his own followliig of
sniiall frogs, die association of frogs, the spausars of (he frogs, (hr
publlctly and promotion of die frogs. It Is what 1 seem to have watched
through all these decades.
But I am concerned with myself and my limilal li'ms I ran from
astrologer to astrologer and found Ilia! each cue of them liad
Uraitadons, terrible limitations. Only ■ few admitted. Others wciv
angty ar Insolent and .UTOgant

Varaiiamthiru's dasha system

A person belli a hlgcdcbralJtm for Xvurdiami]lira somc-ycai s ago. t
asked people to tell me what Wics the dasha uhci) by this great
astrologer. Ohdc, a Jaipur astrologer claimed drat he knew It nnd Uould
reveal It but he never did and Is perhaps dead now. Was U all based on
graha and raahi balB? If yes. which was the mrtlKHl of calculation he
followed out of die four types known to us flow many know that die
rashi and gmlm her/as are to be csluttlaird m lour ways and not one. as
s«mc computers and b»«ks give, depending on die details of the birth
The function was a great success. The television covered lt_ die
newspapers reported and a ubiquitous political dignitary also spoke
Someone was dirscrlbcd as modern Varaiiamlhira. Utirs were dish lljuted.
sonje were honoured tniditionally with shawls Mo one asked the
incortvenicnt queslinn what was tire dasha Vhraiianiilrlrft used
Intrnckiction FinBr TecfinttjjEB al AsKtogial Predialons Voi One
The Icgi-rtrl has It lhal he used a dusha tlirough which he could
predict lliat Hie sou of the king who liad employed him would be killed
by a Vnralin tboar). The king protected his son by keeping him confined
to a palace hut a metal LXualia fell from the room and the prince.
Injured badly, could not survive, dire great slnry Is told and retold but
no one asks Ihe hiconvcnlcnl tjucstlon - what was the tlasha
\^iT«hamlhira was using Where is 11 lostY Can we llnd out? No. the
spirit of inquiry is dead. The cdrbrHtion Is all that matters.
Despair is all that one gets when one begins to rediscover all tills
lost knowledge.

B has karac harya

And who can flghi the Inevitable? \SV talk ol the great
Bhaskatacharya who lined the marriage of his own daughler after ail
calculalions but she became widow soon afier her marriage

Jaimlnl rlshi talked of seven kantkas. Hooks alter books have
been written without anyone try tug to find why karakas other than
Atnmrakanis were menlloned. 1 went to these scholars and drew blank.
In a train Journey arcidcjjtally how the meaning of 11 could be gathered
Is ^Ivat 1 have described.
Yes, I remembered Moorkbannndp who salil lhal the knowledge
was not tosl but covered and wr have to discover It. DlHcovcry means a
spirit of Inquiry not the coneoctlon of one s own astrological confusions
into an unscientific methodology of prcctlctlon There is so nnicii in
iJtusc hidden treasures which we Imve to discover Wiry has Jalmlnl
rncnlloned all these and bbava. ghaitlka lagnas and so many dasha
ilic aggressive frogs are mangling Parashara ami Ignnring Jalmlnl.
The younger generation, with a scientific bent of mind and spirit of
Inquiry is there, with Its own excellent education. They win do II In any
case. That is the hope we must have. The living over-publlrlscd
astrologers do not have one line of original research in any of Ihe
known fields.

Our iiiistakcs
Is there a single honest living astrologer who can say lhal he has
not committed serious mistake In reading and predicting a horoscope?
\U* have a record of tragic personaJ failures hut we are busy Ul pointing
out others" failed predictions and getting delighted sadistically, Will this
ever stop? Will astrologers revive a genuine ami honest spirit of
Inquiry'? No. A new journal wilt spring up and proclaim the great Vedlc
heritage. The Vedas do not contain predictive astrology at all

New Fancies
In the meantime a new branch of astrology has become popular

Fmot Tfcc3tf«atJoi of Aiifokjoica) Prodicttoos vw. One MrachctiOfl
called Medical Asirology which Is a polpouiri ot all cooitihialinns for
artshla without any method of diagnosing any disease. What Is medical
In all this except the clever substitution of the classical word ttrtshla
into medical?

Mundane astrology
There has been no researt-Ji hi mundane astrology on a large
scale, except some stray articles which have appeared In the Joitmal of
Astrology, it Is an area which needs closer InVestigahoti. Good mam1
areas Iiave been explored but not tested cmplrtcaUy yeL Leaders
change parties, gel Involved In higli palace Intrigues reminiscent of the
Moghul durbars, gel involved in seams, swear by Mahatma Gandhi. geJ
THntrlk yagiuis done, get grimly sailsficd nursing no guilt, the rntinlrtt
for success In politics. TO predict lor them, about them is the highest
romance of modem astrology about which ihcte is not n single hint. In
whnl we hove, in our stupor for our ailoratlon for old books.

Wandering between two worlds

There is that world of old nslrnluglcal ecmrepts which arc
Hutkjualed and. (he new one yet to Ik bom. one may say. like Mathdw

Politics of astrology
Our generations will deserve to be condemned as of opportmilslle
scoundrels rnonr: anxious to prnmolr thcmselvrs than to motlrmise
Jyotisha A gang leader Indulging In astrology like the erlmlnal
politician of our era and getting respected like a patrtorch because he
has become old is some tiling resembling tile blood thirst of a tribal
head-hunter. It is a common sight now.

VA will deserve to be condemned for not being able to agree on
even an ayanamslia aeccptiiblc universally because someone's
commercial Interests are involved. There are others who have yei to
prove (hat their 'dlscnvrxy' of a difTercnl uyanamslta Js truly i■evolutionary.

Title hunters
lite concentration was not on genuine research in these decades
but on enlarging the gang of sycophants for whom sonic borabastir
tltle-s in Jyotisha became more Important tiian the great heritage of
rishis. There were the greedy flocks of pseudo-astrologers holh In India
and from abroad to grab them. If someone could arrange it for them.
Has astrology* progressed through tills ritual?

Genes and astrology

Do lite genes in an astrologer's body determine, his bratn's innate
capacity to absorb whatever enters Its rocdirally Inexplicable teaming

InUVOuCllDn Finer Tedinxjues c' Astrctogical Prediclores Vat One
rlrculuy? Arc astrnlogcni born or matlr? Gcucltcally, invcatlgallon In
this area will uo( be made because pliyslcaJ stleiuisls Identify
asbulogers with chariatajis wiio know the art only of exploiting the.
euiliblc. tu more congenial times, when .istrolug)' gels accepted as a
serious inicllectuHl (liselpllno. II may Ikj done- Till that happens,
asltnlogv' will be treated in families where it has been a Iradltlun. as a
brain implant which ncltiier grows nor rictcriorales, a virus which
always infccls but never kills.

Infectious learning of astrology

Wry do people want to learn astrology? There are Ihosc in a
mlnorlly who discover in II a sp' *'ual answer to many questions, some
who haw excellent minds but ll time lo raise astrology to a high level
of intellectual excellence There a a host of greedy studcnls who want
to turn professional just as a thedeni woman does not mind tnfraelions
of sexual code in supplement her income. There arc also those failed
profcsslonAls who discover, in 1», a way of ovcivomlng tliclr technical

Astrological buffoonery
Fnitu tile astro logy of the furluiic-tcnrj with his parrots taking
oui cards arraiigcd in a row, to the TV astrologer who predicts for entire
tumianilv In a 10 minute appearance, astrology has l>cen as frivolous
as ihc bunbuuery of a circus clown. In India the two well-known reports
on Ihc Backward Classes 11)54 and 1980 has classified astrologers as
'bciefcuxird.' In some stales of the USA astrology is Ireaicd as
cntcrhiinmcnt with no legal Uabllily or fear of being dragged to a court
of law, There are psychics, to one of whom Princess Diana had gone to
gel approval tor her marriagv to her Egyptian lover, before her death. \Mr
do nol as yet know what the prcdlctloii was.

Crass commercialism
Thcie exists in tilts era of crass coramcieiallsm no fear of
punlshmenl for astrologers who exploit the gullible and make fortunes
in India and nhroad When everyone btdlirvCs tn -MIrs-and-purchase, in
eonsuraerisl society, astrolugy inusl get reduced to the status of a
pmchasablc commodity.

Lack of facilities of research

There will be some sympathelte rntles in htturc decades who will
appreciate thai a liny group did extol which did all Its research wllhoiit
any palrcuiage and. in tl\c mldsl of all tire gangslerlsm which
aslrologieal battles are.

Final verdict
The final and tnevliable verdict will be lhal Hindu astrologers,
having an advantage of a gteat legacy because jyottsha originated in

Flnar Techmques of Astiologlcal Piedelons Vol One hitrcaucttan
India, (lip-Hopped like a psticm of Parkinson's disease. They quarreled
about ayanamsha. made unprwable and unproved claims like Uje
v-Tltcr referred to earlier and, did It more when Ihey discovrred thai
they suffered from an astrological dcgenctauve disorder which was
mitrca table.

What then is an astrological research?

An astrological research can be defined as;
1. Stemallg valid principles
Tlte appItcHbon of all the eternally valid principles of Hindu
astrology In enlarged prcdlcllve framework to modem world's complex
life, Its baffling educational patterns and trarrers. us sendo ccouomle
Jigsaw puzzles. IcgHllsalion of homn-scxuallly and acceptance ol
lesbianism as modem way « <f living. Ihr clflssirlsm r>ranclcut times and
the cabaret of (he fundamentalisms nf nil brands, religious (Semlnct.
ideological (comrnuntst and capitalist), commercial (mulllitatlunals)
flic area Is too vnst and all can be gone into wtlh conlidciiec as Hindu
astrulugy Is a limitless repertoire of trrhniques. BvK who will do
research In all llicsc and produce them wllhout the fear of their being
eJtplnlicd commercially or, plagiarised by viTttcrs of astrology books?
2. Parameters
Every rrscajrh uiusl have luridly dcllncd paramctrrs based on
srlentllicaUy valid principles, Such parameters arc clearly spelled oul
in books like 'Planers and Chflcfrcn", PtltUiUir.g f/iroup/i JaimlnT*
Chora Dasha", T'rerifrhnp rhmutyli Ivarakamsho and ASandook Dastia"
and oilier slinlhu- lioolis which have come out In the nineties of the 20I1j
rerun ry.
3. Replication
Thcri t-Hidi research niusi have inherent In It I he attraction ol Us
repeatability better known as Ihe principle ni n-pllraliOU- A well known
asirotoger has been against si at 1st lea I research because he never did
any himself, or could ever do II in the Wfcsl., Michel Ga.uquelln did it
most disastrously as lie luicw no predictive technique and did all Ihe
so-called research willi seven pluneis only and. wllhout carpa charts
whlclj western asirnli.'gj' floes rod Itnve 'Pfaneis and Chikirwi
Predicting Ihmuph Jaitmru s rimm Dn.vha", "Pn'dictina t/iruu/jh
Karukamshti and .Vfoodoolr DasMn" have been tested ojt hundreds of
horoscopes all over (he world .uul ihe results have lie en spcctaruiar. It
blasts the pet iheory of a velm^si astrulogcr tlial statisllral research
has no uUlity in H in tin asfrnlogy.
4. Micro-research
There shouid be tnlcm-r^eaivhes to be Icsicti iitiensively. Die
sample chosen should he sntall llrsi but the probe shouid be intensive.
In a micro research, the arivauUige K I hat (he researcher or group, as Is
being done in tin- srrnnd sci tlnu Journal of Astrology can verily
I hi* hnrxwcwpes I re lug used.

IfrUoaucMjn Finer Tcdinmurt of Aslrokxpcal Pred'CMons Vol One
5. Statistically valid research
A research proven to be vaJltl staUstlcally In GOH. eases should be
the starling point to enlarge U with slnmltaneous elimination of errors
In 4Crlti area of faliurrs. Aflcr some years, (lie same research should be
re-tested, even revised. If some errors have crept Into the data or In the
methodology of analysis.
6. Aim is 80% accurate results
When 80% accuracy Is reached 11 has to be accepted as a really
valid research, VWf. got. In many eases, a much higher percentage
already. Aiming al a hundred percent accuracy Is never pssalble for
many reasons, the main difficulty being lite accuracy of the hlrth hmr.,
7. Higher percentage can be reached
In some cases It may be possible still to reach a percentage higher
than eighty, Invarlahly. Mere It must lar rrmetnberr.d that when a
research Is liascd on a Hiutuh-rulc like observation, as will be clear
Irom the study of Rahu In the 3rd house In tills li«ok, lite cheeking is
fast and the data can also be very large. (J II is an Inlcnstvc research,
which is based on 'Jtirga charts or more Uian one daslia, concentration
should be on the synthesis and not on the vastness ol tlic data.
8. Enlarged predictive framework
Then one can enlarge (he predictive Iramework which Is the need
for llie complex life ol our age. Jyotisha alone can provide It, Hindu
astrology being the most developed. It Is possible with the younger
generation of astrologers learning more and more techniques to do it.
9. Group research
The group research is jiiust uscfuL Tliough In the rescarrh paper
published the Instances given arc in the multiples of five. In the actual
class room testing the figure reached crosses many hundreds. In thai
sense, (hese research papers will be the bcaeon lights for astrologers In
the next century.
10. Seminars for testing researches
Each writer ot a research paper must prest-nl his research tn
regular seminars have been having our monthly seminars in the
Bharatiya Vtdya Bhawan attended by at least 300 students In which the
research-papers published In the Journal of Astrology arc discussed
11. The stimulus it provides
A chain of research-subjects emerge onl ol this pmrcdunr as
many shnlents get new id ens. t lurs Is I he first ever rspcrimeul done
anywhere Ui liic world, as far as we know

Modernization: false or true?

Anglttlsatlon of Jyotisho Is not nindrniizarion Just as a Hindi
translalion of a Greek literary (lassie will not make It a modem 20"'
cenlury wijrk. Tlie claim of first writing In EngUsh .iboul and on
jyoilsfio gfiCs to south Indians very rightly, who learnt the English
language much befotr North Indians, because the Biltlsh ships
reached ports ol the South, centuries ago. llie Muslim Invaders

Finer Techniqoes cf Astrological Prebictions Vol One ^trodjcfran
reached north India through Kliybor and Bolan passes while the Brttlsh
reached Bengal and south India Orsh Starling to learn English
language, and even accepting Jobs under foreigners, unlike the Hindus,
except the totuosthas of northern India, who accepted Jobs even during
Moghul times, famlharlty and even command of English could he
acquired. Then came the printing press. The traditional hold of sorne
familtcB of astrological knowledge was broken. Stray successes of some
in diiferenl languages was ready material for the English writers on
astrology whose resort to the trick of laftlng this material and putting
them in English without even acknowledging It. is well-lot own plaglarKm
ill esc works got divided Into categories, English translntlous (<f
publications In IndlaJi languages which was never detected and a morr
clever paraphrasing of these tianslatlous which had deceptive ortgmallty
about them.
There have thus l>ccn only l\vo typ-es of Ixjuks In English on Hindu
astrologv'. translaliotis of translations or a text-book style ol ivrUltig Uj
which (he combinations which have been out of date lor five Inuuln d
to our thousand years have been reproduced. Tin' wonder Is thai these
Inmk*, sell mid Hie still being written.
Hu Journal of Astrology which w.is started with the aim ol
inoderivising astroUigv has filready prodiired many rrpllrablc and
sound research paper's. Non-comnienial. and purely academic hi
appnvrtrh, the research group consists ol the creamy layers of the
elitist classes of India. All thai Hie iciun of rrsearehers need Is moir
and more experience of prcdli tlve success.

Urnnus, Neptune and Pluto

Thr other problem is how shonUI v.r steer clear of the two .Mdvools
of astrology, one using Uramis, Nejituiw and Finto In Hindu astrology
and, the oilier stoutly opposrd to K? Ttaosc (Jial used It Include the lair
S. K, Kelkar of Pnne. In America, (t allecLs tione and even docs nol
appear Mrange to Americans as they are used In these planets
employed In Western astrology which hns nu dasha system- Kelkar had
no answer when at Kanptn he was asked in an astrological coufcrcncc
in 19B5, U> prove how could he explain the happening of an ev'ent on
Hie hasls o( a pexja. If any. (ojnietl by llirsc platiets, or exiilalu an evc.ii)
by say. coining an expression like. In "lihe niukndctsJiu of Rahii and llw
antarda^h'i of Plnio" ;ui event look place, Kelkar failed lo convince
anyone in the coniereticc. Hvi1 ■jtaUi pn-senoe of I raims, Ncptiiiic auil
Pluto In eon)uiieUon v.'tlh one of itvr nine planets. Is all that Krlkai
used, to explain away mi event tu sjvjlllng a marriage, Others argued
thai II was clear even otherwise without Unmus. Neptune and Pluto
And then, talldjig of marhal tens|«ni is like translating an astrology
book In Sanskrit Lulo any ludhui IsugLiage or Eughsh without llrsl
iestlug your uuderstandUig of the itdlokua on many horoscopes — the
first resort of an astrological coward Von have only to many lo suffer
mmitai tension, says tin cxperlcncrd mairtcd astrologer, whether such

ln;ro<l\jcliar, Piner Tocfttviqucs ot Asbtilogical Preflicbcmfi Val One
a corablnatlon Is thrnr Iti the horoscope or not. Why then seek, sheitcr
under Uranus, Neptune and Pluto lo explain all what Is so clear and, a
matter of everyday experience of all mairtcd people?
Astrologers of the next century will denounce most of us of tills
century as unscientific in our outlook, attacking physical scientist;;
without showing thctr own mental discipline.
Astrologers chronlclllng fates With hlllarlaus bluff called
psychology, or predicting dogmatically about wfaal needs careful
checking fall into such mental traps as even Aristotle fell, Bcrtrand
RusseU in turn fell Into such a trap himself when he. In one book
disbelieves the supernormal and In. "Why 1 Am No( a Christian".
described Jesus Christ as a sadilst because he cursed a fig tree.
Russell never realised that U the supemarraal never existed a curse
could nor have killed a tree.
But then throw five stones In different dlrecUonB. Two of them will
fall on the head ol astrologers or, those who think that they arc
aslrologcrs because of their lunatic attraction for astrology. Yes.
ast^ak>||• has hnomt* 3 money spinning Infectton, Incurable yet
fascinating and fashionable. Just as a touch of consumption" was In
the higher social circles of Vlclor fan England
A saner generatlun r»f asimlogers will pass that Verdict on ours:
'thrv were ouarrelsomc and ran afler iiower and raoucv, not truth,
Th-ty were OQllltcians srcklna honour bv lioc.k or crook*.
A puhllsher of astrological bo a Its complained m 1997 dial out of
nearly 20 books Lh,u had conic out as new titles as many as 17 were
plagiarised books and 3 on Pmshna wilit only one eontainlng research
wfillc the oilier two were totally subslandanl for readers who have
advanced sulUclenlly in their studies of asuology already The source
for all Praslma twlng Shafpanchasika. Tajik (VcelakanhU Or in reec^tl
years Krl&hniirnurrliu Padriftiili and some other works !he nuihors
appeared to be cunning foxes wh» knew that there were publishers
who rnnld lie fc»lcd Into aixcpUng their ma tut scripts. Readers demand
luckily Illustrated and sharply focus-sed dlBeusslouuf attclcut aslmloglcal
principles for Ihc day lo day life of modern life.
Tiir more aggrc-sstvc writers, know the art of writing In a trendy
way (hat has come in stay. Ihe pseudo 1 e.vl bonk style witit no
originality but wllji pnifuse references to the rrsliis. V-bdlc nstroiogy, a
S'ansJcnf gautanqn mid sonw homscopes to Illustrate what ts cliche
ridden and well known, needing no nmv explanation. What they write
are not books bin ego trips in which you find their palhologlcal
Innblilly lo 11 be rale themselves hum their neuroses Nowhere in ihose
books Is there ,my IntelUgcjrcc, There Is the Inevitable slough of
mediocrity and franduknee. Tlrcre Is diabolical cleverness to ensure
regular How of money ol dollars, pounds ami mpecs. So Ihcre Is u
(orimdn available of wi lling and llhc aftlllly to spin out an aitlnle or a
book or both. Ihc ability lo >(ray Item linidamentaJs ot astrofogy ami tu
milk an inconr-luslvc research. I rased on plagiarised maierliiJ. and

Finer TechniQues of Astroloalcai P/edict*jns va Onn inltotivCtor)
make It all look like esoteric stuff.
A vain hope of this century, h dream, a vision that Jyotishls woukl
led ctxlliused to explore, In a spirit of mutual icspccl and Inlcllectual
sliarlng a great tradlUan lias been damaged. Can it be repaired In the
next century seems to worry' none of those who arc sclred with the
Immediate that brings them money and some publlcrlty.
Stagnation hi astrologlca] research wIU not be the rase now that
Americans have taken to Ik Some of the Americans with a background
of good cducalton will be able to take it to some good heights If they are
not In a hurry to do wazy experiments as some professionals In that
country do. The blaze of a new Illumination Is now available In the
nearly 40 Irooks published by some members of the leaching faculty of
Ihc liharatlya Vidya Bhawm. the only orlglnHi research books to have
come out In the last fifty years alter Sheshsdrl Iyer and K.S.
Hope must spring eternal in human breast for a be tier future fnr
jyolisfm tn the ncad century.

Satum-Ketu Conjunctions:
India and The World

K.N. Rao

From 1997 to 2O02

Let us nwMtrfnbcr t/i<r verdict of Uwjamaus hislorim. US. Lai thai il
has always bcctt easy /or the truxidrrs la get trnllars from the Hindu
society in northern India, which avis an unjust society, (p 25 of LP,
S/hirma s Htstoru of Medieval India —K.IV Rao)
Hlslor>r is, mostly, the record of noon s blood (hirst They who call
(Jicraselves historians have chronicled the rise to power of mlghly men
of their limes. Carnages arc recorded How many chronicles of such
human bnitallly remain unrecorded must be enormous. Available
history may lie a mere trickling of endless stories of Intrigues and
distrust, Tn dictatorships and raonarr-hics •f earlier times. II led to
assassinations. In dcmociaclcs as we have, it is sophisticated yet. (he
motlvailons arc as Ignoble as ever. The man In power Is mostly a brute.
For us. the astrologers. It should interest us to know whether
there exist some parameters In Htndu astrology to foresee those
dangerous times more unmistakably than the less violent, therefore,
deceptively peucefu] - Looking limes. It Is topical because tn the month of
January 1997. Saturn and Kctu were In the same degrees tn Mcwia
while Rahu and Mars too in Kanya were In the same degrees These
(wo patrs of planets nppoaed each other. Il Is an nminaus sign for India
atirf lite world In the coming monllis developments will shock us.
Disasters, partlculariy explosions and diseases will hit ncwspapci
headlines. So first about thr planetAry position of the English New
Year. _Tllere is- no ostmlpgirnl basis Jar makiny predictions on the
horoscope oj I J+nnnry of any year. A!i dial one can do is lo look at the
planetary position of this day.

Back to Cold War from January 1997

Saturn and Ketu are placed In the vrvenlh house from Mars and
Rahu and are rjulte close in degrees. On January Q, tliese plajicts got
dangerously closer. In such situations there arc spread of diseases,
attempts cm the lives of leaders ami all round violence. Police and
medical autharities will have heavy trsponsiblilllcs to dlscliarge It will
not strike overage nnicspaper europi those in diphmatic -servtces and
exjji'ns ai CnPrrnaironaf rek'lions that in Jimuury 1997 the mid uur

Fmer leohpiQues of Astrological Pfetllcbottt Vol One SaJuF»-Kotu Co"|urtcr«o}
ichidi was nftnoii/ chmd txtw^xn the former >tipc-r-p&a»crs. USA and
Itnssln . /ins come hark in a guarded, sixwt and dnngeronsly odd ivay
In Jntmasy 1997 Russia and Chinn concluded economic and milClaiy
agivements Rnsslnn suspicions against the secret plans of USA have
thai i' substance now, than In the euphoric post-perestrolfca period of
Cnrbdchcv. The USA has been strcnglitciilng NATO and seems to be
planning Inta! annihilation of Russia, knowing that lusplte of the
collapse of liic dreaded communist glanl. the USSR, II. Is stlil a
dangerous nuclear power. Sooner or latci. some Russian rulers. In a
vengeful mood, can wage a nuclear war against USA- fwcn-()y or openly.
Why slid aid Russia and China come closer now. unless the danger from
the USA was real ? These two communist giants o( (he eighties had
slramtd relatioos. Now like brothers who need each other, they have
Joined hands. On 12 January', newspapers reported (hat Russia had
already supplied most dangerous military cqulpmctil lu China foi a
possible preparedness against any America:! war game wlilch can gel
slur led because the USA has already deployed Its own sophisticated
uurlear weapons- In Taiwan This was when these pairs of malefirs
Mppieyt d eiieli nljier Knelreled by NATO, Russia has made II clear thai II
(in Idiigcr trusts USA and Us deceptive pmclamallDiis lor world peace,
USA Is a mercenary rountry, wltli all liie evils a capitalist country has
(o have. It is interested In promoting wars because Us annameut
(tvlustrics cannot afford to lose huge profits. Then China ever under a
(Jioral from USA from Its military bases hi Thtwan. nrusl have decided
(o I i loner lo Russia, in the mutual mteiesTs of bo tit coutiirles No
one Is bilking of n coltl war. Vet. what has happened aftri the military
iigtecnie.nl tielwoeii Russia and China aiul Ihc supply of anus, by
Russia in Cluiiii is that the world ts back to old days ol cold war. wllli
tmeasy susplekms,
India lias Itad In ask llic Amerliran emliassv In lodSa to ask two ul
Its huge staff of 120 members m India after II was lean it tital lluougli
Rat la n 5eh gal It was trying to penctiatc Indian InlcUigcncc. In turn,
India Is said Id have got the tnformattan fmm a tip olTgiven hy RussIh.
Times of India 113 January 19971 quoting Sunday Times (London I 'huj
somehow Russians got wind ojthe operation and exposed it to the Indian
gairmmenl There Is In the CIA a "Russian rnole" which the CIA was
not a wan: of, according to the Sunday Times All dial was happening
during 1 lie eold war days has been happening all these years and. Is
now surfacing in the news

Turkey and Cyprus

Russia has supplied dangerous missiles tn Turkey for a possible
oiunter-attaek by Cyrirus vvhlclt 1m in possession of Us rnlsnLk-s It <ill
resembles the old told war davs already :il*mt whltb ilinv yei hicc'ts no
tllscusslon in the press, USA warning Uirkcy against tlir use of
missiles Is atlually bilking aggressively against Hie Russbin supply ttl
missiles to Turkey

Satum-Ketu Conjunctrans Finer TecJvniques qf Asiroio^rai Predictions Vot Q.-,o


24 November 1992, with three Tuesdays foiling in if.

Leg Kstu
KMU -ii

/ 8
Miars MertR)
Rshu Mtrr(R)
\ Sun Ven Sun Jup

/Trre the 9th house is under afpiclion with bath the luminaries
being gripped hy Rahu and a regtrograde Mercury, ever ready
to cause any upset any time. Then the 9th lord. Mars aspecled
by Saturn from the 11th house confirmed his reading of a
communal frenzy of that fortnight. Mars would retrograde
after four days. Mercury, as already shown, will move back,
get into direct motion and re-enter Vrischika. Sometimes, he
gave the chart and gave no reason. He had the mortification
of seeing his predictions being lifted by an astrologer, who
publishes his man Ptuu/uingii lifting Hardeoji's predictions
bodtly. Then Jlardenji started publishing bis Permkr/nga last.
There were some court cases also between them. I knew what
else he must have seen which he did not discuss. He became,
over-cautious as he saw the danger of plagiarism by uncouth
astrologers chasing game and glory which Cod reserves for very
few. No one can take his place, even (hose who maligned him
when he was alive.

Rner Tetri^ues ol AslnDiogssI Predctlons Vol One SafurrMCefi/ Co^ncfiwrs
Inr si and Her Maslua Neighbours
For Israel which has elected the hard-boiled Netanyahu as Its
Prime Minister. Us neighbours have been me a greater threat now than
ever before Uiough there has been some good agreement reached,
Islamic fundatncnlallsin Is on the rise tn Uirkey whiclr has been
regarded as a 'progressive slutc. Egypt cannal control Its own Muslhn
fuudanicntiillst It Is not nllowlrig unlicensed preachers to do their

The question which astrologers will be required to address

thcmnelvcfi to is: will there be a big war in the next/cut geairs. The
answer is an absolute yes. It will not be the destruction of the
world, but will reduce this globe we Inhabit into a war-ravaged planet
before 2002 A.D. It is to ugderstand that this paper is being
presented. Lunar fortnights will have to be analysed closely. See a
historic esample trom the writings of Hardeo Sharma Trtvedi.

Hindu New Year (TApril. 1997)

If 1990 was bad, 1997 will be worse because •! some clear
(rlghlcntng trends Violence is vlslhlc ndhl does no) appear lo be s-i fe,
Unless tlte police and clll/cns ooopiiratc, leiTorls! arUvltlca In tile
ropital of India will become a serious problem. The epidemic, tliaf lib
Delhi In lire summer and rainy season of Delhi will come back in a new
way 11 will kill more people titan it did in I99G. Delhi aihtihilstrallon
should clean up the city With the cooperation of citizens much more
briskly than has been done ever lie lore Tire close degrees or retrograde
Mar?, wllb the iagUa hi the New VeHr Hnruscone Is frlffhtcntng.
As astrologers, vw should see whether In mundane astrology,
such a reading has any valid basts and repeal ability. For this reason
three horoscopes, one ol 9 January 1997 whldi concerns us
Immedialcly. Iwn hnrusca|ies one of (he (sniaus aMagraha of ft
February 19132 and lire otiier o( 20 October 1962 are given here. In ihe
llunJ lioroscop**, the close derfn.'trs of Afnrs tmri Kent from KarHa Just
oppoadu (o Saturn and Rafiti en IMakar run ftc seen and hielr degrees
noted Mundane astrology has unfortunately, been mostly very wild
bciansc astrologcj-s ncftiicr study history nor work on data of pas)
many hundred years to understand the planetary compulsions Ixhlnd
itutlur historical events [see horwscapcs 1.2 and 31.
dlnncis imp?! and not coiTrppf said an nsirnfngcr niany rimes wnich
ts wrong, If (here is no planetary compulsltm at all. there would Ik no
need for astrology. I( Is a predict tve science Keeping, this tu the mind,
let us watch the Indian and world scene for the nexl six mouths, from
January to June 1997. with bated biealli ami a sense of agony born of
spreading lej-rnrlsm particularly In Journeys anil communications and
the media. Now look at die tliree horoscopes given, later
Study the close pnaltlons of Salnm and Ketu and ot Raliu and
Mar> and. their degrees for (lie period. January to June 1997 "then go

Sufurj-Wefti Con/woiwri Fin® Tcd^ntqufei of As.'rofojicol Pfc-dictooi Vw One
bai-k inla past history. Now proceed to analyse the charts given In this
&tudy covering a perU>iJ nearly of one thousand years- No! all charts
will bt analysed.

Alexander's Invasion of India (327 B.C.)

(see horuscapc number 23)
Varahaniihlta gave to India Mahar as liie lagua on the basis of
which predictions about India have always been made successfully. \Vc
do not know lire, month and dale of his Invasion. Itl (he position of
Saturn. Ralni .Kctu and Jupiter can be taken Mars may have moved
he)ween Vrishabha and Karlia. What te the importanae of Vrishahha and
RnlhnL luikxhaira for 1/id in 7 Tfus que'^Unn ruiil gel answered in this

GKajtm'E. Onslaught (98B to 1024 A.D.)

Saturn-Rahu Kelu wilt remain In kendras ami In duiisuxihtiaija
raslUs even If tile month and date Is dllfeienl. Ir ts an imjxirtajjt
principle. In liie history lext books ol India Uds has always been
referred to as une of the grealesl l rage dies India had witnessed, next
only to Tlnmr's invasion.

Ghori'ii Invasion of India (27 Nov. 1194)

Mohammad Ghorl had made an Initial attempt to get a foodiold on
the Indian soli hul he had (n face a brilllanl Rajput warrior PrlthviraJ
Chauhan and he was defeated, but he could nul forget Ids humiliating
defeat Raja Jayachand's daughlcr Samyukta was In love with
f'ntiiviraj Ctlauhan who kidnapped and married her. Raja Jayairhand
could not forget and forgive PillbvlmJ lot this and he conspired with
Mohammad Ghorl lo benny PrlthviraJ who lost die battle and. was
killed. Now Mohammsd Ghorl proceeded lo destroy KannauJ and his
erstwhile friend, Jayanhand. who wms killr il (n a battle. Jayachsrul's
kingdom was plundered. Jaychand suffered the fate which traitors
stifle ciEven now he Is remembered as (he great traitor who had no love
for his country and the nation.
It Is worth remrnibrrlng that while wllhtn fifty years after the
death of Prophet Mohammad. Muslims and Islam swept across whole
of western Asia and reached uplo Spain. 11 got no foothold In India for
three hundred years and could not carve out a kingdom. Muslim
invaders then found in Hindus some Jealous kings, who were willing lo
betray Ihelr rivals at the cost of Ihc Italian and Hindu religion. U Is this
trcachcty which has been rclerrcd to- by Professor K.S. Lai Iquolcd at
the beginning of this paper, 1

Astrology: Sec the horoscope

1. Saturn and Mars arc in kendras. (lirrc I may be wrong. If die
roomh of Invasion was dlfretenlli
2. But Kctu In Vrlsbabha and Rahu In Vrischlka.

Fmef Techtilcj jcs of Astrological Preil-ctions Vol Ono Stffuw-A'«fu Cao/unawos
3- Earlier, botli Saturn and RaJut la Dhanu were strong enough
Indlcallons of coming disasters.

fn ail thci.c- ca^s I Iiqxv taken the n*?an?sf arid the correct yi?or
bul / iiaoe genernlfjy foken t/ie monih of May a.s (he month oj
mecLSton. It is well known thai in tuiniet. the ineaders could
not cross Botan and Khyher passes because* oj heavy snow.
They invaded after the snow season Wid be/bre the onset of
the monsoons frmrn June to September / must lioioeoer
confess thai my choice of the month oj May Is only a giu-ss
auri specnluULv-
Rcad Ihr commems given against (he charts which arc Llir great
principles whlcti (he late Hardco Shamta Sliaslrl IVlvedl made use of.
for Ids most tarllllant mundanr pn:dictlons. for aver fifty years wilii .>
consisumey and hritlinuee, which no astrologer can adiieve or, rortie
even within rnlles of his achlcveinents to claim any success. II is
notcworlhy, lhal he wrote tlu tu out in his Ponehongas, whicli camr
onl one year In advance. Unlike other astrologers who nrad (he
newspapers and stuff the evrmls described, into their astrology
ilanlrojl wrolr them when no one could even imagine that events lie
predicted, could happerc

My Readings of History and

Hardeoji's Ponchanga
I work single-handed, taking pains to read historical references
very properly, preparing the horoscopes on different computer

Hardeo Shi ma Shastri's Techniques

I read the Panchangas of Hardco Sharma Shastrl. the laroous one
In Hindi, the MshwiJ Vijay Panchang. and found htm using some
principles consistently over a period of fifty years. Out of more than
sixty or seventy principles which he applied with brtlllam success, he
picked up his astrological warning signals (rum the l oil owing parameters
Pctrnmefers to be tested, on the charts are:
1. Saturn and RKA together.
2. Saturn and Rahu or Kctu In kendras from each otJicr, mostly tu
dinismabhaua ntshls.
3. Rohlnl or Vrtshablm afflicted,
4 From the time of Varahamlhira India has been aflotisJ Makar It
has been found thai iransiS of Siluni In Makai oi ICitrkn has
always been h period of great but painful change In Indian history,
5, Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, strangely air times of disaster
laic Hardeo Sharms Sliastrl Trlvedl made hrilll.inl use uf this
time-tested principle.

Sswi-Ki'Hu Cofijjndiot'i fmef TecSntniea o' Astrological Prodidlons Vol Ooe
6. Watch Oie role of maleflcs Saturn and Ketu and Mars and Rahu
Indhldually and collectively when In ccmjunciiou and when In
mutual aspects..
7. Ailrl to these the role nf eclipses always
B. Examine the ctlccts of Satum-Jupiter conjunction or opposition
9. Tlitn he used his chakras. which no other astrologer known to me
knew how to apply.
I have lound rhc hints given in the Pnnclmngas (almanacsl of late.
Hard co Shaatii Sharma Trivedt, the taiiwus Vlahwa Vijay Pan eh an gn
of Ids time, when he wrote In it as its editor having classical basis. In
those predictions I have tdways found him giving brilllanl hints orcry
now and then to which a reference has been made already earlier. Once,
he gave me the old copies of his Panrlmngas. the only copies tliat were
left with (lira, on ray rcgucst. and tald me that he would not gilt them to
me as he had to have his own en pics, I appreciated It. read them as
much as J could, his predicliun fuiinljgfn by furtnighl, for twenty four or
toorc fortnights of eai.h year, written one year In advance, VWI1-
luformcd about Indian and world altalrs. 1 could see In cold print, the
hrllllHnec of thai man. I could no! take down notes, (he absorbing
reading seemed lo corrode the Inside lining of my astrological being.

Nehru Would be I.enin of India |1938|

He was an astrologer who saw so rmirh, never even desired lo
mow out nf thr heights of the Hlnmlayas at Solan where he had a big
bujigaluw- Hkr house He did all lite work with a liumlluy I had nol seen
In )uiy astrologer. 1 was. as though running duo ugh Uu: stormy ami
blood-stained dccatlea lirfore Indian Independence, the orgies ol
cummunal riots which my generation had watched and witnessed The
anguished helplessness of those very leaders had fallen Into tin- dap.
rhe-tr charisma had maiir them the heroes they v.'ere not, as our
subsequent history revealed.Wily was NeJim chosen as die I'rtmr
Minister at all ? The answer was not in the pminiyal ol I he intrigues of
K'ehni against Rajendra Pras,itl and Sartlar \hllahhblinl Rate], It was
there, given in cold print In the prophecies ol HardcoJI, In 19-V8. Wehru
mould he the Lenin of India.
Wis tlic consolidated British Indian Empire, a British legney nf
wise ride or a superlmposttlnn ol sra-brlgands who liad done It. with
Uu hnnest Intention, but to live like kings In India, amass wealUi and
promote British business, is the questlou wr have always asked "lite
last British Xdeeroy. Lord Mount batten, had been sent to India to make
the British exit possible with grace, It never happened In human
histury ever brfure. Hul the CtimpeUrrwJ logic of pianola, not Ihe escapist
interpretation that phuictb impej, not eompc!. wns what HardcoJI conltl
see. very early Repeatedly, he used many of his scnxct techniques of
mundane ushologi/ lo lui-csee wfral to other astrologers was e
musicltss dance of inscrutable planets Jamohnrlnl rVohni had beaome
a pairioi aceidLTUally, ivth-n he qficv (fiorcnio/i de-lndianizalion in ihe

Finer Techniques ot Astralogol PrecSdlons Vol One Safem-Ketu Coqjunchons-
setien years he had 3pent in England {mm tfie age of sixteen. had come
back to India and wanted to become the member of an all-white club. He
was refused membership because he, a wbltc-complcxioned Kashmiri,
wau a black or a brown man still, for liic English. Nehru then turned
towards the group nf patriots lc<! by Mahatma Gandhi to become, as It
was In his stars, it) bccoroc the most exclusive memher of the
Gandhlan club of patriots. Who remembers history ? But here was
HardcoJI saying In 1938 that after 1948 he would be the Ixmin of India.
Yes, It was 3 tragedy but thai Is astrnlogy at its very best also. He saw
history he foresaw It. Saturn In Rohliil on 9 August 1942 when
Mahatrua Gandhi launched his "Ouil Indta. moocmcnt He described
the shape future would take. He talked of Salurn and Rahu being In
kendras. Earlier, In tils youlh he displayed his tceluiUiuca In his
writings, hi later years he stopped It when a Jealous astrologer lifted
bodily his predictions and brought his own Panchanpa. After thai be
made sure lo take some precautions:
a. He bmught out his Panc/inagm iasl lu the market as lair as March
while others not conQdenl like him tiial their Ptmehonpos would be
sold, ramc oui In January with disastrously bad predictions
b. He did not discuss his tcehnlques of cfiokras .
c. Worst still, he only icteiried lo bad or good planetary eomblnalions
and predicted aiicmafely with rldrtly and precision
d. And then like the puritanical Braiimin hf> was he ended with a
sermon Invariably, "Prny to die GoddessJor better deetsiarts b(; the
men in pomor".
I had lo cast many astrologlrai charts to understand what lit was
saying and why. Let me show three of such exercises, which I hod to do,
aniong many, to understand his predu dims, I did mmiy original
researches in roundanc astrology and discussed diem with him. Here 1
am presenting a piece of my research based on Hardcolis hlnis.
He used many cliakras. one of which Sonphntfo Roshi chakras
shows a very new type of aspects which he used In Itme events in
mundane- astrology, Using 11. he mode a ptrdkilon alxnii the last week
of May 1964 as fatal (or Jawahartal Nehru who died on 27 May. 1964
In 1991, he made a slmlLir predlcUou, one yenr advance, about (he.
communal situation in LLP leading to Hie dismissal of the guverurneut
of Utlar Pradesh. Ttu* Ramjannia Bhoorai was m news, the Babrl
sirucfurc was demolished Dccrnihrr 1992.
I too had made this prediction for a Hind) weekly, months In
advance. Hut my basts was the analysis of (he planetary position of 6
December. 1992 when the Vtshwa Hindu I'art shod had announced Its
agitation at Ayodhya.
Later, ray attention was drawn to Hante.ops predictlun. Knowing
his technique, I analysed 11 and had a clear nnswrr. how he could make
this prrdiction, one year In advance
On 24 November 1992, a Tuesrlay, the New Moon cliaft showed
1. Conccntraton ol malcJir inlluences along the Vrlsha-Vrischika and
Saftira-Kclt/ Conjuncttoni Ptw T^stfiswjuet o' Astretostca' PreSiaiont Vo< Gno
Karka-Makar axis.
2. In this fortnight there would be three 'I'licsdays.
3. Saturn and Mars aspcctlng each other was bad enoiirjli but Mars
would retrograde on 28 November
4. Mercury, already retrograde, would re-enter Tula Crora Vrlschlka
and re-enter VtlBchilta.
5. Venus would, entered Makar. a day before, under double ailllcUon.
First by jolnlng Satum and then Its aggravation through the aspect
of nilragrade Mars.
6. On tile Sanghatla raslu chakra It was not so bad but on Sanghalla
nakshatm etiakrn II dearly pointed towards disaster in lite state of
Ultar Pradesh according lo his own ncscarch.
7. The other rhakm he made use of was Kaiyjoor Chakra which 1 have
not seen. He had lost It or. someone had stolen from his house-
He did It for nil the fortnights of the coming year, examined the
aspei^iH on various rliaknis and evaluated his readings of the cfl'cuts of
planets on politics, slock market, general Tnarkcl and weather In five or
six sentences he wrote out those readings. Once In a while, he quoted
some Sanskrit stanza In support of his readings. His classicism was so
rich that almost for any fdrtnlght. he could quote a shloka.
I have given an example already before.
Sec that again to re-lcam a valuable lesson.


24 November 1992, with three Tuesdays falling In if.


It Ketu

2 Us

Ranu MerfR)
.Sun Ven Sun Juo

Finer Techniques of Aslrological FrsdlcllDns VQI One Sstum-Keiu Comunaions
Example 1
N.\. Jup 10 // 9 \ 8
./ orsi
Ven Sat
II NvX Mcr(R) 7 0Tc5fi
Sun >c
Moon 9 January 1997
/ 12 / 6 ; \ 05-30 A.M.
/ K«lu CTOI Rahu 07a51 \
Mars QT 52 y New Dcthf
Sal 07058 India.
Ex. 1
3 5
2 'Lap Ven Rahu
/ \ MsRR) DT'SI
S ^ Nv Sun Mjks
Moon 07=52

Example 2

Wa 'n\
Sat Mn;
Sun jup
tAcon Rahu
Ketu / Astagraha 23037
Ven/ 5 Feb 1962
03:04:00 A.M
New Delhi
MQOn Ex.2
M«j Ven
Kctu Jup
:M 37 ' Lag

Example 3

SA 28'35
Lag n'S7
W-n Mef 'Aars Mai i
Ji;ptR| Indo-Chinese 1(?A9
Q9v3fi War Ratiu
3 Get 20 1962 11"37
fAc>on Sat 05:30 A.WL
11'22 Delhi
TON. Kelu Ex.3
Sal \ / lUa?
n-32 V /■
KelU ^ Lag
Ven Son

Ssium-Kotu Conjunctions Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol One
Example - 1
1. Notice the degrees of Rahu and Mara which are so dangerously
close in Kanya.
Z. Now notice the degrees of Saturn and Ketu which are again so
dangerously close In Mccna.
3. Note how these two pairs of planets arc at 07° each and are
opposed exactly to each other, one pair of malcflcs to the other pair
of malcflcs. India and the world will have to face this situation for
the period: January to June 1997.
This was the famous astagrnha after which India suffered worst
humiliations at the hands of China. Nehru. Indian Prime Minister, had
a stroke of paralysis and India's foreign exchange balance liad reached
the lowest ever level.
Sun Moan Mars Mercury! R) Jupiter
22D17' 2(745' os^sr 23r'43' 25° 16'
Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Lagna
24° 19' 1(729* 24c'37' 24c3r 20° 17"

See the planetary position of 9 January 1997 and compare with

the one given when Slno-Chlncsc war took place oii-ZO October 1962.
Notice the degrees of Mars and Rahu In Karka and Saturn and Ketu In

Start with these examples and apply them conststently to the

other horoscopes yiuen in this paper. Read standard hooks of
history and check and re~check your facts. Read more titan
one book so that you are able to get the opinion and
assessment of different schools of thought In Indian history
for instance, me hone the naUanalist historians and now the
'Nehru' brand of leftist historians who want to portray the
invading plunders of western Asia as noble men mith chantable
disposition and. eoen religious tolerance. Earlier, we had the
thiperialist-lusiorian mh«se sole aim was to wield their pen as
psychologically efj'echue pen to create in the suh/ect races a
feeling of inferiority in their omn culture Their attitudes
conflicted, their interprcfotions if rend together give to us an
ugly intricate pattern of an ugly Itistorical carpet on mhich
generations of Indian students trill be fed But pick up the
correct dates from these books, and apply the astrological
principles given bejore. >tiu see mhal tins actually happened.
Tftal is the superiority ofjyolisha.

Finijr Techniques tri Asfioiogioal Ffedidions Vai One Sa/urn-Knty Con/unctons
Example 4

Rahu SattR)1
0900" twia
Moon Lay
Mots SattRI GhazoP Invasion
Jup of India
12 27 Nov. 1017A,D
Kstu Rahti
osRae EHaae (p 49 Cfescont
Moan Ven India by S R Mars
Ker &. 4
Sun Jtrp
Mer Kctu
Sun 09:3C'

1. Saturn Is 09' 19" and RaJiu 09'336' In kmdnx

2. Halm Is asptrlcd by Mars.
3. Saluni and RKA art- In duusutsbuurciuishlt. a time tested principle
of Hardcoj 1

Example 5
N. 7 V 5 Sai Mer Mars
12c-51 Sun 1^07'
e 4 Ke<)i
fi Lay
Moon/ \ Plunder of the
/ 3 Temple of
s S Ven(R) Somnath
f Rafm Mars sometime in 1024
\ 27'32 1!>=07- AD
\ K Bt u JupfH) May 25 (?)
12 /7
10 \/ Sal Mei EkS
Jopl Rl/C i^sr Sun R»nu Moon Lay
11 / 1

1. Mars and Kctu arc together, close m degrees,

2. Saturn in Mcrna end In Kcndra from tiirec malefli s-

Sa!um-Ketu Conju/wAons Flnet TechnKwes at Ast'ologicgi pfeaciions Vol Orv
Example 6

7 5 Ven Mar
\ KiGbj, Jap
^ e / A Son
S Ny/ tag
Rahu Mars V Moon
Jaychand betrayed Moon
r i' Mohd Ghon men
n. Sal destroyed Kanoaig
and Jayactiard
/ 2 6
ID / K«lo
12 Alton Mttf
Njup Sun /
Sat Rafiu Lag
/ 1 Mars

1- Rohini and Vrlsha rashl arc under allllcaon.

2. Saturn in Dhanu must bceni in Ucndra from Mars, when in
Mithuna in earlier montlis.
3. The month of May chosen here Is only my guess.

Example 7

&\[/// Koiu
X/4 Sun
SactRyA. 6
lag yA \yftn Prllhvlraj Sun
Jup Chauhan Ven
jS 9 ' Mars3 Mar \\ defealsd
C ftaha Ketu / Mohd Ghon
N. titoan July 1191 AD.
12 7
\A /
to /itX Ranu SattRi Lagna
jA Jup S 1 Mr; on
A v.

1. Saturn and RKA nol In kendras.

2. Only Saturn and Mars had opposed each other from Vrisha and
3. Ghorl suffcaed a hi initiating dt-IeaL

Dr. B.V. Raman's Research In

Mundane Astrology
For many years, Indian astrologers 1 bought (hat Dr B.V. Raman
had dour grral research In many branches of astrology. |>artlcularly in
mutidaite astrology. Under the chapter. "Astrology and History", in Ills

Rnet Technique gl Aslrolog^csl Prefetoiss Vol. One Saium-KBiu Coniundws
book. Ptont-tary Ja/Iijifoopi on Human Affairs', lie wrilcs: Sfmi/arty in
Indkm htslonj, (Jic IsqiisUj, ofSalum tn Ccmc^r and Jaijilnr in Pisces
sixm to hare irnponunr con,seqm??ices..- ralcnlaling bactovard, we have
the sarttss of events: the first hat tie of Panipat. the second bo ttle iff
PuUipiH, £/il-first Mysore IVur, thefirst war of Independence alc.fp 115). li
wc rxumlnc tills statement of Dr. Ratsmn tt shows, that It was not a
iTwearch btil a pure guess which we all accepted as coircct and even
tjuotcd, often. I am guilty of quoting 11 myself to my students. wlUioul
examining it.
Now sec these instances:

Timurs Invasion
P398-14-O0 p. 149 Crescent In India)
"Die familiar talc, or tragedy, has been oft recounted Hi pathctii
tlclalls, ofDmnr. like Assyrian, came down like a wolf on the fold, and
devastated the Punjab to Delhi, passing through Attock. Mnltan,
Dlpalpur. Bhalul, Slrsutl. leaving atiarrhy. famine, antl pestilence
behind him
Sec aslrologii^il points menlioned against the chart. Examtne (lie
statcmeul of Dr. Raman. Saturn was In Vrlschlka and Jupiter ni
Cancer Dr Raman" research lads

First Battle of Panipat

(April 1526. Rfcf; p22l9 Crescent in India ofS.R. Sharma)
Ihralnra L»di loses to Babm It was a battk- between Ihrahlru Dull
and Babur whose &tli expediiluu proved lurlo,' and led to the founding
of his Indian empire. To the Atghans of Delhi the Iraltlc ofPampal was
tlieii Cannae, li was (he rxiln of tiicli dominion, the end o( liiclr power
Die battle of Panipat marks (lie end of (die so und stage In Batmr's
conquest of Hindustan.
Astro lopy
Sec astrological points mentioned against the chart Examlnr tlir
statcracni of Dr. Raman. Saturn was in Mcena and Jupiler In
Vrlsliabha, Again Dr. Raman Is wrung.

The Second Battle of Panipat

(5 Mov. 1556 p 327 JVfadieual Indfa; li.P. Sharma)

Hcmu loses to Akbar

Hcrau had sent his ariiUerv a little iihciid under (Jie small
proUrrdon and tiiai was captured by Ihc Mugluil advance under All
9uU Kltan
It was a very great loss lo IJertui before tlic llnal lialllc. The two
annlcs raci on 5 NovemtH-r. I55<i A.D. on the Held of Panipat Even In
the absence of arrtllcty Hcmu aliackrdl die Mughals llcrccly and broke
up Us rigid and kit wings. But (lie ccnlre o( Ihr Mughul mmy

S&tLim-M&tu Co/Vunctiom- Pinm Tuetmiques ol Astroloo>cai PrudiOioris Vol. One
remained Intact.
UnfortunalL'Jy. nt that very Uroc. an arrow struck one eye of Hemu
and he fell uuconbcious, His soldiers felt that Hemu had died. That
broke up their courage and they fled away in all directions. He hud not
died but was captured alive and presented before Akbar who killed him
with his sword Says historian Dr.R-BTiipalhl, 'His dejeat was
accidental and the irldory of 'Akbar pravidenilal'
Astro fogy
Sec astrological points mentioned against the chnri. Examine the
statement of Dr. Raman Saturn was tn Mcsha and Jupiter In
Vrlschlka. Again Dr Raman research falls.

Third Battle of Panipat (1761|

Marathae lose to Ahmad Shah Abdali
Maralhas had become powerful In India and, in 1761 the famous
M and ha ruler was BalaJL who fought die Third Battle of Panipat
against (he ruler of Afghanistan. Ahmad Shah Abdali. Maralhas could
not gel the support of any Important Muslim ruler of northern India tn
their fight against Abdali. The Rajputs also did nol help Maralhas who
had to flghl the battle without any help bum cither Mtisllm rulers or
Hindu king& who failed to make it a common cause against a foreign
Astro fogy
Yet again Dr Raman's reBcarrli ialla: Hnw he ever came In Ihls
conclusion without preparing any astrological data and displaying Is
strange, fiaideo Sluvmqji had a great aduaitlage Being a panchanga
maker he couid ralculaw planetary position for any dale lelthotit any
ephemerLs or mcdern cornpulcrs. He mcnhoticd die planetary position of
thc./t/ieendt and sldctynihccnlurtes aery comectUj in his writings, which
J checked on cornpufers.

finer TecJiniqiiss at AcSralugiral PtedclionE Vol One Salum-Ketti Conjunctions
Example 8

N. 7 \RalUi Mars / Sal JUP

\ i / Moon
0 X / Sun4 Ven
B yK, Lag / XMW
Kelu Sun
Quit locSIa Mar
/ 3 \
/ 0 9 August, 1942
Moon y at 10 a.m.
. Von / Rahu
Ex 8 Ma's

>: 12
y n \ 1-3(1
y Kelu S 1

Degrees of other planets Sun 22'!S^. Mercun' 29032 Vtnus 29"] S

Lagns (a guess) 17" 17
.Note the degrees of planets
1 Mars I l052 and llahu II0J5 both In Slrnlia wlilch Is dfshirbancf to
Delhi durbar. Hardcojl said and quoted a village poet, Ghagg.
Remember the harsh measures of the government o) Winston
Churchill, the Prime Minister of England, whom we called a bull
2, Jupiter atyiG and the Moon 20;>20, both In Mlthuna. with VrntiS-
Remember how much patriotism U had sdrrcd It) our young
3. Now sec Saturn at 17^53 in Rohlni and In kendm from Rahu and
Mars in Simha.
Saturn 17'-,20 and Rahu 15g54 in Slmtia. the Delhi durbar.
Remember, from June 1997 Rahu Is going to enter die Delhi durbrir
again. Mars at 22o03 In Vrlsha Is In Rnhhil and In fcemim from Saturn
and Raliu. Tltc (all of the govemmeiU that um. conipronilslngUcalllsl.
Monujl Dcsal who refused to spend 20 lakhs only to purchase some
Members of Parliament. This was known to me. RecCnlly
Chcmdrashekhar. the former Prime Mfnister said so m a tclei'tston
broadmst tnhen Morarji Desai died afwr completing the aye oj 100.

Ssta/zi-Kcfi/ Co.njuncrxjn: Fn>er Techniques o( Astiological PredicOons Vol One
Example 9

8 6 y
7 \ y/s Moon Man Van
Lag? \y Sal
yA. Rahu
Fall oftheGovt. Sen
/ 4 \ of Mlorarjl Jup. Me
Sun N. Ketu
/ to Jup Met N through betrayal
18 July, 1979,
2 p.m Delhi Sat
il\ / t \ y/3 Ex.9 Rahu
Kelu \/ Moon Ven
/ 12 \ /aX
/ Mars U»BC)

Jo Shani Slniha Karasl \^sa.

To garh Dllll host iiasa.
It was a favourite quotation of a village poet of the sixteenth or the
seventeenth century. Ghagg, mcatUng that when Satum Is In Slrnlia,
the Delhi dmbar gets shaken up.
Note I have found Rahu too doing It as happened during the Quit
India movment (n 1997 Rahu was there.

Example JO
Jup Sa12f''^.7 beri Mer
vrvtarae-wy 3 Van Sun
\ 5 / Ms'
6 \ / Lag
Rahu v&n 7
Death of lag
Sanjay Gandhi
Mooii 23 June, 1900
Kclu 9.00 a rn. Delhi Jup
10 Ex.10 Sal 27^7
Ke'.u 26=56"

T asked Hardcojl In January 1980 when Indira Gandhi came back

ro power after her ignorainous National Emergency of 1975 what he
thought of iu Satum then In Kartya was ro re-enter Slmha, The Delhi
durbaj' will be shiiken up again, this time taking away some member of
Indira Gandhi's family he said quoting Ghagg- Sanjay Gandhi, the
lerrnr of Emergency, died In a plane crash and the power equations In
Delhi durbar changed again.

Fmer Techniques o( Astrological Predictons Vol. One Saturn-Hcki Conjunctions
Examp le 11

Jup: VtenfRl/ Ketu Mars

4 15=15 Iktei Sun
y/ Mars I4oon
Lag yC Moon
\ Met Tim uds Invasion
NSun around Jup
2 \ June 139810 VenlR)
Sal 24-48 Kclu \
Rahu 15:16 15016 /
1400 /
Crescent in India lag
Sal 24:4a

1. Jupiter and Venus arc together.

2. Saturn and Raiiu arc together.
3. Ketu is In Vrtsha and Rolilnl nukshaira..

Example 12
\ Mars Jup 12 Lag Mars
\. Van / sSat Sat Mer Jup Ketu
i 23c51 Son Ven 2BOB
3 11
KfitU Lag Mer
Sun I" Battle of
Panipal Moon
/ 4 10 19 April 1526
( Mean 05:30 AM(?)
"■Crescent In
India" (S.R.S)
7 /9 Ex.12
5 \/ Rahu
4 a Rahu

1. Jupiter and Venus are together.

2. Saturn and Ketu are In k<?ndms.
3. Du-'tsnxxbhaua rashls arc affected.

Ssfum-neiu Cnnjunc'tons. Fto»r TecJuilques o( AstrDtoglcat Predict tons Vol One
Example 13
10 / \ Sun Kelii
5 \.Mer8JUP SaltR) Rat>u
Lag \ y 071157
Moon \/
Second Battle
12 of Panlpat
Mans 5 Nov. 1556
ven P326 Medieval
LP Sharma
1 Ex.13
Sat(R) v Sun Mars
Lag KeSu 01^3
Rahu Moon Met Jop Ven 23=7

1. Satum(R] is getung aspcctcd by Mars,

2. Rahti Is In Vrisha. having crossed Rohlni noicshatra-

Example 14

\ Sat Sun Mars /

\ Moon 10 / Sat oyaj Rahu
\ 12/ Moon
11 X S ' I7S43
Lag Vcn
Jup Lag Third Battle of
Ven OEr-dfl Panlpat
/ 2 a \ Jup DB05B
/ Rahu Kelu \ 13 Jan 1701
p474 Med India
5 Sun Ex. 14
SX. y/ /7 Mars
Mer Kfilu

1. Jupiter and Vcn arc so close.

2. Rahu In Vrtsha Is aspcctcd by Saturn
3. finhu (s in Rohlni nakshaira,

Finer Tecfimpues of Astrologcat Predictions Vol. One Saium-Ketu Conjunctions
Example IS
5 3 / Jup
Sal / Mars Sat
Rahu Son Mer ISHt
6\ A 2 Ven(R)
KetuN \\( Mars
Lag /
.e N. Mer
Indian War of Lag
1 N. independence
7 Jup Sun \
Ven(R) ? 10 May 1857
10 E*. 15
MoorN \/ 12
yC Rahu
9 \ Moon Ketu
11 13^35

1. Saturn and Kctu arc in kcndra.

2. Jupiter and Venus are together.
3. Mars, the date being correct historically wc need n«t have any
doubt, was In Rohinl.

Example 16

\ 6 6 Jup Sat 07!24

7 Moon Ket 07*67
Lag 5
Rahu Ven
Sun First World War
1 SepL 1938 Mer
to 4 10 am Prague,
/ Mars Mer Czechoslavskia
Mars p 430 Blpan Ven
01'18 Chandra Sun
tIN. / 1
Sat Ex.16
Kelu 3 y
/\2K Lag
/ Jup ^ ' 2 Rahu
/ Moon

1. Saturn and Kctu are dangerously close,

2. Mars and Saturn aspect each other.
3. Mars moving ahead could torra aspectual and actual conjunction
with Saturn also.

Satum-Ketu Coniuncttons Finer Techniques of Astrological PretftcJions Vol One
Example 1 7

7 5 / Sun Mer(R) Sat IVSB

\ JupiiRy/ 29-00 Vcn(R) Rahu
a N. / 6 M*on
Lag 4 26:M
Mars First Atomic
3 \ Explosion 12
/ Sat Ratxi \ April 1945
Ketu Nagasaki JurtR)
05-59 p.m.
12 2 Ex.17
><: Sitn r
y/iiV Uoon Keiu Lag
yr Mars ^ /Mer(») \
VcnilR) \
1, It, is Amamsya
2. Saturn and Rahu arc together and Jupiter, the plnnei of divine
wisdom, is retrograde and under double rrjaiellc infltience. Here
comes into play an iraportant principle of the SormtoWlorira

Example 18

2 12 y/ Moon
Mars UanC^ir
Mars y Lag !6:3I Rah 15-46"
MoonN. / 1 / 11 Sal zsng
Ven SalyK Ve-n
Rahu/ \. Atomic Explosion Sun
/ 4 6 Aug.1945
/ Sun 10 07.17 pm.
Ex. 18 Mer
5 \ / 7
Mer y/ Kelu
/ 6 \ / 8 Ketu Jup
/ Jup

1. Saturn and Rahu are together.

2. tl uxjs Krishna Chalurdashi.
3. Mars is in Rohlni nakshalra.

Finer lodmiquBS ot Astroiogicsi PiMinlsCifit Vol One Seri/jn -Mtfu Conii/ACTjooi
Blood-staincd months before our
Freedom at Midnight
Given bdtiw is not the horos-enpe of any event but of (he India
ol 19-tG. when it was clear (hat the country would be partitioned.
Cunmumal riots, which broke out In die second half of 1946, haunt
the incmorics of many. Whether we call tl the suecessful rnnchlnHUons
ol English rulers or, the Islam-obsessed converts off drroer Hindus,
now demanding a se para It homeland, what was clear was that
Rahu in Hnhinl. aspcctcd by five planets, Iru-luding Mars and with
Saturn In Karka Iremenibcr VhrabamliiiraJ. was narrating a story of
blood l>atli through wiilcli the country had la pass, before getting
ber freedom, at midnight,

Example 19

_jk veo Sun vet , Rshu

\Mare Ke(u/ 1(1 41
\6 /
9 \/ 7
Lao y/N, lap
6 20 Nov 1946 Sal
Moon •(2:15 noon
Ex 19

Lag Ven Son Moan

Mer Kelu JuP
Rahu Sa! Mars

lag Sun Moon Mars Met Jup Veil Sat Rains

(XFIB' tw005' d&W WZS" QTW OtPlS' 15«46' ta'Ai'

£igh(ccn years later, Rahu reached the same posliJon. was »<
kendra from Satum(R) with Mars aspecllug Rahu, Later Saturn, A war
with Pakistan was a war with those who had indulged hi coimnutr.d
orgies, 18 years ago and created Pakistan

Safurri-Kefu Corvofictons Finet Teclwiques of Aslrotogloal Pitdidions- Vol Ono
Rahu repeats History — Example 20

vMars Vcn Rahu

7 iM? Jup
10 Lsg
Sal(R) Indo-Pak War
11 5 Moon 9 Sept 1965
SaUR) Met 01 08 pm.
MoOn Son
Ex.20 Mer
2 Sun
1Z Raliu
tag Mali
Kcin Van

1. Salum and RKA In kendras.

2. RdIiIjiI and Vrlsliahha afflicted.
3. Maj-s may even have been Vrischlka as the full flcdgetl war look
place after the second week of Seplcmber,

Example 22

\. 12 J 10 / S«I(R)
\Rstiu / Moon
1 y/ 11 \/ 9
Lag y\ MerfR) Indo-Pak war
Mare S \ycn Lag
Mats 3 Dec 1971 Kftlli
01 OS p.m.
S/ 2
5atfR| 8
jj Date is exact but
Jup S the time taken is
Rahu approximate
?S. / \.y 7 Ex. 21
Moon\/ 5
Mer(R) Sun
y Kelu ^ 6 Vnn Jup

1. Saliini(K) Is In Vrlshahlia.
2. Mars. In kendra from Saturn Is aspecllt^ Saturn and Is in rum
getting nspcctcd
3. Rahu in Makara and Krtu in Karka Is in accordance with the
allotment of Makar rashi to India by Varahamllilra-

It is welhknov.ii lliat Indira G and 111 took a latal decision to order

the Indian army to march into the Golden Temple of Sikhs at Amrhsar.
Why she did It, or had to do ir will need some detailed explanation by
snmcone at some slage In future. As astrologers, what should Interest
us is (he position of Rahu at 12 52 In Vrishabha. in Rohinl nakshatra

Rncf Techniqoos of AstroloQKal PredcUons Vo) One Salurn-Kalu Coryi)<Ktm>5
It Is aspectmJ by Mars In Tula. It is the third instance, after Indian
Indcpcnccof 1947, Indo-Pak (1965). Tlic Golden Ttmplc Incidence
(19B4) show the 18 year cycle of Rahu aSecllng die nattoii-

Rahu Again Repeats History — Rrample 22

N. 3 Lag Me'
2 v ' /12 Rahu
4 Lag X/ Vsn Son
MoOOy^ Me-- Raho
Sun Van Moot
Golden Tempie
n X,^ Invaded
\ 5 5 June, tSS4
Ex. 22
e \ to
e Kelu
/Sal(RP 9 JuWRl Krtu
S Mfsfllft) JaplRl \X^^ MatsIR)

Uig Sun Moon Mars Met 3up Ven Sat Rahu

SC/'ST 2a:26' 39^5' 01^3 tiW i7'-54' 17;1Z' 12D5Z'

Example 23

Jap Sat

Js>p L .1:;
K-tl: Alexander's
Invasion of Mars
India: Rahu
[7 327 BC
Kofu Possible Plan-
Lag etary Posilian
Kami Ex. 23

Tkklng Makara as (be Laona of India since the days ol Vkrahamliiira,

we find thai when Alexander invaded India In 527 B.C. according to
Vincent SraJlh. Saturn in VHshabha wan In liohlai (possibly) while the
la era and die 7th bouse fell under die RKAaxis. Mars raay have moved
between Vrish&hha and Kartuc

Satum-Kstti Can/undtofis Finer Techniqoes o' AslroJojkaii PfeSictiens Vol One
In Memory of...
In inokuwj prt^iirrtons nbour n naiton and t/h.' i do rid die Hindu
basis of Cbailta Slmlda Pralipada or the ,/trst day of Ranut
Srwami has been used by all experienced astrologers Hi
combine ti utiifi the rashis olloted. to diffcr&iL girographicol
areas by Varahamihira has been found to be most usefiil. Add
to thai the Surya Sankrantl charts and, you hai.se n i>ery
sutrstanlmily good picture of the socio-economic and political
sdnatton of the world. Hardeo Sharma Shastri who had the
most enviable advantaye of learning astrology in the
Vhruliann/uru imclUion at Ufam made use of chaicms which
we asirolorjers hnue not even turard about. Then he had the
suprt-mely great lock of becoming the disciple of Amril
Vanbhnva a ijrcal satnL who knew asirolngy tn Oie rishi
Imdiium His mantra Cum encouraged him. fo try some secret
chaicms and do sadhana in the lap of the Himalayas, at
Solan, u'here he had a f>alaiial house. I have not tcnoten any
aslrvloger who maintained such a high moral standard In his
approach in astrology He teas (he fas! of the giants of the
alder orthodox irriditlanfparmnppruf, With him has dosed a
great diopter of Hindu ustroipfy for eeer The world will not
liaise anof/ier Hardeajl raiiity This paper (s dirrilcated to turn
as u'liufeuer 1 linee discussed here are my experiments with
ilk' hints he hasyiuen in his PaTichangas.

