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‘For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every

green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and
silver’, said Martin Luther King Jr. realizing the immense
importance of trees in our lives. No matter how much
progressed and prosperous we become in terms of earning gold
and silvers, it’s pretty obvious that nothing can replace the
great values that trees behold.


Now, we human beings are reasonable enough to question why
we need to do a particular thing and how will it be useful for us;
However, when it comes to trees, they do not fail to provide
ample reasons to prove their worth. Ranging from sustaining
the ecological balance to serving commercial needs of humans
by providing wood, fruits and medicines, trees have been
serving their indispensable role to the environment for ages.
Some of the benefits we derive from trees can be enumerated
as follows:-
1. Serving Oxygen Needs and combating climate change:
Human Beings breathe in oxygen to live. Trees undergo
the process of photosynthesis for their food during which
they utilize carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere and
release back oxygen which is used by living creatures for
respiration. Trees also help combat climate change by
removing and storing excess CO2 from the air which is a
greenhouse gas and contributes to global warming.
2. Trees produce cooling effect and help conserve energy:
Trees provide cool shade by absorbing excess heat and
releasing water vapors through transpiration. This helps
cutting summer air conditioner needs and thereby
promotes energy conservation.
3. Preventing soil erosion: The roots of the trees hold onto
the soil and prevent soil erosion.
4. Providing food and medicines: Trees provide food in the
form of fruits and vegetables for Humans, Birds and
Animals alike. In fact, many trees and plants behold
medicinal values and help cure severe diseases. Example :
The bark of cinchona tree helps cure malaria while Tulsi
and Ashvagandha are beneficial in cold and cough.
5. Shelter for Birds and Animals: Trees also serve as shelter
for large variety of birds and animals and help conserve
biodiversity in nature by providing a proper habitat for
their survival.
6. Fulfilling commercial aspirations: A number of
commercial goods can be derived from trees that can help
in economic growth. Example: Timber, firewood ,
pulpwood, fruits, medicines, minerals, rubber, gum, fibres
, fodder, oils, bamboo canes and many more commercial
7. Regulation of Water Cycles: Trees absorb rainfall , slow
down runoff and release water for recharge of springs. The
water they transpire helps in formation of clouds that
bring down rainfall and maintain the hydrological balance.
8. Moderate pollution: With the advent of industrial era,
cities have become hub of industries that release toxic
gases and pollutants in the atmosphere . Trees play a
crucial role of pollution moderators as they absorb toxic
gases and help keeping the air pure. They even absorb
noise and prevent noise pollution.


The reasons behind large scale cutting of trees or say,
deforestation include road construction, mining and dam
building activities, clearing for agricultural lands for
meeting growing population’s food needs and hydropower
projects. Forest fires are also responsible for large scale
destruction of trees. Serious efforts need to be taken in
this direction to prevent unnecessary loss of trees.
Government must take steps to ensure proper
implementation of the model for sustainable development
We know that trees are one of the most precious natural
entities on planet Earth and large scale cutting of trees
without plantation of new ones in their place poses
serious challenges to the lives of creatures and the whole
environment. In light of this, we find out the following
major challenges as a result of incessant cutting down of
1. Imbalance in oxygen and water cycle: Trees help
maintain the required levels of oxygen in the
atmosphere which is a vital element in the respiration
process of animals and human beings. They also ensure
proper working of the water cycle in nature as discussed
before. Hence, loss of trees on a large scale would
disturb the oxygen and water cycles in the environment.
2. Excess presence of carbon dioxide: When there would
be less trees, there would be more carbon dioxide in the
nature which being a greenhouse gas will further
elevate the problem of global warming.
3. Destruction of natural habitat of birds and animals:
Several species of birds and animals depend on trees for
their food and shelter needs. Incessant cutting of trees
will destruct their natural habitats which might make
them vulnerable and cause their extinction .This will
result into severe loss of Biodiversity.
4. Problem of soil erosion: The roots of the trees keep a
hold on soil and prevent it from being eroded. Hence,
cutting of trees results into soil erosion and loss of soil
fertility subsequently causing Desertification.
5. Trees act as windbreakers: Without trees, people living
in windy areas will experience difficulties as trees there
act as windbreakers and prevent soil erosion as well as
problems in performing daily chores.


