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Pengukuran Flow Gas (AGA-3 & AGA-8)
December 1st, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments
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AGA atau American Gas Association

adalah sebuah asosiasi yang berkecimpung untuk standard, metode, dan kalkulasi dalam
pengukuran Gas. berikut adalah algoritma yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan
perhitungan flow gas yang melewati Orifice.

Rifqi Imanto & Engineering Notes

AGA8 detail, 1992

Given a gas molar analysis, AGA8 detail determines the compressibility of the gas
at base conditions and at flowing conditions.

The algorithm for the calculation involves two iterative routines and works as

 Paramdl:
o Arrange calculation parameters to match entered species. Calculation allows
for 21 standard components. Paramdl packs the ones that are used into sets of
working arrays.
o NOTE: The order of the components appears to be important, as it affects the
results returned. Each gas species has an integer ID. These IDs must be
processed in ascending numerical order for the result to be correct.
 Chardl:
o Characterises the gas by calculating parameters b1..b18, and various other
parameters, in a pair of for loops.
o Normalise component mole fractions (ensure the total = 1.0000)
o for i=1 to (number of entered components)
 Calculate gas mix mole weight = running total of mole
fraction[i]*mole weight[i]
 Calculate running total of mole fraction[i]*rki[i]2.5
 Calculate running total of mole fraction[i]*ei[i]2.5
 Calculate running total of mole fraction[i]*wi[i]
 Calculate running total of mole fraction[i]*qi[i]
 Calculate running total of hi[i]*(mole fraction[i])2
 for j = i to (number of entered components)
 This loop calculates interactions between one gas species and
 xij = xi[i]*xi[j] (if i <> j, we double this number)
 eij = beij[i][j] * sqrt(ei[i]*ei[j]) : energy interaction param
 s3 = xij*sqrt(rki[i]3*rki[j]3)
 calculate b1..b18 as running totals of various polynomials on
s3, eij, etc.
o At end of loops, scale b parameters: bi = bi * a[i]
o calculate gas base density;
o calculate base compressibility.
 temp(Tflowing):
o calculate temperature dependent parameters fn[13]..fn[58]
 ddetail(Pflowing, Tflowing):
o Call braket(t, p) to determine a lower and upper limit on the gas
density; begin an iterative loop to converge on the density, as follows:
o Loop:
 Sort pressure and density points in order of decreasing pressure.
 Calculate the amount of density change, delx, at pressure point y2
 If we have converged, return x2 + delx , else…
 Save current x2 and y2 as x1 and y1;
 calculate x2 as x2 + delx
 calculate y2 as pdetail(x2,t)-p
o for at most 150 iterations.
 braket(t,p):
o Braket iterates to find a molar density on either side of the “correct answer”
and returns these. This narrows the range over which ddetail needs to
 pdetail(d,t):
o calculates compressibility with zdetail(d,t) and returns the pressure.
 zdetail(d,t):
o calls temp(t) if the temperature has changed, then returns a polynomial
equation based on density, bmix and the parameters fn[13..58].

Chardl is generally the largest consumer of horsepower. The number of iterations

required to perform the characterisation increases with the square of the number of
components in the analysis. Generally the loops in braket and ddetail converge in
less than 10 iterations.

The AGA8 Detail algorithm is data intensive and defines approximately 2000
values held in 13 arrays.

AGA8 Detail: Enter a flowing temperature and pressure, and a gas analysis, then
press Calculate. The calculation may take a few seconds to complete.
AGA 3 1990 Algorithm
The algorithm for the calculation is as follows. There is one iterative loop to solve
for Reynolds number and coefficient of discharge. The standard defines many
Constants of the form A and S are simply fixed numbers and do not change based
on the system of units used.
Constants of the form Nx are unit conversion constants and are determined based
on the system of units in use for the calculation.

For further details on the calculation, refer to part 4 of the specification AGA3
1990 / GPA 8185-92.

 Set unit conversion constants for the unit system chosen

 Calculate flowing density: Dflow = Pf * Mrair * Gi / (Zf * R * (Tf + N5))
 Calculate base density: Dbase = Pb * Mrair * Gi / (Zb * R * (Tb + N5))
 Calculate size of orifice at flowing conditions: d’ = d * [1 + alpha1 * (Tf – Tdm)]
 Calculate size of meter run at flowing conditions: D’ = D * [1 + alpha2 * (Tf – TDm)]
 Calculate beta = d’ / D’

 Calculate velocity of approach factor: Ev = 1 / sqrt( 1 – beta 4)