World uriil prepare for a change after

Big Disasters in 2000 and 2002 — Example 24

Ven Mai 15^25

9 y 7 yC Son Jup IS !!
8 Moon SHI 2?'Q5
Kfllu Lag y\ ^
Mer Rsnu
4 April 2000 0G-4D
s \ Ex, 24
Ven 2 N/ *
Sun yTS. Ratm /
Moon 1
Mais > 3 N. Lag
Jup Ssl
1. Notice Saturn and Jupiter logctiicr promising a very big change In
Ihf world through vlolrnce because Mors has Joined I hem.
2,. Then RKA is in lo'nitra from Saluni and Mars.
3. Makar (remember Varahamllilra) and Karlta have RKA axis.

f iner Teclmiques Ot AstiOIOgiCOl Preijic&onf Vol Ono Sa(wj-K<rfj Csrvurtcfrons
Example 25

Lag 3al 15M2

Mars Mer Sun Mars Rahu Jup
Moon 2^33
Sal La-5
Rabu Sun
Moon Mer
Jup 14 March 2002
Ex 25


1. Satum and Fiahn arc in Vrtsliabha,

2. Mans will jnin soon aflcr
11 Tlu- changes starling (rom 1997 will reach their climax In 2002.
■1. The world is ru>( coming in an end. But is preparing for a big and
painful change.

Example 26

Mcr Motyi
N. 6
\ * / Sun Sal Rahu Jup
5 3 Mars ven
7 Lag yK Jup
/ 2 \ 14 May 2002
/ S Mei M«xt \ Midday
C Kelu Sal Rahu ) Delhi /
Mars Men S Ex 26 Leg
g yK Sun
/ 10 N Kstu
/ 12

Ug Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Vcn Sal Rahu

01°26' 29*25' ZO'-'^O' 26*42' 36*00' 19*18' 2Bil34' 21013' 24000'


Setum-Ketu Cortiitncfions Rnw Terdwiiqus* ot AMralogKal PrttfllcJicos Vol Ont>
In the Untold Story of Lt. Gen. 8. M. Kaul
a slgnlOcani obvtvallon dcstrx'ea uur aHenlion
'in about 5.000 years of recorded human history, there
haw been nearly, 15.000 awrs al an aitcvage of almost three
per year. War £s an tneviiable human phenomenon. Our
statesman should fiaoe remetrtbered what Richard Durion
once saM: Peace Is the dream of the wise, war is the
history of man.'
No need cstists for panic. The world ts vol going la come
to an end. JVostrndamus or no JVostrcidiimus. Evils o fKaliyuga
have to manifest. Kaliyuya is kalali yngs. acmrdmo [» sorru?,
maanlrtfli, the age of nvrUre and quarrels VM? see' diat in all
walks of life. Maltnimas and yogis art like poitlicians. wanting
to butld Hshrants and /heir small empinrs Asirulogers Jtaitr
become gangsters, not the uorshtppers mf ciwine knowledge
They spread their tentacles by honouring fake astrvtogern
with lilies which they never deserve- In India, writers oj
astrology books are worse. They never admit rnistateeS;
Lfmir mrony aymiainshas, uifurti can cause diem oomrrU'rciul
losses. It is their undeisiandlng of the spirit o/Jyoasha
Tl.jis has happrnett In all ages. It will happen again as
Saturn and Rahu move towards each other to rnccl and work
out a plan to lulJll the desires ol the Lord of tiie Vuga. Kail.
Jupiter loo will be getting afllu. tcd with Mats, a&pcctlng 11 ot,
rven Jotning Jl, someUmc or the otha.Tngellier with Ihis.
crllpscs will have lo he examined very minutely before
making any predict Ion
Nature does man/ lo s/iraycj of] her shoulders lo throw
away lot oj the din oj the iwcntlcth century history If (I
happens at' f/ic 2/-sl century makes a stonny Ix'yinning, it will
be another normal act oj Nat we and God lo regain equilibrium
lust in the wilderness oj modem materialism and the trvaiumatty
Justified arts o/WVs/'s pi.Ttniss/UL'tuess
All ni'd/Jta/ions mere bom in I he txist all atrocities in
the last three runluhes have been commUiecl Lty the west,
beginning with imperialism and slave trade to modirm nuclear
preparations. 7b talk of Human Rights violntions. the VVPsl
should e.yoni/ne Us own record Jlrsl, its ra/is/ aurocdies
mainly l"hc west will remain spiritually undevdnped and
socially sli.ntcivd. Scienct and lechnntogy have sained man s
many malerlal problems fanl created more social tensions and
pmblems than u:\is eutrr good for a sane human exisWnce.
That is the crisis in the West. Poverty and comtpiion are tlxa
problems of (ht- East. But tfu1 East, parti'cuiarJy India, has
spirilutit resilience, inspile of comipi palilicians and
btortu/mals. to help her revive the sagging morals of India.
Bur uihm a/jonl the pnuvuful impact of West's memenary

Finer Techniques nf Astrological Predicbcms Vol One Ssfum'Kefu Cftq/una'nns
onsioitg/i( and all-poux'rjnl pcrmlstueness? Having mined
Uself. the West is spreading alf oner the world its gospel, the
only gospel it now knows, of moral chaos.
So Doom is whai a powerful West musi imnie for this
planet, tt is not a bomh but nature's genlle cjcaiure. tile exjur,
dial has started, the process from Engiand Earlier, it tuas a
vhws of the green monkey which escaped from the laboratories
of the USA and gave AIDS to the world So the monkey and the
cow. two of the domesticable herbivores will destroy Lite west,
it seems Nature must have her last laugh. But thai is tlte
history of man.
Since Kaliyuga is not coming to an end. it will be only
part desiruclton here and there, but enough to reduce the
world population considerably.

Results of the paramciers applied to the horoflcoprs rfotii) 26
1. Saturn and RKA together. (9)
2. Saturn and Ra.hu or Kelu in keudras nine plus seven total sixteen,
3. Saturn and Rahu and Kent mostly In dwlswabhara rashls from
cadi other. (71
•I. Vrisliabha aflllctttl. (151
5. From the time of Varahamihira. India has been aJIotcd Malotr It
has been found that transit of Saturn and RKA In Makar or K.vka
has always bccti a period of girat Ian painlul change in ludlau
history. [8)
6. Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, strangely are tlrnes of disaster.
Late Harden Shamw Shastrl Trivcdl made brilliant use of this
time-tested principle. (7)
7. Add to these the role of edipses always-
8. Examine the effects of Satnm Jupiter onnjunction • opposition
9. Then he used his cliakras, which no other astrnlogrr known (o mc
Icncw li nw tu apply. This research can lie eon verted Into a much
bigger chart and seen more closely
Entry of Venus in Gemini
- a trying time for
the government in India

M.S. Mehta
Indian Forpign Service Reld

II bas been observed that the entry o( Venus In Gemini has

brought cataclysmic changes In Indian political scene, especially when.
Venus Is aflllctcd or, the entry of Venus In Gemtnl coincides with other
serious afflictions In the horoscope of India The planet \fenus Is the
ascendant lord In the Independence horoscope of India which has
Taurus as ascendanl. about which there Is no doubt, as according to
testimony of Sir Ubodrow Wyatt. India got her Siidcpenrlcnre exactly al
midnight on the 14th/15th August 1947 [See Editor's nolc at the end)

The [ndependenoe horoscope of India ia given hcret-

II Is (he basic principle of astrology that whenever the lagna or
lagna lord Is amit led. Ihe whole body sudcrs. Similarly affllcllnn id
Venus In UrriRs of mundane astrology, shakes the fmmdallon of whole
poll Ural system bringing far reaching changes In (he central gov en line ill
of India
Far example to take a rcccnl ease 11 would be observed thai on
3Qlh March. 1997, Cougruss (I) pulled tile nig under tire feel of United
Front and brought down the government of Deve Gowda who lost tlie
vote of confidence on 11th April. 1997. At that time Ihe planetary
position was as follows;
Please note the fcrrthlc alllletlon to Venus In the chart. It is tn
close conjunction with Saturn andi i&eatnbusl, Venus Is also In the grip
of Rahu-Kctu axis anil Is aspectrd by malr.ftr Mars. There could nol
ha\'c txren worse afnicllon to Vmus al this poinl of time and hence
there could not liave been more ImxrowUigcQiidiTiou of (lie Government
hi tlie rentrc With all the political manlpulabons giving on and the
worst seams, like Jharkhand Muktl Morcha. Bofors arms deal, animal
loddn scum etc. corning to smfaee, the polity of India was In a bad
shape Its conciltlon was as pinahle and as painful as the condition of
Venus in the planHaty horoscope of India.
At tlie 1 line of deal) i of Mai karma Gandlil on J.uiu.uy 30, 1948
Venus was In Aquarius ailllctcd by Mars front Leo. On 2 October 1962.

Fmer Techniques erf Astrotogical PredtcJions Vol. One Entry of Venus in Gemini
4 3 1 Lag Mars
\ Mars . Rahu
MoorN. /
WW S3t\/ 2 12
$un / \ Rahu Indian indepen- Moon
Very/ >. tag Mer Sat
dence Horo- Sun Ven
/ 5 11 scope
14-15 August
8 !
6 X/ Ketu 10
/l >
/ Jup 9 Ketu Jup

Sun ven s
3 t /
Mer >^2 Set Mer Lag
4 Sun
2 ^\Ven Sat
Lag / NKetu Planetary
position on
5 30th Marchc 1997
Mars 11 \ Sun 15 30
Jup VenusM^ae Mars
Saturn 16c19
6 8 10
Ralru Moon y\ Jup
9\. Moan Rahu

Venus in Libra was aspcctcd by Mars and Saturn and on 20 October,

the Indo-Chinese clash took place.
When OpcraUon Blue-Star was launched on June 5, 1984, Venus
In Thurus was a filleted by Rahu and Mars. Mars In (urn was In
conjunction with Saturn.
On 3l5t October 1984. when Indira Gandhi was assassinated.
Venus in Scorpio was afllloted by Ketu and was sandwiched in
poptairtnri yoga of Saturn and Mars.
At the time of Bhopal tragedy on 3rd December 1984. Venus was
In Dhanu afflicted by Saturn from TUla and was entering Makar to Join
with Mars.
When Air India Boeing 747 exploded in the mid air on flight from
Toronto on 23nJ June 19S5. Venus had double afHicdon of Rahu and

Entry of Venus in Mithuna -

Harbinger of tragic moments in Indian History
While it is clear that alTllctlon to Venus causes serious problems
in the history of India. It can now be seen that entry of Venus in

EfJlry at Mentis w Gcmnn ?lnei Tediniqufei of Aslrotoolcai Pfudidinrs vo( Dhc
MlllluaB lg a Dcrlp-ri to be waidicd wtth concern. It Is a period of trials
and tribulations for the central government as (he following events
would show
I. We have already shown In the earlier example that when Nehru
died on '27Ui May, 1954. Venus was stationary in Gemini about to
retrograde with Rahu-Krtu axis. Saturn was in the 10th house.
II. At the time of death of Sanjay Gandhi on 23rd June, 1980, Venus
was retrograding in Gemini to enter Taurus to rcerlve the aspect of
Salum from Leo.
hi. When, the govemmcni of Morarjl Desat fell In July 1979. Venus
was In Gemini and Mars was preparing to enter tills sign.
Iv. To take a irecut ease in 1995, Venus was In Gemini from 5th May,
1996 to 4(h June, 1996 and 3lst July 1996 to 1st September,
1996. During tlila period the following events took place which
affected the polity of India,
v Himachai Pradesh Governor Sheila Kaul was made to resign on
21st Api111996. in the walce of CB1 enquiry agalnsl her In bousing
vt. CB1 charge-sheeted five hundred persons lucludlng senior officers
in animal husbandry and fodder seam In Bihar,
vll. Tire second phase of general election of 11th Lok Sabha was
marred by violence and shoot at sight orders In Bihar and part UP.
vlli. Chandraswnrnl, dc-sciitvctl as godman. was arrested on 2tid May.
IX. Governor of UP and Kerala. Mod Lai Vohra and Shlv Shankar
restgncd when they were charge-sheeted In the Ilawaia case.
x. President dissolved lOlli Lok Sabha on 10th May, 1996 and
accepted the resignation of P.V Narasimlia Rao.
xi, The Congress Par ty suffered the worst humiliation of Us career and
lost elections not only at the centre but also tn most of (he slates.
It lost control In Haryana, Assam. Karoataka. Maharashua.
Ptrnjah, Tamil Nadu etc.
xll Atal Blhari Vajpal of IklF was swum In as Prime Minister on l#th
May. ISS7.
rail- His reign lasted only fhineen days and he had to resign on 28tli
May, 1996.
xtv. The twenty one member United Front coalition govemmcni led by
H.D. Devc Gowda took oath on 1st June. 1996
xv. Pakistan dcploycil M1 1 missiles against India on June 13. with
capability to hit New Delhi,
xvl. On June 11. Supreme Court directed CB1 to proceed against P.V
Narasimlia Rao and his colleagues in JMM ease.
Now the qucntlon is why transit of Venus in Gemini only is so
enigmatic and dramatic. In the horoscope of Independence of
India, if SarvTLstnka la cast along with Bhinnaahtaka, it will be
observed that in Moon's Bhim ishl ki the sifpi Gemini has O
(zcroj point, Gemini is also the weakest house in Sarvaatoka

Pnor Tociimaues ot Aii'dogicai Pedtcwj!\s Vo) One cr-lry of V&UtS I" <Senj»«i
having only 19 beneflc points, while Capricorn Is the second
weakest rasbi.
It must be remembered that in any ascendant Moon is the
mind, while lagna lord is the body. Thus the transit of Venus in
Gemini in Moon's Bhinnnshtnkn becomes, in Indian Independence

i y /
3 v Rafru / Rahu Lafl
^ 2
< \ j' Lag 12
Sat yC
Ven SrH
fAsi Planetary
5 11 N. position on
S. Mars Ven Mer p 30tti January
Suo 1946 Mars
6 /
Moon\ / S
X/ to
/V Son
Jup Kslu Moon
/ 7 > / 5

N. 3 i LAB
\y Lag
iop Mara
/ 5 ii Planetary
Jup position or
/x Sal October 1962
/ \ KbIu
6\ / 10
Sun \ y s
Mer Sal
Keiu ven Sun
/ 9 Mer
_/ s Ven

\ 3 1 / Jup Lag Vfln
vVsn Rahu, .Jup (Aara/ Mifi Sun Rahu
2 \Msr/ Mer
Lag Sun 52
4 yX. /K
11 N. Planetary
S 5 SO! \ postion on
27th May 1964
6 Moon
yC io
Kelo Mood
/ 9 \
/ 7 Kctu >.
Entry of Veius in Henvni. Finer Tachniquas of Aslroiogical Pfedictions Vol One
horoscope, a case of pain to the mind afflicting the body (Venas).
fills cnn easily bp explained with parallel example In the
horoscope of Riijtv Gaiulhh In his horoscope In Bhlnnashtaka of Mars.
fix- Scorpio sign has 0 [wrol point. In his ease during Satum In Rahu
dasha, the Bofors controversy finally led to Ills down fall. In his
horoscope with Leo as ascendant. Mars became (he owner of Scorpio,
the 4th house. In case of politicians (he fourth house represented
Ulrone lu ancient time. Fourth lord represents Sfmhnsana or the
(hronc of the kings Another (nstancc can be seen in July 1979, when
Jupiter was in Canc er which Is the blank house In the bhlnnashtaka of
Jupiter of Morarjl Desal with Gemini as ascendant. Naturally when his
IQth lonl Jupiter trajisltted over the weakest house position, he had to
tinll m Prime Minister. Incidentally, at the lime of fall of Morarjl Desal
In July 1979. Mmius was In Gemini totally alillcted.
The timing of events through the IransK of \fcnus. the ascendant
turd of India, in Gemini. Is allogclher a new approach made possible by
systematic rcseartiies of K.N.Rao, ha this article we are going to depict
m'ents tlvrougti five tables chronologically arranged from the year 19*18
to 1996.

Table 1
This table lists the Important events that happened In the history
i if India since independence when Venus iransttted through Gemini
and was ymfflictetl

Table n
It shows Important events when Venus in Gemtnt was heavily

Table 1TJ
it depicts events when Venus in Gemini was unafDlctcd but Hi ere
was alfllctlon else whrrr In the chart, like Mars-Saturn opposition,
ciinjunntiut] Saturn-Rahu conjunction or opposition and Mars-Raho
Lonjnnctiou etc.

Table IV
Portrays rvcnls when V-mus was alfllcted as also tlierc was
atnicdon dsewherr In die chart.

Table V
II shows prottcUvc influence of Jupiter during I lie transit- This
will show thai the affliction to Venus as well as those created tiy Mare-
Satum-Ralui clc. are nullified to some extent hy ihe bcncfic asijcct of

Finer Tectmiques ol AstrotCKjitaj' Pfedictlon® VoJ One Entry of Venus in Gemm?

N. 3 1 / Lag
' 2 Sun Ven
Lag Sun Mer Rahu
4 \/ Ven Mer 12
Uoon/\ Rahu
/ 5 11 postion on
5th June 1964
\/ 8 10
KWu /\ JuplR) Ketu Sa1<R)
7 9
/ ^ / \ Mar5[R)
/ Sat(R) Jup(R)
/ M3fS(R)

s Lag
3 1 Rahu

2 12
4 / \ Lag Rahu /\
postion on
\ It / 31 st October
Moon 1984
6 Ven Moon
/-\ Jup Ven Sal
y Kotu . 3 \ Mars KeUt Sun
/Sat Sun
/ Mt-r Jup MjfS n. Met

\n,Ven 3Mars. t Lag Ven

K 3
e- »

2 \ Mais
Lag /12
Sun P\. sat(R)
. Kotu^
Entry of
( 5 11 Venus in
\. Mer Mithuna
1996 Mer
\/ 8 10
Rahu^X. Jup<R)
9 Jup(R) Rahu
/ 7 ^

Brwy at l/eni/s in Gemini Finer Fe^fuvques 0( Astmlogicol Predictans Vol One
Table 1
Venus Un TUcted No najor aflUction else tie re
Tear Date oTentry o? Important event*
Venus In Gemini
1. 1948 April 30 to Scp 2 Uudcclarcil war between India and Palu-
stan over Kashmir. Pakistan admll ted U ml
Uielr troops were operating tn Kashmir
since May, U.M. passed resolution of 13tli
August 1948, that fulurrofKashxnlr would
be decided by plcblcik, Tltis resalullon
contained (lie seeds of future dtscord.
1949 June 2 to Julv 13 Moimlbatlen prossurires'l N'chm to ap-
point V.P. Men on as acting governor of
Orissa, a decision wblcb nearly prtnripi-
lated a cabinet crisis. Raft Ahmed Kidwal
and Sri PrakBsa offctxd their rcMgnatlons
.i. 1^151 May 7 id June 1st Krishna Menon's mvolvment ut Jeep Scan
dal .. Prune Minister of ILK. Mr. Alice in
formed N'cltru tiiat Krishna was a torn
muntstandhcshrmld be cased nut. Menon
hinted at rammltUng suicide.
11) Con ventlDti of tllssldei 11 Congrrss m cc t
ing In Patna In June 1951 wlin Conned a
separate Klsan Matcdoor Praja Party
•I 1987 July 2 to July 25 July 15, Rajiv Gamihl cxprllcd V.C.
Sltulda, Arlf Mohammed Khan July 17.
V P. Singh announced rcslgnnaon from
Congress Party, July 18. Arun Singh Un
Ion Minister for State for Defence resignecL
Araltabh Bachan resigned from LokSatiba
5. 1997 July 19 Rajiv Gsindhi expelled V.P. Singh from
Congress Party.

Table II
Venus ofllicted - No Major AlTliction elsewhere
Year Date at Entry of Important £venta
Venus la Gemini
) 1953 July 30 to 24 August Crisis in Kashmir - Nehru dismissed
Sheikh Abdulla on 91 h August. This was
a great setback to ttallonal and Interna-
tional policies of Nehru
2 1955 July 4 to July 27 IVavanDorr Tamil Nadu Congress started
Salyagrtiha for merger of Tamil speaking
areas of Travancore Cochin with Madras.
Flood rivers in Bihar sulwnerged hundreds

Finef Techotques of Astrotacilcfjl PrediOions Vol Got? Entry o' Vonui in GLlm>ri)
of villages,
3. 19f>7 June 21» June 2o ChkfMlnistcr of Assam llueatcni!'.! to rr-
Chinese starred bulldlnga roadln the east
ofAksal Chin.
DttTcrcnres over languages developed In
"various parts of indla.
Rajgcpalachari placed Inmself at head •[
cm ablation in favourofBngllshand hinted
at cessation of southern states.
INaga problem became very dlfflcull.
Their was acute shortage of food,
JJchru and J.P. NarrUn started erttcUlng
each oilier.
There was a revolt la TibeL
4. 1950 Mav 5 to J une 5 Communal riots htokc out in Bihar
Madhjii Pradesh and UP.
John Marital resigned • accused of cor-
ruption and being a CIA agent.
Crisis and agitation in Kerala.
FonuatJan of Swatantrala Parly.
5. 1953 July 4 to July 2/ Controversy over agreement with USA cm
Voice of America.
KC Reddy resigned hum Cabinet
War IBte preparations on Assam-East Pa
klstan bonier.
1954 Ajiril 30 l.o June 30 May 27, death ofPandlt Jawaharl^il N'clin i
July 25 lo Sep 2 la! Bahadur Shastri swoni in as Pnmr
June 14. Punjab Clilef Minister Katntn
Road buikiing activity by ChlneM- mt
SiVdtlin tuid Bhuhm border.
7, 1968 Jllik- 17 lo July 7 Naga's collnalon with China to overt I ip i\v
adniinlslral ion at fiagaland.
22nd June. RaJasUsan cabinet resbulllrd
25th June. Flood sllufltton wtirM-itetl in
Sdth June, President Rule Imposeil in
3rd July. Privy Purses abolished
8. 1969 July 30 to August 24 Fateful events as Indian Nationrd Con
grcss spht - Indira Gandhi formed hcri iwt i
Congress with JagJivan RaiMaslTvsiileni
Indira Gandlil chose G.S.DhilJon ,m new
Augusl 9, Iwulcs uallDimllsed

Entry of Venus m Genvm Roar TesJvtaquos ot AfiUolog--sai PnsJ«aions Vol One
en Sai Sal Lag Vcn
Met Lag
Ratiu Sun
Planclary Met
K«U RaAu In
July-August Ketu
Jup in
Mars Mars Jup

\NVen 3Kelu . 1 /
Mer Sun Ven
* / Ketu
Mars 2 12
Jlrp / Lag s\
Sun Mars
Death of Jup
/ 5 it \ Rajiv Gandhi
\ Moon 21 May 1991
Sal Moon
B 10
5 /S. Sal
o x Ratio
S T ^ Rahu X
\ 3 Vsrn(R)
X. Sun 1 Sun
A \. / 2
Ratiu Xf Lag 12
Mer / n. Ven (R| tta mi
y/ 5 11 position on
if Sat Jup 23 June 1980
N. Mars Death of Sat
Ketu Sanjay Gandhi Jup
0 Mars
e Jx Ketu
7 9 Moon
/s Moon

August ! n. Indira Gandhi forced spilt til

(he Indian National Congress Party. See
the idanetsiry dispostfjon below.
S. 1970 19 May to 1 1 June Congress Party Eleclioii. MIS A etc
Cxll of Morar|l Dcsai from tlic Central

Finer Technrqrtes Df Astmtogical Preditiions Vol One Entry o' V&ra-s in Gsrani
10. li?73 June 2 to June 25 Three senior Judges of Supreme Court
resigned over government's promotion
Mohan Kumar Mangalnm. Central Mlnls-
I cr died In an all cthsU.
11 IS75 May 5 toJuiir' 1 1 u blliar and Gujarat stales thousands of
students and wo liters too It out marches
to protest agalsl spiralling frdlatlon and
against Congress corrup tlon. J at Pra kash
N'araJn led a jiopnlar movement In flihat
against t.'ougress. Huge drinonsnatlon
atitl labour strikes were becomliig com
itiun place.
All these Ifictors became prelude to
Allajiabad High Court .fndgemnm of June
12, 1975 holdlngMrs Indira Gandhi gmltv
of corrupt electoral prairtirrs. This his-
toric- Judgement led to lite imposition of
National Emergency on June 25 and also
Gie promulgation of dracoiilan laws un
dcr t!ir notortoiis M1SA IM:<liiten,ir.ce ol
Inlcma) Security Act).
May fi Ftter AlMiracs. Trade Union leader died.
May 20 Nuga slate Assembly dtssolvect
12. 1?81 June 2 t« Jtuie 25 Hundreds drowned on June; G tts'llG
Down Paswitgcr train plunged Into rlvi-r
in Bihar
June 4 UtiiLm CotruniiHlcatlon Minister SJCDcy
June fi Rolum 11 Sari elite In unciicd on May 31
burned up tn space.
June 2J S.ICPatU. veteran Congress leader and
former Union Minister died
CAG rvpori on Bofnrguri deal was suhmu
ted TlUscauscda stlrtn whnle of India. (JJ
wa s In July I f iHB I
IX 1 »9» May .ri to May 2J May ft. Police and mtlllaiits engaged tn 1H
fiour gun imttle in lUujab.
May 21 Former Prime Ministrr (vipv Lumdhl fooli
anaggrr-sstvi posture m exposinghlmseh
to the piihbc. He was killed m a I lorahhlfiM
ut Pemmbudur ai lir20 PM
Theplauciarv posinoiiai that iitnfrwssns
given In the horoscope
May 20 PV Miraslmlni Kan uiiaiilniouslv rlei I'-j
Pn-slilcul ol Cnngress.

gufrv of VlfnuS in Goirurtt lrHW Tectmiques of Aslfofooiessl Pr«l*aiori* Vbt, One
M^y HO Unia Shonkar Dlxlt veteran Congrrss
leader died.
14. 1992 June M to July 17 As Venus was poised to enter Gctntnl.
worst ever finam-ial scam of lite century
InvolvingRs.450O0crares, (a mucfignxUer
one is lakfrtp place in June 1997 urit/t Ve-
nus in Geminl-cdlforl was brought to light
In early June. Collusion of bankers, bro-
kers and bureaucrats whs exposed. This
one event shook the whole financial sys-
tem to the core with far reaching political
June 34 Ctiairman and Managing director of UCO
bank admitted fraud of Rs. 90 crores.
June 23 Nationwide raids by CBI on associates of
Ilarshad Mehta and Bhupen Dalai.
.Inly 9 Minister of State ol Commerce P.
Clildambaram resigned over Investment
In Fair Growth.

Table m
Venus Unalllictcd - Affliction elsewhere
Year Date of Entry of Important Events
Venus in Gemini
1 IttfiB July 6 in July 17 Open anued rebellion by Nagas,
C-D. Drshmukira rcsignoi over Issue nf
People of Gujarat started agllatioa over
2. 11158 July 18 to Augcisl 10 DtllrrcnrcsofKrishna Mcnon With Morark
Dcsaland Krlslmamacharlov'erjecpscan
Nehru accused Rafaji of Irresponsibility
Nehru's serious differences wllh G.B. Pan!
over Urdu language
In July, Chinese troops, made aggressive
mows In l-adakh.
S 1961 JnlyS to August 24 August 13. Master Tara Singh liegan Ills
last unto deal)i In Aimitsar
i 1955 June 2 to June 25 Indo-Paklatanwarm RuruiolKulch Ctvise
lire on June 30lh-
Diggest ever disaster in the history ol In
dial) coal mines. 275 people killrd.
June Ud Paklstanl troops resorted to heavy firing
in Trtpura
5 1957 May 5 ic-duMr 1 Army railed nui tn qnclJ studi-nt riols m
l l-/ ( I LIT

Finer Techniques o' AstrDicgcal Predictions Vol One £nfr>' & Venus m Qemm
May <S V.V. Girl tiecamc Vice President «(India.
9th May Z-iklr Hussatn elected President ol India.
May 19 Indian and Pakistani sold icis clashed on
Slalkot Isordcr.
6. 1978 May i 7 to June 11 May 22, Peoples Conference got nlisolutc
majority in elections in Muaram.
June 16 Karakorain iitgliway linking Gliglt with Pa-
kistan occupied Kashrnlr and Sinklang
opened, itavtng long term repcicuss-iona
on security of India,
7. 1979 July 2 to July 25 July 11. opposition leader V.B. Cliavan
tabled no-confidanre tnotiou agaist Desai
gmTmnier it. I ic Ixnrayed his pulllli^al guru.
July 13 l-i.N. Bahuguna. Fazlur Rnlifnan and
Ramli luliar resigned trnm ccntrai cahtneL
July 13 Prime Minister Mfirarji Desai resigned.
George F'tnundfte. Bhanu Partap Slngji
and P.L. Kantshka resigned imni central
cabinet. Both I louses adjourned stnedk'
July 1(1 Deputy I dune Minister Charan Singli nr-
stgncd Imni central cahlnn and Janata
Party and iirlruyt'1! Morarjl Desirt.
July l» President asked V B. Chavan to form the
Eiivciunirtir wito conveyed his InahlilLy to
do so
July 2(J President invited Chat an Singh to fonn a
new govenunent.
8. IH80 May 3 tn June 15 May 20.11 N. Bahuguna quit Congress III
Hurl rrstgiu-d (nun Ink Sabha
July 29 to Srp t June 23. San|ay Gandhi died in a plane
crash. Venus at Uus lirnc was reitugrade
in Gemini and was cnlerlug Tatirus to
n-rr-jvc the aspect ofSaiuni fnmi B.-o.
9. 1994 ilunc 15 to July 12 limn Jcthanwlaul. Vice Resident of tiJP
Indira Grmdhl lost I in nation witle popu-
Innty Then; were U-Idrsprcad rumours
llrnt Indira Gaudiu would arueitd Consti
mtlcui itnd ffOsTpone elect Inns.

Taiblc IV
Venus AJTUctcd AJIliction elsewhere
Year Date of Entry of Important Events
Venus In Gemini
1982 July 7 to August 10 July P.I.uuewtouiutlofMinislershcadrd
By Srl|>ni Mlslim ( unErrss ID Inniwtl In

Entry of Venus in Gemini Finer Tectiniques. ol AsSrnJoBlcal Preflicaiofts Vol One
July 21 U)k Dal president suspended Devi Lai.
July "28 Site West Bengal Ministers resigned.
July 29 Maharashtra government sanctlonoi pros-
cnuuon agalst A.R. Antulsy
August A Abortive attempt to highjack Indian Air-
lines plane to Artatlsar.
August 6 Ink Dal Parliaiticmary party spill with (lie
rcrnoval of George Ferrumder and Run
Vilas Paswaiu
2 1988 May 4 to May 22 May 13. CAO report indicted government
over HDW submarine deal.
July 31 to September May 15. number q! terrorists surrendered
In ■Golden Temple Operation Blnrk 77tun-
May 16 Lo May 20 Spate of killings In Punjab
July 13 ASLV-D2 crasltrij shortly after lilt of!
July 14 Helicopter crash near Vaishno Devi.
July 25 Qujaial jioltce wall on strikr.
Julv 20 Na uonal badinlntou champion Syed Modi
shot dead
In sat IC sulfered a setback.
August (1 SLx opposition parlies and Jana Mo neb a
launched National Front.
Eajthquake bit sevtml parts of north ami
norlli-east India.
AugitM 7 President rule imposed in Nngaland.
August 10 Kamataka Chief Mtnlsier H K. Hegde re-
signed over phone lapping.
August 30 LokSablui ptis'ted the eon I rovers lid Defa-
niBtlun bill-

Table V
Protective influence of Jupiter
Tear Date of Entry of Important Events
Venus In Gemini
I 1950 July 7 to August 10 Serious dltrcrennes In Cotigrvss Nehru's
d iSrrcnccs with Puruslioltam Das Tamlon
lor irealiucnl of niinmilks and with Pate I
when later expressed doubts about luy-
alty of Mushm* towanls India Matters
c-axne to the bead m August 1930 with
manoeuvers lor eleeltarssof the President-
ship of Congress by Tandem. Tandon had
support of Paul tind Pa trj Nclinj o tiered to
resign if Tandon was ejected. Ncliru's dll
frrenees with Prtratdent Raltiiidra Prasad
also on Bihar who threatened to resign.

Finer Tsdimciues of Astrological RresJidiDns Vol One Entry of Venus in Gemini
N'ehni'sstrongdtHcrpni-ca with Patcl over
letter's orders to Muslim otilcers vtsiliilg
PaJdstiin to seek prior pcimtssuju. DllTcr
cnccf. of itrlshna Mentm wttli Nehru over
policy on Korea- later ofTcred to resign.
2, l&GO June 6 to July 10 Large scale flgjithig broke out tn Tibet
between CUlucse and rebels. China
strcngtltened tnJllhiry positions on tltc
border of India and opened Ore on Nepa-
lese party In violation o( provisions of
July d Curfew in Gaubatl toUcnvingcllsturbanccs
in the wake of police finng on vlolatl
July 7 Stjilke of central government employees
July B EsamtlaJServlits Maintenance Ortimailor
promulgated sixlkes in trssentlai services
July 12 Flrtngon violent smklngcrowdsat Dohiul
d I tHh July 18 to August 9 August 1. opposition niovcri motion of no
co nfldcxice tiga In si Council oiM Inlstr. rs m I
Indira Gandlil ondcvaiutlon of rupee which
was lemied as betrayal of India, 11 was
feared collapse of rupee would lead to
collapse of hullan economy and eventu
alLy polllieal Uidepcnilcurc Motion easily
July 18 Acute law and order and food pnihlem.
ln«llra Gandhi's discussions witli Chief
Ministers of various slates
July 21 India protested to China (or intrusion In
Western, Middle fcutil Eastern Sectors,
July 29 Bananas Hindu I hdversity closed indefl-
nltcly following serious eases of
■l.. 1972 May2 to June 22 2Gilh AugusL Uuportant cleclian far the
past of Presidrtil of India on
July 27 to Scp 1 wlilch Hie whole future course of history
of India dejrended. In this eicnhun. the
Staidimte' rotisisting of Mnrarjl Desal.
S.K Patil. Afulya Ghosh and Nljailnguppa
canvassed in favour of San (iva K»h) dy while
D.P. Mlshra and young Turks supported
V.V.Glrt, Hie can dldalt'sponsored by Indira
Gandlil, Elrctlnu iviw held cm 2t1tli An
gusi, lin-ilateofhlrtlioflhijlvGandhi.Had

Entry of 'SUAut m Gwuni Fintr Tochn»qu« of Asirriognal Predictons Vof One
Girl lost this rlncttoii. it would hnvr been
end of Indira Gandhi. Mrs Gandhi said
after tlits election that old guard felt dlsln-
hented, The tune for parting of way of two
sections of Congress had came.
5. 197<1 July 16 lo August 16 J.P. Naraln led an agitation fur dissolution
of Bihar Assembly,
JuJv 25 No-confldence motion against Union
Council of Ministers defcaletl
6. 1990 July 14 to August 7 July 13. tiintc Union Ministers.. Amn
Ncliru, Mohd. Arif Khan and Satpal sub-
inittrd resignation In protest against
Cliautala's faking over as iZhlef Minister
July 14 V P Singh odrrt it io step down as Prime
July 17 Uaryana Chlct Mlnlsfcr Chauthala re-
Julv I B Prcs]dent's rule In Jarnmu & Kashmir af-
ter end of six months gm'ttmor's nilc.
August 1 Deputy Piiitir Minister Devi Lai dropfied
from Union cahlnet (oUowlng wild charges
made by him against his colleagues In an
mimww uitli the Jtlusiratiyj VVtvIrtiy of
August? I inlon Govcmmcnt acccpled llic Mandal
Commtsslnn rTcurnmendnUons and de-
cided to rcservv 27 |KTccnl Jobs for back-
ward classes, thus divUliug Indian Sacl
ely mt'i dlsllncl classes.
August 8 Vlolenr (jiotcsct r»ckrd Bihar and sprrad
to other parts nl ludin.

Venus as the lagaa bird ot liidcnciidetice llomncoof has mo si
jdanlffca.nl role in nalional affairs, From ihr siiuly presented heir 11
must be clear that an alfllcted Venus has proved bad for India In
various ways and on various occitsloirs 11 In Gemini. II has caused
sornc rhangesi trivorlably, horn same mnm tmus looking change to a
major lUslurlral tn-mOr
The remarkable tnjih lo he noileetl is ilmi while u is the slow
moving piniids. their conjuncllons and oppositions lhai are the bases
of all nmiulaive pretliclion. Uie lm|ioitaiice uf Venus in Gemini. o( a last
moving planer in « partieular rasht, Is a u.nally iinginul and n-pllrnbie
piece of rcse.in h In rnnudaile aslrokdogv

Finer Tecftmgues d< Astrological PrcdicDoos Voi One erfl/y cJ Venus rn Gewni
Editor s Note
To uiulcrslarul Hits resrtanh see the SamrshtaJta and Moon's
Bhtmwistaka of the Indian Independence hnmscopc

Rash! Sarvastaka Moon's Rhinnastakn

Aries 30 6
Taurua 44 6
Gemini IB 0
Cancer 27 5
Leo 27 2
Virgo 30 6
Libra 25 5
Scorpio 23 4
Sagittarius 28 3
Capricorn 20 5
Aquarius 2B 4
Plscca 35 3
Venus iTie lagna lord of the homsropr in Grtrurit whtrh lias n zero
become^- powerless and it aihltled eanses pain to the tuition
■Simllaily. when Venus is under aflllcllun in any olher tashi. lire
nation faces problems.
Wnus Is In Gemini (31 May 10 23 June. 1997) and the nation is
faced again with a scries at probiems, finanolai seajidals. (Ires in Delhi
and olher places.
I C.R,B. Cnpllals a finance company which promised more 11 it crest
lo Investors has duped thousands of ihtim.Chain Roup Bhansall
(after whom thr company C.RB.is namedl die main accused, was
brought lo India by the Central Bureau of LnvesUgfllion from
Hongkong an 8 June. 1987,
2. There was a very ugly Qgjit between Stlaram Rao Kesri and Shamd
Pa war to become the president of the Congress party The
Congress Party which has a poor record of Inner dcmncrary is now
going lo liave clccUons after 47 years Kesri won wllh a liugi*
3 (Tie fight tn become the president of die Janata Dal has Ixrcorur a
very unpleasant battle between two Yadavs, Utloo ol BUwr and
Sharad of Maiiltya Prirdesli.
•I. In a yagna condurtcd In a temple In Thanlavur 41 devotees died in
a flic whtdi broke out.
3. Some N.CC boys vvlio had gone to Dclmsdun wen: drowned In a
6. Tlic worst ever fin? In a Delhi cinerroi house an 13 June tn which
many people were kllird (Upbaar fire)
T7ie Hindu !\'eu< Year (7 April, 19971 If 1996 ujos had, 1997 tail! be
worse because of some dear frigluentng trends. Violence is msihls
Odhi does not appear to A>c safe- Unless Che ;mUlv and ciintens

Enfy (y Vs'iw m GwrKfi/ Finer Techniques ol AsiiOlogtcal PrwJicSions VOi One
coaperaJe, tenxnisl acthnlies In (/ui- aapilal of India will became a
serious problerrL'
7. Tlie Hindi Hindustan ir.parlcd that on 18 June 1997 there wem as
many 53 tire Incidents with four of them being devastating.
8. The govemur of Bihar gave permlsiilcin to the CBf to proceed legally
against the Chief Minister of Bihar. Laloo Prasad Yadav, In the
fodder seam, along with the fomicr chief minister. Jagannath
(The validity of this research was tested in 1999
when with Ven us in Gemini Che Karyil crisis began with
Pakistan infiltrutors entering some other areas of

Sorrow & Splendour
— A Pauranic View

Dr. (Mrs) Lalitha Kuppuswamy

Mast swis«(lonnl tn appearance, Satuni Is the most fascinating of

the planets we vise in Itlmlu aslrologv for prctlk tluus Ixitli far glorious
achievements anil also samnvs. It not only lias nine Moons but is also
summntled by thtrc circular ttngs which fonn a sort of frill or collar
nrourui Us mliliJI' poiiton.
I'hniets have aslmiiotulCAl existence, llicy are deified In Hindu
astrology and religion because of tiiclr profound Inllucncc on earthly
lives, inillvlduaily as seen In natal charts and, on the world we live In.
Saturn's influence Is made use of for mundane predictions.
Sufum, Ihc deity, seems to have held a high place in Hindu
rcliglan under dlllcrent names by virtue of being the biggest of planets
(Hcrschcl. Pluto and Neptune are not used In Hindu astrology) and also
being the slowest of planets. Its effective Impact on terrestrial events Is
felt for a long time.
It can be surmised that iu byrone aces, when Qbservadon was
vqj1ic_ajiijL.jIso ahysical. Uic transit of Saturn in the 4th. a.nil 3ih
houses from the Moon ami ihc serven and a half years' cvclc. known as
sadJv.' saQll, aeain around the Moon, must have excited curiosity and
clcar-cut eonduslo qs.
To understand 11. wr have to refer to our Punmas which Is otir
sourer material on variuus aspects and effects of planets where they
are told as stories which enthraU us and. wltli remedial measures
rccoramcndcd. Tlir remedial measures are the methods resorted to, to
convert an adversity into a boon. It Is science and practice, fear and
vencraUon. which man always has.

"Die proper name of (his planet is SluuiiascluunJi 'Cham' means
movcmcnl and "Shanndi'. lugubrious pace. Saturn Is, we know, a slow
moving planet.

SATURN Soourt' & Spienaour Finer Tecimiques of Astrological Predictions Vol O»>o
Skanda Parana:
Epithets of Shani
Various cpltlirts used lor Saturn In Skanda Purcuta are;

tJlF'.; H-:; rn"'ii l-i-ni; "1«FI <IH :I

1??PT?^PJTgffl fq-cqoTPPI:!

Saorth. Sfiamscftarati. Manctsfi. Knshno-snanlafi/ka Yomoh

Pishangasft cftayssvlo Babfirufi SM/isvera P/ppoiayvnah
Ei/iaiti Sfian/ Namaani PmaltiaMaie Sntaarennarah
J. Saurih fson •/ the Sun), 2. Shainaishchara (slow moving),
3. Manda jduIJ or sknit). 4. Krishna fdarfc). 5. Ananta lend less). 7.
Antaka (fJesLroyt?r) S. Vamnh fcnntroJkTj. 9. Pishanga flounty), 10.
Chayasuto fson of sfiadaios/. 11 Babhru (reddish brown) 11.
Shthavam (sleaclyl. 12. Pippalayanah (whose abode is the pccpal
Men shotiId renicmlxT (hese names of Shatil In (lie morning (to
save themselves from Its wrath).

Padma Parana refers to other epithets such as

I Grahanam Craharaja, lire king among planets.
2. Sarvameshwarah. the Supreme Contirjllcr-
3. Kalnrupi Mahagmh. tJte great planet In the form of Time
4. Jatilah. matted hair, also cumploc.
5. Vqfra roma, hair, like Iron.
6. Danaoanam Bhayankarah. a tenor for demons.
The story of Satuni as stated In this Parana Is generally not well-

The Son of the Sim: The Padma Purona story

Sanjna, the daughter of VlshwaJsamta, tvas tire wife of the Sun
and bore htm three rhtldrcn. Maim Vhlvasta. antl the goddess
Yaml (tlie river Yatnuna). Sanjna who was not able to bear the dazzling
brllllaace of the Sun god (Surva) ordered her maid. Chaya (tlrat Is her
own shadow'or Image) In look alter her husband and went to the forest
for performing penance. Mistaking Chaya for his own wife, Sanjna. god
Sun begot three othcj children namely, Savaml Manu. Shanalshchara
and a daughter. Tapall (thr rlvrr Tbplll.

The Brahma Parana

It states thai Shalnawharya. the sateond son ol thr Sun, brother
of Manu. attained plancthuod and is worshipped by all.


F(n«i Tochniqucs 0' Asvologca) Presitciiortt Vol. One SATUWV So "aw t Spiencwur
CvvUjyo Van Suthasihssya Mano'DtuD'.a Shstnashchatsh
QraUstv/nm Sa ctia Lebha Vat Sarvslokabhi Pu/ilah

Skanda Parana
According to the Slcmda Puearta 1). Is the devotion and thr grace nl
ivorti Shiva that gave, to Saturn the status of a planet.

rn TiHi■ ^qyivfr;!

Prasnavan Vq GofiesrtiV'-sm B'tsWys Shamhiioh Pmsadalliak

Varah Purana: Why is Satam fierce and cruel?

Oucc Chaya was angry with \aina. the son of Sitiiltia. Ikvtuiwp of
her 111 treatment Inwajds her step elnUlreri. She laid a curse on hint
When god Sun came to know of this curse, He. in mni. cursed
Shanl, Uie sou of Chaya. to become lie tee and cruel. A Curse was i/ni*
countcted with a curse.
Varan Fitrana refers to this anecdote

Fnpd ymri ^i*TT®m5fmymn;i

Shan'm Shshsps Msfttisnaaschhayg Kopa PrsdhBrsivthah
fuain KrvracShnsUUitihsvtlha Wathmdostiona RuUsha
hike aJl fltraulc stories, about Saturn what we see here an
astrological principle of int. iprelaliom Tlte oppaslllon of Salum and
the Sun is a well-known dreaded camblrwuon in Hindu astralogy

The Skanda Purana

It reinforces tills story by saying (hat even gods and denious arc
afraid of the looks of Sliard (aspects as astrologers know). No Itclng evci
escapes the fury of Shanl

Brahma Vaivarta Purana: Shani's doicnuuord gaxc and lameness

In Ifu' Gaimpnlhi Khandant Brahahma Vniunna Pnrann Sat urn Is
depleted as a devotee of Inrd Krishna. At thr la-lies! of U.in 1 ShlVu. ton)
Vishnu and other sages, Shanl went to bless Cianes'na at his birth.
Shanl stood there, even as an InvUec. wllh g;u;c downward, not looking
at die ncw-hom baby, Gancsha. Goddess Parvail,asked Shiitd (In*
reason for his ptTCullar atltnudc even on an ixcaslou like tills Sliaih
c.vplainrd drat he. was under a curse laid on him by his oven wife
daughter of Chitraratha. Once when she was approaching htm, he lusl
in meditation, did not notice her presence. Annoyed, shr. In-.sell
$p!rlh.ia)ly slnnig, cursed him that henceforth his direct Inak at .inynnc
or anything would reduce die sighted ob)ecl to aslu-ji

SAiUHN Sijitw S Spif)n0oijr Pine Tocitilqutt! of Asl/clogical PmdidlDns Vot One
ffncrr ^ TJJ "R^rfiri
Thvaya cfhrshiam chs yad vasthu truids sarvam vinashysH
The wile of Shanl later regretted her act of curbing becartsc she
realised that while In meditation, Shanl could not have noticed her
presence. But It was too late to correct the mistake committed by her.
For this reason, with the welfare of the child in his heart, he did not
look at (he child. But Goddess Parvatl Insisted that on a festive
occasion like the birth of a child he must see the child, Shanl had to
accede to the request, He looked at the child. The result was a great
disaster. 'Hie child's head got severed and went rocketing Into Goloka •!
Lord Krishna while the nimaining part of the body, drenched In blood,
was In the lap of Parvatl
Those who had gathered at Parvatlh place were, panic stricken.
But Lord Vishnu reached the banks of river Pushpabhadra and finding
a king elephant cut Its head off. bestowing boons on the herd of
elcphanls at the same tlrnc. and transplanted 11 on the body of the
child. The child became a live but Parvatl. annoyed as she was with
ShanL cursed lilm that he would he devoid nf a limb. In turn, Sun.
Vanis, sage Kashyapa and others were angry with Parvail because it
was she wild had Insisted that Shani should look at thcchlld. Realising
her mistake Parvati said thai a curse once uttered could not he taken
back Vet. it was lightened and she said that Saturn would develop a

' re. i >=11 hfo v-ffu *

KmcM Khanp BhavtsJiyosi

The SplritatU side of Shani

The further blessing of Goddess Paivnt! was that Shanl would
have l«ng life, woidd be peerless yogi With devotion to Lord Vishnu.

Brahma Parana:
Shani the destroyer of evils ftt'orship of peepal tree)
According to Brahma Purana, the worship of sacred pccpal done
properly accoiiliiig lo prescribed rittiallstlc manner nililgalcs the
majeflc influence ol Shanl In the horoscope of an Individual and earners
prosperity. Then then.' Is a story. In heaven there were two cruel sons of
Kaitabha. with the names we arc familiar with, though In a dlflertot
wnj1. Hicy were known as Ashwaththa and Pippata. Assuming the
form ol peepal tree. Ashwaththa devoured Brahmins who came near
him (n cut twigs tor sacrifice. Plppala on the other hand assumed the
(brni of a singer of the Soma Veda at tracting students wanting tip learn
the Sama Veda from him. lie too would devour them. The uumbcr of
Brahmins started decreasing. Sages doing penance went to Shanl who
himself was doing serious sadhona and asked him to put an end to the

Finer Techniques Of Astraloglcal FredKhons Vol One RAfUFN 3c"a* A Sp*-
airociUct of Ashiuaththa and Pippata After completing his •rfir/Zw/rifi
Shanl assured the sages, he would kill them The sages on th<- olhei
hand said that Shanl could take the benefit of their own natihami .mil
Instead uf walljng to eomplfti' his sorfhnna- act at ouee
Shanl agreed to act at once and went to the demon. Asliwal htlui
who was In die form of a pecpa.1 tree. As usual. Shanl was dcvijurcd
Now Inside tiie stomach. Shanl had a full and stralglit gaze at thr Kulntt
of the stomach of Ashwaththa who got burnt to ashes.
Shanl then went to the other demon, Pippala, ro leant the S.ou.i
Veda and was devoured. Again Shanl repealed the act ol 1 laving a toll
and straight gaze at the Inside lining of die stomach of Pippala wlm
too got hurut to death. The great rusiu Agostya was pleased wltli SI unit
and blessed him with many boons. In turn, Shanl, said,

Shanl offers boons

1 -Whowver louche? the PcypcU trre on every SatunlittJLCjlularfa wfll
he—In his understandings and gH cdkH iVom Ida
tmul-ilcs caused hv Shanl himself
2. 'Wliosoever takes bath In Asfuniii/gfifl nfvtha will have his wishes
fulfil led T
3. 'VVliosocver touches Ashuxtdidta tree IPcepul) niter hath in ili>
mondiig on Saturday will have his troubles caused by platieiarv
afntctions mitigated.


■^Tld ^ TnR -R1;(

^Tl gT;||
^ -JincfTjR xrRqT:l
"3 tTTI ^ lissls' rEjrjT^II
Msdndhwzie my a fa yn cha kurvsnltiyBShwalhtfialanibhatjitm
Th&sham Saryaam Karyaam syt/lni Pmdamatfbbtiava no cha
Theertbe cfiesbwathiha s-artgye Vat snanam ye rwaah
Thesbam Sarvsam Kenyaani ahaveywaparo vamfi,
Manoavwe Ihu ye astiwaUitfiam Prsltiarolhlhaya manavaahn
Aalambnantba cha rhasham Vai Grahspaoaa Vyapahafu

Peepa) Tree
In the Bhagavad Glta also, Lord Krishna equates Idrasrll with
Bcepal tree

Asliwaththsh Sarvavrkslraanam

Sq^dw S SPfwitfatir Pmer Tec-Vi<}ues o1 AslfOlogiCfll prwlialc'i^ VdI One
Vibralilp of Peepal Tire ks said to bless the worshipper wltli
pmgeny. It Is said In Brhat Stotraniingkara. that Braiima resides in the
root, \1shnu In the bark. Shiva In the branches and the nil tire diet lev
In the leaves of the Pecpal tree.
Jet tRZI etft ^ipaisi "^rart ^
^ Tt |i
Mule Brahms Vwadti Vishnuh Shahtiaysm Shanhars Eve ctis.
Path re Pathta Sarvadevash Wsssudhevsaya The iVaeia^

Skiindn Parana: Saturn in the lagna, 2nd or 8th house

The son of a sage by the name Plpplada and ne.phew of the raraous
rishl. Vhgjravalka. lived in a condition of desUtutifm. wuhout anyone to
look after him. In a Jungle. Once, rishl Narad a explained to Plpplada
lltal all his miseries were due to the placement of Shan) In his lagna,
Narada said that Saturn In the 8lh house tonnenied even the deities
while In tlic first or 2nd house In a horoscope. Shaul is not good,

rt^rsST?!: TlhpiT •n73hT5Tr?:l

C'.rrcahiHi ai'-dl t»--itiPrd t? 11
Na Towayaa dhushkrlham kmchilh purvodnhartthBiv Khtom
Paraia Ysna Susanjealtwm Thavedham VvBSanam Shrunu,
Jarmasffjooa bhavaanjaalhan Shanmo Naaltua ^si) shay oh
Thenaavasthamimaani Praaptho naartyadhasti hi Kanrnam

T^T-TThR Tin R
apiPeJ uih'h-'i IgniMrri ridu'n.-.u
Deevarraamapt Peedam cha kwv/fte ashfamtrashrgah.
Janmasfhu 'Jistwshana aMlhaeyaslhu f/ia/ftaparat)
llpplada, himself full of spiritual [Kiwcr. looked augrlly at Slianl
.Did from his lilgh position lit the sky. SltaiU fell down. liishi Narada,
tearing that the humiliated Shani might, in lum look stialght at
Pipplada straight and destroy him. requested Shanl not to tin tl and put
(he great planet in Its original postllon In heavens, Pipplada was sorry
llial he trad caused the fall of Shani and asked Narada what the
tttuedy was. Naradals reply wast planets, cows, kings and Qrahmhis
ari pleased when worshipped and when Insulted dcslmy the nirendcrs.
N'araila asked Pipplada to pray to Shani, which was done thus;

grp-rcwrc fl'letlg Hhl^iqdl

dHWI "3 iHi (I

pin°4 Tectinlqufcs ol As5ralpg««l ^retSetions Vol 0"e SAtUrIN SorTow A StfterJow

^HM'ssTI -(M«1 Hi<'-i 11

iM"1 3H3~7 I
"VTTR *'/' ^11
Namasllie Krodliasaasthaya Pinyalaya namaslltulhe.
Numasttm Babhr um^ayat Krishraayn cha narmstlmtlre
Namssthe RauiiradohBya namaslhhe cfisanttiskaaya cha
Nfimastno Yd ma sangyaaya namaslo Ssursya Yibno
Namasthe Mandasangyaaya SminaistKhara namosltuitt\e,
Frasaadham Kuni Dhevssha Dheenaaya Pranattiasys cha
Phased wr/;i Whs prayer 3/iarv granJsW a boch lo Wie (x>y w/io rsrt/uersJtiW hm 'inr
to tnauble cMdrort kGlow sisioon yean o' ago

H-J'jt lfln -TI Ml n Minr-ii I

AdhyBprsbrthl no Pe-ecle bsstanasm Soryanahclana
Thvaysa Kaarysa Mahabhaaga sfakncya rig kaWiar'c/isrra
The recitation ol this stocra on Saturdays In (he utotnlim (itkmc
ull hath, plactrjg (lie idol of Satnm rrmdt of Iron «1uw.n\variK Hi ml •mil
ballilng witli that oil. ofTerlng of sesarne and oil. gift of film (t row
performing homo, with the twigs of Sharnl trt-e and worsfll|) ol Sham
wltll blaitJi seiulmc oil ami blank (dark blue) (lowers, hlm'k < lo(li .md
ofifcrtng incense arc rcconimcnded as elfocih'c remedial measnies to
riHlliry 111 effecls of Saluni. Such worship ronfrrs pnispn ilv

Skanda Parana: Effulgence of Shani

A story refers to child Shani who after his birth liXitmd at tin l< > i
of his father. Sim who had come to see him. But the Sun cov< red ilr nt
with a cloth which howevci did rtol save (lie situation as the lent ol (he
Sun got burnt, it ts for (his reason Dud In all idols ol the Sun. Icn .ire
nor vlslbic and are said to be coveted with Icallu-r

Shani In Robini
Enough rescaicll lias been done In recent years to eslablli-.l i (In
vjilldlty of Die astrological prlncsple that aflllction of Rolilnt by sh mi
causes great agony to a king and his kingdom. It Is mcnllonrd in dn
Skanda Puraua. Paclrna Parana and the Mahabharatn. lite nit.-i
popular of these versions relates to king Dasharalha who as a viil nuim
king ruled observing tlie nrlcs of dhamia. He was (Old by astrtilngers
that Saturn's afTllctloii to Rohinl would cause famine and wars Klhja
Dasharatha obstnjeted the path of Shani and threatened to kill II lu
entered Rohinl. Pleased with the king's valour. Shani gmmrd Dim with
tire boon that anyone who look oil bath on Saturdays would mil In
(roubled by ShanL

WORN S SoHMdovr PirHK ToOsnlquos o! /vslroloolcal Preaiciioni Vo« One
^ 'PT mRF nr-ii W'i ^I
<4i^rHie1 T ^ ^Hii
Tnava yo vssorij prflpifie r.'jaWacO/iysngsm karoihi vst
Thasyaanyadfrrvssam vaasvnltipeedaa Ksaryaa nacha Jhwayaa
Tills supports tlir south Indian custom of taking oil hath on
Sat unlays.

Skanda Purana: Remedial measures

Giving sea same seeds and iron on Saturday for a year Is
re•otrnunulnd as a remedial measure to keep away the adverse eficcfs
ol transit of Saturn.
Performance ofShanll - ho ma wllh sesame, Bacrilictal sticks and
i U c aiatus on Saturday Is presented as an antidote against the trying
pi-rtorl nf seven and a half ycairs of Saturday's rule on an individual,

etlssti 1 I
af"JTSoU cTTI flT t?: 11
cTt'l trl^rfrsPTI rifwi 11
"<t ulcWfllK

RThtiPl ytetti:I
''f'J'JIfjl fnVltrl:!
"tlai TITO -ii?r oarinll
Tfiiladttansm Kafothyevanr lohadhanam c/ia yaslhava.
Kaiollu dtitvase shaklhyaa yaavadhvarsham Ihvayaa til sah
Raksttsneeyati svM'BcUchfustii) sanhalestiu ssdhaiva hi
Ttwayi goctiarapeeclayam sonrJ/ntfw ctiarka sambbava
Yah Kwyoacchanifukam samyaMhilahnmsm cha bhakihtlhuh
Yassre ibavu ssmprgptno sam/dhbishcbg thgihakshethsih
T/rasya Sardhonl Vars/mii Sapttis Karya Prayathfiatbsfi
Thvays rsksba mahabboga varam ciwn nwms yacchssi
Vasfichs/ttjetAj psteftie nfthyam sftrnuysdhyo v/s/isshadiali
ShanaishcherakilhaB Peedaa ffiasya naasham gacchalbi

Pad ma Purana: Meaning of Graha

The P.idma Parana story Is that when King D.isharatha ncqucslrrl
Shanl to free creatures from the torments he caused, the answer whs
thai r;raha'" mean I lo catch Planets cxlsled to torment creatures from
whl'Ti (he only escape was prayer once or twice a day.

F<ner TeHimques nt AsSotogtca' Pfefllclicsis Vol. Ofl* SATURN Sotow 4 SchWNXMi'r
^ Wl: '-))=lnvJ,l: r^JnT;!
cS<n : Ti^rfh Hnt:I
■CV.^Iri i^^iTfn -TT ^Isi v
(aln ''HTTiT?| 11
Grnananthoelhi grahaah Sarvv grahaali Peedakaraal' smlnsah,
Thvsys pmMhamdhsm sltiolhiBTi yah palmhyalhi manavBt*.
Ckahaiam dvikalajn Vdj pe'Jdaa mukttn ti'iiivelh Kiharfaalft

Skanda Parana: The Prayer ta Shanf

The most highly recommended prayer fo Slwnl is given m (ln-
Slianda Puiana. Padraa Purana also gives a similar Prayer to ShHin
Even hearing II being recited Is said In he elTlractoos

rat ■pTF^Tl tPtl pj-TI^T-T.p I

Tnn 11
fr^sper-? ^11
rrqi fsiuiH^rq
sh; TiTfiT^R ^TdMid ^ Hh.-ll
-ml f-iey tjmrjfq f-iwnvii^ ^ -TP;!
-TR; HR -1H| jrrjcill
-Hirl tJJTTTpgm 5rR7TE<Tp? ^
IH'I ^lyrrr •fib'-'KM ^riT^n 11
TJPO ^IHhd =yrfi::i3 Tht'.^l
5rdT^< ^rn^pi
TO m=Tmi nritrwri ! to TO:ii
-iHfii SFfTSI^l 11
5*21 'T^if^T 3 rr?y awi vphrgrl 1
■^ar^m^irg 'TyprfWi'TOTi.-ii
r^T Plrflf^ni; ^TOTifl vRf^l
■JWI VlaTI '-IH? •S o 'yi'-i: "C'l-ll-'.Sil;11
?1 tr§ Tf3 ^TTO
^5n -i'imisi 5iTnri5m;-'i'-o|s,i 11
Ac^'-iSi Q ?} evil; IPl niS'S'^l
T«Ty ^ P -3# t3Tir5>r nmfyt.-l
^ ymroPiM'
Dhyasitiws Sarasrvsti'm Devim Gsasnsfliom Vniayskam,
Ha)a Ossftaraf/iafi slncl'irafr) Sawundhamathnkaiotk
Narti-o Nooi-jmayuriita-ya NeekslUpslanihAnya clta

SATURiy Sorrow & SpteiKtoW Finer Techniques of Aslrowfllcal PredfchonE V*l, One
Nafrra Ni'maonsedoneaya DBergtiashmashni /staaya dm
Name V'snaalane thruvya ShifshkodhSrg bhayosnoka
Namah parusbogalbmyo stbutsmmaaya Val namah
K'ama mthyam Ksburibaarlhaaya Nithyalhaplbsya Vai namstt
iVamsfr Haalaagm rupaaya Ktlbaanlhoka namosMhul/ia,
Kameslo KotsmaksPeeye DomireeHsbyBBya Vei nsmah
Name Gtmaaya Raudnaaya BdaeshanaayB Karaahne
Nomosia Sarvabaksbaaya Valaemukha namoatJiutba
Suryaputrs rtsmesfesf/iu PhazkQns diayadhayBka
AcfffOCffr/sfrfe namBElhubhyam vapithshyasma namoslhulha
Nafno Mandagalba Ibubhyam nislbrlnstiaaya name narrmti
Tbspasa dagdhedehaye nittiyam yogataltwya cba
Namesltw gyaananelbreyB kasbyapothmajB sunove
Thushlo dsdasi Vai raajyam rushto hamsj ThalMshanaaib
Dovaaswa manus)\yaash cba pasupaHsijtsareesrpBSb
Ttivays viloMbaab samv damy amaashu Voanlt cba
Bradmaa stishro yamasbcboiva rsbaysh sapihatfiarakaab
Rajya bhrashtaasheba the serve Ilia wj drsMyaa wtoMfiaab
Desbae rregaragraamaa cAveopesfiscfiarvaacffayssfhfftaa
Raudra Dbrdtlyas ttiu ye drstitaati kshayartt gacchantl thalh ksbanaaW
Prssaadam Kum me saure varaariheham Itiovarshiiltfati
Sauia tarjamasvaaparaac/ftarn sarvaWfuffia blttiaayBCiw

Brihat Stotra Ratnakars

A simple prayer fur Sham ts given In the Brlhal Siotra Ratnakaea

<r^rr mirera: fvwfiwri

R^U: OT^tlfhi -q^T h TlPfK
Seryapofno Deerghadslm Vtshaalaakshab Sffivspnya/i,
Manda cbsrah Prasannatdmaaa Psedasaj dabathu me shanib

I. The significance of tlic many names of Shanl. Slcanda Puratia and
Padma Purana should be made use of lor prcdlcdve purposes.
[!. Saurih. Il refers to the divine parendiood of Shan] who fs the son
of the Sun.
til. Shafnshcliarm (slow moving) It Is an astronomical fact that among
the nine planets \vc use in Hindu asiiulogy. Shanl Is the slowest In
tv. Manda (dull or slow). One of the attributes of Shanl on the positive
side Is it leads to wrJl-consldcrcrt derisions which cannot be taken
lu a hurry. On the negative, it can gjve a physical or mental
handicap which, makes one dull physically or mentally
v. Krishna (dark). II is left to Venus. Moon and Jupiter to ghrc to
one's personality handsomeness, solcnmlly and majesty. Shanl
can and Is seen to have done the reverse of IL

Finer TodmiquM ot Ast'ological Proditlon# Vol Orne S^TUffM Sonow A Spietifaor
vt Animla Siianl gives Ijug and durable results, gnud in
VlL Antnka (dcslroyerl. Shanl Is the tlest rover of evils. Ttie delliUtioii «>1
evfl will differ from individual to viiriividuai
vill- Yamah (coiilrollrr) Shanl Is the supreme controllei of liunum
destiny In any horoscope according to its placement at if I three
Ix. Piahangal tawny). Il is a useful hint about the type rompleAluM
Shanl can give-
it- Cbaya-sttto [son of shadows). Phntagraphy Is the use of rfmyo A
photographer has to have a good Shanl ectrnbincd wtth other
planets to triflncncc his profession
xl. Babhru (reddish brown). If is a useful ttlnl plxnit (he type
complexion Shaui can give.
xJL Shthovara (steadyI. United tis caillci name Manda. 11 bccnmes
obvious that Shaui gives durable and lasling rosulls.
xilt Plppalananah (whose abode Is the put'fjal tree) II emj ihaslses the
SHCredness of lite penrpol tree,
xlv. Grahaham Graharaja, (Ju; king among planets "Hur meaning Is
xv. Sarvameshtvarah Tlic Supreme Controller. The meaning is clear
rvl Kalarupi Mahagrah. the great planet in the form of TUnc. In
scries of researches published by ICN. Rao. and tliuse whom he
guided, timing of events in iranslt lor Jobs, marriage, birth of
rlnldren and death have sriuwn that Sbanl's transit has both
positive and negative side.
xvtL Jatilah. matted hair, also complex, Shanl gh'Cf. hair while lite Sun
xvlll. Vajra ruma. hair Ilicc Iron. Herr the type of hair Shanl gives Is
xlx Danavanam Bhayankarah. a (error for demons,Shani as the
destroyer Is a spirituaUsing plancf.The story of the birth of Shanl
The divine parenthood of Shanl shotdd always be remembered.

