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The livestock sector is one sector that is relied on to increas the national
economy. This is because livestock products are needed to improve nutritional
status in an effort to contribute to the intellectual life of the nation (Iswoyo and
Widiyaningrum, 2008). Targeted fulfillment of national animal-based food based on
the National Widyakarya Standard for Food and Nutrition is 300 kilo calories / capita
/ day (Central Java Province Animal Husbandry Service, 2007), which the
government want to increase animal food production through increasing population
growth , improvement of genetic quality, and development of the breeding of various
types of livestock (Iswoyo and Widiyaningrum, 2008). One of the commodities bred
for animal origin is beef cattle. The method that can be used to select cattle on
Ongole Breeds (PO) is to estimate the value of ripability and MPPA which can be
used as a basis for selection.

Research Purposes
This study aims to determine the value of ripability and MPPA of Ongole
Breeds cattle body size and weight at birth in the Unit Satuan Kerja Sumberejo,
Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java.

Research Benefits
The benefits of this study are expected to be able to provide information on
estimated ripability and MPPA body size and weight of Ongole Breeds at birth, and
can be use in planning productivity improvement programs as an effort to improve
the genetic quality of Ongole Breeds, especially Ongole Breeds in Unit Satuan Kerja
Sumberejo, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java.


History and Characteristics of Ongole Breeds Cattle

Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO) is a Indonesian local cow that produced by a cross
breeding between Ongole cattle from India and local cows in Indonesia so that this
cow is known as the Ongole Breed (PO) (Riffiandi, 2016). Ongole Breeds Cattle
(PO) is the result of grading up of five to six generations, so it is known to be able to
adapt well in Indonesia and now they are has been breed by many people (Martojo,
1992). Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO) have morphological characteristics of large
bodies, white skin, have black or dark gray tail feathers, have a screw starting from
the bottom of the neck that extends to the abdomen. Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO)
have a strong body (Sumadi, 1985).

Growth in Beef Cattle

Growth can be interpreted as weight gain. Weight gain occurs because of
changes in substances from feed consumed into muscle, bones, and fat after the
basic needs of life are fulfilled (Williamson and Payne, 1993). Sugeng (1992) cit.
Ni'am (2012) states that growth occurs according to the age of an individual,
whereas development is associated with a change in the size and function of various
parts of the body since the embryo becomes mature. There are three factors that
influence the growth of an animal, namely genetic and environmental and their
interactions (Lasley, 1978).

Body Size
The size and body shape is a comprehensive estimator of body and it can be
clearly describe various body images (Sarbaini, 2004). The body size of a cow can
be known by the measurement method directly or through visual observation. Body
size is an indicator in measuring and evaluating the growth of the body of an animal
(Fourie et al., 2002) and can also be used to describe the exterior of individual
animals as a characteristic or characteristic of a nation (Doho, 1994). Natasisma and
Mudikdjo (1985) state that body measurements can be used to estimate body weight
through calculations using the formula for estimating body weight.

Birth Weight
Birth weight is a calf body weight after birth. Good quality calves will have a
high birth weight compared to normal birth weight in the other calves. Birth weight
can be measured by doing direct weighing or by measuring chest rim (Sugeng,
2004). High birth weights are usually associated with better survival, because birth
weight is one indication of physiological maturity and energy reserves. Factors that
influence the value of birth weight are genetic from male and female, age and size of
the body condition of the cow when conception, quality and maturity of the egg when
fertilized, number of children born, maternal nutrient intake during pregnancy,
disease infection, and stress level from the parent (Lawrence and Fowler, 2002).

Ripitability (r) is a productivity measurement of a trait repeatedly in one
individual animal as long as the animal is alive (Noor, 2006). The value of ripability is
determined by the diversity of its constituent genetic component consisting of
additive, dominant, and epistasis genes. Non-genetic components that can affect
livestock productivity are permanent and temporary environmental components
(Warwick et al, 1987). Another factor that affects the value of ripability is the
heritability value. This is because the value of ripability in a trait is the maximum limit
of heritability value in that trait. The value of ripability that is higher in a trait will show
higher values also for those traits (Noor, 2006). The value of ripitability is divided into
three categories, namely high in the range> 0.30 to 1.00, medium in the range> 0.10
to 0.30, and low in the range of 0.00 to 0.10 (Dalton, 1980).

