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BEED-2C|T/F [7:30-9:00]

Enrichment Activity No. 1


From the three models of the curriculum development; Ralph Tyler’s Model, Hilda Taba
Model, and Galen Saylor and William Alexander’s Model presented their own views in curriculum.
With their processes help the school, teachers and the learners to have an organized
development, and to suit the needs of the learners. In Ralph Tyler’s Model it suggests that all
curriculum development phases must consider the three most important elements: The Learners,
are able to analyze their needs and wants. The society, promotes an interaction to others and
dealing with different problems outside and how to resolve problems in the environment they are
in. In Hilda Taba Model, presented seven steps for the curriculum development, composed of
diagnosing needs, formulating specific objectives, selecting content, organizing content, selecting
and organizing activities, and evaluating. From the different steps, generally, it is constructed in
order to have a basis in determining whether the content matches the core ideas and curriculum
objectives in the progress of the learners. Lastly, Galen Saylor and William Alexander’s Model
Goals, Objectives and Domains: The model indicates that curriculum planners begin by specifying
the major goals and specific objectives they wish to accomplish. Designing: It is provided with
different questions that needed to be answered in this stage of process. Curriculum
Implementation: Based on the design of the curriculum plan teachers would specify instructional
objectives and then select relevant teaching methods and strategies to achieve the desired
learning outcomes among students in the classroom. Evaluation: In this stage of process,
evaluation should involve the total educational programme of the school and the curriculum plan,
through these, curriculum planner and developers can determine whether or nor the goals of the
school and the objectives of instruction have been met.

B. What phase of the curriculum process do you find very important as a teacher? Why?

As a future teacher the phase of the curriculum process I find very important was the Hilda
Taba Model. Because for me it is a full package in considering learners developmental level and
I as a future teacher must be aware of the learners needs and choosing the applicable topics to
suit into their levels. In this process a role of a teacher is to implement, and to select the curriculum
carefully, I may be a developer to the learners and make stronger progress in this model.

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