How Sbani attained plancthood?

The son af Ihe Sun. the cantrollrr ol the entire solar system, la
cnUtled lay birth (n attain parenthood.

Shani ; dreaded side of Shard

A no-nonsense personality, Shanl Is dreaded because he Is the
destroyer of evils.

MARS in The Puranas

Or. (Mrs.) Lalitha Kuppuswamy

Oa July 4. 1997- (he ladrpciidt-nrc Day of the USA., a spacecraft,

Mai-s the Pathfinder landed on neigh ho urlng planet. Mars. 'Scl-flc
Iwramc Scl-farl" said a scientist with NASA. In (he USA.
rhrnughoul Tnan's history no planet has Inspired more awe (han
the Mais, and (lie baleful glare of the Red planet in the night sky has
both lasclnatcd and frightened mail- To ancient civilizations 11 was tlte
God of war. called Ares by tlir Greeks and Mars by the Romans. The
fascination for Mars is seen In various science fictions, radio plays and
ruavics - all involving encauiiiers wifli the Red planers denizens of
various sizes shapes and consistencies Tire English novelist H.G.
VWib's hook the War of the Worlds', a dramatic account of an hn-aslon
of Earth by oclopui-llkc MarUaas. epitomises Ihc mystic spell of Mars
over human beings.
Recent sricnllfir lin'cHHg;iHons point ont great similarities between
Earth and Mars so much so thai (he scientists believe thai originally
Mars should have been with earth., later on it must have got separated
from the earth Hindu asdulogy. a science of lime Immcrnorial declares
Mars as Bhaium or Btuimi-putra. dire son of Earth.
Angaraka {born from the limb of Shiva or bom (Vora Flrcl Ohonmo
(son of the earth), Kuja (Ku-earth. son of the catlh) and also .Manpala
(Ijcncilcial), hofuta (Red),
He Is fiery. According to Ataracfiya Purana. Mars is of cruel look,
young, bilious and I Inkle,

jKJiaa'.rii ifrrr:

KruraC/fMharuno B/taumaf) Pailluthikasti Chapalsstfia Than

Con (da Purana describes thai the Intge chariot of Bhurm'.s son
IMars) Is uf the cillour of molten gold and is drawn by eight horses, of
Ihc colour of the niamcuts of a lotus and is born of Ore.
Tire world of Mangala Is called Lohitn fRcd). II is nine rayrd initl
full of water.

Pmer TecJiniques of Asttologifal PraJidms Vn* One MrlWS r.i TTie Pt/rsngs
^ f!73? ^l'

'Lchilo Navarashmisthu Sihanamagpyani llm lhasya Vsj'

Affording to Motsyo Prrmrtn. a!l planttts haw tirlgloalcd frrmi the
rays of the Sun.

Tpf fER^T:

'Rikshagmhaah fiaivo Vigyoyanti Surya samkhavaeh

I-ohlta (Mars) is t he product of the Suit's ray called Samvardltana.

^ dir-tdiffqVi ^t*

Samvamhangsinu /□ ras/wrwo S'a yonis lonnasya Ciia

From the Pc.rspiratloxi of Lord Shiva
Pumnas like Skancin. Shiva stale (hat when San (the wife of Shiva)
sacrificed herself at the sacrificial fin- of Daksha Shiva, greatly grlef-
strickcn at the loss of his wife, started doing .severe penance at the
Kallasha inountaJii. Due to excess of heat produced in the body, a drop
of pcTspiratirm fell down on the earth from the fore-head of Shiva, ft
shciped as a child, red in body, wifii four nnro, eiraifing an extra ordinary
splendour and started weeping. 'Hie earth took the cliild In her lap and
gave him milk and fondled him.

Bcstower of Land
lord Shiva roalcrrcd a boon on the earth (hat the child would be
known after her name. The child would be the bcstower of land, The
earth look the child and brought hlrn up. Since the child was nourished
by the earth fBlmrnt-KuJ he is called Bhcunnia, Blmnii Pu/manrt KiJ/a. He
worshlppetl lord Shiva at Kashi and attained the status of a planet hy
the grace of Shiva
The blrtli of Angomka from the persptratian of Slilva and from the
earth Is said to have taken place near Avantl (U[|aln). Even today tiicic
Is the shrine of this planet at liilalu. on tlic bank of lire SWpra river. He
Is called Mcutgalarmifm.
According to another version Mars was bom from tlie drops of
blood of lord Shiva
Another Puranle variation Is that Shiva tnanlcd V'tfccsfu,
daughter of Hironyokslia- One day while tjicy were engaged In plays.
.Apni (Fire-God) came there. Enraged at this, eyes of Shiva blared with
anger and a drop o( hot water from his cye> fell on die face of Vdcesht
who could not bear it and threw 1L A child was torn and 1 he goddess of
earth took it and fed It with milk and It wan thai child who Ulcr on
became Afranfjato.

K'AhS m Tne Fine' Tt»:nr»,nies- ui Asunlosicat Pnrficiians Vol Oaij
/>'!t Bhrufiwitu tni-ntl'Hls Maitf/filtt as- Ilu- son of fjfn/mi Oouf
|i,-in(il vvlni K (lie wile nl to Ills Ini-Rnmltoti as V'ara/ia
Mar^. is (ifinTRlly liloimltril willi K'nnifiVlyrt- A-'lo.-jlty M.irs was
hmn lor ((ir brncllt of Mir world (o drsiroy Mur drnion Tttrakit
Kamkcya, thr Ooil ol vUa. Mir genrral ot ll'n; nnntrs of thr Rods,
(hough i allid Ihr wnijgrr son ol Shiva and ratvall, iirroitlhig Icr most
of Mie PnnmiL Irgrtlds, ts (In Ir son only in the sriisr thai (hiry formed
him. Bnilima amnigrd kn Ins hirth in answer lo ihe prayers of Ltu- gods
for a romprlrnt Iratlrr of I hi ir fiin rn
Tiirnlcci drmon tihialnnl (rtim fiirrhnifi ihr boon of immorlailly, the
coudlfloti being Mtai onlv Ihr >">11 ol Shiva alone rovikt slay him Karller
thr gcnls had crqnrsird lord Shiva nol lo iniprrgnaU' Parvatl, lesl a
bring he hom who wiinli I he mnn-pour'tlul Mian any god Shiva had
Consenlrii .April (Fire gpdi wjs Srnl hy ihr gods In Shiva with a request
that ho (bhival jdiu.iie provi.k ilirm wltJi h son, who would drslxoy
Taraka. F'arv.iil uaswnh Shiva whrn Firr-gpil fame-She left the plage
and Agm asyuiumg the Inrm ul .1 dovr nr-vivrd from lord Shiva, Hit
germ. Unable in cany this Inrlhrr. he lei it fall Into the Ganga who In
tinn jjuI K Inln Ihr rrrds tShaniJ on Ihr lianks, fhri-c arose a
.spiniderniis buy who was railed Afjnibhuixj (ptoduord from Agm).
ll ha|if.riirt| Ihoi sli daiighirrs (of a king) Knnikas coming to
baihi* saw 1 he hnv at id each ralie.l him her son and ollemd milk. The
rltlld assunird to tumscll tlx mouths and received nurture from eacli
whetxrr lie Is ralleil Shunmnl/ilrrn (having six mnlhers). But In fact the
chilil had 110 mother, lor he came from Ills father alone. In course of
time war ensued between Kornfceyn and Tamka In which the demon
was slain.
There is still another accounl of Ihc origin of Skonda. Shiva
cmlhril sparks ol tire from his eyes, which being thrown Into the lake
ShQmcana. bera me six infnnfs, who were nur sed by the wives of the
sages, who are seen In the sky us Ihr plriades (Krittikas). When Parvad
saw liiesc babies, she was overcome with joy arid embraced all of liicm
together so lorclbly that their six bodies became one, while their six
heads and twelve amis rcnmlned.
In yet annlher legend, Panatl gave into Agnt's keeping the foelns
of her unlroni son KorKkfyn. Wlillr 11 was being carried by Agni 11 fell
Into the Ganga hence Kuniora Is sometimes referred to as Ihc ollspiirig
of Agni and Ganga. The Infant was brought up by the six Kriuikas
whence Its name and had six heads and twelve hands t* receive Uie
milk of his six nurses,
Another variation ts that Kumora is Mac child af Ayni (Fire) and
Srotm (Ac/m's wife), born out of Agra's delusion that he was uniting
with (he six wives of ccrtaUi sages, actually Impersonated by Seoha.
Kumara Is known by various names such as Bhauma. Cuha (Ulc
mysterious), Mafiasemr (the great general). S/iaktidfiom (Spear holder)
Shnmbfui (TWi-kel bom) Senopah (Commander In Chief).

Fir.ai TerJiolaues ol Astralngical Preaictoos voi One VAFS 'n i ue Furgnai
Mars in different Houses
The posiDoit t»l Mhi-^ In diift-rejii lumsi.-*. in hii iiidIvidual's
horosfope incllcaies var'li.'i.ts (•(Tc,ris rFnradiyn Pumna na iuiiia-a n thus.

Mars in lagna wmliuls in tile imdy.

II bouse tastes furbldden fond.
in house •w hular and valorous
IV house devoid nt happiness, fid) ol siilleilng
V house deprtvef! ot wealth and son.
VI house stmng and eonqueror oftnrmy
VH house sulxlufd by wife.
VHI bouse healihv and iraptiy.
Dl house wicked.
X bouse Iramed and brave.
XI house rich and sclf-rrsprcled
XII house low and wilhoul weaJlh

Tuesday is sacred lor M;u-s When die bright fnntih Ulhi I ef-.i) fails
un H Tuesday, that day Is anspirUnis fur I he worship of Mars h js raJU'd
Angaraka ChaLunhL ta Aiv./ttmka ChainnlU yaw. various olli-rlnus arr
enjoined <0 be made in AmjnrrtU:a. addressing him as -Some I In- sou pf
ParvaU, !h<- son uf yu (eartJil, Ktya. Ijotlrlonqn i-ir Tile idol of Arkjn/okfJ
15 to be mailr from gold nt wnuil mid tt should lit t olonrnl ml. It Is
enjoined thai the idol be given hath iii a < upper plate in which lapgery Is

TlWifrtrSJ (Sixth Tithi)

Since Ska nils was annoinled ie- • ottim.inder in ehlel on a
SfmsTili lrlhi. it Is a sacred dny Inr Min^ h is sad rhat wuisshlping the
planet Mars on n Shashh-TTitli. one can gel wialth and sun

' sTjn fTdrt rpf tppt *

Apulfa laD/uj'e Ptyframutihairop/ fjtorraei labhuttt

According to Sfuen Purnna. if a person vvorshlps Skanda and ollrrs

lamp eti .as gifts on Tuesdays with dri/hdcn spir. he whll Iv-come a
tlalrvoyant vvhnse utterances will always lumout to he inie.
I eitt, 1 '"-.I h 'Si. r4 ..LJi ^..4 7i i

Kiiittiku tihiuitt'BvatcslHi Skunaasya Va/jaaa'vt ea/iei

Dim j'lCnliS.iOf oaadaUvGi Vnksiddtiijachfnt nhnwi
MARS Ik rfie Pumnas Rntr Techniques of AMroloqfHU Predictions Vof. One
Angaraka Chaturdasi
If there Is fovineenUi titfii on a Tuesday, worship of Mars yields
more results than a hundred Sun eclipses

Prayer to Mara
aX'-ilcF: TffetVh
Ii H^Tr-f' sfmf ^-iolOiIt)! tidycpl
^'■ilhrll sf'-iohdl TPrtjidlhiRTd; I
thWSI '-RlfTl ^9:11

TtTJpTHftigi .=HMr|<}FT;l
eillbdl '.dflP !?'®! Trg^ingifltrai':11

rc^WTr^^-nr TTfT-TT7^?:!
■Rrar=5 ^3cJ Wrlrf tT:II

nPJ ^ cfeq TJ fetfUKll

d7! "JF^Trfd fo^rl H-'lt-HlHll

ijTii^itRrr FTO =n3a ^rviq;!

■atl-n'rcifi dRrq H^'ld d^l^4cA;ll

TTgi 'frq TJ arq .3rit^fii tpqil

Angaraknh Shaktuuinoro lortilaiiga Otram SutPal)

Kimam Mangalo Bnourno MoliaKero Dfiflnapradari
Rmp.harvia Oishtikarlha Rogaknh Rngsnashsneb
Wddyotfiprabfto {/ranakBrah Kamsdo DhanaMH Kii/ah.

Snmngsnepnyo Raklhai/aslhioRokitiByBiPokstianah
LoPito Rakliia Vamsshc/ra Ssa-a KarmB-jaboPksksh

Raktnamalyaclhaia Hema Kunti&u GrsPsnayaka.

NamanyePiani Bhoumaiyo Vah PaMh Solt>a Warn naiah

Rnam lhasya ctia Davwhsgyam aartdiyam cfja Vmaahyali.

Dknnnrn Prapnofi Vtpuiam sJ/iyflrn chaiva msfforomnm

Vamshodtiyathakaraw Puharn labhate naaltira samSfiOySfi

koscftoyifaoKA/ firtsomosya MangaJam bahu paslrpaket/i

Sarvs nasfiyali ponda cita Thasya grahu krfha dbruvam

(from Sknnda Puruna)

Upgrahas and Mental Maladies

E.S. Issac

[Mr. E.S.lsaac who holds a high and rcsponsihlr position in the

Indian Television, teaches asuology in the Bharatiya Vldya Bhavanl
Over an year. I have (jeen gathcrtny il.tia (or research in
Astrological Counselling, If was only in rite tlrst wreKof Fehmary 1997,
while re-reading Brit La I Pantslmr ({era Stinstm, dial t sudrieuly sto|ip<*d
at Uie shlofcos. wherr in passing, the sage Parashar mentions <Jic
relationship hctwenn the Sun. the Moon and (he mysterious yet
unexplored (Jpymfists Out of eurlDsity. 1 trjok out all the horoscope of
mental aliments, J had with me. and charted out location of Upgrahas
in them. A definite pattrni started emerging I ran out of data.
Next day. though excited yet apprehensive ami hesltam. I showed
them to Mr. K.N. Rao whose Instant reraarks were Urtlltanil you oe
struck rich mtixeririf'.
There was no looking back dieteaftci My research paper was
changed from Astrological Counselling to Appllcatluij of Upgmlias for
prediction with specific emphasis on mental illness. Therefore, this
research paper on upgrahcrs has been prepared

Mind refers to the Inlcgratlve funrilons of the hrain and psychology
is the systrroa tie study of 'he mind The imporiani facidlies of the mind
arc co gill lion or ktinwledgr. rniuodloil or will and Ire I big or emollotl
Cognition includes pcrcejition. thinking, raeniats and Inielllgence
Psychiatry Is the branch of medicine which tlnds with the recognlllon,
lira I met it and prrvcnllon of menial ahnotnialitlcs and disorders.
Mental Illness in general ai psychological dlsiurtjancc is Ihr
result of a persons failure in coping with Ins rcspoitsihlhlJes, a (allure
In eajrylJig the loads in il!e Tlir loud relers to o series of psycho-sodaI
stresses Tile failure tii earxy the load can ht eiliu r duf In Ille 'she' of
the load or due to the luliett'ui weakness ol the persunalitv. Or there
could be a rule of multiple (hctiirs Lit causing menial disorders
Wldl-adjusted, balanced people <aii also gel menial dKiutiwncc
during hlgcrises In thelt lives On the mher lumd nnsl ible p rsnnalllies
who show adjuslment dlfficuliies- and uiO rpi rsonal pmlif ms may
break-dowm even with very small loads in ll!<
Upftrnfms as rnciitlr>ned In itslrologlcal irxis .uc ihe ndverse

Lto-Bfias ana Wewa' MeiaSes Fine! Tecfin«au«3 ol ftsirolaai^at Picdtaitms Vol. On®
a/jsshas ol plaiids and have bccti tcmicd maleflcs. Sage Parashar has
unfolded the forraula of their calculauons In Ills classic Brihot
Paraalicw Hora Shastra. Hiesc UpgraJtas are malJicmaiicaliy sensitive
poinls which can br located to the dot In the zodiac. No classical
principles have hem spelt cut in any of the aslrologlcal texts, which
have come to notice so far on use of Upgrahas for predictive purpose.
Tlds research paprr Is an attempt to establish the Influence of
Lpgrahas in causing menial abnormalities and disorders

Astrological Parameters
Menial acllviilcs such as perception, thinking, raernory. logic and
UUelhgeiu'e rvm he easily estnhUshed on Ibc tiasls of tried and proven
astrological principle However, combinations for mcntaJ Illness as
mi nn.med in live astrological texts are few and far between and also
vugin' anil geticxallscd. Ii is. tlurefoiv, necessary tu first csiahliah Uic
asmdoglcat basis of mental faculties,

A. The Moon
The Moon Is the faslcsi moving plane ! In I,lie zadlnc. II slgnlHcs tire
nilnd. And the mind can attain nulrnaglnahlc speed. Strength or
weakness of (he Moon lias dlm t hcamncc on mental health of lire
nailvc. Tliou/ih the Moon has no enemies. 11 gels nflllctcd very easily. U
indicales txajK|ulllty ol mind, emotloual rcacliuns. feelings, altachmenis
and tnenlal cornpailblhty with others. And above all the Moon Is the
Life. I on c.

B. Mercury
It is signiflcnior of liitcIUgeuec. academic discipline, logic,
raltrniallt> learning and aplllndc let acquiring knowledge. Mercury
also hidti aies the nervaus sysirm. Us enemy K the Moon. Signlflcantly.
the cmullun (the Moonl dues nai led ni home with reasoning [Mercury).

C. Jupiter
ll signifies prolound undersiautling. maturity and wisdom. Jupiter
lends depth to the mental faculties Jupiter Is (he coimsdlor. Although.
Jupiter is neutral towards Mrreury. Mrrnny is gn cnciny of Jupllcr.
OhvUnisly. Wisdom earmot flourish within (he narrow confines of logic.

D. The Fifth House and the Fifth Lord

Flic flhh Jioiise deals with inlelligi nee. UiUddng and logic. It Is
also the house nf mental eunosity. Unhlemlslied hlxlr house and fifth
lord coupled with lienefic infinenrc ensnn sound menial health.

E. The Lagna and the Lagna Lord

Strong lagiui and strong lagna lord are (he liesl promoter of good
hi'allti. A weak lagna or weak lajina lord may not prutccl Ule native
i vi <i agahntt minor afilMinits.

Fmsr TecSoiques of/istiologieal PterJlo(<<n5 Vol One UpQfulias antl Mwtf#/
F. The Sign Aries
Aries is the first sign o! the r.ndiac. Stgnttytng the I mad of the
Kcwipunts/i Aries sJsu Indicates (lie tiervout system. Ailllclcd Aries
sign in the notal chart does not prrirnotc sound mental liealih.

G. Planets in Mrityu Bbago

Infection is canlcd by Lite planets In Mrityu Bhaga. Planeis
irssrirl&lwi and planets aspecied by the planets in Mrityu Bhoga carry
malefic inilnence wftii them and cause illness. If in any chart planets In
Mrityu Bhaga influcuce llie planets or housics involved lit menial
facilities, then such a nahw becomes prone to mental ilhiess

H. Factors Causing Ill-health

\Ut 11 -estabits 11ctl aslrolugleal faclors which promntc ill-health
should also be applied for diagnosis of mental illness. Thrsr an-
snrnraarlscd here Irom the Brlhad Parashara Honi Shasba.
• A weak Ingna
• A weak lagua lord
• Male lies In kcmlras and tnknnas; rtlnigradc ones an- worso.
• No malchcs In house 3.6 and 11
• Fkincfii-s in llie eighth house, nullrallng, chnmlclty of illness.
• ■'dlltciccl Lagna lord hi tiic 6t±i or (tie 6tli itousc
• Lord of the eighth in the lagna.
• Malefic Curudliara aruuud Che lagua or the lagrw ton I
• AflUclcrl Moon,

Timing of Mental Illness

No mention has been made In any of ihc ashnloRlcal texts aboul
llie tirnc of onrsicl of Ihr incniat disease. Even in the know cases of
rncntal Illness It Is nol easy to work out (he rjcaet lime of onset as most
of ihc natives dp nol rcmcmbet (he prerlsr dale 01 rommenccmcnl of
mental complaints, But astirjlogical clues can be located if the chart (s
thoroughly sennlnlsetl and analysed fur mental disorder. Tile timing
can he worked out (liraugh the superb system of Dashas winch form an.
essential tngrcclleiii of Indian Astrologi' Only two das ha systems have
been worked out In detatl. In this research paper.

The Virashottari Dasba

This Is the most important anil mirsl widely applied dashn
prapounded In' Parashara. It has a cycle of 120 years. All the nine
pkmcls have specific number of years allotted to them It should be
calrulaicd from Malta dasha (major ppriod) Or rough Anlardasha (sub
per(bd) upto Pratynntardasha (aub-sub-pcrtodl. Further finer division
may be altemplrd only If the blrlli lime lias hern m-ordril nccondelv.

The Vogini Dasba

llie Voglnl <lash;i lias cycle of 36 years. For timing In Yoglni dasha

UpQfJhUKi tnrt MotiW MaladiM Floci IfccjtM-.iquBS ot AsfiTjIogHai Predidioire Vtat •')«
Mflha'laslia riiid Aiitanlasits should be calculated. Here the Yoglnl
flashn is (>clng used as a conlhTiiatocy tool to Vhnshottarl daslia,

Itistrumenls Applied (Divisional Charts Used)

1 The Birth Chart.
2 The Navamsha Chart.
3. The DrckkniMt Chart,
4 The Dwndashamsha Chart
5 The ulne planets, namely tlic Sun, the Moon, Mars. Mrrctiry.
Jupiter, Venus. Salnrn. Ralm and Ketie
Q. The Upglahas; Parivcali. Dhoonta. Chapa, Mandl and Gullk.
Vyatlpata. Upakctu

Note: Vajncu/antaJc, Ardhaprahar and Kaat have not been

Method of calculation of Upgrahaa
Table One
Upngrnha " laird Calculation
Phoorna or Mrityu Mars hong of Sun + (133^20)
Vunhpota or Pat Rahu 3G0G - Dtutoma
Partdhi or Pai'lvcsSia Moon 180° + V^adpaLa
Chopo or hidracbap Venus Stity - Portwesfia
(ipaicetu or Slkln Kctu Chap + 16^40'
'Die oilier (Jpoprn/ms ore calcubitcd by dividing the day ("sunrise
to sunset) Into eight equal parts. The first part belongs to the lord of the
day. The Sun for Sunday, the Moon for Monday. Mars for Tbesday,
.Mercury for Wfednesday. Jupiter for Thursday. Venus for Friday and
Saturn for Saturday. The eighth part le without a lord. The pan coming
under Saturn Is called Gullk ( or Mandl), that ruled by Jupiter Is called
Yamkanlak, that coining under the Sun Is known as Kaal or Kaalvela
and (hr part ruled by Mercury Is caHcd Ardftrnprohan
Note 1 In the table given above the planets covered arc: Mars, Rahu.
Moon. Venus, Kctu which arc to be calculated according to the
method shown.
Note 2 Of the remaining, as explained above another table Is being
given to understand how they air to be calculated.

Table Two
Upagraha Lord Calculation
Gullk (or MaDdi] Saturn The part that comes under Saturn.
Tamkontak Jupiter The part that comes under Jupltrr.
KaoJ or Kualvtda Sun The part that comes under Sun.
Ardhnprahar Mercury Tlic part that comes under Mercury

Bner Tecnnujuei of Astnoiog.cal Precisions Vo* One UpgraCs? anc Menial Msindcs
Night Birth
In cii<>c of the night hlrlh, duratlan of the night [Sunsrf to Si mi isnl
Is divided into eight crju.il part? Tlic first part belongs in the planfl
QfUi In ordtr frum Use day lunh JupVlrr for Sumlay, Venus fur Mmtdsn
Saturn for Ihestlay, the Sun for Wednesday, the Moon (or Thnrvltiv.
Mars for Friday and Mcrrury for Saturday.

Method of calcoi&tioQ of Upgrabas

Ascendants cast for the ending, moments of the parts betm igtiui u <
various planets gives lite longitudes of the respective upagralia*.

Controversy About Mandi

Mandi ts considered to Ik- dllTcrent fnmt Onllk by somr When the
day anil night arc of 30 ghattio, (12 hours) each for a day hlrlh. Mandi
1. At the end of 26 gbatUcs on Sunday.
2. At the end of 22 chat ties nn Monday
3. At tlie end of 18 ghalUes no Tuesday.
4. At the end of 14 ghatilrs on Wednesday.
5. Al the end of 10 ghnttlcs on Thursday.
6. At the end of 6 ghalUes on Friday.
7. Al the end of 2 ghalhes on Saturday.
in the case ol night birth, consider the values given for (he day
falling Qfth from itself When Hie clay and night are not of 30 glmliu a
each proportlooatc alterations must he made An ascendant east (or
speclDc time as per (lie calctilatton mcplalited here gives die position nl
Please follow the iJlusiralive eases and note the emerging pattrm
of location of Upgrahas In the charts

Case Studies
Case One
The native had a love aiialr iiflcr which he lost his mental balanci
around November 1986. He Is not violent. He gets hiccups and then
disappears from home. Is till under trealmcnt.
Lagna lord Is under severe ajUlction. Is located (n the fnnrili
house with lire sixth lord Saturn and Is extremely close to RaJiu Ketu
axis. The fifth lord Jupiter Is afflicted by Satums aspect hum tht
faurth house. Lagna lord, the Sun ts In the grip of Rahu-Ketu In all Uic
divisional charts. Mars is In Mrltyu Eliaga and ts located diingcmusly
close to the Moon. The sign Aries Is also afflicted as aspecleil by a
plane! in Mrltyu Bhaga though It happens to Ire Mars. Us owner
Upgrahas and the Moon
The Moon is tire twelfth lord posited tn the third house with
upgrohns Chapa and Upaketu Dhooma Is also forming an axis will)
the Moon. Naltshatra dlsposltor of the Moon is Rahu who is localed
extremely close to the lagna lord, tiic Sun and Is affliricd by Salum
Jpgfah,3s and l/ental Maladies Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol. One
\ G
7 N. Parivesty 5 N < / Ketu
Vyaiipat Dhoom
Uooivv / Lag
Mars Gulik 3
Upketu/S. Mandi
Chap/' N. Jup
/ 8 \
/ Rahu 2 \ 10 Dccomber
s. Sat Sun Kelu / 1955 Lag
N. Mer Case One Jup
9 \/ 11 Ny/ 1 Mandi
Ven /2\, /\n»>oom Moon
/ 12 Ven Sun Mer Mars Parivesh
10 Vyahpat N. Set Rahu Upketu
Lag Sun Moon Mars Her Jup Ven Sat Rahu
om' 24*37' 15*25* 14*19' 28014' O80O9' 03*21' 24*02"
Upketu Chap Vyatipat Dhoom Pativeih Gulik Mandi
24*37" OZ'S/' 22i03' 07057' 22*03' 24053' 18052'

Jup \ 1
y' Mer Lag Jup
4 2 \/ 12
Lag j/\. Mer Moon
' 11 Sun
Sal Moon N.N. Rahu Navamsha
Ketu Ua-'S Sun /
Rahu / Sat
Ven 8 >C 10
7 9 N.

Vlmshottari Dasha — Saturn-Vcnus-^/uptter

(21.7.1986 to 24.12.1986}.
The sixth lord Saturn Is In lite fourth house with the lagna lord.
Lite Sun and is in Rahu-Kctu axis. Saturn aspects the llfth lord Jupiter
in the lagna. Antar dasha lord Venus Is aspccted by Jupiter. The
seventh lord is afflicted causing fallurr In an affair. The redeeming
factor is Jupiter In the lagna aspectlng the seventh house and Venus.
Mars is in Mrityu Bhaga and its conjunction with the Moon along wtth
upgrahas will not allow the mind to be normal.
Yoginl Dasha — Sankata-Vlka (Rahu-Sataml
18.9.1986 to 18.1.1988.
Rahu Is In the fourth house. I he house signifying happlness.The
seventh lord Saturn and the second lord Mercury are also posited with
Rahu upsetting the family affairs, Saturn and Rahu both arc In the
l-Vic-r Techniques of Astfoiogical Predctions Vol One Upgrsttas ancf Mental MetscSies

6 Sun Mer / Vsn

\ Ratiu /
/ 5 \A /
Lag 3
7 Jup
Moon Sun
Mars Mor
/ a Rahu
S Sat 2 \ Dreshkona
/ 11 Ketu Juo
N/ Mars \/ 1
yA. ven
/ 10 ^ Sat
/ Ketu / 12 N.

7 . Rahu Sun /
Mer > \ S / Mars Moon
8 6 >< Van
Jup Lag
Kern Ven
Sal 3 y Dwadashamsha
ID 12 jC 2
Wars $31 Jup titer Lag
11 / Moon
Ketu n.

house of Mars who is alllicUnii t!ic Moon and both an- being itilluciiced
by upgrahas.
Tlic Moon ts artlicled liy L'pagrahas Ralm. ihe nakshatra
dis[H)sitor of Llit- Moon, is also alfllrlect, TTu- sign Aries la blemished by
Upagrahas. Mercury is afflicted and Jupiter is in die grip of Upagrahas.
Tlic lagna is severely ainictcd by Upagrahas.

Case Two
Site Is a trained psychologist. The native suddenly developed
depression in August 191)4. This has not affected her profession but
only her personal life. She ts still under treatment.
Tlic lagna is severely blemished by tlic presence of Rahu-Kelu
axis and Sat-uni. Lagna kind Jupiter is ill-plnced in the sixth house
aspcctcd by Mai's who in turn is aspccled by Saturn. The fifth lord
Moon has gone (o the ciglh house, Lagna lord Jupiter is in Mrtft/u
Blutga. Ketu la tlic seventh house is also in Afrityti Bhaga. In the
Kavamsha and Drekkana. lagna lord Jupiter is again aspecied by
Salum. Hie retrograde Mereury of the biriii chart is aspected by

upgrshas am] Mental Mslad.es Finer Tectituques of AsSroiogicai Predidions VOI One
12 SatRaru Upketu wars
Lag 11 Parvesh Chap Sun MerfR)
Sat Rstiu GiAk Ven
3 8 June 1968
Mer(R) Case Two
6 Jup
7 Moon Kelu
•a Moon Dhooom Vyatipat
Jup Dhoom

Lag Sun Moon Mais Met Jup Ven Sat Rahu

00;32' 23HO' \(fb? ZViV 08=31' 05033' 20=14' 29l'13' 23tlOO■
Gulik Mandi Firivesh Chap Upketn Pat Dhooma
13cll' 13I119' 23000' OTW ZVW 230O0' 07:00'

5 3 /
Sun Sat Jup
/ 4 \
6 Lag \, 2
Mars Ven Ketu /X ''L,[}
7 1 Ketu
Rahu Navamsha Sun
8 Rahu \/ 12
Moot /X Sal Mcr Mars
9 11 N.
Satnm and Mars tu Uie Navamsha. In Dwadashamsha, lagna lord
Ji tpltt-r is aspcctcd by Mars who In turn is again a spec ted by Saturn!
Upgrahas and the Moon
The filth lord Moon Is posited In the eighth house In the axis of
Upgrahas Dhooma and Chapa. U pa ketu is also afflieting the Moon.
Xakshatra dlsposltor of the Moon. Rahu Is located with Parivesh.
Mandl and Gulik and is also influenced by Vyallpat.
Vimshottari Dasha — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn
{13.5.1994 to 8.9.1994}
The lagua lord Jupiter is in Mnfyn Bhaga. posited in the sixth
house and aspcctcd by Mars. Saturn from lagna aspects Mars. Kctu is
in Mrifyu Bhagn and from seventh house Is aspccting Saturn. In
Navamsha. Drekkana and Dwa da shams ha also, these combinations
are repeated. Saturn is In the grip of upgrahas Parlvcsha. Mandi and

Finer Techniques ol Astrological PrechcJians Val One Upgrahas and Mental Maladies

Lag Ketu l.lcr

f: I -30 Sun
'-I i Moon

Sun Jup
Jup Rahu

Sat Sun
Mars Moon Lag Mars Ketu
1 11
Lag 10
vVen Saf
1 9 Dwadashmsha
Kelu Rahu

Rahu Jup Mer

Gulika. VyaUpal Is also influcucliig SHluni.

Yogini Dash a — Siddha-Ulka (Venus Saturn)
(21.8.1993 to 21.10.1994)
Veaus Is the lord of eighth house where the Moon Is located with
Upgraha Dhooma and Itillucnecd by Chapa and Upakclu Venus is
aspcctcd by Saturn frDm the lagna who Is posited with Gulika. Maud!
and Parivesha.
The Moon IsafDieted by upgrahas Tlic Moon's tiakshatra dtspositnr
Rahu is also aiflscted hy upgrahas. Mahadasha lord and Pratyautar
Dasha lord, both arc aflllcted by upgralias. Idle sign Aries Is alllictcd by
upgrahas. Mercury and Jupiter arc also In the grip of upgrahas. The
lagua is also blcralsed hy Upagrahas.

Case Three
The native suffered a bout of depression tn January 1990. She has
been receiving regular txeaimenl ever since and has shown remarkable
Tlie lagua is aspeeted by the sixth lord Saturn who is also
Upgror.as and Menial Maiad.ns Fine* Tectmques of Astroiogical Pr&jicticns Voi One
rclrograde and placed In the seventh house, Lagna lord Mrrntty has
gone to the twelfth house where Venus is also posited who is in Mrityn
Bhaga. An exalted Jupiter is located In the eleventh house with the
Moon, which is a redeeming factor. In the Navamsha Mercury has gone
to the sixth house aspected by Mars. In drckkana and dwashahsha
also Mercury is afflicted by Saturn. The Moon is also afflicted by
Satum In the divisional charts,
Upgrahas and the SToon
The eleventh lord Moon Is posited in his own house along with
upgrahas Upakclu and Vyatlpata, the Moon Is in the Nakshatra of
Jupiter who is also similarly afflicted. Upgraha Parlvesha forms an axis
with lite Moon and Jupiter.

7 Ven (R1 Sun

Kt'i'j Mer x 4 |Set (R) Rahu
6 X 5 / Jup
Lag \ / Moon
Gufik /X. Vyabpat
Mandi / NjpkeJu
1 September
9 3 1967
Dhooma Chap
Case Three
Sat (R)

1 Dtiooma Mars Ketu


Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

13**0' Uc3/' 00^0' OO^SO' 21*37' 27*12' ll'OS' 17*53" 05**9'
Gulik Mandi Parivesh Chap Upketu Pat Dhooma
26*1 T 17*51' 27l'52' li037' 02*03' 27*52'

3 1
4\ Jup Lag
Mare 2 Rahu
Moon Lag 12
Ven/ Rahu Jup Mare
5 11 Navmasha
6 Ketu 10
Sal Ketu Met
rN 9
Mer Sat

Finer Techrwjees of Astrological Predictions Val One Uograhas end Mental Maissies
Jup Rahu
11 Von Sun / Mo!
\9 /
t2 Lag \/ Mars
yX. 8
1 ^ Moon
Rahu 7 \
Wer Kelu y Dreshakona
2 Sa! 6
Ven Mars Ketu
3 ^ 5 N. Sun

12 y v Sun Mer Jup Rafiu
l\ 11 /)
Lag Kelu
lag Moon
2 Mars Owadashmsha
3N /7
Rptiu 5 Sat
N. /h Kelu Mars Sal
Moon X Ven

Vimshottari Dasha — Satum-Jupiter-Mars

(13.12.1989 to 6.2.19901
The sixth lord Saturn Is retrograde and located hi the seventh
house aspectlng the first house where upgralia Gullka Is posited.
Antardasha lord Jupiter aspects Saturn from the eleventh house.
Jupiter also aspects Pratyantardasha lord Mars. This combination Is
repeated in the Navamsha also. In Drekkana Jupiter again aspects
Saturn and Mars Involving the Moon as well. In all the charts the Moon
Is directly Influenced by dasha lords,
Yogini Dasha — Siddha - Dhanrja fVenus-v/uptter^
(23.8.1989 to 23.3.1990)
Venus Is in Mrityu Bhaga, located In the twelfth house with lagna
lord Mercury. In the Navamsha. Jupiter aspects Venus who Is posited
with the Moon and Mars. In Dwadashamsha Venus Is In Rahu-Kctu
axis and is aspected by Saturn,
The Moon is afflicted by upgralias. It Is a vargotlama Moon
associated with an exalted Jupiter hi the birth chart and asj>ectcd by
Jupiter in the Navamsha. But Jupiter Is also afflicted by upgrahas.

Upgrahas and Memai Maiades Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol. One
Jupiter is the Nakshatra disp«s!tor of tlie Moon as well. The Sign Aries
is afflicted by the axis of Rahu-Ketu. The I^gna is also afflicted by

Case Four
The native Is an alcoholic and addicted to drugs. She Is violent
and aggressive.
Lagna and the lagna Ixrrd Mars, both are afflicted by Saturn.
Mercury is In tire Rahu-Kctu axis. Jupiter Is retrograde placed In Urc
sixth house and Is aspcctcd by Saturn, In lire Navamsha. the eighth
lord Moon is aspect ing the lagna which is also mfluenced by Mars from
the tenth house. Mars also aspects the fifth house which Is Involved in
Rahu-Ketu axis. Multiple afflictions Influence the Moon. Mercury.
-Jupiter, the fifth house and the sign Aries In all the charts,

\N. 9 7 / Jup (R)

Mer / Panuesh Vcty Guhk
N. Ketu / 8 Xupketu/6 Dhooma Mandi Rahu
Lag \\// l.roon vyatipa'.
10 yMf Sun /\. Chap
5 \ 29 November
tN, 11
Sal Mars / 1964
Case Four
12 y/
DhoomaJC 2 /\ 4

/JuplP.X Parwash
/ Rahu
3 Mei Lag ven Moon
Gulik M-t/ySr' Keiu Sun Uptctu Cttop
/ Vvainiat

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

I9«3e' 13e29' lo^S' 17^8" 0^67' 25?38- nc33' 05c3r 00l:^2■
Gulik Mantii Paiivesh Chap Upketu Pat Dhooma
21058' 20:,2i;' 03*11' 26*4 9' 13*29' 03011' 26r,4g'

n, Ven Sun Sat / Kelu Mer Moon

\ 10 / \ Jup /
\8 /7
11 S N^y Rahu

r 12
Mars j Namvamsha
1 3
Kciu \y/ Moon \/5
y/ 2 \ ,y 4 Lag Sal Rahu Mars
/ Merc Jup

Finer Techniques of AstrotoffEal Predichons Vo] One Upgratias a«J Menrai Msisdies

t Sat Ven /
Lag Rahu
\ 11 / Sun
12 Ny/ 10
lag /\Uoon
Sun Sal
/ 9 N. Ven
// Rahu. Ketu Jup Dreshkona
Mars /
X. 8
A \/ 6
5 7 Ket-j Jup
/ Mars

A 7 Mars Sun Lag

Moon Sal Rahu
3 1
5 Lag Sun
Rahu Sat
12 Vert
6 Mais Dwadashmsa
Moon Mcr
g It
7 Ketu Jup
Ven Ketu
/ 10 ^
6 Mer

Upgrahas and the Moon

The Moon as In the grip of upgrahas Chap and Dliooma. The Moon
is in its own Nakshana so similar alfllctJon applies twicr.
Vimshoftan" flash a — Rahn-JnpiTer-Juprter
(3.6.1979 to 2S.9.1979)
Rahn is located in (he elgluli house in (he birth chart afflicting
Mercury. In the Navamsha fiahu-Kchi axis Involves the fifth house and
is aspocled by Mars and in Dwadashamsha Hahu is aflllcTed by Salum
and Msus. The retrograde Jupiter Is in die grip of Vyalipat. Gullk.
Majuil, t-'artvc-sh and IJpketu In Drckkana and IKeadashamsha,
Jupiter is lullueucing Rahu.
Yogini Dasha — Bhadrika (Mercury} from 1978 onivards
Menury is; die eighth lord located hi the Rahu-Kctu axis. Tlte
retrograde Jupiter afllteted by Upagrahaa aspects Men ury from die
sixth (louse. Uhadrika will he (ollowed by Ulka (Sittund and Siddha
(Vcnusl later. They are afflietcd in various degrees in all the charts.
The Moon Is alllleted by upgrahas. 'Hie aifllrtlou is raultlplied
because the Moon is localctl in Us own Nakshatra. TTu* sign Aries is

Upgratias and Mental Maladies Rner Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol. One
also in the grip of upgrahas. The fiftli lortl Jupiter is ill-placed and has
multiple afflictions by Upagrahas.

Case Five
The native suffered an attack of phobia In raid-1980. Subsequently
he himself said that he was possessed by an evil spirit. Has been under
treatment ever since. He is still getting the spells.
The lagna lord Venus is combust in the fourth house and is
aspeeted by Mars. The fifth lord and the fifth house arc influenced by
Jupiter who is In the eleventh with Gullk. The fifth lord Is in Sarpa
Drckkana with upgrahas Vyatlpat and Upketu. Mars Is also afflicting
the fifth lord. In the Navamsha. Mars and Moon arc conjoined In the
eighth house, in (he Drckkana. Mars afflicts Jupiter which is repeated

3 1 /
Ctiap ^ \ Kfrtu SlU/ Jup (R) Ketu
Guhk Sal Lag Chap
Wor 2 \ /
Vyatrsa Jup (R)
L&BIus Las \. Gulik Mar
Moo« Vyatipat
S Mandi 29 August 1939 Upketu
11 \
Sun Moon / Case Five
Ven . Mandi
Panvesh Sun
/ 10 Mars Ven
6 8 \/Pariyftsl
7 N 9 Dtioofna Rahu
Raftu /

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

19025' 12035' 10^9" OT'OT 24c40' WlS' lO^' OSW 07®40'
Gulik Mandi Parivesh Chap Upketu Vyatipa Dhootua
09038' 26043' 04<,0" 25=25' OAW 25*25'

n. Sun 1 y' Lag

N. Ven y 3 Ketu
Lag Sat
5 Ketu xC '
Sat Mer Sun
12 >.
V 6 Navamsha
9 X/ 11
7 24 Rahu /x Wer Rahu Jup
/ 10 X.
>yy' 8 ^
Jup Mare MoonN.

Finer Techntques of Astrological Predictions Vet One Upgraflas and Menrai Malacnes

x. Rahu Mcr Ketu Moon

\ 7 / \ 5 / Sal
s 6
/ s 3
C Sun Moon \ Dreskona
x. Ven
10 12 x. s 2
Wars /\ Mer
Sun Rahu tag
/Ketu1 SaiNv Ven
/ II

x. Sun Rahu
\ Mars / # / Mer Moon
\10/ 9
H ye. Lag s\ 1
/ 12 6 X Dwadashamsha Sal
Rahu Jup
1 \/ J 5 Mars
f>tcr y^. Moon \/
/C Jup
4 lag
s 2 N. Ven
Kelu Sal x.

in the Dwadashamsha also.

Upgrahas and the Moon
The Moon is iocatcd with Mandl and is hemmed by Gullk and
Parivcsh. The dlsposttor of the Moon's Nakshatra is Raiiu wiio is
afllicted liy Salnm.
Vimshottari Das ha — Saturn-Mars-Mars
(25.7.1980 to 18.8.1980)
Saturn is In the twelfth house afflicted by the axis of Rahu Ketu in
all the charis. In the birth chart Saturn is aspcctcd by Mars who is In
the ninth house with Parivcsh. forming an axis with Vyatipat and
Upketu. Mars also aspects the fifth lord Mercury who is in Sarpa
Drekkana. Saturn-Mars combinaHans arc repeated in Drekkana and
Dwadashamsha also.
Yogini Dasha — Bhramari-Sanfeata (Mars-Rahuj
12.2.1980 to 6.1.1981
Mars aspects Ketu activating the axis of Rahu-Kctu. Mars and
Saiuni are Influencing each other mutually. The interlinking of Mars.
Saturn. Rahu-Kctu is repeated In the Drekkana and the Dwadashamsha.

Vaarottnt and Wwiia Walsrtes F«-.er Technrcjuas of Astrologvol Prediaions Vo) One
Hie Meson by pnsiUon ts i;onjolneiJ will) Upgraha. The Moon la
also hemmed by uptftahas !l appeals aa 1/ the Moon Is being
pn-ssurlscd by upgralias. nit' Moot I'a Naksliatra dlM|>osl(or la RhIiu
why Is ainictrd by Saturn In all Ml- Charls.

Emerging Patterns
1. In all the eases of mental Illness tile Moon la aflllclcd by upgnihas,
Hjc Moon Is IrK-alcd with upgmlwa in Tour eases and Is also
hemmed by npgralias in one ease.
2. Nakshatra dlsiiosltor of (he Moon is lilvailahly either aflllclrd !>)•
Upgrahas or connects to another planet afflicted liy upgrahas by
position, aspect or conjunction- Such a planet in him influences
the Moon adversely. This appears to lie a combination occurlng al
birth I (self.
3. When the Monn is located wilh upgrahas. the rmtlvc seems to be
prone to mental Illness. Whenever Maiiadaslta. Anlardasha or
Pralyantardasha lords, wlio are posited with upgrahas, luDucncc
the Moon Irrespective of liiclr natural finalities, the Mofin suffer
adversely and the native tends to suffer from menial imbalance.
4. Even a natural bcncfic posited with upgrahas docs not seem to
ran eel (he affliction but dilutes and rd times gives only temporary
5. Upgrahas appear lo establish adverse nexus involving various
bouses and their lords or significations and slgnlficators pointing
to the cause and genesis of menial illness.
6. Lords and Houses In the grip of upgrahas cany their Interlinks in
the divisional charts also.
7. Saturn located with upgralias and inlliicneUig the Moan causes
depression. When Mars Joins such a combination, the native
becomes aggressive.
8. When the Moop Is "surrounded" by upgralias It seems to cause
phobia as in case V.
9. The Rahu-Kelti axis appears to be as malefic as upgrahas when It
comes to mental illness.
Note: People with history of mental illness have not been
forthcoming. Some who came forward became hesitant later when
approached for further research

1 Brthad Parshara Horn Sfisstram - Paadrt SJtaram Jtre
2 Jotok Pan/of - V SuDmmattya Sostri
3 fislmlogy end Karma ~ K N Reo
4 Tire Essoniial Psyzhotherspies ~ theories and practice by the Masters
5 Psytihodynsmc Psychfafry In Cimical Pmciice
6 Inl/odudJon to Psydiiairy - AbrehEfn and Aenamma Vetgticie

AfllJctlon of the Mental faculties by Upgrahas
Case The Moon's Mercury Jupiter Sth house Sth lord Lagna Lagna Aries
Moon Nskshatra Lord
I Chap, Rahu Rahu Gullk Aspect of Gullk Mandl Gullk Rahu Dhoom
Upkctu Jupiter with Mandl
Gullk & Maud)
II Doom Pariveah Dooiua Parlvcsh Upketu
Gullk Gulik Chop
Maudl andl
III Upkctu Upkctu — Upkctu Parlvcsh Gullk Gullk Rail u
Vyatlpat Vyatlpat Vyatlpat Mandl Mandl
IV Chap Chap Ketu Vyatlpat Dhooma Vyatlpat — Vyatlpat
Gullk Mandl Gullk Mandl Gullk Mandl
V Mandl Rahu Vyatlpat Gullk Gullk Vyatlpat Mandl Ketu
Gullk Upkctu Upkctu
Note: Ralui and Ketu have also lieen considered along with upgralias as they seem to be eciually malefic In case of
mental Illness
Don't be afraid of Mrityubhaga

Meenakshi Raut

[A published research of Meenakshi Raut in 1990 (which has

been lifted by a writer in J996) This has been slightly enlarged
by K..V. Rao under whose guidance this research was done.)
TTic terra AfrUijuWioija mmeccssarily strikes fenr in the hearts of
ihose astrologers why never used It . The truth Is that some astrologers
UU1 refer to tt lit (lie books (hey wrote, lifting U out of many south
Indian books on astrology, Mrdiarshl hsrashani never mcnUoncrt
nraityubhaglMJB). Yet. someone had In sec wfrether (l worked. It ts given
In Prashna Marg.
As fat as 1 know no one ever showed how U was used hi actual
prcdlclJons till I did it, First In my attlrle on Amitabh Bachchan and
later. In the Ttcu/edy oj a Predirlion as far hack as 19S4. In the Hindi-
speaking area I wrote out an article (or the larnous Vishuxj Vijay
Panchanga also, In the eighties, Littr, working under my guidance.
Meenakshi Raut wrote tour articles on die use ot Mrtri/uhhogn. which
arc reproducer! here,
But lu the meantime. I discovered that a wrong use q/"nrfffyabfmga
by so moon o tWio nooer worked on ft for years, has created tifrujht in the
hearts of dttoso who Uuniyht liml they uvrf tjexng lauyhl some t7n?at
secrets. That apprehension must be removed now
I taught It to students of astrology in the Bharatiya Vtdya
Bhawan, New DclhU so rue of whom used It m their writings also.
The word mritifu means death but planets in mrityubhaga do
not cause death unles- Indications of dirath are present hi tiic dash a
scheme tlsclf. Ilicrcforc. to allay such [cars, two contrasting examples
arc being shown first..
The word mrfluubhctya should not frighten anyone flow It was
dlscovenvl Is what caimof (x: espkUucd liy any astTolngcr. Slncr it Is
given In some books 1 svarthed in vain to see how It was applied, I
found no research, riien 1 did my own and Meenakshi followed tt up.
After ) taught It to many and asked them to produce a research
Covering more areas Ulan Meenakshi did. No progress was made. Sec
contrasting examples should be seen.
The first example; A Swedish woman astrologer who does
astmlogy wed asked me to explain why was the girl sulferlng from

Fmeir Tedhmques of Astrological Predictions VoL Ore Dont be efewd of Mnryubhfiaa
some mild sickness which no doctor was able to diagnose. 1 asked her
to check If any planets were In mrityubhuga. She found oul that the
Sun at 03022 was nearest to mriiyubfmga according to the table I hat!
modified. (See part 3 qfMeenaksJii's articleJbrthisf Furliicr, Jupiter at
28° 15 too was in n irii yubh agcr Tills Romanhm girl entered the dash a of
the Sun from 23 May 1996. No further details about her ailment art-
In die second example not a single planet is in mntyuhharja V-t
the ease history here is mysterious, romantic and spiritual.
Venus upto 23 May 1996
Sun from 23 May 1996

4 2 /
Sat / \. Mars / Jup Ketu Mars trig
5 3 \/ 1
Moon tag /n. Keiu Example One
Sun Rashi
16 Feb 1976 Sal
6 12
Jup y Where two
Ven planets Sun and
f\ Mer Jupiter are in
Rahu X\ //tl
Sun mntyubhaga
8 N / 10Mer\ Rahu Moon

4 / 3 X 2 Wars Sal Ketu
5 / Lag X / Karaka-
, Xs
lavBfTiiha Sat Ketu \/ i masha
oUbc / Karakamaha /X. Mars
Arnjyr Example Two
6 17 Jan 1974
12 ) Ven Where no planets Nava-
Mer Jup are in msha
^ 9 Sun mrityubhaga of the
?\ AmK
MOC'O y Raiwr 5C 11
/io\. Rshu Moon
8 Ven Me?X
Jup Sun X.

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Yen Sat Rahu

os'as 280oi i30.vi oa'se IB^S tma 04^1

35"T be afraid of Mrfiyubhaga Finer TecJlruques of Aslrological Pmcbclions Vot One
\ 10 a Raliu
Sat Mer Moon
\Ketu Ven
11 9
Sun N.ySS Laa 7
6 Navamsha
/ 12 of
C Mer
Example Two Mars
3 ^ Jup
1 Moon /s
Jup Ketu
' 4 Lag Sat
Rahu Ven\

5 y
Sun/ Jup
8 ^ 6 \ / »
Mer Lag \/Ketu Sal
Mars y/X.Moon Ketu
9 3
\ Oashamsha
io\ 12
Ven y/ Jop
Raho Mer Lag
11 N Sun Mars
1 N.

Sec the spiritual combinations In the horoscope first. There arc

four planets In the 8th house with the 10th lord but in the 8th house
which generally means that In his previous life he could not complete
his sadhano. But Mercury within the range of combustion shows some
difficulties in this life's sodhana also.
From the Kdrolcamsha. Mlthunm four planets In the 8th house
are aspccting the 12th house while from the navamsha of the
Amalyakaraka. Slmha. four planets In the 6th house do show the
keenness of the boy for at spiritual so early in his life. The only son of a
rich lather, he lost Interest In studies and Immersed himself in
snrihnna. His mother told me that he always said that he wanted
salvation (muktij. He did Iris sadhann late in the night and became a
recluse as I know personally, as he was the class mate of my nephew.
See his span of life.
1. Lagna lord In tire Sth ts very good far sadhnna but having
exchanged places with the Sth lord affects his life span very badly.
2. From Jaimlnl's point of view, the lagna lord and the Sth lord are In
Chara and Dwisahhava rashls giving lilm a short span of life, the
lagna and the Moon repeat the same story.

Finef TecJiniQiies Of AiifDloglcal PredictiQai Vol. One Don* Oe nfrarrf of Wnf>u6flagj
3. In the VlraslioUan. t( was liic dasha of the 8th lord. Saturn and the
antardastia of the 7th lord. Jupiter,
4 hi Jairajnfs Chora dosho. it was Mcsha Malta dasha aittl Dhami
Anlardaslta. As explained In my booti. Predicting through Joortfri's
Cflora Dosho. it was a period of some sudden happening
!5. hi Stfitra Dosfux it was tJie dasha of Mlthuna which has his
Brah/no and antardasha of Mcsha. Ills Karakamstia.
Vimshottari dasha
Jupifcr dasha teas over on 31 May 1980.
Salum-Rcihu teas- oner on /7 JVouember 7996.
Sa(dupdLip-.Saf ityis running on the night of 18/19 Docvcf rnber 19116
fn Jatmini's Chara dasha
Miituifia 1974 to 1981
Vrisha 1981 to 1989
Mesha 1989 to 2001
Mesha-Dhunu began Jrorn 17 Janunrp 1996
Jalmini"s Sthira Dasha
Starting from Mesha 1974 to 19SI. he had next the dashn of Vrisha opto
J989. TTum rrrmt- tfie dasha of fttldiuno which is his hamkamsha. In
MUIuina fur unxs naming the anlardasha of Mttshafrom August 1996.
His ayu unll be Jrom Mesha to Mithima and the antaitlasha of Mesha
mas the last period of his life.

That eztruarxUnary night

On lite night of 18/19 December 1996 at abaai 3.a.m. planets ivere
placed in an c.Krranrdinary way, Escept i&ms alt planets uien? tn
Dmlsusabluiaa mshi aspveting the Karaknmsha. lagna which ts Mitluina.
1. Mars and Ralm in Kanya trvre ospedlng Milhuna.
2. Sim. Jupiter and Mercury were in Dhanu and were aspecling
3. Saturn. Ketu and the Moon were in Meena and were aspeetu tp
He sat on flis asan meditated, His pupils fumed upward. At 3,00 a-rrr
lixs mathcr discoucied dmi tie uias no more. Here no planet is in
Do not magnify the role of mriajubhoga which /las a meaning /nit
need not Creole a ./ear offatahiy.

Do/u ce sfeifl of Miifyutjhaga Fines Tecfimques of AsSrotogtcal Prediclions Vol One
by Me*iafcsfw Rtul tFebrutry rS90)
lOoMecMr, of artJrics froi? Asmtogicsi Usjawne m 'SPO fsjowj
In cvcrv discipline every re stare lir.r has his own method of
resrarrli It appeals thai In all anctcnl ashological researches not
merely was (Jjere a brill tan I and (hontugh nic<lindolog>' but a code of
marking snmeUnug as secret. When deep knowledge ts given In the
lorin of sufras I aphorisms) It cannot he understood by all astrologei-s.
All codes have in he decoded Many biilltont astrologers have decoded
(hem and evplained iJa-m in many Indian languages and also English.
Bui how much more remains In be decoded t» anyone's guess.
Since It la difficult to mcrn«rlsc those Sanskrit shlnkn.s wiicn
rictitally prcdtrtions are being given, there Is need to prepare raemory
tablets. Mr. K M Kao who taught mc astrology and (s my JyoUshn-guni
has evolved many codes, some of which fie leaches others and some he
kcc|>s secret, promising thai hr would leach them at the right time.
God willing, to (he right person.
One such memory tablet he has taught to Vishorad classes In the
Bharatiya Vldya Bhawan in New Delhi is most useful. VVhrktng with
him 1 have learnt lhal some strong negative faclots. in a horoscope
must he taken note of. If necessary noted dowii somewhere before
giving any prediction, l it Inslals tflai It must Ik* done as he says fear
lurks in every nsok and corner.

To substantiate it he quotes from T.S.Eliot;

Ibur shadotcs in Hie morning
ftising In rncet yw,
Voui sfiudou' Oi Itif c'venLng,
Sindlng behind yon,
I will shorn yon /ear.
fn a hnnrjfnl q/ riust.

'Dn PAM Invat Uibty* Is his Instructions.

What Is RMMV II is a mcrnoty tablet for a quick asseaamenl of one's
span of life according to Jaimlni. Lj-I It he explained til us
(a) If Uigna and Moon are in Cham (mnvahlc) Rash! It gives Poonia
(full) Ayn (longevity) if in Si hira (fixed) A ion (Short); If In
Dii'isuiQbhta.'O (dual) Modhya (medium)
Ih) Similarly fnr Imgrm lorxt and tlir 8th lord it should be done,
(el Again shnllarly for Lagna and Hoi a Lagna It should be done.
When Moon Is In l.agnn or the 7lh house only lagna and Horn
Lagna idiould hr- taken Into ncconitl-
Now how In calculate If say I^gna Is hi Cbaia sign antl (he Moon
In Dwtswabhavn sign? Jalralnl has no doubt given (I and wriicis of
Ikjoks on Jalmlnl have explained it. Bui Mr. Rao's method Is very
simple and the best memory tablet. It Is lllnstrated henr*
Now wrlle PAM In one place and lake (n the next llonACupe (ex.3)

Finer TecliniquES Cff Astiologlcel Predictions VdI Onr DoffY tie afrad of W'ifnifirtrfgs
ail Die Dircc. factore;
1. Lagna lord Is luChara Raslil IP) and the 8II1 lotxl is hi Sfhlni Rh-^IiI
IA) Now PAM minus PA gives RI whlcli Is rnedlura I lie,
2 Lagna Is In Stlilni (A) Moon DwlsrvvabliavalM). Now ('AM oUniis AM
gives p or full life. Now there Is oonlUct between these two. "11 tr (;rvi
factor gives uicdlmn life white the second [actor gives full li(<- S-t
(lie Hora Lagna has to be taken Inlo account.
3- Now both Lagna and Horn Lagna are in Stblra, so 11 Is Al(<a
Then some other metliods arc to be applied to see (f Un'iV is
Increase In the span of life. There are many Yogaja Ayu oonihlnruunts
Finally the Vlmshatiari Mahadaslia and Jalminl Dashiis and traaslis nl
planets, particularly Saturn.
Bvit the subject-matter of these series, a piece ol research doi ic oi i
(he horoscapir data nf Mi. Rao. is dltfcrcnt. He Invariably ask% Hilim-
whom lie teaches Aatrulogy to do PAM and MB first.
Let mc first quote from his published articles to -ttuw now
effectively he makes use of lb cm in Ids predictions. ThRe Uie casr of (li<
famous actor, Amltubh Bachcluanfex'l) (See L'ps rinri /Toiuns In
Careers,' Here Sun is In MS. In SiU/Sun (hat Atnllabh had mel with ;ni
This article which had appeared (n the Dcccxnbr.r 1983 Issue ul
The Astrological Wapozinj?created a lot of controversy but num n»ail<
Inquiries from any person mentioned In the artlrlr whrtlui (hi
prediction of Amltabh's accident was madr. tn advance, sis monlh- or
nob More amusing Is tire fact none saw the tecTinlcabastrologlcKI pnlni
nieutioncd In the artldc to
Since Mr. Ran has told mc Chat he has missed MB quite nficn Ic
Insists that those who team astrology from him must do RVM and Mil
to avoid die stupid, sometimes tragic, mistakes he 1ms commuted
Slowly. I saw with him hundreds of horoscopes in which I mysdl
marked MB and asked him how It would affect the person. He (old mi
that it sometimes affected a person and sonietlmcs not thr person nui
his family; destinies arc Inlcrllnked.
Now before actual Instances are given to show how cfiTcrnvely -MB
works It is necessary to stress three points:
a- The Vlmslioltarl raahsdasha must be worked aid euiTectK
because we have tested 1( only on the basts ol (ills dasha.
h. All the drgrn.-s of the plaiirts and Lagna must be ealrul dni
c. MTt fa hie as modified bv Mr. K N Rao (winch will Ik- glvi-n
subsequently), has (o be applied strictly.
In the research I have done under Ills guidance, ll appears to im
that the planet's ownership and knrakaturi (slgnincallons) be> "mi
important factors in deciding die results of MB
Given here Is a horoscope (ex 51 where the problem of hmli ul
children was to be analysed.
This person's marriage had taken place bn 21 7 1983 in Hit

Dcn'f Da nlfo>a of MrtyubDapn Finm T«cfiniqu«s of Ait/ologtca! Prediaitm Voi Ono
Vcinis-Jiipltcr prrloti (13-3-1983 lo 13-11-1985) and Uicreaffcr for
many moutlis his wife caulU no( conceive. Balance of SaQim Daslia: 1
year Sth Months, and 24 days.
I. Now In this horascopc lite Sth lord unallllctcd. But Saturn's
dlspositor, the Moon, is tn conjunction to Mars, Venus and
2 lite 5th house has no afflictlou.
3, .Jupiter, the natural Pulralcaraka. is rrlrograde and wl()i Kctu
4. Fr*n3 Jupiter, the Sth house lias Mars which Is generally not good
for the health and welfare of children.
In JVavamsha
a. 5tii house fs very badly afflicted with Saluni and Kclu.
h. 31ie 5th lord Mercury Is In the Sth house, not good lor children
r. From Jnpllcr. Mars Is In the Sth house.
d From the navamsha Moon (Scorpio) again, the 5th hnuhv lias Italiu
and rrcrives the aspect of Satum
In Saptamsha
a. Kctu Is In the Sth house of Saptamsha.
b. Tlie 51h lord of Saptamsha (Moon) is afflicted by Mars and Satum.
c nu- 5tJi Iioubc from Jupiter in Saptamsha has a debilitated
Venus aspectcd by Saturn while the Sth lord Mercury has Rahu
with it and is aspccted by Jopitcr,
d. Saptamsha Lagrm Is flOliLifd by Saturn and Mars.
■ITic wife of this person had lot of dlflicultlcs In ciillcl bearing 111
Venus-vJupltcr period antl nfler medlca) examination U was found thai
alter some medical trcatmcnl she could conceive.
Then earnc Vcnus-Satum period (13 ) 1-1985 to 13-1-1989).
Saturn the 5tli lord favours the hirlh of children. Tlic wife of this
person cnnectved twice during lids period but both times there were
mlscarrtagcs.The horoscope of the wife is not very good linm the point
of view of children.
Bui Die point (hat we missed In our asiroiogleal analysis is
Satum. tile Sth lord. Is hi Mriiyubhapa
Now a question arises If (he 3lh lord is In Mnlymbhctga. docs It
aflcct children? Tlie question fs worth ecamlning with an open mind
See Ihe chart (c*.6)alongsid'-. tW- are ilt.iiberaiely with hold lug
some ilclnlls, Bui it will be seen Ural (wo ptaueis air In Mriiyithhurja.
Venus and Moon.
She has been running Venus Uasha since 1977. She bad (o lace
some problem arising oul of quarrels wllh her husband. Venus In MB
may mean the Komkaicas of Minus Imnirlage) bring itrfnied The
Iroublc Ixigan with chlldmn In Venus-Mnou period. (illit rvvlse ihr Sth
house has Jupiter and the Sth lend from Lagua. W-uus. is aspt-ctnl by
Jupiter and in the 5tli from Jupiter there are Vnms and Sun
More e.vamnles will he given later. It aiiivet--> dial when a ulami Is
hi MP. il-affects tfic liousc he rnvtis and die komx-umojo ij tluLPlanvi.
StipJfathrrl. Moon (motiierl et.-
Firtor Techniques of Astroloffcat PfecNciions Voi One Don? be sfrarf of MwyuhOsgs

9 Jup Raha Moon

Ven 6
10 Mary Lag
Sun Sat Ketu
,Hora lajna/
II MerfR)
Example 3

Van Lag Sat

Mars Ketu Hora

12 \ 10
S Sat
1 lag s/ 9
Ketu Lag Jup
Ketu Amitabh
/ 2
Sa< 8 Bachchan
V Example 4
5 \j' 7
3 \/ Rahu /V l.toon
S * N //Ven Mer\X Moon Mer Mais
/ Jup Sunji
Wfirs Sao J-t X,
(March 1990)
TWo conclusions lhal can be drawn in ihc. appticaiion of Mil hit:
1. 1( aJTccts the signification of Ihc planet concerned and
2. Affects the ownership of the house of the plancl concerned
These two principles repeat themselves during the dasha and
anlardasha of the planet in MB. When we speak of the dasha we are
applying only the Virnshottari mahadaslia here and no other dasha.
Now (Ex. 7) the three charts given may be Seen,
t. In the birth horoscope the Sth house and the nth lord from Lagna
arc badly aflllcied.
2, Jupiter being in laigna, the same results as from Lagna repeat
3. Tlie nth lord from the Moon is very badly a(11 tcted
Now, tlie Moon is the 8ih lord. Tliis shows conjugal fellctly lite
Moon, the Aittat das-ha lord brought In a lot ol tension In Utelr domestic
Wlto is responsible for the birth of an Invalid child? Tlie lather
alone? Tlie mother alone? Or both the parents? What Is their fate with

Dont tx nUata o' Rnei Techniques ol Astrological Predictions Vol Ores
this- tttvalld child having become such a serious problem? The quarrel
In-twccn I he husbfirtcl and wile became unbearable but did not end In
Jupiter Is wllh Rahu And the axis of Rahu/Kclu la along the
lagna srvcnth Utiuse. In Jupller-Rahu 119S3 Decentbca to 1984 Aprlll
i he husbflnd wile rclailnnship nearly reached a breaking point and the
mnniagt survived somehow because of the aspect of Jupiter on the
7tJi linusc .mil the "111 Innl.
A question naturally arisen- What about the wiles horoscope?
In the Wauamsha
a. The 5lh liouse has Mars though 11 is a spec led by lite Moon and
b. The 5lh lord Venus Is wllh Ketu and Is aspccled by Mars and the
Sun Ft is also In the Bth house. So terrible Is the aiTLlcUon.
c. From Jupiter, the 5th lord of the Navninsha Is the Sun conjoined
with Rahu,
fn the Sapt-amsha
Tlic Saptamsha presents the most depressing picture,
a. The 5th house from Lagtia and the Moon Is a spec led by Satuiri
who In lunt is conjoined wtilt Ketu.
b The bth lord Venus is ■with Rahu aspectcd by Saturn,
c. Hie S1.h house from Jupiter is aspccted by Its own lord Mars. So
Uur aialcQc Inllueucc of Mars may be said to be less.
Here Moon Is In MB, a speedily 5th house In Navamsha and
conjunct with Rahu. In Saptamsha Moan Is tr» Uigna.
Wial Is Hie effect of It? Jupiter Is a natural putruFcaraJca in
asltulogy His close association wllh Rahu Is bad als II is.Thc Jupito--
Raliu conjunction has thus become worse. In turn the Rahu-Ketu axis
fidls along the tagna-seventh house axis.
Tins horoscope belongs to a DeUil artlst-palntcr who has settled
down in Parts having married a French woman. He married late and a
woman Ihrec years senior to hlra In age. In Jupttcr-Moon period when
their only daughter was hardly two years old 11981 August to 1982
December) doctors gave the ftnal verdict that their daughter who was
partly Invalid physically had also become partly Invalid mcntany a]fin.
The agony of the parents increased which was natural, Jupiter being In
Lagna and a Is." Ingris Jard the father f ell sick also, suffering the agony
and his work, output of paintings, fell down steeply.
"Hie homscopc of the wife [E*. 8> should be seen keeping In mind
the discussion of the horoscope of tire husband. First, briefly In rashl.
lire 5lh house has no malefic aspect and the 5th lord Is with two
bencfics. Venus and the Moon, which Is very good. But the Bth house
from Jupiter contains Saturn aspectcd by Mars. Same ts the posldon
from the Moon which is conjoined with Jupiter.
. In the uavamsha, the Bth house Is aspectcd by Saturn from the
8th house while the Bth lord Jupiter is aspectcd by Mars From
JupUer. Saturn and Sun are lit the Bth house receiving the aspccl of

Finer Tecjvuques erf AsKologicai Predtciions voi. One Oool os elratd of Mfrtyubhaga
\ Mer Vfen
\ Jup(R) / . 6 Mars Sun Rahu
\Keiu/ Moon
9 / \ Lag -/V 5
Example - 5 Sal
A \ 19.4.1947
\ to Sat /
08:15 pm
11 Sun
/X 3
/ 12Ven N.\
Jup (R} Lagna
2 \. Ketu
/ Mars Moon Ratiu \

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mei: Jup Ven Sat Rahu

23057' 05c31 12050' 11*52' OZ^O" OO'CW' O^- 09022'

3 Lag
1 Rahu
4 Sun
Jup \ 2 12
Veo Lag Rahu
Sun Jup
5 11 Navamsha

6 > 6
Sal Mtxtn 10
Kei Mars
/ 9 I'Joon Sat
7 Mer Mare
Mer Kelu

Mars, Hie 5th lord from tiic Moon Is Satun) with Uic Sun and aspcctcd
by Mars,
In the saptamsha, the 5th house and the 5th lord Venus receive
the combined aspects of Satum and Mars. The 3th house from Jupiter
Is free from any affliction while the 5th Ion! Moon is with Ketu, From
the Moon the 5th lord is Saturn with Mars.

