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The Qu’ran (2:223) says, “Women are your fields. Go then into your fields
as you please.” The only prohibitions in Islam are vaginal intercourse
during menstruation and anal intercourse. Oral sex should not lead to any
naajis (impure) substance being swallowed otherwise “anything goes” as
long as it’s done within the confines of one’s home and within the confines
of marriage – there is no “free love” or “pre-marital relationships” in Islam. If
you are a male you might get away with a little hanky-panky here and there
but if you are a muslima you better watch out: Islam encourages a
phenomenon known as honor killings. This Islamic practice consists of the
murder of female family members who are seen as dishonoring their
families through real or perceived acts, such as premarital sexual relations
or unapproved dating. Honor killings are justified under Islam in some
Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia. For example, tenth-grade
textbooks teach Saudi children that it is permissible to kill adulterers. In
April 2008, a girl was killed by her father for talking to a boy on Facebook.
A leading Saudi cleric, Sheikh Ali al-Maliki, was outraged that girls had
access to such websites where they could post pictures of themselves and
otherwise "behave badly," but showed no concern over the girl actually
killed. Then there is the lack of freedom due to arranged marriages – where
your parents pick who you will spend the rest of your life with based on
their criterions.


For the Islamists, there is no compromise whatsoever regarding illicit

drugs and alcoholic beverages; they are called “abominations and the work
of Satan.”1 Under Shari'ah the minimum penalty for drinking wine or any
other intoxicant is 80 lashes. The word Islamists use for intoxicants is
khamr, from the root word khamara, which means, to cover. Thus anything
that befogs, covers or hinders the mind is prohibited. These are the words
that were spoken by 'Umar ibn al-Khattab from the pulpit of the Prophet,
providing muzzies with a decisive criterion for defining what falls under the
prohibited category of khamr. There remains then no room for doubts and
questions: any substance which has the effect of befogging or clouding the
mind, impairing its faculties of thought, perception, and discernment is
prohibited by Allah and His Messenger until the Day of Resurrection. Drugs
such as marijuana, cocaine, opium, and the like are definitely included in
the prohibited category of khamr. When muzzie’s recall the principle that
impure and harmful things have been made haram, there can be no doubt
in their “minds” concerning the prohibition of such substances such as
drugs. Muslim jurists were unanimous in prohibiting those drugs which
were found during their respective times and places. Foremost among
them was Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, who said,

This solid grass (hashish) is haram, whether or not it produces

intoxication. Sinful people smoke it because they find it
produces rapture and delight, an effect similar to drunkenness.
While wine makes the one who drinks it active and
quarrelsome, hashish produces dullness and lethargy;
furthermore, smoking it disturbs the mind and temperament,
excites sexual desire, and leads to shameless promiscuity, and
these are greater evils than those caused by drinking. The use
of it has spread among the people after the coming of the
Tartars. The hadd punishment (The Qur'an specifies the
punishments for certain crimes, such as lashing for drinking
wine and equal retaliation or compensation in the case of
murder or injuries. These punishments are called hadd (plural,
hudud), meaning "the limit set by Allah." (Trans.) for smoking
hashish, whether a small or large amount of it, is the same as
that for drinking wine, that is, eighty or forty lashes.

He explained the imposition of hadd for smoking hashish in the

following manner:

It is the rule of the Islamic Shari'ah that any prohibited thing

which is desired by people, such as wine and illicit sexual
relations, is to be punished by imposing hadd, while the
violation of a prohibited thing which is not desired, such as
(eating) the flesh of a dead animal, calls for ta'zir. (For crimes
concerning which no specified punishment is mentioned in the
Qur'an or Ahadith, the Muslim government may introduce its
own punishments, such as fines or imprisonment. Such a
punishment is called ta'zir. (Trans.)) Now hashish is something
which is desired, and it is hard for the addict to renounce it
Accordingly, the application of the texts of the Qur'an and
Sunnah to hashish is similar to that of wine. (Fatawa Ibn
Taymiyyah, vol. 4, p. 262 f. Also see his book, Al-Siyasah al-

This includes ecstasy, Special K, acid, marijuana,2 heroin, cocaine,

alcohol, and anything else that affects the mind. What about medical
marijuana. There is no use of any of these substances even in a medical
context –

They ask you about intoxicants say, ‘In them there is a gross
sin, and some benefits for the people, (alcohol in medicine for
example, cocaine in anesthesia and pain medications). But
their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit.’

