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Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0

General 1/11

Refractory lining installation

of castable and gunning mix

Rev. Description Date Made by Chd. Appd.

0 First issue in SOPHIA 03-JUL-2015 OLTN/IOR ELN FMC

SOPHIA document no.: SP-329-EN version: 1

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Refractory lining installation of castable and gunning mix Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0
prequalification General 2/11


1 Scope 3
2 Referenced standards and standard practices 3
3 Quality control 3
4 Responsibilities 3
5 Pneumatic gunning 3
6 Shot casting (wet gunning) 5
7 Casting 6
8 Sampling 8
9 Appendices 8

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Refractory lining installation of castable and gunning mix Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0
prequalification General 3/11

1 Scope
This Standard specifies the prequalification of workers and installation procedures for monolithic
refractory linings installed into Haldor Topsoe A/S (Topsoe) Auto thermal Reformers (ATR),
Secondary Reformers (SR), and Reformed Gas Front End Waste Heat Boilers (WHB).

Casting and gunning applications are included.

This standard covers the prequalification for both new and existing Topsoe equipment.

2 Referenced standards and standard practices

Samples shall be made according to standards, listed in Appendix 2.

3 Quality control
A detailed installation control programme shall be made before commencing the refractory
installation. Quality control is dependent on the proper implementation of the control elements listed
in the check list for the actual project. The workers shall be instructed in this programme and be
prepared to participate in making the samples for testing.

4 Responsibilities
4.1 Installation contractor
4.1.1 To schedule and execute pre-qualification of all equipment and personnel required to
complete installation work, including documentation and verification by the site

To assure that installer’s personnel is familiar with the requirements in the standard for
casting and gunning.

5 Pneumatic gunning
5.1 General procedure
It is important that the conditions existing in the vessels are duplicated for the pre-
qualification trials, and therefore a suitable enclosure must be made available (dimensions
equal to the worst case scenario) in which the installer(s) will shoot at the test panel(s).

Where gunning grades are intended to be installed in two separate units in parallel, it will be
necessary to test installers (nozzle men and trowel men), equipment and operators as
whole crews and mixing of pre-qualified crews will generally not be allowed.

5.2 Equipment
All types of gunning machines are acceptable, however, the machine operator must be able
to demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the equipment and be able to carry out
any required maintenance to ensure correct operation.

Material transfer lines must be of the correct size for optimum operation and for the purpose
of the trial equal to the length of those required for the installation of materials in the ATR /
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Refractory lining installation of castable and gunning mix Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0
prequalification General 4/11

The water mixing nozzle must also be of the correct type for gunning with the machine to be
used for the installation.

Equipment for communication between the gun operator and the nozzleman must be in
good working order and must be used during the trials; a direct line of sight will not be
permitted during the trial(s).

During the test no instructions must be given to the crew by any supervisor.

5.3 Qualification by test panels

5.3.1 A test panel shall be prepared by each nozzleman / gun operator team for each refractory
being installed. The panel shall be inspected, sampled, and tested prior to commencing the
actual installation. Preparation and examination shall be in accordance with clauses 5.3.2
through 5.3.6.

5.3.2 A test panel measuring 800 x 800 mm shall be fabricated. The panel thickness, anchors
and anchor pattern shall be in accordance with the actual installation.

5.3.3 The forms of the test panels shall be constructed with a removable back and sides to permit
visual inspection of the installed castable. The anchors must be installed so that the panels
can be removed without damaging the refractory. Interior surfaces must be coated with a
releasing agent to facilitate removal from the refractory.

5.3.4 The test panel shall be inclined 45º from the horizontal and supported on a frame with the
midpoint approximately 1.90 m above grade. The team shall demonstrate their abilities by
gunning the panel in this overhead inclined position.

5.3.5 The gunning qualification test shall take special notice of the following:
The gunning machine operator must maintain a constant flow of material and should
respond quickly to instructions from the nozzleman.

- The nozzleman should demonstrate a good and constant consistency of the material,
should avoid trapping rebound, shadowing anchors and forming laminations.

- The trowel man should keep the edge boards clean, remove any trapped rebound,
clean build-up material from anchor tips and be able to deliver a straight surface in
the right thickness without any slicking.

5.3.6 Inspection of the finished panel shall take special notice of the following:
- On completion no slumping, cracking and high degree of elasticity is accepted, which is
a sign of excess use of mixing water.

- After 24 hours the anchors shall be freed from the panel and the block remover from
the wooden mould. Inspection for voids, laminations, non-uniformities, entrapped
rebound and dimensional lining thickness, shall be made.

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Refractory lining installation of castable and gunning mix Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0
prequalification General 5/11

- Test panel dimensions and weight will be determined before the test panel will be
broken and exposed surfaces inspected.

5.3.7 The acceptance / rejection criteria for evaluation of the level of experience are guidelines,
as no test panel by gunning is 100% free of defects.

