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Subject : Listening
Topic : The Nobel Peace Prize
Grade : 3rd Grade Senior High School
Material : Video
Time Allocation : 60 Minutes

B. The Purpose of The Lesson

1. Students be able to show motivation to develop English language skills.
2. . Students be able able to identify the purpose of the narrative text.
3. Students be able to identify linguistic elements from narrative texts.
4. Students be able to identify parts of narrative text.
5. Students be able to identify the meaning of sentences in narrative texts.
6 Students be able to identify characters in narrative texts.
7. Students be able to identify settings in narrative texts.
8. Students be able to identify events in narrative texts.

C. Learning Material
1. Characteristics of narrative texts.

• What is Narrative Text?

Narrative text is a fictional story or essay story that is made to entertain the reader. We
usually encounter narrative texts in the form of fairy tales, legends, fables, folklore, and other
fictional stories. Narrative text consists of sequential events that lead to a climax, and finally
find a solution. Narrative text aims to entertain readers / listeners.

• Generic Structure of Narrative Text

1) Orientation
The orientation section contains the opening of a story that contains an introduction to the
character, an introduction to the background of the time and place of the story. In essence this
section contains a general part of the story that includes what, who, when, and where the story
is told.
2) Complication
In this section, the main character begins to experience conflict in his life and the main
character must resolve these conflicts.
3) Resolution
The resolution part is the ending story. In this section all the problems must be resolved by
the main character. In the resolution section there is also usually a moral or moral value
message or advice that we can take from the story. The moral value of the ending of a
narrative text is called Coda.

• Use of Grammar in Narrative Text

Narrative text usually uses past tense or past tense, because this story is an essay or fiction
story. Forms of tenses can use past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, or it can
be a past continuous perfect continuous. All these rules do not have to be used as a reference
because the tenses refer to the conditions and situation of the sentence.

• Language elements in Narrative Text

1. Using action verb in the form of Past Tense. For example: Walked, Said, Wondered, Scared,
2. Using certain nouns as person pronouns, animals and certain objects in the story. For
example: the princess, the girl, the queen, etc.
3. Using adjective which forms a single noun phrase. For example: The red riding hood, the
poisoned apple, etc.
4. Use time connectives and conjunction to sort events. For example: before, after, then, next,
soon, etc.
5. Use adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate the location of events or events. For example:
on the sea, in the mountain, there, happily ever after, etc.

2. Teks narrative
“A Fox And A Cat.”

One day, a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited
creature, boasted how clever she was. “Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away
from our mutual enemies, the dogs,” she said.

“I know only one trick to get away from dogs,” said the cat. “You should teach me some
of yours!”.

“Well, maybe someday, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones”,
replied the fox airily.

Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew
louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the
nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. “This is the trick
I told you about, the only one I know”, said the cat. “Which one of your hundred tricks
are you going to use?”.
The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she
could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

3. Teks narrative “The Smart Monkey And The Dull Crocodile”.

One day there was a monkey. He wanted Orientation

to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile
Which sets the scene and introduces the
so he asked the crocodile to take him characters.
across the other side of the river. The
crocodile agree and told the monkey to The participants or characters of the
jump on its back. Then the crocodile story are a smart monkey and dull
swam down the river with the monkey on
One day there was a monkey. He wanted
his top. to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile
The time set is just one day. The story
takes place in a river

Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, Complication

he stopped in the middle of the river and
said to the monkey, “My father is very In which the problem arises, which
sick. He has to eat the heart of the usually involves the main characters.
monkey. So he will be healthy again.”At
Every narrative text must consist of
the time, the monkey was in dangerous conflict or problem. A simple definition
situation and he had to think hard. Then of problem is when something goes and
he had a good idea. He told the crocodile it is not what we want. In the story the
to swim back to the river bank. “What’s complication start when the crocodile
for?” asked the crocodile. “Because I want to eats the monkey.
don’t bring my heart,” said the monkey. the crocodile was very hungry, he
stopped in the middle of the river and
“I left it under a tree, near some coconuts
said to the monkey, “My father is very
in the river bank.” sick. He has to eat the heart of the
monkey. Of course the monkey don not
want to be the crocodile’s meal and that
is the problem which sets the whole

