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From Dawn to Sunset….

…. I pray for your Success…


Success belongs to those

who knows where they

and knows where they are

Data Management
Dental Informatics

Prepared By:
Dr. J. A. de Chavez
• Flash drive (to save all your exercise/hands-on)
• Class participation
– Quizzes
– Seatwork/Graded Hands-on
– Assignments
* Every meeting there will be graded activity/ies
• Attendance
– Absences limited to maximum of three meetings (9.0 hrs)
More than 10.5 hrs may be considered U.D.
– Readmission for every absence(s)
• Tardiness
– Door may be locked upon agreement
– Three late equivalent to one absent
• Cell phone are not allowed during the class
especially during the quiz or exam (except in
• Internet during the class is strictly prohibited
Spreadsheet Application
Data Management
• An administrative process by which the
required data is:
– acquired,
– validated,
– stored,
– protected, and
– processed,
– and by which its accessibility, reliability, and
timeliness is ensured to satisfy the needs of the
data users.
Database Management System
• Is a subset of
Information Resource
Management that the
firm’s data resources
accurately reflect the
physical system that
they represents.
Data and Database
• Data are the quantities, characters, or
symbols on which operations are performed
by a computer, being stored and transmitted
in the form of electrical signals and recorded
on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording
• A database is a collection of information
that’s related to a particular subject or
purpose, such as tracking transaction records
or maintaining a periodic records.
Element of Database
• Table – is a grouping
of related data
organized in fields
and records on a
data sheet.
• is a collection of
fields that describe a
person, place, object,
event, or idea.
• Field – is a column in a datasheet
& define a data type for a set of
values in a table
• Record – is set of values defined
by fields.
Excel Application

• Microsoft Excel is used as the primary

general purpose data management
software program by many clinical
investigators, especially for small studies.
• Microsoft Excel is a software program
produced by Microsoft that allows users to
organize, format and calculate data with
formulas using a spreadsheet system.
Difference Between Excel and
• Excel, as you may be
aware, can only hold up
to 16,384 columns and
1,048,576 rows.
• MS Excel is not a
relational database.
That is each workbook
you create is not linked
to another workbook

• In MS Excel you must first select the

entire data range otherwise you will only
be sorting data within that column only.
• MS Excel is very powerful when it
comes to data analysis and charting.
• 1,048,576 rows and 16,484 columns : ver 2007 – 2010
• Total number of characters that a cell can contain 32,767

• MS Access can hold numerous tables

limited only by the computer storage
• MS Access is a relational database
• MS Access, you can simply sort the
data by clicking on the column
containing the data you want to sort
 Spreadsheet Application
is the computer equivalent
of a paper ledger sheet. It
is consists of a grid made
from columns and rows. It
is an environment that can
make number
manipulation easy and
somewhat painless.
Spreadsheet is a
collection of test and
numbers laid out in a
rectangular grid
• A spreadsheet program can be used to perform
calculations, analyze and present data.
• Spreadsheet programs include tools for
organizing, managing, sorting and retrieving data
and testing "what if " statements.
• This let you change one or more values and
assess the effects of those changes on the
calculated values
The capacities of Excel (2007-2016) are as

• 16,384 (214) (256) columns of information,

The columns range from A to XFD
• can have up to 1,048,576 (220) (65,536) rows
• 3 sheets of information in one workbook
• 32,767 character for each cell capacity
• Total number of characters that a cell can contain32,767 characters
Two typed of Spreadsheet:

1. Manual – creating a
worksheet on ledger
paper or columnar
using paper, pencil,
calculator, and eraser.
2. Electronic – a
spreadsheet that
makes the basic task
much easier.
Main Parts of Excel Windows
Main Parts of Excel Windows

1. Title Bar – upper part of the the

window bearing the application
name “Microsoft Excel”
– Application Title Bar
– Document Title Bar Excel”.
Document Title Bar Application Title Bar

Document Title Bar

Sometimes the Title Bar is shown as

2. Tab Lists (Menu Bar) – Tabs that
make up the Ribbon - provides
the user with one way to access
the MS Excel command
3. Quick Access Toolbar - includes
most common commands such as
Save and Undo. Menu Bar/Tab Lists

Quick Access Toolbar

4. Ribbon is located at the top of the
document window and consists of tabs
that are organized by tasks. Each tab
is organized into groups, or subtasks.
Each button within a group is called a
command button.
Ribbon (continued)
• Tabs – appear across the top ribbon
and contain group of related
commands, Home, Insert, Page
• Groups – organize related command
• Command – appears within each grouip
5. Formula Bar – provides an entry for
mathematical operations. It displays
information entered or about to be
entered in a cell and gives the address
location of that cell. Cell editing can
also be done on this formula bar.
6. Worksheet Window – the
central part of your work,
where you type data &
performs calculations.

Total number of COLUMNS ???

Total number of ROWS ???