5.3.8 Rejection of the nozzleman will be considered if:

- Trapped rebounds are greater than 35x35mm or more than 100mm across the bottom

- Soft friable extends more than 50% of lining thickness.

- Several lines of trapped coarse material accumulations.

- Laminations as fracture lines within the block.

- Shadowing of anchors if present on two or more anchors.

5.3.9 Test specimens shall be cut from the centre of each panel and tested in accordance with
the procedure stated in the test plan.

5.3.10 Satisfactory examination and test results in accordance with clauses 5.3.5, 5.3.6 and 5.3.8
shall serve to qualify the mixing and installation procedures and the personnel teams. The
results will be stated in a check list.

5.3.11 Re-testing of rejected personnel can only be done once. The decision of Topsoe’s
representative will be final.

6 Shot casting (wet gunning)

6.1 General procedure
Shot casting is an installation procedure that requires specialised equipment and materials
specially designed for this application method. Mini shot casting will be suitable also for
minor work as the amount of material in the transporting hose will be limited.

Installation techniques are as described under dry gunning, the mixing procedure is as
described under casting. Rebound problems are minimized by this technique.

6.2 Equipment
The equipment must be of adequate size for the installed quantity, however, the machine
operator must be able to demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the equipment and
be able to carry out any required maintenance to ensure correct operation.

The material transfer lines must be of the correct size for optimum operation and for the
purpose of the trial equal to the length of those required for the installation of materials in
the ATR / WHB.
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prequalification General 6/11

The water and flocculent mixing nozzles must also be the correct type for the installation of
the material with the machine being used and checked for correct operation.

Equipment for communication between the gun operator and the nozzleman must be in
good working order and must be used during the trials. A direct line of sight will not be
permitted during the trial(s).

During the test no instructions must be given to the crew by any supervisor.

6.3 Qualification by test panels

Testing must be done as described in clause 5.3.

7 Casting
7.1 General procedure
It is important that the conditions existing inside the equipment are duplicated for the
prequalification trials and, therefore, a suitable enclosure must be made.

7.2 Equipment
Mixing of refractory castable is only accepted in a forced-flow mixer (pan mixer).

Vibration equipment used for solidification should either be the type of high frequency
insertable pokers or form vibrators.

The test and the actual installation shall be performed with identical equipment. Equipment
to be applied includes measuring tools for securing the right water content and mixing,
transportation and solidification equipment.

If special environmental protections are required to keep refractory materials within the
preferred temperature range the capability of the set-up shall be tested.

Equipment used for producing test specimens, forms and solidification equipment as well
shall be tested.

7.3 Qualification by test blocks

7.3.1 A mock-up (replication model) shall be prepared by each applicator for each mixing /
application procedure and for each refractory castable being installed. The model shall
simulate the most difficult piece to be installed and also simulate installation obstacles.
The test plan includes a description of the test pieces to be cast by the installation. The
mock-up will be tested prior to commencing the actual installation.

7.3.2 The refractory thickness, anchors and anchor pattern, as installation of castable in
combination with brickwork shall be in accordance with the actual installation job.

7.3.3 For vibration cast installations, the model shall demonstrate the usability of the vibration
method and the skill of the personnel.

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Refractory lining installation of castable and gunning mix Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0
prequalification General 7/11

7.3.4 For pouring and pump cast installations as installation of self levelling castable the
consolidation used in the actual installation shall be allowed in the model.

7.3.5 The mock-up shall be constructed with a removable back and sides to permit visual
inspection of the installed castable. The anchors must be installed so that the panels can be
removed without damaging the refractory. Interior surfaces must be coated with a releasing
agent to facilitate removal from the refractory.

7.3.6 Test specimens shall be prepared using material sampled from the mixes prepared for
casting the mock-up. Specimens shall be formed in moulds using the same level of agitation
as for the mock-up test.

7.3.7 Refractory cast in the mock-up shall be cured for minimum 12 hours before removal of
panels. The visual surfaces shall be homogenous and free of voids and/or segregations and
meet the specified tolerances.

7.3.8 The casting qualification test shall take special notice of the following:
- Mixing operator must know the difference between the special types of castable to be
used and clean the equipment to bare steel when changing materials.

- Mixing operator must know the water addition for the materials and the methods to
control the workability index by using “Ball-in Hand Tests”.

- Mixing time with eventually dry mixing shall be shown. Insulating castable can be
crushed and gain in bulk density during prolonged mixing.

The evaluation of floating abilities of dense castable and specially self-flowing castable
requires longer time. Mixing itself generates heat which can lead to early setting,
excessive mixing should be avoided.

- In the case of installation by vibrating the team must show the use of the vibration
equipment; not to over-vibrate the castable with segregation to follow. By use of
vibrating poker the team shall show the ability to vibrate the whole area, not leaving
any casting voids and remove the poker gentle out not creating a lump in the castable.

