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Solution – homogenous mixture of 2/more substances

Solvent – dissolving agent of a solution

Solute – substance that is dissolved
Hydrophilic – substances that are attracted to water
Hydrophobic – substances not attracted to water
Molarity – number of moles of solute per L of solution
1. Biosphere
2. Ecosystems Concept 3.3
3. Communities Acidic and basic conditions affect living organisms
4. Populations
The concentration of H+ is expressed as pH
5. Organisms
6. Organs
pH of a solution – the negative logarithm of the hydrogen
7. Tissues
ion concentration
8. Cells
9. Organelles pH 0>7 – increasingly acidic
10. Molecules
pH 7 – neutral pH level; pure water
pH 7>14 – increasingly basic
Buffer – consists of an acid base pair that combines
reversibly with hydrogen ions, allowing it to resist pH
Concept 3.1
Polar Covalent Bonds in Water result in Hydrogen Bonding
Ocean Acidification – caused by the burning of fossil fuels
Water – polar molecule w/c increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere,
- most common molecule in all living things wherein some dissolve in the oceans


Hydrogen Bond – when partially negatively charged region
on the oxygen of one water molecule is attracted to the
Concept 4.1
partially positively charged hydrogen of a nearby water
Organic Chemistry

Concept 3.2 Organic Compounds – present in living organisms

Four Emergent Properties of Water - contain carbon
a) Cohesion – Adhesion
• Biological Diversity – results from carbon’s ability to
Cohesion – hydrogen bonding keeps water molecules
form a huge no. of molecules with particular shapes
close to each other
and properties
Adhesion – the clinging of one substance to another
• Living matter – made mostly of Carbon, Oxygen,
Surface Tension – how difficult it is to stretch or break
the surface of a liquid Hydrogen and Nitrogen

Concept 4.2
b) Temperature Regulation
Carbon molecules can form diverse molecules by bonding
Water’s High Specific Heat
to four other atoms
- 1 cal per gram & per degree Celsius
- amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for 1g
• Carbon – with a valence of 4, can bond to various other
of that substance to change its temperature by 1C
atoms, including O, H, N & Carbon
Thermal Energy – total kinetic energy associated with
the movement of atoms or molecules • Hydrocarbons – consist of carbon & hydrogen
Temperature – average kinetic energy - major components of petroleum (fossil fuel)
Evaporative Cooling – contributes to the stability of
Carbon Skeletons
temperature in the lakes and ponds
- carbon chains form the skeletons of most organic
– based on water’s high heat of vaporization
- variations:
c) Expansion upon Freezing
a) Length
- water is one of the few substances that is less dense
b) Branching
as a solid than as a liquid; ice floats on liquid water
c) Double bond position
- this property allows life to exist under the frozen
d) Presence of rings
surfaces of lakes and polar seas
Isomers – compounds that have the same molecular
d) Versatility as solvent
- its polar molecules are attracted to ions and polar formula but different structures and properties
substances that can form hydrogen bonds
a) Structural Isomers – differ in covalent arrangements a) Linear form – long

b) Ring form – most stable form of sugars

b) Cis-trans Isomers – carbons have covalent bonds to the
same atoms, but differ in their spatial arrangements

c) Enantiomers – isomers that are mirror images of each

Disaccharides – 2 monosaccharides joined by a
other and differ in shape due to the presence of an
glycosidic linkage
asymmetric carbon
- formed through dehydration reaction

Maltose – glucose + glucose

Sucrose – glucose + fructose
Lactose – present in milk

Concept 4.3 Polysaccharides – hundred-thousand monosaccharides

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) a) Storage Polysaccharides - stores sources of energy
- consists of adenosine attached to three phosphate groups - present in starch (plants), glycogen (liver of
- reacts with water, forming ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) animals)
and inorganic phosphate, which releases energy that can be b) Structural Polysaccharides - structure
used by the cell - cellulose (plants), chitin (exoskeleton of insects)

BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES AND LIPIDS • Microfibrils – parallel cellulose molecules held

Concept 5.1
Macromolecules are polymers, built from monomers Concept 5.3
b) Lipids – large biological molecules that do not include
• Polymers – large carbohydrates (polysaccharides), true molecules
proteins and nucleic acids - mix poorly with water
- chains of monomers
• Monomers – repeating units that serve as the building 1) Fats – not polymers; blended by dehydration
blocks of a polymer reaction
• Enzymes – macromolecules that speed up chemical Glycerol -backbone of fat/triglyceride
reactions Fatty Acid – long carbon skeleton; hydrophobic