Mrityu Bhaga
But the most striking point of this horoscope Is that Jupiter, here
Is putrakaraka doubly, being a natural Icarnfcn for children and also the
5th lord here Is In MB So Is the Sun.
Now the dasha periods of husband and the wife may be seen
together to see why and how their tension increased between 198!-
Husband: JupUer-Moon 28-6-81 to 26-12-82.
$3fe: Satum-Sun 11-4-82 to 24-3-83.

Ow? afraid of Mntyublyaga Finor Techniques o( Astroiogicsl Prcdictons VtH. One

It y/ Sun
X 1 / Lag
2 t2 Sat Jup
Sun \\//
Lag \ Mor
Jup / \ Sat jr NRatlu
9 Ketu
Mars S Saptamsha
X 3 Moon y/
6 Rahu
* v. / 8
Kelu Ven Pk
/ 5 7 Moon Ven

A 2 y/ Sal(R)

s. 3
/ \ Mars
5 X, / Lag Rahu
' Sa!(R) Mars Sy/ 1
\ Rahu Sim
12 N. ven 2a'3:
Moon x^ Example-6
6 N/ 11 -41 y Ref Blue Saras
Mer y/ p. 72
. y/tl
7 Sv / 9 \/ Ven
Jup |Rl\f Ketu yX 28 33
e xS(,n Keiu
8\ / Jup<Rl

II has Ix'fii already stated tJiat husband's Moon Is la MB. while

Ihc wife's Sun is la MB These two roinctdrd in 1982 when flic doctors
deelareii thai the ailment of the rhild was incurable and the mutual
tension between the husband and wife Increased.
The marriage is surviving because in the horoscope of the
husband Jupiter is asperting the 7ih house and the 7fh lord. While in
the wife's hort.-seope Jupiter Is asjjcelmg the 7th lord In the 6th house.

Timing of event
When will (he effects ol a planet be felt is the primary question. It
eaanot be and is not a life long t-lTet t but only periodical. To time It, I
have Ix-ca taught three methods,
a), hi the dasha and anlarilasha of the planet In MB even in Us
prau/oaiom dasha.
h). When the period, dasha or anlardasha of the lord of the rashl la
which a planet is MB is placed.
All these pnnelples are illusiraleil in the hiiMiscn|ie (Ex. 9} given.
1 fhis person was runninri the period ol Sun Mars in 19,So-.86 when
his chilil developed a skin disease which appeared frightening as it

Ftrser Tecfatiques o( Astrotoascal PreflscJions VoJ One Oan? be sfratd of Mntyubhefga

to / \ 8 / Ven Son Mer Moofl Kelu

Mars MB
11 us X/
Sal Jup Rahu '
Eample - 7
Sai Male
12 23 April 1936
Ven >( 6 \ 11.11.p.m.
1\ 3
Sun \ /
M<S Kctu \/ 5
Mara/ 7\ Lag
Moon V Jup
MB // 4 Rahu

\ 4 2 /
Sun . Sal / Jup Sai Lag
N. Rahu / Moon
5 3
Lag ✓x Jup
/ XJvlcon Sun
12 X.
/ 6 Navamsha
' \/ JK 11
Mars yX
// Mer X\ y/ 10\ Mer Mars
Ven Kplu n. i

\ 11 9 /
X. Ven Rahu/' Jup / Sun
12 y/ 10 8
Lag JX
Moon Van
/ 1 7 X Saptamsha
Lag Kelu
Moon Sai
4 X/
2 yC Mer
/ XMars Mer
/ 5 X Jup
// Sun X> SatKeiuX .Mms

rrscniblcti U-pros>'. But the t-hil 1 has nvt-ntime the flilmrnl.

2. Wliett this person was rutmltift Mtux-Mercury (v.iilrli velli lasl 1
July 19891 Ills wll'c drvelnpcrl a serious pmhlern In I he neck. W1
is Mcreiin,""/ For two reason. N tal Sri (urn In Caurer Is alllloltnf>
the Sth house and the 7t.h lord Memiry, nspeetcii by Mars l!iit
the mo it' Importenl reason Is iJ Mars is platred in Ute rash I of

Don't be afraid of Urityubtiaga Finef Techniques of As&otogicaS Predtctions Vo(. One

\\. Moon6 Vcn A /

NJup MB/ 5 ^. Mer /
7 X/ Lag
Mars yX. Sun MB S/ 3
Keiu Mer
Rahu Example -8
/ e 2 \ 25 Aug 1933
7.30 am. Lag
Sal Paris Sun MB
11 Ketu
9 \/ Rahu Pv 1
10 Mars Moon
/ \ Jup MB
yX Sat 12 N. Vcn

Ven Keiu Sun

10 Lag Ratiu
Mer Mars Mean
Jup (of the female)
Rahu Moon
van Sun Sal Mars

9 /'
11 , Jup Van Mer
12\ \\/
Rahu 10
Jup/ Let Sal

1 Saptamsha
Sun ^ (of the female)
2 4 \\// Ketu
Ven Moon
3\ Mars Sun Ketu
Mer 5 N. Sal Moon

"i. Transit Sal uni rrom Sagiltailus is aspecling Mars In Gemini and
Mercury in Virgo, hi May-June 1989 when Mars in transit was In
Gemini the piriblcm got aggravated.

Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol One Don? be afraid of Mnlyybbega
8 y
iiXio / Mars
\ /7
6 \. MB
( 12 Met ) Example 9

1 Mars 5

/2\ 4 Lag
/ \ Met
sat mb\

Jup Jup
a A house wife
Moon Example 10 Mars,
5 Keiu ven
Mars Nfrer Sun
Kesu Vcsn Met
Moot Sun Sat
Sat Mer 16«17
!SM 7

Tlic conclusions that can be drawn are that a planet In MB.
a). Aflfccts the house in which he is placed.
b). Ailects the karakatwa of tiie planet. Sun (CatherJ, Moon (motlier.
ralnd) Mars (brolltcrs. land) e9c.
r). Passes on its influence to the lord of the house in which it is
What happened if the wife's horoscope is available and the
husband's is not there because birth details are not known? Since
destinies arc Interlinked the event can still be traced.
The next question is what happens if a planet in the horoscope Is
in MB. but there Is neither the dasha nor the antordashn of the planet
In MB running?
Tile unfailing principle taught to mc is observe two points:
a). Is the suh-iir-riod (antar dashal canjnincfll or_.^spcctol_by„3.J?la-UCi
in MB?
b) Are two male lies in transit asoectinfi a planet hi MB?
11 the above two conditions are Inifilled some mishap takes place
which looks like a big tragedy. But one need not be alarrncd.

Dont be afraid of Mntyuohssa Finer Techniques o! Astrological Predictions Vci One

\. 5 . 3
Rahu Rahu
A ^
6 / Lag 2
Moon Mod p 84
4 December
/ 7 1982 Lag
Sal 9.01 pm
Mars Lahiri's
6\ 10
Jup Mars 12 Ayanamsha
Sun Ven/X.
Ketu Jup Sun Sat
ax 11 J0:«S' Ven
/Ketu ICRS^ Mer

Rar-u Rahu

Moon Med p84
4 December Lag
sat 9.01 pm.
fAars Raman
Jup\> 10
Mars Ayanamsha
San Ven
Mer/ Ketu Jup Sun
12e1V Ven Sat
r Mer
Kslu 12 ir

Given here is the horoscope of housewife. (Ex. lOJThis ease had

become very sensational In the last week of December 1988 In Delhi.
I had returned from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan with Mr. K.N.
Rao where, he after teaching his students Jaimlnl astrology, had Jus'
returned home, when outside Ids house two ladies met liim and one of
them told, him that, her husband, the proprietor of the cinema In Delhi
had been kidnapped at gun point on December 24th. Mentally he made
llic horoscope for the proshna of 25th December 1988 evening around
perhaps 5 P.M and told her that her husband was safe, alive and would
be brought back home by police in the forlnlghL On 5.1.1989. the
husband was rescued by a police party from the clutches of dacolts of
the notorious Charabal valley in Madhya Pradesh.
As usual, the horoscope of the kidnapped proprietor of the
cinema was demanded but there was no horoscope. Then the wife's
horoscope was given.
Here two points arc noticeable. On 24th December 1988 when her
husband was kidnapped, transit Mars was In Pisces asncctlng the
housewife's Satum in MB In the 8th house- Satum from Dhanu was
also aspcctlng natal Satum In Virgo.

Finer TecKiiQues o« AslrDtoQiGil Fiodid'oni Vj>l. One Don'! be ff'r.i.g" a' Mot^ubbaga
The lady was running Veiuts-Venus-Jupiter. Here JupUet la
aspectcd by Saturn, who is In Kanya and In MB-
Thus two conditions given here arc fulfilled. Now, the Blh house
represents conjugal happiness and here there ts ercchangc between the
7th and 91h lords. In that sense she Is lucky to have a prosperous
husband. But the 7th lord, debilitated. Is with the Blh lord. It is
generally seen that In a girl's horoscope if the 9ih lord Is In the 8lh
house her marriage becomes unfortunate. Here tire 9th lord is well
placed, but the presence of Saturn in MH in the Sth house is a factor
which cannot and should nol be ovcrkinked

Why You must use the correct Aycmamsa

A girl bom in 1982 tnifh Kctn in Mrdyubhatja hadjadal paralysis in
Merairy-Kelu period in October 1997
According to Raman ayanamsita Kcin ustl have 12°/i' degrees
u'hieh uiill be 01" 11 'more than 1 winch is the mrltyuhhagha for Kctu in

(JFK Junior)

K.N. Rao

The prince is dead, that unofficial American prince about whom

we knew so lltlic in India ill! our newspapers cairied lile headline (hat
the plane he had been travelling in was unlraceablc. Came then an
avalanche of news coverage about him and finally the report of his
death, falling (rom aerial heights brio an ocean to end up his life with
his wife and sister-in-law in a watery grave.
Wise In rrtrospcct. an attempt could sllll Ire made In see it all In
the available liocoscope. presuming it to be cotreeL
Tn the USA. rcpoitcd Indian newspapers, his death was being
compared to the tragic end of hrlnccss Diana. It nevr-r app>ealeri to
Indians to compare the two. Hindus do not excuse a woman who
dlsturhsan entire family when she walks tinl ofa royal household (or
her own physical-sexual needs.
JKFjr did not have such ji tuisavoury reputjillou. Indian
newspapers had sympathy for rum. lite stories of his stay In India in
the eighties, we never Knew about, were rccolleclrd and (lie Uivc the
Prince had lor India, particularly her spirituality, were recalled and
The main reason India had stich overwhelming sympaihy for him
was tile fact Ural he was the son of the famous American pn-sident, JF
Kennedy whom Indians remember with love and respect. 11 shocks the
Indian to hear of the US publishers bring out even three decades alter
the death of President Kennedy his atx scnfulals and not even allow
Marilyn Monroe to rest peacefully in her grave. Compared to all that
was JKFjr's low profile. Did Americans like It in their rouniry known
lor Ixjlsterous blasts of high publicity?
Americans have always had a hunger lot royalty and a continuing
dynasty which they never can have because of their tustoiy In the
Kennedys they saw something of that fragmentary shadow of royalty
which makes one feel less pleblan.
What was II (hat made JKF/r not take to politics or run for the
Senate when It was offered to hlra?
Writer, author, actor and with as a BBC story on him described.
IDs sense of humour, "wrv, dry- and droir. he seemed to luivr moved
drtfllcsslv, with Lite enormous wealth he had. Cniiy now. after crossing

Fi/vw rccfuiKjuos ot AsL-oioglcai Pmsflicboits Vtol On# THE AUBFHCHH pPUvCt
Ihc age of 36 lie seemed to lac aiaiui lng, said a US conntirnlaior on (lir
CNN. May be.
'Hie only comparl^Ion of JKFjr that can be nimie vvllii I'rlttcL-ss
i Jlaua ts a horoseopk- one, both had a short span at life. The. PniUTss
wllli her •hanu lagna had a short span which I mlssctl tiolk ln". In lli<-
casr of JKl;jr It could not have been seen, as no one discussed his
horoscope till he died.
The horoscope of the Princess wllh no heucflc hi kcudias tuui the
ciglith lord in the third house hcsi tly alflirted was what I missrtl tin
fatal end. It is a short span ot life and her sndhe sanh whs on In tier
shodtishufnshri. If accuralr. Jupiter and Rahu In the eighth house rind
Saturn and Mars opposing each other show the terrible oar ao. Klcul h
was JupRcr-Rahu ending or Saturn-Satuni beginning, bath showd
the tragedy. In her birth horoscope Jupiter Is in her second honst <t-s
the lagna and die fourth lord and Saturn Is In tile second house us tin
second lord, hi the case of JKFir it was the period of Saturn in tin
seventh house In shodoshomsha and the aiuard.mha of Mercury Hie
second lorxl.
In JKFyr's hlrtli horoscope. Saturn Is ids rnutaka in the fiflh hoose
aspcetcd by Mars, the lourth lord of vehicles Mercury, die antaulashe
lord Is a nraraka again In the third house of short journeys hut tu Mm,
airy house, IVrla.

JFK iunior's planets In Mritvabhaga

Many decades ago the word Mnlyubhayo Intidgued uwr bora use It
was given In such an excellent book as the Prnsh/wi Many. 1 found oilier
writers refer to tl but read no research. 1 made a research winch was
complete: he lb re 1980: 1 gave predictions on this ha sis after niodlly tag
tire degtvjis because no horoscopes will have the degrees nierilimn .1 to
the table as there will always be some minutes less or more.
In studying this event in retrospert. one can learn some lesson*.
Post murtrm researches have eontrlbirtrd to (he progress of nn-tlu-al
science.So ll should be hi astrology.
In m)- trook UPS AND DO'.VA'S IN CAREER I have given ll"
honnscupc at the famous Indian aclnr. Amltabh Barhhnn, in w+e.-j
case I had given advance piedlelion about Ids fnial acr-jdent In Januarv
1982 In July 1982. he nearly died. Mis Sun. Jn Midyuhhuyo. tu th.
eiglith house was trampled upon by translttlug Saturn
1 then wrote out a research paper In Hindi lor the Visfiuvi Pi/uo
Pauchanga somctlrne In 1984. Later. Meenakshi Rant wrote uut a
series of articles for the Astrological Magazine enlillcd " There Lurks
Fear" (you can sec that In die webs tit Astropanormran).
I taught tl Id my students one ol whom InchulrcS h In his nil tele
and another hi his book. The research on MR has to be much hrllrr
than what has been done so far and some poinls arc missed *>-<- die
horuscope belt at used bv ruauy. 1 Vc-nming that (a Ire i urrri (. si'e some
poll its.

iMt fl(W£R.'CA)V PRINCE Flnar TecfintqutJS ol Astrological PrerJldior.b Vol One
I Mm flip,- Is in MB.
2. Mars [Rl Is also in NTD
3. Now calLtuIali*. longevity roughly lor a quick conclusion. In this case
liora lagna hcforacs Imjxirlant. 'Hie Horn logna may lie Mcsha.
4. The ]jorosco|)c belongs to ^Ipc-Alpa category. The upper Utnlt of
longevity can be 47 years.
5. In any ease, fatality must manifest after the age of 36 and before
47 7 If tills question Is Investigated the answer becomes dear
6. Now clinch it. In transit Saturn is touching both planets In MB
while Mars is on Mercury.
7 In northern India, dir. annual horocope Is prepared Ibr short quick
predictions. In what I have br.rnrc mr. there Is Moon In the 8th
house aspticted by Saturn.
It (s a combination for drowlng which 11 was after an air accident,

Birth data
JFK Junior Nuv 25.1950 Time; 12 22AM Zone- 5:00 DST; 0
Longitude: 77\V02 Latitude; 3SN53 Lahlrl /yanamsa: 23:18
As 18:39 he Rahu is close to the lagna
Su 09;3y Mo 04:08 MaR25:l3 ( MrtfunbhoaalMc 19:56
fflfrtfouhhaqql Ju 12:30 Ve 18:35 Sa 22:t»Ba 18! 15 Kc 18:15
Junior JFK was In India In early dailies, reported Indian
newspapers. He lived In PaharganJ area of Delhi, not meant for
aristocrats. Favourable and heart m-ovlng accOUnl of tils years In India
have appeared In India. Those; days I lived near that area and so many
people from embassies, also US. used to come |a me. No one told me
thai Junior JFK was in India collecting material on Indian democracy.
He met the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, and also the
President, Zail Singh, both of whom according to a television
programme failed to Impress htm. For Indians, he was the son of
President JFK whom Indians loved and admired. When I was a child. It
wa* FDR who won admiration of Indians. In my middle age. It was
President JFK after which there has bceil dlhcr hostiUty or Indifference
towards US presidents with their and-lndla slaltcc.
So, the tlcalh o! JFK junior Is the dealh of the son ol an admired
and loved JFK senior.
But that Is life Meu-spaper reports about him
Sunday. July 18. 1909, New Delhi
Kennedy Jr'a plane missing
A small plane canylng John i Kennedy Jr lo Martlia s Vineyard wro>
reported missing early on Saturday, an alrpert olfieJal salt!.
Jamie Gftspar. an operations speelallsl at Martha's Vineyard
airport said Kennedy's plane was supposed io arrive last nighl hut
never did. 11 wasn't Immediately kaiown how manv naiiseiiuci-s werr
a board.
/VP West Tilbury (US)
Tuesday, July ao, .1999, New Delhi

Finer Techniques of Aslrotogical Preflictjons Vol One THE AMERICAN 'PRINCE

La 3 ' 3
Merc Rahu M-arsiR
Sun J.F.Kennedy
25 Nov.1960 Lao
12,20 AM Rahu
Sal / Moon XX
Jin;' X. Kctu / Sal Ven Sun Mer
\fen to\ / 12 JUP

Sal (R) Lagna

Rahu Lag
Sat Jup
Annual horo-
Mars scope Rahu
Moon 1998

Jup Sun Mara
Sun Ven
Ven 10
Mfif Moon Mar

Vimshotlari Dasha
Ma/Ve Nou 25,1960
Ju/Ju Mar 24,1980
The dasha of the fifth lord of education and the writing of a thesis brought
him to India.
Ju/Sa May 12,1982
Ju/Me Nov 22,1984
Ju/Ke Feb 28,1987
JuA/e Feb 4,1988
Ju/Su Ocl 5,1990
Ju/Mo Jul 24,1991
Ju/Ma Nov 22.1992
Ju/Ra Oct 29,1993
SaVSa Mar 24,1996
SaiWe Mar 28 1999 Died in Saturn Mercury

THE W/ER>C-AM PRINCE Fmer Techniques al Astrological Predictions Vol. One
A ch -mcr who loved India Uayshrcc Sengupta)
Thiire are mily S few people m the wnrid, whom once you meet
tht-m, you cannot fbrgcl. John Kennedy Jr. was one of (hem.
It was hi the winter of ) 984 that t met him in a small dinner
hosU'r! by J. H. D. Tata in (lie Thta guest house oomples. New Delhi.
The dinner was arranged in a hurry by our Irlemi Sujll Gupta at wliose
huiist- Konriedy had landed one evening, asking for J. R_ D. Tata's
JRD" who was coming to New Delhi the following day asked SuJU
to arrange lor a small gathering for dinner to meet him. Seeing John
Kennedy, so tali and hand some, one forgot to pay much attention to
J.R.D. lite host—well! Almost.
Fresh looking and with disarming candour, he shook hands with
evnyonc, saying softly "Pleased to meet you, I am John". You could see
he looked like his famous mother Jacqueltnc.
Despite Ids family name and parentage, he struck you as
unassuming and approachable. He kept smiling idl (lie while, obviously
conscious of bis good looks, specially his proDle.
He said be was travelling all over India hut we were told It was a
eomptctcly unofTk tal visit, memilng he would he going places incognito.
He said he wanted to see the teal people ol India living in the
villages. "How arc you travelling?" Some one asked. "By train and by
third class." was Ills reply.
He liad conlldcd to a guest earlier In the evening thai his mother
bad told hint lu see the real people of India In the villages, far which, he
would have to travel by fcraliL And by travellliig in third class, he was
going lo nab ■slKuilders with Ihe common people, a leal not possible
except In winter.
"What do you like about India?" f asked him, trying lo engage blrn
In a l oiivcrsalluti "Oh everything... 1 like specially the spirituality
of the conimon people.'* he said.
He went on. "I have visited several ashrams and I really liked
some of them."
Have yon gone to any ashrams In the South? And have you met
Satbya Sal Babrt?" 1 asked. "No." was his reply. Aftern pause he looked
Ititpdvlugly "Should I?" ! (old him. "I think you should Iiccrubc he is a
big guru, you know.* *1 will, in my next vlsli," he proratscd.
Lalrr. we talked of many things Including ghosts and we asked
Idm whether ho believed id them- He did not say anything but enjoyed
all the biles of horror that we told lilin while clearly rcltshlng Indian
food. Me was very curious t* know about Indian ghosts-who lived in the
His ruttrnt girl friend was i fine loo hut she was no tnalcli—
ell tier in looks or In cleganrc. She also loolo'il llred because she had
|itst (Itiwu in frutu America or Eun>pc that same evi ning. John
Kennedy Ir had hugged die allcuUon ol all die wnmcn in the room
11 tough hr was barely 2'1 years old.

i ie
Finer Techniques ol Aarolo^cal Predictions Vol One me PRINCE
Tucnriay 20 .luly ithK» JFK Jtmior's 60 quiet days In Paharganj
By Vliiay Tewar!
NFAV DELHI: John F Kennedy Jr. who disappeared into (he deep
blues In his light plane nfT Martlia's Vineyard in the US ovci (he
weekend, had spent 60 quiet days (n nrtariymily In Our dingy bylnnes of
DelJiCs Paharganj Uj IGK2, holed up In a hotel without a phnnr
unslwvcn. unwashed and rlsd In a pair of battered Jcaivs.
But what brought (he son of America s mosl lovrrl (Yes I den I here?
What made him scour the little lanes and bylancs anjund Lodhl
Colony, Parliament Street and Connaught Place with Just Its 150 in Ids
pociud to sec through a day''"
*He was r^ulre.d to suhmll a prajcct paper' ou the fuiw'Uonlng of
Indian democracy as part ol Ills undergraduate studies at Urowii
Unlvrrsity. He wanted complete annnymily... as he realised hr could
e\'{KTIciuc real iiultau vlhraney only hy rnrltlug hi the crowd.* -says
Inireaucral Vishv Bandltu Gupta, who opened up the world of lull In fur
him along wirn Tony Jesndasail. then working for the US embassy
But that was just Ills stated nbjircijve. JFK Jr had other Idras
Keen to shake offthr regimented lifestyle of a 'myar. always undrr thr
glarc '.)1 arc lights, he lurbadr (he embassy to keep In touch with liim
And Insisted he would choose a. hotel all by himself. He did. . a non-
desrrlpl Shivalik Lodge in dljsgv (by 1083 standards] PHlrargHiij.
which dcc> not wn exist now lot Its original form,
"He sci-mrd lo revel tn bcle.g rebellious Which etplalns his
luslsirncc on wearing Uie sarnt jeans for weeks, not shaving and
keeping his iu-str long. In lad. he hroughf Jusl three sets of clothes with
blm. iTealls Mr Gupta.
Which also explains why JFK Jr always travel led In rickety
aulnrirksbaws. maldtig an exception only rwtce by tntvcHlng in Mr
Guptas old J-lat car. Rul when protocol demanded, he CmildnT refuse
brcaiJasl luv nations from Prime Minister Indira G.mdli! and President
Giani /all Stnglr - botli of which lumcd out to he Ihornnghly eventful.
"He eamr out of Itashtrnpati Bhavan perspiring heavily. He told
trie and Jrsu. Glanljl iorjk him in a hcarlmg and wouldn't leave htm for
20 minutes Perhaps, he mlsunderstoud Hit Iiidlan style ol fjelng
aifci tioi-.air," Mr Gupta says Ualce. having grecdilv imbibed ihr
tntlinaii deiails of Indian ijcmornvy, he quesiJoned Ms Gmidhl on
sevend rmbannsslng |ViUirs (he nccti in Impose ihr Emergency,
corruption, poverty and the Pim|ah problem.
Bui his freedom was shurtllivcd Hlsmoihcr Jacqueline Krnncdy-
Onassi.s - tlie aidy person JFK Jr would obey, was scheduled (a arrive
ill DellU for her onward jounnry <" Jaipur lu visit Mabaraul Gayatrl
Drvl. Days later, a horrified Jarquclinrr arrived lo see her st.ni
resembling n near alien. The mother in her look over He was ontcied if
(horough wash In Ihi Taj Hotel, asked lo dou n snll an<l foibldtlcn !<>
even look towards Shivalik l odge

THE AMERICAN PRINCE' Fuver Techntques o) AstrotogKS-l Piedictjons Vol One
He may have grown up for the world. For Jacqueline, he remained
the three-year-old boy who swung his Uny righl arm to salute his
fathrr's passing casket. That was 1963. Now history repeats Itself In
NOTE: Riihn so dose la his tagna may have given him those
streaks of bohemlonlsm which he exhibited in India when he stayed in
thharganj in Shlvatlk lodge, till his mother come to India and put him
hack on righi Imck
The same Rahu gave hint (ntpulsiue courage which led to his
decision lo Jly with only one pear's expenence as a pilot Lord yama
entered fiis plane and a wrong wealher report did the rest-
Lei les remember, he loved and liked India's spirituality. CNN
described him as an inquiring Christian.

Composite approach to
predictions and use of
Mrityubhaga (Part-II)

K.N. Rao

Allrr ail event, gotnl or bad. taken place whrlhci tl whs

predicted by on Etstrrilogcx or not. every coitwricntlous asirolo^ct must
examine Hie data amJ draw comdnelng conclusions, even tl t( is n pusl
mortem afipialBaL H helps future predlritions gives to bis uwti
nslrnlnglcaJ ■skill a depth he would otlienvtsc not noriutre. It lu-lirs
correct a mistake, discover a chink hi one s astrologlcul annourv
But such wns >iot tile case here. 'Flic prediction was not given bul
fhc la tall ty of the event was foreseen, Later when U <i!d happen I wmic
(o Meenakshi Rant !n Rhuliancshwar who had origXualJy Included tin
baroscope for her series ""nitre Larks Pear" hut lead urnlKcd II uu) ill
fear lire gentleman whose horoscope 11 is, her Luhcr's friend and
having seen her as an "astrologer" capable of explaining a thing or two.
Then the same fear prnmptcd her to omit discussion of (his Ituroscopr
in her series.
Young astrologers can be briUlant as they speak without InhfhlUons
and tltelr intulilon perhaps works faster Rut then they get a "bangiiLg
from those who have known them and cannot accept them In (hell new
role of astrologers. Bul when Meenakshi omitted Oils horoscope and
even sent me a message thai she was absolutely afraid of talking about
It to Mr.M I could understand the awkwardness of It all.
That Justifies this series, which is In a way an extcusioii ol
Meenakshi's There Lurits Fear
The horoscopes of the father who suffered the tragedy nnd the
younger -sister of the boy are given here.
What ts meant by the composite approach Is that the same evem
should be looked at from different systems say VimshoUarl, Jahnlnl
Dashas. Thjllca (Annual horoscopcl and transits: if family horoscopes
are available they should be made use of. The famous Raj JjnUshls o(
earlier decades bad this great advantage of not merely knowing fhc
entire background of the native whose horoscopes of (he members of
the entire famtly as well. The result was an Intensive In-depth
composite approach to astrological predictions.
i ia
. QiTV»s/fc .ipfitosc* to Finw Tediruqucs ol Aslittiovjical Proaltetont: Vol Ooe
My intention Is not to under rate the great astrological ability of
tlluse ra|-Jyotlshls many of whom I met and many of wham have
im(jifsseil mo as mm of impeccable Intellectual honesty, fxperimced,
skilled and vciy last and generally accurate in tlielr Judgemcnl and
itsscssmc-nl of horoscopes. But, let me also record here, that given a
stranger's horoscope, (hey took a traditional "view" of sins, vices and
rrimes and condemned people.
My own view has undergone a lot of dilTcrcncc. Wbmcn who
would be courtesans in earlier decades arc today successful T V
artists, actresses and distinguished in public rrlatlons. To hand the
t-nlirr fthiral code of ancient times on the one nail of women's
sexual chastity and Ignore her many talents, some of them many
splrndored. is to ignore the emergence of the "new woman' of the
post-Independence era. as career conscious as her male counterparts.
True it has led to disastrous marriages. Timer il is that it has
creflicd a new class of hitthful daughters who look after their
parents better titan sons.
But then I do not miss wanting women that in a malc-domlnalr.d
society linally II is the male nianutarturcd s»clo-moral code that will
he Imposed on them and Judgcmein prounucetl on them on lids ttasis.
\ Jup /ets /\ SatiR)
\PiflrdkSrskas Rniu
6 Moon/
\ X \ / 3
y\ VfeOtR)
/ 8 \/ Father
\ MehKl jcN. 2 y s
0 jC M
'■tars SunX" Ven(R| 1
Keiu/ \ x\ Mars Jup 4-05
Sun MehR) Pvt/tJ-

Ke-lu twiiKa

X N. X^

Jup Sun Kstu Mtoo

l^a Mc-on

Me/ Saptamsha
Ra'iu s

hair Van SUi>

Mars Moi
Ras u Sat

Finer Tec'iraques of Astrolospca! Prcdictinns Vol One Ccmpotrtn appm&cti to
Rrvrrting to the composite approach see Uic horoscope of tlie
father of a boy who died In a tragic accident on September 15th, 1989.
The boy's horoscope not being avHilafalc; the event Is being traced
relrospec lively.
The story must begin from 19 87 when the fatlwr of the boy gave
me Ills horoscope The afflicted 5th house and the Dasha of Moon/
Jupiter could mean anything No occasion arose to give him
predictions Once when he had met me In Delili In 1988 lie was as
though suffcrtng some mental torment (Moon/Hahu). Then too no
prediction was given. He went back to Bhubaneshwar and then I
learnt about the tragic event.
The event Is being traced til rough composite approach In the
absence of the boy's horoscope.

]. The heavily afflicted 5th house with the 6th lord. Saluni(Rl
aspectlng it whs not a happy indication.
2 From Jupiter, the nth lord Saturn Is aspcrlcd In* (tic. Btli (otff,
violent Mars,
4 2 yC Lag
\fAoon / 3 MarrfR I Sat (P-1
^ Kelu
tag N. y/ 1
Sal (Ri Kfiiu
\ C 12 ^
\s✓' Ven(R)
Sun X e
V Raltu /x 11
Ven(Ri Sun
10 x. Ratio Met(R)
s ^ Jup X.

Ven Juq Snn

Mnrj Kelt!
9 Lbci
R.ltiu Sal
Me- f.Vren
to A Dreshkona

yen Sun
Met Mars KH|.
ftatio Lao
Jup Sal

Compasjfe spptoech to Finer Tediniques of Aaralogical PfedlcKons Vol One
Transits on the lagjia of the father

fAerfR) Jup
7 Lag 3
Sun Kelu Jup
Transits on
15 Sept. 1989 f
VI Sun Ketu
SsttRl Mef(R)
1(1 Ven Mars

3. lite Dastia Is of ihr Moon, tartl of the 8lh house from the 5th
house, Tlir snb-perioct Is of tlic 5lh lortl Jupltrr, in Mritynbhaga
In which period the accident took place.
4 In Snptarnsha the 5th lord. Jupiter, whose suh-pcrlotl he was
running, is In the Sth house aspected b>' Mars and Saturn
5. On the day of the acctdeni Sainrn was in Sagittarius In the 5lh
house from the birth horoscope and Mais In Virgo was on Jupiter
which ts In Mrityu bhagn receiving the aspeel of Saturn In
6 In Jalmini's Chara dasha it was Knmbha-Vrtsehlka from where
Oic putra karaka was In (he 8(h house Jliosc who know Jalrninl
Astrology can work on 11 further and see how JalxnlnTs Daslia
System only confinns Vlrnshottari Dasha,

I What can retrograde lltli lord aspected by Mercury (also
retrograde) mean? They are along 5/11 axis which Is slgnlflcanL
2. In Orrkkana; Mcrrury In the 51h aspects the 11th house while
the 1 Ifh lortl. Sun is wilh Ketu. Does 11 Indlcale the tragedyV
3. In Chara Dasha the girl was running Mcsha/Tiila, the 11th
house from Lagna containing the 11th l#n! Itself. In Jalmlnl sucli
events become visible very' fast and liiey invariably confirm the
Vlmshotlari Dasha reading.
In fact I will go to the extent of saying that Jalmini's various
dashas pinpoint an event at a glance while in Vimshottarl the
approach can somettmcs become clrrumlocutoiy.

Composite approach to
predictions and use of
Mrityubhaga (Part -HI)

KM Rao

iColiectivn pi articles Irow The asta>!ogrcat mBgazine issues ol ^990)

Was it an earth-slialtUiti event? Yes II was a nd II could be for
anyone wbo had made such a huge fortune at so young an age. Agnlnsl
IUIs should be rememhered the backgrriunil, thai twice, once In 1987
atid (hen In 1989 J had made advance precllefluns alxjut (he WadStrcut
Crash u] USA. Tltc first was rnadc when I was doing work on astro-
mclcuiTilogy and In (he Hmditstan Tlrncs Interview of September 198T t
had gotie on record saying that. The second is euntained In ray book- In
all these cases. I had got my clues from the horoscopes of some Italians
who rmmultcd rac whenever they visited India and. whose heavy
Investment in shares in USA has been to thcrn both their source of Joy
and anguish.
My story, of course, here revolves round an Indian family. Here 1
have the advantage of having (liree horoscopes (hrougli which 1 can
show rcsftcctlvcly how lite composite approach can be done. A
prediction was given. When It was fulfilled the event was braced
through olhcr horoscopes, first of (be father and later, of (he sister,
younger to Hie young man whom I had forewarned
So U Is a oorablnatlon of a prediction fulfilled and supplementary
details gleaned through post mortem cxnntlrratlnn of other horoscopes.

The Prediction
First see the horoscope of the boy
The father of (he boy whose horoscope will be given later, was
Cltlcf Secretary. Dellil Administration m October 19S4. (lale S.C.BaJpal
who died In August. 1997) I had gtven him a prediction of some
elevation and on 17lh Oclnbcr. (984. he was appointed Chief Secretary
He and Ids two children, elder one a son and the jwunger. a daugher.
and his own wife (Mrs. S.C. Bajpal) have been taking astrological
consultations from me for nearly eight years stow.
It may have been March or April 1987 or slightly later, when (Jut
son whom I will call A ' visited India from I ondon and wauled to know
something about himself. He was passing Lhruugh Hahu/Saturn

Composite appmsctt to Rner Tsctiniques of AstrDloglcal Prpffci/ons Vol. One
period both of which arc aspcotcd by Mars, tlic 5th lord In the 6th
house. TWo quest Ions slrrurk me and 1 nsked him. ".\rc you neglecting
your studies and arc you buy tng shares?". The antardasha could be of
Venus, follnvvcd by the Sun's (October. 1987) Satum/Rahu in
Dashamsha are lu Lagna and the JOlh house while the Sim. debilitated
In Libra, was aspcctcd by dcbllltalcd Mars He said tiial he had been
neglecting studies and that be did indulge In speculation. 1 had no
Inkling that he had been doing II on so targe, a scale as to neglect his
studies totally
I advised him not to indulge in speculation lor so me Mine as
neither the Dashas nor transits Wen: favourable for earning money.
Heavy losses could prove disastrous, 1 told hlm.
1 had three other reasons to come tn ihls conclusion
a. In Chara t>asha he would be running Tula/Kanya. From Kanya
concentration of planels In Uw 12th house could nal be a peilod of
h. If 1 tried Trikona Dasha starling from Slmha and calculated It like
Chara Dasha between the 26tli and the 28th ycai It would be Makara
Dasha from where a mnccniTabon of planets would be In the 8lh
and 12Ui buuses
c, ll I went by Vlmshottari Dashn he was soon to run Into (hcsiib-snb-
pcrlod of Sim which was tn the Mrltyu-hhaga, The Sim In M.B as
911j lonl coulil be creating an npsieitlngcxperlence for his father. 'Hie
9th also I wing the liousc ol hlgficr education could prove bad for
him, It bclnga Laksbmlstharw would it affect finances. In This cast,
speculation? The placomcnt nf die Sun Ln the 5lh house in
ilashatTsansha aspts tctl by dcbllltaictl Mars seemed to conllnn It.
Anyway the boy left for tjondon
Snmcllmr., towards the rag-end of the third week of October. 1987
I he father of t he boy came to consult me The (KiV had lost 250
Ihousatul sterling, lie told me. How did he have so rmich moni^y?
Speculation, was the answer.
And the boy had also tailed tn lilis cmmlnatlon. But later made a
career. On 28-2-1988 the boy became a qualified chartered accountant
In London and ts now employed in a big bank. Upfo tills was liic prediction
given and fulfilled

Father's Horoscope
My curiosity stirred, 1 tried tracing the event In the horoscope of the
boy's lather.
He hadjusi started the dashaof Menrurv, his 5lh lord which was In
the Bill houtM* If the boy did badly In examination in MerennVMercury/
Mars (October 1987] II did not surprise me. But Mars Is. froin Mercury
also, the I2th lord In the 12Ui house. More InlcrcsUngly. from tlie 5th
house. Mars Is also the 8th lord, So In the Pratyantardasha ol Mars there
was a double disaster In I he career of the boy,

Fhmk Tecfcntques of Astrological PfEtficSions Vol One Ca-nposre aporosatr to.
6 /
N. id Mars
1 f\ // Lag 9 \
\jS T
Sat (R) Jup
6 \. Boy
/ t2 Moon \ (Son) SunB'OI
Ven Mer
, Ss Rohw
1 3 X/CAC Me
yX SOl-BtJl
r sntflhu ^ Lag l/oon
Z 4 X. -Sat (R)
/ Mats Jup

N, 4 2 Rahu Ven Moon Lag
X. Mars / ^ Moon, Sal
syc 3
Lag t
Mef/ Ven
Sal i>i ant
Ketu tz Dashamansha
X Rahu
? x. / S
SUO yX, Jap 11
10 \ Jup Sun KeUi
/ 6
t y Lag
\ 3 yX 2 \ Jup Rahu
' Lag Moon
4 W Rahu \XXyXlJup

yX 5 (( \ Fallior

E X /
6 JX Sat Mars \yX 10
. Klitu Ven Sal
y 9 x Sun Mar?
Sun MotX Mer Ketu

In Jhc saplrtmsha. Mercury I the planet of hnsinews) Is ttic 6th Ion!

fuul Mars, the Htli lord.
In Chara dasha. it was Kanya/Mfikara Irtirn where putnoAra.raka
(Mercury) In the 12th tionso and the Moon anil Rahu in Die 5lh did show
the distinct worry of the hi liter for the son.

Composite approach to Finer Techniques of Astrotogica) Predictions Vol. One
\ 2 /
\Sun Moon - Lag Sun
\Mer / 1 Rahu Moon Ven
3 \/ Lag 11 Mer
Ven Rahu 2C

C 4 10 y5 of
5 Kelu /\ 9

8 Jup
Mars N.
// Sat 6 Jup > Mars Kelu Set

7 /
N. 9 . v Mars / Rahu Moon
8 \. Veo/ 6 Jup
to lag NT Sun
Ketu /\
Sal (R)
/ 1! 5 \
\ Sal (R) Mer y Sister
12 Rahu
/\ /x 4 s
/Jup 3 Lag Mars
/ N. Ketu Sun
/ 1 Moon IZ'SaX

11 / Sat
X 1 . . Ven / Lag Jup
NWer / Kelu Mer Mars
2 yC Lag S\ 10
/ 3 Dresh kona of
\ Sal Jup 9 / the'sister
X, Mars
Rahu /
Sun / \ 8
7 N. Sun
Moon Rahu
/ 5 Mocm \

Variation on a Theme
Awcll-knawn comhinaHon for financial dis.-rstrrs is Mcrcurv tn tile
2nd house aspcctcd bv the Moon. Avartatiort of U in Lite saplarasha could
be Moon/Mercury with malefic association In the 2nd house saved by
Jupiter's aspect. That Is what happened exactly. The boy saved whatever

fine? Techniques of AstroiDgicai Pfedichnns Vai One ''.yTjposit? spp^Jdch jo
he could and has now mafic a career.

Sister's Horoscope
Now what does the sister's horoscope reveal? She was passing
through Juplin /Moon (198G Id 1988) and her Moon Is In M B. But how
will U rjcplain (lie distress of her elder brother? Tills can be seen In llircc
a) In dreshkorui, the Moon Is in the 8th house and Mercury In the 2tid
fltthu? into the classical dictum of Mercury In the 2aid asoect.cd by
Moon from the 8th house spelling financial ruin.
b) In Chara dasha It was Makara clash?, frnm where her BK, Satnnu Is
tu the 2nd Capricorn while (he 1 Hit house contains Ketu.
c) The sub-period In Cliasa Daaha was of Cancer from where the BK Is
In Uic 8tli house aspcctrd by Mars and Venus.
Before I conclude, this article let me respectfully mention here that I
have applied Chara Dasha to fc.majc horoscope rxacily as 1 do to male
horo-socipes and thai Chara Das ha need uai be applied dincreinly to
female horo-scopes But I will keep my mind open and try die method of
Mr Rangacharya whose method may be sujxrlor, A genuine scholar
slhnutales tti mr much greater /r-st for astrological research than those
that merely (heortse and do not illustrate with practical Sioroscopc.
Frtim Ths Astrological Magazine of 1990

Post script
The fat/wr uvzs a eery noble mon and Imd strony prlnapia, like a
good Brahmin lliot he was.
The wife of this mem and mother of the yaungtnun u.fhose fmanclal
loss had been predicted and discussed is a gifted wnter. Ttie younynam
£s a finaucc wiisard note, Haeinp last a Jortime In slock eKchange. he has
become letser.


Meenakshi Raut

How fatal or how less fataJ will be (he period of a planet In

MniyKbhopa (MB) Is not easy to prediot. But If many other factors are
also dangerous, the dasha of the (»tancl In MB can Ik*. I he heghming of
a major mishap or a hagedy
L have been cautioned to observe the following:
a Generally If a beadle, uuaspccled by a malefic. Is In MB It may
prove mllcDy trouhlesomr,
I). But ti such a btnefic has malefic associaUnn It may prove
c On the other hand. If Jupiter Is Hspecling planets in MB chances
of surviving critical periods ait; very' brlghL
Fnmi Mr. K N Rao't dala fwo contrasllng tnstances are shown:
tn 1970, Use lady of the horoscope £x.lla) and Ex.Kb) was
running Moon-Venus. She was hospitalised twice and operated upon
twice during this period
The case history was. In Moon Mercury she liad devclnpcd-
serious aflllctlon, appendicitis. It was controlled through medicine.
Bui in Moon-Venus it burst and she hovered on the precipice of death.
T\vo noteworthy jroluls here arc;;
a. Two plane-Is are In MB Venus and Mercury, but bath are a spec ted
fiy Jupiter.
b. Saturn was In Ixro In 1979 when she suffered physically atid nearly
died, lu 1979 butli Rahu and Salum were In Leo transiltliig her
natal Mercury in MB and from tlicre SfUum aspecfed her natal
Venus also in MB.
In 1982, she had c«tDe la consult Mr. K N Rao wlien she had lost
hopes of surviving. What can tin astrologer do? Bui hope had existed
In a rather extraordinary way In October and November 1982 as
explained to tnc_ Strong planetary grounds existed In this ease for hope.
In Octubcr 1082, she was passing through Mars-Mercury' period
and she had to undergu a third operation within three years. The
planetary position, frightening, was also not without hope.
Now Saturn 2 54'. was going to transit Venus in mrttyuhhcipo. Did
three benefirs Jupiter. Venus and Mercury were there too and soon (he
Moon would transit Into Mesh a and also aspect Venus Of the talnlr

Tine/TecJwilques of AsMoglcal Prsc<SiQrif'/oi One MRITfUQhfiGA fWPT in
horoscope on the day fixed for tier third surgical operation. Doctors
had told her relatives to be prepared (or the worst as (he chances of
survival In such cases were one or two percent only,

Strong Points of Lagna

Now the siroag paints in tltc horoscope axe:
a. The Lagna has a bencflc in die 12.ih house and a waxing Moon In
the 2nd from 1L
b. SimHarly the 7th house has un trsaJeflc, (he 8lh house Is blank and
Ketri Is in the 6th house. Malefics in 3.6.11 arc good for longevity.
c. In tc^ndros. there arc two bcncflcs. Jupiter and Mcteury.
d. Both Lagna lord and the 8th lord In kendra an: also as peeled by
In 1982 there was no danger but ten or twelve years later there
would be was the calculation, as nored down In his regtster. The
prc-dlction proved correct. The lady survived the operation and eight
years have since passed. Her health, of course. Is maintained through
Having said that let me now give the modified table of MrUyuJbhagas.
I was told that 11 Is hsscd on his experience and II I felt the nerd m
alter it I should do It boltllv bul with iniellectual Itoncstv. At the
moment f am using the table as It is.
The need to modify the degrees of Mrllyuhhaga for platteis arises
because of Uie following facts;
a. No planet will be. say exactly twenty degrees In Mesh a as lor Ihv
Sun to be in MB, It will be some minutes more or less,
b Different aynnnmshos are used by diflcrcnl nstrologcrs. Tlicnc are
mon: than six hundred panrhangcrx In India each giving flllfcrt-ul
degrees of planets. We have followed the ayannrnshn ol l^hlri
which has given us subslantiHlty correct results,
c. Birth time noted could be inaccurate. Sonic flexlbfilcy has to bc
introduced and the birth time eotTceled.
d When a particuUir event Is not explained easily there could tx-
some difference, minor (huugli. in the blrtli-timc and consequently
In the degrees of the Moon. Mercury and Lagna particularly", to a
lesser cxteni in the. degrees of the Sim and Venus. In a still lesser
extent in the degrees of Mars; and in the ease of Salum and
Jupiter the dlffcrcnec Will be (lie least,
e In the case of Rahu and Kely only true tnoi meanl Kahu has given
us results.
f. 'flic blggcsl problem created Is by Miindl. All computers In fJrlln
arc giving ihc degrees rllffercally .nul vw can rely on none.

Scheme of Modification: Notes

Mr K N Rao admiLs that he has used
a. In the case of the Moon, Mercury and lagna add or deduct
forty minutes and see whether a fatal event is explained.

MRITVUBHAGA {PART - (V) Frner Tecftmques of Asfoloffcal Proetoiione VW One
b. In the case of the Son. it should be around twenty minutes
either way, plus or minus.
c. Saturn. Jupiter. Rahu and Kctu too have to be corrected upto
a minimum ol IS minutes either way.
d. Mandi as calculated by an expert cos be modified like Jupiter
at the most. But Mandi Is mostly calculated wrongly-

Test it; Then test It

I Sec If the dasha. antartlasha or even prntyanlnrn daslm ol a planet
reveals at) unpleaaani or falal event.
2. Test It further by seeing If a planet In MB Is in association with
another planer to whom it Ira a passed on 11a malefic functloiL
li. Test It and see when aspcctlng or transiting planets are in MB and
when the unhappy event has taken place.

Do not overemphasise the role of MB, But do not overlook It also.

A Reverse Case (Ex. 2|a) and Ex. 2(b)

Just reverse all lire principles I have piven. (n tfits case Mr.
Rao made no prediction, only he told me privately it is a very
cruical case. This young man is lovable, so spiritual-..Uiefl .
Tu-V) times some VtsJinu-aahastranamam rcctraltoas mere
arranged Jor tilm and both times he somehoiv could not eoen
attend it I Was tfmt cui indication mf something sinister? These
are 111-omens. When something is specially arranged for
someone and both times he (alls to (urn upl You have not to
give any astrological prediction. Destiny Is Indicating
something perhaps '
In this horoscope other than planets there were two fatal points
which Were no! taught to me "There Is no hopi- . told Mr. Rao In me
personnJly.' but I am under instruttlons from my spiritual guru, Swaml
Paramimanda Saraswatl never to tnalte such predictions"
In the horoscope given, this person was running (he dasha of
Mars. When he developed some altmrnt In the stomach It was not
surprising. In die dasha of Use 5th lord one can have shoola toga'
which can mean stomach aliment or even camxrr.
Was Mars, a poynkoroka a maraka also ? Yes. was the answer.
I low?" ( asked him Mars Is the best yacjakaraka far Cancer
abcenrJanl and how has be become a momkaT' There arc some special
considerations. From lagna tiic Sun and Saturn arc the 2nd and die
7(h lords, From (he Moon 11 Is Venus For Cancer l-agna. Venus can be
bad. Rahu fitttl Saturn can be bail uncamlltlonal marakas for anyone.
There Is some mote research to be done In rlclrrrnlnrttlon of
marakas Bui how he wished his astrological reading to go wrung. He
wanlcd to give up astrology many times but some saints persuaded
hlin nut to do it.

Fine'- Techiwques ol Astralogical PrpdicttjriE Vbl Oie MRITYUBHAGA (PART -t\fl

HOOfl Ven Rahu 5«( Kct(i

Jup War Rashi
sun Ex. 1(a)
M-frr Wars
Mer r-'tr
Silt s
Moon Ven ^ta1
Ke u Lag Rahu

h« ^ e i Moon Rshu
Mas sal Jup
Kely Sun

30 Oct. 1982
08:16 am.
Ex 1(b)

Woo Wi»'s / Mar

Kolu Lag Ven Sal
Juo Sun
Tlic prcdiclion did not fall.

Notable features
a. Two planets Venus and the Sun were In Mli and fJictrsuh-perJods
coming one after a tint her tn 1987 antl 1988 till almuit the end of
b. Mars the dasha lord was the maraka here. How. it was not clear to
v Some lessons taught to me on use of planets In MB are;
L Planets In MB give maximum trouble In the sub-periods of
marakas. Interestingly the planet In MB docs not behave so
tnalevoleiuly tn its own dasha. It acts so only in (Is anlanlasha.
11. If the dashas of the 6th, 8lh or 12th lords arc on. the sub-periods
of planets In MB arc troublesome,
ill If beneflcs arc aspectlng planets In MB there Is almosl no tiouble
or very little
d. Now tn this horoscope Venus Is In MB ansl has the company of
weak Moon and malefte Mans. 'Die Sun though with Jupller is
aspectcd by Saturn.

Rash i -l Modified Table of Planets In Mrltvubhaga (see notes)
Planets -> Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kctu Mandi Lagna
Mesha 20 26 19 15 19 28 10 14 08 2.3 01
Vilshabha 09 12 28 14 29 15 04 13 18 24 09
iMithuna 12 )3 25 13 12 II 07 12 20 11 22
Kaika 06 25 23 12 27 17 09 11 10 12 22
Slmlia 08 24 29 08 06 10 12 24 21 13 25
Kanya 24 11 28 18 04 13 16 23 22 14 02
Tula 16 26 14 20 13 04 03 22 23 08 04
Vrishichk 17 14 21 10 10 06 18 21 24 18 23
Dlianu 22 13 02 21 17 27 28 10 11 20 18
Makai 02 25 15 22 11 12 14 20 12 10 20
Kumbha 03 05 11 07 15 29 13 18 13 21 24
Mccna 23 12 06 05 28 19 15 08 14 22 10
Flnef Techniques of Asirologicsl Predictxsns Voi One H.'WTVUflh'AG/i (P^pr - iVf
Now on January IOth L989 tiir planetary portions wouJd be as
below, -
Here Mars having transited over the Sun in (MBJ. At the end of
Mars Dasha this young man died in January 1989. II made everyone of
us unhappy. He was a lovcable man and has left behind a swept
Now these contrasting'Instances prnvr that when benches arc.
Iransthng over or aspecllng planets In MB there Is hope
But no alarm!si view of planets in MB should be taken unless
there arc other malefic combinations In a horoscope. Planets in MB can
be bad only durinfl rliclr suh-peririds. W; have sren no Instance of a
whole dasha of a planet in MB brcornlua bad.
A waratng, also lesaons, to me arc: Try to maintain GOit] near
accurate prcriJetions out of which 20% should be brilliant; then have
20% near arm rate predictions: In (Ire remaining 20% yon ntnsr go
wrong. Only God is ptrleel. Astrology Is a side nee of foresight as no
other sclnifc is (nil astrologers must have (heir limitation, being

When an event has taken place and a consnltor tells about U. seek
a valid explanHtlon for it after he has left. II must be retrospectively
Two such Instances an- bring given fmrn Mr K N Rao's notes and
post-mortem i-jqibnuition being liajfarded,
Thls Is tile horoscope (Ex 3| of an Indian who ran Inln dllhcultles
in a foreign r.ountry In June 1989. Now see tlial II happened in the
pet lnd of Sun-Raliu which started tit March 1989. Rahu Is wltli the
10th lord Mars and with Saturn There Is no bcnclfe aspect on it.
In transit. Saturn was In Sagittarius in June 1989 and Mars in
Gctutni iransittingovcr Rabu Tire even I ts well explained both with the
help of the dasha and transits.
Rahu and the IOth lord Mars are In (he I2lh house, a foreign
place With Saturn. The event gets explained very welt.
Here js another tragic ease [Ex.4) TlUs is Uic Irnt Mseope of a lady
liorn In 1961. tier father is very prosperous. Siic matTlcd In 1984 with
ii very well-placed young man. She is herself very well edmvUed. She
hrtd a daughter after marriage. But in Juiv 1989 her husband died in
an accident and she became a widow. Could this have* been predicted'?
~1 conid not have nredlntrd 11' says Mr, Rao liul apply the
astmlogteal teehnkpres known to xtiir.
I proceeded to do so one by one thus;
a. Jt Is said that 5th lord in the 7th or llii* 7tli lord in lire 5th is bad
for marriage. To what extent, no one has established conciustvcly-
Bul It 1h so in this ease.
b. It is said dial lite 7tii lintl In die 9Ui or vice versa Is bad for
marriage To what extent tt Is so Iras (n he established onclustvely

MRlT/OciHAGil (PART - IVi Fwer Ifecfintejoes of Astralogitsl Predtctions VDl One
But SI Is so In this case
c. One very satisfactory explanation Is that the 7th lord Mercury la
wllli (he. fith lord Sun (the lord of acciilentsl wtth Mars,
tl A supporting explanation Is Venus ttln: stgnlfimlor for wurlfltv
enjoyments Including marriage) Is heavily afflicted In the 9th
c, 'Hie best explanation Is tliat the 7lh lord is with the 6th and 8th
Bui since we arc talking of planets In MB here as many as four
planets- Sun. Mars. Mercury and Jupiter are In MB, The 7th lord in MB
with two other planets, Sun and Mais in MB all coiytilned may be a rare
Instance. But here the 7ih lord himself is spoiled with two other planets
tn MB.
Tin event took place as soon as Jupiter dasha started and in
Jupltcr-Jupltcr-Saturn (he tragic event look place.
Is thai the only expltmallon fliy JalraUil'sChara dasha. The event
look place In Karka-Ttila. From Karka In the 7tli house arc Saturn and
■Jupiter. Jupllcr Is In MB. It did dnroageas soon as Its dasha started. The
autardashn is of Tula wlilch Is a blank house with planets on either side.
And II is the 8th house linrn jannia lagna. the house of wldowliood.
Tills Is ofcourse a post-mortem explanation. But 11 must be done
for futurr research. In rescaif-h Ihe fuiKlanicutal principles of our
anc.lcul rishls must lie adhered to strIcily and from their application
niual flow new research.

Editor's Note
1 I( is absolulciv necessary lo nole the birth dasha of a person and
note how and where (he lords of Mahadaslia and arjiardaslia are
2. Then ante II planet Is In mrityubfinpa.
3. Do not use any apaticunsha other than the Chitropoksha.

Caution and Warning

1. Again remember lhat there Is no such tiling as Medical AstrrMogy.
It Is only a figment of tile hnnglnallon of an asltnloger who in
framing ihe syllabus of an astrology course used this term,
2 Whatever Is covered under 'ArtsfWa" has hem tennc-fl as Medical
Asimlaiy and astrologem have been bluffed Into believing that tt Is
a branch of Hindu astrology.
3. Make use of nirxtyuhhor/a not with any fear. II Is only a point ol
J A writer cleverly lifted llils research and described (I as a subtle
poini in his wrtitng without even iieknoivlcdging his debt In the
first ever research on iiintyuhhopa ol this ccntuiv This research
was produced In IPS'.) and after 7 years It was plagiarised.
5. Flrsl judge the mnmka In a horoscope and thai use the

Rnsr Techruques of Astrotogtcai P/ed(ct«jft6 Vol Ons MRITVUBHAGA fPART - IV)

Jlip Moon
ma Sun Ven
23°30' ts'ir
6 Mer t2an
SatfR) r
t 1 Rafw Lagna
Mart Rash)
Van Ex2(a)
2S°ZT Kdtu
S-J r
ii Sax (ft)

I.UtE Jujs
Mars Uigoa
Kjin 11
Rahu Jan 10,19119
Moon Ex.2(b)
Mat Katu
^ 9 ^ fttor Son
Sun Sal
Vun Sal

\ 5 ./X Rahu 12=9- / Rahu

/ \ Mans Sat/ 12"-Q'
\ 11/ Mara
G ■1 2 Sal
Rashi /
An Indian who L.IJJrW
7 1 ran into difficul-
N. S N.
ties in a Foreign
country in Juno
e \<f ,Q
Ex, 3

S 9 NS. s 1

6. If thci'r t> no fear i>£ « mamfui irumifi-xillii". (heit miiv -Mill tx-
health Iruuhlcs or other types ol mishaps
Ihr research on rnriu/uhlirjga will In- easily umlcrstood thmneli
this final rAHinplc.

MRITYUBHACA (PART - IV) Finef lecnniques of Astrological Predictions Vol. One
Nv 1 11 /
y' 10
2 12
/ Keig y
Rashi Rahu
y/ 3
9 X Lady bom in
Jup 1961
S. ye SulN 11«1S' E*. 4
X / 4,7>3r Sal
6 X/vti»f203*e Ketu
Rahu Moon /\Mer 10^27 SunlT^JT"
/ \venlRj vafs ayw Moon
y/ 5 MW icir
7 X. Ven (R)

2 12 / / ,tag
\ Mer Ketu y Mer Ven Mars
\ Ven y Ketu Sun ISR)?
XlS^O^ t
3 Lag Xv/ it
yC Sun
y 4 10 X; West Virginia

5 /X XsatiR)
Sat (R) Jup (R) Rahu
6 X y 8 \ Moon
/titoon Rahu Jup<R) \

Lag Sur. Moon Hats Met Jup Ven Sat Rahu

07* 51' 20° 47' IS317' me- 06° 58' 15C07 13° 44' I9:44'
Applying the simple rules of arishta
let the Moon be examined first (Ex.5)
1. In the 6lh house, the Moon is In close conjunction with Rahu.
2. So lit Mars ami Saturn are at the same degrees aspecting each
3. Both Mars ami Saturn aspect the Moon which Is already afflicted
in the 6lii house.
4. Jupller a beneftr is retrograde and is In the 8th house. Jupitcr-
Moon period from 21 July 1997 to 20 Nov. 1998 had to watched
5. Now comes the crucial point. Jnpiler is being aspeclcd by Venus
6. Jupiter already In Ihc 8th house of sudden and prolonged illness,
gels enhanced maleficence.
7. Now. in Jupller Moon period, he developed serious pain in
stomach and was nearly dying.
S. He was removed to a hospital where after 10 days of prolonged

Finef Tectimqufts of Aslnjiogica' Piedictions Vd- One MRITVUBHAGA (PART - (V)
trralmcnl he recovered sUgJitJy.
9. II had to happen In Jupiter- Moon period.
i 0. By normal principles of anshm this could have been foreseen and
11. Vet. the extreme seriousness could also have been seen if (lie most
heavily afflicted M*on Is seen and it Is noted that It Is In the 6lh
12. Add to It, the had ownership of Mars as the Bth lord.
13. Virtually then Jupiter In Lite Bth house and Mars as the Bth lord,
show the dangcr-

Now the subtle point

/Vole that Wans Is hi mrityubhaga and asp<?ct5 retrograde Jupiter
m (he 8ih hoiisf.

Now examine transits

Ernnunr the transil to see u'hg It had to become so -sertous.
1. On Kebniaty' 1. 1998. Saturn, was at 21 degrees In Meena
asjwcting the Jarlh Moon at 20 degrees.
2. Moon also in Mccna was also aspcctlng die blnli Moon,
3. Mars In Kumbha also asjiocls the blrtli Moon.
4 Finally note thai Jupiter in Kumbha Is aspectiiifi neilher lilrlh
Jupiter uor hirlh M»h>1(

Stfg n mnletw in dv J'J, od< mid ^ppitgr in /he tflb house rtod Ihe
Moon's role in nroo linn 'hi s nersotL

Ketu in the 5th
and in the 9th Houses
(Part I)

Shiv Raj Sharma

My book The Stystenj of Rohu in a Horoscope" K-d (o many

Itiqulrlcs. Am 1 wrltinjj a similar Ixxik on Krlu nr nnC' Inspilr of the
pressure of office work I have been wrlllng ou Hie effects of Ketu, Hen?
I am confining myself only io study of Ketu In the 5th and the 9"' house
for this paper is confined to a limited area and Is a micro-study only.
Significance of Ketu: Certain allributes mentioned aboul Ketu
In four books, Jntaka Bfuuanam (JB), Ctmmaikar Chmtanmni (CC),
Hrduh Ajrasborn Horn Shastro (BPH) and PUalaiii^pika[PD) are being
given :
1- Incamstipn; Mofysacators or Mcentu'tara, the first avaiara of
Inrrj Vishnu, (BPH)
2. Other Names: Descending node of tlic Moon. Dragon's tall.
3. Motion: The average dally motion Js Ihrec minutes. Ketu Is always
retrograde but is sometimes dlrccl also.
4. Results: Always mnlcflc.
5. Role Is that of army/soldier.
6. Residence: Forests., holes of white ants (termites)
7. Direction: South west
8. Time for quick results: two la (litre tnonlhs.
9. Caste; Mixed or hyhrlii.
10- Cloth: Rags or Lorn cloth, pcrioralcd t ioih. varlegalcd rloUi
11- Colour; Smoky with bluish tinge.
12. Represents: Animate beings (jecoo)
13. Gem: .Mllnmnni (Blue gem. amethysl |rnidmya)
14. Disease: Boll, tumour or ulcer. Itches, small pco:
15. TempcrHmcnt: Windy
16. MiBcellaneous: Ijcalhcr. hunger, inlrlllgcncr, hanlshlp. pain,
enemies, framl and Irlckincss.
17. Fortunate Tear: 42"' year
18. Aspect; Downward gaze.
19. Where benefic: Mml of Kanya. Vnsha and Dlnuiu
20. When benefic; in tlie rughl.
21. When disastrous: When a cornel appcars.-

Flow Tecftniqiies of Asfrotogteal PredKlions Vol. One Kelu In tbv 5fft A I'te 9rh Housz-i
22. Container: Earthen pot
23. Trcca: Sni;Ul trees.
24. Voice/Speech: Sharp, acerbic, vlolcnt.

