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Preventing the spread of C-diff

Anastasia Gordea, Tony Leon, Linda Phan

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Description of Problem Fishbone Categories Solution

C-diff infections spreading among patients

because staff and patients are not performing Smart art • Nurses
Solution: Educate patients and reminding staff during
proper hand hygiene. People • Doctors hourly rounding the importance of proper hand
• Patients hygiene. The nurse can remind the patients “Don’t
forget to wash your hands before and after eating”
during hourly rounding.

Analysis: When patients and staff are not educated

• Not following proper technique enough on the importance of proper hand hygiene, the
Process • Using hand sanitizer instead of soap and water
spread of infections such as C-diff continues. Patients
• Proper donning and doffing of PPE
Root Cause who are educated about C-diff infections and how it is
spread can learn to help stop the spread by washing
their hand with soap and water thoroughly. Staff are
Root cause: Staff not educating patients on the importance of educated on the importance of proper hand hygiene
hand hygiene in preventing the spread of C-diff and not
• Dynamap but compliance is low so during hourly rounding, it is
accommodating unique patient needs (education, accessibility)
when it comes to proper hand hygiene.
Equipment • Personal Protective Equipment important to remind each other to prevent the spread
• Sink handles
Analysis: there are many factors: of infection by asking each other to wash their hands
5 Why’s often.
1.C-diff is a spore bacteria requiring multiple factors to control
(bundle approach) and therefore there is a increased References
opportunity for non-compliance by staff and patients. • Compliance Haverstick, S. (2017). Patient’s Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital-
2.C-diff is resistance to alcohol based hand sanitizers and • Educate the effectiveness of hand hygiene Acquired Infection. Critical Care Nurse, 37(3). e1-e8.
surface cleanser.
Regulation • Must wash hand for 15 seconds or more if doi:10.4037- ccn2017694
hands are visibly soil
3.Staff and patients not using proper hand hygiene
4.Patients unable of the importance of hand hygiene in reducing Headly, C.M. (2012). Deadly Diarrhea: Clostridium Difficile Infection.
spread of C-diff, or not afforded the opportunity to perform Nephrology Nursing Journal, 39(6), 459-468. Retrieved from
proper hand hygiene http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=tue&AuthType=ip,at
5.Staff not educating patients on the importance of hand • Education program of proper hand hygiene and hens&db= ccm&AN =104404144&site=eds-live&scope=site
PPE use
hygiene in preventing the spread of C-diff and not
accommodating unique patient needs (education, accessibility)
Management • Encouragement and Incentives for proper
behavior Pokrywka, M., Feigel, J., Douglass, B., Crossberger, S., Hensler, A., &
when it comes to proper hand hygiene. • Reinforcement and frequent re-visiting the issue Weber, D. (2014). A Bundle Strategy including Patient Hand
Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium Difficile Infections. MEDSURG
Nursing, 23(3), 145-164. Retrieved from
hens&db= ccm&AN =107863330&site =eds-live&scope=site
• Availability of sinks
Environment • Not enough contact carts
• Hand soap are not refilled properly
• Haverstick, S. (2017). Patient’s Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infection. Critical Care Nurse,

37(3). e1-e8. doi:10.4037-ccn2017694

• Headly, C.M. (2012). Deadly Diarrhea: Clostridium Difficile Infection. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 39(6), 459-

468. Retrieved from



• Pokrywka, M., Feigel, J., Douglass, B., Crossberger, S., Hensler, A., & Weber, D. (2014). A Bundle Strategy

including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium Difficile Infections. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(3),

145-164. Retrieved from



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