• Dehydration Reaction – reaction in which two

molecules are covalently bonded to each other with
the loss of a water molecule
• Hydrolysis – disassembly of monomers
- reverse of dehydration reaction
- water (Greek: Hydro) breakage (lysis)
Saturated Fats – with many hydrogen atoms
Large Biological Molecules - solid in room temperature (lard, butter, most
animal fats)
Concept 5.2 Unsaturated Fats – has one/more double bonds;
a) Carbohydrates – includes sugar & polymers less Hydrogen
Monosaccharides – single (monos); sugar (sacchar) - liquid in room temperature (olive, cod liver oil)
- molecular formulas are the multiple of CH2O Trans Fats – contribute to coronary heart disease

• Glucose (C6H12O6) – most common 2) Phospholipids – has a hydrophilic (polar) head, 2

monasaccharide hydrophobic (nonpolar) tails
3) Steroids – characterized by a carbon skeleton w/
Structure of Monasaccharides 4 fused rings
Aldoses – carbonyl group at end of carbon skeleton - where sex hormones are synthesized
Ketoses – carbonyl group within carbon skeleton
a) Trioses – 3 carbon sugars
b) Pentoses – 5 carbon sugars
c) Hexoses – 6 carbon sugars
Ester Linkages Models
a) Space-filling – shows all of the atoms
b) Ribbon – only shows backbone of polypeptide
c) Wireframe – shows backbone of polypeptide
chain w/ side chains

X-ray Crystallography – used to generate a computer

model of an antibody protein

Concept 5.3 Levels of Protein Structure

c) Proteins – accounts for 50% of the dry mass of cells 1) Primary – linear chain of amino acids
- regularize metabolism by acting as catalysts 2) Secondary – regions stabilized by H bonds
between atoms of the polypeptide backbone
Catalysts - workhorses 3) Tertiary – 3-dimensional shape stabilized by
- chemical agents that selectively speed up chemical interactions between side chains
reactions without being consumed in the reaction 4) Quarternary – association of two or more
polypeptides (some proteins only)
Peptide Bond – bond between amino acids
Polypeptide Bond – polymer of amino acids

Amino Acids (Monomers) – organic molecules with

both an amino group and carbonyl group
R group/Side Chain – differs w/ each amino acid
1) Enzymatic Proteins – catalyze chemical reactions
2) Defensive Proteins – protect against disease
3) Storage Proteins – store amino acids
4) Transport Proteins – transport substances
5) Hormonal – coordinate organismal responses
6) Receptor – receive signals from outside cells
7) Motor Proteins – function in cell movement
8) Structural Proteins – provide structural support

Disulfide Bridge – causes the folding of proteins

Sickle-cell Disease – inherited blood disease
Amino Acid Structure
- caused by substitution of one amino acid (Valine) for
the normal one (glutamic acid)
- angular cells clog tiny blood cells

Denaturation – unraveling of protein, losing its shape

Concept 5.5
20 Amino Acids d) Nucleic Acids – polymers made of nucleotides
• Nonpolar (hydrophobic) Gene – controls amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
1) Glycine 2) Leucine 3) Phenylalanine
4) Alanine 5) Isoleucine 6) Tryptophan • DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) – provides direction for
7) Valine 8) Methionine 9) Proline its own replication
- genetic material organisms inherit from parents;
• Polar (hydrophilic) stores hereditary info
10) Serine 11) Cysteine 12) Asparagine - sugar – deoxyribose
13) Threonine 14) Tyrosine 15) Glutamine - nitrogenous bases: Adenine (A) – Thymine (T);
Guanine (G) – Cytosine (C)
• Electrically charged side chains (hydrophilic) - double-stranded helix
16) Aspartic Acid 17) Lysine 18) Histidine • RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) – directed by DNA to control
19) Glutamic Acid 20) Arginine protein synthesis
- various functions in gene expression
Cysteine – the only amino acid with sulfur - sugar – ribose
- nitrogenous bases: Adenine (A) – Uracil (U);
Protein Structure & Function Guanine (G) – Cytosine (C)
a) Globular – spherical - single-stranded helix
b) Fibrous – like long fibers
Concept 5.6 Cells
Base sequences = nucleotide sequences - basic structural and functional units of every organism
• Human Genome Project – development of faster & less
expensive methods of sequencing Basic Features of Cells
• Bioinformatics – use of computer software & other a) Plasma Membrane
tools that can handle & analyze large data sets b) Chromosomes
• Genomics – analyzing large sets of genes and c) Ribosomes
comparing whole genomes/different species d) Cytosol – jelly-like substance
• Proteomics – analysis of large sets of proteins,
including sequences Organelles – various functional components found in cells