Thc significance of the 5Tk house in general

I'Ynm Manasrtrjnri: Tire maklnn of a good mind, son, mantro.
education', the w.amb and tts condition and politics
From Soruartha Chintamarit San. mind, wisdom, ministerslilp,
mnrifrn. heart, ciocfca (a sense of discrlrnlnaUon bom of divine wisdom
lather or paternal feelings.

The significance of the d'1" bouse in general

From Manasagari; Inclination towards religion, Inlnltlvr
understanding of things and events, good character and lutilnalkm.
pilgrimage, respect, regard, alfcction and confidence.
From Sorvarthc Chintamani : (The splrUual side) Guru,
devotion, rcttglous austerity, c harity, yoga.

General indications
Father (note that die 9^ house is for talhcr), luck, grandson,
kindness and sympathy, gains, thigh, mind, pleasures and matcmal
ExalUztion and debflitatton
Kxrdtral in Vrlsciiika. Muiilalrikuna Is Dhatui. own sign Is
Vrlschlka and is debilitated In Vrtslia (BPlf).
Results of debilitated Ketu
Had behaviour wrong tricllnatloirs, defective eyes separation
Jrom the spouse, unhapplncss. rough physical featnrrs (rut victory over
enemies. (MS)
Kelu leads to fnlfllmenl of desires while Ralm gives courage (JB)
Ketu In the 5"" hmuse
Fnun iVfanasngari. Clash between brothers resulting In the death
of one of them, windy complaints, distress, fewer sons, employing
servants, gaining support from various sources in various ways.
From Jataka Bharanam
Mlwry due to fall, love for siblings, less sons llnm dsughters,
stamina to work. hurt, wound tn (he ahrloracn.
From Phaladecpika
Loss. rtcCFease. death n( sons, stomarh tltseasc. cruel nature,
(doUshness and evil mindfduess. possession by spirit (psychical

' IS can &S- lust Ivro (inunrnthun pottyjpi K«:u ml aian becaire rdrgonarnit in vucs casei
O.'iooffiateSMir -s the word usso far Ket) afid « nas Drtllanl uses m rrwinoaaa peedldiaras 11
rcfisi Jo esweti wtes# sipptumriai m w«ty nghsy iimibs u, cetesiisl issieationj of (lie
KvvnU wrtira ahea navon? ens cuiers Drtumaietv never tan i to atfecs vecathei-paeem

KWu /" ffte 5lt\ £ tl\e 9tf! House-) Fmer Technigues ol AstioiDgical Preoidlotra Vol Oob
Fnom H.N. Katwe
Wlf-ktid. illness, frar of walcr.
From Dbuodtraj
Loss of sons, fear from kings, toss of rrsprci, Incllglousness and
deviation from right karma.
Cunning, impatlcnf, less sons than daughters, gain from fraud,
stomach disease, lulling brothers through monlrtis/farUms. pilgrimages,
Intcrcsl to live in (brelgu countries. Ketu in Slmha, Vrlschlka. Dhanu
and Mccna will give happiness. Exalted Ketu can confer rajayoga,
I NoLlcc, (1 ts the hth house willedi has Iwcn relcrred to as the house
of education.
2, He was a very brflltanl asttologcr who seems to have collected his
material from various trartlUnnrd sources which wc do not find In
tile books we read.
3. A distinguished astrologer of Maharastra whose works arc not
available in translation.


Ketu <n the 5th house
Summaiy of the observations from the eases studied.
I'aramelers which must be applied
1, Research must be done on accurate horoscopes with divtslonal
horoscopes properly prepared. A merr glaiife al the hlrlh
baroscope ran give fairly gaod idea. Hut 11 Is the iltvlsloiml
horoscopes that clarify the area alfcctcd favourably or adversely.
2, Stnee the 5(h house Is ranlnly concerned with the birth ofchlldmi.
xirart from other events. Jupiter must Ire examined Invariably,
3, Such two fold analysis of Ketu In the 5th house and Jupiter Is
very helpful In balancing astrological analysis

Example One
Ketu In the 5th house is dcbUllaietl and unaspccted lu the birth
Kelu's disposllot; Venus Is also dcblllfated and Is with the 8fh
lord. Sun, in (he 9lh house, the oilier house (or children.
In the navamsha
Saturn Is In the 5th house with Sun.
The 5lh lord, Venus is under double affliction- There Is (he aspect
o( Jupiter on IL
Hrr marriage got delayed. For a Hindu woman, maniagc at the
age of 35. is nol norraHl delay.
The saptamsha
It reveals a dismal picture of the 5th house.
The 5th lord. Mars is In Ihc Si h house.
The 5lh houae Iras Rahu. debldllatcd Moon and Mercury' which Is
IrcHtcd as a eunuch for the purposes of child birth.

Finer Tetfwiques of AsDrologicsi Predldjons VoJ, One Kefu in the 5th & the 9ih House-/

Example One Jup
f/ef 25 September
SaS 1955
Lag NP3p 112 Mars


yen Rahu Mer Sun
Sal Ven

Jup Sa",
Mars Ratiu Sun
Jup Lag Met
Fcahu Ven

Sat Ven Moan
Sun Keui
Mars Mer Moon

ven Sat Ketu Sun

JUp KfiSQ Jup
Mars Lagna
Rahu Sal
Moon Moon
Mars Ratiu
Lu Ihc case of an orthodox society like that of Asians, bcx-omlng a
father ar rnoUier wltli two years4 of marriage Is a normal occurcnce. A
delay In child birth sometimes gives valuable dues to the timing of
She got married very late and the dasha then was of Keln and the
anfardasha of Mcrcurv. The dasha of Venus, her 5th lord came too late.
Keiu in rhe Sift 4 the 9tt! House-! Finer Tecftotques o( Astrologcai Predictions Vol. One
Slie Is clilldless.
Kctu Is In the Venuslan rashL She studied humanities and leamt
She Is the youngest of three children of her parents.

Example Two
Here the 5th house Is receiving the maximum concentration of
planetary influences In the birth horoscope.
Exalted Sun and Mercury In the 5th house with Ketu is producing
an excellent rajayoga.
Jupiter from the 11th house Is aspcchng this. This person has
done very well as a doctor.
Ketu s dlsposltor. Mars is in the 3rd aspcctcd by Satum.
A Hindu from a good family, he has chosen to live with a woman
openly, defying all conventions. The woman also became pregnant
The navamsha
It is showing his multiple sexual relations. He was threatened at
one stage with dire consequences by some persons. He mellowed down
but is unable to get out of his habits.

\ Moon 8 ven Mer

/f Sun
iiVy 9 Ketu
Mars Jup (R)
L35 \Rahu
Sat (R)
Mars Example Two
/ Male
/ Ven 6
10 May 1958
Moon p12NP3
1 / / 5
Mer SunV^ 3
Ketu/\ Sat (R) Jup (R)
K 4
2 Lag Rahu

N. Moon 4 / Mars Mer Kohl

Tf\X 6 s// Sat
Jup 5 3
Ven/N. Lag /N. KEIU

/ 8
C Sun 2 y Navamsha
9 \ / 1
Rahu \/ 11 Mer
/ \. Sal Rahu Sun Jup Moon
^ 12 N. Ven
yK 10 >
Mats N.

Finer Techniques of Asvolojcai Preq^dions Vol One Kstu In the Stti & th-e Qth Hovse-i

Mer n y
1 y Lag Mer Keiu
2 T2 \ / 10 Mars
Ketu Lag Moon
Mars y
3 9 \
Sal "> Saptamsha
\ /
A 6 Rahu
yC Ven
/ TN. Sat Raftu Sun
5 X, Sun Jupv ven JuP

Kctu In the 5th. li aspcctcd by malcftcs or with makrhrs shows

nnorthodoxy. Et Is happening In the 5th house of the birth horoscope
and the 11th house of the navamsha.
In tills case the saptamsha does promise birth of a child. The
woman he was living with became pregnant. Being a doctor he
managed to get the pregnancy terminated. Later he deceived the girl
who wanted to marry lilra.
The nature of education
A well knawti and traditional combination for a medical career
which has come down from ancient times is;
Kctu. Jtipitcr and Sun In the nolcsha/ras of Keiu or the Sun give
a medical career.
Therefnrr Mcsha. Slmha and Dhanu which contain the nalcshotras
of Ketu are lite points to be examined.
Similarly, some other nakshatras have been given importance. If
the 5th house falls In these places or If the 5tli lord Is In them, if not a
medical career, a keen Interest In medical subjects may still he there.
The horoscopes of some of the medical representatives fit Into this
astrological parameter. In tills case, medical career Is obvious.

Example Three
Ketu is hi lite 5th house. Kclu's dlspoSUor. Jupiter, Is hi the 8th
house and not merely retrograde hut is receiving the aspect of Satum.
the 6th lord from the 6th house. Some mlsfnrtuar about children Is
clearly visible.
Jupiter, the 5th lord of the horoscope, also a natural putrokamka.
is retrograde and receives lire aspect oi Satum.
Satum aspects Jupiter and the 5th house from Jupiter.
The 5th lord from Jupiter Is ihe Moou which Is again in the
nakshatra of Ketu.
In the navamsha Kctu is again In the 5th house with the 6th lord
Mars while its dispositor. Venus t.s with Satum, 8th lord and receives
the aspect of Mercury from die 8th house.

Ketu in the ith & the 9th House-! Finer Techniques o( Astrological Predictions Vol One

6 4 / Jup(R) Moon Rahu

7 > 5 \ /3
Mer Lag \yKahu
8 \ Example Three
Ven 2 Male
Mars 1 November
Sat 1963
P68 NP3 Lag
Ketu 11 Moon
/ION. Ketu Ven Mer
Sat \ / 12 Nv Mars Sun
Jup (R) Nw

Ven Sat Moon / Rahu Moon Lag

4 /
\ 2 /
5 3 1
Lag yA. Rahu
Sun Ven
6 12 \ Navamsha
7 9
Mars 11
Jup N/ Sun
10 Jup Mars
8 N / N. Ketu
Mer N.

Rahu Ketu Ven

7 y 5 Moon
6 4
8 Lag Mars Mars
Sal 3 Saptamsha
Mer Jup
10 2
Jup 12 Ven
Suny / l\ Sat Rahu Lag
Ketu Mer
11 Moon
In the santamsha the 5th house has debilitated Jupiter conjoined
wllii tlie Sun which, In Itself Is not bad. The aspect of Mars, the 8th
lord of the saptamsha reveals the hidden story of the tragedy that
occurcd In this case.
He got married, in a normal Hindu traditional way and soon after
marriage. Ids wife became pregnant.
Finer Tec.'intquos of Astirdogical PrEdtctians Vol. One Ketu In the 5th <S the 9W House-1
He. a successful business-man, went an a lour. What happened
after that is tragic.
1. His wife was pregnant when he died in a car accident.
2. His wife gave birth to triplets, one son and two daughters. The son
and one of the daughters died while the surviving daughter is deaf
and dumb.
3. The presence of Kclu in the 5th house not being favourable for
male children proved correct in this case.
4. Much worse was tire fact tlxat two out of the three children bom
died in Hie womb of the mother. The 3rd one who is alive. Is deaf
and dumb.
5. A bad Kclu in the 5th house may be a curse of some previous life.
6. When such a Ketu causes the death of children, it is invariably
7. Ketu in the 5th house is a u.>eiMcnou.'n combination for abortion or a
disease of (he uxsmb in a woinan's horoscope.

Example Four - The dignity of the 5th house

The excellent 5th house with as many as four planets aspecting
Kclu in the 5th house, which is the house of dignity, should persuade
N. 9 7 / Ketu
S \
A. / / Mer
10 Lag \ffiahu Sal
Moon / NkipVef*
. Mars
5 N. Examp le Four
f it Sun ^ 29 Augiist 1922
p 162 NP3 Sun
12 \/ 2 TC 4
Ketu yA. Lag Mar
1 3 Moon Rahu Sal
/ Sv Wars Jup Ven

.■up 3 Ranu Sal

6\ 5 y 4 Wars
Ketu Lag 2
Moon Sun Sal
Van/ Lag
7 1 Navamsha
Mer JuP
10 / 12
a Mer Batiu
Mars Ketu
/ 11 Moon
9 ^ Von

Kefu In the 5th & the 9th House-1 Finer Techniques of Astrological Prediclioos Vol. One
us lo look for some other significant factors In the horoscope.
Here the planets of democracy, Satum. Is aspecting Kctu in the
5th house.
Let a quotation given about the results of Kctu In the 5th be
reproduced hcrc."Ketit in Simha. Vrischika, Dhanu and Meena tuiU give
As the only child of his parents he g#l huge properties and a rich
business In cash crops as Inheritance/The extraordinary 11th house
shows all the great wealth he has.
He has five children, three daughters and two sons.
All his children are prosperous. TVuc to the nature of Ketu. he has
more daughters than sons.
Unaffllcted Ketu In tire house of Jupiter, which Is the 5th house of
dignity, gave him something more.

The dignity Ketu gave him

He joined active politics in the mahadasha of Ketu which is with
Jupiter In the 7th hause of the dashamansha.
He became a member of tire Indian Parliament (1957 Just as the
Kctu dasha was ending).

\ Sat > Rahu Mer Rahu Lag Sal

\ 3 / V 1
2 12
MOW. X. Lag Mer
X 5 n Saptamsa
\ Jvp
6 8 to
Ven y>\.
7 9 Mara Ketu Ven
jS/ Kelu SimS / Sun

3 Mars Mar
\ 5X
xX 4 2
Sat XT lag Mer
Rahu Lao
Ven Rahu
X 1 Dashamansha
S. Moce Mars
8 10 12 Kctu
NX^ Jup
Ketu Sun Moon
X 9 / iX Sal
j/ Sun Ven

Flnef Techniques of AstTDtoglcal Predtciions Vol. One Ketu In the 5th & the 9th Hot/so-/
Then a member of the Legislative Assembly >f his state. In 1962.
In 1969 he was a cabinet minister of his state.
In 1977, he was again a meimbcr of the legislative Assembly tif his
state. In whole of the dasha of Venus. Sun and Moon he has had
success in business and moderate success in politics. Yet. his
Important political contacts and commercial prosperity are excellent.
Add t* all this Mars In his own house and the Sun. with my bain in the
10th house, which Is its own house.
After the death of his lather In 1986 (Moon -Jupiter) he was the
sole inheritor of all the wealth of the family.
All tills got multiplied when he started exporting cash crops on a
very large scale to foreign countries.

Example Five - Yogi Bhaskarananda

1. Here Ketu ts in the 5th house of Intuition aspectcd by Jupiter, Ihr
9th and the i2th lord.
\Sat(R) 10 L 12 ye Lag Sat
1 tot
3 Ny/ 11
Lag \/ Rahu
yA^^ Example Five
Rahu Yogi Mats
10 X, Bhaskarananda
C Mars 01 December
7 04.25.38 PM Ketu
Ven N. y/ ) Ahmadabad
5 \/ \/ Jup
Ketu /\Moon
8 Jup Sun
'/ Sim MerV
yS ^ Moon Mer Ven

2. There is no other aspect on Ketu.

3. But Kctu's dispositor. Sun is in the 8th house with Mercury and is
receiving the aspect of Saturn. This explains why he was
unmarried and had no children of ills own as Ketu in the 5th
house and an afflicted 5th lord in the 8th house were not
favourable for a life of marriage.
4. Ketu revealed to him his divine splendours, through astrology and
scriptural knowledge first. Later it gave htm deeper spiritual
experiences. I learn, from K.i\. Rao. whose Jyolisfm Guru he was.
5. To this, let what has been written In this Issue of the Journal In
the article on Gajakcsarl Yoga be reproduced.
"When exactly his guru took samadhl I do not remember except
that when his Jupiter dasha started his spiritual experiences came in a
torrential flow and his intuition became infallible. Ketu in the 5th
house aspectcd by Jupiter the 9th lord of guru, he often explained
himself, was showing all its promised resulted. 1 had met him in his
Jupiter dasha which, when over led him Into a totally dillcreni life."

KsSu In fie 511) & the 911} Hovae-I Finer TechniQuas crt Aarrnlogica1 Ptdlcttons S'tat One
Conclasions & Obscrvationo
Some conclusions and observations arc being given to help
readers understand the case studies being presented. The book Thu
Mystery of Keiu fn a hamscape" is being patterned on the model of die"
Mystery oj Rahu in a horoscope'.
1. Kclu in the 5th house denotes unorthodoyv which gets reflected in
unorthodox rmrrlagc of Uic person concerned or one of his
children, generally
2. It Is In accordance with the accepted classical principles as the 5lh
house represents both tradition and progeny. Many horoscopes
can l)c seen with Ketu In the 3th house of persons whose children
have had unorthodox marriages from the Indian point of view. In
the caste-cunscltms Hindu carrmuinlty where, we have also
regional cansidcratlons. Kctu In Uic 5tii house has to show a
departure from traditions,
3. On the negative side of Kctu, a point observed was, a tendency to
Imve extra-mariial reiatkms. It Is doubtful whether now. when
permissiveness has become quite widespread, such a point can be
»J, An extension of pcrmislvcuess In modem world la IMng mgethn .
without marrying which Is a common feature of Western life.
5. Professionally. Kctu In (he 3th Eavours medical career. It can br
extended to one s children one of whom may bccornc a doctor,
b. Kctu m die 5Ui gives more daughtcra than sons.Or tire death of a
child, particularly ol a male child, seems to a veiy common
7, Debilitated Kctu In tin; 5th house seems to be generally good both
for marriage and the birth of male children.
8. Ektcsl or youngest? Some points which should be tcslcd deeply
are based on the observations 1 had made in my book the Mystery
oj Rahu Like Jupiter In Ihe 1 Ilh house wlilch can make out fire
first or the eldest child of the parents or In Us sex. Rahu also does
that. There Is. however, n diflcrencc- Rahu can give also the
position of lire youngest of die siblings or the youngest in its own
sex. When Rahu Is in the 11 tit house. Ketu will be hi the 5th
9 b'aLuCLcf EdUeahQIi; Ketu In the 5tii can give technical, serai
technical rducHtlon. In the house of a bcncfic like Mercury, Jupiter
or Venus. It can give an Indlnauan lowanls fine arts, Iltcramre cie.
Tiadltlonnily, Kelu 1n this position has been favoured for medical
10, Sex of children: Ketu tn the 5ih has nut been favoured as far as
children arc concerned In determining the sex of the child. Ketu
Inclines. It seems, to favour (he birth of female children more.

In Hindu astrology the art of synthesis needs stressing and not

Ciaor Toehnkjues wl Astrologcat Pnrfiaions Vol One KeJu frt fhv 5th & Hre 9th Hoase t
taking the literal Intcrprctallon of a single combljiallon. It Is to be done
tn iwo ways:
The horoscope as a whole should be examined and die synthesis
Then the divisional horoscopes should be examined along with
(he birth horoscope lor tots! synthesis. 11 (hen becomes necessary not
to work on wrong divisional horoscopes.
The observations given here arc the result of examination of many
horoscope. They should nol be trraicd as dogmas. They should be
taken as dependable guiding principles.
In the flrsl part. cflTer.ls of Kctu In 5th house alone arc being
shown through cltfTcrcut horoscopjc.
In tile parts lo follow, since a series on Ketu has been planned for
die Joomal. many other aspects of Ketu In different houses will be
This is a rcscnrch. an exploration. It should be remembered dial
no one. except God can utter Hie dual world on any aspect of human
knowledge, particularly asholagy,
The paper must conclude with the otascrvaltnii that a good Ketu In
the 5ih aspectcd by a Ix-neflc. die 5di lord or even a beneflc can give
cxtjaordiiiary powers of Intuition. 1 am reproducing some parts from
die article of K,.M. Rao.. In one of the coming Issues on Gajakcsarl Yoga,
where he writes about hisjlyob'shn guni,

Ketu in the 5th
and in the 9th House
(Part U)

Shiv Raj Shanna

lu (lie Journal of Astrology a irsearr h was prociuc cd on cfleets of

Rahn In tile llril house. Somr nf (lie coticlnsiotis drawn from that
•ilaUstlr^a] tcsear(;h become applicable to Kciu In the 9th house. 'I\va of
them can be considered hero:
"Since 3rd Is the house of younger co-bom, a maicflc Rahu here
does not let any other sibling be bom after him. Thus he makes the
person youngest In the family. Where Rahu ts under bencQc influences,
hr makes one eldest or eldest In the same sex. Tills study serves a very
usclul purpose hi rectificalion of the horoscojx- and fixing of lagua by
simply applying the thumb rule thai Rahu in 3rd house would give any
nur of the following results.
i One would be youngest In the family, or
2. Eldest, or
3. Eldest in the same sex. or
4. Youngest in the same stv
Aficr examining the results of Raiiu In the 3rd house. If we begin
to examine the results of Ketu lu tlie 9th house, we can arrive at a good
Tile next slcp Is to consider the significance of the 9th house In
general and condition of Ketu particularly Its exaltation/debilitation

The significance of the D111 boose in general

From Mccnasagari
Inclination towards religion, intuitive understanding of tilings and
events, good character and Inclination, pilgrimage, respect, regard,
ailcctinn and confidence.
From Sarvartha Chintamanl
tThc snirllual stdcl Gunj. devotion, religious austerity, charity,
General indications
Father (note that the 9"" house Is for faiheri. luck, grandson.
kindness and sympathy, gains, thigh, mind, pleasures and maternal

Finer Techraques o< Aslrological PiBdidiotit Vot Oim Notir tn tne 5tn 4 ine Sfft House-il

Parameters Which Must be Applied

1. Research must be done on accurate horoscapes with divisional
horo.snnpes properly prepared. A mere glance at the birth
horoscope can give fairly good Idea. But (t Is (he dlvisionat
horoscopes that clarify the arm alTfrtcd favrrurably or adversely.
2. Since the 9th house Is mainly concerned with tmhri luck,
grandchildren apart from other events, Jupiter and lite Sim must
be examined invariably.
d. Such two-fold fUtalysisof Ketu In tlir 9th house and .Jupiter and
Sun ts very helpful In haianctng astrological analysis
Exaltation and cfebfiftotfon
hWilled in Vrischlka. MootsIrlknm ts Bhanu. own sign is
Vrlschika and Is deblLitaled In V nsha (BPH1
Results of debr If rated Kctu
Bad behaviour wrong Inclinations, defective eyes, separation from
the spouse, uuhapptneas. rough physical features hut vlrlory over
enemies. (MS)
Kctu leads to fulfilment of rteslrcs while llnhu gives murage. (JB)

CoDflrzning Earlier Researches

As an example [example six), a hort>sco[H- is bring given here and
dKnisscd, Raftu Mahadaslm w;js aver in 19 Dee. 1974
Jupiter mahadasha and the antarrlashas of the Venus, Sun and
Moon ran from 1982 to 19S7-
1. Applying the research on Rahu in the 3rd house, the lnf< rmailon
available ts that he is the youngest ehtM of his tianiuls and la also
younger of two trrothcrs. Tlic first ;,lfillng Is a sister who Is the
eldest, next there Is a brother and he Is fire last and ynuugest child
of his parents^
2 The other rcscanrh, father's death, which apixrarcd tn the Tula
Sanlannli issue (October 1997) ol JouitaJ of Astrology also applies
His father died in 1985 in Lhr dasltii of Jupiter which Is placed 1(1
lite 7th house, fmm the Sun and lire aulnnlasha of Vcuiis which Is In
the 2.nd house again from the Sun.
Some points for examination then will have to br;
I Ketu'-s presence in (he 9th house will need to be watched closely,
if there is the aspect a malefic on It, tl. can nilect (he longevity of
one's father.
2, In such a case a close examlnatlcju ol the Sun and tire 9Ch house
from it should also be examined.
-i. Then the eJCRmiuallon of the ttlh lord should also be done
4. This should then be checked in the dwidnshitnisha,

Keiu in me 5th & the Sm House-// Finer Techniques of Asfrological Predictions Vol One
Example - 6
In this ease. Kctu In the 9th house Is aspcctcd by Mars the 6th
The 9th lord. Moon Is exalted and is receiving the aspects of two
The Sun Is debilitated and receives the aspect of retrograde
The 9lh house from the Sun has two malefic aspects of Saturn
and Mars though the 9th lord from the Sun, which Is Mercury Is well
associated and aspcctcd,
The dwadashamsha does not show similar afflictions.
The father of this person left Iris mother and died when he had
crossed the age of 30 years.

9 7 Jup<R) Moon
\ Mars / Sun
a \
\/ Lag 6
Rahu Uer Sat
Ven Example six Ketu
p81 Seattle
5 Nov 1952
11 5 Male; (otlier details
\ Rahu not gwen to
conceal the identity
2 4 of this person)
t2 \/ Moon Ketu
Mars Lao Sun Sat
/ i \ 3 Mer
/ JupfR) Ven

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury JupilGr(R) Venus Saturn Rahu

15° 17' I?527' 24° 14' 11843' 23(,08' 23°48' 27®44* 23tl58'

1 Mer
Kdu Moon tag
Moon Kciu Sun
Lag 12
Sun Mer

Sat D adadhsmsha
veil Jup Ssl
Ma Rahu Mars

Finer Techniques ol Astrological Predlctaons Vol One Ketu In the Sfh <5 the 9tfi House-!I
Example - 7 (3rd March 1965, Female)
Ketu is in the 9th house exalted, aspccted by own lord Mars(R)
from 6th house and Saturn from the 12th house as the 12th lord. The
Qth lord Mars Is retrograde and in the Gth house(disposUor of Ketu) and
is aspcctcd by Satum. Sun. Vfcnus the 12th, 6(h and 8Ui lord
respectively. The aspect ofbcncfic Jupiter, Moon and Mercury on Mars
gives some relief and does not deny birth of children. Pidra Karnka.
Jupiter, in 2nd house Is also good factor.
In Navamsha
The 9th house Is aspected by benefic Mercury and Saturn. Mars
retrograde 9th lord is In 10th and with bcncfic Jupiter which Is a
saving factor.
In Saptcunsha
Tire 9th house is aspected by benefic Moon and malefie Saturn.
The 9th lord Mars in 12th house.
This shows 9th house significations are more towards negative
Slncc the 9th house is a house of orthodoxy, and Ketu is exalted
\ 1 Sun Mer Sat / Lag Jup Rahu
N. Jup / \yen Moon /
2 \ / \ 11 /io
Rahu \/ 12
Lag Sun Met
Sat Ven
Moon Example - 7
v 3 9
y 3rd March 1965
Fcmalo Mar&fRl
4 6 \ / 8
/"(. Ketu
/ 5 \
/ Mars(R)\ / 7

Sat Moon lag Met
\ Ketu / Sun
La;, Sal
Sun 9 \ Moon
ManMR) Kelu
Jup Navamasha

Rahu Jup

Ketu In the 5ih i the 9th House-It Finer Tecfiniques of AsSrologicsl Pfedictions Vol One
1 11
\Rano ven . sMars(R) . Ratiu Moon Sun
2\ 10 Lag Van Sat
Moon 12
Sal, Lag
' g Mer
3 Saptamsha

4 N 6
/TV Jup
5\ / Jup \ Ketu

She lived together with a person without marriage and became

pregnant. In the orthodox Hindu society it was a clear violation of
accepted social norms.
It is confirmed by the position of Ketu in Scorpio in birth
horoscope and also in Navamsha with the Moon which is the 5th lord
of pregnancy. It was a case of pregnancy out of wedlock.
The child died, which Is confirmed by 9th house affliction In all
the three charts, and also exalted Ketu which is not a favourable factor
as we have already seen when Ketu Is placed In the 5th house. The
same logic should be extended to the position of Ketu In the 9th house
if there is affliction to the 5th house and the 5th lord.
1. The Stir lord of the birth iioroscope Is Moon under heaviest
2. The 51h lord of the navamsha. Moon is also afflicted
3. The 5lh lord of the saptarasha. Moon Is also afflicted.

Example • 8 (21 Feb. 1963. Male)

Ketu Is in the 9th house, with its dispositrr Saturn and is conjunct
with Mercury and Moon and is aspecled by Mars fR). There is aspect of
5th. 7th. 9lh. 12th and 2nd lord on Ketu and Saturn, the 9tli lord.
In Navamsha
Ketu is again in the 9th house and aspcctcd by Mars from the 6th
house. 9th lord Saturn is in the 2nd house and Is aspcctcd by Moon
from 8th house.
In Saptamsha
Venus is aspectlug 9tJi house, the 8th lord. 9th lord Mars is in the
2nd house and Is aspcctcd by Mercury from the 8th house. Aspect of
laigna lord Jupiter on Mars Is a saving factor,
Here Ketu In the 9lh made him a drug addict and he drinks
heavily. He married a Bredimln girl and there also is marital tension.
Ketu is in Uic 9th conjunct with Moon and Mercury confirms the
research view f«r marital tension.
1. The 5th lord of the birth horoscope is Mercury under heaviest

Fwer Techniques o! Aslrological Pnscttaions Vol One Ketu In fte 5ff> & the 9th House-ll

3 1 / Lag
Rshu^ 12
MarsfRr 2
Lag Sun Rahu
Jup Mars(R)
ii \ Example 8
5 Sun Jup y 21 Feb. 1963
Mer Ketu Male
\ / !0
6 B _XSat M«
/ \ Keiu Ven
/ 9 \
7 ' Ven

4 2 /
\ Lag

\ Sat . . Wor Jup /

5 N. / 1
Ratio yC 3
12 N. Ketu
/ 6 Navamasha

Moon Rahu
7 \/ 9 \ /^
y°\ ION. Son Von
/ Ven / Moon n. Mars(R)
/ Mafs(R]

< 1 11 >
\ Mars(R) Ratio / Lag Uars(R) Ven
\, /io Sun
2 \ /
Ven \y 12
Sun Rahu Moon
0 \
/ 3 Sat \ Saplamsha
\ /h Ketu
4 6
Moon yC
/ 5 / 7 \ Mar
/ Mot N. Sal
/ Jup Ketu

2. The 5til I«rd of the navamsha. Venus is In the Gth house with
3. The 5th lord of the saplamsha. Moon Is aspertcd by Mars.

Kafu In ttio 5!h & ffte 9!t\ House-H Finer Techniques of Asltotoflical PretEctions Vol One
Example - 9 (13-14 Oct. 1959, Male)
Ketu Is lii the 9th house in tlie Meena rashl, and is aspccted by
Sun, the 2nd lord. Kctu's disposltor. Jupiter, Is In the 5th house and
also is aspected by Jupiter.
Xn Navamsha
The 9th house is vacant- The 91h lord Moon is in 7th house.

5 3 / Ketu
Ven /
6 ^ \ //2
Rahu A
Sun Lag
/ 1 Moon Lag
7 Exam pie -9
Mer 13-14 0 Ct 1959
Mars M;Jle Ven
\ Ai
8 10 Ketu
/ttX. Sal Jup Me/ Rahu
9 N / Moon N, Mars Sun

Mars Rahu Moon Sal

10 Lag Jup

Met Sun vosi Navamasha

Lag Mars Jup
Rahu Sat Ketu

1 11 y/ Lag Rahu JuP

2 \ / 1°
Rahu \q 12 yAJ.ter Sat
Lag Moon

/ 3 9 \ Sapta msha
C Jup
4 \ 6 \ / 8
Moon yC Sun yC Ketu
/i n. Ven Keiu Mars Sun
5 /Mars
/ Ven

Finer Techniques of Astrological Predcficns Vol. One Kefu In the 5tti & the 9th House-//
Moon Is aspectcd by Jupiter from the 11th house. Jupiter Is 2nd and
5th lord.
In Saptamsha
Ketu in the 9th house with Venus, the 8th lord. 91h lord Mars Is
the 8th house, which shows exchange of 8th and 91h lord. Mars
receives the aspect of a bcnefic Lagna lord Jupiter from the 41h house.
It is a g»o<l sign.
AH three charts reveal the good promise held by 9th house. Here
Ketu in the 9th house gave this person a happy marriage and two sons.
it has been observed that Ketu in the 9th house gives dominating
sons. This observation Is clearly limited and applicable to country
where orthodox family and society respecting children generally do not
defy their parents and do not go against their wishes.

Example - 10 (30 Sept. 19S3, Male]

Ketu Is hi the 9th house aspected by Saturn. Ketu's dlsposltor
Moon Is In the 8th house conjoined with a bcnefic Jup.
In Navamsha
9th house has lagna lord Moon and Rahu. 9lh lord Jupiter Is in

9 7 /
y Mer Sa* Jup
\ /6 Moon
Rahu 3 \/ Sun
11 5 \y Example-10
Van Mars X 30 Sept. 1953
Rehu Male Ven
\ / < Mars
t;N 2 / Keiu
Lag Mer Sun
1 \ / Moon\ Sa!
Jup X^^

\ 5
\Uars Van/ 3 Moon Sun
/ 2 Rahu
6 X>/ 4 Sun
Ketu yXy Lag
yK 7
{ Mef 1 Navamsha
N. Jup
/12 Van
\/ 10 Mooo
Sat Rahu
yK 9 K Sat Jup Ketu

Ke/u in am sth l the 9!t\ House-il Rner Tecfiniques of Astfological PredicSions Vof. One

II 1 / Lag
\ /
2 /C 12

11 \
( 5
Rahu Ketu \ Saptamsha

//lO Rahu
Moon yC Mars Ven
9 Mars Mer Moon
/ ^ ^ N.
/ Mer Sat ven Sat

the 4th house with 12th lord Mercury. Mars also aspects 9th house.
In Saptamsha
9th house is uiia spec ted. 9lh lord Saturn Is in the 6lh house with
bcncflc Mercury and is aspcctcd by Jupiter.
Here Kctu In tire 9th gave him happy marriage. It is again
confirmed by Ketu s position both In BH and Navamasha charts.
Ketu in tire 9th here again gave him 2 sons. i.e. domination of
Kctu In the 9th and further combination of 4th. 12th and 9th
Irousc both in BH and in Navamsha chart gave him unorthodoxy due
to foreign travel.

Example - 11 (7 July 1941, Female)

Kctu Is In the 9th house with Mars. Kctu's disposllor is Jupiter in
the 11 111 house with Saturn, the 8lh lord. Jupiter Is aspccted by Moon.
Jupiter is in badhak bhaixi
In the Navamsha
9th house has Jupiter: a badhak planet. 9th lord Venus Is in the
2nd house and is aspeclcd by Saturn,

3 /
N. 5 MerfR} / KctU Sat MerfR)
\ Sun / Mars Jup Sun
6 4
Rahu \yS/ Lag
\ / 2
/S. Sat iup
Van tag
/ 7 1 N. Example -11
7 July 1941
8\ 10 X /^
MDOtl/\, y/ Ketu
/ \ Mars
y/ n N. Moon Rahu

Finer Techniques of AsSrologxal Predictions Vol. One Kefu In the 5th & the 9th House-H

ven Moon Sun Jup

Mars Mer(R) Keto
tO^ Sat
Rahu 12 Jup
Sal Moon
Ven Lag
11 Sun Mars

12 10 /
\ Rahu
\Rahu Ven /
y/ X. y/ 9 Ven
Jup Lag
/ 8 X. Jup
/ 2 $31 X^^ Saptamsha
Sun Mooo y
y Mars /
3 X. jS r

y/ 4 / 6 \ Sal Sun
/ Kelu X^ Moon Ketu
^ Mftr X. Mars Mer

In the Saptamsha chart

9th house Is aspccted by Jupiter. Nlntli lord \fcnus a badhak Is in
tiic 2nd house I.e. in Kutumbha Sdian Is under affliction of R/K axis
and 8th lord Mercury.
Here Ketu In the 9th In the. BH gave her divorce. It is also
conflrraed by having Mars conjunct with Ketu In die 9th house.
No Children, sec the role of a badhak house/lord's role in tills
connection, in all the above, three charts.

Example • 12 (29 July 1951)

Ketu Is in the 9lh house with Venus and Mercury, Kctu's
dlsposllor is Sun in the 8th house aspected by a benefic and lagna lord
In the Navamsha
9th house has its own lord Saturn and is aspected by Moon.
In the Saptamsha
9th house Is aspected by Sun and Jupiter, 9fh lord Mercury is In
10th house as is aspccted by Lagna lord Saturn.
Here Ketu in the 9th house gave htm 2 sous. I.e. domination of

Ketu In the Sth & Mb 9:ti House-ll Finer Tedinicp>es o( Astrologicat Preflictioos Vol One

10 8 / Jup Moon Mars

11\ / N. /7
Rahu 9
Rahu Sun
6 \ Example -12
C 12
Jup Sai \
29 July 1951 ven
\ y* Kelu
1 3 Ketu
Mars yCven Mer
Lag Sal
y/ 2 > '/Sun
/ Moon

Rahu Mars Lag

Mars Mer
Mer Sal
Ra^u Navamsha
Jup Moon
7 N sat
Sun Vten
Jup Sun Ketu

Kent Sun Moon Rahu

10 Sal
12 \/
Sun yC La
9 Mars
/ \ Jup Ven

Moon OdJJus msha
Jup Ven

Rahu Kclu Mars Mer

In Uic BH and In die Saplamsha 9th house/lord Is a spec toil by
lagna lord. In the Navamsha 9th lord In the 9th Is a saving factor.

Fmei TecJin^ues ol Astiotogval Prwtiaions. Vol. Oiw Kc-ro In me 30 S tfie Otft Hcuse H
Ketn in the 9th house as per Classics —
From Manasagarl
1. No distress, calamity or trouble-1
2, ProralBe of the btrlh of a son.1
3 Luck improves when one Is In touch with people In lowly positions
4. Distress due to brother nr stsler.
5. Some diseases in the arm.
G. His attempts to Improve lilinsclf thnough pious arts is marked si
Such attempts too may be brill less.
1 Do not taRe it Maraitj
i Mssf rvryiari-ebie com; .v teiverrder i-OTar
From Jatatca Bnaranam
1 Desh-oyer of toiTar.nlors.
2 The desire Uo have a sou.
3 Gain and loss and happiness and unhapplncss Ifom people im
lowly positions.
4 Disease In the arms.
5 He will be mocked at for the charity he does
From Phaladecpika
1 Wicked.
2 Docs Inanspieious acts
3 Depdved of father.*
4 Larklessness.'
5 Poverty
(i Degrades others,
H.N. KaXwc Unknown Sources
1 King or ministcx to a king
2 Religious.
3 Kind
4 Intelligent
5 Fame and glory.
Chi trey
1 IrrHlglQus
2 Wicked.
3 Is optniDnatcd.
A Angry
5 CdfirUes others,
6 Quarrels with brothrrs."
7 Strong.
8 Prrjud.
* Ei>ny tiesrh at tsmerrsn he been ,n many cases
" If latsiicwa Of si.r.0Ci3h,'C wltr tHinollcE daiis B>? nivprsB Eilito
• TTfi 'tmi in® ore BMor

In any method of uucrprotatton If the literal meaning Is la ten i as
has been given here no one can inierprrt a horoscope properly.

Kotu in ine 5i/> i tt>o sw Houts-U Rnsi TochniqvfK al Astfolooical Prediaiorts Vol One
Prediction In astmlugy is an art or syntliesls. Conipllatlons ol all these
pi Inciplrs In one place as has been done by sonic writers gives us a
clmnce to estarninf possthllltirs. But lr» be able to arrive at some
definitive results some standartl parameters will have to be followed
Tile mclhotl of doing 11 has been shown in my book. The Mystery of
Rahu in a Horoscope. In this pajict some parameters arc being given
Co midcrsland die ease studies being presented
1 Examlm; the position ol Ketu in thi" 5th or die plh house by first
seeing wliich planet is die lanl of the house lu wluch Ketu is
2 Now examine die- condlttor. of the dlsposllor of Ketu.
3 Examine the aspt-ets on Ketu and the lordships of Utose planets
Iram the lagna,
4 StTudntse the results of (he planets associated with Ketu.
5 Interlink the promises of other house with the results arrived at. It
is wrong to pronounce any Judgement on Ketu in the 5lh or 9th
house as being Irreligious if the LOth tin rise or kwrnnsthana is

My Observations concluded for Ketu in the 5th house

1. Tlur following observation have been observed by me and II is Just
like a study al a glance,
2. But we should not Jump Into the conclusion withoul studying BH.
D9. D7 Varga chart and tn study 5lh lord/5th house/and Jupiter
3 Hits will help for die balance prediction

I. Ketu tn the Slh give unorthorloxy In marriage either lor self or to
our of the children.
1. either extra marital rclallou.
II. living logelhcr.
ill, marriage oulstdc commimUy.
tv. sculor age Of spousc.
2. Ketu In the 5th generally make either self doctor or one of his child.
3 tU Ketu in the 5ill generally give more rlaughte.1 or son or daughter
with a difference of one. e.g. 2 son 3 daughter.
(II) Inss of son Is also seen or abortion,
4. Dchilltaicd Ketu. unaspcctcd generally give happy marriage and

My Observations for Ketu in the 9th house

I It had observed that Ketu in die 9(h uffllrtcd give unorthodoxy
either In marriage or due to foreign or due lu as given in (he
2. Ketu in thr 9th give domination ol son,
3. lixalled Ktfiu in the 9tit is not a saving factor

Doei Tectinlq*ics □( Astrological PieiJidicvi6 Vtsl Doe Kalu tn f/ie 61 h i f.'ic Pf/i Moase-Jf
4-. Generally make self youngest or eldcsl among siblings or among
sex. (Shri K.N. Rao's principle lor Rahu In 3rU linuse).

My Conclusions and observations

Some common conclusions and obscrvHtlons sir being given here
lor Kotu In 5Ui and In the 9th house.
1. An aflllcteil Ketu in the VJlh house denotes unorlhodoxv.
2. It Is seen that If Kctu in (lie 9hi house Is In the birth horoscope or
the navamsha in the following raslils; Mcsha, Vrtshchlk or
Mllhuna and if Mcrcuiy, Moon and/or Mars arc conjnnd 11 leads
to the following rcsulls:
a) Tlirae Is some streak of unorthotloxi* visible In some finra or
activity of an Individual's life as also mcrntloned below.
b) If it happens In the birth horoscope and repeat^ in the navamsha.
(hen the raoidfestation of such a tendency Is certain.
c) Tliese results can be observed even If ll occurs only In the birth
horoscope, but with more planets Among Mcmiry, Moon and Mars
along with above mshl (Mesh. Vrischik or Mithuna).
Other tendencies which become prominent arc: living together,
extra-marital affairs, dnigaddiction, more than one marriage, marriage
outside one's raslc or community. Kctu tn the 9th has been seen to give
divorce even in orthodox families.

Abbreviations used:
BH Brltii Horoscope
D9 Navamsha
D7 Saptamsha
D12 Dwadasamsha
BPH Brlhat Parashara Hora Sliastra
MS ManasrigarJ
JB Jatalca Biiarannm

Saturn Mars Combinations
and The Khastriya Personality

Rajesh Chandra Dadhwal

Chahn'Orydm maya shrastam Cona Karma Vibhagashah
Sayi- twrd Knslma, meaning thni Ihe four (Brahmin,
Khastriyo Vaj'sKf/a and Shndro) /laii: be^n creniml by Me on bio basts of
qnaUlios and hannos
— Tiw Gto Ch 4 13
(Theohsemaliori oj'lhe UTifcr ts used by mnny (rndbiona/ astroteyers
in a different way but, very accurately. If any progress is made tn (Jus
d/rection. fhnjugb sta/ustlco/ testiny, u.n? may be able to nnravel genetic
codes aslroiagicatlu. This method has been /bund to be usejul In nadl
tltcrcilurc. the nadianisha of the layna is said to refCQl all this
Mars and Saturn cornhtuatlcms have always been very fesctnallng
subject ol study by astrtjlogcrs particularly for accldrnls, fatality and
aggressive tcndrneles. It. tlicicfoni, ilcnnltcly shows a parllcular
eharaelcrtsUc nail of human pcnsoxiallty. In Uic Ulmiu caste system,
this combination must therefore denote a khashtrtya or a khashtrljm
like personality. This may appear to be an oversimplified approach, tn
these papers diffcrenl aspects of Mars Sslcm lorobtnallons will be
discussed wiliiin the Qamework of classic panuueters. To start with,
the following tables will form the fabric of discussion

Mars for Each Lagnn (Based on Parashara)

Auspicious — Mesha. Karka. Slmha. Dhanu. Meena III vet
Inauspicious — Vrlsha, Mlthima, Kanya, Tula, Makar. Kumbha
Mixed — Vrl»;hika (one)

Saturn Tor Each Lagna (Based on Parasham]

Auspicious— Vrlshahha and Ttiia [Iwo)
Inauspicious — Mcsha. Karka. Slmlia. Vrlschlka. Dhanu ami
Meena (sbel
Mixed — Mllhujia, Kauya Makar and Kumblia (four)

Finer Tecfira^ues of Astrological Predictions Vol. One Saturn Mans Ccvntjmafjons
Mutual Relationship between Saturn and Mars
It Is well known tliat the Moolaxrikona rashi of Saturn is Kumbha
from where, the ownership of the the 3rtl and the lilii houses by Mars,
makes him an enemy of Satum.
Similarly from Mcsha. which Is the .Moolnirdcona rashl of Mars,
tire ownership of (ire lOtli attd 11 tli houses by Satum. makes him an
enemy of Mars,
The conclusion that follows, inevitably, from this is that St Is an
unconcealed relationship of enmity which can be explosive. From this
flows the other tendencies of heroism, blood-thirst, ambition,
adventurism, accidents ctc-

Thelr Castes
By nature Mars reveals qualities of heroism which is associated
with army, rulers and violence traditionally which is why Ma harsh 1
Parashara has given to Mars the caste of a Khashtrlya. Mars represents
anger, cruelty, fickle-mlndeditess and targe-heartedness.
Satum is a shudnx Lazy. lean, long-hodled etc are the descriptions
of Saturn's nature. But Satum shows dominance over lower classes
and In a democracy a leader of masses.

Saturn-Mars Eflcct on a Person

What then will be tire result of Saturn-Mans effect on a personality
Is the subject matter of this paper.

Lord Rama's Horoscope

To start with, let us have a look at the horoscope of Lord Rama
whom the Hindus worship as the greatest Khashtriija. But the Hindus
do not rrmemhrr the caste of Incarnations and great saints and yogis.
An Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Ratna. had all the idealism of lib
great family because of Jupiter In the lagna with the lagna lord. Moon,
forming an excellent Gn/nkcsnn Yoga. Bui the aspects of Satum and
Mars on the lagna and the lagna lord made him the great warrior king.

\ 5 3 /
Stin Mer
2 Ven
5 N. / Lag Jup \
/ 7 1 \ Lord Rama Moon
C Sa! Met \
Example One
g to 12
Mars /\Sun Ver
/II \ Sai
y/ 9

Salum Mars Cartbfnal/ons Finer Tedmiques of Astrologtcal PrKfidions VoL One
as he is remembered , To understand this nature of Lord Rama we must
refer to the Vhlmikl Ramayana where he Is portrayed as a paragon of
Khoshiriya virtues, with the grace and Idealism of a great king. He
appears to be totally different In the Ramchant Manas of the great Hindi
poet. This Idas.
This the traditional horoscope given In some commentaries of the
Vslmlki Ramayana In which the description of planets at the time of the
birth of Lord Rama is that five planet were in Swochha meaning In their
houses of exaltation or own house. Those who Insist that five planets
should be in exaltation arc missing the significance of the word "swa".
Here Jupiter, Venus Saturn and Mars are exalted and the Moon Is In his
own house, (see example one)

The Other Horoscopes

Other two horoscopes show how the principle applies and can be

Example Two - Raja Dinesh Singh

Raja Dinesh was bom in a khastriya family of Kalakankar, near
\ 6 SunMerVen /
\Hah Mars y/ Moon
^ 5
^ \ / Lag \\4// Moan
/ 8 2 Raja Dinesh Rah Mars
Example Two
/I Ke« Lag
9 Ny/ 11
y/l2 N. Jup(R) Sat
/ 10 >
yT KotU

Pratapgarh In a very rich zamlndar family. It was not a princely state as

on the abolition of the princely states after independence, no privy
purse was given to that state. Yet, some people addressed Raja Dinesh
Singh as ra;a or even maharq/a. Here the lagna lord. Sun. is with
debilitated Mars and receives the aspect of Satum which Is exalted In
the third. housc.Tuia.
This horoscope Is authentic. It Is given without name In K.N. Rao's
Predicting through Jaimini's Chara Dasha and with name in his book
Astrological Journey through History. Mysliy and Horoscope. Here the
degrees of the planets are not being given as there Is no technical
discussion of any aspect of tire horoscope.

Example Three - Ex-Prince

In the third ease of the eldest prince of a famous Indian

Fin« JccfinicfLies ot Astrological PreOictions W One Safwn Mars Combinations
\ 10 8 Jup
S /r Mats
N. y/ tag

6 Ex Prince
/ 1Z
Exaple Three
1 \/ 0
/ 2 \ y/i Lag
/Jup Satx
/ Mars

principality, it is the lagna lord, Jupiter In the sixth house that comes
directly under the Influence of Saturn and Mars.
This horoscope is from the horoscope bank of K.N, Rao who has
permitted me to use it in a very limited way. It belongs to one of the
most royal families of India.

Example Four - (Here the identity is not being disclosed)

The features cottceable are;
1. In the birth horoscope the lagna receives the aspect of Mars while
the lagna lord. Mercury is lit the rashi of Mars aspeefed by Saturn.
2. In die navamsha Mars aspects Saturn in die 7th house while die
7th lord, Jupiter is wids Mais, and is receiving the aspect of Saturn
from die 7th house.
3. She hails from a royal and married info another royal family. Then
her late husband rose very high in Indian politics also holding high
administrative posts.
4. The combination of the 4dt and 11 lords aspcctcd by die Sth lord
show her and her husband's rich inheritances. She belongs to thai
older generation when Kshatrlvas lived like Kshatriyas and were

\ 7 5
\ Sat{R) tter Ven Mars
6 ' 4 Sun
e N. y/ tag Rah
/ 3
/ 9 Mars MreD
\ Jup P^tl El
N. Man Example Four
/7 Ketu
tO Ny/ 12 Veil
y/ 1 N iup SatiR) tag
11 \ / Mer Woon

SaiuiTj Mers Comtinetons Finer Tedmiques of Astralogical Predictions VOi. One
7 5
Moon Sat Met Kei
6 /4
8 Lag

9 3
Sun Navamsha of
Mars Example Four
Jup Van
to 12 2
Ven Sal Ket
/1 Sun
11 N ' Mer Mars Rah Moon Lag

rulers of tlielr states, with the power to punish people In their state
and realize revenue.

Example Five - Anand Singh

Tills horoscope Is taken from K.N. Rao's book "Astrological
Journey through History. Mystery, and Horoscope" (page 74). In this
horoscope, the lagna lord is Mars aspcctcd by Saturn. MSC factor is
g 7 /
Jup / Moon
*0 Lag \ / 6
Rah \/ Sun
Sal \ Mer
/ 5 \ Mars
ii Vten Example Five Ket
Rah 25Sep 1934 Ven
12 2 N./ ■* Ket
i1 \^ / 3 \ Lag Jup Sun
Moon Mer

Example Six - R.N. Singh Deo

This horoscope Is also from the same above book [page 175).
Lagna lord SAturn Is In the Rashl of Mars in the 3rd house. In
Navamsha (not given). Mars Saturn are together In 6ih house aspccting
lagna lord Mercury.

Example Seven
In this horoscope lagna lord Saturn Is with Mare In the 9th house.
He Is from a very rich Zamindar family working in five-slar hotel as an
executive. MSC factor can be noticed In Navamsha chart also.

Fmer Techniques of Astrological Predicfeons Vol One Sat-um Mars Cambinatons.
\ 12 Sun Mar Mars
\Stin Rah/ 11 ^ Rah Sat
t tag
Mer S3J/N. Van
/ 8 Ven
Jup Exaple Six
/ 2
31 Mar 1912
3 \/ 5 7
4 /eN Jup Ket
y' ^ Ketu

\ 12 10
Rah Jup<R)
11 / }
1 lag Sun
Lag Ketu
8 Male
/ 2
»iu{>(Rj Example Seven
2B Dec 1953
5 7
3 >( Sat
yX i ^ Mars Sun Sal Moon
/ A > X Moon Mer Mars
X Ket Ven
Example Eight
It Ss the eighth example that reveals a comhinatJon of a Rajput
doing tiic work of a Rajput. He Is a high ranking police ofilcer doing the
work of looking after law and order which Is what Rajput s did as a blth
right. Then he still has a lot of family property in his village where the
family influence has wanted only, not vanished yet.
\ A
\. Moon . 2 X Ketu Lag
3 S. Kel yK
\x Lag
JuplR) /C
X 6 12 \ A Rajpul Police
Mer Example Eight Jup(Ri
7 X^X 9
Mars yX, Sun \X ii
8 Xto \ Sun Sa! Mars
y/XSat Rah \ K Mer \
Vfn \

Satuf" Mars C&nbtnaOont Rner Techniques ol AstrotogicBl Preoidions Vot. One

Part n
These horoscopes led mc to hirxlicr Investigation Into the combined
Influences ol Saturn and Mars on khastriya personalllics. In India,
where we have an entire caste of fchastnya, this wmilcl be a good
starttng point was a natural conclusion. Slowly 1 looked Into the
horoscopes of fc/iostrlyas and their families to see If Saturn-Mars
Influences on their lagna or lagna lord, directly or Indtrcrtly was
present or not. I am a KhscUriya myself and I noticed the Satum-Mars
connection In many horoscopes of Khastriyas.
The limited Investigation being done In the first paper has to keep
me confined, therefore, to 'raslr fchnsfriy , Later. 1 can launch Inlo
vaster area of khastriya like quality In the ease of those not bom in
fchrrstnya families.
It ts true, that La the changed times In which we live kfmstnya Or
Brahmins or for dial matter members of anv other caste havt moved
away from their caste mould distinctly hi recent decades Bui then few
decades ago. khastrtyos u.yre (c/instnyas In the sense of being big land
owning classes with their small armies, weapons and hunting. Many of
them were rajas, big zamlndara or. even farawus dncolts like Man
Singh, who had earned the extraordinary reputation of being n very
large hearted person with strong principles. When he was shot death
after the police had got htm poisoned villagers who had received
generous help rmm him. wept for htm Mc had bcconic a legendary hero
In his own lifetime. Uis horoscope is not available.
A synonym used lor Khsatylra Is Rajput wldch however has a
special meaning. Here *RaJ" means kingdom and "put" meaning pntra
ot, Uic son of a king.
The example of Lord Rama is both of that of a Khsatrtyn and
Rajput wiiilc the second case of Raja Dlncsh Singh is also of a
Kluslrayij. Ihe Uilrd. of the c*-prlnct of a state is lhal of b Rajput.
Tlicst horoscopes have been, given here otily In lllustralc my
abse.rvatJon that tn the ease of caste Kbasti lyas one Important factor
seems to be the influence of Mars and Saturn on the lagna or the lagna
lord or both.
In the case of Lord Rama It Is the combined tnflnc.ncc of three
exalted planets cm his lagna and the lagna lord. The influence of
nralcfics Is what astralogcrs will see hcrr because two out ol the three
exalted planets arc malefics. Saturn and Mars. The ability to injure and
gel injured as given by Mars and Saturn can make one the darling of a
crowd. It was so In the ease of Lord Rama, but not at the cost of his
Idealism as exalted Jupiter roust assert Itself.
In Raja Dlncsh Singh's case. It was his khastriya which gets
In tiie third ease, (he simple point being stressed, the MSC factor,
is shown and the full horoscope has not been revealed and so on for
the other horoscopes given above.
Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol One Saturn Mars Com&narions
Khsatxiya Families & The M.S.C.
In this paper the abbreviation M5C will be used for the Mars-
Saturn Connection throughout.
As has been stated earlier this Investigation Is being done by first
taking up the examples of those who are bom In traditional KHSATRIYA
families among the Hindus of Ixtdla. Traditionally, It Is only the
Kfiscdriyas of India a whole caste that has been Identified with
kingdoms, rulershlp, adminlstratton. wars, heroism, army, use of
weapons and akhet (hunting). Can the MSG factor be seen over a
period of some generations In the family horoscopes of Khsatrtya
lb investigate this many horoscopes of Khsatriyas were collected
and examined. Here nine horoscopes, six of one family, of tlirce
generations and. three of another arc being given to explain the
Importance of the MSC factor In Kfisalriyas.
This investigation is being done inta those famiiies who describe
ttiemselves as both Khsatriyas and also Rajputs.

Example Nine - The First Generation

The Hindu tradition is to destroy the horoscope of a person after
his death. Among the Khsatriyas this has been a well-known tradition.
Yet. from the family archives, the date of birth of a dead ancestor can be
found out in some cases even now. In this horoscope, the date of birth
could be obtained but the time of birth was not known. The horoscope
was prepared without the lagna. What is noticeable here is that four
planets. Mars, Saturn the Sun and Mercury are together in Karka. This
gtves us a wide variety of possible lagnas wlilch will show the presence
of the MSC factor.The lagna can be Mesha or Vrlschlka, Mltlmna or
Kanya (Mercury) Makar or Kumbha (Saturn) or Slmha (the Sun).
It could be Karka Itself. If die birth lagna of tills Hajput of die last
century was anyone of die eight lagnas. It would show die die MSC

\ 5 3 /
Rah Ven / Rah
/ A Ven
gn. y Lagt?) \ 2
Moon Son Mer
Mars Sa! LaQ(7]
Sun Mer
1 x.
/ 7 First Generation Mftrs Sal
2 Aug 1889
Example Nine
10 \
a X,/
x. Ketu Moon
/ 9 ^ Jup
Kel Jup

Saturn Mats Combwesions Finer Techrtques o( AslroJogical PrerSdions Vo) One
Example Ten — The Second Generation
The 10th horoscope Is that of the son of number nine. Here, both
Mars and Satmm being In the hagna the MSG factor is present. There is
no doubt about the birth time.
Many divisional horoscopes of the horoscopes of Rajputs were
used and very Interesting astrological factor revealing the MSC factor
was seen. But dial is not being discussed. The examination here Is
confined to the bare horoscope because the larger purpose of this
paper Is to investigate Into the tjtmas associated with Khsatriyas
whedier or not one Is bom into a Khsatrlya family.
\. A 2 / Lag
\ven Kel Jup(R) Mars
' 3 ^\ 1 Sat
5 \ / Lag
Sun Mars Sat
Msr y' Male Ven
19/20 Aug 1915 Ket
12 01:25 Night
/ 6 >jp{Rl \ Example Ten
2nd Generation
Rah Sun
\ Mer
7 9
Xo\ Moon
y/ 6 ^ Ran
_/ Moon

Example Eleven - Wife of horoscope Ten

She is the wife of number Ten. Here the lagna lord. Sun, Is with
Mars and Is aspected by Satum. There is a mutual aspect between
Mars and Satum.

A /
\\t.loon6 Sal/ Sun

5 Mars
7 \ / tag \ / 3
Jop(R) Rah Xj/ Sun
yx. Mars
Wife of H oro-
2 scope Ten
/ 8 Mw Ven \ Example Eleven
23 June 1923
\ A tag
9 X,/ 11
yMZX, JupfR) Moon
y/ 10 \ Sat

Example Twelve - Third Generation

He Is the son of numbers 10 and 11. Here Mars and Satum arc in
the 8th house the lord of which is Venus. In turn. Venus has exchanged
position with Salum. The MSC factor Is present, but is getting diluted

Finer Techniques of Astro)ogcat Predictions Vol One Safurrt Mars Comftmafwis
6 /
8 , Moon / Mars
^ 7 Sal
s /x 5
/ Jup*Rah Wef Male Jup
10 Ven 11 Mar 1944 Rah
Kel Example Twelve
Kot 3rd Generation
Sun 1
tAer 3
Ven Lag Moon
12 > / Mars
Sat \

after two generations.

Example Thirteen - Third Generation

[She belongs to same Family)
Daughter of 10 and 11 and brother of number 12. Here we find the
lagna lod is with Mars In the 8th h»use. Here too. dilution has started

11 9
Jup Ven Sun Mer
^ 10 /B Rah
12 tag
Ven Moon
Ran Female
/ 7 Jup 4 May 1950
1 Example
Sun Thirteen
Lag Third Genera- Mars
A> tion SalfR)
2 A Ket
3 C /S Moon Ket
/ Mars

Example Fourteen - /belongs lo same family)

He is son of No. 10 and 11 and brother of No 12. 13 and 15. Here
wc lagna lord Mars Is in the Rashl of Saturn wheh has exchange the
h«use Venus. MSC factor is present, but In a diluted form.

Example Fifteen - Third Generation

(She belongs to same family, she is daughter of 10 and 11 and
sister of No. 12. 13 and 14)
Here Mars in the 7th house is aspecting the lagna and the lagna
lord, Jupiter who is with Saturn. The MSC factor is present.

Saturn Mars Combinations Finer Tcctiniques of Aslrofogical Precficttons Vol. One

Sun Sa! Jup<R) Moon

to Lag
Mars Ket
Ven Example
Mars Date of Birth
Vcr, 1-1-1953
1 Sun Lag Sal

\ 10 8 y
\ Sun Ven Mars
s 9
\ / Lag \ y/7
Kel Mar Jup Sat
Kel Female of Moon
6 Mer Third Genera-
/ 12 tion of the same
C Ven family
Sun 29/30 Janl 961 Rah
\ Example Fifteen
1 3 Rah
/ i N. Lag
/ 2 ' Mocn Jup
Example Sixteen - Fourth Generation of the same family
She Is daughter of No. 14 and sister of No, 17. MSG. factor became
more weak. It has vanished In lagna chart and found In Navamsha
chart only.

7 s Jup(R) Ven Sun

B Rah Mer
8 \ / Lag Mars
Sal(R) y/ Kelu y\ 4
3 Moon Sixteen
/ 9 Sun Mer \ Female
Mars / Date of Birth
12 \/ 2 4th Generation
io xx Jup(R)
Rah xV ^eri
11 / 1 \ Sat(R) Lag
//Moon Kelu

Finer Techniques cf Astrological PredictiOfvs Vol. One SsJum Mars Combinetkms _

K'jl Jup Mars Ket tag

Mer Ven
Lag Mars
12 yen Sat
Jup Navamsha

bun 5a'
Moon Sun
Moon Rah

Example Seventeen
He Is the s*ii of number 14 and brother of No. 16, Same
phenomenon has happened here as with her sister's case.

\ 10 8 /
\ Sat sMars Sun / Ket
^ 9 \Mer /j
Lag Vcn
yK 8 N. Seventeen
12 ' Moon \,
Date of Birth
\N. yK JUP Sot 10:00 am Jup
t \/ 3
y/ » Ny Lag Mats Ven Moon
/ 2 ^ Rah Sun Mer

Another Kshatriya Family

(Here arc tire horoscope of 'iVo Generations of Husband, wife and
their two daughter)

Example Eighteen
In this horoscope lagna lord Sun Is with Mars, the Sun has
exchanged the house with Venus and Saturn aspectlng Lagna from the
4th house.
Example Ninteen - (Wife of No. Eighteen)
Here there Is a peculiar Inerconnectlon. First look at Mars In the
12th house. From here Is aspects. Saturn In the 6th house through the
7th aspect and then aspects Jupite r, the lagna lord In Mllhuna, In tills
waythc Mai s Saturn connection with the lagna lord Is established.
Example Twenty
(She ts the daughter of No, 18 & 19 and sister of No. 21)

Safum Mara Combitislions Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vol One

Moon Jup Rah

Another Family
Rah Husband
Sal Mur 24.10.1927
Kel Example
Eighteen Lag

Sat Sun Moon

to Jup Mer Mats

Mars Sal(R) JupfR}

KM Sun Met
Ket Wife of Example
Example Rah
Ninteen Moon
Jup(Rt MOM
Sun Met Mars
Sat(R) Ven

\ * 2 /
Moon Lag
/ 3 ^ Mars
\ / Lag \ /\
Rah yS Mars
' 12 \ Ketu
Moon \ Daughter
/ 6
Example Twenty Rahu
7 \ / 9 \ /Kel
Mcr(R) V; Jup Sat
Sun/' N. /tox^ Jup ven Mer(R)
/ 8 Sat Sun
/ Ven

Here Mai-s ii» the lagtia receives tlic aspect of Saturn which
completes the MSG factor.
Example Twenty One
(She is the daughter of No. 18 & 19 and sister of No. 20)
Here Saturn and Mars have exchanged their places but theic is no

Finer Tectiniques of Astrological Ptedicbons Vol One Sartrrn Mars ComWnsitons
N, 4 Moon Sal Lag
3 yt
\ / Lag Sat
Kct Vf
/ 12 Raft
Moon Daughter
/ 6 1968
Example 21
Mars Ketu
7\ y/ it
Jup \/ 9
Ven yN, Raft
/io\ Sun Jup
/ Sun6Met > / Mars Mer Ven

connection with the lagna or the lagna lord. Only the lagna lord's
presence In die rashl of Mars may Ijc said to be an over-diluted MSC

I noticed first the Satunt Mars-connection in the horoscope of our
family. Being a Khsatriya. I felt that it could have a genetic meaning.
Then I noticed In the horoscopes of Khsatrlyas of other families the
MSC factor repeating with an amazing frequency. Certain differences
also became evidcnL Where it was not direct, it was indirect. In each of
those cases the lagna or the lagna lord came under the MSC influence.
But there was a very pcrccptlbte dlfTerencc. From one generation to
another the MSC factor seem to deciinc. It seemed to l>e in keeping with
tire changing times in which we live.

