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News Release |1


Media Contacts
Dan Vipperman Joshua Traubert
Forensic Engineering & Consulting (860) 810-2033
(864) 992-3105 joshuatraubert@gmail.com

A Company to Remember

HARRISONBURG, VA—25 September, 2019. Engineering Design and

Testing (ED&T) is a forensic Engineering and consulting company. ED&T works

with different types of clients that can be insurance issues or legal profession

clients. ED&T has been in business for more than thirty years with many types of

engineers across the country. This large company separates themselves from the

rest in several ways.

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ED&T focuses on two kinds of clients, those in insurance and also those in the

legal profession. Clients in the insurance field talk to the engineers about a

multitude of issues; claim analysis, determination of cause and subrogation.

Clients in the legal profession field talk to engineers about being expert witnesses

in cases in court.

Engineers that work for ED&T are required to have a P.E. license in their

respective field before getting a job. Most other companies do not require this for

their workers.

ED&T also differs from other engineering companies by also the types of the

claims the workers take on. Engineers who take on large loss files like to meet

their clients face to face before taking on the project. Thus, creating a more

personal relationship whereas other companies just know their clients from a

single phone call or email.

Every other year selected engineers travel across the world to the United

Kingdom to meet with international clients. This practice is used to meet both old

and new clients of larger insurance companies to continue the more personal

relationship that come with working with ED&T. The ties with other companies

allow for engineers to work overseas in different countries across the world.

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Along with this networking trip there is also the annual engineers meeting, where

every worker and their family travel to an office location to meet up. This is used

for both younger and older members as a networking and learning weekend.

Younger workers focus the weekend on meetings about establishing themselves in

their areas as well as building their reputation and business. Older workers sit in

on meetings to listen to a specific engineer talks about something, they have great

knowledge on. Both gain new knowledge from this event that they can use to

bring back to their offices.


ABOUT Engineering Design & Testing

Engineering Design & Testing was created almost 30 years ago with the goal of
creating a more personal relationship with clients in a professional setting. ED&T
has more than 15 offices across the nation with clients across the world. Engineers
deal with clients in two different business, insurance and legal profession, with
their clients continually coming back and recommending engineers from ED&T
over and over again.

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