To Note: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen & Nitrogen a) Prokaryotic Cell (pro-before nucleus)
- make up 96% of atoms • Location of Genetic Material: Nucleoid (no
Structure of Dipeptide Bond • Organelle Characteristics: Lacks an organized
nucleus & other membrane-bound organelles
• Example organisms: Archaea & Eubacteria
b) Eukaryotic Cell (eu-true nucleus)

Structure of Saturated vs Unsaturated Fats • Location of Genetic Material: Nucleus

• Organelle Characteristics: Has a true nucleus
surrounded by a complex nuclear membrane
• Example organisms: Amoebae, Plants, Animal,
Fungi & Protists
Structure of Nucleotide
Animal Cell vs. Plant Cell

Terms to Remember: Cytosol vs. Cytoplasm

- Cytosol is a jelly-like fluid substance found in all cells,
• Fimbriae – attachment structures on the surface of while the Cytoplasm is the interior of both types of cells
some prokaryotes (except nucleus)
• Nucleoid – region where DNA is located
• Ribosomes – complexes that synthesize proteins Cell components that are not membrane bound
- found in the Rough ER, mitochondria, or chloroplasts a) Flagella b) Cytoplasm c) Ribosomes
• Plasma Membrane – encloses the cytoplasm d) Cilia e) Cytoskeleton f) Cell Wall
- selective barrier that allows passage of enough
oxygen, nutrients and waste products Compartamentalization – formation of cellular
• Cell Wall – rigid structure outside the cytoplasm compartments in the form of membrane-bound structures
• Glycocalyx – outer coating of many prokaryotes - helps in separating biochemical reactions
• Cytoplasm – region betwwn the nucleus and the
plasma membrane (in eukaryotic cells) Autophagy – process of cellular digestion
• Cytoskeleton – reinforces cell’s shape; functions in cell - allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular
movement components
• Microvilli – projections that increase the cell’s surface
area Cell destruction by self-digestion depends on the amount
• Peroxisome – specialized metabolic compartment of enzymes leaked by a lysosome
bounded by a single membrane
- produces hydrogen peroxide as a by-product and then The inner membrane of the mitochondria has convolutions
converts it to water and infoldings to provide more surface area for cellulare
• Chromatin – material consisting of DNA and proteins respiration
• Plasmodesmata – cytoplasmic channels through cell
walls that connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells Organelles responsible for the movement in and of the cell
• Nuclear Envelope – encloses the nucleus a) Cytoplasm
• Nuclear Lamina – net-like array of protein filaments b) Cilia
• Vesicles – sacs made of membrane c) Flagella
• Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – extensive network of
membranes that accounts for more than half of the Mitochondria and Chloroplast are not included in the
total membranes in eukaryotic cells endomembrane system because they function differently
• Glycoproteins – proteins with carbohydrates covalently from the organelles that regulate protein traffic and
bonded to them metabolic processes. They transform energy they acquire
• Phagocytosis – amoeba & other unicellular eukaryotes from their surroundings
engulfing smaller organisms/food particles
• Thylakoid – membranous system in the form of Endosymbiont Theory – states that an early ancestor of
flattened, interconnected sacs eukaryotic cells engulfed an oxygen-using
• Granum – each stack of thylakoids (plural: grana) nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic cell. Eventually, the
• Stroma – fluid outside thylakoids engulfed cell formed a relationship with the host cell in
• Centrosome – area outside of the nucleus which it was enclosed, becoming an endosymbiont (cell
• Centrioles – composed of nine sets of triplet living within another cell)
microtubules arranged in a ring
• Cortex – outer cytoplasmic layer of a cell

Concept 8.1
Plasma Membrane/Cell Membrane
- boundary that separates a living cell from its surroundings
- controls all inbound and outbound traffic
- made up of a phospholipid bilayer • Glycolipids – membrane carbohydrates covalently
- held together by hydrophobic interactions bonded to lipids
- fluid mosaic (collage of different proteins – at least 50) • Glycoproteins – membrane carbohydrates covalently
bonded to proteins