Older Generation
In the case of older generation, bom slxtiy to eighty years ago. It
appeared to be prednmlnant. It seems very appropriate as the
Khsotriyas of that generation did all the duties of a Khso/riyn, ruling,
commanding, fighting, owning land and having fire arms. Known for
their power in the country side, they were also known for their cruelty.
The Hindi film has even today a character "limkur" who is a Khsatriya.
The Hindi film goes to extreme in portraying tire Thakur as arrogant,
full of Ikmlly pride, armed with dangerous weapons and with a small
group of armed men ever ready to commit most heinous crimes to
please their master. Satum-Mars dominated personalities arc what
they are. But It is the influence on the lagna or the lagna lord that
becomes a relevant factor here. It could be seen In various ways. Where
11 was not very convincingly present in the birth horoscope, it was
present in the naksfiatras or divisional horoscopes. Sometimes the
navamsha revealed It more convincingly.

SBJum Mbts Comaiiwhant Finer Tedrnicues Of Aslroloo'trH Predlctona Vol One
Tbc Second Generation
In Uic second generation there has been a considerable decline of
the MSC factor wlilch can be otplalncd as the Khsotrfya moved from
the rural places, where they dominated to the urban areas, where they,
like any other castes and Ultc other dtfccens of a metropolis, haw no
distinct Khstti nya Identity of theirs. This significant dlffcrercncc was
visible In the decline of the Inflcncc of Mars on their lagna and lagna
lord along with Saturn's and Raim Kchr axis influencing Lagna or
Lagna lord or sometime other factors.

The Third Generation

There was further decline in the MSC fac tor In ttxc horoscopes of
the third generallon of Klmstrlyas born and bnmghl in clUes where
they lived In tented houses ami took up Jobs, The former employer had
Irccomc an employee, the former village boss, who was a terror, was as
ordinary citizen as anyone else, though the Hindi DJnis still come out
with the outdated theme of a cruel and proud tfinhiir It Is well known
now that In the village side Khsatrtyas have been replaced by Vadavas,
Gujjara and Kurtnls, whose horoscopes should now be scrutinized for
the MSC factor. In the study of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences In
the report of the Second Backward Classes Commission (1970) this fad
has been brought out.

The Foartb Generation

MSC factor totally vanished In lagna charts, but surface tn
Kavamsha chart almost In a diluted form or somet Jrnc 11 was present In
Ihr Nakshalras or divisional horoscope.

Part UI
Who is a Kbsatrlya now?
Tire qualities and kormo-s of Brahmins, Kbsatrlya, Valshyas and
Shudras never die in any humau society, "ilu-y ncctl un en sic links. In
the mercenary and technologic al age we arc living In. It is the uoishya
and stuifiru (raits that are manifesting hi social life
Wiiere then Is the Kfisalrii/a clemenr present? It Is Interesting to
see It now In tire horoscopes of political leaders, police and anny
oUlcers, (ire neo-rich house-builders of the cities.
This naturally has to take one from Khsnlrtt/u to a Ktrsolriya like
personality of our era,
My guide & guru. Shri K.N Han showed roc some hnroscopes In
which ray thesis of MSC factor discussed must acquler new meaning.
He gave me some more horoscope and guide me In enlarging the theme
of Glta

Finer Tecfintques crfAstrotogical Predictions Vol One Saturn Mans Combmalions
Example - 22
A Non-Kshatriya with a Strong MSC Factor
The first horoscope has all that was shown In the previous paper.
The lagna and the lagna lord both come under a very strong influence of
both Satum and Mars. Additionally, there is the aspect of Jupiter from
the 6th house on the lagna lord. Moon.
This person was bom In an orthodox Brahmin family. His father
was a puritanical Brahmin but was drawn Into politics in those earlier
days of Independence of India, when Brahmins dominated Indian
politics. But his grandfather was an uncompromising Brahmin of an
era when Brahmins had to live like Brahmins only
The notable point here ts that unlike the cases discussed in the
previous paper tire MSC factor Is iocussed on the 10th house of karma.
This can further be confirmed by looking at the dashamansha
where Satnm-Mars Snfiucncc on the lagna is clear. In turn, Satum
aspects thelOlh lord, the Sun with an exalted Jupiter, and Moon In the
9th house of luck. He has been a prominent legislator of his state and
has also been a good Chief Minister twice. He won many a battle and
lost also many--aJl electoral battles and in his fight within the political
party he belongs to and outside It.
\ 5 3
/ Mars
^ 4 Moon
\ / Lag
Rah /X 2 Ven
Sun Lag
1 \ Mer Example 22 Rah
/ 7
C Sat Mars Moon / A Brahmin
8 \/ to
Ket xf12
Jup Sat
// Jup9 ^ 'S Ven"Stin
Mer \
\ 3 t
\. Sat Mer y L&g Sal
2 12 Mer
4 / Las

// Sun5 Kal ^ 11 Dwa Hachamsha
\ Moon Jup Ven Rah Sun
G 8 10 Jup

\ / Mars

Safum Wars Comb.'nBttons F iner Techniques of Astnologca) PredJdions Vol. One
Mars In the 1 Oth house In the birth horoscope with the lagna lord
shows his high ambition and ability to administer his state with
competence. Aspect of Jupiter Is that element of Idealism which is his
Brahmin trait which he Inherited. Tills then becomes the portrait of a
Brahmin ruler. Ruling being a Kshatriya trait he ruled like a Kshatriya.
fights like a Kshatriya. talks like a Kshatriya but claims very rightly a
Brahmin descent.
From the pads lagna. Makara, we find Mars and Satum in
kendras with Saturn being In the 1 Oth house.
Karakamsha lagna. which is Tula, has an exalted Saturn with
Rahu in the lOlh house aspectcd by three planets from Kumbha.(Jaimini
In Indian politics, the son succeeding the father or the mother,
starting with a political advantage Is a well known phenomenon. His
father too was a politician and rose much higher than his son in
politics. The dwadashamslw of this person reveals the MSG factor
The 1 Oth lord •f the dwadasharasha Is Satum aspcctcd by Mars.
There is an excellent Gajakesarl yoga In the 4th house with the royal
planet. Sun. Joining it. His father had unrivalled supremacy for many
years in the politics of the state he belonged to and was the Chief
Minister for many years till a disaster led to his exit and later, death.

Example - 23
Not Birth but Karma of a Kshatriya
Insistence on birth In a Kshatriya family is not necessary in our
Investigation of the MSG factor. It is the fcanua of a Kshatriya that
needs to be emphasised. A Kshatriya is a fighter not necessarily with
weapons. Fighting election is a Kshatriya karma. In a democracy.
Saturn the planet of masses must come into prominent play because
an election is a light to win votes which arc to be had from masses.
In this case, these conditions arc fully satisfied both in the case of
the father and the son.

\ 9 7 / Moon
Kel Sa1<R)
S SMaisVen /
6 Jup
ION. Lag \Xj//Rah
11 / 5
Sharad Pawar
Example 23
12 2
1 /ix. Lag
// Moon x> Sun Mars Rah
/ Sat{R) Jup Mer Ven

Fine* Techniques of Astrological Predlcttons Vol One Ssfirm Mars C&nOinatons
To reinforce this Kshatriya like element with the MSG factor
dominating the fcanna two examples of American prcsidrnls can be
taken up first

President Franklin D Roosevelt (Example 24)

Two horoscopes of US presidents, the most powerful men In the
world show a different aspect of MSG factor. When In 1932. President
Roosevelt was elected for the first time America passed through its
worst depression. He was the saviour who came out with series of
legislations and brought about a miraculous economic recovery. His
reputation soared so lilgh that he won elections three times more,
cstabltslng a record of four successive terms as US president. It was in
his 4th term that he died. During his first two terms, the greatest world
power was the British empire with powerful USSR and Germany vying
for world supremacy. The American [xdicy of keeping away from world
politics did n*t reveal to the world the might of the USA. In his
horoscope. Mars in the 10th house receives the aspect of Saturn. He
fought and won elections like a modem Kshatriya and was also In
charge of the American navy for nine years, again a Kshatriya function.

7 5 y'
Sat Kel
6 Jup
8^ Lag
Birth Horo
9 \ scope of
3 President
Uoon Mars(R) J) Roosevelt
of the USA
to 2 Example 24
Ven 12 X /
Sun /x
tt > 1
Met // Sal Jup \\

3 1
\ Lag
Z / 12 Kct
4 Lag
Mars NG Ket Sun
/ 5 \ / 11
/ Sal
8 ven
Rah Moon
7 X 'y/®
yC Moon

Sstum Mars Com&r&licns Finer Tecfimoues of Astrological Predictions VoJ, One
TTien as US President he was perhaps the most powerful Kshatrlya of
the world, when USA intervened in the second world war after the
Japanese committed the mistake of bombarding the Pearl Harbour.
In the dashamansha. Saturn and Mars both aspect his 10th

President J.F. Kennedy (Example 25)

In the case of President Kennedy, his 10th lord Is in the rashi of
Mars receiving the aspect of Sal um. He was a hero of world war second
which made his election to tire American Senate easy. Later it helped
Mare Sun Ket
Mean Uer Ven
Birth Horoscope Sat
Rail Ket of John F
Example 25
/ z
10 San Ven
v Jup
Rah tag

him become the US president, again a most powerful Kshatrlya of the

world of his time.
In his college days he was an athlete. In the play fields he injured
his spine and had to be treated always. It became an incurable ailment
of his. His life slory reads like (hat of a Rajput warrior of India.
His sexual adventures and tbe Unking of his name with the
famous actress. Marilyn Monroe, is again a Kshatrlya trait. Kshatrlya
kings had many wives and concubines. This Is clear from his 8lh
In 1962 he nearly look a decision to attack the Russian ships
carrying nuclear weapons to Cuba. The world was saved from the
disaster of a third world war. He died like a Kshatrlya. not in a
battlefield but through Intrigues against him. Again (he 8lh house
shows all tilts. Tills again like a Rajput story.
nil now. the mystery of his assassination remains uncovered
because if the facts arc known it may do damage to the image of the
USA as a democracy.
Sec the fourth example, again not of a Kshairiya hut of a person
who has liecn pcforming the duties of a Kshatrlya prolcsslonally for
many decades, with honours.
One of the main duties Kshatrlyas were performing was soldiering.
Here Mars becomes a significant planet and the 10th. 3rd and 6th
houses and their lords. \\fc have thus to enlarge the lraditl«nal concept

Rnef Techniques oJAstrological Predictjons Vol Oie Saium Mars Comblnaiions
10 8
Mars s. Jup Ksl y/x Moon Rah
9 r
11 tag
Sun Ven
Mer Sun Sat
12 \ Mer P1 1997 One
Moon / 6 N.
Mars 23 Feb 1947
Example 26
X y/5
1 3

2 \ / 1 N. Lag Jup
/ Sat \. Ven Ket

Lag Sun Moon Mais Met Jup Ven Sat Rahu

IB !?' lO^ZO' OFir ^9i}r
28*11* 03*51' 25 12 lO0!?'
ll -
Atmakaraka Kaiakamsha
Mars Kanya

3 1
\\ t^ats Lag
4\Sf/ \ /l2 Sun Mars
Lag Rah Sat
/ 5 Example 25
\ Jup Ven
yio Jup
6 6
Mer Moon
Ket Mer
y/ 7 ^ Moon

of a Kslmtriya hy Jakiiig all these three houses and their lords.

1. hi (lie fourth horoscope some clear features are visible The 10th
lord Is In the 3rd house with the 9th lord.
2. From the Karakamsha. Kanya. the 10th lord is in (he sixth house.
3. But though Mars and Saturn aspect each other along the 2/8 axis,
they do not Influence the 10th house either from the Lagua or the
4. From the Pada Lagna. Tula. Saturn In the 10th house Is aspected
by Jupiter. Gnatikaraka.
3. It becomes clear only lu the dashamansha where Saturn the I Oth
lord is with Mars.

Sasum Mam Ccm^'nationi Rnof Toyin-auBE of Asfroloolcal Predtctions Vol 0«w
Part IV
Ifwt do fitrthKr Invcstigfition into tht combined Influences of Mars
& Saturn on Ksiiatrlya personalllics In India. It has a deep meaning
because MSC factor on lagna. lagrta lord. lOtb house or iOth lord
cannot malm a person fnially Kshatriya. I would lilte lo lake my reader
back to Lord Rama's horoscope to see (bat do other houses also have
the Influence of MSC factor one or other way, which give us wide
meaning (hat why this MSC factor :s getting diluted generation after
generation, if the horoscope arc not matched properly at the time of
Thus 1 conclude my paper on the Mars-Satum connection for the
pcrscnt and shall take up this lor further deeper probe some other time
In. future

Your caste is in your genes, say scientists

London OcL IS: SclentJsts have discovered a patlern of genetic
differences that underpins the caste system In India. Their research
shows that each caste has developed a distinctive genetic profile
bccuasc of little Inter-caste marrtage and the variations In tire social
peaking order arc also mirrored In the DNA
Led by Dr. Michael Bamehad of Utah University, scientists
studied genetic rnatertaJ from 250 people from 12 castes In Andhra
Pradesh to find that their conclusions arc particularly true for men;
women's goncs suggest they have some social mobility. Hindus are
stratified into around 2.000 castes and sutccasles. each grouped into
five vamas that dlcalc a pcrsmi's access (o education, occupation and
status. To study how deeply these divisions had affected Ihcm. the
scientists examined their mltnchonclrlal DNA, which Is Inherited only
from mothers, and V ciirn mo somes, Inherited only from fathers Their
analysis showed thai a mans DMA Is highly specified lo his castes, bul
with women this phi-.iiomunuu was less pronounced. With them. DNA
typical of one caste was sometimes found In other adjoining castes.
The discovery suggests thai women accasionafly marry men from
higher castes, producing children who Inherit the husband's caste.
"The slrattflcatioM of the Hindu caste system is driven by women,"
staled the researchers In Nature, a scienllltc Journal.
- Oclabut i9Hi l9Sd. Astcn Ago Wows Paper

Astro Sketch of
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(3rd December 1S84 - 28th February 1963)

Deepak Bisaria

The two houses, of Partoniitrnt had » speelnl |oUil sitting on

December. 9 1996 to celebrate 'the SOlh annlvcrsaiy of the first
session of the Constituent Assembly, quite forgetting, the faintly
rcrncmbcrcd 112th birth anniversary. Just G days before, of
Dr Rajendra Prasad, first Chairman of this Constttumt Assembly
and the first President of the Indian Republic from 1950 to 1962.
As the spirit of freedom lighters was stirred by rigour of foreign
domination, the electorate had no hcHiratlon In circling persons of
proven mrri! from them. But, lire, clertlon of many tainted and still
some painted politicians of today has made the very electoral system
a target of public criticism and rtcileulc. Surely, this is the right time
to aslrologlcallv and historically cKpose ilu drama and Its drama Lie
personae aud deroonfilrate liie etcrrml v-alldlly of Astrology.
The horoscopes of these two periods of politicians should irflecl
the sharp contrast In their psyche and Idrology, so also Uut mi iiulanv
chart must indicate degradation of the mind and character ot the
populace. Dr. Rajendra Prasad s litimsctip- assumes relevance in this
context and Is used In tills paper as (lie Instnimcnl for astrological and
historical probing (nlo this area

The Mao and bis Vision

On analysis of his views and events compiled frum his 757 pages
autobiography, speeches as President, hts writings and that of his
contemporaries and from interviews with bis family membrrs. (he
picture emerges of a simple, dedicated, honest, coliertcd. prudent,
sacrificing and religious liadltionaltsl A man of erudition and Idealism
A Gandbian in the true sense, loteranl. vegetarian lee totaller who
followed tlie Indian tradition of respecting and consulting his (dders for
major decisions. A humanist first and tile. Natlnnallsl later

The Horoscope Analysed

Besides, the analysis of his psyche and his Ideology, Ids life events
covering his rural chlldhuod, brilliant academic iicliicvcrnr.nts, legal

Astro Skulch of Dr. Rajsorlra Finer Teciiniquea ol Astrotoolcal Presualans Voi, One
practice, untirang travel all over the country to chain nationalism in the
masses, his differences with Nehru; and his role In the Congress and
the Freedom MavemerU. terms In prison, Authorship and Presidentship
have been analysed through composite technique of Parasharl
Vlmshattari dasha and Jalmhil Chara dasha.
The astro sketch of Ills life Journey from a remote village of Bihar to
Rashtrapati Bbawan adds new dimensions to personalities of famous
men ol yore and iweals Interesting angles to controversial Issues of the
With the horoscope made Gtsm reliable data and on applying tlie
Lahlrl Ayanamsha of 22" 15" 02", we have been able to get convincing
pratyantar dasha results. The horoscope was obtained from Smt
Kamlavatt, the daugJiter-luTaw of Dr. Prasad, who lives In Patna,

The Promise of the Horoscope

For analysing tlie psyche and Ideology frnni a horoscope, primarily
(he three (lines 1,5.9 houses should be analysed with their lords.
The trlnca compleracnl each other and the tntermliigllng of their
influences make the psyche. The thoughts and ideas arc generated Irom
tlie flfth house but they arc subject to the scrutiny of the ninth house
which is the (conscience keeper and (Jui aclion Is taken by the Qrst
h*use. A thought can be turned down by the conscience and even ll
passed by It, Uie type of action and tlie I'aroc ot 11 is dependent on die
first house. Tilts Is the working of the psyche through houses 5.9.1.
Besides the psyche triangle of 1.5.9 houses. Jupiter, the karaka for
virtues, rlghfcousncss. reltglpn and spirituality should be assessed and
examined with the ninth house and the ninth lord (o see the level of
respect tlie person lias for tlie norms of the society, its traditions and
conventions (pararnpara). Moon should be seen for delemilnlng the
state of mind and Mercury for the Intellect.

Jupiter: The Pivot of the Horoscope

Jupiter is the lagna lord placed in the rsasht of his friend, the
toyal Sun. Jupiter In Leo and Aqmuiui Is considered as good as In Its
sign of exaltation, Cancer Fmm Ihfs vantage position of the ninth
house It aspects the lagna and Lhc fifth house, radiating its Influence
on itil tlie three trlncs. It also aspects (he Ifllh lord. Jupiter Is tlie
strongest planet of this horuscupe with Ishta Phal 4u 60 and Kaslila
17;S0 and has rendered the lagna lord strongest with a strength of
9.7 mpas. It exalts In the navamaha and occupies Its moohrlkoua
rashl In many divisional charts. In the birth chait Jupiter Is the lord
of lagna and the fourth house. 'Hie fourth house represents Rajya
Slmlmsan" (the throne) In the navamsha. Jupiter as lord of fmrrtli
and seventh house goes to the eleventh house of gains and Ui Us sign
of exaltation. As the seventh house t< tlie tenth Irom tcntli It Is also
seen for carrcr, and is called the house of padaprapt.L lhc division of
Ifie houses In tfic uavarusha chart should not make the Astrologer

Finer Techniques ol Astiologlcal PrecStdions Vbl One Astra Ske!ct\ of Or Rsjsmdm
take major deviation from his line of thinldng as a dlflcnrnce of just a
few minutes often changes (iir navarasha lagna It Is dUTieuli to find
an old horoscope with an accurately recorded time of birth.
Nevertheless, wc have a very strong Jupiter dominated horoscope and
therefore the person shauld have all positive features of Jupiter. A
Jupllarean Indeed

Mercury Mars conjunction

The combination ol the 5th and 10th lords hi lagiui forms an
excellent Raj yoga promising high elevation. This combination ts
a spec ted by the strong lagna lord Jupiter from the ninth house. The
skills, dexterity and speed of Mercury combined with lite energy and
power of Mars has to make the person successful, enterprising and
famous. Mars as the lord of the fifth house in lagna Is good and as
the lord of the I2fh house is bad for the body. Mars gave htm high
fever quite frequently and diseases by its position in 1-agna and Its
aspect on Use fourth, house and on Kela. Its impact on the psyche of
tile person, In ccnfcrrlng a religious and upright dlsposlUon was
positive as 11 worked like fire, lo purify (he character by virtue of Its
lordship of Dharma house Sth and Moksha house 12lh. Mercury on
the other hand, the lord of the 7th house (Kaaml and the I Oth house
lArthaJ guides him to the world of rrmtrrlaj comfort. He received the
mercury dastia under tile Vlmshottarl dasha scheme al the age of 60
in July, 1944. Mercury run trolled by Jupiier gave him Authorship In
1944-45. Chairmanship of the Constituent Assembly In 1946. Food
Milllslcrslilp In 1947 and Presidentship from 1050-1962. lie wrote In
1941 lliat In 44-45 years of his married life, he did not stay u.itli lua
wife for even 44-45 months. During Mercury dasha he could live wtlh
his wtfr and family In Delhi and use the royal comfort of Rashtrapati

The 9th lord in the 12th

Sun the 9th lord la 12tJi ludlcaics dlsUnclion la forelga land. Sun
here makes him a statesman nf hilernanoiii.il repute hut the aspect of
Saturn from tire sixth house Caused obstructions In the «q>osurc anil
prcijccllon be dcseiTcd-

12th house is the house of sacrifices:

The 9th lonrl going lo the 12lh house also Indicates tire sacrifices
ttDidc. for upholding the persons prlniclplcs. ideology and jiarampma.
all of which arc represented by the ninth house. This can lie clearly
seen from the events during the antardasha of periods of Ihc ninth lord
Sun which has gone to the twelfth house. In the matriculation exam of
iy(J2 Tiajen babu had stood first in the Unlvrisity in 1904, again he
topped lit the F A fcAam; and die third consecutive dme In I lie BA Lxam
also In 1906. Wltli his academic background he could have easily got a
good Ciuvermnent Job. which Was aspired by virtually all in the clltlsi

Asro Srefcn ot Or Kj/vrrtm Pwer Tacnrnques at A*Jro»o(j(cal P/edictetti Vol. Oui!
envIro«imf-nt he was In al lhaf lime. But the antarclasha of Sun In
MaliaUasha of Rahu from 26 2-IS06 to 21-2-1907. the 9Ui lord hi the
12th made him give up (he Idejs of srrv-lng under the British masters as
he found 11 degrading and not acceptable to his conscience, represented
hy tire ninth house During this antardnsha In November 1906. he
dropped the Idea of going abroad to wrlle (he ICS exam as he did not
want to go against the advice and cxpeetalions of his parents
represented by (he ninth house as also because foreign travel was
considered against the- religious, cortvcntlonal and traditSonal norms of
the time - represented by the ninth house. Again during the antardasha
ol Sun hi the rnahadasha of Jupller from the 2-2—1920 to 9-12 1620.
on Gandhljl's call (or boycott of Government Institutions like the
LcglslaUvc Assemblies. Courts of Law and Gqvernmenl schools, he
sacrificed Ills well established and growing legal practice through
which he was able to feed himself and his family: he also removed hie
children form Govcmineul schools and wllhdrew his candidature from
elections of November. 192U to (lie Provincial Legislative Assembly
Although the boycotts were withdrawn, a year later, by the Congress,
Rajen babu did no! lake any new ease after he had publicly declared to
boycott, the Courts of Law. He worked Only on one ease of Babu HIJrt
Mai •f Burma, fls he had committed to htm that he would not leave him
in the lurch, in the middle of the ease , and as he had accepted the ease
before the non-coopcratlon mnvcmcnl was launched. He did not attend
court for any other ease after Ills drdaratlDU. Likewise, be never
cnnlested elections to (he Provlncifd or Central LegtsLrlurc after his
declaration. No dung could distract his mind act well loundcd on
traditional prlnlctple. and beliefs, imbibed from our culture. This Is
clearly indicated by an uverhcariiig ninth house and doralnalton of a
strong Jupiter in his horoscope.
The antardaaha of Bun broughl him to high positions from where
he made die sacrifices. After die brilliant success in ednratton, he
discarded fhc Government Job for which (his education was basically
designed; and again lie gave up Ids lucrative legal practice when at die
age of 35 he had become a National leader of repute and a brilliant
lawyer as well. Again In Saturn-Sun from 31 -7-1935 to 12-7- 1936, he
reached die highest position an frullaii could dilnk of as die I Resident of
the Congress flic party which enjoyed mass 1 racking, hut instead of
exploiting die Presidentship of (he Congress for consolidating his group
In (lie party or promoting his chosen ones he handed over with grace,
the Presidentship to Jawaharlal Nehru and whole heartcdly supported
lura during his tenure as President- In 1936 37, In the Interest of
Congress and India diough Nehru was his strong opponent and as will
be seen later bow he took advantage opportunlsdcally to stifle Rajenbahu
and (he Insllludnn of the Prcsldcul of India.
The antardasha of Sun again came during the rnahadasha of
Mercury from 2-1 1-1950 to 9-9-1951 and thfs time Rajenbabu had
occupied the hlghesl oQlce of the country as die President of India. But.

Finer Techniques ot AslrDlogical Prefiittions Vol One Asira Bkoich of Of- (rsjewSra
sacrificed die rights of the Prc-ilttcnf for peace and tiflrmony, in the
Inierest of the KaUon, by Auccumfibig to the pnessuresand manocuvrtngs
nf f t.Nehru after the death of Sardar fate! Iti December 1950. It is a well
ktiDWti fact that Nehru's Prime Ministcrshlp was a gift o( Snrdar PatcJ as
tire President of the Congnrss w-ss to become tlie Prime Minister. With 9
Out of 32 provinces recommending Sardar Paid lor Presidentship the
choice was obvious, but Hi the fequcsr of Gandhljt Sarilar wdlhdrcw as
a couicnder. II is also a well-known fact that Sardar Patel was
Instrumental lit the appcihitmenl of Rajen balm as President though
Pt.Nchru tried his best (o have Dr S. Radhalcrlshnan or C.R
FOlJagopalcharl as President and upposcd Rajen habu In election for
Prcstdcnl'dilp In 1952 and 1957 afsir Pr.Nehru tonsnlldatcd the Prime
MKUstcj-shlp, tiubaliy by discarding and weakening the likely contenders
and then projected an Imagr of an mdispensabie Prime Minister - after
Nehru wiio? was a worrying, tlinugl it and all along groomed his dynasty.
The role of (he President In (he constKmion .was mtslntcrjjrctcd by
Pi.Nehru with his manlpulaltvc am! asesertlve (hcUcs. Rajen bahu asserted
on many occasions and U was often found the President and Prime
Minister giving different stalcmcuts on tire same issue. Through his
rnalnrhy and (Olerauce, Rajeiitwbu sacrdiced his rights.
Tfic 9th house ts tire house of grand children also. Tire ninth lortl
going to the Swctflh also indicates expenses on tiiem. 1 Ic married nine of
his grand daughters during his Prc.sldpntshlp bul re fused lo utilise
Rashtrapatt Bhawan. He did not allow dowry fo be gjven in marriage*
and gifted only kbadi sarres spun ley him. Me had a dlffcrcrd kitchen for
hls family members, (he cxpnisrs ol which were borne try him. On thr
(nvllation cards for marriages ol his grand danghlcrs. he had got 11
printed that no gifts would be accepted and did not accept gifts from
guests. He wrote to the Prime Minister regarding tire disposal of personal
gilts given by foreign dignitaries to him and his family which were
donalrd to Ihc Pal.na nniscum after lit handed over charge as the
President Mr left for Pallia and vacated Rashlrapatl B ha wan on 13th
Mny. 19(32, the day fits Icrm wns to get over wlthoul retaining
Kiishtrapathl Rhawnn even fur a day He considered his tnonllily safaiy
of Rs. 10000/ too lilgh siy be aci>cplcd oidy RiiSOOO/ ■ His successor
Dr Radhakrlshan fofiowcri his example

The 6/12 Axis in Birth Chart

The Smi/Safum opposition on 6/13. fuels ulong with 9th Inni
Moon in (he stitlJi is largely, responsible for his ill health. Venus as Lite
sixth lord from Moon was also responsible for his frequent bouls of
(lintsscs,The ninth lord Sun makes him a statesman of internallanal
repute bul tlie aspect of Saturn from Ific slxili house caused
obstructions In the exposure and projection he deserved. Saturn the
second and third lord g.itve htm mcntaf tensions on account of the
depleting wealtii of Ids kuf umhhn. He lost tils brother in Saturn/Venus/
Saturn. His brother looked after his expenses and that of his tartilly

Astro Sholcf} of Or Rajencsm Fircar leotniques o' AslttSoglcal PrecficJions Vol. Ona
members while he was In JaJl.
Ttie four pillars ol Nehru's misconceived idealism were Socialism,
Democracy, Non-alignment and Secularism.

Socialism racanl to hlro rapid socialistic legislation's for conlrols.
Regulations. Celling. Resenatlons. Licensing and Nationalism of all
sorts resulting in a large, fat. expensive. incfDclcnt and corrupt
government machlnciy spreading Its tentacles to stifle positive
entrepreneinshlp and suffocating the free flow of market forces, The
practice to accommodate as many ministers as possible, so that they
remain happy and supportive with bungalows cars and security started
In Nehru era and became more and more pronounced with rime. There
are 245 Central Public sector undertakings In the country today whcrc
precious money to the tune of Rs. 1.72,5®0 crorcs have been Invested
with hope of no returns, and these undcitaltlngs again require further
Investment for rehabllltallou and revival if the value of the rupee of the
1950"5 and 60s when most of the Invcstincuts were made Is applied, the
figure becomes mind boggling- Both the central government and stale
government enterprises have become a hunting ground for the
unscrupulous Pollliclans-bu&lnessmanBunmucral-CrlmlnaJ nexus for
the siphoning of easy money. The enterprises are quite at par m
coruiptlon and Inefficiency with the spoiled govcrruncnl machinery.
Hie Qfth pay commission lias found over staffing resulting in under
pcrformnncc and have suggested retrenchment by thirty percent.
The s<K.iallsm aimed at Gar ibiHatuo (povexty alleviation), a populist
worn out vote catchlng^slogan coined by Nehru and utilised In full by
Indira. Sonjny and Rajiv, his dynasty and Its residue Narastmha Rao
proved to be Just another false promise, ll Is common knowledge that
very little funds of the Integrated Rural Development Programme reach
the needy. The National Council of Applied Economic Research came
out with a human development profile of rural India towards the cud of
November 1996. which said thai about sixteen percent of India's rural
population earned Rs.3/- per day and another eighteen percent only
about Rs.5 per day. Tire Planning Commission report cstlmjitcs that 36-
37 percent of India's local population should be treated as bdow the
poverty Line This Is what socialism Induced eight five year plans have
been able to do,
India comes out poorly If you see the vital economic Indicators-
While tndiah GDP per head Is $360. China Is exactly double, with a per
capita GDP rale of $720. Even Pakistan has a rate of $520. let alone
Japan, rvtuch has a per capita GDP rate of §38,120. which la more Uian
hundred times that of India's, The other Asian tigers are also mile ahead
ofludia- Singapore has $32,878 South Korea $11,910, Thailand $3,250.
the Philippines SI ,200 and tndoiJCslaSl.210. Curiously, tire per capita
GDP rale of Vietnam, a country which was cruelly battered by wars
unleashed by lire France and (ire USA ftrr over 25 years, with Its entire

Rner ifechnlques of AElroiogtca) PiwJictioiXi Sfefl Ons As.Vo Skefc/i ol Or Rajsndra
infrasinvclvjrcaiitl even agrlcnllural land devastated is the same as thai
of India. Perhaps Bangladesh Is the only country In the region with
which India could corn pare itself to Us advantage, In the light of tills wc
carinoLblarnc Ihc colonial rule ar the population explosion, the bhunc
squarely rests on (he cconmnlc policies pursued. It was a mockery of the
past govcnunenls when Dr. ManiDohan Slngli started to reverse the
economic polldcf; which were followed for forty years, by decontrol,
dercservatlon and deregulation and began the process of shifting (lie
economy from a command economy to liberalisation and globallBatlon.

Our tryst with democracy has also been equally' disappointing.
Except for nineteen months oflndtra emergency, though wc have been
able to sustain the essentials of democracy, we have miserably failed In
giving it a respectability. There la a need to undertake a major surgery
of the disabled electoral system seriously wounded by crimlnalisaOon
of politics The appointment ol tire two additional election commissioner
tun only violated ilir constitution Uut also seems to have violated every
our of the informal rules and arcepled conventions. The press largely Is
under control ol Industiiallsis who In turn are under control of Ihe
Oovemmcnt In a curarnHnd economy. During the reign of Nehru
journalists received Government bungalows to keep them al bay. All
tins led to lire concentration of political and eeonomlc power in the
Prime Mliilsler and (iurreforv it is appropriate to call the Indian Political
System democracy with dictatorship of the Prime Minister.

Tills much publicised movement has faded away as it was a faiue.
1 he criticism against h is Uia t Ihe member cownlrles were mostly from
tiai socialist bloc and In realily aligned. Tile reputation uf Jawaharlal
Ncluu as the only Ituilan lender with a deep unders tanding ol the forces
operating In International atfalrs cimmbled when the Chinese jittacked
In 1962,

Article 5 He) e.'ijnius um lo promote harmony, in Ihe iiplrll of
common brnltier hood. What wc saw in Kashmir, Punjab and Ayedhya
was a result ol {inlltieal mauueveurings by vested Interests. The
rcgloimUsm and castoisra spread in rcecni times Is quite contrary lo
secular ideals. A weak and unclear Govcnimcnl policy on hie secular
issue is the cause of all pjoblems,
Tire popuhsticaily evolved concepts like mixed economy showed
the peculiar Indian Politicians hvienl for reconciling which led to a
serious crtskJ, No doubt (here Is no demoeraey olher titan India where
poll I leal corruption has eroded the dcnmcrallr system to an cxlcnl tlial
K threatens line polity* and sulTocales the development pioccss
One who loves India s past stud India's present cannol help asldng

Aslro Stf&pf) o' Of RaiefiOra 'IntN Tediniqucs o( AstrolDQicsl PradldlOftS Voi One
lilmsrlf tlic nagging qurstion how come a country that should luist-
glvcn to the world so much Ivas given so Illlic - How eniue?
Rajendta Prasad was opposed to rapid socialistic icglslalion's.
During die struggle Tor Independence Rajendra Pmsad expressed Ids
views Ireely and constantly In the columns ol his Journal Des He.
wrote his autobiography (ram 1942 tu 1944. Uls botik India Divided
dealt with fiindaracntal communal Issues in 1946. From 1950.
restrictions weir put on his public utterances because of the high ofilcc
that he held as President of India. In his fdimal speeches lie had to act
as the mouthpiece of the Govemrnent. He believed that (he foundaUtms
of the freedom ol the Country could only be laid firmly by constructive
work In the villages by stimulation of agrlculrurc. extension of cottage
Industries, improvement of cducattlonaJ system, promotion of communal
unity, removal of religious and caste barriers and generally helping the
people to better living. If (lie educational and social reforms mooted by
htm were given proper weight perhaps the moral fabric of the country
would no! have been shattered by the people who were expected to rear
and strengthen ll.

Thc Birth Chart

Jupiter is the controlling planet of this, otherwise weak horoscope,
with regard to health. The kendras arc the pillars of the lagna, which
represents the body. Rahu/Kctu on 1-7 axis or 4/10 axis weakens the
pillars of lagna, hence not good for health. The Mercury/Mars
conJunctJou In Lagna Is also not good for physical well-being. Mm-a die
5lh and I2lti lord In close conJunctlDn with Mercury harms Ihc Lagna
and the Mercury as well, with regard to health. Mercury is die maraka
seventh lord and It becomes a malefk as conjunct with a male-fir.
However, the proiertivr aspect of Jupiter Is there, and the lagm lord
Jupiter remains unbtrmlshcd The i/12 axis Is emphasized wllii
presence of (iucc planets Sal/Sun sad Moon, all of which arc
responsible (or Ids frequcui bouts of tlkiciises as also Venus who Is also
responsible lor poor bealth is the filh and eleventh lord. In I he
background of a nillirr pessimistic picture that cniergcs. with regjsrd to
health from rnuUysls of lids chart, a bright side on the career front is
clearly visible Raliu Is (he tenth house Is considered excellent foi rise
In life. The conjunction of Mars lite fiflh lord and Mercury the lOlh lord
and 7th lord - kendra and trlkona - In lagna with the benrfic aspect of
the strong lagna lonl Jupiter from (he uluth house Is an excellent Raj
yoga comhlnaflon for rise In fife. Kctn, in the fourth house largely gives
the cltcct of Jupiter. It receives asircct of only the 5th and 12ih lord
Mars. The aspect of Mars as the fifth lord ts excellent fot elevation. The
Jupiter. Mars inlluencc on the fourth house of Rajslmhasan prntniHes a
position of prestige so does Ihc lOlh lord Mercury In lagna and the
tenth house with Rahu. The slxllt lord Venus In the eleventh house In
its moohrlkona tush I promises gains In education competition, law
eases and other areas indicated by the sixth house.The exalted and full

Finer rcchrHtjUes ol AstralDgtcal Pret&aioriE '/ol 0"£ Astrs Sn<?fKf> a' D' nto/wMfta
Moon In sixth further supports (hese tiuJlcalions but the Salum/Sun
conjuucllon an 6/12 axis is rial good and Indicates persecution.
ohslrurUons and hlcnitshcs (hmugh enemtcs, rivals. Intrigues - an
unavoidable aspect of die pcrsanalltJes of persons In public lllc, Tims
the birth chart promises a high tlsc In career Indicated by a strung
lagtia. 4th. 10th and i Ith house m the back dr«p of weak health and

The Moon Chart

Moon is exalted with thr ninth tuul tenth lord; the yogkarak
Saturn, promising high elevation but (he positum of Moon on Sun/
Saturn axis is uol good loi hndlh. Venus as the lagna lord In sixth
Indicates disease The strong Gajkcsarl Vrjga with exalted Moon and
Jupiter In Leo proniSsc elevation with locus on first and fourth I in use rt(
Raj Simhasan also, lire Vesi, V.isi atid Ubhayachart Yogas iue stropg
solar yogas in hit; homsinpe, prtimisiug high pcisitirm- VVllJi Venus
Mercury1, Sun and Mais In 6,7,8 frum Motm tliere is a part Adhiyogo
also, Ttie fourth house has Jupuer as peeling the tenth house and as
(here Is no o(her aspect on the fourth house 11 Is rrudcml sitnug Hie
tenth house has uspeet ol Saturn, the icnlh kml and Jupiter Hie frnuili
lord and I herefoie. it Is also strong. In (he Moon chart also the allciillou
Is itnincdlalely drawn l<« fire Isi. 4th. 6th and !Ulh houses, all
pramislug rise In career.
The Navamsha Chart
Hie lagna lord of the navamsha also moves io (he ntntli house as
hi (lie easr of the Janma Kundll. tiius emphasising the link between
the ninth and the lagna. Again. In navamsha also (he fourth liuusc has
connection with Jupiter Jupiter Is die lomth and seventh lord exalted
In the eleventh promising excellent results of die fourth mid thr
seventh house, besides the toiraka rcsutls. flic fourth house b»
consldeni-d 'he house of Rajsimhasaxi ami die cxsdtallDu of Its lord In
the eleventh Indicates high poslUou so does die oaJfndou of the
seventh lord in eleventh as the srve.nl11 house Is die trulh liou^e Fruii>
tenth and Is also known as the house of 'piwlnprtipll'. 'Hie scvcnlh
(louse ol naxnmsha Is mainly seen for Hie spouse. Its pliicenicul hi the
ctcvenlh house Indicates good for spouse at least In Jupiter main da slid
periods and JupKcr si ib-dash a periods. Rajbansl diwl, die wife of fir
Prasad was simple arid dignified ill manner and dress 11 ir lurv ol
active polltlrs. did not apiwal in her. and she did uol )oln her husband tn
his political aeUvlllcs. She kept herself In the background and left hei
husband free to pursue his political and social actlvtdcs. However, slit
(rained iiersclf under najidhijl and spent long periods in the diaharmah
Ashram. A strict reglrne po.-railed then. Tnerr were uu servants and alu
had (o do everything herself. Bui she was happy and became ronscioiu
of Mir part (hat women can play in hnildlng up a nation [luring (hi
liou coopcrallon rnovcmcsil days she look an active part site weni on f
Insl She lived fot 06 years as his wife and expired |iist a lew month)

Aslro Sketcfi of Dr R^endrs Fmer Techniques of Asfrotogical Predidions Vol One
before Rajcn babus death In February 19B3. at a ripe age. During the
Jupiter mahadasiia. tliougli Rajcn babu. as usual, stayed away from
Jits house but he was able to earn well from his nourishing practice as
a lawyer and he could afford to call his family to his Bungalow at Patna
frequently. It is said that he earned Rs.4.000 per month which should
be equal to Rs.2 lacs of late nineties.
The navamsha lagna is aflllctcd by Saturn and the navamsha
lagna lord Is conjunct with Mars. Besides the separation from his wife
due to Iris political activities and travel he got Into a financial crisis after
he gave up his legal practice. He had to sell his ancestral property to
dear debts and for sustenance of his family.
It is rightly said that a public man has no private life and the
sufferer In most cases is the spouse. The combination of an exalted
seventh lord and afflictions by malefic at the same time Indicates a

10 Sun Ketu Moon
Sat (R)
11 9 7
Lag Van
Mer Mais Birth Chart
Birth 3.12.1884
/ 12 6 Time 08:30 am.
S. Keiu Rahu Zeeradai,
Chappra, Bihar Jup
i 3 Jup
/2 \ Lag Sun Ven Rahu
/ Moon 4 Mer
/ Sat(R) Mars

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Sat(R) Rahu

17007' 19c09' 2305G' 05056' CWZG' IZ^SG' Zg^lG' Z000T

5 Mer
7 \ Moon Mars •
6 4
8 Jup
Lag Rahu
Sat Rahu
9 3 Navamsa
Ketu Moon
12 Ven
10 2
Ketu Mars
Very tl > / t \Wer
Son Lag
Sat (R)

Finer Tectimques ot Aslrologicffl PrerJiaions Vol One Astro SAefcti ofDr Ra/endra
spouse wlio lived long and was devoted but the married life was given
low priority due to commitments to the Nation.
Sun In Sagittarius In the fourth house of Navamsha Is good and
promises high position as here 11 Is placed In the house of Ral SLnihasan
In a friendly sign and aspects the tenth house. Hahu In the tenth in the
house of Mercury Is always good for the career. Ketu, being a shadowy
planets gives effect of Jupiter. Moreover, the tenth lord In the ninth of
tile Navamsha is a kendra-trikona combination which Is good for the
tenth house. The sixth lord Saturn In lagtia Indicates tiie focus on the
sixth house of Navamsha also. Thus In Navamsha also the 1st. 4th. 6th.
10th and 11 th houses arc dominant Indicating rise in life. The cxaltaUon
of 4th(RaJstnihasan) and 7th (Career) lord Jupiter in the eleventh no use
points to attainment of high positions In the Navamsha also.
In the Dashmansha chart, tire link between the first and tenth
house, as seen in the birth chart arid the Moon chart, can also be seen
as the dashmansha lagna lord goes to the tenth house. The twelfth lord
exalts in the ninth house, thus again establishing a link between the
twelfth and ninth house as seen hi the birth chart. The tenth lord exalts
in the sixth house and (here is an exchange of the sixth and lenth.
Rajen babu occupied constitutionally the highest positions as the
President of the Congress from October. 1934 to April. 1936 and then
again when Netajl Subhash Chandra Bosc resigned at the THpurl
Congress Session in 1939. again In 1941 and as the Chalnnan of the
Constituent Assembly and President of India Irom 1950 to 1962.
Although his selection was unanimous there was opposition from
many. This is indicated by the exchange of the exalted tenth lord Saturn
with the sixth lord Venus. Venus js also the lagna lord of the
Dasliamanaha lagna. The fourth house (representing Raj slmhasau) 's
also strengthened with the aspect of exalted Mars, and of Jupiter from
Its mooltrikona rashi. The placement of Moon in the fourth house and
the fourth house lord Sun In the 98h house with the fifth lord Mercury
and exalted Mars, also Indicate high position. The Dashmansha also

1 Lag
Ny 3 Kelu
4 2 12
/ 5 11 Dashamansha
S. Moon Ven
Mars Moon
A to Son
8 Me»
6 Mars
Ratiu Sun
/ 7 / 0 \Uer JUP Rahu Sal (R)
/ sat (R) Jep

Aatru Sdp.'cn a' Dr Ra/ends Finer Tecfinlques of Fslroiogical PrcdlcuoftS VeJ One
shows ttic emphasis on 4lJi, 6tli. 9lh and 10th houses as they arc the
most liiihiciiccc! houses by strorig and exalted planets
The Drcshkona
In tlte Oreslikonfl chart also there Is a link nf the 12th and 9th
house like In other charts. TTic lagna lord Mars Is conjunct with the
ninth lord Jupiter In the ninth house. The fourth house Is aspcetcd by
Us lord Moon and the lord of tenth house Is placed in tenth. The third
house Is aspecled by lis lord Mercury which Is placed la (he nlnlh
house with Lagna lord Mars and Jupiter (he ninth lord. His brother
vvorlied In a Rank which Is signified toy the slxong merrurtai Influence
ou (he rhlnl house. His bint her was an idealist and a nationalist like
Uajitu bahu which Is ludlealcd by conjunction of Jupiter with the third
lord and lagna lord and its aspect from ninth house on lagna and the
third house.

The Dashu Pattern

Rahn la very well placed In Utc tenth house in Virgo in the birth
chart. It is net aspcctcd by any planet. thertTon* It gnvc the cllects of
Mr-reury. In the Navamsha chart It goes to Cancer It which gives good
results. His brilliant academic achievements were in the Rahu
mahadasha. But the general results of the mahadasha lord have also to
pass and so Rahu also gave Raj en babti its charac(er)siic& ups and
downs, deceptions Intrigues and surprises in Its dashas tend antardasha.
In Jupiter mahadasha lie studied Law and became Doctor oflaiw.
established hlmscll as a successful lawyer In the courts of Calcutta and
later in the High Court at Pal no In Jupitcr/Ketu and Jupiter/Venus he
got the opportunity tn associate and work wltii MalialmH Gandhi. Kctu.
largely gives the cllccLs of Jupiter. Gandliljis influence during the long
slay with him In Champaran (Bihar) made him change his life style and
finally he gave tip his growing legal pracllcc to follow Gandtiljls Pa til.
Jupiter In ninth Indicates l^iw and Guru In Gandhljl. Rajrn tiahu wias
•an Idealist and a tlcdlcalcd worker. Gandhljl writes In his aulublgraphy.
The story of my exj^rimcnts urfth tmrh "Drl| Kith or liahu and Rajcndra
bahu wen- a matchless pair. Their devntlon niatlc II Impossible for me (o
take ii single step wltlioot their help' (Clioptcr xvii, Com/xinfons Paye
Jnpllcr Is tlir slrongcsl planet of the hoi"ost:o[>c. In all the divisional
•-harts also Its association with Ihe fourtli house reveals Ihr (hroue or
seal of authority, The jolts of Rahu In Jupltcr/Rahu 2/12 hom each
olhi-r Iranslurracd him inlo a conunvcrsial public figure and (he shadow
ot Saturn Jiad In f;dl snnn.
The Salurn mahadasha brought with it. struggles. Intrigues.
Imprisonment and disease. Saturn Is retrograde and Klial ajid Is In the
stxlh house In coujunctloii wltli Moon, il gave Its share of menial

Finer Techniques o( Aslratojicai Prediaioo* Val One Astra Shttcfi o? Oi Ra/ttnc?r»
anxieties. The exaltation of Saturn In ihc dashaniansha and Its
exchange with the sixth lord Indicates attainment of high positions hul
with. CroLtblcs and Intrigues.
Mercury die representative of the UitelJccl til conjijiicllon with (he
lard of Ihc fifth house Mars, representing Intelligence and aspccled by
the karaka of knowledge, Jupitnr made his In'eJlert fnnrljrm In
consonatice with his intelllgeiicc and knowledge. MnK-LPunJabl, ICS
Ex-Chief Secretary of Bombay State who had worked wtlh Di Rajendi a
Pmsad and Sardar Patcl wrllcs in his hook. The mdomliablt- sartlar.
The Sard at was happy that Rajetulra Pmsad. who had «> much hi
common will] him and who liad collalioratrd wdtlr him In every political
iTtsis. was unanimously elected President of the Assembly, His profound
knowledge of law, his pensonai Integrity and impart iailly. and his unru (Tied
temper made lilm an ideal President, as Well as an adviser behind (he
scenes to the many members who constantly cnnsulied hlni" (Chaptei
XIX Page 181 The inrlamiLable Sorciar)
Mercury mainly gave him the results of the tc.ulli house and (he
sevent h house as it has the lordship of these houses in Hie birth churl
ll is atsn the Navarnsha lagna and 10th lord. II gave htm Anthursbip.
Minister ship and thesidenishlp as also a family life. He was able to stay
with his wife, children and grand-children hi Kashtrapatl Hhawan. at
Hie age of 00. after a life long detach men!.
Venus the bth and 1 HJ) lord Is In Its moollrlkoita raslil. Libra In
lilO ilth house The period of Rahu/Viaius brought htm from Ills
village Zermdat and (he small town Chuppra to Calcutta. Tlic period
■was sfmii in (he majcatltr Presidency college marked hy gnrat.
achievements amidst elitist tanwd of Calcuthi. Juplter/Vcuus brought
him in close contact with Mahalma Gandhi. Tills period gave lilm the
status of a national leader and he came In the lime UghL The Mercury/
Venus period gave him Mlnistrrship and the Presii leal ship and the
splendour and glamour attached. Venus also gave hlni victortes over
rivals, success in corapclltions publicity and glory as it Is the 6lJi lord
In die 1 Uh from lagna; and second lord in sixth and sixth lord in sixth
from Moon.
Ki tn in the watery sign of Pisces caused congestion In the chest.
Tire chest Is represented by the fourth house. The aspect of Mars from
lagna Ignites fever Hr tiled ol congestion in Keln/Venus/Mercury tuid
had seriously fallen 111 immecllately on rammciicrraetd of Kctti dasha In
July ItiGl.
So from t he dasha pa t h*m emc rges t.h c I lie pat I cm Ra h u glv I ng big
rises and dlsappohifmunts also. Jupiter cnnsolldatlfig all thi grral
qiialJIles and allowing I hern to (lower due to its siicnglii and placement,
Satnm testing htm with miseries and Mercury finally conferring the
reward after Hie test

Astra Sketch of Or Rpjenota Finer TechfWjues o' Asmoiogical Pi&ciclions Vol One
Analysis Through Jaimini
The analysis through the Jalralnl system also reveal the same.
Titc combination or the Atmakaraka wltlx the exalietl AraatyHkarak,
Moon and (Siclr mutual aspect with the Putrakaraka (orm one of tlie
best rajyogas of JalmlnL Tltc mutual aspect of Moon and Venus is
anntlier good rajyoga. The Atmakaraka and Arnatyakarak arc In the
ninth from tlie Karakamslia lagna. Ihe second from Karakamsha has
Venus the Putrakaraka with aspect of Jupiter, the Matrlkarak. Moon
the Arnatyakarak and Saturn, the Almakaraka. The second house from
Karnkamsha Is seen to determine the profession. The Atmakaraka is
linked to (he ninth house, thus oorroboratlng to the analysis through
the Parasharl syslem. Similarly, the second house Indicates high office
Ihe conjunction of AtmakoraJw and Arnatyakarak Indicates the deep
involvement with the work and (he Atmakaraka and Arnatyakarak
conjuucliou implies that with ihe ciiauge in daslta there will be change
In slatus represented by Arnatyakarak alongwltli change In status of
self represented try Atmakaraka. Cinaltkarak in lagua Uidlcales 111-
healtli and Its eonjuncllan with Darikaraka shows dtsiauce from
spouse or spouse living away In a Joint family. The Darakaraka In 81h
Ironi AJmakaiaka and Arnatyakarak Indicates the neglect ol spouse and
Almakaraka and Ama(yalvarak Q/fi in respect of Pulrakaraka uidlcalc
the neglect of children as well, lie had his brilliant academic
achievements In Libia dashu from 189li lo 1905 as his Putrakaraka.
Venus is lavourabiy piaccU lit Libra which Is Uie moolhltenB rashl of
Venus. Tlie Putrakaraka. Vcrius Is, also aspech-il by the eonibinaXlun of
Abnakaraka and Amotyaloirak. Tlie Clmra dasha of Virgo rashl was
Ktllowcd by the dassha of Libra. Virgo rashl is twelfth from Putrakaraka
He lost Interest in studies and wasted three years. He was away from
his rhlldn-n during I his period He rejoined college to study law and
did legal practice in the courlsof Calnulta AtmaJtaraka ami Arnatyakarak
are ninth from Virgo Ninth represcnls Judiciary. Hie: l^ro das ha of nine
years from 1914 to 1923 was tlie period When he carae la contact with
Mahatma Gandhi and emerged as a National leader Leo is the tourtli
rash) from Almakaraka and Arnatyakarak. It is the ninth rashl from
lagna. The bcueflc plane! Jupiter. Uie Matrlkarak Is placed in Leo. II Is
tdeveulh from Pnirakaraka and the 9lh Irum Darakaraka and Gnatlkarak.
He was also able to earn well during this period. Tlie period between
1923-1925 was no) good as he had lo face a lot of opposition Cancel Is
Ihe eighth rashl frncn Usrenrhiiil, Darakaraka and Ihe Gnatlkaxak and
the twellth from Matrlkarak In Gemini dtisha, he visited Europe and
had lUfTt-rcnecs with the Congp-ss leaders, Almakaraka and Arnatyakarak
are twelfth from Gemini, hi Taurus he became lite Congress President
In 1935-36. Taurus has both Almakaraka and Amatyakaiaka period of
euniroversics and tensions,
'flic Ardes dash a was (here for eight years from 1936 to 1944. Aries
Is Ihe twelfth rasltl from Almakaraka and Arnatyakarak. It was a period
ol Unpiisonniem. Illness and struggles. Tlie Pisces period was from

Fine? Tectolquea ol Astnloalcel PrecUdons Vol One Aspo s^ercn otf Or Rsjend'a
19-14 to 1951, II Is the eleventh from Atraakajmka ajitl Amatyskarak
Ttic period gave hlni authorship, chairmanship of Uic Cons din en
Assembly. Mlnlstershlp and die highest olllcc of the counhy. as th'
President for trvn terms during Aquarius dash a and could slay with Jii
wile and family In comfort Darakaraka is in Hie eleventh from Aquarlu
and Aquarius is the tenth rasln frnm Atmakaraka and Amatyakarak
The last dasha was of Capricorn. Capricorn Is the second house fron
lagna and from DaraJmrafca. Darakaraka Is In the twrlftli. It gave scrlou
lltnes-s to him, he lost his wtfc during (he period- His death occurred I?

The Rural Childhood

December J684 to March J 894
Ills was a comfortable childhood with his joint fainlly In Zcerada
village of Bihar, His grand lather's brother Chaudctlal was the Dewan o
Harlila Estate for Sit 30 yenrs, toijrudra babu had three ulsters and on.
brother. One sister died In childhood the eldest became n widow whet
Kajetulra babu was five years old autl she stHyed with him all her lite
The (litrd sister died chtldle&s. His brother Babu Mahendra Ptasad Wat
older (o him by ciglit yearn and a source of strength and support to tilm
In ids autobiography. Kajen babu gives a lucid account of (he tradllluni
and rituals followed in his village. Recitation of Gee In and Ramavan
Ramllta. Mclas, g.isroes and social engage met its were perltaps tookct
forward to with a sense of gaiety by the villagers. Life Ivegan at vunrlst
and ended at sunset witliont even an apple of consumerism to disturb
At die age of 5-6 he started to learn alphabets in Persian from tin
Maulvlsaheb of his village, The tcarhlug started ccicmonlonsly will
ihe customary eliaullng of 'Blsmlllah' and dlsiTlhntlon ol sweets In tin
tradliirma! style followed by a token paymmi lo the Maulvlsahcb. It
1895-93. h( lire age of 8 years it was time to start Ids cducaHon ii
English. The choice fell qu Chap)3ra where his brothtr was studying, h»
was taJtcn there This was lbs lirst tram jfiurncy. His admission to tin
school In Chappra was del ay eel by tuir year due to llir sudden dcalh o
his uncle In a Cholera epidemic. Hie loss to Hie lamlly dlsntpled the lift
in hlshouscas his uncle had shouldered most ol the icsponslbtlity atic
his father was not so tcsponsihle. It was In Rahu/Kahu/Saturn fron
April 1892 l<« October 18&2. Saturn the srs-ond loni going to sixth h
Inumful for the ktilnmblia. The second liuuse rs slsti seen tiyr luitta
edncattob. lite Ch.ua dasha was Saglliartns/Saglltanus when hit
uncle died. Sagittarius lias Onatlkarak Ills studies were disrupted ant
he iost an ycai during Scorpio dasha Irom Dcreml>cr 3. 1892 tc
December 3. 1893. PutrakaraJra is tn the 15th from Scorpio
Early Education
With (he cmtvtti ol fCdiu/Jupiter in April 18S-1 and Libia dasha
under the Chara dasha strheme fnint Deee.mbr.r 3. 1893. (he prospecti
of his education had to hrlghlen. He was brought to Chappra anc
admit1 in Standard Vlll. which was the cnlrancr class lo school. His

As.'rp Sk'Mcn of Or Rs/c-ridra Finer Techniques o' Asirotoolcsl PrecftcDocs Vo( One
hrnihcr a( that time was in tfir 1st standard I.e. Matrlc, in the same
schoni. He stood first In the annual exam In March 1895 and was given
a double promotion. He was running, die Vlmstiottarl daaha of Rahu/
Jupiter/Mercury. Mercury Is Uic kanaka tor education !t Is observed
that during (he dasha of Mercury die person does weD In education
unless Mercury is badly ahllctrd. Mcmiry Is thr 7th and 10th lord of
this horoscope and Is conjunct wtlh the ntth Torri In Lagno and II. Is the
filth lord with seventh and dilrd lord In the 8th from Moon. Jupiter, the
antardasha lord is the most powerful plane! o( this honoscopc. It Is both
a natural and a functional bcnclic In Chara dasha scheme It was
Libra/Aquarius. Libra has Pulrakarak and frotn Aquarius Pulrakaraka
Is In the ninth. 11 was Rahn/Jupiter/Kclu (hat folluwrd Krlu being In
die rashl ol Jupiter gives the effect of Jupiter and Is aspcctcd by the
fifth lord Mars from lagna. and due to his position In die fourth house.
11 Is to give good effects wtlh regard to education. When his brother
joined the college In PainH In 1895, U was decided to shift Rajen babu to
Pa ma. He was adnillted to the T.K.Ghosh Academy in Patna to die VI
standard. The pratyantar dasha of Venus bringing hlra to town,
Marriage in May J897
He was married in Jyesta mond; In a Kada l-agna( a term used for
clcctlonal astrology tn Bihar) during Rahu/Saturn/Meicury under die
Vlmshottarl scheme. Mercury is (he seventh Innj, Saturn Is the 2nd
lord. Tlie second house Is also seen for rnarrtagc as It governs the
Kutumbh and Rahu Is a natural marriage maker Under Chara dasha
scheme It was Libra / Pisces tiara kanaka Is in die tenth house from
Pisces and Libra Is 1 lib from Darakaraka. His wife was hroughl one
year after marriage to Ids village as per the norms prevalent. He could
vlstl his wife In the village during his holidays only. He wrote In his
autobiography, tn 1941-42. dial during 44-45 years of marriage, he
did not even slay for 44-45 months with ills wife- Darakaraka In dose
conjnncUoa with Gnatlkarak. perhaps Indicates wife living with a large
nnruber of relations in a joint (amlly lt also mean long separation due to
The Setback - Patna July, 1897
Tils brother passed the KA exam and shU'tcd to Calculta for
further studies, therefore It was decided th shift Rajen babu to a school
In Halhua. He had rttfHculty in coping with the changed and hosliie
environment, iniUally and later fell sick. His stay In Hathua was for six
months. He could not wrllc the exam and tt was decided to bring htm
back to the sehuot tn Chappra. tl was also decided that he repeat
standard IV. tints lie lost one year. The Vlmahottarl dasha was Rahu/
Satuni/Kclu and Rahu/Salum/Vc.nns As the ancardasha lord Is the
determining Jaclur, batum (lie anlardasba lord here causes disruption
in education and Rahu, Kctu. Saturn and Venus arc rcapouslbic for his
serious slckmrss In this horoscope. l-iahu/Kelu by their position In 4-
10 axis. Saturn. Moon and Sun for being on 6/12 axis. Venus as the
sixth lord and Mars of twclllb placed In lagna cause frrquenl spells of

f mor T8CJinlqu<fS 0* AtKr-rjgical PreiSlctiOTS Von On" if'c Skvlet of £>
Uliifss. It Is Jupiter only which gives him respite. Mercury as the 7th
lonl Is also capable of troubling his health Moon In Ihc sixth bouse in
conjunction with Saturn and aspected by Sun also indicaics a sickly
body. Jupiter, the strong l.tgna lord could resist the alQlrtlons of other
planets and gave htm a life span of 79 years and a tail and Impressive
physique and exaJtcd Moon gave him expressive eyes.
In the Cham dasha scheme 11 was Libra/Rsces, From Pisces,
Putraknraka Is In the eighth house. The main dasha rash I Libra and sub
dasha tashi Pisces have 6-8 rclatlonsiilp, thus the setback In education.
Recovery Chappra July 1898 Co July 1900
Rajen hah\j writes in hlsautoblogtaphy that he fell prJuvcnHled on
his return to tiic Chappra school and regained his lost confidence. Lie
bdeame the monitor of (lie class. His sin dies progressed well. In 1900
when he came in IHrd standard Ire got Ihlrd position Hurtng this
period on advise of his h ml her, wtrn was studying In Allahabad he
dlsjjaxdcd foreign dothes and since Urcn. (Ill his death, he did not wear
foreign clothes. After Rahu/Saturn7Mars and Haiiu/Saiuru/Rahu. the
Rahn /Sritum/JupUer period commenced from February. 1899,
thereaflcr. from July 1899 the Rahu/Memury period slnrtcd. In the
Cliara rtrisha scheme the period was Llbra/Arlcs from December
d. 1898 to Oeecmbor 3. 1899 and Libra/Taurus from December 3, 1899
It) December 3, 1900. the period brlwtreu tJcecmbrr 3. 1898 to July
1899 was bad tor his health as- the main rashl dasha is of the rash)
which is sixth from Almakaraka and ■Hib-dasha rashl Is of the I2(h
rashl from Atmakaraka, The Tsurus. period Ui main rashl dasha period
of Libra was not bad as there Is good Ra| yoga (ormlng in Thurus having
AlmaUanika and Antalyakanik ami ivcctvlng I he aspect of Putrakanrka.

CJose Shave with Death

Chappra, iSarch 1 903
During tills period, wlille tic was writing the annual exam there
was an oulhrcak of plague. After he had appeared in two papers he had
swelling In the ucck and high fever. His father rushed from his vlllnge
and brought him t« the house. He was cured by Ills father through
/hnn-veda and naturapatiiy practiced by his lather. Tiic disease idllleteU
him In Railu/Mercury/Rahu and Ihc ciuc and rebel came lu Rahu/
Mercury/Jupller. The strong Jupilcr provides protcctton from the ninth
house. It also rrpresents father. In Chara dasha scheme It was Libra/
Gemini from December 4, 1900 to December 4. 190i Ftom Cc-mlm
Atmakaraka Is In the I2lh and from Libra it is In the 8th. Bui he stood
first in the two papers he had appeared as Libra has Putrakarak and
from Gemini the llfth has Putrakorak.
Rajcii babu topped In the matriculation cwatn. It was a big
achievemrnt by all Htandards. for a Imy from Chappra to stand first In
the iriatrtculatlun exam, contluclcd by a University under whose
jurisdiction were Calcutta. Bengal, Orlssa. Bihar. Assam and Bunna.

Asfro Skstah of Dr Rsfendrs Rner TccJiniques of Astrological Predictions Vol One-
Tills u-as the first time that a boy from Bihar had topped. The
vlmshotiarl dasha was Rahu/Ketu/Vctms upto March J902. flic time
when he wrote the exam. Rahu and Kctu, has been analysed earlier and
arc tkvcmrahlc for education hut not good tor health. Venus, the sixth
lord of compctltlDns Is In the lith, the house of gains, in Us
mooltrlkona rashl. Rahu/Ketu/Venus was followed by Rahu/Kctn/
Sun upto May 4. 1902. It was in Sun pratyantar dasha thai the results
were announced. Sun giving htm name and glory spread far beyond his
place of birth. Moon pratyantar gives trim a sudden change as It Is the
eighth lord exalted In sixth forralng a vlparccta rajynga.
It was during Rahu/Ketu/Mars he took admission to the elitist
Presidency college of Calcutta and fell sick. It was Libra/Cancer frum
December 4. 1901 to December 4. 1902. Cancer Is the JOth rashl both
from Putrakarak and from the main dasha rashi hence lias to give the
full favourable results of n well placed Pnirnknrak.
The First Visit to Calcutta
June - July 1902: Rajcubabu wrlles that be suffcrrd from hlgli
fevn and could not itracJi Calculi;< to Join College ou time. He reached
Calcutta with his brother quite liUe alier opening of (he college. This
was his llrst vlsil lo Calcutta. Mever befon: had tills simple,
unsophisticated, youngster stepped out o( the confines of Bihar into a
cosmopolitan cily like Calcutta On entering I us classroom, he stared
at his classmates in surprise. They wen- bare-headed, and dressed In
Wtstrrn irousers and shirts. Higv must all be Anglo-Indians, he
conchulrd Vet, to bis asl/jnlshmcnt, nil the students answered to
Hindustani names during the roll call 'Rajendra Prasad's own name
was not called out Mustering courage, he stood up to InTorra the
lerturcr. The latter stairr) ni his rural attire. He v-as dressed In a simple
Kurta-pyajama and cap as always "Walt t have nut taken the attendance
•t the boys of Mad rasa school" die lecturer rcrnarked cuniv, probably
mistaking him one from dial group Rajendra Prasacl Insisted raid gave
his name. Xow It was the turn of everybody In the class in tnm antl
stare at htm far his name was on everybody's lip's. A student called
Rajendra Prasad had stood (list In the University that year The
omission was qrurkly cnrreclcd. He was Inlcctcd m Cltnp^ra Itself
hrdnn- reaching Calonlla, I te could .t I lend college for 4-5 days only as
ftgrskn die fever from malaria started. Later hts emidlUon deteriorated.
Before lilc Aiilamn break he could ailerul tnllcge fur only 5-6 days In
all Somehow, lie was taken hack to Chnppra during holidays which
were of one monUi. He rocovercfl. Iiul again (jccatae -ilck on reaching
Calcutta. The Vlmshotiarl dasha was Ralni/Kctu/Rahu upto September
12.1902, l him fia.hu/Kt-lu/Jup1ier (n I lowed by (iahn/Kcin/Sattlm
from November. 3 1902 Raliu/Kelu/Satum are unl'avnurable for
health. Under Chaia It was Llbta/Caiio-r from December 4 1901 to
DrccrafJer 4. 1902. Libra Is sixth from Atmnkaraka and Cancel- Is
clghlh Iroin Digna and GnaUkarak. From June 4, (o July 5 (he dasha
was Id bra / Canner /Saglftsr Ins. Sagittarius has Gnatikarak and II is the

Pincr Tecjiniques o) A«l;ologlcat Predictioni VOI Oiw AsJro Slro^cA of Dt RaftmtJta
eighth rashl froru Almatcaraka from August 4 to September 4 and the
dasha was Llbta/Canccr/Leo.
Choice of Subjects
The subjects taken by him In FA were English, Pristan. lilstoty,
Logic. MathciosMcs. Physics and Chemistry clearly Indicated by
influence of Rahu/Ketu (mahadasha/anlanlasha) giving cflfccts of
Mercury and Jupiter and the aspect of Jupiter froin the ninth house or
fifth house.

