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Needs Fair Good Excellent

1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Quality of The speakers The speaker The speaker The speaker
Opinion gives a list of uses information states an opinion states a solid
Statement single, in an effort to and opinion and
undeveloped state a clear develops a develops a well
ideas, with an opinion. supporting reasoned and
attempt to state argument sequential
an opinion. logically without argument. Ideas
lapses in are resented in a
sequence. very persuasive
Ideas are manner

Organization The speech was The speaker The speaker used Logical, coherent
difficult to follow delivered adequate logical order and organization and
due to a lack of information about relevant details to relevant
organization. Little the topic. The deliver his or her information helped
detail was given to speech lacked information. convey the
support the main organization and/or Adequate speaker's message
points detail to the extent transitions were clearly. Detail and
that some main used. word choice were
points were appropriate to the
unclear. purpose. Smooth
transitions were
Grab Attention The speaker failed The speaker The speaker Excellent attention-
to introduce the introduced the introduced the getter, Related to
-Using a hook to speech OR the speech, but some speech adequately, audience,
spark interest. introduction was details were including an credibility
not useful in unclear. The attention getter established, gave
indicating what the introduction lacked and a preview of very brief
speech was about an attention getter the main points of introduction of
and/or a preview of the speech. Claim topic, and stated
main points wasn't clearly claim, (i.e. point
expressed. you'll be trying to
Relevance of topic prove)previewed
to audience needs the main points.
and interests was Clearly stated the
somewhat relevance of topic
apparent. to audience needs
and interests.
Voice Audience had The student could Some limited Natural variation of
difficulty hearing be heard most of variation of vocal vocal
Loud, confident and/or the time but at characteristics. Use characteristics
speaking voice, understanding certain points were of pace, pitch, (pace, pitch,
articulation and much of the speech inaudible and/or power and pauses power, pauses,
verbal fillers (um due to monotone or inarticulate. Little seemed articulation) in
inappropriate pitch variation. inconsistent at Standard English to
& like variation of vocal Pacing was too times. Some verbal heighten interest
characteristics. slow/fast. Verbal fillers and match
Inconsistent with fillers were message
verbal message. noticeable and appropriately. Few,
Excessive fluency frequent. if any, verbal fillers
errors interfered
with message
Excessive use of
vocalized fillers.

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