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An Analysis of Feminism Approach Based on The Character in “The Great Gatsby”

novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thesis Proposal

Submitted as the Final Assignment of Research Method on Literature

Atiek Ishlahiyah Al-hamasy







Cover Page…………………………………………………………………………… 1

Table of Content……………………………………………………………………... 2


1. Background of the Study……………………………………………………….. 4

2. The statement of Problem………………………………………………………. 6

3. Objectives of Study……………………………………………………………. . 6

4. Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………………… 6

5. Significance of the Study………………………………………………………. 6

6. Method of Study…………………………………………….....……………….. 7

7. Theoritical Framework

7.1 Literature...................................................................................................... 8

7.2 Feminism .................................................................................................... 9

7.3 Struggle’s theory.......................................................................................... 10

7.4 The great Gatsby novel …………………………………………………… 11

8. Previous Studies………………………………………………………………. 11

9. Point to Discuss................................................................................................. 12

9.1 Figures in the "The great gatsby" Novel that experiencing characteristic of feminism

9.1.1 Daisy Buchanan

9.1.2 Jordan Baker

9.1.3 Myrtle Wilson

9.2 Daisy Buchanan is a woman who is often mistreated by her husband, and she vents

her frustration at visiting parties or hedon.

9.3 Jordan Baker is a modern woman who likes to show off something and is also a rebel


9.4 Myrtle Wilson is a modern woman who has a shallow mind and cheats.

10. Bibliography........................................................................................................... 12


1. Background of the study

A person's daily life, various other people's experiences or self experiences, or a new

idea can be a picture or reference in making a literary work. Literature is classified from

whether it is a work of fiction or non-fiction, and also based on whether it includes poetry or

prose. Literature can increase people's knowledge, increase people's enthusiasm only through

reading, and can also make people more able to feel the situation. That’s way, the society can

be better to understand the conditions, the quality, and the situation that is being faced by

other people. (Millar, 1970: 18). In addition, literature is able to help human grow more

advanced, both intellectually and personally. Literature can also introduce people to a vast

world, diverse cultures, even religions throughout the world. Many things can be learned by

just reading or knowing literary works.

Novels are literary works written using beautiful words that can attract readers. In

addition, the novel also has extrinsic and intrinsic elements. The word of novel comes from

the Italian "novella" which means "a story". The contents contained in the novel are more

complete and more varied than the short story. Usually the most common occurrences in

everyday life are raised in the novel. It relates to someone's life or what people usually

experience. In the novel, the character of each actor must be clearly illustrated and have

different characteristics.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald or known as F. Scott Fitzgerald is an American novelist

that born on September 24, 1896. He comes from a family that is quite simple. His father

was only a seller, and he was originally from Ireland. Fitzgerald married with a beautiful

woman named Zelda. Fitzgerald's fame at that time was in the jazz era, and he succeeded in

showing how the era of jazz was through his works. Fitzgerald was one of the most famous

American writers in the 20th century. He has written 4 novels, namely Side of Paradise, The

Great Gatsby, The Beautiful and Damned, and Tender Is the Night. The fifth novel is titled

The Last Tycoon, but has not yet been written and agreed to be posthumously published.

Fitzgerald died and on December 21, 1940.

The great gatsby is a famous novel in the jazz era written by Scott Fitzgerald and

published in 1925. The great gatsby itself was written after First World War which happened

in 1920. The story is quite interesting because describing the glamorous life in the era and

also describe about feminism that appear on the time. Not only that, the story also describes a

love story between Gatsby and Daisy. And there are many other issues that are interesting to

discuss in the novel.

At this time, there has been clearly seen the struggle of women in maintaining their

existence to get equality in the social and political world. The tradition of women who are

supposed to take care of the household is no longer valid for most women in the world.

Especially in various major countries it is clear that women have freedom like men, not only

in socializing, but also in terms of politics and entry into the realm of government. Some

movements or issues carried out by women to obtain equal rights are often used as literary

works, such as films and novels. But now according to Mellor (182), women writers

consciously or not, they are increasing the status of women in their works.

Feminism is a movement of emancipation carried out by women to demand equality

of equal rights between men and women. As for Ritzer (2004), feminism is a theory that is

included in a political, social, or even economic context because women want all things to be

equated and considered fair. Women who have a lot of talent and potential to make things

better. plus having good physical strength can be a strength to get the attention of many

people and it will be easy to get the right it deserves (Kartono, 1992: 10).

The researcher chose the great gatsby story because in the story there were various

kinds of conflicts and not only focused on one type of conflict. The storyline is also not easy

to guess. Another thing that is very interesting is the lives of people in the era of jazz era,

there are detailed descriptions of the views and characteristics of people about something.