As Achievement Again
Calcutta, March 1904 to June 1904
He topped again hi the FA exam of the university, It was a
remarkable achievement indeed Besides the scholarships dial he was
getting many more were awarded to him He secured the highest marks
in English Persian. Logic ami other art subjects, hut did nui get the
hlghrsl In Mnthematica and Science subjects. Jupiter jspccls the fliill
house and Mercury is with the fifth innl Tire influence of non-twitnlca)
planets is more domtnard on the filth house, as other than Mars no
Icchnlca! planet Influences the fifth house. He was later told by his
Science teacher (hat he should have opted for Science, and he. In a
way, deserted the Sticnoc faculty whu had great expectat ions from him.
He was convinced that Science would be better for him and applied (or
s change but how could planetary indications go wrong. He finally
sivielt to Arts after trying lite ehaugeover to Science, casunlly. It was
Ra.hu/Vcmis/Rahu In Vlmshottaii. as discussed an excellent das ha for
arhlrwment in tire area of edtienhon follnwed hyr Rnhu/Vrtius/Juphcr.
In ClLara dasha scheme 11 was Libra/Virgo/Arjuaiius. Libra Is flic main
danlui rashl where a strong Pntrakamk Is placed. Virgo ts the sub-
dissha rashl. which is the 12th rashl from Puirakarak and Aquarhis is
the sub-suh-dHsha rasid which is fifth Irom Pnlrakarak ami is aspcete.d
by Puttakarak. Putraharak is in the 11th trom Lagna, i here fore galnlul.
Tlic negative impart of (he snh-dasha of the I2lh rashi from Putrakarak
was not felt in Aquarius sub-sub-dasha and Libra main daslva due to
strong Rajyoga formation In Libra and Thurus and ils aspeeted by
Putrakarak (not for academics alone).

Calcutta June 1904 to December 1904

Rajcit babu writes in hfs autohtngiaphy tbat lie lost Inierest tn
oraras on Joining BA. although he studied with earioentrsfion and
attended the classes regularly, Inh the nmhltlon and yesL to compete
was not there. He Joined (he Dawn Society formed by Mr Satish
Chandra Mukhcrjcc. the objective of the society was. besides helping
students In their studies to inculcate moral values In them through
lectures cm dllfrreril tuples and through 'Geela patfr. Ttje lei lures were
hv prominent personalities, twice a week He was actively engaged tn
the fllhaii Club In Calcutta and In spreading Its activities and also In
the Union ol (he college. He confrollcd a raontldy News-Letter issued by

Aslm Sketci) o> Dr Rsf^nars Fine* Tecliniques ot Asuologcat PredlctionE Vol One
the college union. He used to read about the congress wltli Interest and
read lectures of its leaders in Newspapers. He used to go to public
meetings and heard prominent people like Sh. Surendranath Baucijec
speak- It was the lufhirncr of "Dawn Society' wlilch gave a new direction
to his priorities, ll was Rahu/Venus/Jupiler in Vlrashottarl from
September 1904 lo January 1905. under the Chara scheme It was
Libra/Virgo/Pisces. From Pisces Putrakaruk is In eighth there was loss
of interest in studies. Virgo Is also not favourable for cxaininatJon
oriented studies as It Is 12lh horn Putrakarak but Pisces Is the 11th
rashl from Atrnakaraka and Amatyakarak and Virgo I he fifth.

Calcutta 7th August 1905

On this day he pardclpatcd in a big public meetlug which was lor
tlic Bang BHANG la movement in protest against the division of
Bengal). He attended many meetings in which speeches were given hy
Shrl Survmlranath Boncrjee, Shrl Dlpln Chandra Pa) and Sltrl
Aurobindo Ohose. He describes the year 1905 In his autobiography as
the year of agitation and activities other than academics. The vlmshottarl
dasha was Rahu-Vcnus/Salum, Raltu/Vfcnus/Mercury and Rahti/
Vienus/Kelu. Untlcr the Chara dasha scheme It was Libra/Libra.

Patna September 1905 Vimshottari - Rahu/Venus/SSercury

The first meet of the Blharl club was held In Palna In September.
1905. Mr Shailfudin was made the President. Rajcn babu was given (he
rrsponslbllity of drafting the nhjcctfves of the meet. He prepared a long
lecture in English and read 11. Fl was decided in the meet to mobilise
atudenis in towns and to form their organizations In colleges and
schools. It was decided Id make It an apollllcal organlsallon. He gal
marc aggressively and deeply involved In the actIvltles o) the Blharl
club. He mobilized students In Patna He made Mr Sachldanand Slnha
and Babu Mahesh Narayan members of tlic club. Tlic two were
publishing Bihar limes in those days Me was only 20 yean, old then.
Rahu/\fcnus/Mercury are all capable lo give liim such exposure. Under
tlie Chara scheme It was VUgo/Libra/Cancer. Virgo Is 12tii from rmd
5tli frDm Atmakaraka and Anwiyakajytk hut Ubm has Puirakamk.
Cancer is 10th front Pttlmkantk and third from Atrnakaraka ntul
lite Congress Session whs held at Bartaras rVkranasi) lit Dceeraber
1905 winch he could not attend as he was preparing (or the ccam.

January 2nd, 1906 - Birth of Son

His son Mrltyunjay was bom on this day. Rahu Is in the fifth
house of Moon Chart and In Chara It was Vlrgo/Llbra/Saglttarlus
Libra has Putrakaralc and Virgo Is fifth foam Atrnakaraka. Saturn was
transiting Aquarius aspcctlng his fifth house and Juplttn-was in Ids 5th
house In June 1905. six months before and on the dale of hlrih was
retrograde in his sixth bouse, thus Inllucnclng tlic fifth limtse also.
Filter TeOimques ol Asyoloofcal Prc-Olciictts Vol. One *SrC' Skct'cft of Of Pe/cecrB
The Hat-Trick £n Academics -
Calcutta April 1906 to July 1906
Inspiic of these diversions, he stood first in the University in the
B.A cxhoi also and taceame eligible for some more scholarships. He
could have got a good Government job on the basis of his academic
achievements after completing his B A,, but he and his biothcr had
decided that they would not serve the British Government although the
fsiuily was hard pressed for money. Instead he Joined MA and BL
(Bachelor of Law) alter topping In the B A. it was Rahu/Sun/Bahu from
April 1906. and Rahu/Sun/Jupiter from June 1906 under the
Vtmshotlari das ha. Itahu fn ) 0th. Sun as yth lord and Jupiter placed in
the yth house are quite capable of giving him such achievements. Sun.
die 9th lord makes htm sacrifice material gains and status for tits
principles. Tills is what Sun the 9tli lord going In 12th - the house of
sacrifices also mean. Under the Chain das ha scheme tt was Virgo /
l.lbra, from IJcecmticr 4. 1905 to SeptcntlKT <1, 1906. Tlte sub-dasha
rashl iKtrlod of Llltra (jrumlses cxeellenec In education It was only in
Libra sub-dasha o( main dfnrha n| Virgo lliat he could achieve this land
mark- During the other suti dai.ha's in main dasha of Virgo his
education suirered.

Calcutta - November 1906 -

Vlmshottarl Dasha Rahu/Sun/Vcnut
Among (he mHtty dlversiouH fnim (Us roullne erlucattnii wits uti
tnsplraUon In Niivcmlx-r I'JUti to write the Indian Civil Service cxatn In
EnglamJ. Ills derision In svnte (hr exam was encouraged by bis brother
and other prominent persons like Mr Baihidammd Sluha, Babu Brl|
Kishore. Ulie famous iroctlom tighter and the fa (her-In-law ol the
nai tonal leader Jal Prakasli N'arr.van.
Munshl tswaran. Dr Ganeslt Chandra and ollicrs. He and his
brother cxi>ectcd strong itlifrctlons Irom their parents. Tile episode of Dt
Gancsh Chandra was also Irrsh In Ihclr mind. For the reason that Dr
Gaticsli Chandra tiad Visited >i foreign Cuutilry there was a mnve In liu
cmmmnilty to boyc-ott .dl those wh® aUcndcd a lunch busied by lum anc
maintained a link with htm. Die lunch was attended hy Rajrn babu ant
his brother also In dcflanrc of caste ban. Ralen habus hnilher-ln-lav
wrote to him that tl lie docs not deny having lunch with Dr. Gancs!
LTiandra he would severe all tics with trim Dr Gam-sir ChandnFs uuh
erlrnc was that tie hud visited a foreign couutr)- and had not iinderg»n<
tlirough die purlflcatJun ritual and that of Raje.n habu tiiat lie Itad luncl
with a person who had visited a Foreign country. The plan for the lorclg:
visit of Kajcn Babu. therefore was kept a welt-guarded serrrt, Aftc
moblllSrUlon of money, the clothes were sillehe.d and the Journtr
arranged, Rajen habu and three of hts friends visited a 60 year ol"
Braltmln astrologer li) find out Uie clranees of Uitlr visit to a forelgr
eounlrVi The Astrologer told his friend Suldidcv Vtmia that he (Suklidev
would shortly go rrbrnad. He told Rajcn bahn that he would go idler a fn

AEiro Stetcfi of Dr KatenOrB Rnef Teamiques of AsiroJpQIcal PreiicaDfis Vd. One
years, he predicted n* f oreign Journey for one of the ranalnlng two and
to the other possibility in later yours- They all laughed at his prcdieUons
as It was Rajen babu who was all set to go and thei-e was no question ol
Ills frtend Suklidcv Prasad Verraa going. Just In a few days Rajen babu
received a telegram, asking hlra to rush home as his father was unwell.
He and his brother reached and found two problems - one was the
Illness of his falhcr and the second was thai their secret plan had leaked
to the lamlly members resulting In a pandemonium. Only on assurances
that he would not go abroad he was allowed to leave for Calcutta.
Meanwhile. Sukhdev Verma his frtend, to whom Ihc Astrologer had
prcdlrlcd would shortly go abroad, started to look for oppartunllles to go
abroad Inspltc ol resistance from his family mcrnlx-rsand scarce money.
Rajen babu gave him live clalhes and Ihe money he had arranged and
sent him abroad II was only with the scholarship money he received In
1907 he could pay back part of the borrowed money. It was Rahu/Sun/
Venus.In Vlmshnttaii. Ihc Cham dasha Was Virgo/ScorplQ. Sun Is In
the 12th from bsgna. Hie Sun arUardasha making litm saerlflce for
parents, dearly showing tiie results ol 9tli lord lu the 12th once again

Calcutta • December 1906 -

The Political Situation Congress
He became a volunteer lor the Congress Session hdd In Calcutta.
Dadnbhai NaoroJI was the President of the Congress. Leaders like
Lokmauya TUak. Lala Lajpaivai. tJlpiu Cliandra Pal and Auroblndo
Ghosc were of tlie Liberal group. Frrox-shab Mehta and Gopal Krishna
GokhaJc were branded as conservatives and SurcmlFana th Banerjet
and Pandit Madan Molian Matviya were called moderates.

Zeerndal - February/March 1907

His father was unwell during Raliu/Sun period. Sun Is the 9th
lord in 12Ui. he passed away In Rahu/Moon/Mars in February or
Mardi 1907 Rahu is In the 2nd house from the 9th bouse, seen for
lb I her. in the birth chart Moon In conjunction with Saturn lb in the 7ih
house itirm Sun, hence a marakjr (br father. Mars is 2nd from Sun.
Mars in die DwadashitcBa&ha is. Ihe 8di lord In 6th with Moon. Rahu is
In conjunction with a debilitated Safum In Ihe eighth house and Mars
and Moon In the sixth in die Dwadarshmansha Chart. Under the Cbsra
scheme It was Vlrgo/Scorpto/ljco. Scorpio has Bhardkaxak and I-co is
the 10th form Bliarllkarak-

Knrsnyong May-June 1907

He, with a few friends, went to Kursuvong for a change and to
prepare for the semester exam to be held in December 1907. He did not
do well at all in die M A exam he wrote hi December 1907- He was
worried about the family, his responsibilities and his future. It was
Uahu/Moon from January 1907 lo July 1908. Moon is conjunct with
So turn in Ihc ninth house from Raliu Besides indicating the event of

Rn&f Tud-.rjlquos of Asirofeotca) Proaiaiww Vai One /isr/o SKefo'i of Dr R^sndra
the ileatii of JUs father It also inillcatcs a pessimistic mood. With the hth
aspect of Rahu. the Moon is aspectcd by Rahu and is canjunet with
SaUim. It was Virgo/Sagittarius. Sagittarius Is clghtii from Atmakaraka
imd Araatyakanik and Quatlkatak Is the,it- tn SagtttHrius. Saglltaiius
dasha were always eventful and damaging for him,

July 1908
He started to teach In a college at Munafarpur. He taught tor one
session he- upto March 1909. "Hie period In Murzafarpur was not
satis lying as the profession did no( appeal to him and the college did
not have desired ambience due to Its precarious fluancial condltton He
wrni back (o Calcutta In March 1909. The Vlmshoirari dosha was of
Rahu/Mars, Man? is the 5th and 12th lord tn lagna with the icniji lortl
Mercury; From Moon It Is In the eighth house and Is 12th ami 7th lord
from Moon. Under tiic Chara scheme it was Virgo/Aquarius Aquarius
is tiic lOLh rashl from Almskaralta and Amatyakarak and the flhh from
Putrakiirak. Rahu at the end of Its dasha deceives hini as far as ihr
karamstltan Is concerned, Rahu is In the IDth house fmm lagna and In
Ihe 5th house trom Motm.

Birth of his Second Son - Dhananjay

On Isl March 1909 his second son was bom. Hie Vtrashortart
dasha was Rahu/Mais/Venus. Rahu Is in (he fifth bouse from Mnon.
Mars Is the IMlh lard from lagua and Venus from tiic clcvcnib house
aspects tiic fifth house from lagua. Rahu Is hi Ihe lillh hum Sapiamsha
lagna and Mars and Venus aspect (he. Ofth house r»t Saplnmslia fnim
eleventh The transiting Soluni was tn Pisces horn where ll aspects the.
lilth house fmm Moon and thefillh Jonl Cram lagna In July 1909, thai
Is, four monlhs attcr Ihe birth It transited the fiflh house from lagna
Jupiter Is irlrograde In flic eighth house from lagua. As II Is retrograde
ll aspects the fifth lord from the 7th. house, The seventh house is also
seen for the second child as 11 Is the (hint from (he seventh

Aadxnlssion to B.L. (Bachelor of Law)

hi Maich 1909 he look admission In Calcutta. In those days there
wflrc (wn ex runs for 151- One he Immediately passed and for (he other he
started in prepare;. By talcing admission to Bl. at this stage he lost three
years as he could have done this after his BA and could have Joined two
years of Inlcrshlp wilh a lawyer for practicing In High Court liinre year
back. He had tills, setback In Rahu-Moon lu VLmshatlarl (k. Virgo m
Char dasha.

The National Scene

During this period over 2,090.000 poverty-stricken Indian workers
emlgralcil to foreign countries. Most of (hem went to the plantations of
Ceylon and Malay Many also went to -Maurtlius, Trinidad and Fiji, and
to South Africa. East Africa and South America. To many of these

Aztr* Skate*' of Dr Rsjensta Ptiicr Tedn^uas of Att'otogicai Prodtdtone Vol Ow
places they went as 'Indentured workers, which meant practically tiwi
tlicy were serfs. Tlie Indeiilitre' was the document which contained the
contract ntadr with the workers.
MAULAJv'A ABDUL KALAM AZAD. writes tn Ills book 'India Wlm
Freedom' lliat llic Iraperialist altitude and adrrantstrativc measures g)
[jTinl Ciircon. the tlicn Viceroy of Indian raised tlie Indian PohtJcal
unrest to new heights. The disturbance was most marked hi Bengal, at
Lord Curzon paid special attention tn this province. It was politically tlir
most advanced part of India, antt the Mtmltis of Bengal had taken a
leading part In Indian political awakening. In 1905. Lord Curzon decided
10 partHlon the province in die belief (hat tills would weaken die Hindus
and create a perrnanenl division between the Hindus and the Muslims
of Bengal. Bengal did nol lake this measure lying down, fhrre was ar
unprecedented Outburst nf polKieal and rcvnluilonary enthusiasm Shrt
Aurobtndo Ghosh icrt Baroda and came to Calcutta to make it the centre
of hts activities His paper karamyogl became symbol of natioua!
awakening and revolt- in those day's the rrvolutionary groups wert
reendted exclusively from die Hindu middle classes. In fact all the
rrvolullouary groups were then actively autl-MuslUns. Tliey saw llml
die Bt llish Govemment was using them and the Muslims were playing,
die. Orvemmenl game, East Bengal had become a separate provlnre
and Bamfield Fuller, who was ihen Lieuienant - Govtmor. opmiy said
dial the Government looked upon the Muslim community as Its favourite
wife, Arcarding lei Maukma Azatl the irvoluUnnnries at thai lime felt
that die Muslims were an obstacle to the altaimnenl of Indian Freednrr
and must, like other obstacles, be removed. Gne other factor was
responsible for the rrvolullnnartes dislike of Muslims. The Govemmcul
felt that tlir political awakening among the Hindus of Bengal was so
gneal that no Hindu ollU cr could lie fully trusted in dealing with Uicsr
rcvDlullnriary arttvlUes

January.February 1910 -
Gopal Krishan Gakhle & The Deep Introspection
Wldle studying tm die B.L. exam and staying in the. mess Raj en
Babu was asked In meet Mr. Gokhlc. die famous freedom tighter. Mr.
Gokidr was looking for T 4 good Btudents from Bihar (or promodng his
society. Rajendra Bahn and one nf hts friends went to merl him, Mr.
Gokhlc said that i luiow you are brilliant students, your legal practice
will fetch you huge wcsllh and you can live in luxury Ynn can owr
bungjows, cars and have servants, but you arc obliged to your country
and since you are bright the obligation Is all die more I too belonged tc
a poor family and there was a lot of demand on mt; by my (amity to earn
and look alter diem I made all family members suffer by doing the work
of the society (ot my country. The mccllng stirred the conscience oi
Riijendra Babn and left a deep Impar t on him. For days, hecnuld not
sleep. He gave up eating and could nol conceutrale on studies. Ht
thought over die rnatter. a great deal, he finally wiorc a long letter to hh

?inef Techniques o( Aslrologtca) PreflidiDni Vdi Oist Aitn SK&cti of Dr Raientfra
brotlier and slipped It under Ills pillow. Hi* brother did not say anything
after reading the letter. It was derided that they go to their village lo
consult the ladles of the house. His sister, mother and other members
created a scene which made him shelf (he idea. He did nol give his
acceptance to Mr. Goldile and did not join his Society, It was dH'tioult lor
hlrn to appear in the tl.L. lixairv He somehow passed 1L A few murtths
after tlie Gokhlc episode his, mother rhcrl. perhaps In 1910. It was
Juphcr-Jupllcr-Kctu in June 1910. At the llmt: ol Gokhlc cplsoflc It
was Jupllcr-Jupllrr-Salnm Saturn conjunct his cxallcd Moon has to
bring introspecllun and Kctu pralyauijatlasha caused Hie. death of Ids
mother as Kclu Is m the lourtli itouse in the ftasbl ol dupilct In Char
Dasha it was the main rashl tiashii of Vru.go and snb-rasht dash of
Pisces tiil June i "JO. Pisces Is tile eight rash! Irom Mairlkaraha, Jupiter
representing Mother and home, Pisces is aspet ted by Raltn, Merniiry
Hie Daialvaraka and Mars Hie Gnatlkaralta.

Started Work with the Onset of Satarn Antardasha

He was taken as an assistant by Mr. Shamsnlhnda. a known
barrister. Usually, the slndents of law got atlatched to a luiown lawyci
for nruue-sake and passed their exam. Rajcndra Babtl did not do thai.
He worked hnrd. He used td reacli lire house of Mr Shamsuliiuda every
morning at 7 a.m. after travcllliig In tram a considcrahle distance and
walking a mite. He made notes for Mr, Shamsnlhnda after religiously
going through the cases for the day (HI lOa.rtt,, then he wenl with him
to the courts, In the evening he gave tuitions and could return back
home at 10 p.m. Impressed by his luml work, he whs given a roam In
Mr. Shamsulhuda's house During this period he passed his B.L.
Exam Mr. Shamsuihuda was appointed to Executive Council of Ihe
Governor of Bengal, Many of his old eases were given to Rajendra Ba hi».
In one of lilt cases given to htm by Mr. Shamsnlhnda. the client
hired a senior advocate. Rajen Bahu bad to attend th.c court as the
notice came io him due to his signatures In records of the court, He wns
vciy well perfiared. Tlie hearing was In die eouri of Justice Asliutosh
Mukherjcc. Rajendrn Bahu lookout rejoinders INarlrH) alter rejoinders.
Justice Ashutosh remarked thai li RBjendra Babu had >omr more of
them, he would require his books for consultnUnn Sunn .ifler lie was
given a pmposai, through a hi end. al tlie Instance of Sir Asbulosh
Mukhcijec. to teach as professor In the Law College. Sir Ashutosh was
the Vlec Chancellor also. Rajcndra Babu accepted the offer. In the years
thai followed Rajcndra Babu was able to establish liltnsclf as a capable
lawyer and was respected by -Judges and senior lawyers. He also
coulliiued to play an active role in ihc BUiht Club. Bihar fYnvtru (al
Congress He was President of Bihar 1 Student Co mini I lee at Us Mnugcr
Session, In April 1912 Slhar became a separate Independent slate. In
1912 be whs one of the Organiser of the (llmiu Sammelan al Calr utlH.

Astm Steicfi al CH rwer Teeticinjiies ol AaJnMagical Predictions- Vol One
Starts Earning at the Age of 27, Calcutta
August 1911 - Vimshottarl Dasha - ■Jupiter-Satum-Uahu;
Char Oahsa - Virgo-Taurus
During" this period he started his legal practice Jupiter, the
maliadasha lord Is tin: lagua lord in iilulii repnisentliig Judiciary In the
Jaiiama Kuudll and aspects the 2nd house from Bth In the Dashmansha
Indicating laconic Salum. Ihc anlarriasha lord Is tilt lord of the 2nd
wealth and 3rd cfforls in the 6th (legal mailers) In the Jinuna Kundll
and It Is the 9th and lOlh lortl exalted In 6th In the Dashmansha and
the Piatynntar dasha lord Rahu Is In the 1 Olh In the Jatuna Knndll AH
combined hart lo push-start his earnings, Virgo, the rashi dasha is the
Kartoamsha lagna nnd Taurus Is the ninth l-tashl with AK and AMK
aspected by PK, The dasha itashl had promise to give h»inc.Rcia] period
AMK AK and PK combination form an ceccllenl Rajyoga so alsii Uie
mutual aspect of exalted Moon and Moollrlkona Venus. The favourable
disposition of Matrl Kaxaka [Position giver). Jupiter and having aspect
of a strong Venus is a combination for PresKlcnls iiie I0«h from
Amatya Karkamsha Is Taunjs having exalted AMK. Moon ami AK with
aspects of Vtnus the PK.

Bihar September-October 1911 — Jupfter-Satum-Strtum

He went lo collcei funds far the Hindu Umverslty with Malvlyaji
Saturn making iilin go far public service

Calcutta - December 1911

The All-India Congress Committee Session was held m Calcutta
Raj en Bahu was chosen rncmbcr of the AlCC by Bihar Provincial
Congress. In 1907 I9US the Congress organisation was quite weak.
From Bihar very lew people pairtctpatcd. most of whom were lawyers.
Bihar provincial Congress was formed in U>07-1908 Tills nrganisatlon
had separated from Bengal Provincial Congress. The reprr-sentahves of
Bihar Pmvtndai Congress were chosen, Itajcn Babu was made a
representative ol Bihar Provincial Congress for membership al the
AICC In December. 1911. he was made a member ami continued to
remain a member of AICC MM his death.

September 1911 to March 1914

The period was spent In legal practice He was able to establish

Doctor of Lnw
Vimshottarr Dasha Jiipifer-Mercurt/
JO April 29J4 to IS July 1916
in August-Seplrndier, 1914 he worked hard fui redel as o
volunteer during the devastating, flood in Bihar. His frtends suggested
that he should appear In lite ML (Master of Law exam). He started
studying for 15-16 hours a day .uid passed 11 in the first division And

Fniix r0ciiniiiJw.Hi o( AsiratCQicat Prfraictioiti Vu( One Astio Skcjc/i M Dt fivywiwa
soon filler snhinKictl Ills Research Paper »o become i Unclor ol Liw
The Mahadashn Ixird Jnpllcr aspects Ihe 5"' bouse, (lltli lord iitul
Mercury the ftflJi and sccorul lord from Mootfc Mercury Is with (lie (Udi
lord Irom Ingna Mars and has aspect of Jnplrcr. the Karka for Judlelaty
from Hie 9"'. Virgo daslia which vcas Ihe 12'" Rashl from PK got over on
December 191*! and lire Leo dasha having JiJpKer MK Commeiiml It
was Leo-Vbgo from December-1. 1914 it> brrjnember 4, 1916 and during
this period he wrntc tile exam and got success, tl was l^ro Libra Ijmi Is
11" from PK and Libra has PK. He ewelleil m studies during tlic Ulna
daslia, had a had patch during Virgo, (lie 12" and again lomul success
In academies while working at the age of 29 when the daslia of 11horn
PK commenced. Indeed (he Char dHshn stonds vlnilleulrd, nvnidhljl
relnt iird in India in 1915 from South Alrlea In March 1910 the High
Court stilftcd lo Pariif: and so did Rajen Babu.

Al the Age of 32 Excels as a Lawyer & Takes up Public Causc-

Virnshottari Dasba Jupitcr-Kctu (July 1916 to June 1917} Char
Oashn Leo-Scorpio form 4 Jun*: 1916 to 5 March 1917
In Scptcrnhr.r-Ortober 1910 a University Bill was presented by the
Central Conned. It was vehcmenlly oppasetl. Rajen Babu mobUtsed
support and urganlscd agitations <igainst It. A trsolndon In the All India
Cemgress CornniilTec rarer al Lucknnw between Drn.mhcr 2(5 to 30
1910 was passed against fills bill. I^ter Uic bill had to be ilrastk ally
amrnded by the Government. In die Lucknow session Rajen Bnbu sat
next to a person who was lo influrnce greatly Uic desllny of Rajen Bahu
and India. He: was Mr. M.K Gandhi. Rajen Babu recalled thai lie was
known for bis services in South Africa. Gandhijl was rcqimsleil (e.t
spemk but he did not and said he was a til I trying to understand the
simailon 'Hie tamous Cliarnparan lesolunon against tiic Indigo
farmers was also passed In this session. Kctn In the Rashi of Jnpllcr
has to give the e fleets of Jupiter It has the aspeel ol Mars also wldch is
responsible for acUvatlug and bringing Rajen Babu on (he roads for
PublK i-.avisr. Ketu In die eiglith (torn Jupiter Indicalcs the change, In
Cliar dfcdiri .dsn Uie \_s-o Hasj ihrs-hfi ls of Ute fourth Rash) from AK and
AMK. From Ujo AK and AMK arc In the 10"' and from Scorpio AK and
AMK are in the 7r"

On the Fast Track in Leo-Sagg itarius S March 1917 to 4

December 1917: Jupitcr-Ketu Continued till June 1917
During the Uiclmow session a rerjuest was made by a group ol
victims of atroclUes to Gandhtjj for visiting Cliarnparan, Gandhijl had
told Raj Kumar Shukla a vlctbti to meet htm at Calcutta lu Mfucb.
Gaudhljl wrote 11 was Raj Kumar Shnkla's pcrsuasinn which brouglit
him to Champaran. On April 10 1917 Gandhijl reached Patna. Raj
Kumar Shukla straight away took him to Rajen Babn's bunglow Rajen
Babu was away to Puri as he wg. snot Informed about Gandhljl's visit.
Rajen Babu s servant took Gandhijl for one of the many peasant ellcnls

Ait"7 Sktrich of Dr Rs/endra Plmst Tochmauct ct As'jo'ojimi P'odlcuons Vo>. Orm
wlio boarded !n the lawyer bungalow and treated GandhlJ! also like a
peasant Tlie same night Gandhljl left lor Murzafarpur with Shukla On
11"' April Gandhtjl met and explained his mission to Mr. dames Wilson.
SeciTtary Bihar Planters Association- In the evening he met. lawyers of
Mnzzajarpur who sen! lelegrarns to Brljlcishor bahu and Rajen Babu.
On Apr 11^.12 1917 he wrote a letter seeking Inlcndcw with Mr L.F.
Morshead, Cominlssloncr of Tlrhut Division and co-operation of the
local aclmlnlfUradon in Ills mission. On April 13 he had an Interview
with Morshead. On April 16'" Gandhljl was asked to leave (hr place by
lire District Commissioner. Gandhljl refused and said he was prepared
to go to Jail. Rajen Babu and BrlJ Klshor Bahu had Joined him by this
time. Gandhljl asked them and lire other lawyers accompanying (dm
what If I go to Jail? They said If ail go to Jail more lawyers are there ta
fight the cases. On April 17. they formed groups to go to Jail one after
hie other. Rajen Babu became leader of one of Ihc group and BrlJ
Kumar Prasad of the other. On April 18 Gandhtjl appeared In the oourL
The famous Ciiamparan Couri wrhlch is shown as a landmark
achievement In all books and films on Gandhi. Gandhljl drafted a
representation to the Viceroy and the team of lawyers recorded 20000
to 25000 statements of farmers every day from early morning till late a
night. On April 20. 1917. the Government withdrew tire cases against
Gandhljl, It was s victory Indeed for Gandhljl and his team. The Lco-
Saggllarlus period did bring change after turmoil for Rajen Babu
Sagittarius in lite 8"' from AK and AMK made illra neglect lite legal
practice He stayed In Champaran for ten months.
The period was of struggle and physical discomfort but Rajen Babu
emerged as new' person after the struggle and hard work with Gandhljl
In Champaran.
Vlmshotlarl Dasha Jupltcr-Vcaus (From 21 June 1917 to 20
February 19201; In Char Dasha Lco-Caprlcom from 4 December 1917 to
4 September 1918
Vtnus In the 11,h tn Its Mooltrikona Rnslu and the Mahadasha lord
Jupiter strong and In 11"' from Vfcmis. The period had to be good.
TTic famous Champaran case got wide media coverage. The British
Govern men f willulrew the cases against Oandhljl and with the
Inlcrfcreucc of the Gnvcnior acommlSBlon of liKjulry was constituted of
which Gandhljl was also made a snemher by the British. Die inquiry
commttiee found thai the siluatlon was much worse than reported.
Gandhljl has written In his autobiography that he was satisfied with the.
support be received In Champaran and developed a lilting for Bihar and
trust In die leaders like BrlJ Klahor Babu and Rnjcn Babu who were
always with hlra. Rajen Babu stayed there for ten months neglecting his
booming legal praciicc. He learnt a lot and changed a lot. He started io
cat food cooked by persona of all castes, he washed his clolhcs and
cleaned ulcnslls and started lo travel In lllni class. A kind of confidence
in the new llfc-styic and In Gandhljl and his doctrine of non-violence
developed in him. He totally surrendered to Gandhljl for the way he

Finer Techniques of AsTclogol Predictions Vol One Asiro of Or Ra/ervfjB
handled the Champaj-sn fight And tor tills confidence m GandliDts
leadership, he always endorsed his vlo,vs uneqnlvocallv. Jupiter-Vhnus
period Is quite conipclent Co give such results. On one hand he was
suectssful as a lawyer and on the other hand faroous as a Freeddm
FLgliter. but then dashas keep ctianglng. Ttic Ltro-Capncom period Is
suggesfive of these results as from Leo AK and AMK arc in (hr 10'" and
frtm AK and AMK Capricorn is (he 9"" Rashl

December 1917
Hie Ail India Congress Commillee Session whs held at Caicuila
and was attended by a big delegation frora Rthar oomprising mostly
peasants from Cliamparan Mis, Aimtc Besanl was the ('resilient ot this
Congress Rajrn Babu met Mr. Jnnnudal Oajii] tor the llrst time here.
Later Raje.n Balm also aheiulcd (he special session of Congress In
Bombay. In April, 1918 he werK to Indore lo adcml Ihc Hindu
Snmmelari He was of tlic firni view. I hnl lor National unity and (o re lain
moraj values and to pnserve mu t lrh rnlioral livrKagr, a nalional
language other than English was r-ssrnllal. From liulon- he went with
Gandhl|l (o tiic Sabnrxaati Ashram atid Irurn ihen- to Ivlieda tn Gu)arai
to pantelpatc In the- Khcda agitallion He met Sardtir (,%illahhai P.itr) for
the first tlrne here. The tnuitiai Love and reganl llial developed there
giew wiih Urae tind (heir li-lcmlslnp lasted till (heir deidhs He
participated in (he SprciaJ Session of (he Congnss in Bombay in
September 1916 Mr. Sayecd Hasan Imani was the Pn-siden! u! tiie
Session. tn the session the Montague Chclmsltird reiorms were
discussed. (THonkggte ims die Mmis/ei fo'-lrtdla «< theBrilish CoLvnifm-td
ood Lord Chemisfard I ho Indian Viceroy Tfvss-o rojonns toere supposed
to bo mnied nl proponng India Jor Froodrjm wilh I>0mnlon SlolusJ
He could do Ills legal pracdee only trorn May li?) 6 l<< September
19 IS, In October-November tic attended (n one of his friends who was
slek. He hrongin his friend to I'aliui 1'nr treatinent bui the friend died.
This was In Jupiter-Venus-liaim. Rnlin Is 12'" fmm Venus and 2"" Imm
Jupiter. In December 1918, he at tended the All India Congress Comndl (re
Session at New Delhi. During this period the Rowialt report was
presented After rerctvliig the Rowlatt repon the Imperial Connefl gave
(lie Govern mem criminal powers In (he beginning of 19)9 there were
wide spread agitation all over (he couidrv against the ItowliiK Ai I which
empowered HieGovcnimcnt to use the law meant Lot enn rgency during
war even for i: itcrna! agitation. This was wltlely protested. Gandhiji had
proposed a Hartal strike. The strike of 6'" Apt 11 1919 was total, eomplclr
and successful 'nils surprised every one Including (he organisers as It
was beyond their tucpeetaiinns. Tins gave an liulical 1011 o( (he noirh.
Gandhiji had and the power of Ins Lnilue.nce over (lie masses. How the
news of Itarlal conk! spread in (he underdeveloped eonunniiieadon
system of the Nation became a ptjzde for Ihr Brllish anduu itlea, also.
There was a rumour thai Gai idhiji was arrested on the day ol the
strike. Ihijr n Babn rushed (n ftomfvay bill when he found GandhtJI was

Asfto Sketch at Dr Rswdrs F<ner Te;riniques of Aslraoaitul Pfecfdoos Vex One
in Atimclabad In; went jo Alirnrdabml frnm Honmby. From Ahmedabad
he came (ji Ixain to Bombay wlih GandhljL GandhiJI wrote hte decision
to suspend Die Satyagrah In tlic train itself- Tlte reason for this decision
was (he widespread vUiloare, Jji Bombay he participated In Akhll Bhaitya
Hindi Sainmelan and then came back, to Pallia. During the Juplter-
Vcnus period Rajen Babu woikcd hard In the High Court also. He
carried a good reputation and was very popular with the Judges. At ttlc
same Ume he accorded priority to (he ronstructivc public work. He
vistted Champnran lo look after lite Schools setup during liis stay with
Gandhl|l in 1917. He attended Congress Session and many meets
clutiiig (he fx-rloil and got a luulunal stature libs legal practice was
nourishing. He was earning Rs -VOOO/ a tminlh In 1920 which should
be over Rs 3 lacs a month wonh today In terms o! buying power. In
Char dash a scheme It was Ijcu-Aquarius and LcoPisces. From /iK and
AMK Aquarius is 10" Rust it anil Btsecs the 11 From U;u AK and AM1C
are (n the ID" .

Vimshottari Dasba Jupiter-Sun from

February 1920 to 9th December 1920
9'h loid in 12'" Indicate sacrifice for a cause. During tills period
Ra|cn Babu remained occupied tti a euuri ease In which Mutllal Neliru
and Mr. C.R. Das were also participating, bok Manya Tltak died during
this pcrtiid. During this period l<a|en liahii decided lo contest election
for membership of the Provincial Council bom Cliampaian In the
elections which were to br lield In tvpvcrnb'rr 1U20, For this purpose he
visited Cliamjiaran two nr thrcr times. Manlana Shauluat Ail, an
eminent leader, came to PaLna in April. 1920. Iljcre was a big Public
meeting. Rajen Babu also addressed this mewling and annotince.d that
ll the Congress decides to taunrti the \«n-Co-operation Movement, lie
will Join it. He was well aware dial lists eoimiillmcnt woukl mean (hat
lit would have to give up his booming legal practice which provided a
living for htm and his family and that he would be rcqutrvd in drop the
plan of contesting (he elections scheduled IVn Moveniber 1920. The
Vimshottari ilashn was Jupltcr-Suii-JupUer tile (ierlod when he took
the enimal decision of lus life for upholding mnral values, In Ciiar
dnsha It was Leo Aries from a March 1920 to A neecrr.brr 192(1. Leo
has Jnplte.r tlic Malrikaraka and Aries is ninth from It, 1-co Is 12"' from
Karkamsha Lagna and Aries is (he rlghth Rashl. Aries Is fifth from
l^igim .uiiI Den rhe nlntli. Aries is the 12 (mm AKand AMK. In August
i92ri Rajen Balm was made the Chairman of the Bihar Provhiclai
CoitgirrsS. He reiterated his fommltmeul to tlic non-coofierallon
mow.mrni. During this period he was atlllrted by high (ever hut
somehow he mariaged to reach Bhagalput for a meeting. There was
'liUcrcnee ,>] opinion among the Congress leaders. I> Is not easy
decDli.iu (o give, up tines sourer < <1 eamlng. Ihr' vr lerans of that time
were not ready to foUow die hardline proposed bv Gandliijl. Rajen Babu
was all for K and ho was convinced that Gandhl(l's approach was the

Fmci Techniques ot Asiroqjgca' PredldiC«n!i Voi One .-she Sftfilc1) fjf Di /ia/trtdn
rlyht approach. During this pcrlwl Risjrii Babu stayed for ciultc some
tltnc hi Aara(Blhar) for the ScIJi Ifastatl Mai ol Burma ease. Kls son
Mritynnjsya suffered from iiala Azhar (hcrefure Hajen Babu visited his'
house frequently Sun the antasrdasha lord. Is in elgiith from the fifth
house and 12°' from Mars the fifth lord. From Aries PK is tn the eight.
The inquiry report of Hunter and that of the congress on atrocities
In Punjab leading1 n the Jallanwala Bagh Massacre was published in the
beginning ol" 1920. The Khilatat commJHce report was presented tn Aprti
1920 In the AJCC Benaras Session held soon after the Punjah and
fQiilafat reports were discussed. After (hat a special session ol AICC was
held In Cairntis in Scpicinhcr 1ji J920.

V'iprcct Rajyoga
«/upi£cr-Afoon period from 9th December 1920 to 1 Oth March
J 922; Char Dasha Leo-Taurus 4th December 1920 to 3rd
September I92J; Peo-Cremfni 3rd September 1921 to 4th June
Jnpitt r Moon form au txedli in Ga|kosai i Voga .h id I hi- 6"' lord
exnlici) in IT" a Viprcet tlalyoga, Wlwt resnlis, the ronnccllon of 8"'
house jintl sixth hnusc brings. IjcI us cxHrjnnc. Italcn Babu etmkl not
nUeiut (lie AJCC annual session held In Bombay in Iht last week ol
I letcmbi.T 1920 as he fcl) stele In the aninnliislTa nf H"1 lord In sd>lli In
char Dasha die sub period of Taurus lias AK. Tlit' rashl dasha Which
lias AK gives iTDiiblc.s. besides. Taun.is ts the sixth Rashk [mm Lagna
and also from Gnalllcarica. Afler illness in February 1921 Rajen Btilm
wtmi to Ortssa with Gamlhijl to Organic rvlliil for the famine hit
people. I rani Orlssn they eatnc to lialpvadn wlirn- the AICC meeting
look plai.T on March 21. 1921. In (his rncel a largel la collect Rs. 1 crore
for llicTllak Memor ial Fund vva fixed. Ra)en (tabu travelled extensively
Lte'wccn VLirch and June and cirreded Hie far gel for the Bihar
province. Moon, the niitanlnshu lord, a ifatnral karak of travel nwdc
I run travel Tire Bombay sesskJn of AJCc was held in July 1921 and
Kajcn Babu a trended as the bright fund collector from Bihar
In the winter of 1921. the visll nf Prince of VdJes was being
ammged. Lord Reading had beeomc the Viceroy. Again Rajen Balm
travelled all over Bihar wilt t Gaiulhljl lor lllnctu Muslim nnlly. It appeared
at tills juncture that the Improvement tcqulred lit Uic Hindu Muslim
unity had been achieved and the worst was over. A progrararnc was
made for Charklia Publicity and lire I myrort of fotcign clothes. Aerordlng
to I^ajcn Babu Gandlil|l was a visionary and bad tbe foresight as In the
Ixrgimiiiig of the movement he had said that the National school should
become chorktui schools And tfiey would he engaged tn promoltng the.
knowledge arid the mtipjc- He whs of the vtrw. ihal nnder th* given
cucunislances only liirougb CharkJia, (he cmplovnseut id voullr could
be given and the dcperuleiu e on the BrlUsli Admlnlstrarion reduced. He
believed that this srlf-e.niployiiuinl would gcnrnilr income for the masses
which would alleviate poverty as unless people are rescued from ah)c«:l

Astro SkeJcfi of Dr Finer TecJiniques of AslrolDgical PrefljcJions Vol One
poverty, do movotnciit could be successful.
In the beginning of October, 1921 there was the meeting of die
working committee. It was decided In lids meeting that In the beginning
of Novembrr there would be a meeting of die AICC, On this point Mr.
Vljaya Raghavacharl, the President had d life re nets with Mot Hal Nehru,
who was Ihe Minister Mr. Vljaya Raghavacharl declared that the New
Delhi meet would not be held. Mot Hal Nehru said that lie had no
authority to change the decision of the Wbrkiug Committee. Mahatmajl
supported Molltal Nehru. Tlie meet was finally held in DelliL Mrs. Annie
Resant was against the rlvfl disobcLllenee movement from the beginning,
In her writ lugs she had oiin- vvrstrcn that (iandhiji represents the Inn'^-s
of darkness Tins Viceroy was won ted about (he vlsll of the Prince of
Wales. Tlie Government was trying to work nut a seitlemfnt wltli Congress
so dial peace was ensured during die visit of Lire Prince The Viceroy
had said he was puzzled and perplexed, for a settlement the Government
had put (he condition that Congress should stop boycott of the Prince,
[1 was decided that (he Goveiunirut would iiotd a conference in which
rill issues would tie discussed.
The Government o lie red to release all the political prisoners except
thnsc who were arrested for reading Ihe FATWA (Spiritual Deoree), The
J-alwa prisoners included the All Brothers. Since die time uf arrival of
the Prince was approaching live Govenunent did not deem It worthwhile
(o follow-up Ihe matter alter Gandhljl had made the release of Alt
fin idlers au essential rondlllon (or arriving at any set dement- Mahatmajl
was of die view that (he All Brothers represented the Muslim rommunlty
and anyscldcrncnt wlthmit (hem would lie meaningless. Mr. Deshhandhu
C.R. Dns was of die view thai Gandhljl should have not lost this
opportunity of bending (he Government to do what the Congress wants.
After relf-Hse fmm (he prison Lieslilvaudlni. C,R Das had salt! that
Malialmaji •if"-! bungled and blnnilered
In November, 1921. the meet look place in Delhi- Lala Lajpat Rat
was made die President Rajen Babu was sick during dils period and
was In Chappra, thrrcfnir ronld not attend The Vlmsholtari dasha was
Jupiter-Moon-Kelu. Moon Is Ihe S13' lord In 6'", Jupiter the Lagna lord
and Retu m fourth always gave Mini lll-heallh Char dasha was of Leo-
Gemlni, from l^eo the AK is In die 10th and Gemini Is die 2'" Rashl frorn
Art and has the aspect of GK. Mai's. Raiui and Ketu and AK is In the 12to
(rom Gemini-
In mid November. 1921, the Prince of Wales reached Bombay. Die
Clu isltan and Pai'secs welcomed the Prmcc and lilndus ami Muslims
pnitesterl. nicir was violence PiO to 60 penious were killed and 300
Injured fire Govenuncnl declared Sewak Dal Illegal. Criinlual latw
Araenrtment Act and Sedldon Meeting Act iviilch was enforced in 1908
in liengiiI was enforeed in DetcmlxT 1921 to counter die artivldes of
Congress Sevak Bai and KhUalai Sewak Dal, GandlU|i was interested In
ihe ctmstrurdve work alone., he detested violence ot all sorts. For (he
individual congress workers, (he following conditions were laid (1) lie

Finer Tecfi-^tjUEE of Aelrnlopf^t PrsdlctiDns Vtal One S'le'c/i of [jr Ra.ienDrE
should wear Khatll (Ml He would work (or Hludu-MusUm Unfly. (Ill) He
should give up uutoudiahlllty ajttl should have folth in Ahlnisa Tlie
Congress would nol be responsible for looking after the family of the

The A1CC Annual Session at Ahctnadnbad End December 1921

Sardar Valiabhal Patel was elected Chairman of the Reception
Committee. The session had assumed much Importance because
GandhiJI liad promised Swaraj within one year. C.R. Das, the Prcsidcnl
elect was sliU bclilnd liars and therefore his address was read out by
Hakim Ajrrw! Khan of Delhi flu- Congress decided to start Civil
disobedience and Oandhijl v.-as given the powers of a dlctalor. Etrtr
man and woman was exhorted to Join die Seva Dal. to dcty lite
oidlnauccs and to court Imprlsonnnr.nt. Gandhlll was to decide where
civil dUohtdirnre. would begin. Mnulimn Ha/ral Mohlnl moved a
nisidulion lhal (he goal of Frreiiom fflruggle should be made
Ihdepfiidcucc instead of Swarap Oaudhlli <r|ijxtsed IL Pandit Ma dan
Mohan MaJvlya's proposal to pai tletpate in the Round Table Cotifcnmce
wns also rejected Raje.ndra Babu with his delrgalinn had participated.
It was decided to hold a meeting, In Bombay in the middle of January.
1922. Rajcn Babu attended this meeting. Gandhljl declared he has no
hope from the Round Table Canfercncc. II was also decided to suspend
Satyagraha uplo 31 1 1922. On telurti frorn Bombay Rajcn Babu
(rJUred all over Bihar for mobilising suppotl frr the disobedience
movcmenl. Itir working commiIter mi-l at Sumt and decided to star)
Satyagraha. Thi(en Babu was In Pspri after his luur of villages in the
Mu/zafarpur dtstrui when he received u telegram there dial die
Wbrklng Commit(cc mcrdng Is lietng lield at Surat He nished there but
beloirr he could reach on Fcbniary 8. 1922, violent dlsturtrances flared
up In Cliaui 1 Cliauia provoked by the police fit lug on a proce&siou. the
people, had retaliated with violence and. btmii the police station packed
with constables who wen- hot allowed (fi enmc md GandhtJI was
prolouudty sliorlcrd by 1 hese oeeurreners nnd fell ibat he could not
cany on a non violent struggle In tins atmosplit-rr He suspended die
civil dlSKibctllcuce campaign at Bart loll, Wlicn Rajcn Babu mei G,'uicJhi|l
In Bardoll. GaudlilJI asked him. Have you heard rny dcclslniiV Rajcu
Babu said, "yes* Gauclhljl rxi>talucd for a while mid (hen asked. *\Vhat
have you to say about H?" I<a(en Rabu's silencr cutivcyrd to Gauclhljl
that lie. was also dlsappotiiled .md dlshcarteucd try ihe decl-ston,
Gandhtjl asked htm In tbiuk all ulght and dieu talk io htm the next day
The next day. Rajcn Babu fohl him that the dorlsmn to suspend the
movement was the right decision hut Gaudhl|ik decision had upset die
hulk of (he enngnrssmen. Some members ol the working conuntdce
Ihougbl that die .suspension nl the movcmenl was a illsastrous relrenl
at a ttmc when die prize ol vlrloiy was well within Its grasp 'Why
should a single violent outbreak decide the (ate <>( bullw dicy askcrl
Leaders like Lala Uijital Ral who vvne belilud prison bam. protested

As.Vi S^efc'T af Di RatemSra tm&r Techn»guEs of Astrctosical PradicbDns Vol One
vehemently aguinsl the Igr.nmillions and 111 timed icticat Tlic struggle
had aroused enthusiasm ainong the people, who were prepared to
undergo sullcrlngand sacrlflec. The Govcimiont had been baffled by
this new lype of resistance, the Governor of Bombay. Infer declared
publicly that Gatidliljl's movement had scared the British G*vemmcnt,
Bui for GaudhlJI. the Chauri Chaura riots were a warning that the
cotmlty was not yet prepared for civil dtsoliedH-uce. The. people were
carried away by rnthustasm. but they bad not been Indued and
organised foi the noble type ot struggle. Wllh his uncanny gilt of
n-ading (he people mind, he fell the stage (or non-violent resistance
had not been properly preprtred,
Tlie Chauri Chauni vwis an eruption and if morcol tJieni occuncd
th< GoverumiTil wnuld rome down on (lie people wtlli its LliuMdcrbolls
;uid would blast the movement and demoralise the people Gandhljl's
movement could triumph only (f It was conriueu-d lit a nou-vlolent
matUKirs which challenged the lirillish ingenuity- The antrfcitiiLcommittee
accepted Giuidhljis det Ssion mure out of regard (oi him tlnui from

Gandhiji's Constructive Programme Chalked out In Bardoii

on 11-12 February, 1922 and jTlnaUscd in the working
committee meeting at Delhi
3. AlJcast one crore memhers were to l>e admitlcd wlio believed tn
Tnilh Hiul Nnit-vtnlenec .drtilc One who tines not eontrlhute the
Auuiial doiiiiilou should noB be oonsldcrcd « capable worker.
2- The etmgnits workers should wear only khadl and set an example
by sphmlug khadl hlmscll
3 National seliools should be Inrreascd Picketing at Govenimrnl
schi-rfjls should not be clone, 'fli promote a re I make NaliuUHi
Schools allrarttvT emphasis should he gtveu ori good rpuiltly of
•4 To work for upllflmcxit al tin: weaker section of Lite society.
5. Prohibition should be Implemented. 1l> achieve this picketing may
he done al t.upior yinuls,
6 The Panchayat system should be made more ellcctlvc and reliable
so Uiat Uur confidence ul people is maintained In them. And for
disputes the people are no! required to go to the British Courts.
7, The workers should work far cordial relationships with jieopie of
ail scctkms. Even ll a Britisher Is in need and sick he should be
helped hy the. Congress activists
S. Die work of collecting Funds for Ttlak Memorial Fund should
contliiuc, The Provincial Congress Cottimlllee should send one
fourth of I Is collection to All ludln Congntss CornrnJUn:,
It If llicse resolution are n-qulitd to he amended Iliev would be
discussed in the A1CC,
U). Provision should Ire. made tu rchahllltidr those who Join Congrcs*
after giving nji Govenimrnl servk-u.

Fitw fechnii^ifcs of AssrcWfficjw PreaiaiOfts voi Onf> ahud SiwrA of Df Rj^b/kJh
Thr All Inilla Cungrrss Caninilltrc Session whs held on February
25. 1922 on the Slilvarairl day. The AICC conirncnccd Its dcllbcratlotis
wHh Ilakin: Aitnal KJiajt. as die rJiairmao.. GnrulliiJI presumed (he
resolutions for airceplajiec n-ft*fd'li ig suspcrislon of Satyagi-alia and the
const met fvc prngnsmnu- The sessfcon wns a sttfrrm* one in Which mem hers
front Maltarashtra and Bengid made virulent aaacks.on Gandhljl. Earlier
the suspension of the Smyagi aJtrt wsts strongly rr itlclsed by Lala Lnjpahai
and Molllal A'ehm wlio were in prison, it appeared from the reactions ol
ma tn* lea tiers that diet all wire lur removal of GaiidhlJIfrDtu his position
of iunhoniy. Altet ohieetians (Votn Dr. Mnnje and others and much
dehalc these re.snlntions ol the working Conintinee were pasfu-ti by the
AICX'. Mr. K.C. ion <tf ll ie Assntialfd press mei Raien tlahu ;uul Informed
hltn diat nil National leaders were gotrtg In be enestrd Alter the Delhi
meel all left for then iespeetiee prnvitiees.
Insplle of post pot leinenl ol tl'ie sbmigli 'he Go vet i iioent mlrnslllcd
repressSv-" measures agailisl the Congress- 11 ir Bllllbh iTi'ss and
Parllantj.-nl wen sovefety i rlUi-id ol Mr Monlague. The Secretary ol
Stale for India lot Ins -o>ltiiCi.s In the Cougn'ss. I'remter Lloyd George
(hougld H was ilne to (In explosive tnlxlnre ol east cm and western
Uinuences tnlerMeilngcm each ctlhrt. 1 lr Ihought English edticahon was
itkc pouring new wmc tn old Itotllc. Those holUes had hurst and
intoxication hatl spread throogbmil the lit oil Owing to puhUi: ciltfeism.
Mr. Montague nrslguvii (mrn his post on Man li It On 10" March
1922 GarulhiJI was arscsled antl taken to Sali.trmail Jail- On ntreivlng
Uiis news liHjen Da ho rushed tn Saharimdl-
On 17" Mareli. 1922 began thr historic trial which lasted for ICR)
miiutlcs. Rajen Uahu was present lit ere Gandhlll was chrugcd with
oanslngdisafierlii at lowarifs the Govr.unienl hy ptibllslilug three ajlfdcs
in 'Young India' While pleading guilty to ilie oilarge he rose to sulilime
heights of sincerity find rcnunclaflon. lie LOnicssed that if had become
the passion wlUi him to preach illsdleeiinn towards the existing
Guvenmienl antl thai he endnrsnl tin; (ircisecutlon cfiudcmnatltm of
what happened at Mndras. Bnmtxay antl Chaurl Chanra or the outrages
al Bombny, "f should have ktiown the eons'spiriiecs of everyone of my
arts 1 know them t lu.ow I was plaiTng w ith lire I ran the tish and ll 1
was set free I will still do the same,*
"I wanted to avoid violence. Notevtolencc is lite first article of my
fatlh It Is also die l.tsl ail Ulc ol my creed Iliad In make my ehnlce Iliad
cither to submit to a syslem which I consider had done an irreparable
harm tn my coontG'. or Incur llic risk ol the mud fury o( my people,
bwrslingforth when they understood the truth from my tips. I know that
rny people have some limes gone mad. 1 am deeply snrrv for it and am.
therefore, here to submit not to a light penalty hui to the highest
penally. 1 do not ask for any mercy. 1 do not plead any ejfteiiiiattng act'
In his statement which lie read out. he summed up "1 have rendered a
service to India and England hy showing In non-cooprration (he. way
out of the unnatural stale in wliii.h both wen.- living hi my humble

As.to Sketch of Dr Rafeod/s Finer Tecfinlques of AsJrologicEl Pnedidtons Vol One
opinion non-coopcratlon with evil Ls as much a duty as cooperation
with good. But In the past non-coopcratlon has been dcllbcralriy
expressed In violence to (he evil doer. I am endeavouring to show to my
countrymen that violent non-coopenation only multiplies evil. I am here
Ihercfore. to invite and submit cheerfully to (he highest penally (hat can
be inflicted upon me lor what In law Is a deliberate crime and what
appears to me In be the highest duty of a citizen. The only course open
to you. Judge, ts either lo resign ynur post and disassocinte yourself
from the evil. If you feel that the law you arc called upon (• administer Is
an evil and that in reality 1 am Innocent, or Inflict on me (he severest
penalty, if you feel (hat the system and the law you are assisting to
administer arc goad for the people of llils cannlty and that my activity
is, therefore. Injurious (o the public weal"
The country was stunned by (he harsh srnlrnce passed cm Oandhljl,
The award of six years Imprlsonmcnl. The people realised with a shock
thai tile freedom of no Individual waa. safe in the hands of a rtuvrmmenl
wluch had sent a Maliaima. the apostle of love and non-violence to jail
The tyranny ol foreign rule must end, Ihey felt, and the Congress must
he fully supported openly or secretly
Jupiter-Moon Pe.rlod ended on 10-4-1922. Whal change In posillon
I he Ga|kcsarl Yoga connected with line sixth house and Vlprceet rajyoga
give. Krom safety and security ol a successhil lawyer he bernme a man
uf the masses a public figure, a nnllonal figure amidsl lulrigues.
conlrovetslcs atul tensions. If fame and popularity Is (o be seen, lie
gfilued But If wealth, security. tarntBy and menial peace. Is lo be Judged,
he losL Tile [Verlod made Rajen [i«»bu travel a log IVavel Is the uaiural
karaklatwa nt Moon, Moon la also lire lord of tixe liilid house from Moon
Ligna, Moon signifies the Khadl and Salum which Is cnnjuncl with II,
(lie Cliarklia. Much advanecmcUl In the Khadl promollon prograninte
was made Ihrough (he efforts of Hajrn Babn during this period In Char
If was Iwo Taurus and 1-co-Gemini. Taurus Is 10'" from Leo and has Af<
and AMK M is (lie 0" Rashl Irorn Lagna. Gemini Is the 7" Rash I from
Cigrir! 2'" from AK and AMK and I I "■ from Leo.

Vimshottari Dasha of Jupfter-Maxs;

March 1922 to February 1923
As jier Maharlshi Painshar froni the fifth house, fall from position
Is also seen Mars (hcrefare as (he 5"' and IS'" lord could give such
results. In 11s Anlanfashti. The close ron|unetlon of Mercury, (he 7''ami
10" lord and Mars in l-agna give rise (0 a Rajyoga. thus rnised resulls
Could be expected. Under the Char -scheme. Leo Cancer was from June
4. 1922 to March 4. 1923. Canoer is the 12" from MK. (MK Is also seen
as die posillon givcrl and 8"' (rom Uigua and GK Thr combined
liifllcaUrui from Vlmsliottari ami Cliar. ihrrrfore Is fall fiutu (lusltlun.

The Government Action

Tliou&ands of person, Uiciudlng Gaudhljl, were dapped In prisons

Rnsr TcchnlquttS of Astrotogicsl Pretictlons Vol One Astro SkBln!: al Dr F.BjendrB
for no othctr offcmx than (hat of loving their country and striving to
make her constlltilloually Imlepcndcnt.

Congress Rift
Rajc.n Batan wnl to Bihar and organised a mrellng of The Slhar
Provincial Cougrttss. The Bardoll and Mew Delhi resolutions were
accepted In the meeting and the ConstrucOve progninimc as envisaged.
In these resolutions was started The resolution of Mr Munjc of
Maharashtra which was not passed hi Uie New Delhi A1CC tnccl foujid
acceptance in die Maharashtra. Madhya Pradesh Provincial Congress
Council. Ttius. clearly, the internal rift in the Congress could be sccil
Soon after, his retnni from Delhi Ra|cn Eabu went lo Assam with
Pandit Ma dan Mohan Malvlya and vlsltwl die places where the
Congress workers were attacked and die Congress ofiflccs were Immt.
Undct the Conshucflvc Nation Building Programnie. die Cougnrss
worJet-rs picketed die opium shops and as opium was a major revenue
for the Guvernrnrrn die plcicrUng whs dls-allowed by fonvr. Raj en Babu
later visaed the repression affected places hi Bihar and found that die
people were still under terror due to die rudiless repression by die
British Government. Raj en Babu dicn engaged himself with the
constructive nation building activities more actively and collected
funds In May and June. 1922 lor lite Congress Session lo be held in
Qaya in December. 1922. He could no! attend Ihc AJCC meet of 22nd
dune. 1922 hi Lucknow as he got high fever. The VtinsUottHrt Dasha
was Jupiter-Mar?-Rahu. Mars, as always, gave him high fever as It Is
conjunct with Mercury in the Lagna. Rahu in n Kendra cannot be good
for health Raj on Babu made a large re port during Uiis period on
Government repression which was published lu die Searrthllghl
Newspaper". Me visited Gum-ka-Bagls. near Arnrltsar to sec the Akuli
aglladou for the possessl»n ot Gunidwata properties. Fnim Amrltsar.
Rajen Babu. Panrlll Mnlviya and Hakim Ahmad Khan went lo Miihan
where communal lension. after rlodng had llarcd during die Thzta
procession (Molian mid Rajc-n Babu was intensely moved by die stories-
he heard of Inhuman acts ol bai barlsm and the sights of the aftcimath
Since Mullan whs h Muslim majority area, II was Hindus who had
suite red most. WliJlc Bympalhlslng wtlli all and holding meetings
bctwccu members of both die etimmunllles and with (he law enforcing
agencies Pandit Malvlya and fCtJcn Babu advised (he Hindus to form
groups to defend themselves in case ol attacks again During this visit
lo Multan Rajcti Babu found for the first time the dlfxkulty in
breathing, 11 ir Vlmshotfari dasha was Jupltcr-Mars-Salum. August 4.
1922 lo September 25, 1922 Iullowed by Jupiter-Mars-Meniry from
Sept. 25. 1922 lo 14'" November. 1922 Mars-Sal and Mars-Mcr arc
disease giving planets fur IiUs horoscope, hi char I) was Cancer. Cancer
being 811' from Lagna and GK. After returning from Multan, Raleu Babu
got busy. In prcpailng for die Annual Scsslun ot die A1CC at Gaya,
of which he whs die nmlu organiser. Meanwhile, die divide In the

A.vt/o SxtArs? of Or RatBndra Finer Techniques o' Aitroiogu^jl Prcoicaioiis Vol Ono
Congress had deepened- There were people wbej (hought Thai ihcS'
should not go against Uie advice of Gandhljl by starting clvtl
dl-sohcdlcncc and there were (.hose who wanted to start the irtvll
dIsoberUcna-c wiihour waiting for the release of GandlUJI. For Ute press
this was tire most sought after news. The people who were in favour of
entry to the legislatures were branded as Pro-Changers and (hose
against tl as No-Changers, lYomlncnt among Pro-rhangcrs were Mr.
C.R Das. Mr Mod Lai Nehru and Mr. VlLhal Bhai Pat el (BroUicr of
Sarilar ValiabhaJ Patel) and In the No-changers groups weir Surt Raja
Rajgopalacharl. Sanlar Millahhal Patel. Dr Ansail. Shrl Janmalal BajHj
and Dr Rajendiw Prasad Gandhljl (earless adherence to trnili and
)usllrc had tmprvsscd Rajen 15abu greatly and he had hecome his
devoted companion fmm Champaran whetr Gandhljl had demonstrated,
through victory, the power n) non violent struggle- Satyagralras
greatest triumph over men's heart. In a has tile r-nv ironment. the AICC
meellne took place In Calcutta in November. 1922. There wen.- heated
exchanges Irelwcen the two groups. No-Changers and Pro-Changers.
jMI issues were [K'Stponrt! for discussion in the Gaya Meet to be held in
December. 1922.

Attack of Asthma
Just a few days hefure the Gava Session Raj en Babu got an attack
of Asthma The Vlrashottarl dasha was Jup-Mars Veu Boiix Mars and
Venus as has hreu Ucscrilx'd fjarllcr give disease. In Char it remained
Leo-Cancer. The President of the AICC Session Mr C H, Das del I vr red
his speech in which, he raised tlte controversial issue of entry to die
Legislatures. This was vehemently opposed by Shrl Ihija RBlgopalrliarl
Dr Rajcndra Prasatl and Shrt Vallablial Patel In their speeches- There
was healed discussion lur days. The re&olullou of entry to (he
legislature was dcfralcd try two third majority In voting. Mt C.R. Das
resigned. All this happened in the dasha of acilviser and cnergtscr Mars
Who is In tdose conjunetlon with the T" and lO'1' lord Menrury lit l-agna
In the horoscope of Rajen Babu.
Vfmshottari Dasha
Juplter-Rahu from February 1923 to July 1925. Rahu Mahadasha
Irorn July )S9I to July 1909 was found favourable for education. Hut
Rahu's Impact lias In change, with Rahu establishing2/12 relatlnnahlp
with Mahadasha lord Jupiter and getting dcblUlatcd in the Dashmansha
At die age of 3k Dashmansha assumes Importance for results on die
professional from. With Mautana Abul Jtalam Azads efforls. who wns
released Iromjnll tu January 1923, die cfibrts started for a compromise
For the Fehntaiy roccllng of ^\1CC C.R. Das accepted to preside. The
press gave adverse comments Pandit Motllal Nehni started die
rampoign fot- the Swaraj Party formed by Pro-Chargers. He announced
that he would not attend die AICC meet on May 25, 1923 to discuss the
disputed propoiial. He advlsc<J his supporters to boycoil if. The division
In the Congress widened and Urc parly started to get weak.

Finer lechn-ques ol Asuological Predictic-fl-s Veil One Asm SkeSt of Dr Rajsnars
Th>- focus shU'ird to Nagpur wlicrv oii( of atTognncr the Rrllisli
Ufftchds Iih>1 dcclarirfl the display of H ho Naljniifil llaft tn the Civil llru-s ol
the city as a criminal offence, pimishahJc with a nest and impnsutimciu,
Fonietting (lie Sfitt'riiaJ rtfl and rising above the party lines 1 bonsai ids
courted a nest Raj en I la tan with tils ilelrgaUon from Bihar was thcrr
The order prnhlhitlng I'lnjocsslrins was lo cxplnr on August IS 1923
On tills day a large procession of volunteers carry Lug Llic isnional Hag
marched peacefully through the Civil Lines. An nlumafnm on
Srplernlrers, 2. 1923 to the Oovcmuient was given that die Salyagrah
would hr revived unlrss the prlsont-Ts were released, wltliln 24 hours.
The Iclephnnr lines tHir/cd hetween Nagpnr-lJellit'Lundon and before
the "D" hour die oicler of iheir release was issued, it was Jup-Kahu-Jup
upto 19" Nowmbes, 23. Under the Char scheme II was Len U,-n from
Mn.reh 5.1929 !□ Dt-cemher 4, 1923 both, favoumblr, fiajen Hahn acthrly
moulded talnisell In the work of Gandhi Seva S-iugh formed by No
Changers. Mr. C R. Dass tendered hts rcslguallon after bitter cxehniiges.

