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Lesson 3

Research Introduction

- Is the preliminary part of the research that describes the overall and general aim as well
as contexts of the target research study


- Without this, the research study will not pave way for its solution.

- The introductory statements must bond typologies and procedural approaches

- Naturalness must be adhered in stating its niches

- Must be significant enough to address humanistic concerns and goals

- It must be a well- profound description of the research problems

- The purpose must be clear and directed.


• Any research basic description of the possible outcomes and the reasons underlying
the study.

• Must cover the situation- problem –rationale- significance - solution scheme

Parts of the research introduction (According to the CARS model)

• Creating A Research Space (proposed by John Swales)

• Move 1 (Establishing territory)

- Define the main subject of study

- Describe the problem and provide evidence to support why this problem is important in the

-Provide current status of the knowledge about the problem

- State why it is necessary to resolve the problem of your study

• Move 2 (Establishing the niche)

- Introduce the gap ( the existing problems and/or problems that are not resolved)

- State possible major questions that the researchers is very curious about

- Extend possibilities

Module in Research 1

Move 3 (Occupying the Niche)

- State your purpose

- State the future outcomes of this research

- State what must be the remainder of your research


- Is the established set of questions that will be investigated

- It comes from research questions

- There should be main research problems, major and minor research problems

It is being referred as the Statement of the Purpose, since the main purpose of the
research is to answer or provide knowledge for a particular set of problems


(following the 7Cs of Communication in the formulation of research problem)

- Clarity- deals with the real scope and context of the problem in the entire research
study, the problem had been directly identified

Conciseness – problems are in a simple sentence structure and easy to be understood

Completeness – problems are reflecting the variables in the research title

Concreteness- problems must be feasibly answered

Correctness – the set of questions must be appropriate to what the research study is
trying to figure out, as well as the results are accurate as a validation on the structure of
the questions

Coherence- the problems must be hierarchical, the first question should be presenting
the major and substantial point of the study, and the other questions, should be
considered supporting points

Courtesy – the problems must be able to be answered in order to innovate, or help for
a given instance and not to criticize ideas or people

Module in Research 2

Is the established aim or purpose of the entire research study that is depending upon
the set of research problems

The objective can be a long term and a short term goal

Objective is any STRUCTURED GOAL that must be OPERATIONAL

Must be closely parallel to the Statement of the Purpose

- Research Objectives are the signposts of the other research parts and the whole
research study

- To make it operational, it must be SMART

- Specific (Does the goal relevant to the topic and title of the study?)

- Measurable (Does the study guarantee a data acquisition, analysis and interpretation?)

- Attainable (Does the research study will be achieved in a specified period of time?)

- Relevant (Does the goal match thse problem?)

- Time –Bound (Does the goal follow research protocol and organization?)

The objective is the problem itself dressed in a formalized statement using behavioral

- Some behavioral terms that can be used:

- Identify -Explain - Illustrate
- Analyze - Ascertain
- Determine - Distinguish

- These areas focus on setting boundaries for research.

- Scopes – any area that will be covered in the study, it must state the target topic as well
as all necessary ideas about it

Limitations – the areas which will not be covered by the researchers or they did not
intend to do during the research process

Module in Research 3

This is stating the purpose of research that is being patterned into account of benefits for
particular group of people

Each importance must be clear enough the address the needs and wants of persons to
be covered/affected/reached/benefited by the research study.

Module in Research 4
CHAPTER 1 ( sample only)


A. Background of the Study

Mathematics is one avenue for learning because this discipline helps oneself to boost
logical thinking and analytical thinking skills. Hence, not all students uphold to that principle.
But according to Madrigal (2017), “Mathematics is a key aspect of life since it offers
solutions to existing problems.” As with that, Mathematics is holistically analytical and
innovative likewise there is such a problem evolving in such matter. Apparently,
Mathematics becomes the hard subject for secondary students nowadays because of mind-
boggling concepts and lengthy formulas so as to a strategy that had been not revisited by
educational personnel for a longer time. The redundancy of the basicity of the strategy
becomes ubiquitous and it had been supported by Feliciano (2015), “Teaching Mathematics
is in its critical state right now, if it had not been innovated to where it should be, no more
students could appreciate the vitality of the problem – solving scheme, as well their self –
regulation.” With that aspect, the researchers see that in a particular angle, Mathematics
must be taught in several aspects that could drive back the motivation of most students to
increase their attention span towards this subject area. Researchers have agreed that they
will try to focus on determining the ways to make Mathematics innovative and try to generate
a pondered understanding of its effects to students ‘behavioral performance.
Moreover, there are studies that shows that as with increasing technologies and
programs, that is the time Mathematics disinterested students (Foucault 2012). There are
insufficient materials or routines that can captivate students to be motivated to study
Mathematical concepts (Campo, 2014). As with that matter, the authors of this research
come to a point of constructing some questions that can be serving as their guide in
conducting these research study. Some of those questions are: “What is the effect of
Innovative Teaching in Mathematics to students ‘behavioral performance? “; “Why there is a
need to make the teaching of Math to be innovative for students? “ These are some
questions that concern the researchers since they have observed that in the pedagogical
aspects there should be a constant and a series of innovations for a well – rounded
academic instruction. In that state, they will be in their utmost determination to seek or
provide an answer for the benefit of their research study and either way offer new ideas to
different clusters of people.