The more muzzies we let in this country the less of chance there is
that pot will ever be legalized. They form a solid anti-drug voting bloc. And
if Sharia law ever took effect in this country people who are caught selling
or possessing it would be lashed. All pro-marijuana groups would be
banned. Pot people should think about the people already locked up for
reefer and what it would be like in theocratic, totalitarian state.


An early sign of hippyism is attraction to music. According to the

Islamists, music is a useless activity that puts one in a state of total
passiveness. The benefit and pleasure taken from music involves a
meaning of deep slavery in passion. Since Islam is the sworn enemy of
passiveness and slavery in passion, there can be no music other than that
which sings and extols the virtues of Allah. This was apparent to others:
The Nazis realized that a deep-rooted understanding of the Jew and his
culture underlay the forms of jazz and swing. Swing was a component of
modernism, the refuse of a rotting society. Jazz was used by the Jews to
corrupt the Aryan race through musical race defilement. Jazz and swing
were immediately banned when Hitler took power in 1933.

Islam says, let those who refuse to obey Him beware lest calamity
strike them, or a painful torment. The Prophet Chester the Molester said:
“Allah the Mighty and Majestic sent me as a guidance and mercy to
believers and commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes,
strings, crucifixes, and the affairs of the pre-Islamic period of
ignorance…On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the
ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress…Song makes hypocrisy grow
in the heart as water does herbage…This Ummah will experience the
swallowing up of some people by the earth, metamorphosis of some into
animals, and being rained upon with stones.” Someone asked, “When will
this be, O Messenger of Allah?” and he said, “When songstresses and
musical instruments appear and wine is held to be lawful…There will be
peoples of my Ummah who will hold fornication, silk, wine, and musical
instruments to be lawful.” In plain Aramaic, never! All of this is explicit and
compelling textual evidence that musical instruments of all types are
unlawful.3 In a 1996 interview with the journal Sobh Ayatollah Khamenei
wrote that children should not be allowed to play music. ''Teaching music is
not in accordance with the Islamic establishment, and teaching music to
schoolchildren brings corruption,'' he said. The partially blinded Mullah
Muhammad Omar followed these mandates and banned all non-religious
music in Afghanistan. Omar never appeared in public. Most Afghans had
no idea what he looked like because of an edict issued by him that banned
photographing humans.


“We are cutting hair that hangs over the

forehead because when you pray it gets
in the way of your forehead touching the
ground; the devil stands between you
and God,” said Maulawi Abdul Rashid
Darkasti of the Taliban’s religious police.
A newspaper correspondent from the
Saudi government daily Al-Watan was
arrested by the Authority for the
Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of
Vices and taken to its Riyadh office. Inspector Abu Abd Al-‘Aziz asked the
prisoner to remove his Kaffiyeh, and after he had done so, told him, “Your
hair is long and we want to cut it... Such long hair is proper only for the third
sex [i.e. homosexuals].” The correspondent refused to allow his hair to be
cut, but the investigator threatened to cut his hair by force. A barber then
entered and cut the correspondent's hair.


Sheik Mitwalli al-Sha`arawi stated that, “all female dancing is bad.”4

The Learned Elders of Islam agree, however, there are some exceptions.
When thousands of kuffar were killed it was permissible for women to
dance and men to observe the dancing. In Nablus, Beirut, and eastern
Occupied Jerusalem thousands of believers celebrated the September 11th
Manhattan / Arlington Raids, by dancing and chanting “Allahu Akbar” and
distributing candy to passersbys.