September 23, New Delhi AICC Session

Maulana Alutl Kalarti A/tad was designated the PresitJeni of the
Session Maul ana Muhammad AH was released Just Ixdurr that. Rajeu
Babu and ot her NivChai igers expected that he would support them and
Oppose (he entry to the Lcgislaiun-s. Maulana Multarnmad All announced
that he had a wireless message from Mahatmajl In Jail and the derision
now is to be taken by htm. riirrcforc, Raj en Babu and Sardar Patel did
not oppose che resolution In New Delhi meet In favmu of entry to the
legislature, liul. iHire having made his views piibllr rogardiug rnfry (u
IcglslatuiES. Rajcn Babu did uol ever ivuitrst an elecUon or took a case
as a lawyer. Tlie newly formed wing of the Swaraj Parly under Molllal
Nehru and C.R, Uss swept the polls nf 1923. The No-Chaug'-rs did not

December, 24, 1923 Rolcinada AICC Congress Session

Vimshottari dasha; JupUahu-Sat from 19"' November. 1923 to
G* April 1924
Rajen IJahu fell sick Just before the session and could not go.
Rahn and Satum nre potent sickness giver in his horoscupc. In Char
Caacer-Getnlni started from Bee 4 and was npto February 3. Cancer in
(he eighth Rasht from lajgna. Gemini Is the 7lh ancl has aspect of GK.
Mars Rahu and Ret is AK Is In the 12'" Iroin Gemini fir was rhoiru Hit
President of Die Hinrb pn>rnoUr.m rneCi His speeeh was read by Shrt
damna Lai RajnJ Maulaiia Muhanrimad Alt was chosen the President.
Tile decision of entry to (lie legislat ure was ratified, A new programme
for Hindu-Musltm unity was presented lor Khadt promotion, a Kltadl
Board wits made,
The Babu Hijrl Mai ease opened on 2uj Januaiy. 1924. Inspltc of
his Illness. Raj en Babu prejiared for (he ease. Rajen Babu had promised
Babu 1 HJri Mai that he wou Id complete this case as he wa s Involved in 11

Astu Sketch of Or Reje/KSns Flnw 1bct»t)lquos of AMrologtca( PmJWions vo( One
frnra llic vct>' beginning. Except for Uils lliere was no other cast taken
by hlra and the old cases had fizzled out.
GandlilJI was operated On January 12.1924 at the Sasson Hospital
In Punc for appendicitis. Rajcn Balm had gone to see him hi the
hospital. Rajen Babu nddn-ssed a meeting at Palna on his nrtum and
informed the gathering tliat Gaiidhljl was not happy over his release on
health grounds. On February 4, 1924, the order for the unconditional
released of Mahatma Gandhi was Issued, TUl May, 1924 Fhejen Babu
ir.raalucd engaged In the Babu Hljrl MaJ case. He worked hard and sal
lor long hours in the library. On march, 1924, Gandhtji arrived In
Bom buy. And stayed at Juhu for convalescence.
Vfmshattari Dasha Juptter-Rahit-Mercury
With the onset of Mercury tYatyantar dasha. things started to look
up for Rajcn Babu, He- was greatly relieved when Gandhtji supported
the stand taken by hlrtr against the entry to legislature. On April 31.
1924. Gandhi prepared a draft statement In conriecUoa with Council
entry. Gandhtji declared that he was still in favour of the five boycotts
and entry to the legislatures was against the principles of nou-
cooperation. In the char It was Cancer-Aries from April 4. 1924 to June
4, 1924. Better than Cancer-Gemini and Canccr-Tftunis.
The conrniunal situation was tense. Gandhtji, In his articles
aMHlyBcd the Hindu Muslim tensions- Its causes and cure. In one such
article he wrote that Muslims are tmliys and the Hindus are cowards. He
declared that only those people should be chosen In the. Congress who
follow all the five boycotts. It implied that only those members had a
tight to be In Congress who boycotted, the Law Courts 111) whose
children were not In Government schools till) who have dropped all die
UUes given try the Oovcmmcnl flv) who were not In the Ueglslatures, (v)
who boycotted foreign clothes and goods, Tims, meaning that all
Swarajists who had gone to the Legislatures were required to quit the
Legislature, or leave Congress. On May 221924 Gandhljl and the
Swaraj Party Issued separate statements on entry to the Legislatures.
In tins tense sltuaUon AJCC meet whs held in Ahemedabad on
June, 27, 28. 29,30, 1924. Gandhljl was of the view that when the
Session whs not going on. the A1CC had die authority to amend die
rules and II was not against the founding principles. Maniana Muhammad
All, the PreSklcnl of Hits Session referred (lie question to the members,
the majority was wdlh Gaudhi, but the tension was dearly visible from
the narrow niaigln which decided In favour of Gandhljl In the rctcrcndum.
Mr C.R, Das and Mr. Motllnl Nehru walked out with others in protest.
The other resolutions also, could pass by narrow margins. Gandhljl
then moved a resolution lo remove lhat portion of the passed resolution
which ddhroiled the members, mostly Swarajist lor not observing all
the boycotts, He sate), 1 have done Mils, as had the absentees who
walked out weir here, my resolutions would not have passed. The
inaiter was discussed till laic at night. There were many adjustments
accepted by Mahatmajl, He gave an emotional speech die slapped for a

Firxtr Tocfmiaws o' AstmJoolai) PiwUcUwe Vol One Aslla Skcrefi o/ Or Rji/wcmj
few minutes while speaking. Jji his arlicks also he wroti: .ibout Uhs
meet, thus, though I got the majority votes but 1 would call Ihtfi my
defeat. At the end of the mccl many praposala were finalised to dilute
the stand taken and bring back the Swarajists. 11 Implied that those who
did not observe die bcycolts could also join Hie Congress, The lawycm
who are members of the Congress could now pmctloo In Law Courts and
Congrraemm could contest clcctlanu to acclt entry to the Ixglalntures.
Inapltc of this Hit Jen Babu oirlcUy followed the boycotts. He did no! take
any ease nor he contested election,
CoramunnJlstr) now held the stage. It was fed by the patronage of
the Government, rivalry and competition between the communities for
the posts of ministers and other high ofDecs grew and ofUdal favours
were encouraged by the Governracut CommunnllBm, tlma became a
means for obtaining,fobs and posts of vantage and It was exploited by >\
class of politicians who used religious dogmas for their own purpose.
GandhJJl wrote urtbunglndln "V>fc are Intolerant towards out opponents.
Our own countrymen arc filled with distrust. They simply do not believe
In our non-violence. Hlndusand Muslims. In many places have provided
<vn object lesson, not in non-violence, but In violence (Article by MwJlaltun
Gandhi in Young India dated 3-4-192-11
In August, 1924 widespread riots broke out In the Country. On
August. 16 Gandhfjl left Ahemcdabad for Delhi in connection with
Hindu-Muslim settlement on communal riots, In Voung India In an
article entitled Gulbarga Gone Mad' Gandhljl uppcaktl iorUlndu Muslim
The Internal fights In the Congresw were continuing, OnScptcmbct
6, 1924. In a letters to Mntllal Nehru. Gandhljl emphasised the dcclsloo
not to divide the Congress, In a letter (o Rfljarajgopslscharl, he stressed
tliat we must Abdicate power sltogcther. If we have faith in our mission
On September 9-10 riots took, place In Kohat. Hindus were evacuated
On September 13®, 1924. riots took place In Ahemcdabad. On September,
17. 1924. Gandhljl commenced his 21 day fast at Muhammad All's
house In Delhi. On October 8. 1924 Gandhljl broke the fast Muhammad
All presented Gandhljl with a Cow purchased from a butcher. Gandhljl
condemned tire repressisn In Bengal and appealed to the people to
preserve the peace. In a Joint statement with the Swaraj Party leaders,
agreement on concerted action was announccd-suspcnslon of nou-
coopcraUon and Spinning FrancJilse.
Actlvc work was never banned by lire Congress In the local bodies.
It was decided that Congress should contest election and take control o(
the Municipal Administrations Wllabhal Paid had become the Presideni
of tire Ahmcdabad Municipality and Jawaharlal Nehru of AlluJiabaC
Municipality In Pains Maulavl Khurshed Hussaln won for (he Cnngreru
by a small margin. Sensitive conununal questions were raised In the
clccllort A calf was taken along to solicit voters by h is Hindu opponcnl
Mr Hussaln declined the chairmanship and It was forred uprm Rajci
Babu. After having been pushed into the otHcc of die President of thi

AK'o SfmiWi of Or Pa/ondn Rri« Tochnltfuos erf Astroiogicai PnodiUionfl Vd( One
Palm Municipality, hcapproacticd thr task with enthusiasm axid applied
himself consclejittously to improving (lie condition of the towie Bui he
came up against the basic problems of llmnccs. There was so much tn
be done. The drainage system was primitive. Open drams discharged
dirty water Into cesspools, which owing to seepage had polluted the
water supply In (lie wells, Clean drinking water was available only from
the river. The roads were In a shocking condition MUk was brought Into
the city and distributed under unhygienic conditions, The Municipal
SAVcepers were badly housed and under debt. The impmveineni demanded
a guod deal of expenditure. Bui the municipality had llmlrcd posvers to
raise the necessary funds. The members of (he municipality were not in
favour of additional tsxstlon and for raising loans, tnsplle of his best
eHurls. Rnjen Babu could nut get the necessary cooperation from tire
Government, He felt lh.it in the prevailing circumstances very little
imprnvcment could be done. He writes, "findingourselves In a hopeless
position, we tendered our re-signatlon after an years expcrlmcm. VaJUbhal
Paid alone achieved outstanding success in Ahemrdabad Municipality,
Rajen Babu at tended the AJCC Bombay meet and die Bclgaun Session
of AICC In December. 193.•!. A Kliadl cxlilblhon was organised by him In
Palnn. In the beginning of 1925 he got engaged (n making n-port on the
possibility of meeting (he demand of Buddhist monks for cnntrol over
die Bodhgaya temple. In March, 192S. Jagdlsh Chandra Bose attended
the Convocation of Bihar VldiTipectli organised by him In Jupiter Rahu
period Rajen Babu found himself deceived by cirrumstimces. He was
fallowltig a patli which he conceived was die ngln path but still he was
pnnhrd lulu controversies. Rajen Bahn ludd strong views against cutty
to the legislature.
He must do as Gandlhjl had instructed him p ist before going to the
prison 'Keep up the constructive work and you will be preparing the
people for the Satyagralui He got BUiar Congress Committee to adopt
(he oonstructivc porogrammc and pressed tlie District Congress
committees to work actively far promotion of Khadl and also the work la
rehabilitate thr languishing Mahonal Schuols. Rajen Bahu realised that
many Congressmen, who war aggressive hi lliclr outlook and wanted
rjnlcK results, to tiicm. the constructive programme made Uttlc appeal.
They fell thai it wasa sinw process and demands a spirit of patience and
sacrifice, which did not suit their temperament.
At tlie elections the Swaraj Party, under Motllal Nehru and C.R.
Dns got forty five scats under lite Central hcgislalnrr. lb prove their
stand on entry (o the legislatures, through sklllul manoeuvring the
party was able to gel some majority decisions, compelling the Viceroy to
use his cxti a ordinary power of veto, They claimed If served to curb Uir
GoVemroen!, which could nni carry on by using the Viceroy's
extrautdlnaiy power on all die occasions To (he people of the Country it
was same sal IslacUou tha t tire na hrmsl point of v lew was being forcefully
c.vpressed in llur legislatures. Tills helped to keep up (heir morale. But
It could no) l>e Ignored that Ihe. falloul of entry to Hie Legislatures was

Fioer Techniques ol AslrDtoglcsl Piedtclicns Vot Ons Astm SfBlCft ot Dr Hsjandra
comrnunaitsm, castclsm and rcgJonntisnv Hie Muslim league and Die
other comrmmal parties were able (a play upon the fears of the Muslims
and generally returned candidates with comrnurml leanings.
Hie Mahadasha of the most favourable planet lit the homsenpe of
Rajen Babu Jupllcr, csmr to an end on August LO. 1925. During this
dasha of 16 yeans Rajen Babu established hlmsell as m sueeesslul
lawyer and made a fortune. He also e.sthbllsbed hlmscll as a Nattoiml
leader. The antcnlashn modifier! the results dcpei iding on then placcmeni
from Die Mahaclasha Lord and the relationship with the Mahadasha
lAirci. With Die advancement of age Dicrc (s shift Is priorities and a
change In Tirsh". 'KaJ Patra' accordingly there Is a change tn Ick us of
planebtry Ixinuenrc. Tor example Ihe Rahn Mahailasha ptoved
cxeccdlngly beneficial for academle achievements, whereas (he Jupiter-
Rahn period proved bad on the prufesslonal fronl. As explained eaillci
also Rahn-Jup have 2/12 nrlationshlp and In Die liashmansha Chnirt
Raliu is debllllnted In Jupllcr-Rah li period Die controversy re la ting tu
entry lo Legislature rOnUnacd. At the end ofJupticr Mahaduslm.. Rajen
Babu stood at Die cross-ro.<d&. Isolated and margltudlsed Hr had
dropped the idea of entry to the legislature as II was against his principles
He had given up his nourishing legal practice as that was against (he
direction of Die uon cooperation Under the Cliardasha scheme tiller
the favourable Rash I das ha of Leo for 9 years which Is Die 9 11 Rasht ftom
Lagrm and has a strong Jupiter t-is MK and tile aspect of Venus <is PIC
file Dasha of Can<-cr which Is Die 8n' Rashi fiom lotgna and from the CK
nnd DK starled from December 4. ! 923 to Dec-ember-1. 1925 liAm er Is
Die 12'' rashl from MK. MK, as slated earlier ♦d&o 1ms been IoiiikJ to be
tndtcnling position
7'he Saturn Afahadasha
Saturn In known lo all for Its misery attd grief giving piopcnslltes
It Is perhaps, the most remarked planel for I It Us reason, People In their
melanrholir moods and trouble are often reminded of the llj -tlfec's of
Saturn, lie il grief Or misery thxuiigli poverty, loss starvallun turture.
humiliation, abuse IsoUDon. disease tnUiryorwixxktngof rclatlonslilps
Ihe responsibility Us conveniently passed on to Saturn by the toad side
fortune tellers. Tlie descTtpllon of Saluni given In Brllml IXirashar I lora
Shastra. is as lollows. II has emaciated and long |.thyslquc. (ms fawny
eyes. Is windy In temperament has big. teeth, is Indolent and lame Its
abode Is filthy ground. Its taste Isastrlngeot. Salitrn signifies grief Tlie
caste given Is Shudra and scjc neutral It has fo ■ any out Die duty of
lurd Shiva. Rudra. It is also called Yama.
All planets bestow both good and had results, Saluni Is Ihe planet
Unit can give wisdom and spirituaUty. 11 < an give all good elfcrl-. ulso,
llependJng on us placement and lordship Sulum and Jnpller an- so
powerluJ Dial nuDung Of any crtnsequcni e mites place wlliiunl their
In Die horosenpo nl Rajrn Babu Saluni m Die ti," house and Is
tcirogmdc and khal (relumed from the Rasld ahead). It is ean|unct with
Aarc Sta/cr, of Oi RarenOre Rnef Techniques <A AstfOloflcal Pfeatdlons VW Or>»
Moon. The only rcdccrning feature is thai 11 is exalted In thc-
Dftihamansha. This la of significance In case of the horoscope of Rajen
Babu as he received the Saturn Mahadasha at the of 41, the crucial
period In his career.
What this type of Saturn with aUllctions In the Janma Kundll and
its exaltation in the DashmanshR can give, Let us examine.
Saturn-Saturn Trom 9™ Augurt
1038 To IV* Augnst 1938
With the start of the daaha^ Saturn engaged Rajcn Babu In hectic
touring with Mahatma Gandhi all over Bihar till MahatmaJ! faintctl due
to exhaustion. He was forced to take real In Patna. U was while
Mahntraajl was resting, that the A1CC Session In Scplembcr. 1925 took
place in Patna. The Swaraj Party was virtually handed over the
Congress Organisation- Rajcn Babu then concentrated on the nation
building Bcdvltlcs by engaging himself m the collection of funds for
Khndl Promotion, There were some pleasant events tn an otherwise
depressing period like the marrusgc of Rajcn Babui eldest son
Mrllyunjay to the daughter of Shrl Brlj Klshor Prasad. The communal
tension was rising with Increase In Arya SamaJ Sbuddhls and Muslim
conversions. Though Rajcn Babu was against entry to the councils, he
campaigned for the Council of State clccttons on accepting the
responsibility for the campaign In Bihar. Gandhtjl. somehow managed
till the Kanpur Session, after that he was advised to rest for one year at
Sabarmatl by the Doctors, Some people Intcrprelcd It as a political
Sanyas. Amidst rivalry, feud and Intrigues the Congress Session was
held at Kanpur In December, 1925. It was presided over by SmL
Sarojlnl Naldu. It was proposed by Shrl Mottlal Nehru that the
Swarajlata will pvit up the demand for Swaraj In the Legislatures and If
it was not agreed, they would quit and get engaged In the Constructive
work. Any way. the Jan-March. 1926 Session of the state and Central
Assembly was to be the last one before the elections of 1926. Shrl
Jayakar. Shrl Munjc and Shrl Kclkar resigned from the Swaraj party
and foimcd a new party. The situation changed for the good for Rajcn
Babu with start of Mercury Partyantar dasha from January SO"', 1526
to >1'" July, 1926. In march 1926. Rajcn Babu Invited Shrl
Rslarajgopolachari for the Convocation address In Blliar Vldyapecth.
Rajcn Babu published a book "economics qf Khcidi" during this period.
Later, during 1926. Rajcn Babu concentrated on Khadl Promotion
activities, Many exhibitions were organised In the Summer of 1926
Raj'-U EfabU stayed tn n hill resort with Gandhjjt In Mysore. After that
they toured south for Khadl and Hindi promotion. With the elections,
Approtichlng, the Country was gripped by election fever and mounting
communal tension. Riots took place in Kohat. MuhHlrna Gandhi and
Muhanuucil Ail vlsllrd Rawalpindi to hold an Inquiry. Calcutla witnessed
n major communal rl»lon Bakar Id day as a result ofwhich the khllafat
cocnrnltlec separated. Due to rifi between Mulllal Neliru and l-ala Lajpat

Rner Tfechntques ot Astroloflical PreclcUpns Vo( One Astm Sk«c/t ol Ot Raienars
Ral, Macian Mohan Malvlya and Lala (^ajpp.l Ral formed a new party.
Tlicy fought against the Congress candidates MotUal Nehru s ciiaractci
was targeted. Caricatures were made and obscene language used.
Religion waa used by pollllciims to combat their rivals. Cow-Slaughter
was a sensitive and delicate Issue which was motit cxplollcd by the
politicians. Bihar Govcnimcnl had made a lisi of villages where cow-
slaughter had taken place earlier. Lhere the Hindus were nnl allowed to
Intervene and where ll was being done for (he firs I time, objection by
the Hindus could Ire raised Hindus processions outside mosques with
band and songs wert; objected. The educated kept a count of members
of their Rcllgton In Govcroment jobs. District Boards. Municipalities
and the roernbershtp of the Councils This was ejqilolled hy lire British
for dividing and weakening Indians. For die elceuou, Rajen Qabu did
hectic campaigning for the Congress candidates, While travclltng
Ixhwccn Punilla and Hnnchl, Rajcu Bahu tnrl with an aeeldcul and was
hurt. He remained unwell for two to three weeks. Me developed swelling
an fate after 10 days of the accident. Die VimshottaiT daslia was
Salum Salmn Venus from 6't September. 1926 to S"' March. 1927
Saturn is In the G"* lunisc and Wnus Is (he lord, Salnm Venus are
6/8 from each other Venus represents Vehicle and 6"' house accidents.
In the Char daslia scheme It was Gemini -Aries From June 4 1926 to
December 4, 1926. Gemini Is the 7'" Rashl from Uigus. asprrled hy GK,
Mars. 1 Tabn and Kclu and 11 Is the 2'" Rash) from AH. Aries Is the 12"*
Rashl from AKaapcctcil by MK (Vchlclcl.
A few days before die Guwahatl Session in December. 1926, Swami
Shraddlmnaml was slabbed (u ilcalb by a Muslim fuudantcnlallst hi
Delhi, Maulana Muhammad All attended the hearing of tills roan who
klllrd -Swamlji. thus further widening the Hindu-Muslim divide.
The people of India were always- demanding more powers for the
Govcnimcnl of their elected representative as nothing could be ach leved
by them due to the unUmlled powers of (he Vlct-roy and (he Goveniors.
To took Into these demands, the British appointed a commission called
Ihe Slmun Commission In IS27. All aver India, people cut acioss the
party lines to boycott this rornmlsslon as all Its members were British
ami there whs no Indian member. A conference was urgardsed by Rajen
Elaba hi Patiw with Mr All Imam as the C halm on l

Encounter with Jawabar Lai Nehru

Rajru Balm writes In his autobiography (hat Ihe foreign relumed
enthusiastic Jawaharlal suggested to change (he •'■ongress objectives lo
Complclr freviloni. Wills the Influence of depressing Saturn and (hi.
Pralyantar daslia of Raliu Rajen Babu opposed Inm on ground thai die
Ctnmtry was nol yet prcparnl ami one should mnvr step up step
therefore die objective should remain Dominion Status a( this stage as
this was Ihe objective ol Gokhlc and Gandhi to achieve self rule flrsl
Me also opposed the motton on cow -slaughlta- put up hy Mr. SrlnJvas
Ayengar and Jawaharlal Nehru. Dr Ansaii was die President ol the

•Asfra SNeW? a( Dr nsjervJnt Finer Techfitques of Asirnloijlcal PrerSdionS Vol One
Mailnis A1CC Session uiu ro tills debate- look plaoe. Gantlhtjl also
sflcritlcd this Sirsslon held In December. 1927 I3csldcs this, the Slraon
CommtBSlon Issue and Ihr Issues regarding Hindu-Muslim uuicy were
discussed. Rnjen Qabu had la ken his liimlly to the Madras Session.
They went to Rameswarara and (lien lr« Sri Lanka. The Vlmshottarl
dasha whs Saturn -Saturn- Itohu Irom October 5. 1927 to Marrh, 19.
1928 Hnhu gives pllgrlraagcs Rahu in Rat en Babu's horoscope has
been found favourable ext:cpt on the professional front as It is
deblJUalcd in the Dashmansha. Rahu also denotes foielgncrs and
Foreign Country. In Char Dasha It was Gemini - Capricorn from
December 4. 1927 uplo June 4. 1928. Gemini is aspecled by Gtt Rahu
and Kdu and Capricorn Is 2*^ from Digna. Tlie reason lor his sickness
after Hie accident and the heated debate perhaps was the GK's

The First Visit Abroad

As mentioned earlier, tlie only ease which Rajen Babu had
retaincrt due to I he prior commltrnents lie I ore tiir non-cooperation
mmTmcnt, was of Slirl Marlji's. This case was referred to the Privy
Council and the hearing was to take place In Dxidon. Rajen Babu left
by ship with a servant so me time in June, 1928. The Vlmshottarl dasha
was Satum -Satum -Juptlcr from Mareli 19. 1928 to 11"' August,
1928. Jupiter In ihe 9" from Lagna Indicate long Journey' Saturn the
MahndashR lord and antsrdasha lord ts the 9"'' fr»m Moon. In Char It
was (he dasha of Gemini Saggltarrtue. Gemini is aspprlrrl by GK
Mars. Rahu and Keln and the Sagiltarlus rashl has GK. Mars. Rahu &
Kelu Ihr. dusha of Saggltarius Is said lo br an eventful daahn GK Is
also seen for Ihe sixth House like legal eases, disease, accidcnl
relations, etc.
Ihe hearing in London lasted lor 20-22 days, after Jliat a comproraise
was struck between the two parties, thus bringing to an end the last
e-asc of Rajen Babu. Gandhljl had given him reference of Roma RoIhjkI
anil some other leaders. Rajen Babu attended a peace meet. Re went to
Switzerland and (• Gratz. There he was taken to a gathering. He entered
the hall anil people started throwtng chairs and pushed the organisers
and the speakers Rajen Babu was hurt on the head and wounded. The
tncidcni was reported In Newspaper In Europe and in India also In
Saturn-Sat urn-Jupiter, the Sookshama dasha was of Mars and in Char
Sagittarius and Gemini. The impact of Mars was still there when he
went to London to find a member of his entourage Satya Narayen Singh
had died In a Motor Car accident. The body was handed over to them 3
days after the accident on completion of an Inquiry. Tlie -same night he
left for Ed«-nburg. With the onset of Mercury antardasha fmm August
111* 192S things started to Improve On his way !• Marseilles to cateh
the Ship "Multan" In the third week of August, he bad 12 days In hand.
Dm lug (his pcrtud he visited Venice, Rutne. Berlin and Munich without
any problems though he had an attack of Asthma on die ship. On his

Firts? Techniques ol Ast'oloolcal Pretfcsions Vot One A£To SKefc'i a/ Cv Ra-^rnrs
return to India la September 1928. Kajen liahn stnslyhl away wrnl l>
tVhnicdabad to meet Gandiiljl.
The Bardoll Agitation whs over. The Slintm Commission was cominj
back with the onset of whiter to be boycotted. In Punjab, v/hllr prolcsilnj
against tire Simon Catnxnlsslon. Cain Pat go( (he fatal blow Ever
blow hurled at us would be a nail in She rotlin of the British Eanplrc,
said Lala I^alpal Ral. In LI P. Jawahailal N'chni aisn got a Simon Lath
blow. Ttie Simon commtssian came to Bihar in December. J928. wher
Rajen Babu had organised Hue IroVcott. During Ihls period an AD part
meet was held where Mr .hnnaii warned 1 /3 reservation In die Ccntrr
Assembly. Mr Jaykar was agatnsi il livwi Mr. Mohammed All's pmposr
was rejected. Alter this Mr. Jhniiih put Ills (ourteeii condmotis on belia
oflhc Muslims. An Inlluenital section of I he Muslims separated from th
Congress after (his mewl. Pandit Jawahar Inl Kchni Snhhasli Cliandr
BoSc and Shrl Ayangar wanted U> use complete [nUrja tidcncr as th
demand and others though' die demand for Onnilalon stales foi th
t ime Ireing was more appropriate. After rhc CalcuUn session. Gandhi
started In give more lime to Hie Cougtess work, Knjrn llnhn spent mo'
of I92& in Kliadl proniotl«n and boy (oil of foreigit goods During Hit
period Rajen Babu had to hold on inquiry .igainst persons close to hli
as their were allcgaUons of misappropriation of Kliadl Dcvciopmet
funds. He had to teJte action against a tew winch greatly disturbed fain
Ibijen Babu was also involved during this period in set lie men I of la hot
litsputcs in tiirTatn Factory at Jamshrdpur. During (he Satnm-Mcrcui
pciiod. besides the paper work done by htm for the inquiries, he ah
wrote a book called "Non-Violence', but the manuscript was lost and ti
book could not be printed. Din ing (Ins period o( 1929, fire Uhngal Sing
Conspiracy ease was much In news.
In November. 1829. Rajen Babu went tor three weeks to Burnt
While re tun dng lie got an a I tec k el Asthma He had to remain
Cnlcutlo for rest. Inaplfe of Illness, lie left for Monger (o.»ttend (he Blh
(TnvtnelaJ C onfereucc. He becatriv s»-riuusly ill and i.i.iuUI not partlrlpai
He was taken to his village. Zccrrui.d for rest. He eould t ecover only aft
Sti"1 January J930. In the mean while the A1CC I ah ore Session toi
place In the last week of December. 1929 which he eonld not attend
Vhnsholtarl E'iishn tl wasSatnm Mercury Moon upto [6(ii Dee. 191
■ind Satum-Mcrcuty -Moon from 16-12-29 to 11 02-1930. Saturn-
the 2™! lord tn sbrth and Mercury the 7T" lotd tn (he lagna. Both Safu
and Mercury arc Marakas which have eslablishcd retenousliip with it
Lagna and Ure sixth hausc. Moon is the eighth lord In sixth and Mn
(he 5'h and 12's' lord In Lagna can give disease finder the char das!
scheme It was Gemini-Virgo from December 4, 1929 to June 4. 193
Both Gemini and Virgo are aspected by GIL Rahu and Ketu. In (
Lahore. Congress It was decided to organise Satyagraha. 11 was annuimc
that on 26" January. 1930. the Nation would celebrate, Indepcudru
day. The goal It was emphasised, would be complete Independence. T
working committee met at Sabarraatl. Dandl march was finalist

Attrc Skecch of Or Raf*rtOra Finer Techniques a( Asttotoflkal Piedtcfloni Vot One
GiimililJ) was to reach Dandl on 6s1'April. 1930. Before that Rajcn Babu
attended (he A)CC meet at Ahmcdabad. The meet was dominated by
Mohlal Nehru and Jawaliarlal Nehru, the Congress PresidenL After the
session. Rajcn Babn toured Bihar with Jawaharlal Nehru. When they
were tn Chappm. Bihar, a tclcgrarn was received that the Satyagraha
could ly started on 6ri' April, 1930 Rajcn Babu made n programme for
Foreign clothes hoyrolt. ProhtblMon-plcketlng of Liquor shops and the
agUalion for abohUon of the Chowlcldharl Luc hi his autobiography
Rajcn Babu writes about women participating In Satyagraha and of a
young lady who did not know the way to her house as she had never
conic out of it. When her husband could no! come to pick her up. she
was helpless and made volunteers run around. Sardar Fatd was arrested
before the Salyagraha could start. Gandhljl and Jawaharlal Ncliru were
also arrested, Rajen Babu was put In Chnppra Jail and then shifted to
Hazarl Bagh Jail. He remained In JaJ for 6 morlllis. In Jail Rajcn Babu
engaged himself In weaving the dolli. After release he straight went to
Bombay and then to Allahabad tor the working committee meeting.
Motllal Nehru died In t.vicknow after ithc Allahabad mer-t-

Gandhi Irwin Pact

Prom the demand o) complete Independence the Congress working
committee reconciled and decided to have a pact with the British.
Gaudhljl wanted the Govemmcni to hold an Inquiry by an Independent
court (n go into the excesses committed Ity Government machinery
during tie- Satyagndia Mr. Irwtn was not In favour of even balding such
au Inquiry Sarrtnr Pate) wanted the matter of release of land takni by
Govcntmcni during repression In Gujarat strongly with the Viceroy
Back In England Winston Clmrchlll had told tfic House of Commons
Hie loss of India would be final and fatal to us. t could not fall to be a
part of a process that would reduce us to a minor power' In January
Fchrufuy 193] Gandhiji held series of meetings with the Viceroy. Rajen
Babu and other leatiei^ Ixad camped tn New Dellil during the period,
Gandhljl discussed the approach to be followed and the stand to be
taken on varuius issues to be incorporated In the pact. Gandhljl was
gradually loosing faith In British Justice. But he had faith In Justice of
(deals o( truth and nuu-vtolcncc. He hdlevrd thai the method of
violence was morally wrong and politically of lllllc use. If one man was
killed, another would always take his place. He believed that violence
always engendered greater violence. In the Greek legend 999 warriors
sprouted out of the blood of every warrior killed. He believed that lei
indulge In political murders was to sow the dragon's teeth.
He believed In Tolstoy s advice that the proper method to paralyse
an oppressive Govemmcnt was to refuse taxes, resign from all services
and IxrycoU Inshliilions supporting the Government He believed that
such a programme could compel any Govettunml to come to terms
Gandldll signed the Pact In February 1931, though many Congressmen
were not trappy but Gandhljl thought (hat tills was the only way to move

Fifisr Tccfinkyuo of Ai'.roioGicai Piodldlwo VcM One Adfro iVefcfi or Or FfiWncfrH
ahead. Gaudlxljl was under pressure: to put the condltlau for pardoning
Bhagal Slngli. who it was idlcgcd had killed the ofllccr responsible for
llir fatal latiil blow an Lala Lajpatral. Lord Invln refused but olfcred to
postpone the hanging to after the Karachi AICC session. Gandhlji did
not want to take this favour. Bliagat Stugh was tiangeda few days before
the Karacht AICC session In March 1931,
Rajcn Bahu left for Chappra the day the pact was signed to attend
the tuarrlagc of Ids son Dlnimianjay dial very day.

Karachi, March 1931 AICC Session

Sanlar Patel was chosen the President for tilts meeL After his
return fmai Karachi, Rajcu Bahu spent most of tils time In getting the
Co-workers released as per die Irwln - Gandhi pact He toured all over
Bihar for (Ids propose and for promoting National Development
activities. Me also visited Gujrat to help Sardar Vhltabhal Pale!. He
attended the Working Committee meeting at Bombay and fell sick, (licrr
in the Vlrashottarl dasha of Saturn - Ketu. It was Saturn - Kctu - Kctu
from 22U,I April, 1931 and Saturn -Kctu - Venus from IS111 May, 1931 to
21'' July. 1931. Under the Char dasha scheme It was Geinlnl-Gemlnl
from 4"= June 1931 to 4*. December. 1931. Gemini Is the T* Rashl from
OK and is aspccted by OK Saturn in the sixth gives disease. Ketu in die
A1". Kendta Is bad for hcaltli and Venus as the sixth and eleventh lord
from Lagna and die sixth lord placed In stxtli Irom Moon Is quite
capable of giving health problems

Round Table Conference

Gandhtjl readied England tt was a deception, '(lie Government
wanted to take iTCOiirse to harsh measure and was In no mood to give
away anyddng. The policy of divide and rule was adopted. All die
demand of Muslims were accepted. Special privileges for the Harijam
were announced. The Congress found Itsell in the lurch. It stood
divided on the Hindu - Muslim Issue. The CWC could arrive at a vague
bureaucratic announcement of no consequence. It stated that the
Congress could gel Into an agreement with llir Muslims and die other
minorities which Is In die Interest of (he Nation. The condition of
fanners deteriorated In UP, As Uicy could not set! dtclr prudncc at a
reasonable price to pay the Zamlndars who. la turn could not pay to die
Government. In Bengal the Government backed out from Its
commitments made lu the Gandhi Irwin pacL ftajen Babu was (idled to
attend (he Bengal Provincial Council meet at Mu shir a bad Co sort out
(his problem. In this scenario, it was decided to hold a meeting of the
Wbrklng Committee on die day o( the arrival of Gandhljl In Bombay.
Uajen Bahu reached Bombay. Khan Abdul Gafiar Khan JawaliadaJ
Nehru and many other leaders were arrested On their way to Bombay.
Gandhi)) on hts arrival sent a telegram to die Viceroy for an
appointment, Rajen Bahu came back to Patna and while the Bihar
Provincial Congress meet was going on to decide future course of

Astro Sfrfffcfi of Dr Rsjendra Finer TechriquBS of flssrotostcal PredlctiDns Vof One
art Ion. the police milled and arrested Kajen Babu. GondhjJI ^vas
arrested on 4"' January 1932. The Satyaijraha continued even with the
leidcm in Jail. Rajen babu was released In July 1932. He fell sick. It
was the dasha of Saturn - Venus. Venus. From 30'£' May 1932 to 6'"
December, 1532 Saturn and Venus giving him slclcncss. In Char It was
Taurus Ptsrcs. From May 4, 1932 to October •! 1932. Taurus having
lite AK and Pisces aspecied by Raliu - Kctu and GK Man.,
The Prisons were lull and flit nation was being swayed by lite
Conptcss. Ra)en Babu went to Varajtasl immediately after release and
stayed with Pandit Madan Mohan Malvlya for some (inte, He later went
to Bombay to meet Gaudhljl ilurlng his tast unto death tor (he cause ot
Haitians, Fiom Bombay Rajen Babu wcnl to the south with
Rajarajgopalachsul and visited Kerala, Madras and Andhra Pradesh
described as strongholde of uutouchability, Tlrcy tried tuurl m get thr
temple doors thrown open to Hartjans. They met with some success,
Thiy also fought for Hnrijans rights to use village w-clls, whidt among
miter privileges was granted. After GajitllUJl's Fast the Cauntry took up
Gandhljl's Hartlaji movcnienlcuthoslasUcally, Bihar, pledged to rcniovr
this evil by tnalnlainlfig good relation wlUi Harijans and worldng hit
thc.lr welfare. Rajcti Balm tiltemlcd the meeting ot Hat IJan Scwak SangF
In New Delhi where he got an attack ol Asthma. But soon ircovered anc
went to Allahabad to allrnd the Unity Conference where leaders o
Hindu Muslims, Sikhs and Christians were present The debate earrlec
on for three weeks in Allahabad without any result due in tht
uncompromisliig attitude of the minorities. White Ilajen tiahu wa;
Iravclllitg Iroru Allahabad to Calcutta, they gol tlic news that the Brill si
Govcmmenl have agreed to the demand of the Muslims to give then
one-third rcprcscntabon In the Central Assembly. The deception by th»
British became clearly visible and the roncepl of Divide and Rul<
became amply dear In Calcutta Rajen Babu collected funds for lh<
agitation- He got an oacouraging response from wherever he went
Between July 1932 to December 1932 ttipm Babu emerged as a kr;
figure ol tlic Cot igtvss after having been sldellsied after the Gaya Congres:
In 1922, lie was nominated for the Congress prcsldentslilp for th<
March 1933 Congress Session in Ortssa but It could not take place Bu
Venus with elevation, had to give disease also. During these six montl
he Icll til twice. He camped at Punr during Hie fast of GandhiJL H<
toured all over south for opening temples, attended meets In New Dclh
and hi Allahabad tor tire Congress and collected a huge amount for th<

Arrest Again
In January 1933 Rajen Babu was arrested again and scnlenecd t
15 months imprlsonmenU Gandhljl again fasted unto death In Ja
during tills period.

Fener TEC>i»»«|ues of Asbologtcal Predicllons Vol. Ons Asiro Stefcft at Di P-aj&Klss
Sickness Again
RhJcii Babu tx-camr seriously 111 In Uic flrsi week of July. 1933 In
Saluru - Venus Mars from 12'" May. 1933 to 19'" July, 1933 cruder the
Char dasha scheme i! wns Taurus, C-apriconi (Lrom Mareh 5. 1933 to
Augusts, 1933 and Tkurus SagibtaiiuH frnm August'I, 1933 to January
3. 1933 Taunts has Alt and C.aprlcom Is the 2"' RasJil front Lagiui. MK
Is (lie eighth from Capricorn. Sagittarius has GK and the aspect of
Raltu and Ketu and Is the eighth Rashl from Alt and AM1C As earlier
found SiagtUarlus was ttriublesorae (or Ra|cii Babti. Raj en Babu was
seriously 111 in September his family was called Ui the first week of
Septcrcbei Later, he was shifted to the Patna hospital, lie showed some
tmprnvement and was hruiight bark to (lir Jail, hut with Die ousel of
winter he go I an attack of Asthma and was again seriously in. It was
decided to shift him again to the bospMal. The dtisha. was Sal-VenRahu
uplo January 1934 and Taurus SagSttarliis uplo 3'" January' 1934. He
nhnwed some impmvemcul in Jamufiiy 1934 after n lulig spell ui illness

The Earth Quake

On 15"'January 1934. a drrsnlful and dcvast.iilng trtuitiquake
shook Bihar, heavily Uymaglng life and property. IXajeti Bahu managed
to come out of the hospital to (Lie open. Some portion of the hospital
building also eollapsed. Many parts of Patna nrrpnnrdbouse eollapse.
Since the i'|ilcenlre was in Mungcr, total dcvast.diou took place there
The dasha was Sat Venus - Jupiter frnni January, 9, 1934 and under
Char dashu sclieme it was "thurltis Scorpio from January 3, 1934. With
the favourable das ha Rajen Balnu was released He tcaicd i elapse of the
disease due to the upset caused by earthquake but he not only
recovered, hut also, despite his weak health, titvolved lilniself In the
work of Bihar Relief Committee of which tie was made the Chairman.
Ganrfhtjl. Pandit Nehru and Other leaders visited Bihar for the Hcltcf
Work: Help and donatlous were received from all over the world. A book,
consisting the name of donors, ran into 400 pages Following lite
earthquake Hood and malaria struck Bihar to add to Its acute nUrery
Rajc-n Bobus work as the Ohfiirmau uf the Relief Committee was greatly
a pp recla ted-
In May 1934 a meeting was held to Pa ma to discuss the poIlUcai
strategy. Dr. Ansar) and otlicr leaders attended the congress anil
discontinued the Satyagmha anil (hcrcforr the ban on (I was lifted. It
was decided to hold the AICC Session In Bombay. Rajen Bahu was made
the President, The Vimsbutlart dash a was Salum - Wnus - Jup. Saturn
exalted to Dashmausha. Venus in Maoltrlkona sign In Janma Kundal!
and Jupiter as the most powerful planet of the fmroscope had to give
hlrn this position. In char It wasTannis (Jhra (mm dune 4 to NovemlKT
4. Taurus has AK and AMK and Libra PK Hie three aspect cuch other
Though Libra is sixth from AK but it is 11K from Lagna. Beside the
Rajyoga giving combination of Venus -Monn mutual aspi-ct Is also there.

Asm) SAieiWi of Di Rojeixra Finor TechAlquss ot Astrological PrwJIctltwu Vol. Oo*
Death of Brother in June, 1934
Wlfb the onset of Saturn-Vein us Saturn from 13°' June. 1934 his
brother started to suETcr and died after a brief Illness. Venus, the 11""
lord tn 11 "• represents the elder brother. Saturn la In the eighth house
from Venus. AOrr the dcalh of his broiher. Raj en Babu found that his
brother was under huge debt as loans to meet family responslhlHLies
were taken by him of which Rajen Babu was tuiawarc. Even tf their
endrr land, tlic mill which was running at a loss and oilier property
was sold, still the'repayment was not possible. Seth JaroanJa! BajaJ and
Scth Gbanshyamdas Birla took die responsibility. Raluii Babu gave all
his land, mill and property to them and they asked him to concentrate
on die work for die Nation. When his brodirr died tl was Umrus - Libra
in Char da a ha aclicmc. Ihiinis Is die 7"' Rash! from BK, Sun and Libra
In the 12;" Rashl frxini BK.
Rajen Babu remained wen pled lit (he Relief work, Cinials. were
made, wells dug and roads repaired as die threat of floods due lo
disbalance caused by earthquake was there, The problem caused by
earthquake, floods and epidemics was also hamllei! effectively by the
Relief Cotomillee A trust was made with lelt over funds oi die committee
with Vallabhal Paid, Jamiudal BaJaJ and Rajen Babu as the trustees.
In dir. AICC sesston of October. 1934 In Bombay. Rajen Balm was
taken In a procession. Since It was a session (hat took place after a Uircc
ycars gap there was much enthusiasm. In his Presidential address
Rajen Babu emphasised "active dynamism, non-vfotcul mass action
and unending sacrifice as the palh (or frvr-dom. As lias hem racntianeri
earlier both the Char dasha of Taurus - Libra and Vlmshottan ol Sai-
Vcu-Sat are favourable for attaining Ihla higli poslllon. hul not good for
health. Rajen Balm became sick in Bombay Itself and remained umvell
till December. 1934. hi char from November 4 die dasha changes lo
Virgo which has the aspect of Git, Rahu and Kctu.
Congress did very well In tile elections held In November. 1934
Rajen Babu crmr to Delhi for the Congrcss Wrrklng CommllIcc meeting
In January 1935. His lour programme to ditrcrciit states as the Congress
President were being froallscd. Dr Ansarl arranged a raccling wldi Mr.
Jinnah to sort out the rrlticaJ Hindu Muslim unity Issue. Mr Jinnah
wanted to discuss the matter only with the Congress President Rajen
Babu rncl him several times In on attempt lo resolve die issue. In his
tour programme of die States, the first visit was scheduled for Punjab.
He got wet thcrr and had to stay in Laliaie for quttc some time ns he feil
sick, Sal-Veu Sal and Taurus Virgo were continuing Later his tour
programme was finalised for April to June. He could keep die Schedule
dils time. He travelled by car lit Karnataka and Maharashtra. Every
where 1m*. was taken tn processions.
In may. 1935 a terrible earthquake struck Qoctla In the North
Wesl. causing widespread destruction. He visited Quet.l.a for the relief
work, DurUig monsoon, he could not tour as he remained utlWell. As Ihe
AICC Session hi Madras was fixed. Rajen Babu visited Tun 11 Nadu,

Ftier Toohnlqtws g( As1rv*ygical ProttlcJlDns Vd Qua Aslsn SfrBlc/i a' Or fftt/Dnrfra
KeruJri and And lira Pradesh after the monsoon. In Bombay the 50 years
of Congress were edebrated ht Drccrobcr. 1935. Rajen Babu visited
Bombay as the Congress President. The dasha was Satum - Sun -
Jupiter from NoverolMr 27 1935 to 12"' January 1936. In char It wan
To virus • Cancer from September 4, 1935 to February 3. 1936. The
Annual Congrvas Session was postponed to April. 1936 as Jawahar ial
Nehru was chosen the Prealdctil and he was hi Europe nursing his wife
Kamla Nehru, who dtcd In April, 1936. Rajen Babu went to Allahabad to
meet Pandit Nehru on his return to India with the ashes of his wife.
Before the Annual A1CC Lucknow Seaston n Congress Working Coimnlttcc
meeting took place In Delhi. Rajen Babu and Pandit Nehru had dlffcrencea
ovi many Issues In that meeting.
After (he Lucknow Session. Rajen Babu wen( to Wfcrdha with
GandhlJ! and from Ihctr to Nagpur to attend (he All India Hindi Sammclan.
A Pftrllnmcntary eommlltce was formed with Sardar Patel as live Chairman
and Rajen Babu and Maulann Azatl as members. Rajen Babu stayed In
Bombay for lids work during the rainy season of 1936 as Bombay suited
hla health The rest of the year was spent In preparrdlon for (he elections,
tojcji Babu came to Patrm In January 1937 and toured all over Bihar lor
the election campaign. Out of 16, Harljan reBerved seats, 15 were won
by the Congress. Bihar tlcctlon h»d got over earlier; thcrcfone Rajen
Babu went to U.P. and MP lor campaigning. He also went to Maharashtra
and Kamataka, Congress won In Bombay. Madras. Madliya Pradesh.
U-P. Bihar. Orlssa and Assaxn.
In Punjab, Bengal and Sine! many congrcaamcn won. In NWT the
Congress was In majority. An AlCC meeting took place to discuss the
stand to be taken after election. Gandhljl Insisted that unless assurance
was received from the aovemore that they would not use the provisions
of the new constitution to dismiss the ministries only then the congress
ministries should assume the office. They had to assume oliice by April
1937. As parllaracmary committee member. Rajen Babu was
responsible for electing leaders for the provinces. In Orissa and MP the
leadership Issue Involved debates, Infighting and conflicts within the
Congress. Die Congress refused to form ministries as the Governors. In
Bihar, the Governors appointed Mr. Mohd. Yunus. an Independent
member, who had the support of members of Jamalt-Ullana. It was
rumoured that when Mohd. Yunus could not break the Congress by
inviting elected members, he then tried to get Harljan mcmbeni. Babu
Jag)Ivan Ram a Harljan member was offered Minister-ship, but he
refused. After three months, the Congress High CommRnrt allowed to
form Ministries after a settlement wllh the Government. Rajen Babu
was given tlic rcsponslbfllly of choosing Ministers. As pet five new
con&iltutlDu. Bihar had separated froni Orlssa. Muslim League raiser I
the Issue of less Muslims in Die Ministry, ll was a thaivkless Jab. The
dasha was SHturn-Moon Mars, Soon (he NWF ministry resigned. Rajen
Babu wcn( there to settle the dispute as member of (he IVulUarientHry
Committee. Later, he git deeply Involved In discussions on I .and Reforms

ist'o Sitnlrji o' 0' Riit&Klii Finer Techniques of Astrolog«cal PreOcSions Vol. Ono
with farmers and Landlords. During this period, Govlnd Ballabli Pant
requested him lo come lu Kanpur tii resolve Ore worker's dispute and he
wml I here. As usual he fell 111, with the onset of winter In 1937. He went
to (its village. Zccradal lor rest and later lo Wardha tor the CTVVC meeting,
•n his way haclc to Kanpur. he sufiTcrccl food poisoning and lalnlcd
twice. He had to be carried on a stretcher. The sickness coaUrmed and
he could not attend the HartpurAlCC session In February 1938 Before
the Harlpur Congress tire Ministry Lad resigned. He was In the hospital
till (he last week of March 1938. 1! was Satruu-Mars-Mars from 11"-
February 1938 to ea' March 3938. and Sat Mars-Rahu upio fi"*1 May.
1938. In Char It was Aides- Gemini from August 4 1937 tu April 4 1938.
Aries Is the 12'" Rashl from Alt and Gemini has the aspect of GK. Rahu
and Ketu and It is 2'"' from AK(MaraJd and 7"' from Lagna (Marak), Later,
he went lo DallganJ with his Lamlly lo attend the Annual session of
Gandhi Scwa Sangh and then to Purl with his family. Rahu I'arlyantar
gH'Uig him pilgrim jiges, He was advised rest therefore be went to N a silt
111 summers. After tlial he went to Bombay lo attend the CWC and again
fell seriously 111. He suffered trom Brondio Pneumonia with high lever
and cough, Rajeu Babu received Sat-Mars-Sal fromJunc2u, 193810 1"
September, 1938 Sat Mars-Mcr frorra 1-9-38 to28-10-3B. Ketu Partyantaj"
dasha upio November 38 and Venus uplo January 27. 1939. Under the
Char Scheme 11 was Artrs Cancer from April 4 1938 to December 4.
1938 In his horoscope Mars. Saturn are not good for health and when
combined with Kelu-Mcr-Venus hud to give thwase. Aries is (he 121"
Rashl from AK. and AMK Cancer the 8"' from Lagna.
In January, 1939, tire CWC met at Bardoll. Sardar Palrl proposed
Pattabhi Sltaramiah for Presidentship. There was election. Suhhaah
Chandra Bosc won with a good margin. There were many who did not
accept Subhash Clmndm P.osr views In the CWC Rajen Babu isnd
others resigned from the CWC lo lacllltnlc Subhash Babu In form n C-WC
of )tis choice. Rajen Babu went to Wirdhn (or lite CWC meet. Subh.ish
Dose could riul come as he w.'as sick, tlicrcforc the CWC meeting was
dismissed, The Newspapers Puhllslicd all sorts of stories that GandltlJI
was against Suhhash Bosc. Tlic Trlpurl Session took place In March.
1939. Govlnd Ballabh Pnnl pa seriled the Ttipurl ruaolulion-s. Some
people misbehaved with htm Suhhaah fioac was sick he delivered his
si-wcch lying down. The next day he ami his leSlgjutttun Tlir. c.ommltlce
acccptcJ u. Rajen Babu was 1 looted, almutcd and manhandled but be
ati'Xjd his ground. Dr Vidyacharan Dies was mftdr a rarmba Jawaharlnl
Nehru refused to bccume a member. Rajen Babu was asked to assuriiL-
Prrsldtnl-shtp at tills juncture wliirJi lie artcptcd. Rajen Babu as the
President had to expel Subhash Chandra Bosc from CWC on disciplinary
grounds Suhluish Babu formed Use Forward Block. With (be dasha of
Satum-Rrihu-Rrdtu from 22 March 1939 only troubles were store for
Rajen Babu. Saturn 15 exalted In Dashmrmsha and Rahu iJcbllltatcd
SatujTi Is the eigbl fnwn Itahu due to IR) in the Jannm Kuudll. As
President Rajen Babu wcnl all around troubleshooting, lu M R

Fiftsr Tecnnioiies of AfitrolOQlcal PiedicitotiE Vol. One fvivi ototaS 0/ Dr R^»Wre
Mahara^hlTTS and Orissa (here wt-rr Internal rlfis and the situation was
getting out of controL All sorts of charges wcrr levelled against him.
Kajen Bahn had to annoy many to lake any decision. The criticism (rom
the separated groups and the Infighting (n Congress raused lot of
tension. Rajen Babu writes this dine lire Presidentship was unite
problematic. In char It was Ai tes Lc® from December 193b to August
1939,, Leo with MK making him tire President but this time (he main
dasha was not ofTaurus with AKatul AMK but ol I he 12'" Rasht frum (I.
The Congress Ministries fell In November 1939 and (here was, no
allrmaltves It was decided to hold the next AlCC Session at Ramgarh
(Bihar) In Maxell 1940. Rajen Balru got engaged in Us- preparation. The
Ramgarh resolutions again focused on Ihc constructive work.
On die InicnrallonAl Scene Germany had captured Poland. Belgium.
Holland Deximark and Norway till the summer of 1940. Now It was die
turn of Frnncr. England also sulferetl heavy casuallties a( lite hands of
Germany The Chamberlain Government In England fell.
Tile CWC discussed Hie war In die Wardha Session nnd the Pime
Session. Congress was criticised for supporting England tn war. KaJtnt
Babu fell sick again tn Pune in June 1940 It was diagnosed as
pneumonia. He went to Ward ha and stayed there- He also went to Jaipur
and Slkar and stayed there for a month. It was here dial lie started to
write his 756 pages autobiography. It was Salum Rahn Memory from
25"'June 1940 to 18"' Novemher 1940, Mercury making him write In
Char It was Aries Libra I rom April 4. 1940 to Dec< mbcr 3 1940. Aries Is
12"' from AKand Libra the sixth both capable of giving bodily dlscomturi.
Llbra has a strong PK making tUm write
In the AlCC meet held In Bombay it was derided to Uinnrli the
Satyagraha, Hir Congress was asking the Briltsh Govcrninent 10
announce Ihclr stand and pulley for India's Independence in the changed
circumstances ol war. Tlte Govenintent was avoiding such a cominitmcnt.
Gandhljl and Congress bad faith In their 5atyagrnhn. Faith In the
unarmed people's fighl without violence. The British tliought othi-nvtise
In words of Rudyard fOpbugThe responsibility fo» governing India has
been placed by the inscrutable decree ol providence upon the shoulders
of (he British race. Unduubledly to Ihc British India was Ihc empire's
pnnidcrst possession, (hey came to exploit Ihc conquered conHueril, to
take up the while man's burden with file uitshakcable conviction that
theirs was a race bom (>> rule
In Uie AlCC Session held In I Ltrlhar Mysore it was hoped that the
British would come tn terms, tfajen Babuattcntled Hie Scsslnu and Ihen
visited Vlshaltapalnam. Cut tack and Calcutta. There were set hack.
Riots broke out In many places in Bihar Sharll. Many were killed.
When ever communal riots broke out In Dlhnr Rajen Balm liaslrncd
there. He was shocked In' the Iteerl remliug scc-jies. Tlicre was large
scale vlulcncc In Dacca where many were killed Rajen EUtbu went liierc
and stayed lor a long, a period to control the situation Form Dacca he

Asfnj 5Wcft of O Pjifurrafs Finer TecTwlquoi ol ArtfWotftcal fixlicilona Vo» Dno
returned In June 1941
The Congress was expecting tiUcasl freedom with, dominion status
for India, In view of the crisis England was In, due to the war. In March
1942 SlrCrafTord Crlpps arrived In India and disappointed everyone. He
simply offered more powers to the state and Central Msembllea CWC
rejected these proposals, Japan, whs moving fast and England was
unable to cope up. The British Qovernmcnt adopted the Scorched Earth
Policy by destroying all boats and cstHbllshmcnts on the coastal areas
of India so dial If (he Japanese land they get nothing.
The Vtnr 1842 was momentous in the history of Indian Struggle for
freedom. Rajen Babu was engaged In touring. He attended the CWC
meeting at Allahabad and then came to Vrfardha. Everyone felt that the
confrontation with the British was Imminent. The hard-liners wanted to
tahe help of Germany and Japan to defeat England. The non-violent
Congress also was In a mood of taking some bold aggressive steps.
Indians had lost all fallh In British Justice and British credibility was at
the ebb. ftajen Babu toured Bihar between April 1942 last week and
June 1942. In Patna he fell sick after return from Wardha. On 31*' July
1942 he took a meeting of the Bihar Provincial Congress. Even the non-
violent Gandhijl had turned bitter against the Brldsh. He told his
country men to do or die tills time. On 5"1 August 1942 CWC meeting
took place In Bombay. On T* August A1CC meeting wns held and on S"1
August 1S42. the quit India resolution was passed. The leaders were
arrested Rajen Babu was arrested on 9^ August 1942 and remained in
prison till IB"1 June 1945. Rajen Babu prison term was comfortable this
time, He wrote his book "India Divided" and his Autobiography of 756
page. He was 111 during Saturn Jupiter Saturn period from May SO"1,
1942 to October 23"1, 1942. The nation witnessed one of the worst
famines In Bengal In 1943. The Saturn Mahadasha ended on 9* August
1944. It was a bad patch of 19 years with Illness, Intrigues, uncertainties
tension and on the top of that the burden of foreign dorolnadon,
Achievements were also there, he hod his ups and down as president of
the Congress and as member of the CWC. he was one of the key person
in the Congress- the party that enjoyed mass support, Satum-Juplter
period though spent In Jail could be termed as comfortatalc and
productive. He wrote books and stayed with his companions He had
volunteers to type his works His close associates were with him and the
Jail author Hies were supportive enough to allow hla children and grand
children to visit him often. He did not fall seriously 111 during this Saturn
Jupiter period. A 19 years of troublesome period Is also Indicated In the
char daBha.lt was Gemini from December4. 1925 to December 4, 1931.
"Ihums from 1931 to 1936 and Aries from 1936 to 1944, From Gemini
AK and AMK are In the 12^ and there Is aspect of GK Mars. Rahu and
Ketu. UmriiB has AK and Aries Is the 12'" froin AK and AMK. Rashl
Uasha where AK Is placed or AK 15 in IS"5 or 2"- are generally unfavourable.
By the end of (lie Second Wjrld War Britain reaitsed dial u could
not cling to India much longer The labour Prime Minister. Clrmcnl Alice

Ptr.e- TecJimques oi Aiirctogicai frediaws 'Joi One Aztrn SXeic/i e* Or RaisndrB
declared thai discussions would be held with Indian leaders rrgnrdlng
the country's Coustllutlou. and the transfer nf power tu ludUii hands.
Freedom was In slgliL
The Dash a of Mereury from 9'* August, 1944 fa 9"' August, 1961
Mercury Is the 7™ lord and the IC lord. T"- house Is ilic house nf
PadapraptJ. Since 7^ Is 10°' from the 10" liouse ■algnlflcatJons are
also to be sear The T" and 10"' lord Mcrcuiy Is In close CQii)tmc(lon
with the fifth lord Mars thus fanning an cxr.clicnl Rajyoga. Tint fifth lord
rcprcseuls Sanehlt karmas. Its ronjiun tlnn with T* lonl and Ui" lord
in IjrgtiH isutlcalrs iKisitioir and glory due to Ihe lOmnas o! ihc past
hlttlis. Tliesc have to manifest lu (he dasha of Mcreuiy. Tlic 7'1 hmsc
represents (he spouse also hi the dasfia of Mercury Hajeu Babu could
stay with his tamlly In the PolBtinJ Rashtrapati Bhnwan Hajeu Babu
wrote in his autoblugraplty thai in the 44-45 years of his nwrried life he
could stay for Just 44-45 month with Ills wife but in Mercury rtasba he
could stay with his entire family. Mercury as 7"' lord Is a Ma ra I< and
therefore gave Us share of disease also. In Navamsha Mercury goes to
Ihut us the house of Its friend and In Dindimaxtsha again In the house
of his friend Salnrn. In both Ihc dlvtslonal charts II Is In the 9"' house
Under the char dasha scheme It was Pisces from 1944 (o 1951. the 1 I"1
Riishi from AK and AMK though from MK Fmin 195 I to 196fl It was
Aquarius which Is the 10'"" from AK and AMK and the 7'* from MK,
At the time of onset of Mcn.nry daslia, Rajen Bnhu was drrply
Involved In writing Ids auloblograidiy lujall and fds famous book 'India
Divided' After release from Jail oq 15-6-'In, he wcul to attend the CWC
meeting to discuss (he Whvdl oITcr. From there he wetil in Shlmla but
fell sick on rcUtni to New Delhi. He Uicn •went to Pliant and s(nyed there
for two three weeks, Hr completed his book India Divided' there. He
later collected funds In ftajasthan and then returned to his Village. From
October. 1945 he. again toured for 6 7 weeks fell sick and had to be
taken to Patua for trcatrncm
The cffoils nf the British Cabftirl mission whtrh visited India In
March. 1946 failed. Even so the proposals for elections lo (he Ccnlral
and provincial legtsladon and for Ihe formation of an Interim national
government due to the boyroll by Muslim leadership
In the Interim Government the Muslim league did not parltclpate.
The Crlpps mifislcm thouglu (hat Muslim leagues demand for Pakistan
was not possible. Mr Jlnnah threatened »lrcct Action l^irgc scale
rioting took place in Calcutta where 13000 or more bodies were found
on road and severs and many floating hi the gauges. Rajcn Babu visited
Calcutta, CWC accepted the 16"' May proposal of the Government
Even before Independence, a Consfltucrxl Assembly Was fivnned in
July, 1946 to frame Uie Coiislltutlon of India. Dr. Rajcirdra Prasad was
elected Its PresidcnL Tills vras a Irlbutc to his life of selfless service lo
Ihe nation whose very spirit he seems to embody. The first Session of the
constituent Assembly was held on December 9. 1946.
In the Intcnm Govcmmcnl Raj en Babu wasorte of the 1 'J ministers.

Astfo SXetSh af Or Ratenam Rnef ifeChnlaoes nl Aslrdlo^icai PreflfCtiOrtB Vol O.-^s
He was given the Food and Agriculture portfolio. This was ajob of his
own heart. And he immediately set to work. Hie country was then going
through on acute food shortage, and he drew up a plan for better food
production But the problem of commumiiBm could not be cured.
Horrifying riots rocked Calcutta and later at the time of Independence
the madness seen Is unparalleled In world history.
On November 1949 thanks to the conscientious labours of the
Constituent Assembly, the pc»plc of India gave unto themselves a
ConsUtuUem dedicated to the (deals of Justice, liberty, equality and
India becamea Republic on January 25, 1950 and Rajendra Prasad
was Hwom in as the first President. It was Mercury -Venus-Saturn from
27" October 1949 to 911' April 1950. / II three capable of giving this high
position. In Char It was Ptsccs-Caprlcom Pisces Is 11"' Ra..hi from AK
and AMK and Capi lcom the 9"'.
As per consttrullon the President was to be elected by members of
tire stale Legislature Assemblies and Central Assembly. After the election
to Uiesc asstmhhes. Rajen iiahu was elected with high margin in bot h
1952 and J957. In 1952 the dasha was Mercury Moon Saturn and In
1957 ft was Mercury-Jupiter Mercury.
Rajen Rabu had dlfTcrcnrcs with Prime Minister Nehru on many
Issues. Rajen Babu as President wrote regular letters which were kept
confldcnUal, The. maturity of these lenders did not let these difference
come mil in the open to tin: Press and public. Mr. Chakradhar isarati.
Lite Secretary of the president has now published these letters In 10
volumes. Thra Slnhn the grand daughter of Rajen Babu writes of two
lntcreatlnganccdCiT.cs In her book Rashtrapatl Bhavan Kl Chahan Main'
Rajen Babu warned to welcome Mr. Elsenhower in the traditional Indian
style by performing Arb on the entry door. The grand daughters were
assigned the task. AH were excited. There was disappoint meat in the
family when the Military Secretary to the President informed thai the
AarU welcome has been dropped, on the advise, of Prime Minister Nehru.
Rajen Babu was informed about tills by the family, as usual Rajen Babu
kept his cool. His military Secretary conveyed his message to PM ofure
that the welcome would be in the traditional style only and It happened
that way. Tar a Stnha further gives an account of an Incident lu 1961.
Siie writes when Queen Elizabeth visited New Delhi two lady members
of the wcstcmlEcd Nehru family sarcHsllcally commented on the lady
members of the traditional RashtrapaO shaking bands with the Duke
and the queen,
As President, he continued his life of dedication. Despite old age
and frail health he kept up hia personal contact with people all over
India. He toured by rail for aboul 150 days a year, often slopping al
small railway stations to meet lire common foik.
On 20'" July. 1961 Rajen Babu vomited blood. He was In a serious
rnndltinn. He was given blond and remained uncaosclous haemorrhage
whs suspected. The doctor were helpless. He remained tn hospital for 11

Fwfci Tecumques ol AiEroloaital Piedicfans Vol Qeve As/ra SAtrfcft at Dr Rafenilra
days and xrtumcd on I" August, 1961, 'Hie Vlnwliottarl Daaha was
Mercury-Satum Jupiter upto IO'" August 1961, Kctu dasha was to start
from lO"'August 1961. InCharit was CBprlcorn Saglttarlusfjom Dec 3,
1960 to August 4. 1961. Sagittarius again giving him health problem.
Satum and Mercury arc Mrirakat, perhaps Hie pralyantar dasha of
Jupiter saved him. Rajcn EJabus term was to get over on 13° May 1962.
Rajrn Babu had decided not to retain RashtrapftlJ Bhawan even for a
day awrc. He left for Pa ma to stay In Sadequal Ashram. \Vlren asked
how he felt he said like a schoolboy going on holiday after writing his
exams. The Vlmshollari dasha was KctuArnus Mars and CharCapricuni
Libra Capricorn Is eighth from MK Libra in sLvth from AK and AMK
In September. 1962 Rajcn Babu wife passed away. Ketu-Venus -
Saturn and In Char It was Capricorn- Libra, Capricorn ts 2— from l.iK.
and from Lllira AK Is in the eighth.
On February 28'1'.1963, Rajcn Babti was scheduled to vtslt the
Pa ma University for a function. He was suddenly taken ill, in ihe
evening. Tire doctors described his condition as serious. Ihe Famous
Astrologer Pandit Vishnukant Jha was called. Kftjen fiabu brcallicd his
last at 10 PM. The Vlrnshoctarl dasha was Krtu-Vlrmis- Merruty. Mrrcuiy
as Mnrak also killed him. In Clwr It was Capricorn - Virgo. Thus ended
the Bror>r of tire noblest Indian values and traditions and of nnslva livable
Ideals Hint fill every Indian with pride and will always inspire the nation.


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