Lasley (1978) states that MPPA is a regression of future records of current
records, or the degree to which a repeated record will produce more effective
selection for the next production. The Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) is
used to estimate production capability in the future, so that based on the highest
MPPA value, the parent with high productivity can be determined so that the parent
company can be selected to be maintained to increase the economic value of the


Theoretical Basis
Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO) are meat-producing livestock that have great
potential to be developed because of the high adaptability of tropical climates,
resistance to heat, resistance to parasitic disorders such as mosquitoes and ticks,
and show good tolerance to feed containing high crude fiber. Efforts to increase the
productivity of cattle ongole breeds (PO) can be done by increasing genetic quality,
which aims to improve the genetic population of the next generation of descendants
through a targeted selection program. The basis for selection requires information
about genetic parameters of some important characteristics of livestock, there are
the value of ripitability and MPPA value.
Ripitability is a correlation of the phenotype between present performance and
future performance. The value of ripitability is said to be low if it is less than 0.10,
medium if it is 0.10 to 0.30 and high if it is more than 0.30. The results of previous
studies showed that the value of calves body size, especially body length, hump
height and chest rim at birth ranged from medium to high. This shows that a
quantitative trait has a medium to high ripitability value so that the trait can be used
as one of the selection criteria in a breeding program from estimated the MPPA
value that is fit to the purpose of selection.

The estimated value of ripability and MPPA body size and weight of ongole
breeds cattle (PO) at birth in Unit Satuan Kerja Sumberejo, Kaliwungu, Kendal,
Central Java ranged from medium to high..


Location and Time of Research

This research will be held at the Unit Satuan Kerja Sumberejo, Kaliwungu,
Kendal, Central Java Work in November 2019 until December 2019..

The research use breeding data at birth from 150 calves on Ongole Breeds
Cattle (PO) from breeding of 6 bulls with 30 cows on Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO), as
well as phenotypic data on calves on Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO) including body
lenght, chest rim, hump height, and birth weight found in the Unit Satuan Kerja
Sumberejo, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java.

This research is carried out by recording body size including hump height,
body length, and chest circumference and cattle birth weights and livestock pedigree
data on calves of Ongole Breeds Cattle (PO) found in the Unit Satuan Kerja
Sumberejo, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java and corrected based on gender and
age of the parent. Estimation of the value of ripability is estimated by the interclass
correlation method.

Data retrieval
The data used are obtained from recording body measurements including
hump height, body length, and chest rim and cattle birth weights and livestock
pedigree data at the Unit Satuan Kerja Sumberejo, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java
for the last 7 years (2011 until 2018). The method of measuring cattle body size
reported in SNI (2015) can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The method of measuring cattle body size
a = Hump height
b = Body length
c = Chest Rim
Data Corrections
Body size data is adjusted to several factors to obtain corrected body
measurements using formulas according to recommendations from Hardjosubroto
(1994) cit. Sulastri et al. (2012) based on sex correction factor (FKJK) and the parent
age correction factor (FKUI).
FKJK values are obtained using the following formula:
FKJK = Xbull
Xbull = average of bull body measurement
Xcows = average of cows body measurement

FKUI values are obtained using the following formula:

XUI(5) = average body size of a cow with a parent aged 5 years
XUI(n) = average body size of a cow with a parent aged n years (n= 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, dan 10 tahun)
Body size data is corrected for the sex and age of the parent using the
following formula:
PBT = Correcting body lenght
PBN = Real Body length
TGT = Correcting hump height
TGN = Real hump height
LDT = Correcting chest rim
LDN = Real chest rim
FKJK = Sex correction factor
FKUI = Parent age correction factor
(Hardjosubroto, 1994).

Data Analysis

Ripitability Estimation Values

Ripitability of body size and birth weight is estimated by the method of
correlation between classes if each individual has only two records (measurements)
according to Warwick et al's recommendations. (1990), according to the following

∑ 𝑋1𝑋2 −
(∑𝑋12 ) (∑𝑋22 )
√((𝑋12 − )(𝑋22 − )

r = ripitability;
X1 = first data of the trait;
X2 = second data of the trait;
N = total of individu.

MPPA Estimation Values

MPPA of body size and birth weight formula according to Warwick et al's
recommendations (1990) is:

MPPA = Most Probable Producing Ability;
r = ripitability;
n = sum of data
P = n parent productivity average;
P = total parent productivity average.


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