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Child labor a problem of all

One of the greatest global problems facing us today is child labor, which is an activity that
deprives children of a common childhood, which is harm to their physical and mental
development, and that it comes between access to quality education; although this
phenomenon has come since the industrial revolution and the decrease in the number of
working children has decreased significantly compared to that time, still present high rates
of child labor in the world with more than 218 million children, 152 million of them in
hazardous work situation, where the highest concentration of child labor is in Asia with 62
million and America with 10,7 million as shown by the ILO (International Labor Office) in
its report of 2017 "Global Estimates of Child Labor." Among the Asian countries is China,
one of the world powers of the 21st century, which has a large percentage of child labor, but
are the words 'power' not synonymous with economic wealth and technological
development? so it would not be logical to think that they are able to keep aside this
problem that also affects them, then it is worth asking The laws of a powerful country like
China, compared with those of Colombia, are better for the prevention of child labor? Well,
this essay will analyze the laws of each country, both China and Colombia, which will
allow us to come up with the answer.

“During economic crises, in general, it is known that children in particular face a higher
risk of being put to work as social safety nets are stretched, families depend on child labor
for survival, and the informal economy grows” (Luna, J., 2014) being this the main
consequence in which this phenomenon ends, therefore, international entities such as ILO,
have established important laws and standardized the meaning of child labor to prioritize its
elimination at the global level, as presented in the following articles: ILO minimum Age
Convention (No. 138), which talks about the age at which they are considered to be a child;
and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which sets out the rights of children. Laws
are important as they can provide the basis for solving this problem, becoming a tool for the
total elimination of child labor, which is the ultimate goal of the policies established by the
ILO and other groups.
In Colombia it is well known that child labor frequently occurs in rural areas and that many
children were used for the armed forces (FARC) being called hazardous work, Colombia
has established in its legislation, 1991 Colombian constitution, the legal standards from the
rights of children to the minimum age for working and the definition of the worst jobs, until
the establishment of a committee aimed at the eradication of child labor and the protection
of young workers,

Se podrían especificar situaciones como el desplazamiento forzado, las guerras, tal como se
acaba de mencionar, el reclutamiento y utilización de los niños por parte de los grupos
armados, la prostitución o explotación sexual, el secuestro y la trata de personas, el trabajo
que pueda afectar la salud, la integridad y la seguridad o impedir el derecho a la educación,

Situations such as forced displacement and wars, as mentioned before, the recruitment and
use of children by armed groups, prostitution or sexual exploitation, trafficking in persons,
work that may affect health, integrity and security or impede the right to education.

La legislación colombiana guarda mucha coherencia con los convenios internacionales

relacionados con el fenómeno del trabajo infantil y podría decirse que la normatividad
propuesta por la ILO, OIT y la ONG fueron utilizadas como parámetro de control para la
creación de las leyes.

Por otro lado, dentro de la ley colombiana se establecen varias entidades e incentivos para
el acceso a una educación de calidad con el apoyo de países patrocinadores y capital
aportado por la sociedad, como las labores que ejerce el SENA, los programas del
Ministerio de Educación y entidades privadas, pues estos permiten la prevalencia de los
derechos de los niños, su protección especial, ayuda social, garantías y libertades, todos
estos como principios para que los niños puedan desarrollarse integralmente.

On the other hand, the Colombian law establishes several entities and incentives for access
to quality education with the support of sponsoring countries and capital provided by
society, such as the work carried out by SENA, the programmes of the Ministry of
Education and private entities, as these allow for the prevalence of children’s rights, their
special protection, social assistance, guarantees and freedoms, all of these as principles for
children have develop comprehensive.


Geneva (2017). Global estimates of Child Labor. Intenational Labour Office. Recovered
from http://www.oit.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---

Luna, J. (2014). Child labor in Colombia. IOM Colombia, Migration and Child Hood
program. Recovered from http://www.oim.org.co/images/Reportes/Ni

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