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DAV Public Schools, Ranchi Zone-B (Jh)

Sample Question Paper

Std.: XI F.M.: 70
Sub: Computer Science Time: 3:00 hrs
All questions are compulsory:-
1.a. What do you mean by Volatile and Non-volatile memory? 1
b. Draw a logical circuit to diagram for the following Boolean expression: (X+Y).(Y’+Z) 1
c. Convert the following: 2
i. (19.3)10 = (?)16
ii. (110001101)2 = (?)8
d. What are Escape sequences? Give examples. 2
e. What do you mean by Software? Name its types. 2
f. Design a flow chart that asks the user to input two numbers and displays the larger out of two. 2
2.a If p = 7.3, what will be the result of int(p/3)? 1
b. Write the equivalent Python statement: 2
i. x = a2+2ab+b2
ii. s = ut+½ at2
c. What is the difference between while and for loop? 2
d. Differentiate between Logical error and Runtime error. 2
e. What do you mean by Cloud Computing? What are its types? 2
f. Describe the characteristics of Python. 3
3.a. How ‘=’ operator is different from ‘==’ operator? 1
b. What value will be stored in the variable NUM in each of the following statements? 2
i. Num = 31/4+15
ii. Num = (20+3)%3
c. Write Python statements for the following: 2
i. To read an integer value into numval.
ii. To read a float value into the variable discount_rate.
d. Which of the following are invalid variable names and why? 2
i. Myscore
ii. Your-num
iii. S_num
iv. 1python
e. Correct the error(s), if any, in the following statements: 2
i. 3*5 = x
ii. A = P*R*N/100
iii. L = ab + c*d
iv. M = b2−4ac
f. Write the statements for each of the following situations: 3
i. Assign a value 10 to variable B.
ii. Print the string “January” on the screen.
iii. Assign the value represented by the formula A2+B2+C2 to variable X.
iv. Assign a Boolean value True to Temp.
v. Half the value assigned to variable C.
vi. Print the statement “Hi Zone” in the following format: Hi

4.a. Give the output of the following program: 2

Y+ = X
print “sum=”, X+Y
b. What do you mean by Looping statement? Give example. 2
c. What is the difference between X+=6 and X =X+6? 2
d. Write a program to swap two values without using any third variable. 3
e. Write the output of the following program: 3
v1, v2 = 5, 1
v1 = v1 + 1
v2 = v2 – 1
print “%d%d”%(v1, v2)
print “%d%d”%(v1–1, v2–1)

5.a. Find the syntax error(s), if any, in the following program: 2

x = iput(“Enter the value of x: “)
for y in range(0, x):

b. Translate the following for loop into a while loop: 2

for i in range(1, 6, 2)
print ”i=’*i
c. What is Abbreviated operator? What will be the output of z in the following expression: 2
z = 150 if (x > y) else 50
if the input is:
i. x, y = 70, 40
ii. x, y = 80, 90
d. Write a for loop to print the characters from A, B, C, …………, Z. 2
e. What is the difference between break and continue statement? Illustrate with the help of a 2
Python code.
f. Differentiate between RISC and CISC. 2
6.a. 1TB = ______GB 1
b. Write the full forms of: 2
c. Write a program to check whether a number is Even or not. 3
d. Write a program to find the factorial of a number. 3
e. Write a program to print first ‘N’ natural numbers and their sum. 3

Blue Print: Computer Science

Unit:1 1 mark questions 2 marks questions 3 marks questions Total

Basic Computer
Organization and 2(2) 4
Mobile System
Types of 1(1) 1(2) 3
Memory Units 1(1) 1
Boolean Logic 1(1) 1
Information 1(2) 2
Strings 1(2) 2
Basic concepts 1(2) 2
of Flowchart
Running a 1(1) 1
Cloud Computing 1(2) 2
Unit 2:
Basics of Python 1(2) 1(3) 5
Variables 5(2) 1(3) 13
Operators 4(2) 1(3) 11
Conditional 3(2) 1(3) 9
Notion of
computation 4(2) 2(3) 14
Total(34 Questions) 70
Note: Figures outside the brackets = Number of questions
Figures inside the brackets = Weight age per questions

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