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(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)

ુ રાત ટ� કનોલો�કલ �િુ નવિસ�ટ�
(�ુજરાત અિધિનયમ ક્રમાં ર૦/ર૦૦૭ દ્વા સ્થાિપ)

GTU/100 Activity points/2018/2473 Date: 07.04.2018


All the Principals/GTU coordinator of the Degree Engineering colleges.

Subject: Regarding extension of date for registration/entry of activities by students and approval for the
same by internal faculty member.

Ref: http://gtu.ac.in/uploads/Circular%20for%20internal%20viva_100%20ACTIVITY_125537.pdf

With reference to the above mentioned circular, date for the same is extended for all students till 17th
April 2018, as maximum students can take benefit of TechFest by entry of their certificates and their
approval by internal faculty members is rescheduled from 18th April to 24th April 2018. The
Principals/ Directors are requested to inform all the HODs, Faculty Members and students about it.

Last date for student is 17th April 2018, after that no entry will be entertained as portal is lock.

For any query student/faculty member can write an e-mail to us at: 100activitypoints@gtu.edu.in

I/C Registrar

Winners of: ICT Enabled University Award E-India - 2009 Manthan Award - 2009
2nd Floo r, ACPC Buildin g, L .D. Colleg e of Engine erin g Cam pus, Navran gpu ra, Ahm edaba d, (Guja rat) In dia - 3 80 015.
Ph.No.: + 91 - 79 - 2 630 049 9 / 599 Fax: + 9 1 - 79 - 2 6301 500 E-m ail : registra r@gtu.ac.in URL : www .gtu.ac.in

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