The 9/11 “shaheeds” trained in America. The FBI was made aware of
the fact that suddenly the number of Arab student pilots had skyrocketed.
But they were too busy wasting agent hours busting people like me and 60
other pot dealers who one connection ratted down on. What else could they
do? The Islamists were not considered a threat even after the first World
Trade Center attack and the Soviet Union had imploded. The War on Drugs
was why at least 3,000 people died. In
1973, the FBI reported that there were
328,670 arrests for drug law violations. In
2000, that number rose to 1,579,566.
Why? One reason was that in 1992 Bush
the Elder’s U.S. Attorney General William
Barr announced that he was shifting the
priorities of approximately three hundred
FBI agents to the nation’s War on Drugs.
Barr cited a decrease in tensions with the Soviet Union and the Eastern
Bloc, as the reason for allowing the FBI shift from counterintelligence to
anti-drug work. Between 1992 and 1998 Federal drug convictions
increased from 1,925 to 3,253 per year -- a 69% jump. In 1998 the FBI
adopted a 5-year strategic plan that established the FBI investigative
priorities in a 3-tier system. Tier I priorities were "foreign intelligence,
terrorist, and criminal activities that directly threaten the National or
Economic Security of the United States." Tier II priorities were "crimes that
affect the public safety or undermine the integrity of American society:
drugs, organized crime, civil rights, and public corruption." Tier III priorities
were "crimes that affect individuals and property such as violent crime, car
theft, and telemarketing scams…” On another level, “On March 15, 1999,
shortly after Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet asserted the U.S.
Intelligence Community was declaring war on Usama bin Laden and al
Qaeda, FBI Headquarters established national level priorities within its
Counterterrorism Program. Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, along with the bin
Laden-allied Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) and al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (IG),
were designated as “priority group one" for the FBI's counterterrorism

But this was not followed: When the Department of Justice studied
the case of 9/11 shaheeds Nawaf al-Hazmi and al-Midhar in San Diego the
chronology revealed no appreciable shift in resources by the FBI's San
Diego Field Office in response to these changed priorities. It found that
prior to the September 11th Raids, the actual investigative priority for the
San Diego Field Office was drug trafficking. According to former San Diego
Special Agent in Charge William Gore, the highest concentration of FBI
agents and resources in San Diego was directed at combating drug
trafficking based on the FBI's process and procedures used each year to
set priorities in its field offices. He said that white-collar crime was the
office's second priority, and violent crime was its third priority.
Counterterrorism was only the fourth priority for the San Diego FBI office.
The counterterrorism efforts in San Diego were directed primarily at Hamas
and related groups and the majority of San Diego's counterterrorism
investigations targeted activities related to the indirect support of Jihad
conducted by those groups.

It is clear that the major reason al-Qaeda was able to effectuate the
September 11th Raids was because the FBI was busy pursuing the Drug
War, not the War on Terrorism. According to an external review of the FBI,
by 2000 there were twice as many agents devoted to drug enforcement
matters as to counterterrorism. On September 11, 2001, only about 1,300
agents, or six percent of the FBI’s total personnel, worked on
counterterrorism. On May 10, 2001, the Department issued guidance for
developing the fiscal year 2003 budget that made reducing the incidence of
gun violence and reducing the trafficking of illegal drugs priority objectives.6
The American Government reported, Prior to the terrorist attacks of
September 11, national security, including counterterrorism, was a top-tier
priority for the FBI. However, this top tier combined national security
responsibilities with other issues, and the FBI’s focus and priorities were
not entirely clear. According to a Congressional Research Service report,
the events of September 11 made clear the need to develop a definitive list
of priorities. In June 2002, the FBI’s director announced 10 priorities. The
top 3 priorities were to (1) protect the United States from terrorist attack
(counterterrorism), (2) protect the United States against foreign intelligence
operations and espionage (counterintelligence), and (3) protect the United
States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes (cyber
crime). White-collar crime ranked seventh in the priority list and violent
crime ranked eighth. Drug crimes that were not part of transnational or
national criminal organizations were not specifically among the FBI’s top 10