2. Statement of problem

The problems of the study are formulated as follow:

i. How is the characterization of women characters described in the great gatsby


ii. How is the struggle of a woman's character in getting what she wants in the

great gatsby novel?

3. Objectives of study

The main objective of this study is to find out how the characterization of women

described in the great gatsby novel and to know how the struggle of a woman's character in

getting what she wants in the great gatsby novel.

4. Scope and limitation

The scope of this research is a scott F novel entitled "The great gatsby". Meanwhile,

this research only focuses on the existence of feminism which concerns several characters in

the novel.

5. Signification of the study

After conducting discussions and research, the researchers hope this research can

benefit both practically and theoretically. theologically it is possible that this research can be

useful as a teaching material by readers who happen to be a teacher or lecturer, or can be used

as learning material by students or students who are learning about feminism. The practical

benefits of this research are expected to be accepted by the wider community and also useful.

6. Methods of study

i. Research Design

The researcher used a qualitative descriptive method in conducting this research.

Descriptive qualitative method is a method that does not require numbers, passing only

requires words and images (if need images as proof). This research is descriptive because in

this study contains a description of the data.

ii. Data Source

The source of the data is where the data came from. The main data source in this

study is the great gatsby novel that written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925.

iii. Data Collecttion

To collect data, the author has done several procedures:

a. The first is read the whole novel repeatedly until it understood the meaning and

contents of the novel, especially regarding feminism that occurs in several figures. If

possible, read novels repeatedly at least 3 times.

b. Determine which events will be analyzed (i.e. events or characters that refer to

feminism). Select the conversational or quotation of data, or even narrative stories

related to feminism.

c. Search and Collect various kinds of supporting data from various sources or other

references related to the topics discussed.

iv. Data Analysis

In the step of presenting the analysis, the following are the steps taken by the


a. The researcher describes the life of a character that is feminism and also

describes something that causes it to behave like that.

b. Then the researcher explains the resistance carried out by the characters in

psychological conflicts in his life and things that are done to make changes in

forgetting the conflicts that occur.

c. The last thing to do is to give conclusions and suggestions for research that has

been done before.

7. Theoretical Framework

This chapter discusses theories used to analyze novels. which theories can explain the

purpose to be discussed. the theory helps researchers in the research process and analyzes

novels, especially in understanding which parts include feminism in the story.

a. Literature

According to Wellek and Warren (1956: 15), Literature is something that is creative

and has beautiful artistic value if it is really focused on doing it. Literature can also be written

in making scientific works, reports, etc. In addition, literature is able to help human grow

more advanced, both intellectually and personally. Literature can also introduce people to a

vast world, diverse cultures, even religions throughout the world. Many things can be learned

by just reading or knowing literary works. Literature is classified from whether it is a work of

fiction or non-fiction, and also based on whether it includes poetry or prose. Literature can

increase people's knowledge, increase people's enthusiasm only through reading, and can also

make people more able to feel the situation.

b. Feminism

Feminism is an understanding of the demands of women to be equal and have the

same rights as men. the term feminism first appeared at the end of the 19th century, namely

when the political debate in France. In June Hannam's book (2007: 22) which discusses

feminism, he defines feminism as an acknowledgment of unbalanced rights and power

between men and women. Women are often seen as inferior to men, and men are considered

higher than women. That way, there needs to be a change that makes women more advanced

and can play the same role as men regardless of gender. In addition, literature is able to help

human grow more advanced, both intellectually and personally.

Feminism is the basis of thought or ideology in improving the status of women,

because women are considered inferior and weaker than men. Proponents of feminism argue

that women are often oppressed and underestimated because of their sex. According to

Sugihastuti (2005: 15-16), one's efforts to understand the condition of status and the role of a

woman are a thought in the feminist perspective of the research literature. First, someone who

acts as a leader or person who is praised by many people in the literature is still dominant in a

man, while women are still rare. The second, it appears that the character of women in

Indonesian literature lags behind men, for example, they are left behind in social, educational,

occupational or community backgrounds. or even they don't have the same opportunity as


c. Struggle’s theory

According to Marsam (2000: 181) Struggle means keeping something alive or free.

But what is meant by the struggle in this study is a woman who struggles to defend her rights

and dignity, because she is often oppressed by injustice in society. Struggle is a hard work

and effort in achieving something that is desired or desirable. On in other words, it can be

concluded that struggle is a work of hard work, desire, effort, or effort of someone to achieve

something that is aspired.