 Calculate factors required for coefficient of discharge / Reynolds number iteration
o Upstream tap position L1 = N4/D
o Downstream tap position L2 = N4/D
o Upstream tap correction factor Tu = [ S2 + S3 e( -8.5 L1) + S4 e (-6.0 L1) ] * beta 1.1
o Dimensionless downstream dam height M2 = (2 L2 ) / (1 – beta)
o Downstream tap correction factor Td = S6 [ M2 + S7 M21.3 ] beta 1.1
o Small pipe correction factor: if D <= (A4 N4) then Ts = A3 (1 – beta) (A4 –
D/N4) else Ts = 0
o Cd0 = A0 + A1 beta 2 + A2 B 8 + Tu + Td + Ts
o Cd1 = A5 * beta 0.7 (250) 0.7
o Cd2 = A6 * beta 4 (250) 0.35
o Cd3 = S1 * beta 4 * beta 0.8 (4.75) 0.8 (250) 0.35
o Cd4 = (S5Tu + S8Td ) beta 0.8 (4.75) 0.8
o Orifice differential pressure to flowing pressure ratio x = dP / (N3 * Pf)
o Yp = (0.41 + 0.35 beta 4) / k
o Expansion factor Y = 1 – Yp x
o Calculate Ftmp = Ev Y d 2
o Calculate FIc = 4000 NIc D * mu / Ftmp
o Calculate FIp = sqrt ( 2 * Dflow * dP)
o Calculate FI = FIc / FIp
o Limit FI to 1000 maximum.
 Set up coefficient of discharge loop by setting Cd(FT) to Cd0
 Perform loop:
o X = Fl / Cd(FT)
o If X < Xc then
 Fc = Cd0 + ( Cd1 X0.35 + Cd2 + Cd3 X 0.8 ) X 0.35 + Cd4 X 0.8
 Dc = ( 0.7 Cd1 X 0.35 + 0.35 Cd2 + 1.15 Cd3 X 0.8 ) X 0.35 + 0.8 Cd4 X 0.8
o else
 Fc = Cd0 + Cd1 X 0.7 + ( Cd2 + Cd3 X 0.8 ) ( A – B / X ) + Cd4 X 0.8
 Dc = 0.7 Cd1 X 0.7 + ( Cd2 + Cd3 X 0.8 ) * B / X + 0.8 Cd3 ( A – B / X) X
+ 0.8 Cd4 X 0.8
o Calculate the amount to vary Cd(FT) by: dCd = [ Cd (FT) – Fc] / [ 1 + Dc /
Cd(FT) ]
o Change Cd(FT) : Cd(FT) = Cd(FT) – dCd
 Until the absolute value of dCd is less than 0.000005.
 Reynolds number is Re = 4000 / X
 Calculate mass flow factor: F mass = ( pi / 4) * Nc Ev d2
 Calculate mass flow rate: qm = F mass Cd(FT) Y * sqrt (2 Dflow * dP )
 Calculate standard flow rate: qv = qm / D base



Flow Measurement and Calculation

May 20th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments
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Dalam pengukuran Flow (Fluida) berbagai metode dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju
aliran dalam sebuah pipa.

Metode 1 – Pengukuran Laju Aliran – Menggunakan baling-baling

Gambar.1 Baling-baling
metode ini merupakan cara sederhana dan murah untuk pengukuran flow fluida terutama fluida
cair. prinsip kerjanya teknisnya adalah ketika ada aliran fluida yang melalui baling-baling maka
baling-baling akan berputar, dari putaran tersebut dapat kita sensing dengan berbagai cara salah
satunya dengan hubungkan ke sebuah rotary counter (digital) yang akan menghitung jumlah
putaran baling-baling dalam 1 detik/menitnya (frekuensi putaran baling-baling). Dari nilai
yang dihasilkan maka dapat diketahui kecepatan fluida tersebut, kecepatan fluida akan
berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan putar baling-baling. yang mana untuk mengetahui
kecepatannya kita perlu membandingkannya dengan alat untuk mengukur flow yang sudah
terkalibrasi yang kemudi hasil pengukuran alat tersebut dibagi dengan Luas Penampang pipa,
maka akan dihasilkan kecepatan dari fluida (m/s).


Dengan cara ini kita dapat mengkalibrasi dan mengkonversi kecepatan putar baling-baling
menjadi Flow (m^3 /s). Setelah kecepatan aliran tersebut terkalibrasi maka untuk menghitung
laju aliran fluida hanya tinggal mengkali-kan dengan luas penampang pipa (m^2) maka
didapatlah nilai akhir dari pengukuran fluida.
Jenis untuk metode semacam ini adalah (untuk fluida cair):

 baling-baling defleksi
 baling-baling rotasi
 baling-baling heliks
 turbin flowmeters

Kelemahan: Akurasi rendah

Keuntungan: Low Cost

Metode 2. Pressure Based, Menggunakan Orifice dan Mengukur perbedaan pressure –

Differential Pressure(dP)
Cara ini merupakan cara yang paling banyak digunakan di industri oil & gas untuk
pengukuran flow pada pipa. Diferensial Pressure disebabkan aliran dilewatkan sebuah celah
kecil yang mengakibatkan perubahan tekanan. ketika aliran fluida semakin besar maka
perbedaan tekanan pun juga akan semakin besar (sebanding) maka dengan perbedaan tekanan
tersebut dapat diketahui laju alirannya (Flow)
Gambar 2. Orifice

gambar 3. Diferrential Pressure

Seperti terlihat pada gambar 3. ketika sebuah fluida mengalir melalui celah sempit maka akan
terjadi perubahan pola aliran yang menyebabkan perbedaan tekanan antara tekanan fluida
mengalir sebelum melalui orifice dan tekanan setelah melewati orifice. kemudian tekanan
pada fluida mengalir tersebut akan kembali normal setelah beberapa saat melewati orifice.
Terlihat pada gambar dengan tabung U terdapat perbedaan tekanan dimana tekanan setelah
melewati celah orifice lebih rendah (terjadi perbedaan tekanan).

