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English Papers


Arranged by Group 12:

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

bengkulu health polytechnic
Midwefery Study Program DIII Curup
Table of Contens

Foreword...................................................................................................... i
Table of Contens.................................................................................................................... ii
Chapter I preliminary................................................................................................ 1
1 .1 Background........................................................................................... 1
1.2. Purpose........................................ ................................................................. 1
1.3. Formulation of the problem ............................................................................ 1
Chapter II ADVERB.....................................................................................................................10
3.1 understanding Adverb...................................................................................................10
3.2 Types Adverb.........................................................................................10
Chapter III ADJECTIVE.......................................................................................................13
4.1 Understanding Adjective.......................................................................................13
4.2 Adjective Clause dan Reduced Adjective Clause..........................................15
Chapter IV Cover............................................................................................................17
5.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................17
5.2 Suggestion

Bibliography....................................................................................................... 18
Chapter I


1.1 Background

In learning English, there are many things that must be known in advance, one of
which is the parts of the spoken word or in English called Parts of Speech.

This paper will discuss the (adverb and adjective) fields of study in English, not
because through it someone can convey their intentions clearly. This form is the basic
learning or basic structure that we must learn to better understand the procedures for speaking
English well and smoothly. And also with questions which means questions and answers or
asking questions to others, even that is also very important in using everyday English.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of making this paper is to find out adverbs and adjectives, both form,
meaning and application are expected to be one of the assets in learning English properly and
correctly. Add insight and knowledge so as to add to existing knowledge so that it can be
developed into a paper.

1.3 formulation of the problem

a) What does adverb mean ?
b) How to use, form and use adverbs and adjectivess?
c) What are some examples of adverb and adjective sentences?
Chapter II

1.1. Understanding Adverb

Adverb or adverb is a word that gives an explanation of the place, time and way an
activity or event took place. as here, now, softly, loudly, tomorrow, again, twice, never, dll.

Adverbs are also defined as words that describe verbs, adjectives, prepositions and
other words except nouns and pronouns.example:
1) I am working now. (the word now in the sentence is a description of the time describing the
working verb).
2) Hendi speaks loudly. (the word loudly in the sentence explains how Hendi speaks).
3) Wenny never comes before dinner. (the word never in the sentence is an explanation of
frequency / frequency).
3.2. Types Adverb

Types of Adverb are as follows:

A. Adverb of Time.
Is an adverb stating the time when a job, action or event occurred. like afterwards
(then, after that, then), already (before), before (earlier, before), frequently (often), now
(now), today (soon), soon (soon), immediately (soon), lately (lately), yesterday (yesterday),
1) I’am stydying English now.
2) Are you went to school yesterday?

B. Adverb of Place.
Is an adverb that indicates the place of an action, action or event. Like above (back),
back (below), below (below), around (around), here (here), somewhere (somewhere),
everywhere (everywhere), there (there), etc.
1) She studies English here
To help show the Adverb of Place, we can ask questions with the word "where".
C. Adverb of Manner.
Is an adverb that expresses how the work was done or an event occurred. Like
carefully (carefully), fluently (hard), hard (hard), fast (quickly), slowly (slowly, slowly),
suddenly (suddenly), together (together) ), etc.
1) They worked hard.
To help show the Adverb of Manner, we can ask questions with the word "how".
D. Adverb of Manner
Is an adverb that expresses to what extent (level or degree) a situation or event. Usually
it explains / modifies the adjective / adverb itself. like almost (almost), enough (enough),
fairly (somewhat / used for Typically describing / modifying adjective / adjective or adverb
itself, positive statements), rather (rather used for negative statements), nearly (almost), very (
very), too, only, quite, etc.example:
1) She is Very Pretty Girl

E. Adverb of Frequency
Is an adverb that states the amount or how much a job, action or event was carried out.
In adverb of frequency there are 2 parts, namely:
1) Adverb of Quantity.
Usually to determine the adverb of quantity we ask questions with the word "how often".
like: always (always), usually (usually), never (never), ever (sometimes), sometimes
(sometimes), seldom (rarely), generally (generally), etc.
Andi always drinks milk every night.
2) Adverb of Number
Usually to determine the adverb of number we ask questions with the word "how many
times" (how many times). such as once, twice (thrice), thrice (three times), half (half),
twofold (two times), etc.
He eats twice every day.