There 3 types of struggle According to Luh Ketut Suryani (2014: 195), the three types


1. The struggle to accept about a fact of life

The meaning of life is something that is objective because it is related to someone and

his experience. It must be seen as something very objective because it relates to individual

relationships and experiences in this world, because the meaning of life itself is indeed

considered as a person's goal, and for what a person lives is the result he does for the people

around him and himself.

2. The struggle to achieve a dream

The difference in one's outlook on life reflects how he aspires. every human being

must have a different view of what life and dreams they want to fight for. so there is no harm

in someone having a different view from others.

3. Struggle in the form of love

Erich Fromm (2005: 24-27) states that love is a responsibility, a sense of concern, and

a recognition. someone who has compassion for others must be able to fight for it. but also

must be able to accept how the results occur. but the form of love that is really a concern, is

not just material.

d. The Great Gatsby novel

The great gatsby is a famous novel that written by Scott Fitzgerald in jazz era. The

great Gatsby published in 1925 and was written after First World War which happened in

1920. The story is quite interesting because describing the glamorous life in the era. The

number of resistance by female characters in this story is believed to be feminism, although

sometimes the resistance reflects a positive attitude. Where they like things that are fairly

negative such as smoking, getting drunk, and hooked going to party. Besides telling stories

about feminism, this story also tells about people's lives, romance, and there are still many

issues discussed in the story, so the readers will not be bored with the storyline.

8. Previous Study

The reseacher presents 3 previous study which related or relevant with this research.

The first previous study from Usman (2009). He made a study entitled "About the Existence

of Women in the Thrones of the Abidah El Khalieqy Novel: Study of Feminist Literature.

Criticism". In his book Analysis, Usman portrays the life of women and their image. and also

the ability of women to show their existence, namely through choices faced by women, how

they fight things or make resistance to violence that will come to them. women can be said to

be autonomous beings because they are able to make their own decisions without relying on


The next previous study which from Putri (2011). She studied the feminism script

reflected in the main character of the monalisa film. Putri analyzed the character of katherine

Watson very feminism because she did not like gender inequality in patriarchy in American

society. he was very excited about turning into equals between men and women. in his

research, he found two feminism characters. they are the main characters and minor


And the last previous study came from Rasiah. (2005). In her thesis with the title

"Heroes of Existence Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte" Overview of Feminist Literary

Criticism", Rasiah concluded that the women in the novels she discussed were able to free

themselves from the oppression that people were carrying out. independent even though there

are many problems that must be faced and sometimes very threatening her life.

9. Point to disscus

Conflict in “The great gatsby” novel

9.1 Figures in the "The great gatsby" Novel that experiencing characteristic of feminism

9.1.1 Daisy Buchanan

9.1.2 Jordan Baker

9.1.3 Myrtle Wilson

9.2 Daisy Buchanan is a woman who is often mistreated by her husband, and she vents

her frustration at visiting parties or hedon.

9.3 Jordan Baker is a modern woman who likes to show off something and is also a rebel


9.4 Myrtle Wilson is a modern woman who has a shallow mind and cheats.

10. Bibliography

Fromm, Erich. (2005). The Art of loving, Jakarta: gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Hannam, June. (2007). The Book of Feminism. England: Pearson-Longman.

Kartono,Kartini.(1992). Psikologi Wanita Jilid2: Mengenal Wanita Sebagai Ibu dan

Nenek. Bandung: Mandar Jaya.

Marsam, (2000), in Siwi Dhian Anggraini Novel Ugly Karya Constance Briscoe

(Kajian Feminisme), skripsi. surabaya: Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

Mellor, Anne K.. “Feminism”. Jones, Steven E.. “Satire.” Romanticism: an oxford

guide. Ed. Nicholas Roe. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. 182-392.

Putri, W. 2011. The Spirit of Feminism Reflected in the Main Character of Mona Lisa

Smile Movie: A Study of Feminism in A Patriarchal Society (A Thesis). Semarang:

Diponegoro University.

Rasiah. (2005). In her thesis with title "The Existence Heroine Jane Eyre by Charlotte


Rene Wellek, &Warren Austin.(1956). Teori Kesusastraan. Gramedia : PT.Gramedia

Pustaka Utama.

Ritzer, George. (2003). Teori Sosial Postmodern. Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana.

Sugihastuti.(2005). Kritik Sastra Feminis: Sebuah Pengantar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka


Suryani Luh Ketut, (2014). in La Ode Sabaruddin..”Perjuangan tokoh utama dalam

novel 2 karya” skripsi. jakarta: Kampus A Meruya kampus.

Usman (2009) conducted a study with the title "On the Existence of Women in Novel

Throne Abidah El Khalieqy Work”.


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