- The team must show their ability to fill up the mock-up by vibration leaving a level
surface straight with the form and avoid later settings with air arriving to the surface

7.3.9 The crew can be rejected if the materials are mixed too dry and cannot be installed, or
mixed too wet with segregation and settings to follow. The test specimens will be tested for
the physical properties with minimum or maximum water addition. The water addition
demonstrated by the mock-up casting must be used for the castings by the installation.

7.3.10 Satisfactory examination and test results in accordance with 7.3.8 and 7.3.9 shall serve to
qualify the mixing and installation procedures and the personnel teams. The results will be
stated in a check list.

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prequalification General 8/11

7.3.11 Re-testing of rejected personnel can only be done once. The decision of Topsoe’s
representative will be final.

8 Sampling
For sampling see “Standard for Installation of castable and gunning mix”.

9 Appendices
Appendix 1: Water quality for refractory castables and gun mixes

Appendix 2: Standards for testning (ASTM, EN, DIN)

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prequalification General 9/11

Appendix 1

Water Quality for Refractory Castable and Gunning Mix

Contents Analysis Count Comment

[mg/l] (max)

Sulphate (SO4) 200/50 hard water / soft water

Nitrate (NO3) 50.0
Nitrite (NO2) 0.1
Ammonia (NH3) 1.0
Ammonium (NH4) 0.1
Chloride (Cl) 50.0
Phosphate (PO4) 0.5
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) nn.
Sulphides (SO4) nn.

The water used for mixing of the refractory castables and gunning grades should have a pH value in
the range of 6.5 to 7.5

The quality of the water used for mixing the refractory castable and gunning mix is critical to the
quality of the completed installation, and as such, an analysis of the water shall be made prior to the
start of the work and as a minimum at monthly intervals throughout the installation.

This analysis is also required to be performed on the water used for the manufacture of ice during
the periods when ice is used to cool down the mixing water.

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Refractory lining installation of castable and gunning mix Doc. Gr.: 50 Doc. no.: SP-329-EN Rev.: 0
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Appendix 2

Referenced standards and standard practices

Supply Test and Installation of Refractory materials for Topsoe proprietary equipments, shall as
minimum follow and correspond to the following practises and standards.

ASTM E-004 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines

ASTM C-0016-03 Standard Test Method for Load Testing Refractory Brick at High

ASTM C-0020-00 Standard Test Methods for Apparent Porosity, Water Absorption,
Apparent Specific Gravity, and Bulk Density of burned Refractory Brick
and Shapes by Boiling Water.

ASTM C-0024-01 Standard Test Methods for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Fire clay
and High Alumina Refractory Materials

ASTM C-0133-97 Standard Test Methods for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of
Rupture of Refractories

ASTM C-0134-95 Standard Test Methods for Size, Dimensional Measurements, and Bulk
Density of Refractory Brick and Insulating Firebrick

ASTM C-0155-97 Standard Classification of Insulating Firebrick

ASTM C-0182-88 Standard Test Methods for Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Firebrick

ASTM C-0199-84 Standard Test Method for Pier Test for Refractory Mortars

ASTM C-0201-93 Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Refractories

ASTM C-0210-95 Standard Test Method for Reheat Change of Insulating Firebrick

ASTM C-0401-91 Standard Classification of Alumina and Alumina-Silicate Castable


ASTM C-0417-05 Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Unfired Monolithic

ASTM C-0704-01 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at
Room Temperature

ASTM C-0860-00 Standard Practice for Determining the Consistency of Refractory Castable
Using the Ball-In-Hand Test

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ASTM C-0862-02 Standard Practice for Preparing Refractory Concrete Specimens by


ASTM C-0903-98 Standard Practice for Preparing Refractory Castable Specimens by Cold

EN 993- 1-19 Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products

Part 1: Determination of bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity
Part 2: Determination of true density
Part 5: Determination of cold crushing strength
Part 6: Determination of modulus of rupture at ambient temperature
Part 7: Determination of modulus of rupture at elevated temperatures
Part 8: Determination of refractoriness-under-load
Part 9: Determination of creep in compression
Part 11: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
Part 12: Determination of pyrometric cone equivalent (refractoriness)
Part 14: Determination of thermal conductivity by the hot-wire (cross-
array) method.
Part 19: Determination of thermal expansion by a differential method

EN 1094- 4 Insulating refractory products

Part 4: Determination of bulk density and true porosity

EN 1402- 1-8 Unshaped Refractory Products

Part 1: Introduction and classification
Part 2: Sampling for testing
Part 3: Characterization as received
Part 4: Determination of consistency of castable
Part 5: Preparation and treatment of test pieces
Part 6: Measurement of physical properties
Part 7: Tests on pre-formed shapes
Part 8: Determination of complementary properties

ISO 1893 Refractory products

Determination of refractoriness under load - Differential method with rising

DIN 51 068 Bestimmung des Widerstandes gegen schroffen Temperaturwechsel.

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