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From to Lost to Found … From Least to Finest … From Last to First …

Gil M. Ramos

Undoubtedly, the virtue of charity begins at home; however, we have to remember that it
does not end there. Outside the confines of our homes are people who are in dire need of our
support and love. These people, the LOST, the LEAST, and the LAST, experience the greatest
pain in life: the feeling of having no family at all. Below are possible options to choose from to
accompany these people back home.

Who are the LOST? The lost in our midst are the misguided who blindly traverse the
roads that lead to nowhere. Influenced by some strange philosophies, they are left with baffling
choices which make them wobbly in terms of defining the moral ends they are called to
accomplish. Thus, their fight remains unwon and their race remains unfinished because they are
not equipped with a sense of direction that reduces their struggles unrewarded and pointed to

To make the lost FOUND, as good Samaritans to them, some actions we may do are to

 provide good counsel to those who are confused;

 motivate others to take education seriously and never stop pursuing for continuous
 initiate intellectual discussions accompanying the participants to rediscover the
answers to the big questions about life;
 aid the irresolute to make decisions by laying down before them the possible
advantages and disadvantages of each option;
 give them space and time evaluate their life by undergoing prayer-based reflection and

Who are the LEAST? The least in our midst are the disadvantaged, a disappointing
condition attributed to their economic, physical and cultural profiles. These disadvantages confine
them within the walls of great insecurity. With their unstable posture in society, they are
conditioned to feel so little and disheartening about themselves, making them believe they are so
incapable, so unworthy and so lowly. Consequently, this weakens their spirit discouraging them
to take measures to better their situations.

To make the least FINEST, as good Samaritans to them, some actions we may do are to

 robe them with positive aura or spirit by pointing to them their strengths, special
abilities and innate talents;
 institutionalize mechanisms that will build their capacities;
 make them feel that they are needed by delegating to them assignments that match
their capabilities;
 appreciate the little victories they achieve to boost their low morale and give them a
feeling of fulfillment;
 give them the opportunity and resources to prove their worth as human persons.

Who are the LAST? The last in our midst are the ones who are not prioritized, and they
are given with only leftovers from the abundance enjoyed by the rich. Since they are the last,
before the wealth of the community arrives at the doors of their humble abode, the sweet juice of
any fortune is already sucked out by the sad fate associated with scarce resources and
opportunities. Moreover, urgency is not put to the front in meeting their needs; actually, in
economic planning, most of the time, they are forgotten.

To make the last FIRST, as good Samaritans to them, some actions we may do are to

 prioritize the general welfare in any economic planning, a planning that considers and
protects the poor;
 distribute the wealth of the community among the members equally;
 listen to the poor to understand their situation, their needs, their aspirations and their
dreams in life;
 give up our selfish gains to give way to the benefits the majority may probably enjoy
from that personal sacrifice;
 offer help to anyone who is in need.

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