F. Adverb of Affirmation
Is an adverb that states affirmation, emphasis or affirm answers. like certainly
(naturally), naturally (of course), surely (of course), of course (of course), absolutely
(absolutely), etc.
1) Of course she can speak English.
Another term for adverb of affirmation is adverb of certainty.
G. Interrogative Adverb
Is an adverb that also forms the question. Each of these adverbs is associated with other
1) How did he go?
How is an interrogative adverb of manner.
2) Where did he go?
Where is an interrogative adverb of place.
H. Relative Adverb
An adverb that functions as a link between two clauses in a sentence. The words are
the same as interrogative adverb, the difference is only in the position, namely the relative
adverb is usually placed in the middle of a sentence (between two clauses), while the
interrogative adverb is at the beginning of a sentence.
1) I asked him how he went.
How is a relative adverb of manner.
2) I asked him where he went.
Where is a relative adverb of place.
Chapter III
2.1 Understanding Adjective
Adjective adalah kata yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari part of speech yang
berfungsi untuk menjelaskan noun (kata benda) termasuk Pronoun (kata ganti benda/orang).
Adjective biasanya mendahului kata benda atau kata ganti yang diberi sifat atau bisa juga
berdiri sendiri jika menjadi objek sebuah kalimat nomimal. Cara termudah untuk mengetahui
sebuah kata adjective adalah dengan menggabungkannya dengan kata: “Yang” (walaupun
tidak mutlak). Jika digabungkan dengan kata “yang” tapi tidak logis, maka itu bukanlah kata
sifat (adjective). Seperti: jangan yang putih; jangan yang tinggi; jangan yang rusak.

A. Cotoh Kalimat Adjective

1) My sister is not only beautiful but also tall. (Kakakku tidak hanya cantik, tapi juga tinggi.)
2) Tonight is very quiet and dark. (Malam ini sangat sunyi dan gelap)
3) I met a big gorilla in the zoo yesterday. (Aku bertemu seekor gorila yang sangat besar.)
4) I have some girl friends, but you are the best. (Aku mempunyai beberapa pacar, tapi
kamu adalah yang terbaik).
5) The man who is standing on the bridge is a terrorist. (Orang yang berdiri di atas jembatanitu
adalah seorang teroris).

B. Types of Adjective
1. Original Adjective.
Artinya, adjective dalam pengertian ini tidak terbentuk dari unsur kata apapun,
melainkan memang dia tercipta untuk menjadi adjective.
Contoh: Don’t step on the floor, it still wet.
2. Past Participle.
Past participle atau yang biasa kita kenal dengan V3 seperti: confused (bingung),
broken (rusak) juga bisa menjadi adjective.
Contoh: Please help me to fix my broken car (tolong perbaiki mobilku yang rusak)
3. Article.
Seagian ahli grammar ada juga yang menganggap bahwa article juga termasuk
adjective. Yang termasuk article adalah “a”, “an”, dan “the”.
4. Possessive Adjective.
Possessive bisa diartikan dengan “kepemilikan”. Dan yang dimaksud di sini adalah
possessive pronoun yang terdiri dari: my, your, his, her, its, their. Walaupun sebenarnya
possessive pronoun tidak menerangkan atau menjelaskan kata benda, tapi oleh para ahli
grammar dimasukkan dalam kategori adjective.
5. Demonstrative Adjective.
Yang dimaksud dengan demonstrative adjective adalah kata tunjuk seperti: these, this,
Contoh: When the librarian tripped over that cord, she dropped a pile of books.
6. Interrogative Adjective.
Karena interrogative, maka tentu menggunakan kata tanya seperti: what dan which.
contoh: Which plants should be watered twice a week?
Adjective mungkin berbentuk sederhana (dark, hot, young), atau berbentuk frasa
(adjective phrase) hasil kombinasi antara adjective sebagai head dan modifier
dan/atau determiner.