Before September 11th the FBI went after even minor violations of
drug laws and obtained numerous convictions. What happened was that al-
Qaeda was left to do the work of Jihad while FBI drug referrals,
prosecutions, and convictions shot up. The FBI followed drug suspects,
tracked down fugitives who had been at large for decades, and ran up
many additional agent hours in cases where this sort of attention was not
merited. Instead of relying on investigatory work, the United States
Attorney’s Office and the FBI bureaucrats sat back in their offices, waiting
to hear from their Field Agents that another suspect was willing to give up
his confederates in return for a downward departure from the Minimum
Mandatory Sentences Congress had legislated for drug offenses. The
federal secret police were after seizures of cash and property so that they
could point to this should Congress tie their purse strings any tighter.

The Clinton Administration was happy with the FBI and Justice
Department’s agenda. In the year 2000 the federal police were proud that
there was more than $2.7 billion in the federal government’s Asset
Forfeiture Fund. This was what their minds were focused on. For this
fixation with drugs and money, Americans paid a great price. Economists
for the International Monetary Fund estimated that the September 11th
attacks cost the United States $21 billion, based only on property losses
and insurance costs. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States
estimated the attack cost the city $33 billion to $36 billion in lost wages and
business, property damage and cleanup.

Another factor came into play that worked in Islamists’ favor: During
the Clinton years the number of FBI intelligence officers almost quintupled,
jumping from 224 in 1992 to 1,025 in 1999. The Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act physical break-in warrants climbed from 484 in 1992 to
886 in 1999. But these additional intelligence officers and warrants
produced very few court actions. In 1998, for example, only 45 of the FBI’s
12,730 convictions involved what the department classified as “internal
security” or “terrorism” matters. In 1999 the FBI had more special agents
and support staff than at any time in its entire 90-year history, more than at
the height of the Cold War, yet it was unable to stop terrorists, because it
was concentrating on arresting drug dealers as images of brains frying like
eggs replaced sugarplums and fairies in the minds of the two political

Brent Scowcroft contended that the best FBI agents worked criminal cases,
not counterterrorism cases that were not linked to traditional criminal work.
The criminal vs. intelligence investigation took on a greater and greater
significance and even provided an excuse not to act. For example when the
FBI finally concluded that Khalid al-Midhar was a terrorist and a “risk to the
national security of the United States” the Joint Committee on Intelligence

That communication precipitated a debate between FBI

Headquarters and New York Field Office personnel as to
whether to open an intelligence or criminal investigation on
Khalid al-Midhar. A New York FBI agent tried to convince
Headquarters to open a criminal investigation, given the
importance of the search for Khalid al-Midhar and the limited
resources available in intelligence investigations, but
Headquarters declined to do so. An e-mail exchange between
Headquarters and the New York agent described the debate, “If
al-Midhar is located the interview must be conducted by an
intell agent. A criminal agent CAN NOT be present at the
interview. This case, in its entirety, is based on intell. If at such
a time as information is developed indicating the existence of a
substantial federal crime, that information will be passes over
the wall according to proper procedures and turned over for
follow-up criminal investigation.” From the New York agent,
“Whatever has happened to this – someday someone will die –
and wall or not – the public will not understand why we were not
more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain
‘problems.’ Let’s hope the FBI’s National Security Law Unit will
stand behind their decisions [about the ‘wall’] then, especially
since the biggest threat to us now, Usama bin Laden, is getting
the most ‘protection.’”


America is the “land of the free.” But carefully observe the numbers of
people imprisoned in Western dominated countries and compare them to
the numbers imprisoned in Iran. U.S. 2.00 million, China: 1.41 million,
Russia: 1.01 million, India: 230,000, Ukraine: 210,000, Brazil: 170,000,
South Africa: 140,000, Iran: 100,000. Between 1972 and 2000, the number
of people behind bars in the United States rose from 330,000 to nearly 2
million. Seventy percent of these were non-violent drug offenders. In the
latter year, the number of adults under “correctional supervision” - behind
bars, on parole or on probation - reached 6.47 million, equaling one in
every 32 adults. Six countries - the United States, Yemen, Nigeria, Saudi
Arabia, Pakistan and Iran - accounted for all the executions of juvenile
offenders since 1990. But the United States accounts for half of these