Concept 8.2
Membrane Structure results in Selective Permeability

Biological Membrane – example of a supramolecular


Transport Proteins – where hydrophilic substances pass

through to avoid contact with the lipid bilayer

Channel Proteins – function by having a hydrophilic

Lipids and proteins – staple ingredients of membranes channel that certain molecules/atomic ions use as a tunnel
through the membrane
Phospholipids – most abundant lipids in most membranes
- amphiphatic (hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail) Aquaporins – channel proteins through which water
molecules pass through the plasma membrane
Cholesterol – wedged between phospholipid molecules in - helical regions of a membrane transport channel protein
the plasma membrane of animal cells
- has different effects on membrane fluidity at different Carrier Proteins – hold onto their passengers and change
temperatures; fluidity buffer of the membrane shape in a way that shuttles them across the membrane
- reduces membrane fluidity at moderate temperatures
which affects its permeability and ability to function Selective Permeability – allows certain substances to cross
- travels in the blood in particles called low-density more easily than others
lipoproteins (LDLs) • In – hydrophobic/non-polar molecules
- steroids, fats and oils
Membrane Proteins a) Gases (O2, CO2, N2)
• Integral Proteins – penetrate the hydrophobic interior b) Small uncharged polar molecules (H2O, ethanol,
of the lipid bilayer urea)
- majority are transmembrane proteins which span the • Out – hydrophilic/polar molecules
membrane - glucose
a) Ions (Na+, H+, HOO3-)
• Peripheral Proteins – not embedded in the lipid bilayer b) Charged Molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, amino
at all; held in place by attachment to the cytoskeleton acids)

Some Functions of Membrane Proteins Concept 8.3

a) Transport – serves as a hydroliphic channel across the Passive Transport – diffusion of a substance across a
membrane biological membrane wherein the cell does not have to
b) Enzymatic Activity – carries out sequential steps of a expend energy to make it happen
metabolic pathway
c) Signal transduction – a membrane protein may have a Diffusion – movement of particles “along” the
binding site with a specific shape that fits the shape of concentration gradient so that they spread out into the
a chemical messenger available space
d) Cell-cell recognition – some glycoproteins serve as - transport of molecules w/ high concentration towards a
‘identification tags’ that are recognized by membrane membrane
proteins of other cells - spontaneoud process needing no input of energy
- cell’s ability to distinguish one type of neighboring cell
from another Concentration Gradient – region along which the density of
e) Intercellular jointing – membrane proteins may hook a chemical substance increases or decreases
together in various kinds of junctions (gap/tight) - difference in solute concentration between adjacent
f) Attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular regions of solution
matrix (ECM) – proteins that can bind to ECM
molecules can coordinate extracellular and intracellular Osmosis – diffusion of free water across a selectively
changes permeable membrane
5 Factors Affecting the Rate of Diffusion ATP Hydrolysis – supplies the energy for most active
a) Temperature transport
b) Pressure - can induce the protein to change its shape in a manner
c) Space/Charge that translocates a solute bound to the protein across the
d) Hypertonic/Hypotonic – steepness of concentration membrane (ex: sodium-potassium pump)
e) Size of atomic molecules

Tonicity – ability of a surrounding solution to cause a cell to

gain or lose water

a) Hypertonic – more solute; less H2O

- cell will lose water, shrivel, and probably die
b) Hypotonic – less solute; more H2O
- water will enter the cell faster than it leaves How Ion Pumps maintain Membrane Potential
c) Isotonic – dynamic equilibrium (constant flow) Voltage – electrical potential energy
- no net movement of water across the plasma - separation of opposite charges
Membrane Potential – voltage across a membrane
Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic
Animal Cell Shriveled Swell/Lysed Normal Electrochemical Gradient – combination of chemical and
Plant Cell Plasmolyzed Turgid (Normal) Flaccid electrical forces acting on diffusion of ions

• Electrogenic Pump – transport protein that generates

voltage across a membrane
• Proton Pump – electrogenic pumps that store energy
by generating voltage across membranes

Cotransport – transport protein that can couple the

“downhill” diffusion of the solute to the “uphill” transport
of a second substance against its own concentration