‘Change begins with you’. Individual efforts can play a
significant role in planting and saving trees. Here are some of
the suggestions that might prove beneficial:-

 Planting of more and more trees: Nelson Henderson once

said that “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under
whose shade you do not expect to sit”. Seeing the
innumerable benefits that trees provide, it is considered
that planting trees is the noblest amongst all deeds. With
the continuous rise in population, more and more trees
are being cut for fulfilling the needs of food and space. In
such a scenario, it is very important that we plant a lot of
trees in our surroundings and ensure their proper growth
too by looking after them well and not just leaving the
planted saplings ignored.
 Dealing with deforestation: Deforestation involves cutting
of trees on a large scale. We need to keep a check on
deforestation activities and reduce them as much as
possible because forest formation takes decades and
ruthless cutting of trees with just few strokes is only going
to aggravate our problems in near future.
 Spreading Awareness: Awareness should be spread
among general public regarding the importance of trees
and how can we save them. More of ‘Plantation Drives’
and awareness campaigns should be organized for small
children as it’ they who are the bearers of the future.
 Community Role: The community plays a crucial role in
planting and saving trees as collective efforts always turn
out to be fruitful. Example:-Many religions like Hinduism
and Jainism promote worshipping of trees to make their
community realize the worth. Then there are instances like
sacrifice of 363 Bishnoi women who laid down their lives
to protect ‘Khejri’ trees of Rajasthan and the ‘Chipko
Movement’ of 1973 where people used to hug trees in
order to prevent them from being cut. A very brave
statement of Amrita Devi, the leader of the movement,
was recorded back then that said,” If a tree is save from
felling at the cost of one’s head, it should be considered as
a cheap bargaining”.
 Initiatives by NGOs: NGOs like Green Yatra, Sankalp Taru ,
Say Trees, Siruthuli and many more are solely devoted
towards the objective of tree plantation and conservation.
Such NGOs play a very crucial role in spreading the
message and engaging individuals in tree protection
activities, instilling a sense of responsibility among all
which is much needed as it’s our duty only to take care of
the flora and fauna around us which are crucial elements
for our own survival on planet Earth.


 According to ‘THE TELEGRAPH’, the Indian Government

has attributed $6.2 billion for plantation of trees in line
with the Paris Agreement in 2015.
 The Government has also passed the CAMPA law which is
supposed to allocate around 40 Thousand Crore Rupees
to Indian States for tree plantation. This includes setting
up of parks and Green Belts too.
 National Mission for Green India: This mission aims at
enhancing quality of forest cover, Eco restoration of
forests. There is also a Centrally sponsored scheme called
“National Afforestation Programme” for regeneration of
degraded forests with the help of community participation
by people residing in the surroundings.
 The Ministry of Environment , Forests and Climate Change
also takes up several initiatives to keep a check on
deforestation and ensures afforestation through various
environmental programmes and tree plantation initiatives.

Trees are like green lungs of Mother Earth and it’s time to
make sincere efforts to save and protect them because it’s
trees only that will ensure our well being even when we
get lost into the race of Industrialisation and urbanization
in the name of development. It’s these trees we plant, that
will selflessly give us their all till their last breath and it’s
protection of trees only that will subsequently ensure well
being of all other living creatures and the environment.
Who among us would like to give a choking world and
barren lands to our next generations? None of us, right?
The best gift we can give to our posterity is a healthy
environment and it is well known that trees will serve this
purpose best. So, let’s take pledge to do our best in
protecting trees and planting new saplings because it’s

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