As of July 2006, the BOP reported an inmate population of 191,224, an

increase of 70 percent from 1996 when the population was at 112,289. The
number of high-risk inmates who have been identified as needing
heightened security monitoring, such as gang leaders, gang members, so-
called international and domestic terrorists, also has increased over the last
10 years by approximately 60 percent. As of July 2006, the BOP had
identified 19,720 such inmates. During this same 10-year time period, the
number of BOP staff grew at a more modest rate of 14 percent, from
30,212 to 34,655. The BOP lacks a sufficient intelligence capability to
adequately analyze inmate mail, visits, and telephone conversations to
detect jihadist activity. The SIS offices in BOP institutions have more
experience with intelligence gathering to detect and deter traditional
criminal activity than so-called terrorism. The SIS staff have implemented
investigative techniques and established relationships with other law
enforcement agencies that assist SIS staff in gathering and analyzing
information about criminal activity in BOP institutions, such as drug
introduction and gang violence. However, the methods used by SIS staff to
analyze intelligence for traditional criminal activity are not sufficient for
detecting our activity.



Between the FBI’s preoccupation with the War on Drugs, and Clinton’s
preoccupation with fornication, Islamists were able to inflict great pain on a
civilization characterized by an advanced, complex and dense
infrastructure. The current situation has made it much more difficult for
terrorists to pursue the pillar of Jihad. The FBI has reorganized. Further,
the FBI's intelligence budget has been rationalized, with an initial
realignment of this funding enacted in 2006. Now the FBI focuses on
preventing acts of terrorism and, where prevention fails, responding to and
investigating acts of terrorism; countering foreign intelligence activities and
investigating acts of espionage including economic espionage. The FBI
admitted that drug fighting has taken the biggest hit. The FBI drug budget
skyrocketed 76%, from $278 million in 1993 to $489 million in 2001. But the
budget for the War on Drugs in 2002 has plunged 35%, to $320 million,
back to 1994 levels.9 In 2002 21% of the FBI’s resources were devoted to
drugs and organized crime gangs, by 2003 this figure dropped to 14%. In
the same period resources devoted to counter-terrorism rose from 26% to
36%.10 The FBI has no choice but to redirect experienced narcotics agents
to the fight on Islamism. It would take years to train new agents to conduct
such sophisticated investigations; rookies typically track stolen cars across
state lines and catch bank robbers.

In 1999 there were a total of 28,192 FBI employees: 11,646 agents and
16,546 support staff. In September 2002, 900 new agents were hired. The
Counter Terrorism Division was expanded, adding 14 new “sections” and
“units” specializing in trying to forestall the Islamist world revolution. Five
hundred and eighteen agents were reassigned to counter-Islamist
operations from within the agency. Of them, 400 came from the anti-drug
crimes division, 59 were shifted from white-collar crime divisions and
another 59 were transferred from the violent crime-fighting sections.
Indeed, the FBI has transferred even more agent positions than it originally
announced and has augmented those agents with the short-term
assignment of additional field agents from drug and other law enforcement
areas to work on counterterrorism. Before leaving office former United
States Attorney General John Ashcroft said American law enforcement
agencies have now created a “most wanted list” of 54 drug organizations
that must be toppled here and abroad, and this is what they will focus on.

After the September 11th terrorist victory the number of agents working
narcotics cases dropped 45%, bank fraud cases dropped 31% and bank
robbery investigations dropped 25%. As would be expected, the number of
newly opened drug cases has fallen in relation to the decline in the number
of field agent positions allocated to drug enforcement. None-the-less senior
FBI officials believed that most of the FBI’s 56 field offices still were not
shifting from their focus on solving traditional federal crimes like bank
robberies, drug trafficking and kidnappings, and concentrating on terrorist

The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 hinted that the law
enforcement and intelligence communities were finally realizing the extent
of Islamist destructive power:

Defendants in federal cases who are accused of certain crimes

are presumptively denied pretrial release. The list of crimes
currently includes drug offenses carrying prison term of ten
years or more but it does not include most terrorism offenses.
Thus, persons accused of many drug offenses are
presumptively to be detained before trial, but no comparable
presumption exists for persons accused of most terrorist
crimes… Terrorism is at least as dangerous to the United
States' national security as drug offenses.