Coupled Transport
Osmoregulation – control of solute concentration and - occurs when active transport of a solute indirectly drives
water balance the transport of another solute
- indirectly uses ATP from active transport
Turgor Pressure – expansion of inelastic cell wall only so - two proton pumps... two gradients are accounted for by
much before it exerts a back pressure on the cell contransport proteins
• Turgid (very firm) – healthy state for most plant cells
• Flaccid (limp) – the plant wilts Concept 8.5
Bulk Transport – across the plasma membrane by
Plasmolysis – occurs when plasma membranes pull away exocytosis and endocytosis
from the cell at multiple places - crossing of proteins and polysaccharides packaged in
- causes plants to wilt and die vesicles
- also require energy like active transport
Facilitated Diffusion – passive diffusion of polar molecules
and ions impeded by the lipid bilayer of the membrane with Exocytosis – cell secretion of certain molecules by the
the help of transport proteins fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane
a) Ion Channels – channel proteins that transport ions - used by many secretory cells to export products
b) Gated Channels – open/close in response to a stimulus
Endocytosis – the cell takes in molecules and particulate
Concept 8.4 matter by forming new vesicles from the plasma membrane
Active Transport – uses energy to move solutes against - looks like the reverse of exocytosis
their gradients a) Phagocytosis (cellular eating)
- enables a cell to maintain internal concentartions of small - cell engulfs a particle by extending pseudopodia
solutes b) Pinocytosis (cellular drinking)
- cell continuously ‘gulps’ droplets of extracellular
fluid into tiny vesicles
c) Receptor-mediated Endocytosis
- specialized type of pinocytosis that enables the cell
to acquire bulk quantities of specific substances
BIOENERGETICS • Oxidation - loss of electrons from one substance
- the products of Photosysnthesis and Cellular Respiration • Reduction – addition of electrons to a substance
are the needs of others Reducing agent – electron donor
Oxidizing agent – electron acceptor
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
Where Chloroplasts Mitochondria Electron Transport Chain
When In the presence of - consists of molecules, mostly proteins, built into the inner
All the time
light membrane of the mitochondria/eukaryotic cells
Input CO2 & H2O Glucose and O2
Output Glucose and O2 CO2 & H2O Stages of Cellular Respiration
Energy 1) Glycolysis
Light Chemical bonds
Sources - breakdown of glucose (exergonic)
Result Stored Released - begins the degradation process by breaking glucose
into two molecules of a compound called pyruvate,
Mitochondria which enters the mitochondrion (in eukaryotes) and is
• Intermembrane Space – counterpart of stroma oxidized into a compound called acetly CoA, which
• Cristae – folding; counterpart of thylakoid enters the Citric Acid Cycle
- in prokaryotes, this process occurs in the cytosol
- uses glucose and produces 2 Pyruvate, 2 ATP and
2NADH per glucose molecule

Aerobic – glycolysis to mitochondria

• Glycolysis – inependently aerobic Glucose Production

- yields pyruvate molecules ATP NADH FADH2
- produces lactic acid or ethanol in cytosol if it lacks Glycolysis &
oxygen Pyruvate
2 2 0
• Mitochondria – aerobic Oxidation
- occurs in the presence of O2
- shuttled to mitochondria if O2 is present Citric Acid 0 2 0
- technically includes both aerobic and anaerobic processes Oxidative 2 6 2
- used to refer to aerobic respiration Phospholyation
- controlled by allosteric enzymes at key points in glycolysis
and citric acid cycle • Malate Apartate Shuttle – 32 ATPs
• Glycerol Phosphate Shuttle – 30 ATPs
Catabolic Pathways
- metabolic pathways that release stored energy by 2) Pyruvate Oxidation & Citric Acid Cycle
breaking down complex molecules - also known as Krebs Cycle
- given the name because Citrate/Citric Acid is the first
Organic compounds – possess potential energy molecule formed
- pyruvate enters the mitochondrion and is oxideized
Fermentation to acteyl CoA
- partial degradation of sugars/other organic fuel that
occurs without the use of oxygen

Aerobic Respiration
- oxygen is consumed as a reactant

Redox Reaction
- also known as oxidation-reduction reactions
- transfer of electrons from one reactant to another
- occurs in plants, algae, certain unicellular eukaryotes,
some prokaryotes
- source of earth’s oxygen

Leaves – major site of photosynthesis in plants

Autotrophs – self-feeders; producers of the biosphere

- sustain themselves without eating anything derived from
other living beings
- produce own organic molecules from CO2 and other
inorganic raw materials
- ex: multicellular alga (kelp), unicellular protists (Euglena
sp.), Cyanobacteria