Module in Research 5
Subsequently, with those problems, parallel purposes have been structuring this paper.
One major purpose of this research is to (1) Identify the possible effects of Innovative
Teaching in Mathematics to Students’ Behavioral Performance since the result of this study
will help the research the identify the significant value of innovative teaching nowadays. (2)
Determine the underlying reasons why there should be a necessity to make teaching in
Mathematics innovative because the researchers wants to offer several grounds and salient
points that can help teachers and students in terms of the teaching – learning process.
Furthermore, so as to help them in this study, they will use survey questionnaires as their
research instruments along with adherence to statistical treatments and acquisition of
comprehensive and relevant literatures in various means for them to ensure that their
research study is worth conducting. But though, they will treat this research objectively and
fairly, there will be some aspects that might not be tackled unintentionally by the researchers
since variables can change along the research process and there will be some problems
that cannot be determined prior to the analysis of the data so presumably, these areas can
be part of the future researchers’ niche.
The researchers of this research study entitled “Effects of Innovative Teaching in
Mathematics to the Behavioral Performance of SHS- STEM students of PCU – Cavite
Campus “aim to answer these following questions along the research period, A.Y. 2017 -
2018 :
1. What are the effects of the Innovative Teaching in Mathematics to students’
Behavioral Performance?
2. Why there is a need for the teaching of Mathematics to be innovative?
3. How did Innovative Teaching in Mathematics alter or retain students’ interest,
motivation, attention span, and/or classroom attitude?
4. To what extent, did Innovative Teaching in Mathematics could offer to students’
performance in the subject?
5. Why did Mathematics must be incorporated with non – conventional techniques
particularly in ensuring pedagogical efficacy of teachers toward students’ behavioral
6. What are the factors that can contribute to the effects of Innovative Teaching in
Mathematics to students’ Behavioral Performance?
7. Are there any significant differences between the Innovative Teaching styles of
novice Math teacher and veteran teacher?

Module in Research 6
8. Are there any significant differences between the Innovative Teaching styles of a
male and female Math teacher?


The researchers have conducted this study to determine the effects of Innovative
Teaching in Mathematics to students’ Behavioral Performance; with that, the areas that they
will cover all throughout the study revolve only in this aspect. Some of the areas that are
part of the researchers’ niche are the different techniques that make an Innovative Teaching
most specifically in Mathematics as well as the different areas of students’ Behavioral
Performance that might be affected by teachers’ innovative style of teaching.
However, some areas that are not included in this study is about the comparison of
teaching strategies as related to which is the best or which needs practice. Likewise, they
will just focus on demographic factors like age and gender. They will not also tackle different
strategies in other subject areas. In addition, even academic performance will not indirectly
covered to pave way to the other dimension of students’ learning which is the behavioral
performance. This will not be a qualitative research so there is a strong basis on the
numerical data as well as statistical tools will be used. As pertained, the study will just focus
on selected SHS – STEM students of PCU- Dasmariñas Campus because they are
contextually relevant to the main target of the study and it will be covering one (1) academic
year only. Hence, any other aspects that are not related to the niche will be disregarded in
order to focus on the rationale, context and significance which are appropriate in the study.


This research study is completed and conducted to directly or indirectly generate
benefits for these following groups which frame the reason why researchers strive to make
their paper possible:
 SHS – STEM Students – They can be benefited by this research because this
can give possible suggestions for innovative teaching in Mathematics by which
they will be affected by that in terms of improving their motivations and interest
in the subject and enhancing their productivity as well in performing their tasks
and learning their lessons

Module in Research 7
 Math Teachers – Through this research, teachers could think of more
constructive methods, approaches and strategies that their students will
appreciate. In addition, they can improve their professional competence.

 Parents – Though, they are indirectly affected by this study, they can able to
help their children in assisting them in learning Mathematics and in enriching
the concepts at home, also for the parents to be oriented about the problems
their children are facing inside the school, from that , they can know how to
resolve it.

 PCU– Dasmariñas Campus – Since this research study will be conducted here,
it will benefit the academic institution, since the mission and vision of the school
will be achieved in terms of the means of instruction for teachers’ competence
and students’ academic proficiency.

 Future Researchers – There will be areas that the current researchers will not
solve, so the future researchers of this topic will be guided to explore more from
this, since it is a fresh topic especially right now because of the rise of
Outcomes – Based Education and Understanding by Design approach. With
this, it can be a benchmark for them to discover greater heights for this research

Module in Research 8

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