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Isabella Neurock

Creative Writing
Reflection Questions

a. What did you like most about this piece? Use specific examples from your work
I liked most about this piece was the creativity I used in my character. For example, the background information I
gave in the first major paragraph and the detail I gave on how Mya brown really feels about love

b. What did you like least about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
I disliked writing with dialogue and conversation and the formatting was a little confusing to me. For example, the
conversation between Jake and Mya on the phone was hard to fit into my writing and look correctly.

c. What was most difficult for you while working on this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
The most difficult thing while working on this piece was talking about Maya's feelings towards love. For example, she
is not against it, but she is not for it either. So it was hard to write in between those two emotions and get it to make
sense to the reader.

d. What peer editing suggestions helped you the most while revising this piece? Use specific examples from your
The peer editing suggestions that helped me the most was to talk more in depth about why Maya has always been so
against love, and give a background of why she feels this way.

e. How does this piece compare to your other work in this course? Use specific examples from your work.
This piece compares to my other work by always giving detail and showing the emotion and imagery to the reader. In
all my work I like to include sensory details that come across to the reader.

f. What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece over again? Use specific examples from your work.
If I had to change anything about this piece I would change the emotion Jake was feeling and give more description
from his perspective.

g. What do you want the reader to take away from your piece? (What’s your purpose/thesis?)
The purpose I want the reader to take away from this piece is that not everyone wants to fall in love and some people
are happy doing their own thing.

h. In what areas do you think that you still need improvement? Use specific examples from your work.
I personally still need improvement in how I come across to the reader and making sure my writing flows so that the
reader can comprehend what I am exactly saying and trying to get across.

l. What does this say about you or how you view the world around you?
This piece says that I can view other people’s emotions in the world about love and understand where they are
coming from.

j. What is a goal you have for yourself for your next piece of writing?
My goal in my next piece of writing is to get even deeper in thought and use more creative ways of writing that makes
my work unique.

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