• Photoautotrophs – organisms that use light as a source

3) Oxidative Phosphorylation of energy to synthesize organic substances
- electron transport and chemiosmosis • Chemoautotrophs – use chemicals in their external
- powered by the redox reactions of the electron environment to synthesize (chemosynthesis)
transport chain - ex: Purple sulfur bacteria
- more ATP produced inside mitochondria
- accounts for 90% of the ATP generated by respiration Heterotrophs – consumers; unable to make own food
- like photosynthesis - obtain organic material by eating/consuming autotrophs
- NADH & FADH2 transfer electrons to the electron - ex: human, animals, fungi
transport chain
- electrons move down the chain, losing energy in Chloropalsts – celllular organelles present in plants and
several energy-releasing steps other photosynthetic organisms
- electron transfer causes the protein complexes to - found mainly in cells of the mesophyll
move H from the mitochondrial matrix to the
intermembrane space, storing energy as proton-
motive force
Chemiosmosis – takes place in the plasma membrane
- phosphorylation of ADP to form ADP

Anaerobic Respiration
- an electron transport chain is present with a final electron
acceptor rather than oxygen

Fermentation • Stomata – microscopic pores where CO2 enters

- electrons from NADH are passed to pyruvate or a • Stroma – dense fluid inside the chloroplast
derivative of pyruvate, regenerating the NAD required to • Thylakoids – segregates the stroma from the thylakoid
oxidize more glucose space inside the sacs
- ex: alcohol fermentation, lactic acid fermentation - made up of phospholipid bilayers
- stacked in columns called grana (singular: granum)
Oxygen – good antioxidant • Chlorophyll – green pigment of leaves
- last receptor
Water – last receiver of electron 1. Chloroplasts capture light energy
2. Water enters the leaf
Neuronal Synapses – use of ATP to perform 3. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through the stomata
Factors : Stress, Hunger, Lack of sleep, & dehydration 4. Using the captured light energy, glucose and oxygen
are produced inside the chloroplasts through a
Increase of stress hormones decreases respiration; complete series of chemical reactions
activates production of cortisol

Used: H – 12; O – 18; C – 6

ATP Synthase
- an enzyme that makes ATP and a carrier protein; helps H
ions cross the thylakoid membrane
Accessory Pigments 2. Light-independent reaction / Calvin Cycle
- commonly activated during autumn, where drastic change - happens in the stroma surrounding the thylakoid
in temperature affects cholorphyll activation membranes; both at morning and evening as long as
• Chlorophyll – green pigments (A to F) there is ATP & NADPH
• Carotenoids – red to yellow - uses CO2, ATP & NADPH to produce glucose in 6 turns
• Anthocyanines – red, violet & blue - occurs after light reactions
• Phycobilins – red, blue, green, violet & brown Glucose = (6) CO2 G3P = (3) CO2
= (18) ATP = (9) ATP
2 Stages of Photosynthesis = (12) NADPH = (6) NADPH
= (2) G3P

NADPH = (2) photons ATP = (4) H2O

= (1) H2O


Parts of a Compound Light Microscope

1. Light-dependent reaction
- uses water, light energy, and chlorophyll to produce
oxygen molecules, as well as ATP & NADPH
- process wherein light energy is converted to chemical

Photosystems – light catchers

- absorb and refelect rainbow colors
- Photosystem II comes before Photosystem I because PI
was discovered first

a) Photosystem II – absorbs photons; chlorophyll

becomes ‘excited’; results to the loss of one electron
b) Photosystem I – electron transfer; replacing lost
electron through light reaction; travels up to electron
receptors (NADP + H) and turns into NADPH which is
used in the light-independent reaction Field of View/Vision – area that can be seen under the
Electron Transport Chain Depth of Field – thickness of the object in sharp focus
- production of NADPH, use of 2 photons of light
- occurs in the thylakoid membranes Ocular Micrometer – small glass disk with etched lines and
numbers arranged in a row
Chemiosmotic gradient Stage Micrometer – with lines of a standard ruler
- causes H ions to flow across the thylakoid to the stroma
• Ocular – 10x
• Scanner (Red) – 4x (10X) = 40x
• Low Power Objective (LPO; Yellow) – 10x (10x) = 100x
• High Power Objective (HPO; Blue) – 40x (10x) = 400x
• Oil Immersion (OIO; White) – 100x (10x) = 1000x

Cedar Oil – used for observing very small viruses and


• Make and break (Photolysis) of water (x2) #LahatKaya

- H+, H+, O-, H+, H+, O- #ParaSaDiploma
• O2 will be produced outide, but Hydrogen ions will
remain inside with high concentration; goes out Nga pala,
through passive transport Please follow @itssSoGo on Twitter!
• (1) ATP is due to chemiosmosis using 4 Hydrogen ions #ParaSaEntrep

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