Every major FBI office in the country is monitoring terrorist activities. This
involves 24-hour monitoring of our telephone calls, e-mail messages and
Internet use, as well as scrutiny of our credit-card charges, our travel and
our visits to neighborhood gathering places, including mosques. A new FBI
program calls upon the FBI’s 56 field offices to count the number of
mosques and Muslims in their areas. The information is to be used by the
FBI to gauge the number of investigations and FISA warrants – that is
establish a quota - that a field office could reasonably be expected to
produce in the area it is assigned to monitor. If the numbers don’t compute
that will trigger an automatic inspection from headquarters to figure out why
they aren’t living up to that.

CAIR responded: “This is obviously an indication to FBI field agents that

they have to view every mosque and every Muslim as a potential terrorist.”
Jewish Representatives Jerrold Nadler of New York and Senator Russell
Feingold of Wisconsin said in a letter to former Attorney General Ashcroft
that the survey is in reality ethnic and religious profiling and “is just the
latest episode in what seems to be an unconstitutional abuse of power.”
These Jews must want to die. Under pressure to secure more terrorism
convictions, the Justice Department misclassified 46% of its terrorism
convictions in 2002. The General Accounting Administration of the United
States reported:

The overall accuracy of the remaining 156 convictions is questionable

because, at the time of our review, under the Government Performance
Results Act of 1993, the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys had not
validated the reliability of the terrorism-related conviction data for United
States Attorney Office districts that reported less than four domestic or
international terrorism-related convictions or convictions involving terrorism-
related hoaxes or terrorist financing. Thus, we have concerns about the
overall accuracy of the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys conviction
statistics to be included in the Department of Justice’s fiscal year 2002
Annual Performance Report.

Many hoaxes were reported as attempted terrorist acts.11 In 2003 Federal

and state courts authorized the use of wiretaps and other electronic
surveillance in 1,442 criminal cases12 while the FBI reported the number of
FISA warrants jumped to more than 1,700.13 The number of warrantless
taps ordered by President Bush under the Emergency War Powers Act far
exceeded this so no conversation was safe.
1. Qu’ran (5:90)
2. In 1994 Colonel Qaddafi stated, “Israel grows marijuana in Palestine and exports large amounts to Arab nations
in order to conquer them with drugs instead of arms. Each soldier using drugs is lost to the cause against the
western enemy, and must be related to as a traitor because he is carrying out the plot of the Zionist enemy.” –
Jewish Press February 25, 1994 – “Libyan Ruler Accuses Israel of Ruining Arabs with Drugs.” The Taliban took a less
harsh view: According to a review of the Taliban penal code by New York Times reporter Amy Waldman, Article 6
of the penal code specified the following penalty for pot-growing: “A person who cultivates marijuana will be jailed
until his family members get rid of the plant.”
3. Kaff al-ra'a' 'an muharramat al-lahw wa al-sama' (y49), 2.269-70
4. The Economist May 21, 1988.
5. http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/special/s0606/final.pdf
6. http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/terrorism/911comm-ss9.pdf
7. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d041036.pdf
8 From Amnesty International Group 365 Massachusetts, USA website
9. FBI Convictions by Lead Charge 1974 – 2001 The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) is a data
gathering, data research and data distribution organization associated with Syracuse
10. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d03759t.pdf
11. Highlights of GAO-03-266, a report to the Honorable Dan Burton, House Committee on Government Reform
12. Report Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts April 30, 2004
13. Dan Eggen and Susan Schmidt “Justice Department Shifts Its Focus to Battling Terrorism” Washington Post May
1, 2004; Page A01

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