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Every March the Formula One Grand Prix comes to Melbourne. It is a major part of the Tourism
and Hospitality focus for the first part of each year.
Many hospitality businesses want to be part of it in order to benefit their organization.
As a partner in a catering business you can benefit from the Grand Prix, but only if you can
convince the other partners that it is worthwhile, in a written presentation you will need to explain
what relationships you would have to establish, how you would go about doing so and what
arguments you would use to convince your partners to become part of the Grand Prix.
You need to make them recognize and upon this opportunity. In addition to this you need to
stipulate which important points you would wish to be included in a written contract with the
Grand Prix organizers to try ensure a positive experience.
The written report will need to be at least 1500 words in length.
Need to show that you have actively seek out information and advice, be able to pre-empt potential
problems and what actions you would take.
1. Introduction
Formula One racing for a long has been seen as the pinnacle of motor racing since it would
definitely attract large numbers of audience at the race itself, television audiences all over the
world, media attention and huge amount of sponsorship. The Formula One is conducted every year
in major cities in the world. The Formula One Australia Grand Prix takes place on an annual basis
over four days in March in Melbourne and Albert Park. This is a huge opportunity for Melbourne
to promote its image to the world as well as develop remarkable economic, cultural and social
benefits such as job generation, tourism attraction, infrastructure development, industry
development, inward investment, community involvement, to name but a few. The fact remains
that the Formula One Australia Grand Prix is projected to increase Melbourne’s image to 80
million global audiences, in which China, Japan and India could be considered key markets (ref).
The event in 2019 witnessed huge numbers of audience of 324,000 people which increased by
10% in comparison with that in 2018 (ref).







Marking guide:
- Points covered that needed to be included in contract
- Professional cover sheet including company logo
- Proactive identification of possible business relationships with suppliers
- Proactive identification of possible business relationships with customers
- Proactive identification of possible business relationship with organizers
- Proactive identification of possible business relationships with government bodies
- Explanation of benefits accruing from supplier relationships
- Explanation of benefits accruing from customer relationships
- Explanation of benefits accruing from relationships with organizers
- Explanation of benefits accruing from relationships with government
- Strength of concluding argument

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