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Sushil Vijay-Orthopaedics

1. Most common type of shoulder dislocation?

2. Patient with history of RTA, arm held adducted, not able to move the arm. Contour seems
normal. X-Ray s/o no bony injury. Probable diagnosis?
3. Which is most common type of anterior dislocation of shoulder?
4. Most common complication of shoulder dislocation
5. Most common acute complication of shoulder dislocation
6. What is the common site of hill sach lesion and bankart lesion?.
7. What is Putti plat surgery
8. A patient with history of RTA presenting with fracture of proximal humerus now having
difficulty in external rotation of arm, which nerve and muscle is involved?
9. Most common complication of fracture clavicle?
10. What is then best management for fracture clavicle?
11. A patient following RTA is not able to extend the wrist, what is the probable fracture?
12. Most common site of involvement of radial nerve in shaft of humerus fracture? (Upper,
middle or lower 1/3)
13. Holstein lewis fracture is seen in which bone?
14. A patient after episode of seizure is not able to move his arm. Xray shows no bony injury.
Probable type of dislocation
15. Electric bulb sign is seen in which dislocation?

1. It's anterior dislocation.

2. Pointing towards posterior dislocation as no bony injury suspected but arm is held in addiction. Point I
wanted to highlight is the contour may remain normal in posterior dislocation.
3. It's subcoracoid
4. Recurrence
5. Axillary nerve injury.
6.hill sach on posterolateral aspect and bankart on anteroinferior aspect.
7. Putti platt is subscapularis is strengthened to prevent external rotation and abduction, attaching one
end of tendon to glenoid and other to proximal end of anterior capsule.
8. Axillary nerve and teres minor.
9. Malunion
10. Conservative, triangular sling or figure of 8.
11. Probable fractures can he shaft of humerus and proximal radius leading yo radial nerve injury.
12. It's middle one third.
13. It's lower fracture of humerus.
14. Favouring posterior dislocation
15. Posterior dislocation .
Dr.Sushil Vijay-Orthopaedics

1. a.Most common type of supracondylar fracture of humerus?

b.Most common nerve involved overall?
c.Most common vascular injury associated?
d.Most common complication and deformity associated?
e. Status of three point relationship, Maintained or damaged
or reversed?
2. A child aged 3 years was pulled by his sister holding him from his lower forearm. Now the
child is keeping the elbow in extension and forearm in pronation. What is the diagnosis?
3. Which nerve may be associated with monteggia fracture?
4. What will be the status of interosseus membrane in galeazzi fracture? Intact or damages?
5. Essex lopresti is an injury to which structure?
6. What is terrible triad of elbow?
7. What is the status of three point relationship in postrior elbow dislocation?
8. A child presenting with claw of little finger for last 20 days.There is past history of injury
around elbow 4 years back. What is your probable diagnosis?
9. What deformity is usually associated with fracture of lateral condyle of humerus?
10. Gun stock deformity will be seen usually in which fracture?
11. What should be the position of forearm in plaster if fracture has occured at middle one
third of both bones forearm?
12. What is the most common complication of colles' fracture?
13. What deformity is seen after smith fracture?
14. Which tendon may be damaged in Colles' fracture?
15. What deformity is seen after colles' fracture?
16. Chauffeur is a fracture of ?
17. Tendon responsible for displacement of bennet's fracture?
18. What is skier's thumb?
19.What is jersey finger?
20. Where is no man's land located in hand? What is the site affected?
1.a.extension type.
c. Brachial artery
d. Malunion and cubitus varus
e. Maintained
2. Pulled elbow.
3. PIN
4. Damaged
5. Interosseus membran between radius and ulna. Other is radial head fracture with subluxation of distal
6.radial head with coronoid and elbow dislocation.
Dr.Sushil Vijay-Orthopaedics
7. Reversed
8. Non union fracture lateral condyle.
9. Cubitus valgus
10. Supracondylar humerus fracture.
11. Mid prone or neutral.
12. Stiffness of joints
13. Garden spade
14. EPL
15. Dinner fork deformity
16. Radial styloid.
17. APL
18. Injury to ulnar collateral ligaments of mcp of thumb.
19. Injury to FDP.
20. It is the zone 2 of hand located between the insertion of FDS and distal palmar crease.