Kita asumsikan Steady State, densitas fluida konstan (incompressible), dan alirannya laminer
serta tidak ada perubahan ketinggian pada pipa horizontal maka dapat digunakan persamaan


Persamaan tersebut merupakan persamaan teoritis yang ideal untuk mendapatkan nilai flow.

dengan perhitungan koefisien discharge (Cd) dan faktor beta (β = d2 / d1)

Maka nilai Flow dengan perhitungan koefisien discharge dan faktor beta adalah:

Q = volumetric flow rate (at any cross-section), m³/s
= mass flow rate (at any cross-section), kg/s
Cd = coefficient of discharge, dimensionless
C = orifice flow coefficient, dimensionless
A1 = cross-sectional area of the pipe, m²
A2 = cross-sectional area of the orifice hole, m²
d1 = diameter of the pipe, m
d2 = diameter of the orifice hole, m
β = ratio of orifice hole diameter to pipe diameter, dimensionless
V1 = upstream fluid velocity, m/s
V2 = fluid velocity through the orifice hole, m/s
P1 = fluid upstream pressure, Pa with dimensions of kg/(m·s² )
P2 = fluid downstream pressure, Pa with dimensions of kg/(m·s² )
ρ = fluid density, kg/m³

Ultrasonic (Efek Doppler)

Metode lain pengukuran flow adalah dengan menggunakan signal ultrasonic, yaitu dengan
cara memantulkan pancaran gelombang ultrasonic pada fluida yang bergerak. Berdasarkan
dengan hukum doppler ketika suatu sumber gelombang memiliki kecepatan, maka frekuensi
gelombang akan berubah. Jadi ketika gelombang ultrasonic dipantulkan pada fluida yang
bergerak, maka gelombang pantulnya akan memiliki frekuensi berbeda yang nilainya akan
berbanding lurus pada kecepatan aliran fluida. Dari frekuensi yang diterima maka dapat
diukur kecepatan alir fluida (flow).

menggunakan persamaan doppler:


v adalah kecepatan gelombang pada medium yang digunakan

vr = kecepatan medium

vs = kecepatan sumber (sumber pulsa diam vs=0)

maka untuk mencari nilai vr


f0: Frekuensi sumber

f: frekuensi pantulan
v: kecepatan gelombang pada medium

metode efek doppler ini juga dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran kecepatan darah didalam



AGA 7 Calculation

AGA 7 takes a flowing volume, rate or flowing conditions and calculates base volume, base
volume flow rate or volume correction factor. It requires flowing and base pressure,
temperature and compressibility. Compressibility is calculated by your favourite equation of
state, such as AGA 8.The algorithm for the calculation is extremely straightforward. It is
really just the application of the real gas law to the measured volume.

For Flowing Volume:

Pf * Vf = Zf * n * R * Tf

so Vf = Zf * n * R * Tf / Pf

For Base Volume:

Pb * Vb = Zb * n * R * Tb
so Vb = Zb * n * R * Tb / Pb

Dividing the equations, we get

Vb/Vf = (Zb * n * R * Tb / Pb )/( Zf * n * R * Tf / Pf)

so Vb= Vf *(Zb * n * R * Tb * Pf) / ( Zf * n * R * Tf * Pb)

Changing the pressure and temperature doesn't change the number of moles, and R is a
constant, so:

Vb= Vf *(Zb * Tb * Pf) / ( Zf * Tf * Pb)

S is defined as Zb / Zf
Fpm is defined as Pf / 101.56 kPa, or Pf / 14.73 PSIF
pb is defined as 101.56 kPa / Pb, or 14.73 PSI / Pb
Ftm is defined as 288.7056 Deg Kelvin / Tf, or 519.67 Deg. Rankin / Tf
Ftb is defined as Tb / 288.7056 Deg Kelvin, or Tb / 519.67 Deg. Rankin

So Fpm * Fpb = Pf / Pb
and Ftm * Ftb = Tb / Tf
So Vb = Vf * Fpm * Fpb* Ftm * Ftb * S
Calculate Fpm = Pf / 101.56 kPa (US base conditions, defined by AGA 7 spec)
Calculate Fpb = 101.56/Pb
Calculate Ftm = (15.55556 + 273.15)/Tf Deg. K (US base conditions, defined by AGA 7
Calculate Ftb = Tb / (15.55556 + 273.15) Deg. K (US base conditions, defined by AGA 7
Calculate S = Zb / Zf = Fpv2
Calculate BMV (base multiplier value) = Fpm * Fpb * Ftm * Ftb * S

Apply meter factor to BMV (Note: this is often done to the actual volume prior to using AGA

Calculate base volume Vb = Vf * BMV / 1000 (Converts M3 to E3M3, or Ft3 to MSCF)

Source: http://www.squinch.org/

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