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Name : Alvin Baskoro Adhi

Student Number : 1806203093

Faculty & Class : Engineering (FT) & S403

Department : Teknik Sipil


Cars are one of the most popular transportation known worldwide. It is first developed

at the mid-1800s by Karl Benz. Ages after his great invention, it has become an important tool

to mobilize human from a place to another place in just a few moments. A car could work with

the help of engines that makes it functional. Many types of car engine make many cars feel

different. Not widely known that there are three types of car engine with both its

advantages and disadvantages.

The first type of engine car is the petrol engine. The petrol engine works by burning the

petrol fuel in the combustion chamber that pushes the piston in the engine so the engine will

run. The burning uses spark to ignite the fuel and not require a lot of pressure in the combustion

chamber so as an advantage of petrol engine the sound that produced from the burning process

of the petrol engine is lower than the diesel engine, run smoother and also has a big power so

that it used in many sport cars. Although it produces a smoother sound than the diesel engine,

it uses a lot of fuel and so as the bigger engine will consume more fuel to burn.

The second type of engine car that already mentioned in the second paragraph is diesel

engine. The diesel engine works by compressing the air in the combustion chamber and

spraying the diesel fuel so the fuel will be burned by the hot air that compressed by the piston

so the piston will be pushed and so the engine run. The burning process is not requiring a spark,

different from the petrol engine, but only uses high compressed air so as an advantage, it is
more efficient in burning fuel than petrol engine and also gives the engine more torque, because

of that, it’s used in many truck and big cars. Even though the fuel consumption is lower than

the petrol engine, because of the burning process of a diesel engine, it produces more noise and

some kind of bad smell.

The last type of engine that will be mentioned is the electric engine. The electric car

engine works by sending an electrical current to a dynamo that connected to the wheels so

when the accelerator pedal is pushed, the current becomes bigger and the car will run faster.

As the dynamo run by sending electricity, not by burning a fuel, it produces no sound and could

be the future of all automobile industry along with the less gasoline available on earth.

Although it only uses electricity that comes from a huge battery inside the car like a cellphone,

it requires a lot of time to charge it and the car prize and now the price of electric cars is very


As we have seen in the previous paragraph, many types of car engine have its own

characteristics, advantage, and disadvantage. Different types of engine suites different types of

condition. People have to choose what is the best engine they need before buying a car.

Source :

 Brain, Marshall. 2018. “How Electric Cars Work”

https://auto.howstuffworks.com/electric-car.htm (Retrieved on 8 December 2018)

 Woodford, Chris. 2018. “Car Engines”

https://www.explainthatstuff.com/carengines.html (Retrieved on 8 December 2018)

 Woodford, Chris. 2018. “Diesel Engines”

https://www.explainthatstuff.com/diesel-engines.html (retrieved on 8 December 2018)

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