1. Most common site of scaphoid fracture
2. Most common site of AVN in scaphoid
Proximal pole
3. Most common carpal to dislocate?
4. Difference in lunate and perilunate dislocation
Only lunate dislocates in lunate dislocation, in perilunate all other carpal except lunate
5. Investigation of choice for scaphoid fracture.
6. Neurological abnormality is seen in around 70 to 80 percent of Jefferson fracture. True or
7. Spondylotysthesis of c2 over c3 is know as?
Hangman fracture
8. Clay shovellers is an avulsion fracture usually involves which structure.
Usually C7
9. Most common mechanism of injury of spine?
10. Vertebroplasty is done for what type of vertebral Injury?
Compression vertebral fracture
11. Cement used in vertebroplasty?
12. Most commonest type of disc prolapse.
Dr.Sushil Vijay-Orthopaedics
13. Patient having backache and weakness in distribution of L5. What is the site of disc
L4 -L5
14. Angle used to measure scoliosis?
Cobbs angle
15. Best view to diagnose spondylolysis.
Oblique view
16. Difference in spondylolysis, spondylitis, spondylosis and spondylolysthesis.
17. Cast/brace used for scoliosis in children and adults.
Rissers in adult and Milwaukee in children
18. Use of Minerva cast?
Cervicodorsal immobilization.
19. Use of Taylor's brace?
Dorsolumbar immobilization
20. Sign seen in AP view of spondylolysthesis.
Inverted Napoleon hat sign
21. Sign seen in spondylolysis
Scotty dog sign

1. Tile's classification is used for?
Pelvic fractures
2. Fracture of pelvis anteriorly as well posteriorly on same
hemipelvis is known as?
Malgaigne fracture
3. Kocher Langenback approach is used for which fractures?
Acetabular fracture(Posterior wall +column)
4. 2 days old Sub capital Fracture neck of femur in 35 years
old male is best managed by?
CC screw fixation
5. Meyer's pedicle graft is used in which fracture?
Fracture neck of femur
6. Implant of choice in fracture shaft of femur?
Intramedullary nail
7. PFN is an implant commonly used for which fractures?
Intertrochantric fractures
8. Hoffa's fracture is?
Dr.Sushil Vijay-Orthopaedics
Intraarticular Fracture of one or both femoral condyle in coronal plane.
9. What is the best management for two part fracture of patella?
Tension band wiring
10. Osgood schlatter disease commonly affects which bone?
Tibial tuberosity
11. Structures involved in bumper's fracture?
Lateral tibial plateau+ACL+LCL
12. Positive dial test indicate injury to which structure?
Posterolateral corner of knee
13. Most common ligament injured around ankle?
Anterior talofibular structure
14. Hawkins sign is suggestive of?
Retained vascularity of talus
15. Shephard fracture involves which part of which bone?
Talus-posterior process
16. Osteochondritis of calcaneum is known as ?
Sever's disease
17. Bohler's angle is seen in?
18. Jones fracture occurs at?
Base of 5th metatarsal
19. Worst prognosis is seen in which grade of salter harris injury?
Type 5- crush injury
20. Thurston holland fragment is seen in which grade of salter harris injury?
Type 2 salter harris
21. Lateral condyle of huemrus is usually which type of salter harris injury?
Most common is type 2
22. Most common fracture seen in childrens?
Fracture both bones forearm, clavicle
23. What is a greenstick fracture?
Incomplete transverse fracture where the periosteum is intact
24. Trendelenberg sign positive is suggestive of injury to ipsilateral or contralateral , and of
which nerve?
ipsilateral superior gluteal nerve injury

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