Row Number Worksheet WindowColumn Letter
Heading Heading
7. Status Bar – provides information such
as the message area indicating “Ready”
8. Zoom Controls – use for resizing the
size of the spreadsheet.”
9. View Buttons – shows the different form
for viewing the spreadsheet
Normal view – displays pages in normal view
Page layout - display pages exactly as they
will appear when printed.
Page break view – shows preview of where
pages will break when printed
Other of Excel Window Screen
1. Application Window – the outer
window in which Excel for windows run.
2. Document Window – the inner window
in which the spreadsheet is shown.
3. Application Control Menu – represented by
an icon on the horizontal bar in the upper
left corner of the application window.
4. Document Control Menu - represented by
an icon on the horizontal bar in the upper
left corner of the document window
5. Title Bar or Caption – top-left portion of
the window that indicates the name of
the current document (if any) appear
6. Minimize icon – this button minimizes the
window, placing it in the task bar.
7. Maximize icon –
this button
enlarges a window
to fill the entire
8. Restore icon –
this button
restores a
maximize a window
to a normal
9. Close icon – this
button terminates
the application.
10. Scroll bar – a gray horizontal and vertical bar
that enables the mouse to scroll the screen up,
down, to the right or to the left.
11. Status line – display the prompt line to inform
the users what command will do or to do next to
complete the execution of the command.
12. Worksheet area – enclosed by
numbered row and lettered column
13. Menu command – a function or action
chosen from the pull-down menu.
14. Column Letter Heading – column letters
represent each individual column. There are
a total of 16,384 columns in Microsoft Excel
15. Row Number Heading - numbers range
from 1 to 1,048,576
14. Cell - This is the basic unit of the spreadsheet.
15. Active cell – a bold border around the cell that
receives the data being entered.
16.Cell pointer – a crossed shaped marker that
appears over a cell in the work area.
17. Cell Address – location of a cell based on the
intersection of the column and row in a
18. Named box – indicates the active cell, located on
the left side of the formula bar.
19. Worksheet name – located above the status bar
that displays the name of each worksheet.
20. Sheet Tabs and Scrolling Buttons
Tabs appear at the bottom of the
document window with names of Sheet1,
Sheet2, Sheet3, etc. the scrolling buttons
appear to the left of the tabs; they allow
you to scroll more quickly through the
21. Block is a group of
adjacent cells
forming a rectangle.
It is defined by the
addresses of the
two cells that are in
the opposite corners
of the rectangle
block area, from the
top left cell in the
block to the bottom
right cell in the
22. Workbook is Excel's name for a file. The
workbook can have multiple sheets with
different information on each sheet. This
permits you to keep related data in one file
rather than break it up into several
different files.
23. Constant Values - data that you
type directly into a cell. These
can include text, whole numbers,
decimal numbers, dates, times,
currency, percentages, and
scientific notation.
24. Formula is a sequence of
values, cell references,
names, functions, or
operators that produces a
new value from existing
A formula will display on
the screen as a number but
the formula bar will show
what is really stored in that
As numbers affecting the
formula change, the formula
value will change.
Navigating Around the
Worksheet Area
o Cell to the right or Tab
o Cell to the left or Shift
+ Tab
o Cell below or Enter
o Cell above or Shift +

o Top left cell (A1) Ctrl +Home

o Down one Screen PageDown
o Up one screen PageUp
o Right one screen Alt + PageDown
o Left one screen Alt + PageUp
Mouse Pointer Appearance
Pointer : I-beam I
Description : Appears when positioned in the
formula bar. Used for changing formula
Pointer : Cross Bar

Description : Appears when positioned

between row or column headings.
Used to change the row height or the
column width.
Pointer : Auto Fill
Thin Cross
Description :Appears when positioned on the lower
right corner of the cell or selected range.
Used to fill adjacent cells with contents of the
Pointer : Cell Pointer
Thick Cross
Description :Appears over a cell in the worksheet
Used to select or highlight text.
Pointer : Double Sided Arrow

Description :Appears when positioned on a window’s

Used to resize the window
Pointer : Magnifying Glass

Description : Appears in Print

preview mode.
Used to zoom in for a closer view
of a section of the document to
be printed.
Pointer : Hour Glass

Description : Appears whenever

Excel is executing a command;
indicates that you have to wait
until the hourglass disappear to
continue the next action.
Data Entry
Three basic types of data
• labels -- text with no numerical
• constants - just a number --
constant value
• formulas - a mathematical equation
used to calculate
Data Examples Descriptio
Types n
Label Name or Anything
Wage that is text
Constant 5 or 3.75 or Any
-7.5 Number
(fixed value)
Formula =5+3 Math
= 8 * 5 + 3 Equation
F2 Key :
Data entry may be edited by
pressing F2 key.

Double clicking the entry the

particular cell content and editing
the entry.
The world step aside for the one who acts like he
knows where he is going…

move ahead……
And embrace your success!
Name Box
Worksheet Name

Scrolling Button Sheet Tab

Return Workbook Page
Menu Command
Application /Document Application /Document
Control Menu
Application Title Bar
“Teaching is a
dedication…a legacy to
foster quality education
for our next


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