Contoh Adjective Phrase

 dark
 hot  very dark chocolate (modifier + adjective)
 young  many young married couple (determiner + adjective)

Adjective juga mungkin dapat bergabung dengan part of speech lain untuk
membentuk kata baru yang disebut compound adjective

Kombinasi Contoh Compound Adjective

adjective + noun high-speed cameras

adjective + Past Participle well-known authors

adjective + Present Participle good-looking men

noun + adjective oil-free products

Jika ada lebih dari satu adjective di depan noun, kita perlu mengikuti adjective order,
yakni urutan adjective berdasarkan kategori: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material,
purpose. Keterangan:
He had two happy big brown pigeons.  happy = opinion
(Dia dulu memiliki dua ekor merpati  big = size
besar yang ceria.)  brown = color

C. Adjective Degree
Adjective dapat digunakan untuk membuat perbandingan. Kata ini dapat mengalami
perubahan bentuk sesuai dengan jenis perbandingannya.

Deegre oF Comparison Penjelasan dan Contoh

membandingkan kesetaraan

Positive Degree Contoh:

She is as good as you in math.
(Dia sebaik kamu di pelajaran matematika.)

membandingkan dua hal

Comparative Degree Contoh:

Today should be better than yesterday.
(Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemarin.)

membandingkan tiga hal atau lebih

Superlative Degree Contoh:

He was the best of all of us.

(Dia dulu yang terbaik dari kita semua.)

4.2 Adjective Clause dan Reduced Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause merupakan dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective, untuk
menjelaskan noun atau pronoun di dalam complex sentence. Klausa ini mungkin direduksi
(dipersingkat) — reduced adjective clause — dengan menghilangkan relative pronoun dan
mengubah kata kerja yang digunakan menjadi participle.
Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause Contoh Kalimat Reduced Adjective Clause

The student who always goes to school

by bus is my friend.
(Pelajar yang selalu pergi ke sekolah
dengan bus itu adalah teman saya.) The student always going to school by bus is my friend.

D. Macam-Macam Adjective
Macam Penjelasan dan Contoh

Stative Stative adjective mencirikan kondisi yang cenderung permanen (small, black,
dan Dynamic tall), sedangkan dynamic adjective berhubungan dengan tingkah laku (foolish,
Adjective friendly, playful)

Inherent adjective mencirikan secara langsung noun yang diterangkannya

Inherent dan (someone special = special mencirikan someone secara langsung ~ someone who
Non-inherent is special), sedangkan non-inherent adjective kebalikannya (my old friend =
Adjective bukan “my friend who is old”, melainkan old mencirikan friendship yang telah
berlangsung lama).
Chapter IV
5.1 Conclusion

Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada banyak hal yang harus diketahui terlebih dahulu,
salah satunya adalah bagian-bagian perkataan yang diucapkan atau dalam Bahasa
Inggris disebut Parts of Speech..

Nouns (Kata Benda) adalah segala sesuatu yang kita lihat atau dapat kita bicarakan dan
yang menunjukkan orang, benda, tempat, tumbuhan, hewan, gagasan dan sebagainya.

Adjective ialah kata sifat atau kata keadaan, kata yang menerangkan kata benda

Adverb merupakan kata yang menjelaskan kata kerja, kata sifat dan kata lainnya kecuali
kata benda (noun) dan kata ganti (pronoun).

Dengan mengetahui kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris, baik bentuk, arti serta aplikasinya
diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu modal dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris secara

5.2 Suggestion
Dengan kerendahan hati penulis, penulis sadar bahwa dalam makalah ini masih banyak
terdapat kekurangan, oleh karena itu saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun dari
pembaca, penulis harapkan demi kesempurnaan makalah-makalah yang akan datang.






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