The crocodile agreed and turned around. Resolution

He swam back to the bank of the river. As A solution to the problem. Here the main
soon as they reached the river bank, the characters find a solution to solve the
monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back.
A problem must be resolved. It can
Then he climbed up to the top of a tree. succeed or fail. In this story, the monkey
“Where is your heart?” asked the succeeds to solve the problem. He get
free from the hungry crocodile.
crocodile. “You are foolish,” said the The crocodile agreed and turned around.
monkey to the crocodile. “Now I am free He swam back to the bank of the river.
As soon as they reached the river bank,
and I have my heart.” the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s
back. Then he climbed up to the top of a

D. Learning Method
1. Approach: scientific
2. Strategy: observe - practice.

E. Teaching Procedure
Activity Description of Activity
Opening  The teacher enters the classroom and immediately
greets using English so that the English Environment
can be created immediately at the first meeting. 10 min
 • The teacher asks the class leader to lead the opening
prayer together.
 • The teacher checks the attendance of students.
 • The teacher can use the phrase "Are you ready to
 • Make sure the students respond by answering again
"Yes, I am".
 • If students have not responded, do not continue the
lesson first.
 • If possible, the teacher can ask several children
individually to ensure that students can respond to the
teacher's words.
Main Activity Observing 30 minutes
 The teacher explains about narrative texts.
- Purpose of narrative texts.
- Types of narrative texts.
- Generic narrative text structure.
- Characteristics of linguistic narrative texts.
 The teacher provides examples of narrative texts.
 The teacher reads the narrative text "A Fox And A Cat"

 Students practice understanding the contents of
narrative texts by being required to read aloud in turns.
- Students practice understanding the meaning of
narrative text sentences by being asked to ask for words
that are not understood.
 The teacher can explain the parts and linguistic elements
of the narrative text "The Smart Monkey And The Dull
30 minutes
- The teacher asks about the text "The Smart Monkey
And The Dull Crocodile" such as characters, place
settings, time settings, what happened and moral
messages, etc.
Closing  . After participating in learning activities at this 10 minutes
meeting, students are asked how they feel.
 Students are asked to draw learning conclusions at this
 The teacher asks the class leader to lead the closing
prayer together.
 The teacher left the class and immediately closed using
English "Thank you for today, see you next meeting."
So that the English Environment is maintained
F. Learning Resources/Media
1. Source: Student Package Book
2. Media: Handout the text "A Fox And A paint".
3. Media: Text handout "The Smart Monkey And The Dull Crocodile".
G. Assesment

No Jenis Activity Activity
1. Assignment Joint Activities Observations, observations and other activities.
Independent Activities Observations, observations and other activities.
Exploration observation, literature review, and other activities.

2. Exercise Exercise Essay and multiple choice

H. Example of Exercise
Summarize the text "The Smart Monkey And The Dull Crocodile" according to your
understanding! (In 1 paragraph consists of 5-7 sentences)

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1. Who is the main character of the story?
a. Monkey & Crocodile
b. Donkey & Crocodile
c. Monkey & Alligator
d. Crocodile & his father.

2. Where does the story take place?

a. River bank
b. River hill
c. River bed
d. River

3. How does the monkey across the river?

a. Crossing the bridge
b. Using canoe
c. By jumping on crocodile back
d. Swimming the river

4. What does the crocodile need from the monkey?

a. His heart
b. His head
c. His lungs
d. His meat

5. Why does the bank want to go back to the bank of the river?
a. Monkey need to pick his heart.
b. Monkey forget something.
c. Monkey wants to help the crocodile.
d. Monkey doesn't want to be eaten.

Arranged By:
Daffa Firmanjaya Purnomo



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